Magic and the Mythos Lovecraft’s approach to magic was unique Magic was not, technically, supernatural but followed natural laws as yet unknown His creations did not arise from some sort of religious heaven or hell, but from other dimensions or distant corners of the universe Regardless of its origins, Mythos magic can be mastered and used by mortals—sometimes to their Hopelessly at bay, weaponless, and benefit, usually to their destruction The fact that knowing that any show of physical many of his creatures follow different natural laws than violence would bring a score of those common to the mortal realm means they can be attendants to the doctor’s rescue, controlled or dominated by different rules Joseph Curwen had recourse to Never overlook hidden threats, and pace yourself, his one ancient ally, and began a as too much exposure to alien science can strain the series of cabbalistic motions with mortal mind and frame Be wary of the risks as you his forefingers as his deep, hollow exploit the potency of the Mythos magic, but also know voice, now unconcealed by feigned that proper use of these powers can give a character the hoarseness, bellowed out the opening ability to confront and even sometimes overcome the words of a terrible formula horrors of the Mythos If one is willing to brave the “PER ADONAI ELOIM, ADONAI JEHOVA, ADONAI SABAOTH, METRATON. . . .” … the dogs in the yard outside began to howl, and … a chill wind sprang suddenly up from the bay… perils inherent in exploring its secrets… Spells Mythos magic is largely a matter of understanding and exploiting alien geometries and sciences unknown to mortal cultures Described here is a selection of the most notable and widely-known of these spells, many of which are distributed by cultists of the Great Old Ones —The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, and Elder Gods Although they are most famously H P Lovecraft found in eldritch tomes (described in Chapter 6), these spells can also be found in spellbooks as normal A few associated with Outer Gods or Great Old Ones are protected secrets of their churches, however, and GMs are encouraged to decide for their own games whether they are available to player characters 107