NMTESOL Membership Application Annual Membership Fee (2009) - please check or double-click on one: Regular $20.00 Full-time Student $15.00 Date: Volunteer Tutor/Teacher $15.00 Name of Organization, Affiliation, or University/College Program: Please fill out the following contact information Name : Contact Information (* our newsletter and announcements are sent electronically, so please provide your email address) Address: Phones: Home Work *Email: Position: Areas of Expertise: Areas of Interest (please check or doubleclick all that apply): Professional Development Training you would like to give (articles for newsletters, Cell Elementary Education Secondary Education Higher Education Adult Education Teacher Training Other: workshops, etc.): Professional Development Training you would like to attend: How are you paying? MasterCard or Visa via PayPal – Please go to www.paypal.com to set up an account; NMTESOL’s account is nmtesol@gmail.com Please give us your PayPal email address if different from above: Cash Personal Check – Please make check payable to NMTESOL and mail to Bill Ancker at the address below Check #: Please email this form to nmtesol@gmail.com attention: Bill Ancker or mail it to: NMTESOL, c/o Bill Ancker, 1101 Bryn Mawr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106