In every country, human resources are the most essential element, determining both existence and development, as well as a nation's global standing The human factor is crucial in any organization, significantly influencing its success or failure Individuals are at the heart of all processes and activities, serving as both the subject and object within these dynamics.
Today, science and technology significantly impact various aspects of social life, particularly in the economic sector It is essential to swiftly and effectively implement these advancements, as businesses must develop a skilled workforce equipped with the necessary competencies and qualities to meet their evolving demands and foster their growth.
On the other hand, the trend of globalization and international economic integration is intensifying, leading to increasingly fierce competition High-quality human resources have become a significant competitive advantage for businesses Therefore, investing in human resource training is essential for each company to develop a skilled and high-quality workforce.
Recognizing the critical role of human resources in achieving business success, Xuan Thanh Cement Company prioritizes employee training as a strategic objective to enhance its market position However, during my internship at the company, I identified several issues within their training programs Therefore, I have chosen the theme “Enhancing Human Resource Training at Xuan Thanh Cement Company” for my thesis, aiming to contribute to the improvement of employee training practices within the organization.
Aperỗu de la situation de la recherche
In researching human resource management, particularly in the area of training, the author has come across numerous books and previous studies focused on human resource development.
Certains cours de la recherche sur la gestion des ressources humaines comme:
+ Cours Gestion des ressources humaines (Vu Thuy Duong, Hoàng Van Hai,
This course presents essential theories and a comprehensive overview of issues related to human resource management, with a particular focus on training It thoroughly discusses the concepts, opinions, and content of training, providing a detailed perspective for the reader.
The article "Human Resource Management Course" by Mai Thanh Lan (2016) offers foundational knowledge essential for employees in an organization It emphasizes the significance of human resources training as a key component of human resource management The author provides a detailed analysis to help readers gain a comprehensive understanding of this critical aspect within the company.
Additionally, there are other relevant documents, including the thesis titled "Promoting Human Resource Training in Nam Viet Education and Communication Joint Stock Company" by Dinh Thi Thuy Nga from the University of Commerce of Vietnam (2015) This thesis systematically addresses the theoretical issues surrounding human resource training within the company It involves research and evaluation of human resource training at Nam Viet Education and Communication Joint Stock Company, leading to proposed solutions aimed at enhancing the quality of human resource training within the organization.
+ La thèse “Perfection de la formation des ressources humaines dans la société à responsabilité limitée APS”, l’auteur Hoang Thi Thanh, l’Université de commerce du
In 2015, a thesis focused on the theoretical challenges of human resource development while providing a detailed analysis of the current state of human resource training at APS Limited Liability Company The study highlighted significant limitations in the training processes within the organization.
Depuis lors, l'auteur a des propositions pour améliorer la formation des resources humaines dans l'entreprise.
+ La these “Perfection de la formation et le développement des ressources humaines au société anonyme d’équipement Japonais Allemand”, l’auteur Duong The
In 2015, Anh conducted a study at Hanoi University of Industry focusing on corporate training content Utilizing surveys to gather and analyze primary data, along with secondary data, he assessed the current state of human resource training within companies The findings provided actionable solutions to enhance the effectiveness of human resource development in the organization.
The aforementioned documents examine training issues across various companies, yet none focus specifically on human resource training within Xuan Thanh Cement Company This topic is entirely unique and free from repetition The research incorporates methodologies from numerous authors who propose specific and detailed solutions This serves as a foundation for authors to reference, learn from, and uncover new insights necessary for identifying shortcomings in other topics and enhancing this thesis.
Objectifs de la recherche
- Systématiser les enjeux théoriques sur la formation des ressources humaines dans l’entreprise.
- Recherche la situation de la formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh.
- Proposer des solutions pour parfaire la formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
Cadre d’analyse
- L’objet: la situation réelle de la formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh.
+ L’espace: Recherche sur la formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh.
+ Le temps: Le sujet étudie dans une période de 3 ans, de 2014 à 2016.
+ Le contenu: Le sujet étudie le processus de la formation dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh.
5.1 Méthode de collecte des données
La méthode de collecte de données secondaires
Secondary data refers to information that has been gathered from various sources, including newspapers, books, literature, online research, and data collected from businesses and organizations.
La méthode de collecte de données primaires
Collect information regarding the company's human resources training through targeted questions Utilize questionnaires that feature multiple-choice questions to assess varying levels of importance.
+ Le but: Cette méthode d'enquête pour recueillir des informations de travailleurs sur la formation des ressources humaines dans l’entreprise.
+ Le contenu se recueille dans le questionnaire principalement des questions telles que les formes et les méthodes de formation, le niveau de satisfaction de travailleur.
+ L’objet: cadres et employés dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh.
5.2 Méthode de traitement des données
The statistical method involves collecting data through interviews, surveys, and secondary sources from companies or the internet, along with scientific tools to effectively identify, present feedback, and assess human resource development within organizations.
