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P_2013_00978 Received 10.01.14 WCGP App 8.8 Hedgerow Survey

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View from Twyford Village along the River Trent looking upstream towards Willington Willington C Gas Pipeline Environmental Statement Appendix 8.8 Hedgerow Survey Report Version 1, July 2013 – Approved for Submission Application Reference Number – EN060001 Document Reference – WCGP Required document as set out in Section 5(2)(a) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 APPENDIX 8.8 HEDGEROW SURVEY REPORT WILLINGTON C GAS PIPELINE ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT VERSION RWE NPOWER WILLINGTON C GAS PIPELINE ECOLOGY BASELINE ASSESSMENT HEDGEROW SURVEY REPORT JUNE 2012 APPENDIX 8.8 RWE NPOWER WILLINGTON C GAS PIPELINE ECOLOGY BASELINE ASSESSMENT HEDGEROW SURVEY REPORT JUNE 2012 APPENDIX 8.8 Penny Anderson Associates Limited ‘Park Lea’ 60 Park Road Buxton Derbyshire SK17 6SN Project Manager Gerard Hawley, BA (Hons), MSc, DipPSE (Dist), MIEEM Author Helen Hamilton, BSc (Hons), MSc, MIEEM, CEnv GIS Consultant Chris Chapman, BSc (Hons), MSc June 2012 This project has been undertaken in accordance with PAA policies and procedures on quality assurance Signed: _ Ref No.110227 June 2012 RWE npower Willington C Gas Pipeline Hedgerow Survey Report ECOLOGY BASELINE ASSESSMENT HEDGEROW SURVEY REPORT JUNE 2012 APPENDIX 8.8 Version V1 Date Sent 4/8/2011 Status/Comments First Draft PAA Ref 110227 V2 29/9/2011 Revisions from 24/8/2011 meeting 110227 V3 20/6/2012 Final version with amended wording for working areas 110227 Ref No.110227 June 2012 RWE npower Willington C Gas Pipeline Hedgerow Survey Report Appendix 8.8 CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION Legislative and Policy Context Hedgerow Regulations 1997 UK Biodiversity Action Plan Habitats Directive METHODOLOGY RESULTS Important Hedgerows Species-rich Hedges 10 Species-poor Hedges 11 SUMMARY 12 REFERENCES 13 TABLES Numbers of hedgerows per section within 230m wide study area and surveyed for comparison against the Hedgerow Regulations Criteria 1997 Hedge numbers within indicative 30m working area and potentially affected by the pipeline Important Hedges within 30m working area (* marks hedges in Derbyshire; all others are in Staffordshire) FIGURES Ref No.110227 June 2012 Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section RWE npower Willington C Pipeline Hedgerow Survey Report Appendix 8.8 APPENDICES Ref No.110227 June 2012 A Hedgerow Survey Proforma B Hedgerow Target Notes C Woody and Ground Flora Species List D Detailed Notes for Important Hedgerows RWE npower Willington C Pipeline Hedgerow Survey Report Appendix 8.8 INTRODUCTION 1.1 RWE npower has submitted a proposal to the Department of Energy and Climate Change for consent to construct a new gas-fired power station on the former site of Willington A and Willington B Power Stations in south Derbyshire Consent for the new power station was granted 4th March 2011 1.2 A new gas pipeline is required to link the proposed power station with the National Transmission System (NT S) This i s a national network of large gas transmission pipelines operated by the National Grid The proposed pipeline would connect with th e NTS n ear the village of Yoxall in Staffordshire, where an Above Ground Installation (AGI) would be constructed The pipeline would run from Yoxall for approximately 27km to the site of the proposed gas-fired power station in Willington, Derbyshire 1.3 Consent for the n ew gas pipeline, is requir ed in the form of a Development Consent Order under the Pl anning Act (2008 ) and subject to The Infrastructure Planning (EIA) Reg ulations (2009) The body responsible for the administration of this process is currently the Planning Inspectorate (PINS), formerly the Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) 1.4 This report will form part of the baselin e upon which the asse ssment of environmental impacts will be made and it will be presented as part of t he Environmental Statement submitted as part of the application for consent for the new pipeline 1.5 In addition to the scoping opinion received from the IPC, two meetings were held during 2010 with representatives of Natural England, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, in order to inform the detailed methodology and scope of the surveys 1.6 This survey of hedgerows is one of a number of ecology studies carried out along a land corridor following the route of the proposed pipeline, forming part of an ecological baseline assessment The purpose of this has been to establish the character of habitats, presence of protected species, protected areas of wildlife value and features of ecological interest The results of the surveys will be used to evaluate the immediate and long-term impacts of the pipeline and inform appropriate routing and mitigation measures 1.7 This study is based upon hedgerow assessments completed in 2010 and 2011 Legislative and Policy Context Hedgerow Regulations 1997 1.8 The Hedgerow Regulations came into operation in 1997, having been created under the Environment Act 1995 They allow Local Authorities to protect important hedges from damage and loss Hedgerows are notified by certain criteria which are used to determine whether they are important The criteria relate to the value of hedgerows from an archaeological, historical, landscape or wildlife perspective, and a hedgerow is considered important if it qualifies under any one of these criteria Therefore, important hedges are likely to b e continuous, old with a wide range of trees and shrubs, possibly a parish or estate boundary, and may have a ditch and bank system The Regulations exclude hedgerows less than 30 years old 1.9 Specialist surveys are needed to assess the hedges against the criteria listed in the Regulations Ref No.110227 June 2012 RWE npower Willington C Pipeline Hedgerow Survey Report Appendix 8.8 UK Biodiversity Action Plan 1.10 Hedgerows are also a Priority Habitat in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BRI G 2008), with a hedgerow defined as: ‘any boundary line of tree s or shrubs over 20m long and less than 5m wide, and where gaps between trees or shrub species are less than 20m wide’ The bitat includes all hedgerows consisting predominantly of native woody species As UK priority