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The art of southeast asia (philip rawson)

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Tiêu đề The Art of Southeast Asia
Tác giả Philip Rawson
Trường học University of London
Chuyên ngành Oriental Art
Thể loại illustrated book
Thành phố London
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PHILIP RAWSON Philip Raw son was form erly D irector o f the Gulbenkian M useum o f Oriental A rt at the U niversity o f D urham , and has taught and lectured on oriental art m Britain and the U nited.

PHILIP RAWSON Philip R aw son w as fo rm erly D irector o f the Gulbenkian M useum o f O riental A rt at the U n iv ersity o f D u rham , and has taught and lectured on oriental art m B ritain and the U n ited States H e is a F e llo w o f the R o y a l C o lle g e o f A rt, L on don , w h ere he has taught and lectured, and was lately D ean o f the School o f A rt and D esign, G old sm iths’ C o llege, U n iv ersity o f London H e is the author o f The Art o f T'antra, also in the W o rld o f A rt H e has travelled w id ely in the East W ORLD OF ART T his fam ous series provides the w idest available range o f illustrated books on art in all its aspects I f y o u w o u ld like to receive a com plete list o f titles in print please w rite to: T H A M E S A N D H U D SO N 30 B lo o m sb u ry Street, L on n w c i b QP In the U n ited States please w rite to: T H A M E S A N D H U D SO N IN C 500 Fifth A ven u e, N e w Y o rk , N e w Y o r k Printed in Sin gapore 10110 The Art of Southeast Asia Cam bodia Vietnam Thailand Laos Burma Java Bali Philip Rawson 251 illustrations, 32 in colour THAMES AND HUDSON A n y copy o f this book issued by the publisher as a paperback is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by w ay o f trade or otherwise be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any fo rm o f binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including these words being imposed on a subsequent purchaser C 1967 Thames and Hudson Ltd, London Reprinted ợ ỗ g j A ll Rights Reserved N o part o f this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher ISBN -5 0 -20 -2 Printed and bound in Singapore by C S Graphics Contents Introduction CHAPTER ONE Indochina CHAPTER TWO E a rly A n g k o r CHAPTER THREE T he Classical A g e o f Angk< CHAPTER FOUR C ham pa CHAPTER FIVE Siam and Laos CHAPTER SIX B u rm a CHAPTER SEVEN Ja v a and Bali Select B ib lio g rap h y Index 'Mandalay Amarapum / \ Lanq-stm N a N Jc h a o \ tftami H A N ST A T ES TO N K IN chierißsaen HOUaRan„ h ? V mj}Prabary^\n LAOS ïïuéi Roi E t' Three Pagodas Pass 1A M •Karat \ S \ P o rtA n n a m Vientiane ifiaton ^ avanhh'alok\ Suhhodaya Moulmein M y of Bengal G u lf Of oaf%> Tonkin Mi Son“ ^ 4? Bassah) r , Krai I N D I A N u ,8„ ^R0fuosm %hn(rm Kuien y Andet^ •Sambar CHAM PA >/% C A M BP D lÁ 9j d f Ê K ôã Si ANNAM WAyudhya a tm m a r mJ\ ]DowqDuonq Quan£-namx ,CH EN LA Po NagarJ^ r~Y\oa Lai* IC O C H j\C H I NA V) r r \ F oNu\S^aiqon J V ' —toc-eo /NAN Cape Ca-Maui s#c ? Kondor Islands OCEAN CHIN A SEA • Û Anambas°4” ! 