Data analysis methods include examining information gathered from questionnaires, surveys, and secondary data collected from the company or online sources This approach aims to provide a clear understanding of the current state of training within the organization.
The comparison method involves synthesizing data to analyze disparities over the years, highlighting increases or decreases in specific indicators This approach assesses the strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages of the company while seeking solutions to identified problems.
Plan du mémoire
La mémoire se compose de 3 chapitres:
Chapitre 1 Revue de litterature Chapitre 2 Etude sur la formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
Chapitre 3 Propositions pour perfectionner la formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
Concepts et définitions
1.1.1 La gestion de ressource humaine
La définition de la gestion des ressources humaines est discutée par plusieurs auteurs Ci-dessous, quelques définitions de la gestion des ressources humaines qui sont collectées par l’auteur :
Human resource management encompasses a range of activities focused on the creation, maintenance, development, and effective utilization of human factors within an organization to achieve business objectives.
Thuy Duong, Hoang Van Hai, 2010).
Human resource management involves coordinating various activities such as planning, recruitment, selection, retention, development, motivation, and creating a supportive environment for employees within an organization This coordination aims to achieve strategic objectives and align with the organization's vision.
Il y a beaucoup de concepts de gestion des ressources humaines, mais dans ce mémoire l'auteur s’approche selon la définition:
Human resource management encompasses the essential administrative activities related to human resource planning, organization, worker motivation, and active control of human resources within a company, all aimed at achieving identified objectives and strategies.
De ce concept peut être vu:
Human resource management is a specialized management activity that encompasses four essential functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
The goal is to implement the objectives and strategies identified by creating, maintaining, developing, and utilizing effective human factors within the company This involves key activities such as recruiting human resources, managing and utilizing these resources, providing training and development, evaluating performance, and handling compensation Ultimately, the responsibility for these functions lies with all managers within the organization.
1.1.2 La formation des ressources humaines
Human resource training is the process of equipping employees with knowledge and enhancing their skills to improve professional quality This training is essential for meeting current and future job requirements within the organization.
While there are various concepts regarding human resource development, the approach presented by authors Mai Thanh Lan and Nguyen Thi Minh Nhan is notably comprehensive, detailed, and closely aligned with the training processes within organizations.
Training is defined as a planned set of actions, resources, techniques, and tools designed to encourage employees to enhance their skills This improvement aims to achieve personal, corporate, and social objectives, enabling individuals to adapt to their environment and effectively perform their current and future tasks.
De ce concept peut être vu:
Human resource training is the process of equipping employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their roles It focuses on enhancing professional qualities and competencies, ensuring that workers can effectively master their tasks and meet the demands of their positions.
Human resource training is essential for organizations as it develops a skilled team equipped with the necessary knowledge and competencies to meet current and future business strategies and work processes.
Le contenu de la formation des ressources humaines dans l'entreprise
The process of human resource development in a company encompasses four key components: identifying training needs, developing a training plan, implementing the training, and evaluating the training outcomes.
(Source: Cours Gestion de ressource humaine- l’Université de commerce du Vietnam)
Figure 1.1: Processus de formation 1.2.1 Identification des besoins La base pour déterminer les besoins de formation
Identifying training needs is a crucial first step in the training process, as it involves determining the workforce's requirements for training content necessary to meet current and future organizational goals Accurate, objective, and comprehensive identification of training needs is essential; otherwise, it can lead to significant waste of human resources and hinder the achievement of defined training and human development objectives, ultimately diminishing the quality of human resource management within organizations and businesses.
The company's business strategy outlines its objectives at every stage of development, setting various requirements for employee qualifications, skills, and professional qualities This adaptability is essential for aligning with organizational changes and achieving optimal targets.
- Planification de la main-d'œuvre de l'entreprise:
Workforce planning in a company involves developing human resource strategies that encompass recruitment plans, allocation and utilization of human resources, training and development initiatives, and compensation structures.
Identification des besoinsIdentification des besoins Élaboration du plan de formationÉlaboration du plan de formation
Mise en œuvre la formationMise en œuvre la formation Évaluation le résultat de la formationÉvaluation le résultat de la formation
Human resource planning enables administrators to gain a detailed understanding of the current workforce situation, including both the quantity and quality of work This assessment helps quantify future labor demands, taking into account fluctuations in career structures and professional levels, ultimately allowing for the identification of realistic training needs.
Advancements in scientific technology set objective requirements for enhancing employee skills, ensuring effective implementation of new scientific and technological achievements in the company's production activities.
- Qualification et compétence des employés :
Identifying training needs for human resources within a company is crucial Factors such as expertise levels and skills play a significant role in determining which employees should undergo training This process is essential for fostering development, enhancing knowledge, and ensuring quality in training programs.