habitat, hedgerows are capable of being a material consideration in planning decision making, and under Section 74 of t he Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, local authorities must take steps to further their conservation Habitats Directive 1.11 Under Article 10 of the Habitats Directive, the UK Government is required to enco urage the management of important landscape features for wild flora and fauna, in particular features which by their linear or continuous nature function as stepping stones for migration, dispersal and genetic exchange Such features would include traditional field boundary systems such as hedgerows Suitable planning conditions and obligations are seen as a key tool to promote such management Ref No.110227 June 2012 RWE npower Willington C Pipeline Hedgerow Survey Report Appendix 8.8 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Hedgerows were assessed as part of the Phase survey, undertaken in April to July 2010 and March to July 2011 Where further assessment against the hedgerow regulations was deemed necessary, these additional surveys were und ertaken in May to June 2011 All surveys were conducted within the prime survey period for habitat and botanical assessment (JNCC 2010) 2.2 Surveys for hedgerows potentially qualifying as ‘Important’ for wildlife were cond ucted by ecologists with appropriate experience in Phase and Hedgerow Regulations assessments Surveyors were: Helen Hamilton, Emma Vernon, Phil Smith, Darren Lorking, Danny De La Hey, Alistair Blackshaw, Lucy Besson and Jessica Eades All are educated to degree level in appropriate subjects and all perman ent staff are members or associates of IEEM The determination of hedge rows as ‘Important’ for heritage was carried out by Kirsten Holland of WYG Environmental, who is RWE npower’s appointed archaeological consultant 2.3 All hedgerows lying within the 30m ind icative pipeline working area and a 100m buffer zo ne along either side of the entire length of the pipeline route (i.e a 230m wide corridor) were assessed initially, with Phase codes and target notes pre pared The areas covered also included the full extent of the works limits (35m either side of 30m indicative pipeline working area) 2.4 Target notes were taken for each hedgerow, including an indication of the relative abundance of each plant species using the ‘DAFOR’ scale (where D = dominant; A = abundant; F = frequent; O = occasional; R = rare) The pipeline route was divided into Sections for the purposes of the ecological study, and the first digit of each target note number for hedges reflects the section within which it lies, e.g H7.2 lies within Section Target notes included a general description and list of key plant species present and an allocation to the standard Phase habitat codes (Nature Conservancy Council 1990) associated with a numbered feature on the habitat map Hedges were categorised as follows: 2.5  J2.1.1 – species-rich hedge;  J2.1.2 – species-poor hedge;  J2.2.1 – defunct hedge, species-rich;  J2.2.2 – defunct hedge, species-poor;  J2.3.1 – species-rich hedge with trees;  J2.3.2 – species-poor hedge with trees All species-rich hedgerows were th en re-evaluated against the Hedgerow Regulations 1997 criteria (DEFRA 1997) to determine whether th ey were ‘Impo rtant’ under the Regulations on wildlife grounds Hedgerows were noted as ‘species-rich hedge’ when they contained a minimum of five woody species listed under Schedule of the Hedgerows Regulations 1997 Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management Ref No.110227 June 2012 RWE npower Willington C Pipeline Hedgerow Survey Report Appendix 8.8 (i.e most native trees or shrubs) This was because five sp ecies is the minimum required to qualify as important under the Regulations in Staffordshire and Derbyshire, when accompanied by other key features This method provides a quick and easy minimum threshold for eliminating less important hedges from detailed Phase surveys 2.6 All hedges categorised as ‘species-rich’ in the initial survey plu s some others that supported other hedgerow features of interest, were re-examined in 2011 Where hedges were considered likely to qualify under the Regulations, they were assessed against the criteria A standard recording form was used (Appendix A), which identifies the Hedgerow Regulations criteria and gathers information on features associated with ancient hedgerows such as dimensions, structure, management, and presence of mature and veteran trees (after Defra 2007) 2.7 Information on hedgerows qualifying as ‘Important’ under the Regulations from an archaeological, historical and landscape perspective was received from Kirsten Holland of WYG Environmental 2.8 Hedges qualifying on ecol ogical grounds have been highlighted on a map presenting all the hedgerows Hedges qualifying on archaeological and heritage grounds have also been identified on these figures 2.9 Hedges were also assessed against the UK Biodiversity Action Plan Hedgerows Priority Habitat criteria (BRIG 2008), outlined above, which are now fairly inclusive of all predominantly native species hedges 2.10 All botanical nomenclature follows Stace (2 010) Where trees were assessed for bat potential, the grading followed the Bat Conservation Trust’s Bat Surveys Good Practice Guidelines (Bat Conservation Trust 2007) – discussed in more detail in Appendix 8.4 Ref No.110227 June 2012 RWE npower Willington C Pipeline Hedgerow Survey Report Appendix 8.8 Appendix D - Rwenpower Willington Pipeline Hedgerow Assessment Survey Data PAGE - HEDGEROW BAP HABITAT FEATURES Hedge Structure Average Height Average width at base Hedgerow Number: Date: H3.59 Surveyors: 12.04.2011 Helen Hamilton Sketch of hedge to include location and measurement of gaps, location of all trees, highlighting those with bat potential or are considered to be veteran Also show location of dead trees All trees should be species coded Mark on sketch direction of photos and indicate which ends of hedgerows are north, south, east and west Provide as much information as possible so that some one else can interpret your diagram and descriptions 0.1 - 1m 0.1 - 1m Leggy Fenced in places Integrity Fenced Management Describe management, please state if whole or only part of hedge is managed Is management recent (under 2yrs) or old (2-10yrs) No Unmanaged No Coppice Yes Trim top, (flat top ) Yes Face