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    • CHAPTER 1 - Free at last

    • CHAPTER 2 - Trial and error

    • CHAPTER 3 - Desperate measures

    • CHAPTER 4 - Fed up!


    • CHAPTER 5 - The secret revealed

    • CHAPTER 6 - Dieting danger zones

    • CHAPTER 7 - The social dieter

    • CHAPTER 8 - Sweating it out


    • CHAPTER 9 - Keeping up appearances

    • CHAPTER 10 - Thinking thin

    • CHAPTER 11 - It's a wrap


    • Sample weekly menu

    • Do-able recipes

    • Kilojoule comparison

    • Do-able tips and tricks


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THE DO-ABLE DIET The Do-able Diet-PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page i The Do-able Diet-PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page ii THE DO-ABLE DIET BARBARA WIMHURST The Do-able Diet-PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page iii Neither the author nor the publisher may be held responsible for claims resulting from information in this book. If you are under medical care for any condition, seek the advice of your health practitioner before acting on any suggestions in this book and do not make any adjustments to prescribed medication without their approval. First published in 2006 Copyright © Barbara Wimhurst 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows a maximum of one chapter or 10% of this book, whichever is the greater, to be photocopied by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that the educational institution (or body that administers it) has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act. Allen & Unwin 83 Alexander Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 Australia Phone: (61 2) 8425 0100 Fax: (61 2) 9906 2218 Email: info@allenandunwin.com Web: www.allenandunwin.com National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry: Wimhurst, Barbara. The do-able diet. ISBN 1 74114 775 1. 1.Wimhurst, Barbara. 2. Dieters – Biography. 3. Reducing diets. I.Title. 613.25 Edited by Karen Ward Text design by Nada Backovic Typesetting by Midland Typesetters, Australia ‘After’ photos by Julien Star Photography ‘Before’ photos from author’s collection Printed in Australia by McPherson’s Printing Group 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 The Do-able Diet-PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page iv For my boys. It is always about you. The Do-able Diet-PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page v The Do-able Diet-PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page vi CONTENTS WELCOME . . . ix PART 1: EARLY DAYS CHAPTER 1 Free at last 3 CHAPTER 2 Trial and error 14 CHAPTER 3 Desperate measures 28 CHAPTER 4 Fed up! 40 PART 2: NUTS & BOLTS CHAPTER 5 The secret revealed 51 CHAPTER 6 Dieting danger zones 71 CHAPTER 7 The social dieter 84 CHAPTER 8 Sweating it out 96 PART 3: CLAIMING VICTORY CHAPTER 9 Keeping up appearances 111 CHAPTER 10 Thinking thin 122 CHAPTER 11 It’s a wrap 130 PART 4: THE ESSENTIALS Sample weekly menu 139 Do-able recipes 147 Kilojoule comparison 153 Do-able tips and tricks 162 WITH THANKS 167 The Do-able Diet-PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page vii The Do-able Diet-PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page viii WELCOME . . . My name is Barbara and over the past two years I have undergone an ‘Extreme Makeover’. I have lost 45kg and gained a new body and a new life that I never dreamed was possible.At 167cm tall and weighing in at 97kg I was a desperate size 22; I now weigh 52kg and wear a size 8—chalk one up for the fat kid! After exhausting all of the usual programs and fad diets, I was fed up and decided to develop my own weight loss solution. I needed a plan that was flexible, easy to follow and could fit in with my extremely busy life.Armed with a little bit of knowledge and a lot of determina- tion, I single-handedly transformed myself from a ‘fat chick’ into a ‘hot chick’. This book is a frank and honest account of how I won my life- long battle with obesity and ultimately took control of my eating and my life.The success of my diet surpassed all my expectations and the results I achieved were spectacular! Even better, I did it all without spending a fortune, giving up my sweet tooth or attending embarrassing public weigh-ins. I didn’t join an expen- sive gym or waste money on organic ingredients that turn your bowel movements into compost. This book does not offer a new miracle cure, just a simple no- fuss way to make healthy living a part of your daily routine. I was able to lose weight, have fun and keep enjoying food all at the same time. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. Mine is the most do-able diet you will ever find: try it and see! The Do-able Diet-PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page ix The Do-able Diet-PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page x [...]