Dans l’entreprise, les besoins de formation de chaque homme est different, cela dépend de la qualité, la capacité, s’efforcera, la condition, la circonstance personnelle lorsque ils travaillent dans l’entreprise. La méthode de détermination des besoins de formation
Pour déterminer des besoins en formation des ressources humaines dans l’ entreprise, en dehors des bases au-dessus, il faut les méthodes scientifiques et conformément à la réalité.
- Méthode directe: Les administrateurs basées sur les facteurs qui influencent sur détermination des besoins de formation pour déterminer directement le nombre d’employés qui ont besoin de formation.
- Méthode d’observation : observer directement la manipulation, l’action des employés pour identifier les besoins de formation.
The company employs a questionnaire method to assess and analyze employees' knowledge, skills, and experience regarding work-related issues This approach helps to gather insights into their perspectives and feelings, ultimately identifying training needs.
- Méthode d’entrevue: Elle est effectuée directement aux employés dans l’entreprise pour enregistrer leurs opinions sur la formation des ressources humaines.
1.2.2 Élaboration du plan de formation Le but
The purpose of planning is to identify training objectives and the measures needed to achieve them, which has significant implications for human resource development It serves as the foundation for implementing and evaluating training outcomes, assisting companies in enhancing their proactive approach to human resource training both now and in the future. Élaboration du plan de formation
The primary goal of training within a company varies over time, yet it can be generalized as a means to enhance employees' qualifications, professional skills, and attitudes.
Training helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of their roles and responsibilities, enabling them to perform their tasks more effectively It fosters a conscious approach to work, promotes a positive attitude, and enhances adaptability for future job challenges.
The objective is to identify specific individuals for training based on their identified needs, motivations, and the impact of training on their professional skills Each individual requires tailored training methods and approaches to enhance their capabilities effectively.
Le contenu de la formation:
Technical expertise helps workers enhance their skills and professional techniques, enabling them to perform their current tasks more effectively It focuses on updating knowledge and acquiring new competencies to meet future development needs.
- Formation politique: se concentre sur le raisonnement souvent directement liés au travail qu'ils entreprennent comme la production, la circulation des marchandises, les consommateurs, etc.
- Culture d'entreprise: Aide les employés à comprendre l’entreprise, la création l’unité de l’esprit, action, de créer une identité distincte et la culture d’entreprise.
Work methods are essential for helping employees understand and select scientific approaches that minimize time and effort while maximizing productivity By implementing these strategies, organizations can achieve higher efficiency and better results.
Il existe de nombreuses formes de diverses formations Elle offre aux employés les connaissances et les compétences requises pour exécuter les travaux conformément aux exigences actuelles et futures.
- Selon le lieu de formation:
+ Formation à l’interne: C’est un forme de formation qui se fait dans l'entreprise et se fait par des parties de fonctions dans l’entreprise.
+ Formation à l’externe: il est une forme de formation se fait par des organisations externes à l'entreprise (écoles, instituts, centres de formation ).
- Selon les objets de formation:
+ Formation des managers: Pour aider les gestionnaires à améliorer les compétences pratiques et se familiariser avec les nouvelles méthodes de gestion, développement de capacité de gestion moderne et efficace.
+ Formation des employés: aide les employés qui ont le niveau de connaissances et les compétences requises pour exécuter les travaux conformément aux exigences actuelles et futures.
+ Rotation: Le transfert planifié du participant d’un poste à l’autre dans diverses unités administratives de l’entreprise.
+ Coaching: L’accompagnement d’une personne dirigeant à partir de ses besoins professionnels.
+ Mentoring: La technique par laquelle une personne dirigeante accompagne le formé en s’attachant à ses compétences potentielle
+ Apprentissage sur le tas: S’instruire et recevoir un enseignement lorsque l’on est directement confronté à la situation à laquelle on se prépare.
+ E-learning: Rassemble toutes les techniques d’apprentissage et de formation à distance
Lecture-based courses are a teaching method that involves presenting learning materials to a group of learners during a class In contrast, simulations, case studies, and role-playing sessions are training methods where the instructor, assisted by one or two helpers, creates a scenario in which participants assume different roles These roles mirror the positions participants will encounter in real-world situations, enhancing their practical skills and preparedness for the field.
+ Séminaires , discussions , congrès: sont des séances de cours ó il y a la participation des experts sur des sujets particuliers
+ Cours par correspondance et télé-université: Est une forme d'instruction, caractérisée par un enseignement dispensé à distance par un établissement et ses professeurs, via des cours, à l'apprenant.
Il comprend les salaires des enseignants, les cỏts d'infrastructure, frais payés aux partenaires, les cỏts de soutien pour les employés,….
1.2.3 Mise en œuvre la formation
Facteurs d’influence
La concurrent est également un facteur qui influe sur l’activité de la formation.
If a company lacks a structured training program and appropriate development plans, it risks falling behind competitors who provide extensive knowledge and necessary skill training to their employees This can lead to a significant advantage for competitors in attracting and retaining qualified staff Additionally, businesses are not only competing on diversity, price, and product quality but also on the effectiveness and skills of their workforce Therefore, it is crucial for companies to increasingly invest in human resource training activities.
