IV Insanity and Dreams Death and Injury in the Dreamlands Dream forms can be harmed normally, in addition to possessing the special vulnerabilities of an astral projection However, harm to a dream form has no effect on the physical creature, nor does the state of a physical body affect the state of the dream form When a dream form reappears as a sleeper enters the Dreamlands, the dream form possesses all the same injuries and conditions the dream form had when it last vanished (when the dreamer last awakened physically) Note that a dream traveler (possessing the Dreamer feat or a silver key), whose mind is not compartmentalized, carries over mind-affecting effects between the two forms If a dream form dies in the Dreamlands, that creature can never return It must stay in the waking world and (possibly) enter the first stage of dreaming A creature whose dream form is killed can access his dream form again by finding a silver key (page 167) If the physical body of a dream traveler dies while the traveler is asleep in the waking world, his dream form lives on but he can never wake up in the material Crimson burn’d the star of sadness As behind the beams I peer’d; All was woe that seem’d but gladness Ere my gaze with truth was sear’d; Cacodaemons, mir’d with madness, Thro’ the fever’d flick’ring leer’d —H P Lovecraft, Astrophobos world He is trapped in the Dreamlands until he is also killed in the Dreamlands The character is dead for the purposes of raise dead and similar magic, which allow normal resurrection of his physical body The dream traveler is aware of this resurrection and can accept or refuse resurrection as a dead soul could If the dream traveler’s physical body is successfully restored to life, his body remains asleep until he wakes up from the Dreamlands, at which point his mind returns as normal 105