up sides (A shape) In the past Has hedge been laid? Other Adjacent land use Brief description of land use, arable, residential, woodland etc but state which side ie N, S, W or E Improved pasture/ road Hedgerow trees Species Mature Quercus robur Semi mature Pollarded Within this space please list all faunal species observed (badgers, rabbits, brown hare, birds, butterflies) If a badger sett is located please show location on your sketch, classify as main, annex, subsidiary or outlier and define status Please also note if birds are nesting in hedgerow Think about trees with bat potential, sketch on map, describe below The Senescent/ idea is to provide as much information as possible of the hedgerows value to support faunal species dying Are there any veteran trees? If so how many No and what species : PAGE - HEDGEROW REGULATIONS CRITERIA No and length of gaps in hedge: as an overall % of length: 0% Total length of hedge (m): 230 No of sections to be assessed: No of mature trees (>20cm DBH) in total length of hedge (tally species): (Quercus robur) County: Staffordshire Are there any ditches along the length of the hedge? State if to the N, S, E or W or down the central section of the hedge Note if ditch is wet or dry: List of Hedge Regs Schedule Species for hedgerow assessment within 30m sections Section Section General Latin English Section (30m) (30m) (30m) dafor Acer campestre Field maple Alnus glutinosa Alder Betula pendula Silver birch Betula pubescens Downy birch Carpinus betulus Hornbeam Cornus sanguinea Dogwood Corylus avellana Hazel Yes, whole length, dry Hedge Regs Schedule species, to be recorded along entire Latin English General dafor Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel Ajuga reptans Bugle Allium ursinum Ramsons Anemone nemorosa Wood anemone Arum maculatum Lords-and-ladies Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern Brachypodium sylvaticum Wood false-brome Hedgerow Assessment Please tick Does hedge contain documented records of spp protected in Schedules 1, or of the WaCA, or red data book species (held by record centre, EN No CCW or JNCC (for animals held between March 92-97, plants March 87Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) No Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + No features listed below? App D Full HR Survey H3.59/22/11/2012 Bromus ramosus Hairy brome Campanula trachelium Nettle-leaved bellflower Carex sylvatica Wood sedge Circaea lutetiana Enchanters nightshade Conopodium majus Pignut x R Dryopteris affinis Scaly male-fern Dryopteris carthusiana Narrow buckler fern R Dryopteris dilatata Broad buckler-fern x x x O Dryopteris filix-mas Male fern Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved helleborine Equisetum sylvaticum Wood horsetail Euphorbia amygdaloides Wood spurge Festuca gigantea Giant fescue Black poplar Fragaria vesca Wild strawberry Aspen Galium odoratum Sweet woodruff Grey poplar Geranium robertianum Herb Robert Wild cherry Geum urbanum Wood avens Blackthorn x LO Hyacinthoides non-scripta Bluebell Plymouth pear Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow archangel Wild pear Lathraea squamaria Toothwort Pedunculate oak x x x LO Luzula pilosa Hairy wood-rush Buckthorn Melampyrum pratense Common cow-wheat Gooseberry x x F Mercurialis perennis Dog's mercury Rose species Milium effusum Wood millet Willow species Orchis mascula Early purple orchid Osier Oxalis acetosella Wood sorrel Elder x R Paris quadrifolia Herb Paris Rowan Phyllitis scolopendrium Hart's tongue Whitebeam species Poa nemoralis Wood meadow-grass Wild service tree Polypodium vulgare Common polypody Yew x R Polystichum aculeatum Hard shield fern Large-leaved lime Polystichum setiferum Soft shield fern Gorse Potentilla sterilis Barren strawberry Elm species Primula elatior Oxlip Wayfaring-tree Primula vulgaris Primrose Guelder rose Ranunculus auricomus Goldilocks buttercup Sanicula europaea Sanicle Teucrium scorodonia Wood sage R Veronica montana Wood speedwell Viola odorata Sweet violet Total Viola reichenbachiana Early dog violet Viola riviniana Common dog violet Average species per 30m section: Use this space below to list any other shrub or herb species that occur along the length of entire hedge These species are not listed as Schedule or Crataegus laevigata Crataegus monogyna Daphne laureola Daphne mezereum Euonymus europaeus Fagus sylvatica Frangula alnus Fraxinus excelsior Ilex aquifolium Ligustrum vulgare Malus sylvestris Populus alba Populus nigra ssp betulifolia Populus tremula Populus x canescens Prunus avium Prunus spinosa Pyrus cordata Pyrus pyraster Quercus robur Rhamnus cathartica Ribes uva-crispa Rosa species Salix species Salix viminalis Sambucus nigra Sorbus aucuparia Sorbus species Sorbus torminalis Taxus baccata Tilia platyphyllos Ulex europaeus Ulmus species Viburnum lantana Viburnum opulus Ribes sp Acer pseudoplanatus Hedera helix Rubus fruticosus Aesculus sp Solanum nigrum Prunus domestica Midland hawthorn Hawthorn Spurge-laurel Daphne mezereon Spindle Beech Alder buckthorn Ash Holly Wild privet Crab apple White poplar x x x x x x No Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3), including native black poplar, small or large lvd lime or service tree? Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + four Yes (nearly) features listed below? Hedge adjacent to a bridleway, foot path/RUPP/byway open to all traffic + No at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + at least features listed below (excluding (h) or (i))? Hedgerow features (taken from Hedgerow Regulations 1997 Part 11 Paragraph 7(4) to (i)) D x x O F R R R R R Stellaria holostea Lathyrus pratensis Achillea millefolium (a) a bank or wall which supports the hedgerow along at least half of its length; (b) gaps which aggregate not exceed 10% of length of hedgerow; No Yes (c) where the length of the hedgerow does not exceed 50m, at least one standard tree; (standard tree >20cm DBH (or No 63cm circ) and multistemmed is >15cm DBH (or 47cm circ) (d) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 50m but does not exceed No 100m, at least standard trees; (e) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 100m, such number of standard trees (within any part of its length) as would when averaged over Yes its total length amount at least one for each 50m; (f) at least woodland species (Schedule 2) within one