VIII Great Old Ones and Outer Gods Constant—freedom of movement At will—control water, greater dispel magic, nightmare (DC 22) 3/day—demand (DC 25), quickened feeblemind (DC 22), vortex (see page 124; DC 24) 1/day—tsunami (see page 123; DC 26) Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 18th; concentration +25) 9th (3/day)—storm of vengeance 8th (5/day)—cloak of chaos (DC 25), greater spell immunity 7th (7/day)—control weather, mass cure serious wounds (DC 24), word of chaos (DC 24) 6th (7/day)—greater dispel magic, heal, word of recall 5th (7/day)—dispel good, greater command (DC 22), mark of justice, slay living (DC 22) 4th (7/day)—air walk, cure critical wounds, sending, unholy blight (DC 21) 3rd (8/day)—blindness/deafness (DC 20), cure serious wounds, dispel magic, water walk 2nd (8/day)—cure moderate wounds, death knell (DC 19), hold person (DC 19), spiritual weapon, status 1st (8/day)—command (DC 18), cure light wounds, divine favor, sanctuary (DC 18), shield of faith (at will)—bleed (DC 17), create water, detect magic, guidance, light, mending, read magic, resistance, stabilize S TAT I S T I C S Str 40, Dex 25, Con 28, Int 25, Wis 27, Cha 24 Base Atk +15; CMB +32; CMD 49 (can’t be tripped) Feats Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Extend Spell, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (feeblemind), Vital Strike Skills Intimidate +30, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge (nature) +27, Knowledge (religion) +27, Perception +31, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +22, Survival +31, Swim +46, Use Magic Device +27 Languages Aklo, Common, deep one SQ amphibious, mortal a creature succeeds at its save against this effect, it is immune to further commands from Father Dagon for 24 hours This is a mind-affecting effect The save DC is Charisma-based Mortal (Ex) Unlike most of the other entities associated with Elder influences, Father Dagon is mortal and can be killed If slain, though, it’s typically only a matter of time before an equally powerful deep one rises to fill the vacancy left behind by Father Dagon Spells Father Dagon casts spells as an 18th-level sorcerer He uses the cleric spell list Swift Bite (Ex) When Father Dagon makes a full-attack action, he can make two bite attacks Tail Sweep (Ex) Father Dagon can make a sweep with his tail as a standard action or as part of a full-attack action When he does so, he affects a 15-foot cone All creatures in this area must make a successful DC 29 Reflex save to avoid being stung by several of Father Dagon’s toxic tendrils A creature that fails must make three separate DC 29 Fortitude saving throws to resist three different effects, as detailed below All of the below effects are poison effects The save DCs are Constitution-based Hallucinations: The first Fortitude save is to resist hallucination-inducing toxins A failed save causes the target to become confused for 1d6 rounds This is a mind-affecting effect Paralysis: The second Fortitude save is to resist being paralyzed This effect is permanent, but at the start of a creature’s turn, a creature can attempt a new DC 29 Fortitude save as a free action to end the paralysis effect Poison: The third Fortitude save is against flesh-eating toxins A failed save indicates the victim takes 1d4 points of Constitution drain and is staggered from pain for 1d3 rounds Father Dagon is the military, political, and religious leader of the deep one species He is an extremely large, SPECIAL ABILITIES Command Sea Monster (Su) Father Dagon can command sea monsters to his bidding as a move action, using either speech or telepathy This ability affects all aberrations, animals, dragons, native outsiders, and magical beasts with the aquatic subtype A successful DC 27 Will save negates the effects of Father Dagon’s command; otherwise the targeted sea monster is affected by the command as if by a suggestion spell The commanded course of action can have a duration of up to day If Father Dagon issues a new command to a creature, the previous command is discarded Once What You See This terrible sea-thing possesses a head like that of a distorted fang fish and a body like a seal; it displays elements of creatures ranging from echinoderms to mollusks 237