Technology plays a crucial role in influencing overall business operations and specifically training activities The advancement of technology enables companies to leverage cutting-edge innovations to develop high-quality products and services, enhancing competitiveness and meeting the growing demands of customers Concurrently, businesses focus on equipping their workforce with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively utilize modern machines and technological equipment in their work.
The perspectives of administrators play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of corporate training Their interest and understanding of the significance of training contribute to a focused, frequent, and consistent implementation of such programs This is essential for developing a skilled workforce, where levels of competence and experience align with environmental changes Ultimately, these factors can determine the success or failure of the business.
Company culture is a significant factor that cannot be overlooked Training programs should align with the organization's culture and management styles, as they directly impact employee behavior, attitudes, and interpersonal relationships.
The financial capacity of a company directly influences the quality and effectiveness of human resource training Investments in equipment, teaching facilities, and the enhancement of both the quantity and quality of instructors rely heavily on the financial situation of each organization and individual Therefore, human resource development cannot occur without a stable source of funding.
Employees in a company have varying training needs based on their individual job orientations Therefore, it is essential to develop a training plan that addresses these specific needs to ensure the effectiveness of training programs Additionally, the skill level of employees significantly impacts human resource training; for highly skilled workers, training should focus on future resource utilization, while for less qualified employees, the emphasis should be on enhancing their skills to perform their current jobs effectively.
Aperỗus gộnộraux de la sociộtộ anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
2.1.1 La formation et le développement de la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
The Xuân Thành Cement Joint Stock Company was officially established with the issuance of its business registration certificate no 0700576529 on February 23, 2012, by the Department of Planning and Investment of Ha Nam Province This certificate underwent its third modification on November 21, 2014.
- Adresse : Bong Lang, commune de Thanh Nghị, District de Thanh Liem, province de Ha Nam.
Xuan Thanh Company specializes in the production of clinker and cement, as well as engaging in assembly and construction projects Since its inception, the company has primarily focused on cement production, especially in its early stages, as it aimed to establish its organizational framework and expand its market presence.
Depuis 5 ans de l’opération, la société a été progressivement et a élargit son envergure de la production Elle a achevé le projet d’investissement et de construction de DCI de l’usine de Xuan thanh, le système des infrastructures supplémentaires et les canaux de vente à toutes les provinces du pays.
2.1.2 La fonction, les misions de la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh La fonction:
La société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh fournit principalement des produits et des services conformément aux normes internationales avec le prix agréable et compétitif.
Directeur de production Comité de directeur de l’opération
Département de la technologie centrale Atelier mécanique Atelier de l’électricité Laboratoire de KCS Atelier de l’exploitation minière Atelier de matière première Atelier des fours
Atelier de broyage et d’emballage de ciment
Bureau de planification des matériaux
Bureau de Finance et Comptabilité Entrepôt
- Planifier des stratégies du commerce et du développement de manière efficace et conformément à la situation de l’entreprise.
- Respecter des lois commerciales et bien réaliser toutes les obligations pour l’ État, la société et les salariés de l’entreprise.
- Créer un environnement professionel,dynamique et créatif Assurer le salaire élevé et des opportunités du développement pous tous.
- Concilier l’intérêt de l’entreprise et celui de la société Contribuer activement à des activités collectives et exprimer la fierté nationale.
2.1.3 Le schéma d’organisation de l’entreprise
(Source: Bureau d’organisation administrative) Figure 2.1: Le schéma d’organisation de la société anonyme de ciment
Figure 2.1 illustrates that the organizational structure of the enterprise is designed in a functional style This organizational structure offers significant advantages, such as achieving high uniformity, which enables managers to make more accurate decisions and easily assign responsibility in case of errors Consequently, when assigning tasks, the General Manager must clearly define the responsibilities of each department and the interrelationships between functional tasks to prevent overlap and ensure smooth collaboration within the company.
2.1.4 Les secteurs du commerce de la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
The main sectors include the production of cement, lime, and plaster, the extraction of rock, sand, gravel, and clay, the manufacturing of concrete and cement-based products, and the transportation of goods via land routes.
+ La préparation de la plate-forme + Agent, courtier
+ Vente en gros de machines, équipements et accessoire demachines
2.1.5 Les acquis obtenus de la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh au cours de ces 3 années
Tableau 2.1: Résultats commerciaux de la société anonyme de ciment Xuan
Thanh au cours de ces 3 années
7 Dépense de gestion de l’entreprise 24 282,387 267,310 271,102 -15,077 3,792
11 Impôt sur le revenu de l’entreprise 51 311,348 436,549 502,676 125246 66127
(Source: Bureau de Finances et Comptabilité)
Table 2.1 illustrates the significant changes in the company's commercial results over the past three years, highlighting a consistent increase in both revenue and profit In 2015, the company's revenue rose by 419.135 million dongs compared to 2014, demonstrating a year-over-year growth trend.