metre, in any No direction, of the outermost edges of the hedgerow; Yes (g) a ditch along at least one half of the length of the hedgerow; (h) connections scoring points or more in accordance with sub1 per hedge per pond per wood (>50% BL) (feature to connect or lie within 10m & would meet if line of hedge continued H + (4+) woods (i) a parallel hedge within 15m of the hedgerow Yes TOTAL NUMBER OF FEATURES: Based on the above assessment please state if the hedgerow has qualified under the regulations, listing the reasons why If the hedgerow does not qualify then please state why and provide a description of the hedgerows overall conservation value set aside from the regulations QUALIFIES woody species, plus additional features (NOT (n) or (i) ) R R R R App D Full HR Survey H3.59/22/11/2012 Appendix D - Rwenpower Willington Pipeline Hedgerow Assessment Survey Data PAGE - HEDGEROW BAP HABITAT FEATURES Hedge Structure Average Height Average width at base Hedgerow Number: Date: H3.86 Surveyors: 12.04.2011 Helen Hamilton Sketch of hedge to include location and measurement of gaps, location of all trees, highlighting those with bat potential or are considered to be veteran Also show location of dead trees All trees should be species coded Mark on sketch direction of photos and indicate which ends of hedgerows are north, south, east and west Provide as much information as possible so that some one else can interpret your diagram and descriptions 1.1 - 2m 1.1 - 2m Stock-proof Fenced at side Integrity Fenced Management Describe management, please state if whole or only part of hedge is managed Is management recent (under 2yrs) or old (2-10yrs) No Unmanaged No Coppice Yes 20cm DBH (or No 63cm circ) and multistemmed is >15cm DBH (or 47cm circ) (d) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 50m but does not exceed Yes 100m, at least standard trees; (e) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 100m, such number of standard trees (within any part of its length) as would when averaged over Yes its total length amount at least one for each 50m; (f) at least woodland species (Schedule 2) within one metre, in any No direction, of the outermost edges of the hedgerow; Yes (g) a ditch along at least one half of the length of the hedgerow; (h) connections scoring points or more in accordance with sub1 per hedge per pond per wood (>50% BL) (feature to connect or lie within 10m & would meet if line of hedge continued hedge (i) a parallel hedge within 15m of the hedgerow Yes TOTAL NUMBER OF FEATURES: Based on the above assessment please state if the hedgerow has qualified under the regulations, listing the reasons why If the hedgerow does not qualify then please state why and provide a description of the hedgerows overall conservation value set aside from the regulations QUALIFIES woody species and associated features Along road so parallel hedge on opposite side R A App D Full HR Survey H3.86/22/11/2012 Appendix D - Rwenpower Willington Pipeline Hedgerow Assessment Survey Data PAGE - HEDGEROW BAP HABITAT FEATURES Hedge Structure Average Height Average width at base Hedgerow Number: Surveyors: 12.04.2011 Helen Hamilton Sketch of hedge to include location and measurement of gaps, location of all trees, highlighting those with bat potential or are considered to be veteran Also show location of dead trees All trees should be species coded Mark on sketch direction of photos and indicate which ends of hedgerows are north, south, east and west Provide as much information as possible so that some one else can interpret your diagram and descriptions 1.1 - 2m 1.1 - 2m Stock-proof No fence Integrity Fenced Management Date: H4.12 See also H 4.14 Describe management, please state if whole or only part of hedge is managed Is management recent (under 2yrs) or old (2-10yrs) No Unmanaged No Coppice No Trim top, (flat top ) Yes Face up sides (A shape) Yes 20cm DBH (or No 63cm circ) and multistemmed is >15cm DBH (or 47cm circ) (d) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 50m but does not exceed No 100m, at least standard trees; (e) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 100m, such number of standard trees (within any part of its length) as would when averaged over No its total length amount at least one for each 50m; (f) at least woodland species (Schedule 2) within one metre, in any No direction, of the outermost edges of the hedgerow; Yes (g) a ditch along at least one half of the length of the hedgerow; (h) connections scoring points or more in accordance with sub1 per hedge per pond per wood (>50% BL) (feature to connect or lie within 10m & would meet if line of hedge continued (3 hedge+1 pond) (i) a parallel hedge within 15m of the hedgerow Yes TOTAL NUMBER OF FEATURES: Based on the above assessment please state if the hedgerow has qualified under the regulations, listing the reasons why If the hedgerow does not qualify then please state why and provide a description of the hedgerows overall conservation value set aside from the regulations QUALIFIES (just) with woody species and associated features Also woodland herbs of Schedule and Centaurea nigra semi-natural habitat indicator F F App D Full HR Survey H4.12/22/11/2012 Appendix D - Rwenpower Willington Pipeline Hedgerow Assessment Survey Data PAGE - HEDGEROW BAP HABITAT FEATURES Hedge Structure Average Height Average width at base Hedgerow Number: Surveyors: 12.04.2011 Helen Hamilton Sketch of hedge to include location and measurement of gaps, location of all trees, highlighting those with bat potential or are considered to be veteran Also show location of dead trees All trees should be species coded Mark on sketch direction of photos and indicate which ends of hedgerows are north, south, east and west Provide as much information as possible so that some one else can interpret your diagram and descriptions 1.1 - 2m 1.1 - 2m See H4.12 Stock-proof No fence Integrity Fenced Management Date: H4.14 Describe management, please state if whole or only part of hedge is managed Is management recent (under 2yrs) or old (2-10yrs) No Unmanaged No Coppice Yes 15cm DBH (or 47cm circ) (d) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 50m but does not exceed No 100m, at least standard trees; (e) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 100m, such number of standard trees (within any part of its length) as would when averaged