0 too 100 200 mis zoo hms 'Singapore i M a p o f In d o c h in a, T h a ila n d , V ie tn a m , L ao s and B u rm a atu n a Introduction T h e culture o f India has been one o f the w o rld ’s most p o w erfu l civilizing forces C ountries o f the Far East, including C hina, K orea, Japan , T ib et and M o n golia o w e m uch o f w hat is best in their o w n cultures to the inspiration o f ideas im ported from India T he W est, too, has its o w n debts B u t the m em bers o f that circle o f civilizations beyond B u rm a scattered around the G u lf o f Siam and the Ja v a Sea, virtu ally o w e their v e ry existence to the creative influence o f Indian ideas A m o n g the tribal peoples o f Southeast Asia these form ative ideas took root, and blos­ somed N o conquest or invasion, no forced conversion im posed them T h e y w ere adopted because the people saw they w ere go o d and that they could use them T he small colonies o f Indian traders, w h o settled at points o f vantage along the searoutes into the islands and around the coast o f Indochina, m erely im ported w ith them their code o f living, their conceptions o f law and kingship, their rich literature and h igh ly evolved philosophy o f life T h e y interm arried w ith prom inent local fam ilies; and dynasties evolved capable o f organizing extensive kingdom s w ithin w hich their populations could live ordered and fruitful lives O f course the art these Indianized kingdom s produced owes its extraord inary qualities to the genius o f the native peoples For although the m odes m ay be Indian the expression and the content are local W hat the Javanese and Balinese m ade springs from their o w n genius, ju st as A n g k o r did from the genius o f the K h m er T h e arts o f B u rm a and Thailand reflect the particular genius o f the Bu rm ese and the Thai T he Indian m odes provided themes and patterns fo r transform ation, opening up before local peoples avenues o f cultural and artistic developm ent O f course, there w ere regions w here Indian colonies seem to have met little or no response, and their settlements petered out - in the M alay Peninsula, for exam ple, in Sum atra, and perhaps in Saraw ak and N o rth B orn eo B u t archaeology m ay yet reveal m ore about the history o f Indian colonization in the m ore rem ote parts o f the Southern Seas As to the special value o f Southeast Asian art, the pictures in this b o ok should speak for themselves T h e best o f this art com bines a sensuous sweetness w ith a luxuriant m agnificence, blending jo y and delight w ith intense intellectual and im agin­ ative strength T h e sweetness m ay occasionally veer towards the febrile, the strength tow ards crudity B u t alw ays the virtue o f each art is its o w n , unlike any other; each can offer us an im aginative experience w hich must extend our mental horizons 249 T o m b ot R a t u Ib u at A ir M ata, on the island ot M a d u Seve n te e n th c e n tu ry S e n d a n g d u w u r, B a d ja n e g a , g a te w a y B S ix te e n th c e n tu ry T h e g a te w a y to this m o sq u e adapts an im a g e o f the w in g s o f G a ru d a , w h o in H in d u m y th o lo g y carried the d iv in e ro y a l p ro to ty p e V ish n u o n his b ack 2$ i S e lf-p o rtra it b y A lfa n d i, m o d e rn In d o n esia’ s b e s t-k n o w n pain ter, 19 , 61 - b y 53-5 c m 277 S elect Bibliography KEY TO A B B R E V IA T IO N S A A Arts Asiatiques, M usée Guim et, Paris A A S Artibu s Asiae, Ascona A n n Bild I.A B ib l io g r a p h y (Annual) o f Indian A rc haeo lo gy A S IA R Archaeological S u r v e y o f India, Annual R ep o rt B A V H Bulletin des A m is du V ie u x Hué, Hué B C A I Bulletin de la C o m m is sio n arch éologique de l’ Indochine, Paris B E F E O Bulletin de l ộcole franỗaise de l extrờme-Orien t B S E I Bulletin de la Société des Etudes indochinoises, Saigon E F E O lEcole franỗaise d E x trêm e-O rien t, Hanoi, Saigon, then Pans J.A Jo u r n a l asiatique, Société asiatique, Paris JB R S Jo u r n