La caractéristique des resources humaines de la société anonyme de ciment
Tableau 2.2: Structure du travail de la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
Quantité % Quantité % Quantité % Quantité % Quantité % Quantité totale 975 100 1062 100 1071 100 87 100 9 100
Table 2.2 illustrates annual improvements in quality, while the number of unskilled workers has declined over the three years from 2014 to 2016 This trend can be attributed to the current economic climate, where competition is increasingly intense Companies must enhance the skills of their workforce to ensure efficient production processes, improve product quality, and boost market competitiveness, ultimately fostering customer loyalty.
The male workforce percentage remains high due to the demanding and strenuous nature of the work environment Conversely, female employees primarily occupy roles in administrative offices, such as the Administrative Organization Office and the Finance and Accounting Office.
The company's workforce primarily consists of employees aged 18 to 35, reflecting a youthful and dynamic environment This demographic is essential for adapting to unexpected market changes and fostering innovation in new product development However, their limited experience necessitates a strong focus on recruitment and training policies to enhance effectiveness in business operations.
Analyse des facteurs influant sur la formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
Currently, the market is highly competitive with numerous companies such as Duyen Ha Cement, Bim Son Cement, and The Vissai Cement Competition extends beyond pricing, product categories, and quality; it also includes the ability to meet customer demands As customer expectations continue to rise, it is essential for companies to enhance their competitiveness by maintaining and strengthening their brand image One key strategy being implemented is the training and improvement of human resources to better meet customer needs.
Xuan Thanh is a cement manufacturing company where technology plays a crucial role in the production process The advancement of technology enables the use of state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment, which enhances productivity, lowers costs, and boosts the company's revenue.
The integration of technology in manufacturing and business operations requires skilled human resources capable of managing and utilizing advanced machinery and technology To achieve this, companies must develop and organize training programs to enhance employee skills and keep pace with technological advancements Additionally, there is a strong focus on human resource training within organizations.
From the perspective of administrators, the company recognizes the critical role of human resources in fostering growth and maintaining competitiveness in the market The effectiveness of training is acknowledged as essential for the company's sustainability goals However, the administrative office often approaches training implementation with a subjective viewpoint, neglecting to address their responsibilities and failing to consider employee aspirations, which ultimately impacts the quality of the training provided.
The company consistently focuses on its core values, which include resources, brand, and reputation A key aspect of its culture is the commitment to fostering a comfortable work environment that encourages knowledge sharing and collaboration among employees Ongoing training is prioritized and developed through internal programs, emphasizing professional development and seamless integration within the workforce.
The financial capacity plays a crucial role in shaping the workforce at Xuan Thanh Cement Joint Stock Company Adequate funding significantly impacts training effectiveness, leading to improved productivity, increased revenue, and higher profits The company recognizes the reciprocal relationship between financial resources and training efficiency, consistently prioritizing high-quality staff training for sustainable development.
- Aspiration, les qualifications et les compétences des employés
The company has chosen to implement training methods tailored to the skills, current levels, and aspirations of its employees to maximize training effectiveness The director will make decisions based on the individual attributes of the employees themselves.
Analyse, évaluation sur la situation réelle de la formation des ressources humaines
2.3.1 Identification des besoins de la formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
According to Nguyen Duc Hanh, the deputy director of Xuan Thanh Cement Company, identifying needs involves bridging the gap between the skills required by the company and those possessed by its employees.
Every April, Xuan Thanh Cement Company identifies its employees' training needs The department head assesses these needs through a training needs analysis, which is then submitted to the administrative organization office for synthesis The training plan is developed based on factors such as employee quantity, quality, job complexity, and required skills and qualifications.
Besoins de formation de l’entreprise dans les 3 dernières années sont indiquées dans le tableau ci-dessous :
Tableau 2.3: Besoins de formation de main-d'oeuvre dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh de l'année 2014-2016
Besoins de formation au sein de l'entreprise 43 56 59
According to Table 2.3, the training needs within the company exceed the number of employees trained, primarily due to unreasonable training durations leading to employee turnover Additionally, from 2014 to 2016, the demand for workforce training has increased as technology evolves, prompting workers to seek professional development to stay competitive in the market Companies are encouraged to promote, motivate their teaching staff, and enhance professional qualifications.
2.3.2 Établissement du plan de formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
Avant d’organiser la formation des ressources humaines, la société énonce toujours des objectifs précis à atteindre après le programme de formation Avec chaque programme différent objectifs sont également différentes.
+ pour la première fois de formation: fournir des connaissances, améliorer les compétences des nouveaux employés, les aider à s’intégrer, de s’adapter au nouvel environnement et travail.
+ pour les employés qui ont participé à la formation: il aide les employés à améliorer leurs connaissances, l'amélioration des employés, d'améliorer l'efficacité du travail.