over No its total length amount at least one for each 50m; (f) at least woodland species (Schedule 2) within one metre, in any No direction, of the outermost edges of the hedgerow; Yes (g) a ditch along at least one half of the length of the hedgerow; (h) connections scoring points or more in accordance with sub1 per hedge per pond per wood (>50% BL) (feature to connect or lie within 10m & would meet if line of hedge continued (2 hedge + pond) (i) a parallel hedge within 15m of the hedgerow Yes TOTAL NUMBER OF FEATURES: Based on the above assessment please state if the hedgerow has qualified under the regulations, listing the reasons why If the hedgerow does not qualify then please state why and provide a description of the hedgerows overall conservation value set aside from the regulations QUALIFIES (just) on woody species and associated featues R App D Full HR Survey H4.14/22/11/2012 Appendix D - Rwenpower Willington Pipeline Hedgerow Assessment Survey Data PAGE - HEDGEROW BAP HABITAT FEATURES Hedge Structure Average Height Average width at base Hedgerow Number: Date: H6.15 Surveyors: 15.04.2011 Helen Hamilton Sketch of hedge to include location and measurement of gaps, location of all trees, highlighting those with bat potential or are considered to be veteran Also show location of dead trees All trees should be species coded Mark on sketch direction of photos and indicate which ends of hedgerows are north, south, east and west Provide as much information as possible so that some one else can interpret your diagram and descriptions 1.1 - 2m 2.1 - 4m Stock-proof but with gaps Fenced at the side Integrity Fenced Management Describe management, please state if whole or only part of hedge is managed Is management recent (under 2yrs) or old (2-10yrs) No Unmanaged No Coppice < years Trim top, (flat top ) < years Face up sides (A shape) Yes, long ago Has hedge been laid? Other Adjacent land use Brief description of land use, arable, residential, woodland etc but state which side ie N, S, W or E Pasture (ridge and furrow) Sheep Hedgerow trees Species Mature Acer campestre Fraxinus excelsior Semi mature Pollarded Within this space please list all faunal species observed (badgers, rabbits, brown hare, birds, butterflies) If a badger sett is located please show location on your sketch, classify as main, annex, subsidiary or outlier and define status Please also note if birds are nesting in hedgerow Think about trees with bat potential, sketch on map, describe below The Senescent/ idea is to provide as much information as possible of the hedgerows value to support faunal species dying (young) Salix fragilis Are there any veteran trees? If so how many Yes - Fraxinus excelsior + Acer campestre and what species : PAGE - HEDGEROW REGULATIONS CRITERIA No and length of gaps in hedge: as an overall % of length: 6m 20cm DBH) in total length of hedge (tally species): (1 veteran Acer campestre, Fraxinus excelsior + Salix fragilis) County: Derbyshire Are there any ditches along the length of the hedge? State if to the N, S, E or W or down the central section of the hedge Note if ditch is wet or dry: List of Hedge Regs Schedule Species for hedgerow assessment within 30m sections Section Section General Latin English Section (30m) (30m) (30m) dafor Acer campestre Field maple x O Alnus glutinosa Alder Betula pendula Silver birch Betula pubescens Downy birch Carpinus betulus Hornbeam Cornus sanguinea Dogwood Corylus avellana Hazel Shallow, defunct, along full length of north-western side Hedge Regs Schedule species, to be recorded along entire Latin English General dafor Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel Ajuga reptans Bugle Allium ursinum Ramsons Anemone nemorosa Wood anemone Arum maculatum Lords-and-ladies Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern Brachypodium sylvaticum Wood false-brome Hedgerow Assessment Please tick Does hedge contain documented records of spp protected in Schedules 1, or of the WaCA, or red data book species (held by record centre, EN No CCW or JNCC (for animals held between March 92-97, plants March 87Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) No Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + No features listed below? App D Full HR Survey H6.15/22/11/2012 Bromus ramosus Hairy brome Campanula trachelium Nettle-leaved bellflower Carex sylvatica Wood sedge Circaea lutetiana Enchanters nightshade Conopodium majus Pignut Dryopteris affinis Scaly male-fern Dryopteris carthusiana Narrow buckler fern x O Dryopteris dilatata Broad buckler-fern Dryopteris filix-mas Male fern Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved helleborine Equisetum sylvaticum Wood horsetail Euphorbia amygdaloides Wood spurge Festuca gigantea Giant fescue Black poplar Fragaria vesca Wild strawberry Aspen Galium odoratum Sweet woodruff Grey poplar Geranium robertianum Herb Robert Wild cherry Geum urbanum Wood avens R Blackthorn x x x A Hyacinthoides non-scripta Bluebell Plymouth pear Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow archangel Wild pear Lathraea squamaria Toothwort Pedunculate oak Luzula pilosa Hairy wood-rush Buckthorn Melampyrum pratense Common cow-wheat Gooseberry Mercurialis perennis Dog's mercury Rose species x x F Milium effusum Wood millet Willow species x O Orchis mascula Early purple orchid Osier Oxalis acetosella Wood sorrel Elder x x x A Paris quadrifolia Herb Paris Rowan Phyllitis scolopendrium Hart's tongue Whitebeam species Poa nemoralis Wood meadow-grass Wild service tree Polypodium vulgare Common polypody Yew Polystichum aculeatum Hard shield fern Large-leaved lime Polystichum setiferum Soft shield fern Gorse Potentilla sterilis Barren strawberry Elm species Primula elatior Oxlip Wayfaring-tree Primula vulgaris Primrose Guelder rose Ranunculus auricomus Goldilocks buttercup Sanicula europaea Sanicle Teucrium scorodonia Wood sage Veronica montana Wood speedwell Viola odorata Sweet violet Total Viola reichenbachiana Early dog violet 4.6 Viola riviniana Common dog violet Average species per 30m section: Use this space below to list any other shrub or herb species that occur along the length of entire hedge These species are not listed as Schedule or Crataegus laevigata Crataegus monogyna Daphne laureola Daphne mezereum Euonymus europaeus Fagus sylvatica Frangula alnus Fraxinus excelsior Ilex aquifolium Ligustrum vulgare Malus sylvestris Populus alba Populus nigra ssp betulifolia Populus tremula Populus x canescens Prunus avium Prunus spinosa Pyrus cordata Pyrus pyraster Quercus robur Rhamnus cathartica Ribes uva-crispa Rosa species Salix species Salix viminalis Sambucus nigra Sorbus aucuparia Sorbus species Sorbus torminalis Taxus baccata Tilia platyphyllos Ulex europaeus Ulmus species Viburnum lantana Viburnum opulus Midland hawthorn Hawthorn Spurge-laurel Daphne mezereon Spindle Beech Alder buckthorn Ash Holly Wild privet Crab apple White poplar x x x No Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3), including native black poplar, small or large lvd lime or service tree? Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + four Yes features listed below? Hedge adjacent to a bridleway, foot path/RUPP/byway open to all traffic + No at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + at least features listed below (excluding (h) or (i))? Hedgerow features (taken from Hedgerow Regulations 1997 Part 11 Paragraph 7(4) to (i)) D Ranunculus ficaria Alliaria petiolata Filipendula ulmaria Silene dioica (a) a bank or wall which supports the hedgerow along at least half of its length; (b) gaps which aggregate not exceed 10% of length of hedgerow; No Yes (c) where the length of the hedgerow does not exceed 50m, at least one standard tree; (standard tree >20cm DBH (or No 63cm circ) and multistemmed is >15cm DBH (or 47cm circ) (d) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 50m but does not exceed No 100m, at least standard trees; (e) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 100m, such number of standard trees (within any part of its length) as would when averaged over Yes (6) its total length amount at least one for each 50m; (f) at least woodland species (Schedule 2) within one metre, in any No direction, of the outermost edges of the hedgerow; No (g) a ditch along at least one half of the length of the hedgerow; (h) connections scoring points or more in accordance with sub1 per hedge per pond per wood (>50% BL) (feature to connect or lie within 10m & would meet if line of hedge continued (i) a parallel hedge within 15m of the hedgerow Yes TOTAL NUMBER OF FEATURES: Based on the above assessment please state if the hedgerow has qualified under the regulations, listing the reasons why If the hedgerow does not qualify then please state why and provide a description of the hedgerows overall conservation value set aside from the regulations QUALIFIES On average, species with qualifying features O O O O App D Full HR Survey H6.15/22/11/2012 Appendix D - Rwenpower Willington Pipeline Hedgerow Assessment Survey Data PAGE - HEDGEROW BAP HABITAT FEATURES Hedge Structure Average Height Average width at base Hedgerow Number: Date: H6.17 Surveyors: 15.04.2011 Helen Hamilton Sketch of hedge to include location and measurement of gaps, location of all trees, highlighting those with bat potential or are considered to be veteran Also show location of dead trees All trees should be species coded Mark on sketch direction of photos and indicate which ends of hedgerows are north, south, east and west Provide as much information as possible so that some one else can interpret your diagram and descriptions 4.1m+ 4.1m+ Stock-proof Fenced at the side Integrity Fenced Management Describe management, please state if whole or only part of hedge is managed Is management recent (under 2yrs) or old (2-10yrs) Largely Unmanaged Coppiced (c 1m diameter at base) Coppice No Trim top, (flat top ) No Face up sides (A shape) No Has hedge been laid? Other Adjacent land use Brief description of land use, arable, residential, woodland etc but state which side ie N, S, W or E Pasture Hedgerow trees Species Fraxinus excelsior Mature Semi mature Pollarded Within this space please list all faunal species observed (badgers, rabbits, brown hare, birds, butterflies) If a badger sett is located please show location on your sketch, classify as main, annex, subsidiary or outlier and define status Please also note if birds are nesting in hedgerow Think about trees with bat potential, sketch on map, describe below The Senescent/ idea is to provide as much information as possible of the hedgerows value to support faunal species dying Are there any veteran trees? If so how many Veteran Salix fragilis in copse to southwest and what species : PAGE - HEDGEROW REGULATIONS CRITERIA No and length of gaps in hedge: as an overall % of length: 12m > 10% Total length of hedge (m): 91 No of sections to be assessed: No of mature trees (>20cm DBH) in total length of hedge (tally species): Fraxinus excelsior County: Derbyshire Are there any ditches along the length of the hedge? State if to the N, S, E or W or down the central section of the hedge Note if ditch is wet or dry: List of Hedge Regs Schedule Species for hedgerow assessment within 30m sections Section Section General Latin English Section (30m) (30m) (30m) dafor Acer campestre Field maple Alnus glutinosa Alder Betula pendula Silver birch Betula pubescens Downy birch Carpinus betulus Hornbeam Cornus sanguinea Dogwood Corylus avellana Hazel x O Yes, dry, shallow, north-west side Hedge Regs Schedule species, to be recorded along entire Latin English General dafor Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel Ajuga reptans Bugle Allium ursinum Ramsons Anemone nemorosa Wood anemone Arum maculatum Lords-and-ladies Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern Brachypodium sylvaticum Wood false-brome Hedgerow Assessment Please tick Does hedge contain documented records of spp protected in Schedules 1, or of the WaCA, or red data book species (held by record centre, EN No CCW or JNCC (for animals held between March 92-97, plants March 87Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) Yes Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + No features listed below? App D Full HR Survey H6.17/22/11/2012 Bromus ramosus Hairy brome Campanula trachelium Nettle-leaved bellflower Carex sylvatica Wood sedge Circaea lutetiana Enchanters nightshade Conopodium majus Pignut Dryopteris affinis Scaly male-fern Dryopteris carthusiana Narrow buckler fern x O Dryopteris dilatata Broad buckler-fern Dryopteris filix-mas Male fern Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved helleborine x O Equisetum sylvaticum Wood horsetail Euphorbia amygdaloides Wood spurge Festuca gigantea Giant