VIII Great Old Ones and Outer Gods Song of my soul, my voice is dead; Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed Shall dry and die in Lost Carcosa —Robert W Chambers, The King in Yellow fact many believe that the King is Hastur Others exact, intolerable truth He can speak in glorious poetry, believe that the King is an Avatar of Hastur, or that and often verbalizes pithy statements Sometimes his he is a different form of the same being This does not voice reveals paradoxical mysteries or truths about eliminate the possibility that the King and Hastur are the inner self While the revelations he brings are united in soul, mind, and/or body in some unthinkable horrifying, they cannot be denied way too complex for humans to understand Yet one In game terms, he may reveal awful truths to a more possibility to ponder is that the King in Yellow party or an individual You can draw from examples might in fact be Hastur at a different stage of his in literature of this kind of deadly truth, or simply development—traveling elsewhere in time and space to have the players try to resist the effects The truths of foster his own creation and metamorphosis, like a sort the King always lead to danger, ultimate horror, and of monstrous insect larva possible madness The King is approximately human sized, though If the King asks a question of someone, his victim always taller than average At times he seems to tower is compelled to answer truthfully to the King’s higher than humans, though this may be a side-effect satisfaction This is often done to expose an individual’s of his interdimensional immanence He is human in weakness or failings in front of his companions, but is form and could even pass for human if it were not for also useful to the King in determining what he should his costume He wears tattered robes and shreds of next cloth that are mostly yellow, and he always wears the Pallid Mask The King moves among humankind as if one of them, but his passing brings madness, beauty, love, and pain Ultimately his presence destroys entire civilizations The King’s Voice When the King in Yellow speaks, all are compelled Example The King: “Good sir, tell me what you need, which I can present to you, to bring you under my wing as a comrade, and a blessed worshiper of the Yellow Sign.” Douty Hero: “Nothing and no one I cannot and will never serve you!” The King: “Ah, well enough then So now you must die instead.” Attacks to listen He never lies—everything he says is precise, 257