The company has effectively identified its training target audience, which consists of administrators and workers Workers are categorized into two groups: direct labor and indirect labor Direct labor includes production workers and technicians, who are the primary participants in the training program In contrast, office employees and managers have limited opportunities to participate compared to those in the production department.
Based on job requirements, behavior, learning abilities, and task completion after training, the company will select the most qualified individuals to participate in continuing education courses. Le contenu de la formation de la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
Tableau 2.4 presents the survey results regarding the training content for the workforce at Xuan Thanh Cement Joint Stock Company The data highlights the various training topics offered by the company, along with the corresponding proportions of votes received for each content area This information provides valuable insights into the training priorities and preferences of the employees within the organization.
Formation de la culture d’entreprise 30 100
Formation de la méthode de travail 18 60
Table 2.4 reveals that the training content primarily focused on professional and technical skills, as well as corporate culture, with all 30 participants providing feedback Additionally, the training emphasized effective work methods.
18 sur 30 personnes (en hausse de 60 %) et Formation du raisonnement politique est de 0 %.
For a company like Xuan Thanh Cement, which specializes in the production, import, and sale of materials, fostering a strong corporate culture and providing professional and technical training are essential These initiatives help employees stay informed about the organization, adapt to the workplace environment, and enhance their knowledge and professional skills.
Avec la question “ Est-vous satisfait sur le contenu de la formation?” Il y a 4 sur
30 personnes qui se sentent très satisfait, 11 personnes se sentent satisfaits, 12 personnes sont normales et 3 personnes qui n’est pas satisfait.
Schéma 2.1: Le degré de satisfaits du contenu en matière de formation exercé par l’entreprise
According to the data presented in Figure 2.1, employee satisfaction with the workforce training content is notably high, with 17% reporting being very satisfied and 43% satisfied Additionally, 30% of employees feel neutral, while only 10% express dissatisfaction This indicates that the majority of employees are content with the training content, demonstrating its effectiveness Therefore, the company should continue to uphold and enhance this training program.
Currently, 10% of employees express dissatisfaction with the training content The company should investigate the underlying reasons for this dissatisfaction and implement corrective measures to better engage employees who are seeking more relevant training material.
- La formation professionnelle et technique:
All employees of the company benefit from this training program, which encompasses essential professional knowledge, skills, and qualities Typically, the company offers two training courses each year for all its staff.
Workers in production workshops and technical services will receive training on grinding and packaging machinery, as well as production processes This training aims to enhance their skills and knowledge, enabling them to effectively perform their tasks, minimize errors, and contribute to the overall efficiency and success of the company.
+ Pour les gestionnaires: ils sont formés les connaissances professionnelles, les compétences telles que la résolution de problèmes, les compétences de communication, les compétences nécessaires pour négocier un contrat.
- Formation de la culture d’entreprise:
This training course is held at the beginning of each year and during new recruitment periods It covers essential topics such as an overview of the company, its strategies, objectives, work style, discipline, and the company's approach to rewards and penalties Additionally, the course provides guidance on employee tasks and outlines the company's future direction.
- Formation de la méthode de travail:
The company's work methodology has been refined and developed over time Training methods are implemented to assist employees in discovering effective work strategies, ultimately enhancing productivity and performance.
Toutefois, la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh existe encore quelques problems, l'entreprise n'a pas tenu compte de la formation du raisonnement politique.
It is essential for employees to understand the harmonious balance between business objectives and social goals This alignment fosters loyalty to the company, strengthens relationships with colleagues, and promotes accountability for assigned tasks. La forme de la formation
Résultats de l’analyse et discussions sur les programmes de formation de l’entreprise de ciment de Xuan Thanh
2.4.1 Les avantages et les raisons Les avantages
Premièrement, le processus de formation de l’entreprise est relativement suffisant des étapes comme la détermination les besoins, l’élaboration des plans, la mise en oeuvre et l’évaluation après la formation.
Secondly, the identification of workforce training needs has been conducted regularly This process of identifying training requirements simplifies the training plan and ensures it is based on actual circumstances.
Thirdly, on-the-job training is a key method that primarily utilizes coaching, enabling employees to acquire knowledge frequently and consistently This workforce development approach emphasizes practical application of skills, steering clear of theoretical constraints.
Quatrièmement, l’entreprise utilise au maximum ses ressources humaines disponibles pour servir au processus de formation, ce qui se traduit par l’utilisation de la méthode avec le suivi des qualifiés
Cinquièmement, l’entreprise présente des politiques d’encouragement pour créer la motivation des travailleurs.
The most crucial aspect is that the company's leaders have recognized the significance of human resources As a result, training programs are now more focused and implemented in greater detail.
As competitors increasingly prioritize human resource training, Xuan Thanh Cement Joint Stock Company must enhance its focus on this area to remain competitive in the commercial market.