fescue Black poplar Fragaria vesca Wild strawberry Aspen Galium odoratum Sweet woodruff Grey poplar Geranium robertianum Herb Robert Wild cherry Geum urbanum Wood avens Blackthorn x O Hyacinthoides non-scripta Bluebell Plymouth pear Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow archangel Wild pear Lathraea squamaria Toothwort Pedunculate oak Luzula pilosa Hairy wood-rush Buckthorn Melampyrum pratense Common cow-wheat Gooseberry Mercurialis perennis Dog's mercury Rose species x O Milium effusum Wood millet Willow species O Orchis mascula Early purple orchid Osier Oxalis acetosella Wood sorrel Elder x O Paris quadrifolia Herb Paris Rowan Phyllitis scolopendrium Hart's tongue Whitebeam species Poa nemoralis Wood meadow-grass Wild service tree Polypodium vulgare Common polypody Yew Polystichum aculeatum Hard shield fern Large-leaved lime Polystichum setiferum Soft shield fern Gorse Potentilla sterilis Barren strawberry Elm species Primula elatior Oxlip Wayfaring-tree Primula vulgaris Primrose Guelder rose Ranunculus auricomus Goldilocks buttercup Sanicula europaea Sanicle Teucrium scorodonia Wood sage Veronica montana Wood speedwell Viola odorata Sweet violet Total Viola reichenbachiana Early dog violet Viola riviniana Common dog violet Average species per 30m section: Use this space below to list any other shrub or herb species that occur along the length of entire hedge These species are not listed as Schedule or Crataegus laevigata Crataegus monogyna Daphne laureola Daphne mezereum Euonymus europaeus Fagus sylvatica Frangula alnus Fraxinus excelsior Ilex aquifolium Ligustrum vulgare Malus sylvestris Populus alba Populus nigra ssp betulifolia Populus tremula Populus x canescens Prunus avium Prunus spinosa Pyrus cordata Pyrus pyraster Quercus robur Rhamnus cathartica Ribes uva-crispa Rosa species Salix species Salix viminalis Sambucus nigra Sorbus aucuparia Sorbus species Sorbus torminalis Taxus baccata Tilia platyphyllos Ulex europaeus Ulmus species Viburnum lantana Viburnum opulus Midland hawthorn Hawthorn Spurge-laurel Daphne mezereon Spindle Beech Alder buckthorn Ash Holly Wild privet Crab apple White poplar x No Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3), including native black poplar, small or large lvd lime or service tree? Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + four No features listed below? Hedge adjacent to a bridleway, foot path/RUPP/byway open to all traffic + No at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + at least features listed below (excluding (h) or (i))? Hedgerow features (taken from Hedgerow Regulations 1997 Part 11 Paragraph 7(4) to (i)) A Ranunculus ficaria (a) a bank or wall which supports the hedgerow along at least half of its length; (b) gaps which aggregate not exceed 10% of length of hedgerow; No No (c) where the length of the hedgerow does not exceed 50m, at least one standard tree; (standard tree >20cm DBH (or No 63cm circ) and multistemmed is >15cm DBH (or 47cm circ) (d) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 50m but does not exceed No 100m, at least standard trees; (e) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 100m, such number of standard trees (within any part of its length) as would when averaged over No its total length amount at least one for each 50m; (f) at least woodland species (Schedule 2) within one metre, in any No direction, of the outermost edges of the hedgerow; No (g) a ditch along at least one half of the length of the hedgerow; (h) connections scoring points or more in accordance with sub1 per hedge per pond per wood (>50% BL) hedges + ditch + (feature to connect or lie within 10m & would meet if line of hedge continued pond = (i) a parallel hedge within 15m of the hedgerow No TOTAL NUMBER OF FEATURES: Based on the above assessment please state if the hedgerow has qualified under the regulations, listing the reasons why If the hedgerow does not qualify then please state why and provide a description of the hedgerows overall conservation value set aside from the regulations QUALIFIES on woody species alone LO App D Full HR Survey H6.17/22/11/2012 Appendix D - Rwenpower Willington Pipeline Hedgerow Assessment Survey Data PAGE - HEDGEROW BAP HABITAT FEATURES Hedge Structure Average Height Average width at base Hedgerow Number: Date: H6.2 Surveyors: 14.04.2011 Helen Hamilton Sketch of hedge to include location and measurement of gaps, location of all trees, highlighting those with bat potential or are considered to be veteran Also show location of dead trees All trees should be species coded Mark on sketch direction of photos and indicate which ends of hedgerows are north, south, east and west Provide as much information as possible so that some one else can interpret your diagram and descriptions 1.1 - 2m 1.1 - 2m Stock-proof Fenced at the side Integrity Fenced Management Describe management, please state if whole or only part of hedge is managed Is management recent (under 2yrs) or old (2-10yrs) No Unmanaged No Coppice This year Trim top, (flat top ) This year Face up sides (A shape) Long ago Has hedge been laid? Other Adjacent land use Brief description of land use, arable, residential, woodland etc but state which side ie N, S, W or E Pasture/ road Hedgerow trees Species Mature Semi mature Alnus glutinosa 11 Craetagus monogyna Quercus robur Pollarded Within this space please list all faunal species observed (badgers, rabbits, brown hare, birds, butterflies) If a badger sett is located please show location on your sketch, classify as main, annex, subsidiary or outlier and define status Please also note if birds are nesting in hedgerow Think about trees with bat potential, sketch on map, describe below The Senescent/ idea is to provide as much information as possible of the hedgerows value to support faunal species dying Are there any veteran trees? If so how many No and what species : PAGE - HEDGEROW REGULATIONS CRITERIA No and length of gaps in hedge: as an overall % of length: 15m 20cm DBH) in total length of hedge (tally species): 14 (11 Alnus glutinosa, Craetagus monogyna + Quercus robur) County: Staffordshire Are there any ditches along the length of the hedge? State if to the N, S, E or W or down the central section of the hedge Note if ditch is wet or dry: List of Hedge Regs Schedule Species for hedgerow assessment within 30m sections Section Section General