a l o f the B u r m a Res earch Society J.S.S Jo u r n a l o f the Siam Society, B a n g k o k M em ASI M e m o ir s ot the Archaeolo gical S u r v e y o f India O V O ud h eid k u n d ig Versl ag van de O ud heidk u ndige Dienst In N e d Indie (Indonésie) - 9 C ontin ued as: Laporan tahunan Dinas Purbakala 1950 R A A R e v u e des Arts asiatiques, Musée G u im et, Paris T B G Tijdschrift v o o r Indische Taal-, Lan d- en V o lk enk u nd e, uitgegeven door (de L em b aga Kebudajaan Indonesia) (Koninkli jk Bataviassch Genootsc hap van Künsten en Wetenschappen) General B r o w n , R o x a n a M , The Ceramics o f South-East A sia, Their Dating and Iden­ tification, Singapore 1988 Coedès, G., Les Etats hindouisés d’ Indochine et d ’ Indonésie, Histoire du M on de, vol vm, Paris 1948 Trans.: The Indianized States o f South-East Asia (ed W Vella), H onolu lu 1968 Em bre e, J.F , and L O Dotson, Bibli­ ography v f the Peoples and Cultures o f M ainland South-East Asia, N e w H av en 1950 Frédéric, L., The Temples and Sculpture o f Southeast Asia, L on d o n 1965 278 G u y , Jo h n , Oriental Trade Ceramics in South-East Asia, Ninth to Sixteenth C en ­ turies, Singapore 1986 Hall, D G E , A History o f South-East Asia, L ondon 1955 Maju m dar, R C , Hindu Colonies in the Far-East, Calcutta 1944 Smith, R B , and W Watson, Early South-East Asia, N e w Y o r k 1979 Indochina Boisselier, J., La Statuaire khmère et son evolution, Paris and Saigon 1955 Boisselier, J , Note sur deux bouddhas pares des galeries d ’Angkor Vat, B.S E.I vol x x v , Saigon 1950 Bosch, F D K , Le Temple d’Angkor Vat, B E F E O x x x n , Hanoi 1932 B riggs, L.P., The Ancient Khmer Empire, Philadelphia Clacy s, J Y , Introduction l’ Étude de l’Annam et du Champa, Hanoi 1934 Coedès, G., Les Etats hindouisés d'Indochine et d’ Indonésie , Histoire du M onde, vol vin, Paris 1948 Coedès, G., Le Culte de la Royauté divinisée Série Orientale, C o n f é r ­ ence, vol v, R o m e 1952 Coedès, G , Les Bas-reliefs d’ Angkor Vat, B C A I , Pans 1 ' Coedès, G., Seconde Etude sur les bas-reliefs d’ Angkor Vat, B E F E O x m , Hanoi 1913 Coedès, G , Pour mieux comprendre Angkor, Paris 1947 Trans.: Angkor (Engl edn), H o n g K o n g 1975 Co ral Rémusat, G de, L ’Art khmer, les grandes étapes de sou évolution, Paris 1940 C oral Rémusat, G de, Influences javanaises dan l’art de Rolûos, J A , Paris 1933 Deydier, H., Etudes d’ iconographie bouddhique et brahmanique, B E F E O x l v 1, Hanoi 1954 Dupont, P., La Statuaire pré-angkorienne, Ascona 1955 Du pont, P., Les Buddhas dits d’Amaravati en Asie du Sud-Est, B E F E O x l i x , Paris 1959 Du pont, P., Vistm mitrés de l’ Indochine occidentale, B E F E O x l i , Hanoi 194 T Du pont, P., Les Linteaux khmer s du V ille siècle, A A S x v , Ascona 1952 Dupont , P., Art de Dvaravati et art khmer R A A vol ix, Paris 1935 Dupont, P., L ’Art du Kulên et les débuts de la statuaire angkorieune, B E F E O x x x v i , Hanoi 1936 Dupont, P., Les Apports chinois dans le style bouddhique de Dong-duong, B E F E O x l i v , Hanoi 19 7-50 Dupont, P., Les Monuments du Phnom Kulên: le Prasat Neak Ta, B E F E O x x x v i i i , Hanoi 1938 Finot, F., G o lo u b e w , V., Coedès, G , Le Temple d’Angkor Vat, Paris 19 -3 , vols Fmot, L., Parmentier, H., Marchai, H., Le Temple d’Isvarapura, Paris 1926 Finot, L., Les Bas-reliefs de Baphuon, B C A F , Paris 1910 Finot, L., Lokesvara en Indochine, Etudes Asiatiques ., B E F E O , vol 1, Hanoi 1925 Giteau, M , Khmer Sculpture and the Angkor Chnlization, Fribourg 1965; 