+L’entreprise prélève une somme convenable en assurant les activités commerciales, ce qui est un facteur essentiel permettant la formation des ressources humaines est suivie au plan.
2.4.2 Désavantages et les raisons Désavantages
Outre les points forts ci-dessus, la formation des ressources humaines de l’entreprise représente certaines faibless, à savoir :
Firstly, the training methods employed by the company lack variety and diversity The reliance on traditional approaches leads to passive engagement and boredom among employees.
Secondly, the company overlooked the importance of political reasoning training This essential content helps employees understand the harmonious blend of business objectives with social goals, fosters loyalty to the company and colleagues, and instills a sense of responsibility for assigned tasks.
Troisièmement, la forme de formation à l' extérieur n'a pas été appliquée à la formation.
Quatrièmement, la surveillance de la mise en place des programmes n’est pas rigouresement.
+L’entreprise s’intéresse et prend de consience de l’importance de la formation des ressources humaines mais elle n’a pas de connaissance minitieuse sur chaque étape dans le processus de formation.
The company's training methods and approaches are outdated and fail to meet the needs of employees; this neglect by management leads to boredom and disengagement among participants.
The limitations of corporate finance often stem from a superficial evaluation of training content, which frequently overlooks long-term outcomes This oversight contributes to the modest effectiveness of financial strategies within the organization.
Orientations de l’activité de la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
La société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh propose des stratégies de développement dans la période 2015 à 2018 comme suit :
+ Continuer à promouvoir l'efficacité de la production, d'améliorer la production, assurer la qualité des produits, améliorer la compétitivité des produits.
+ Promouvoir l’investissement de l’équipement pour assurer le progrès, la qualité et l’efficacité; améliorer la capacité de production et augmenter la production de la société.
+ Renforcement du marketing, l’eslargissement de la part de marché, l’exhaussement de la part de marché dans les zones qui apporte des profits élevés.
+ Assurer des emplois et des recettes pour les travailleurs, il faut exhausser progressivement les conditions de travail et le niveau de vie des travailleurs.
+ Construire une équipe des gestionnaires, les techniciens qui ont les compétences techniques, les qualifications professionnelles, qualités morales,… pour répondre aux exigences croissantes de l’économie de marché.
Positions de résolution de la formation des resources humaines dans l’entreprise35 1 L’orientation et l’objectif de la gestion des ressources humaines
3.2.1 L’orientation et l’objectif de la gestion des ressources humaines
To effectively meet and enhance the business objectives of Xuan Thanh Cement Corporation in the future, the company's human resource management activities require clear guidance and defined goals.
+ Perfection et promotion de l’activité de gestion des ressources humaines dans l'entreprise, l’exhaussement de l'efficacité opérationnelle de bureau de l'organisation administrative.
In the future, the company will uphold its personnel policies while also refining and amending any irrational regulations to better support employees who demonstrate effective performance This approach aims to foster motivation and strengthen employee commitment to the organization.
To meet the increasing production demands of the company, it is essential to enhance the workforce Prioritizing effective personnel management practices, such as competitive compensation and bonuses, is crucial for fostering employee engagement and satisfaction.
Enhancing the overall quality of the workforce involves improving knowledge, skills, and professional attributes, which contribute to sustainable societal development and elevate brand reputation.
3.2.2 L’orientation et l’objectif de la formation des ressources humaines
L’orientation de la formation des ressources humaines dans l’entreprise
Xuan Thanh Cement Joint Stock Company recognizes that human resource development is a key policy for its growth The company acknowledges the vital role of its workforce in ensuring long-term success As a result, it has implemented a strategic approach that aligns human resource training with its overall development strategy.
+ Continuer à améliorer la qualité de la formation des travailleurs pour répondre aux exigences croissantes de l’emploi.
Identifying and addressing gaps in the development and implementation of human resources training programs is essential Additionally, it is important to propose strategies for enhancement and overcoming these challenges to ensure effective training outcomes.
L’objectif de la formation des ressources humaines dans l’entreprise
The goal of human resource training within a company is to enhance operational efficiency by helping employees better understand their work, master professional skills, and effectively perform their tasks and responsibilities with a positive attitude This training also aims to improve their adaptability to future work challenges.
En outre, l’objectif de la formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh est aussi vu avant le changement de l’organisation Les changements incluent :
+ Les changements technologiques et les besoins des travailleurs ayant des compétences plus élevées.
+ Changements dans les ressources humaines, création d’une main-d'œuvre diversifiée, y compris les divers groupes de travailleurs.
+ Les pressions concurrentielles exigent la formation des connaissances, les compétences flexibles, le bon moment, le droit a besoin.
+ L’activité de la formation sera particulièrement intéressé et mis en œuvre à la fois actuelle et à l’avenir.
Propositions pour perfectionner la formation des ressources humaines dans la société anonyme de ciment Xuan Thanh
3.3.1 Solution sur l’identification des besoins de la formation
The company requires future workforce demand forecasts to predict the necessary training needs for human resources in the next phase, thereby fostering a proactive approach to human resource management and organizational development.
