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BOARD MINUTES JUNE 14, 2007 PAGE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE STATE BOARD OF TRUSTEES IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF INDIANA COLUMBUS, INDIANA FEBRUARY 14, 2008 Chairman Jesse R Brand called the February 14, 2008, regular meeting of the State Board of Trustees to order at 9:30 a.m in Room 2205 at the Columbus Learning Center, 4555 Central Avenue, Columbus, Indiana A ROLL CALL: Secretary Martha E Rivas-Ramos called the roll and the presence of a quorum was announced The following State Trustees were present: Mr Jesse R Brand, Chair Mr Norman E “Ned” Pfau, Jr., Vice Chair Ms Martha E Rivas-Ramos, Secretary Ms Linda Buskirk Ms Leigh A Duckwall Mr David M Findlay Mr Lee J Marchant Mr Robert L McCreary Mr Mark J Neff Mr Steve Schreckengast Mrs Anne K Shane Mr V Bruce Walkup Ms Linda E White (via phone) Ms Kaye H Whitehead B NOTICES OF MEETINGS MAILED AND POSTED: Secretary Martha E Rivas-Ramos confirmed that notices of the February 14, 2008, regular meeting were properly mailed and posted C APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES: Chairman Jesse R Brand directed the trustees’ attention to the minutes of the December 13, 2007, regular board meeting Trustee V Bruce Walkup made the motion to approve the minutes of the December 13, 2007, regular meeting as submitted Trustee Anne K Shane seconded the motion, and the motion was carried unanimously BOARD MINUTES JUNE 14, 2007 PAGE D COMMITTEE REPORTS: Item  Item Reporting for the Executive Committee, Chairman Brand reported that no Executive Committee meeting has been held since the Board last met Chairman Brand asked Trustee Lee J Marchant to present Resolution Number 2008-2 Trustee Marchant explained that Thomas Edington resigned from the Bloomington Regional Board The regional board has recommended Daniel Peterson to replace Tom on the regional board Trustee Marchant moved to approve Resolution Number 2008-2, Appointment of Regional Trustee, Bloomington, appointing Daniel Peterson as a regional trustee for Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana – Bloomington, representing education Trustee Mark J Neff seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously Chairman Brand called upon Trustee Norman E Pfau, Jr for the Budget and Finance Committee Report Trustee Pfau reminded the trustees of the detailed discussions of the following resolutions during the committee meetings the previous afternoon and moved for the approval of: Resolution Number 2008-3, Approval of a Volume Purchase Agreement with Dell Marketing, L.P Trustee Findlay seconded the motion to approve Resolution Number 2008-3, and the motion carried unanimously Resolution Number 2008-4, Resolution of the State Board of Trustees of the Trustees of Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana Authorizing the Selection of Underwriters in Connection with the Sale of Bonds Trustee Walkup seconded the motion to approve Resolution Number 2008-4, and the motion carried unanimously Item Chairman Brand called on Trustee Lee J Marchant to give the Planning and Education Committee Report With the Board fully apprised of the proposed resolution, Trustee Marchant moved that Resolution Number 20085, Approval of New Programs, be approved Trustee Robert L McCreary seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously Item Chairman Brand called on Trustee V Bruce Walkup to give the Buildings, Grounds, and Capital Committee Report With the Board fully apprised of the proposed resolution, Trustee Walkup moved that Resolution Number 2008-Approval to Purchase 0.303 Acres of Improved Land at 712 Sheridan Road in Evansville, Region 12/Southwest, be approved Trustee Linda Buskirk seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously BOARD MINUTES JUNE 14, 2007 PAGE At this time during the regular meeting, Chairman Brand called a public hearing for the consideration and awarding of a Public Works contract for the Renovation of the Franklin Instructional Center building in Franklin Trustee Walkup moved that Resolution Number 2008-7 for the awarding of a contract for the Renovation of the Franklin Instructional Center building in Franklin be approved Trustee Buskirk seconded the motion Chairman Brand asked if anyone in attendance had anything to present to the Board regarding this Resolution, and no one came forward Chairman Brand called for a vote to approve Resolution Number 2008-7, Approval to Renovate the Franklin Instructional Center building in Franklin, Region 10/Columbus, and the motion carried unanimously Item Chairman Brand called upon Trustee David M Findlay to give the Audit Committee Report Trustee Findlay reported that there were no action items to bring before the Board He reported that the relationship between internal audit, central administration, and the chancellors continues to move forward in a positive direction He said that Ben Burton, Executive Director of Internal Audit, provided an update during the Audit Committee meeting yesterday on operational self-evaluations The current templates that are available via the intranet are out of date, and President Snyder asked Mr Burton to work with the central