UPDATE ArtANTIC UNIVERSITY Office of University Relations VoL 4, No CAMPUS fLORIDA OCTOBER s 11 18 25 M T 12 19 26 13 20 27 w T 14 15 21 22 28 29 F s 16 23 30 10 17 24 31 October 1, 197'0 CALENDAR October 1-30 Photography exhibit, outdoor photos by DAVID GILES - Library 8:30 p.m "Cat Ballou" - Student Film - Theatre 8:30 p.m "Dr Strangelove" - Student Film - Theatre 10 10 a.m FAU College of Education Women's Club coffee - home of MRS JACK WELLS 10 SOCCER GAME - MIAMI-DADE NORTH - ATHLETIC FIELD - PUBLIC INVITED p.m 12 Last day to withdraw from the University or for permission to drop a course without receiving grade of W 16 SOCCER GAME - BISCAYNE COLLEGE - ATHLETIC FIELD - PUBLIC INVITED p.m * * * SEASON TICKETS for Florida Atlantic University Theatre productions, 1970-71, are available by mail or phone beginning October at substantial savings over individual ticket prices Season subscriptions, at $6.50 each, entitle playgoers to performances of "Indians," "Canterbury Tales" and "Mother Courage." Order subscriptions from the Department of Theatre and Speech, 395-5100, ext 2502 "Indians.," which will have its Southeast premiere at FAU, is a wild west show, a vaudeville dream, in which the legendary Buffalo Bill relives his life and tries to work out what went wrong It's a Southeast premiere, too, for "Canterbury Tales," a musical that brings Chaucer's pilgrims and their ribald stories to life in medieval lyrics with a modern beat "Mother Courage" is Bertolt Brecht's "anti-war play of this century" - the story of one family's struggle through a thirty-year war ATTENTION SENIORS GRADUATING IN DECEMBER: Deadline date in Princeton, N.J., for receipt of application for the Graduate Record Examination (without paying penalty fee) is Oct Deadline for Undergraduate Record Examination application is Oct at FAU Seniors must take both parts of either exam to meet undergraduate requirements; those planning to enter graduate school must take the GRE The Graduate Record Exam will be given at FAU on Oct 24 the Undergraduate Record Exam on Nov For details contact Testing and Evaluation, AD 11, ext 2353 THE FAU COMMUNITY CHORUS is in rehearsal for the 1970-71 season, and members of the community are invited to join Rehearsals take place Mondays from to 8:30 p.m in Humanities room 119 The Chorus, under the direction of RICHARD WRIGHT, will present a Christmas program December SOCCER GAMES will be played on campus at p.m on the following dates: Oct 10, Miami-Dade South; Oct 16, Biscayne College; Oct 21, Miami-Dade North; Oct 27, University of Miami ROBERT L BREITENSTEIN and new soccer coach JEFF C KNOTT hope for a large spectator~turnout Deadline for next issue of UPDATE, October 12 A N N U N C E M E N T S - continued STRINGS 'N THINGS, especially violinists, are needed by the FAU Chamber Orchestra, now in rehearsal for the 1970-71 season Rehearsals take place Thursdays in Humanities room 119 at 2:30 p.m The Orchestra, under the direction of DR EUGENE N CRABB, offers one concert each quarter and other events as can be successfully arranged PERFORMANCE FINANCING is rece~v~ng a lot )f attention from educators these days Many think it the answer to that two-sided problem in today's classrooms, the inability of teachers to teach and/or students to learn A public discussion of the new practice will be held in the Theatre Friday, Oct 2, from a.m to noon RAUL SPIVAK WILL PLAY a 15 minute program of Chopin Music on WPBT-TV, Channel Friday, Oct 9, 10:30 p.m THE AUDIO VISUAL INDEPENDENT STUDY CENTER has been moved from the third floor of the Library to Room 512 on the fifth floor INQUIRIES ABOUT DANFORTH GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS, to be awarded in March 1971, are invited by DR ROBERT SCHWARZ, Humanities 64 The Fellowships are open to seniors or recent graduates who have serious interest in college teaching as a career and who plan to study for a Ph.D Applicants must be less than thirty years of age at the time of application, and may not have undertaken any graduate or professional study beyond the baccalaureate Danforth Graduate Fellows are eligible for four years of financial assistance, with a maximum annual living stipend of $2,400 for single Fellows and $2,950 for married Fellows, plus tuition and fees Dependency allowances are available Financial need is not a condition for consideration TICKETS TO UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI FOOTBALL GAMES are on sale to students for $2.00 at the Cashier's Office Game dates are Oct 2, 16, 30, Nov 14 and Dec, * FACULTY & S TA F F * * I N T HE ADMINISTRATIVE AFFAIRS: EDWARD JUDGE, ROBERT MULLER, and BILL PHILLIPS attended the first annual Purchasing and Commodity Testing Workshop Seminar sponsored by the State of Florida, Department of General Services, in Tallahassee COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: DR JOEL E ROSS's new book, "Management by Information System," published by Prentice Hall, has been received by the Campus Bookstore • DR, BARRY HERSKER's article "The Ecology of Personal Selling" appeared in the Southern Journal of Business, July, 1970 edition • DR ROBERT G MURDICK, ARNOLD W JOHNSON, and DR BILLY E GOETZ have been selected to appear in the 1970 edition of "Outstanding Educators of America." Selection for the awards publication was based on civic and professional achievements COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING: DR RAYMOND McALLISTER's work on a sunken ship off the Haitian reef brought him clippings about the project from London, England, newspapers this month The vessel he and DR JOHN HALL, associate professor of archeology and art history at the University of Miami, NEWS have been exploring may be the Santa Maria lost in a storm by Columbus 478 years ago DR McALLISTER believes much more investigation will be necessary before the vessel can be identified • DR WILLIAM HARTT coauthored (with Drs G H Bishop and G A Bruggeman of the Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center) an invited presentation titled "Grain Boundary Faceting and Coincidence in Hexagonal Metals" at this year's Gordon Conference on physical metallurgy held at Tilton School, New Hampshire COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES: ROBERT BOYD spoke to the Boca Raton Methodist Men's Club on "Contemporary Theatre: Where Is It Going?" He also conducted improvisation seminars with Boca High students to interest them in the FAU drama program DR NORMAN NATF~N's short story, "The Girl Who Had Almost Everything," appeared in the June issue of "University Review." DR, ROBERT SCHWARZ's most recent article, "Austria's LiberationTwenty-five Years Later," has been accepted for publication in October by both the Phi Kappa Phi Journal and the Miami-Dade Junior College publication, "Southwind." JOSEPH CONAWAY, HAROLD BURRIS-MEYER, and CHARLES VICENUS attended the AETA Convention in :::F:::::::A:::::C=U=L=T=Y===&===S:::::T:::A:::::F:::::::F - continued Washington, D.C COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCE: DR WILLY J FEUERLEIN is representing FAU at the centennisl celebration of Technical University, Aachen, Germany, Oct 12-16 In addition to his lectures at Aachen to graduate engi- * KE E P I NG neers anticipating work in less developed countries, he is scheduled for lectures in Hannover and at the University of ErlangenNurnberg •.• DR JACK VINCENT has been named chairman for the 1971 spring meeting of the Florida Academy of Science, social science division, to be held in Melbourne, Fl * P S T E D GARY A LUING, who has been acting dean of the College of Business and Public Administration, was named dean by the Board of Regents on Sept 18 LUING came to FAU in 1965 from Miami-Dade Junior College ******************~'