3.3.2 Solution sur l’établissement du plan de la formation
Before identifying and establishing a human resources training plan, company leaders should utilize questionnaires or interviews to understand employees' needs regarding content, format, and methods Subsequently, the company can develop an execution plan, leading to more effective human resources training The feedback from both sides will assist managers in making objective and accurate decisions.
- Sur la forme de la formation
The company should leverage various external training methods by coordinating implementation with trained units Organizing study trips to other units will diversify training approaches, generate excitement, and enhance training effectiveness.
The integration of information technology and the Internet in human resources training is increasingly prevalent This training method addresses the challenges of course availability and allows students to learn without the constraints of a physical location, enabling them to manage their study time effectively without interfering with their work Companies should adopt this approach for human resource development; however, it is essential first to assess participants' knowledge of information technology, develop a comprehensive study plan, and establish partnerships to ensure proper implementation.
- Sur la méthode de la formation
In recent years, the company has primarily focused on corporate training methods, lacking innovation to engage students in their courses To enhance interaction among employees in various professional roles, the company should organize group seminars led by industry professionals.
The company is committed to continually enhancing its professional and technical training content, as well as its corporate culture While significant progress has been made in these areas, there remains a need to sustain and further develop these strengths The training program not only equips students with essential professional knowledge but also immerses them in the company's culture This exposure allows them to appreciate the organization's positive traditions and strengths while understanding its challenges Consequently, employees are encouraged to strive for loyalty and dedication to the company's growth Additionally, reinforcing training for workers is essential to meet the increasing demands of the job market.
In addition to technical training, companies should implement more programs focused on political reasoning to align their objectives with broader societal goals This approach will foster individual thought development within the organization, enhancing the overall corporate culture and work methodology.
Pour clarifier, voici des suggestions sur le programme de formation raisonnement politique que la société peut appliquer.
Tableau 3.1: Le programme de formation raisonnement politique
STT Programme de formation 2017 2018 2019 L’objet
1 L'éthique des affaires 1 1 1 Employé de bureau, d’affaire
2 Méthode de la pensée scientifique 1 1 1 Employé de bureau, d’affaire
3 La théorie économique, la gestion 1 1 1 Employé de bureau, d’affaire
3.3.3 Solution sur mise en oeuvre la formation
Implementing training is a crucial step that determines the success or failure of human resource development Companies should focus on enhancing supervision rather than solely concentrating on the final outcomes.
To encourage student participation, it is essential to implement financial aid policies, provide non-material rewards, and promote future opportunities Additionally, establishing a reward system for individuals who achieve excellent academic results can significantly enhance motivation and engagement among students.
L'organisation de voyages, visites pour les employés obtiennent des résultats élevés dans le processus d'apprentissage.
Organizing meetings to share learning experiences and teaching among employees fosters collaboration and solidarity within the company These exchanges not only enhance the workplace culture but also facilitate the implementation of training programs, providing additional learning opportunities for workers.
Pour les enseignants et les étudiants
+ Le choix des formateurs non seulement bon niveau professionnel, mais aussi enthousiasme avec les étudiants Établissement des critères spécifiques pour sélectionner l’enseignant approprié et assurer la qualité de l'enseignement.
The development of educational materials must address the real needs of society It is essential to enhance the quality of infrastructure to support training and equipment acquisition while effectively utilizing existing resources within the organization during the training process.
Students must consciously engage in their courses to enhance their awareness and understanding of their work, ultimately leading to better performance Effective communication prior to each training cycle is essential to ensure that students recognize the importance of their participation, encouraging them to engage positively and without haste.
3.3.4 Solution sur l’évaluation le résultat de la formation Évaluation des résultats aide l’entreprise à déterminer les avantages inconvénients existent Cependant, au Vietnam, l'évaluation n'est pas encore de remplir son rôle L'évaluation les résultats de la formation n'est pas encore lâche Les critères doivent être claires et adaptées à chaque objet La société doit établir des critères d’évaluation clairs, évaluer selon une échelle pour éviter la situation de résultat de l'évaluation basé sur des opinions subjectives de l'évaluateur En outre, il faut évaluer les résultats de la formation des enseignants et des étudiants L’enseignant examine les résultats de l’étudiant et l’étudiant évalue l'efficacité du cours.
The timing of training evaluation is crucial; assessments should occur immediately after policy implementation Conducting a training program that gathers employee feedback on their satisfaction is essential for achieving objective results.
3.3.5 Le budget d’investissement pour la formation
At Xuan Thanh Cement Joint Stock Company, training is conducted internally, utilizing the company's human resources and infrastructure for its training programs As a result, the costs associated with these training programs are relatively low However, the effectiveness of the training remains a concern.
L’entreprise a besoin d'investir davantage dans les programmes de formation des ressources humaines.