SZYMON DRZYŻDŻYK miraculous, supernatural effect of the anointing in the form of sudden healing.“121 In summary of the reflections on the new sacramental formula it must be said that it expresses the three main effects of the sacrament: salvation (te salvet), deliverance from sin (peccatis liberatum), help in physical rehabilitation (atque propitius allevet) The Introduction also gives the procedure connected to the rite It is used in case the faithful find themselves suddenly in danger of death Then the patient is given the Sacrament of Penance, the Anointing and the Eucharist as Viaticum If the danger of death is imminent, then it should be possible for him to have a sacramental confession, a general one if necessary, then Viaticum is given; only then, if time permits, the sacrament of anointing.122 If a patient is to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, then it should be granted him before anointing with the sacred oil, leaving the imposition of hands to the rite of anointing.123 Next the Introduction addresses the question of Viaticum, which strengthens the believer with the promise of the resurrection, in the words of the Lord, „he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day“ (Jn 6: 54) As was pointed out that it is granted during Holy Mass and in two forms, as is possible.124 The last points of the Introduction indicate the privileges of Bishops and ministers of the sacrament in the case of adaptation Bibliography Catechism of the Council of Trent, translated into English by J Donovan, Baltimore, 1829 Council of Trent the Fourteenth Session; The canons and decrees of the sacred and Ecumenical Council of Trent Ed and trans J Waterworth London: Dolman, 1848 DENZINGER H., Enchiridion symbolorum, definitionum et declarartionum de rebus fidei et morum, Fryburg Bryzgowijski 2009 Dokumenty Soborów Powszechnych, t 3: Konstancja, Bazylea-Ferrara-Florencja-Rzym, ukł i opr A BARON, H PIETRAS, Kraków 2003 Dokumenty Soborów Powszechnych, t 4: Lateran V, Trydent, Watykan I, ukł i opr A BARON, H PIETRAS, Kraków 2005 J STEFAŃSKI, Liturgia , dz cyt., s. 214 SCh 30 123 Guidelines for the sacrament of Confirmation in case of danger of death were included in SCh numbers: 159, 170, 197 – 198 124 cf SCh 26 – 28 121 122 44