administration finance staff to update those templates Trustee Findlay reported that Mr Burton also provided the 2008-09 audit schedule, and stated that a major focus of the schedule will be the review of the Banner finance implementation The committee also discussed where the greatest risk factors lie within the internal audit function, and those will be included in the audit schedule Item Chairman Brand called upon Trustee Linda E White for a report on the activities of the planning committee Trustee White reminded the Board that the Code of Conduct was previously distributed at the last meeting and it was tabled so that it could include comments from the Board Trustee White said that Susan Brooks, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, has worked diligently with the Planning Committee to bring forward the revised Code of Conduct, which was considered a top priority by the Planning Committee and endorsed by the Board of Trustees Trustee White moved to approve Resolution Number 2008-8, Approval of a Code of Conduct for the State and Regional Boards of Trustees, and Trustee Neff seconded the motion Chairman Brand echoed Trustee White’s praise of Ms Brooks’ diligent work to help bring this to the Board in this format Trustee Steve Schreckengast said that the trustees had discussed reviewing this document at the next meeting and having a review of this policy every year to make sure it is current and that the trustees understand what is expected of them Ms Brooks recommended that this code of conduct be included in the orientations for newly appointed trustees so they know what their obligations are Chairman Brand called for additional comments, and there were none The motion carried unanimously BOARD MINUTES JUNE 14, 2007 PAGE Trustee White reminded the trustees that the Conflict of Interest Policy was also tabled at the last meeting so it, too, could include comments from the Board Again, she thanked Susan Brooks for her work in assisting the committee to get the resolution to this stage Trustee White moved for approval Resolution Number 2008-9, Approval of a Conflict of Interest Policy for the State and Regional Trustees of the College Trustee Schreckengast seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously Trustee White said that the next phase of the Planning Committee, in keeping within their scope of responsibility, is to discuss how the Board becomes involved with the strategic planning process E TREASURER’S REPORT: Chairman Brand called on Bob Holmes, Vice President for Finance/Treasurer, for the Treasurer’s Report  Treasurer Bob Holmes said that we are past the halfway point of the 2007-08 fiscal year Through January, total revenue is up over $26 million compared to this time last year Additional student fee revenue accounts for about $20 million State appropriation revenue is up $5 million, and miscellaneous revenue is up $1.4 million, primarily through improved investment income Interest rates have recently dropped significantly, and that will have an impact on our earnings during the upcoming months We have attempted to mitigate this by extending our maturities in recent months We currently have about 35 percent of our investment portfolio in investments that range from two to five years We were able to lock in those favorable rates before the recent rate drops Total expenditures are up just over $18 million from last year, so we continue to have a positive spread between revenue and expenditure increases About $11 million of the total increase is for compensation costs resulting from the salary pool of 3.5 percent for staff and 4.5 percent for faculty from last year and the additional faculty and staff that have been hired to serve the growing number of students Vice President Holmes invited the trustees to the 200809 strategic plan and budget hearings between March 10 to March 14 He directed the trustees to the last page of the treasurer’s report that showed the dates, locations, and complete schedule for the week Vice President Holmes called for questions, and there were none Trustee Neff moved that the Treasurer’s Report be approved Trustee Norman E Pfau, Jr seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2008 F STATE OF THE COLLEGE: Chairman Brand called on President Thomas J Snyder for the President’s Report  President Snyder thanked the leadership from the Columbus region for hosting the meetings these last two days He said that this has been a great opportunity to see a unique facility in Indiana—the Columbus Learning Center—which resulted from the partnership of Ivy Tech, IUPU-Columbus, and the Columbus Community Education Coalition  He said that the College has been both blessed and challenged with significant increases in enrollment College-wide, spring semester enrollment is up nearly 10 percent from last year Over 77,000 students are enrolled, and eight regions are experiencing doubledigit growth this semester  President Snyder announced that the Board would hear reports from Chancellors Hogan and Whikehart about their respective regions, Columbus and Bloomington He also said that Senior Vice President Brooks would provide the engagement report on Workforce and Economic Development (Dr Marnia Kennon