Delusion: A character suffering from delusion may bonuses, defense and reputation bonuses, Strength-, believe any number of odd things about herself For Dexterity-, and Constitution-based skills, and his Hit instance, she may believe she is suffering from a specific Dice (and hit points), but his class abilities, feats, and physical condition (such as blindness, deafness, nausea, Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based skill paralysis, etc.) when in fact she is perfectly healthy ranks are lost until the amnesia is cured If a character It’s also possible the character believes something gains class levels while suffering from amnesia, he gains unrealistically positive about herself, such as that she levels starting at 1st-level, as if he had no prior levels of is divine, cannot be injured by mundane weapons, any class (even if the class he takes a level in is a class or is immune to fire Nonetheless, upon awakening he had prior to becoming amnesiac) If his amnesia is from a period of hours of rest, the afflicted character later cured, he regains all class abilities, feats, and skill must succeed at a Will saving throw against the ranks, and levels taken while he was suffering from insanity DC or she experiences the full effects of the amnesia increase his overall class level imagined physical condition, suffering any detrimental Multiple Personality Fragmentation: This is a physical condition or a circumstance penalty of -4 AC complicated dissociation that manifests as two or and saving throws against a particular sort of attack more distinct and different personalities within the (GM’s discretion) On a success, the victim avoids the same body and mind The number of additional condition until she fails her next Will save to suppress personalities the victim manifests equals the DC of the her delusion Failure indicates that the victim suffers insanity divided by (rounded up to the nearest whole from her imagined physical condition until the next number) The GM should develop these additional time she succeeds at a Will save (after hours of rest) personalities in consultation with the player to suppress the delusion 96 Each morning, and each time the character suffers a Dissociation: These insanities are complex and dread effect, a character with personality fragmentation fairly rare A character suffering from dissociation must succeed at a Will save against his insanity’s DC finds himself a stranger in his own mind Most cases Failure indicates that a different personality takes over of dissociation (80%) are forms of amnesia, while the A character’s memories and skills remain unchanged, remainder are cases of mental fragmentation that can but the various personalities have no knowledge of manifest as multiple personalities each other and deny that these other personalities Amnesia: A character suffering from amnesia cannot exist, sometimes violently Characters with multiple remember things; his name, his skills, and his past are personality fragmentation take a –6 circumstance all equal mysteries He can build new memories, but any penalty on Will saving throws and Wisdom-based memories that existed before he became an amnesiac skill checks If a character fails a Will save against his are suppressed This terrible condition causes intense insanity by or more, he develops a new personality, in feelings of self-doubt and depression, and imposes a –6 addition to his existing personas morale penalty on Will saving throws and skill checks Psychosis: This complex insanity fills the victim Worse, the amnesiac loses much of his ability for as with hatred for the world His alignment becomes long as his amnesia lasts His physical memory remains, chaotic evil He can suppress his psychosis for a period so he retains his base attack bonus, base saving throw of day by succeeding at a Will save against the DC