Latin English Section (30m) (30m) (30m) dafor Acer campestre Field maple x x F Alnus glutinosa Alder x x F Betula pendula Silver birch Betula pubescens Downy birch Carpinus betulus Hornbeam Cornus sanguinea Dogwood Corylus avellana Hazel Yes, along whole length on eastern side Dry Hedge Regs Schedule species, to be recorded along entire Latin English General dafor Adoxa moschatellina Moschatel Ajuga reptans Bugle Allium ursinum Ramsons Anemone nemorosa Wood anemone Arum maculatum Lords-and-ladies Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern Brachypodium sylvaticum Wood false-brome Hedgerow Assessment Please tick Does hedge contain documented records of spp protected in Schedules 1, or of the WaCA, or red data book species (held by record centre, EN No CCW or JNCC (for animals held between March 92-97, plants March 87Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) No Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + No features listed below? App D Full HR Survey H6.2/22/11/2012 Bromus ramosus Hairy brome Campanula trachelium Nettle-leaved bellflower Carex sylvatica Wood sedge Circaea lutetiana Enchanters nightshade Conopodium majus Pignut Dryopteris affinis Scaly male-fern Dryopteris carthusiana Narrow buckler fern Dryopteris dilatata Broad buckler-fern Dryopteris filix-mas Male fern Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved helleborine Equisetum sylvaticum Wood horsetail Euphorbia amygdaloides Wood spurge Festuca gigantea Giant fescue Black poplar Fragaria vesca Wild strawberry Aspen Galium odoratum Sweet woodruff Grey poplar Geranium robertianum Herb Robert Wild cherry Geum urbanum Wood avens Blackthorn x x F Hyacinthoides non-scripta Bluebell Plymouth pear Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow archangel Wild pear Lathraea squamaria Toothwort Pedunculate oak x O Luzula pilosa Hairy wood-rush Buckthorn Melampyrum pratense Common cow-wheat Gooseberry R Mercurialis perennis Dog's mercury Rose species x x O Milium effusum Wood millet Willow species Orchis mascula Early purple orchid Osier Oxalis acetosella Wood sorrel Elder x x x A Paris quadrifolia Herb Paris Rowan Phyllitis scolopendrium Hart's tongue Whitebeam species Poa nemoralis Wood meadow-grass Wild service tree Polypodium vulgare Common polypody Yew Polystichum aculeatum Hard shield fern Large-leaved lime Polystichum setiferum Soft shield fern Gorse Potentilla sterilis Barren strawberry Elm species Primula elatior Oxlip Wayfaring-tree Primula vulgaris Primrose Guelder rose Ranunculus auricomus Goldilocks buttercup Sanicula europaea Sanicle Teucrium scorodonia Wood sage Veronica montana Wood speedwell Viola odorata Sweet violet Total 5 Viola reichenbachiana Early dog violet Viola riviniana Common dog violet Average species per 30m section: Use this space below to list any other shrub or herb species that occur along the length of entire hedge These species are not listed as Schedule or Crataegus laevigata Crataegus monogyna Daphne laureola Daphne mezereum Euonymus europaeus Fagus sylvatica Frangula alnus Fraxinus excelsior Ilex aquifolium Ligustrum vulgare Malus sylvestris Populus alba Populus nigra ssp betulifolia Populus tremula Populus x canescens Prunus avium Prunus spinosa Pyrus cordata Pyrus pyraster Quercus robur Rhamnus cathartica Ribes uva-crispa Rosa species Salix species Salix viminalis Sambucus nigra Sorbus aucuparia Sorbus species Sorbus torminalis Taxus baccata Tilia platyphyllos Ulex europaeus Ulmus species Viburnum lantana Viburnum opulus Midland hawthorn Hawthorn Spurge-laurel Daphne mezereon Spindle Beech Alder buckthorn Ash Holly Wild privet Crab apple White poplar x x x D No Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3), including native black poplar, small or large lvd lime or service tree? Does the hedge include at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + four Yes features listed below? Hedge adjacent to a bridleway, foot path/RUPP/byway open to all traffic + Yes at least woody species (from Schedule 3) + at least features listed below (excluding (h) or (i))? Hedgerow features (taken from Hedgerow Regulations 1997 Part 11 Paragraph 7(4) to (i)) (a) a bank or wall which supports the hedgerow along at least half of its length; (b) gaps which aggregate not exceed 10% of length of hedgerow; No Yes (c) where the length of the hedgerow does not exceed 50m, at least one standard tree; (standard tree >20cm DBH (or No 63cm circ) and multistemmed is >15cm DBH (or 47cm circ) (d) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 50m but does not exceed No 100m, at least standard trees; (e) where the length of the hedgerow exceeds 100m, such number of standard trees (within any part of its length) as would when averaged over Yes its total length amount at least one for each 50m; (f) at least woodland species (Schedule 2) within one metre, in any No direction, of the outermost edges of the hedgerow; Yes (g) a ditch along at least one half of the length of the hedgerow; (h) connections scoring points or more in accordance with sub1 per hedge per pond per wood (>50% BL) (feature to connect or lie within 10m & would meet if line of hedge continued (i) a parallel hedge within 15m of the hedgerow Yes TOTAL NUMBER OF FEATURES: Based on the above assessment please state if the hedgerow has qualified under the regulations, listing the reasons why If the hedgerow does not qualify then please state why and provide a description of the hedgerows overall conservation value set aside from the regulations QUALIFIES features + woody species Ranunculus ficaria Filipendula ulmaria App D Full HR Survey H6.2/22/11/2012 Park Lea, 60 Park Road, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 6SN Registered Office as Above Registered in England & Wales Company No 4223109 Directors: Mrs P Anderson Mr P Worrall Mr C Anglish ... Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section RWE npower Willington C Pipeline Hedgerow Survey Report Appendix 8.8 APPENDICES Ref No.110227 June 2012 A Hedgerow Survey Proforma B Hedgerow Target... ASSESSMENT HEDGEROW SURVEY REPORT JUNE 2012 APPENDIX 8.8 RWE NPOWER WILLINGTON C GAS PIPELINE ECOLOGY BASELINE ASSESSMENT HEDGEROW SURVEY REPORT JUNE 2012 APPENDIX 8.8 ... No.110227 June 2012 Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment Section Hedgerow Assessment

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 17:38