provided an engagement report on Academics during the committee meetings yesterday.) He directed the trustees’ attention to the Indiana Chamber document, “Indiana’s Adult Education and Workforce Skills Performance Report,” which was made possible through the support of The Joyce Foundation It highlights for the first time the challenges that the state of Indiana has to overcome in order to ensure that we have the talent to recruit more companies to locate to Indiana Ivy Tech has a statutory responsibility, in addition to our full credit responsibility, to respond to the challenges revealed in this report Non-credit training is not something that we have adequately funded internally as an institution, and it has not been consistently funded throughout the state, so it means that we all need to collaborate in order to be successful A great indication of collaboration so far is of the team that put this document together which is comprised of legislators, administrators, educators, and community representatives This report establishes a benchmark for the way to provide talent for the state to continue moving forward There are a lot of challenges facing Indiana, and because of the College’s role in Indiana, those challenges fall on the shoulders of our team We have the right people in place  President Snyder called on Vice President for Marketing and Communications, Jeff Fanter, for a report on the College’s “roll out” of basketballs Vice President Fanter said that the College has donated 1,500 basketballs to Boys and Girls Clubs throughout the state, and the donations still continue With each roll out, we have had tremendous coverage of the events; this has been a valuable marketing tool for the College These will continue throughout the state through February We have also reached out to the Boys and Girls Clubs by getting recruiters and tutors into the Clubs to help the students President Snyder offered to the trustees that if they knew of a not-for-profit charity in BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2008 their region that we could reach out to, we could present basketballs to them on their behalf  G President Snyder announced that the Bloomington campus is holding their annual O’Bannon Institute on April 24 and 25 at their campus; and the annual April in Paris fundraiser for the Indianapolis culinary arts department will be on April 27 in Indianapolis The “Seaside Socials” in Florida will be held on February 22 in Naples and on February 23 in Sarasota Vice President for Development, Joyce Rogers, said that these events are used for fundraising and “friend-raising” for the Ivy Tech Foundation OLD BUSINESS: Chairman Brand called for old business, and there was none H NEW BUSINESS: Chairman Brand called for new business  Chairman Brand called on Trustee Walkup to present Resolution Number 2008-1 Trustee Walkup said that under Article 3, Section and Article 4, Section of the State Trustee By-laws, officers of the Board are currently elected during the second calendar quarter – April, May, and June – at the Board’s annual meeting Consequently, the state trustees whose terms expire in June and are not reappointed to a new term by the Governor can vote for the board officers who will be serving as such for up to one year after those members have left the board This resolution changes the election so that only reappointed and newly appointed trustees, ie those that will be serving during the year of the elected officer, would vote Trustee Walkup said that the new trustees should have the opportunity to select the officers rather than having that decision made for them by trustees who no longer serve on the board, and moved to approve Resolution Number 2008-1, Amendments to the State Board By-Laws to Change the Time for the Board’s Annual Meeting and the Election of Board Officer, and Trustee Schreckengast seconded the motion Trustee Findlay asked for clarification on the new timeline, and Vice President for Administration, Bill Morris, explained that currently the election of officers occurs at the June meeting of the Board Trustees are reappointed or appointed effective the first of July Under this amendment, the elections would now occur sometime after July 1, but before September 30 In response to a question from Chairman Brand, Trustee Walkup said that the resolution does not presume that any current trustee will not be reappointed Senior Vice President and General Counsel Brooks explained that in the event that a trustee whose term is expiring and is not reappointed, then that trustee would not have the opportunity to vote for officers Chairman Brand asked who would chair a meeting after July if the sitting chairman BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2008 was not reappointed to the Board Senior Vice President Brooks said that, regardless of the circumstances, if the chair is not present, then the vice chair would preside over the meeting Should both the chair and vice chair not be present, then the Board secretary would preside over the meeting Trustee Neff observed that it is conceivable that there could be a period when there is no head of governance of the Board, and the Board needs to think of this possibility; otherwise, we