... get to the fine print and discover that you must choose one or the other—food or the shake 20 THE DO-ABLE DIET The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:29 AM Page 21 These are at least nutritionally viable because the drinks contain the recommended amount of the vitamins and minerals that make up a healthy diet By replacing a meal with one of these drinks you are getting a very precise, measured dose of the nutrients... began to think seriously about my legacy and the way my boys would remember their childhood I wanted to win the three-legged race, chase them around the back yard and teach them to swim in the surf The reality was, in my condition I 4 THE DO-ABLE DIET The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:29 AM Page 5 couldn’t even keep up with them and before too many years passed they would have left me behind Any parent... milk My diet, motivation and confidence would all get 18 THE DO-ABLE DIET The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:29 AM Page 19 flushed straight down the toilet.Years of extreme dieting damaged my metabolism and compounded my ever increasing problem with obesity and low self-esteem You’d have thought by now that I’d learned my lesson but I did try another variation on the ‘fruit themed’ diet formula with the. .. help you lose weight if you follow them to the letter and don’t ever stray off course.This is the biggest challenge all weight TRIAL AND ERROR 25 The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:29 AM Page 26 loss programs face: the ability to be maintained in the long term A successful diet has to be do-able The most weight I ever lost on a diet was 12kg and the longest time I kept the weight off was five months Following... clever author sold to millions of desperate dieters.This one is the Daddy of all FAD (Fat And Desperate) diets and set the benchmark for the multitude that followed One of the earliest entries in my dieting resume was the Apple & Water Diet I attempted this drastic diet several times during my teenage years in the period I refer to as my ‘dieting apprenticeship’ As the name suggests, you could only eat two... eating is only half of the equation.You also need help to determine what you should be eating 22 THE DO-ABLE DIET The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:29 AM Page 23 These guides can be helpful as an aid to complement your healthy lifestyle change but on their own I found them little more than a good party trick It was fun to quote the book and see the look of shock on my friends’ faces as they tucked into a.. .The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:29 AM Page 1 PART 1 EARLY DAYS The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:29 AM Page 2 The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:29 AM Page 3 CHAPTER 1 Free at last Free at last, thank God Almighty I’m free at last! Ask yourself these questions: Have you ever said, ‘I’m starting a new diet on Monday’? Have you ever ‘busted’ on a diet and thought, might as well blow the day? Have... don’t dispute the healthy qualities of fresh fruit, this type of diet is extremely repetitive and restrictive—not a formula for success, in my opinion It is difficult to replace what you normally eat with a specific substitute unless it happens to be your favourite food I’m sure I would have had no trouble with the Cookies & Cream or the Hot Chips & Gravy Diet! 16 THE DO-ABLE DIET The Do-able Diet- PAGES... and eye the before-and-after photos of the author to establish their credibility Eventually, overcome by curiosity and desperation, they fork out their hard-earned cash, secretly praying that this will be the one I, too, am the proud owner of an extensive weight loss library Unfortunately, the only thing that ever got leaner from these particular purchases was my wallet, which groaned along with the waistline... over the three months that I followed this plan and compared to the other diets it did take a little longer to put the weight back on again It worked well as long as I only ate at home and never went out for dinner with friends or Friday night drinks after work Even though I was getting good results, this diet was still lacking the flexibility I needed to stay on track Whichever way I 24 THE DO-ABLE DIET . THE DO-ABLE DIET The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page i The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page ii THE DO-ABLE DIET BARBARA WIMHURST The Do-able. 2 1 The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page iv For my boys. It is always about you. The Do-able Diet- PAGES 2/3/06 10:28 AM Page v The Do-able Diet- PAGES

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2014, 19:20