SZYMON DRZYŻDŻYK Ordo unctionis infirmi qui incipit esse in periculo mortis De viatico Ordo praebendi infirmo qui est in proximo mortis periculo Simultaneously, a separate team of specialists worked on the content of the Introduction (Praenotanda), which basically revolved around four issues: De mysterio infirmitais humanae – the mystery of human illness; De praecipuis sacramentis infirmorum, id est unctione et Viatico – the most important component of the sacrament of the sick, which is the anointing and viaticum; De officiis et ministriis circa infirmos – about duty and service to the sick; De aptationibus quae competunt sive Conferentis episcopalibus sive ipsis sacerdotalibus – about the adaptations that can be made by Episcopal Conferences or by the priests themselves The final version of the schema De infirmis, the wording of which is still in use, was approved on Nov 4, 1969, the plenary of the Congregation for the newly formed Divine Worship.88 It expressed the agreement to add a chapter to the rite of confirmation in case of danger of death „Moreover attaching to ceremonies sacraments of prayers for the sick as called for by dying persons, which in the previous Ritual appeared in the seventh chapter – Ordo commendationis animae and in the eighth chapter, as De exspiratione In new ceremonies these prayers would be supposed to appear in the sixth chapter under the title: Ordo commendationis morientium „.89 Widened in this way the schema of rites was approved on November 13, 1970 However, this was not yet the end for iter redactionalis Before the rite was passed onto the pope, its stance had to be expressed to the appropriate Congregations, among others: Doctrine of the Faith, Clergy, Propagation of the Faith Application of amendments to the scheme was done twice: February and 14 March 1972 The text of the Introduction OUI was especially carefully considered Many times the initial points were corrected on the experience of human disease in the context of faith and the paschal mystery of Christ Finally, after many amendments and discussions, the new rite was accepted, which took place through Pope Paul VI‘s Apostolic Constitution Sacram Unctionem Infirmorum on 30 November 1970 The Constitution finally closed the entire road of change that had been marked out through the Second Vatican Council The changes such as had taken place in the new rite of the sick required 88 89 36 The Congregation for Divine Worship (Sacra Congregation pro Culto Divino), the decision of Pope Paul VI, was established May 8, 1969, in place of the former Congregation of Rites It took the formal continuation of the liturgical reform, which to this point been the task of Consilium Also it had acquired the spirit of the Consilium, because from its ranks, Consilium was now headed by its new Secretary – Archbishop A Bugninim J STEFAŃSKI, Prace , s. 102