could be rendering this Board ineffective until such time an election is held Trustee Pfau said that if all of the Board’s officers were not to be reappointed to serve, that a special meeting could be called at the first of July to address the election of officers and reorganize the Board He said that he could not see this Board going for any period of time without any leadership President Snyder called on Vice President for Engagement, Jeff Terp, for a report on the election procedures at other colleges and universities Vice President Terp explained that pursuant to President Snyder’s desire to restructure the College’s Board meeting format, he and directed him and Vice President Morris to meet with their counterparts at in-state colleges and universities to determine their policies and procedures One of the issues we asked about was board elections Vice President Terp reported that all of the institutions elect their officers after the governor makes his appointments to the boards Trustee Findlay commented that he was not sure that he would have been comfortable in his ability to vote for board officers at his first meeting as a new trustee without any knowledge of how the Board of Trustees operates, without any knowledge of the individuals and their skills or strengths or weaknesses Regardless of the practices at IU and Purdue, Trustee Findlay said he would not have felt comfortable electing officers at his first meeting as a new trustee Trustee Shane said the whole orientation process for new trustees could be modified and improved to include such details, and that having newly appointed trustees vote with the current Board could create more cohesion Trustee Leigh A Duckwall said that she feels strongly that keeping some continuity in board leadership is important Having someone as a chair, that board members feel is knowledgeable and knows the history of how the Board operates, is important Trustee Findley observed that the board election procedures at IU and Purdue could be justifiably different than Ivy Tech's IU and Purdue trustees are predominately alumni, or people with a history with their respective universities, whereas the trustees at Ivy Tech have little, if any, history with the College He said we need to balance our thinking when comparing our board to those of IU and Purdue because of the composition of the boards As the discussion had concluded, Chairman Brand reminded the trustees that the motion to approve Resolution Number 2008-1 to amend the by-laws was made and seconded, and he called for a vote Eleven trustees voted yea; Trustees Findlay, Neff, and Duckwall voted Chairman Brand said that the motion to approve this resolution passed  Chairman Brand recognized Trustee Shane, who moved for the approval of the creation of an interim ad hoc workforce and economic development committee of the Board for the purpose of evaluating the need for and the purpose of such a BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 14, 2008 committee, especially with regard to the educational attainment levels of the incumbent workforce This committee would be appointed by the Board Chair in consultation with the College’s president and workforce and economic development senior staff Trustee Marchant seconded the motion Chairman Brand said that he has begun conversations with President Snyder and Senior Vice President for WED Brooks about how we can contribute The motion carried unanimously I  Trustee McCreary said that he’s been fortunate to work with state government for over 30 years Since this meeting is in Columbus, Indiana, he reminded the trustees that former Senate Pro Tem Bob Garton has always been a vocal advocate for Ivy Tech, that he is a great human being who is well respected by both democrats and republicans, and that he deserves acknowledgement for all he has done for Ivy Tech  Trustee Marchant praised both Chairman Brand and President Snyder for hosting one of the best meetings he has attended The dialog between the trustees has been outstanding, and everybody has made contributions, and he feels that the board is moving forward with this new format ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Brand called for a motion to adjourn the meeting Trustee Kaye H Whitehead made the motion to adjourn, and Trustee Buskirk seconded the motion The motion carried unanimously STATE TRUSTEES IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE Jesse R Brand, Chair Martha E Rivas-Ramos, Secretary Dated February 14, 2008 Prepared by Tina S Phelps, Recording Secretary ... seconded the motion to approve Resolution Number 2008-3, and the motion carried unanimously Resolution Number 2008-4, Resolution of the State Board of Trustees of the Trustees of Ivy Tech Community College. .. Section of the State Trustee By-laws, officers of the Board are currently elected during the second calendar quarter – April, May, and June – at the Board? ??s annual meeting Consequently, the state trustees. .. present, then the Board secretary would preside over the meeting Trustee Neff observed that it is conceivable that there could be a period when there is no head of governance of the Board, and the Board

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