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British Museu m, L o n d o n (C ourtesy the Trustees) 126, 130, 247; D ep ot for the Preservation o f A n gk o r, Siemreap 64; Co llectio n o f B aro n ne Didelot, Paris 27; Djakarta M useum 169, 172, 174, $ , 196, 197, 202, 209, , 227, 243; D r and Mrs Samuel Eilenberg, N e w Y o r k 200; Musée Gu im et, Paris 8, 9, 10, 16, 22, 23, 24, 30, 44, 63, 97, 98, 100; Gulbenkian M useu m , U n iv er sity o f D u rham 140, 163, 164; Koninklij k Instituut v o o r de T ropen, A m sterd am 222; Madjakerta M useu m ; Museum Nasional, Jak ar ta 224; M useu m o f Asiatic Art, Am sterd am 135, 198, 199; National Museum, B a n g k o k 124, 128; N ational M useu m , H anoi 2, 3, 4, 26; National M useu m , Ph no m -P en h 7, 1 , 12 , [3, 14, 15 , 17, 18, 19, 20, , 25, 28, 29, 56, 65, 81, 96, 99; Pra Sing, Luang Monastery, Ch ie n g m a i 129; Colle ct ion o f Prince C hale rm b o l Y u g a la 127; Colle ction o f Prince Piya Rangsit, B a n g k o k 3 , 134; Rijk sm use um v o o r V olkenkund e, Leiden 226, 229; T o u r a n e M useu m 107, 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , ; T raw u lan Museu m 245, 246; T ro p en m u s eu m , Am sterd am , 242, 248, ; Victoria and Albert M useu m , Lon n 165, 166 Photographic Acknowledgm ents B re e z e w o o d Found ation 12 , 128, ; A n th o n y Christie 69, ; de B eylie: Prome et Samara (1907) , 142, ; Louis Frédéric 45, 46, 58, 124, , , 136 , 13 , 144, 145, 146, 147 , 148, 150 , 159, 169, 170, 172 , , , 19 , 220, 2 , 239, 240, 243 ; J o h n C I rw in 7; K o n in klij k Instituut v o o r de T rop en , Am sterd am 173, 176, 177, 178 , 179, 180, , 186, 189, 197, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 208, 1 , 14, , 223, 228, , 234, 235, 236, 237, 244; J A Lav au d, Paris 15 , 160, , ; O E Nelson, N e w Y o r k 200 ; W O J N i e u w e n k a m p : Bali und Lombok 5, 6; Office du Livre, Fribourg (Photos Hans Hinz, Basle) 7, 19, 20, 25, 28, 29, 56, 6$, 73, 78, 79, 80, 81, 99; Pierre Pittet, Gen eva 184, 190, 19 ; Josephine P o w e ll , 36, 38, 5° , 51 , 53 , 68, , 82, , 12 5, 188, , 193, 194, 195, 201 ; H P a rm e n t ie r : Inventaire descriptif des monuments chams de l’ Annam , E F E O , Paris (1909) 104, 106, 108, 109, ; J G Scott : Burma, A Handbook ( 1 ) 5 , ; W A S w a a n 34, 3$, 52, $7, 62, 74, 77, 83, 86, 90, 93, 94, 95 ; Eileen T w e e d y 97, 98, 00 ; J o h n W eb b, B ro m p to n Studio 130, 166, 247 ; H Y u l e : Narrative o f the Mission (1858) , 15 , 154 Glossary Apsaras: a girl in heaven w h o offers sexual delight to the pious or heroic dead A r i : the old, displaced priesthood o f Burma, who were probably Mah àyâna, or V ajray ân a (q.v.) B a r a y : an artificial reservoir or lake B od hi T r e e : the tree at B o d h g a y a in India under which the B ud dha sat whilst he gained ultimate enlighten- 284 m ent in ad The o r ig in a l tre e w a s c u t 600, b u t t r e e s s u r v i v e down w h ich w e r e g r o w n fr o m cuttin gs B o d h isa t tv a : a spiritual being conceived by B uddhism w h o has by his morality and meditation reached the status ot full enlightenment, but w h o refuses to abandon all other beings to their suffering Fro m com passion he stays in the w o r ld to help B rah m inism : the form o f Hindu religion based on the pre-eminence and sacred role o f the B rah m in caste - a spiritual élite b y birth B u d d h a : a teacher w h o established the Buddhist religion and died 489 b c T h e name means the ‘ a w o k e n o n e’ , or the ‘ enlightened o n e’ C e t iy a : B u r m e s e version o f chaitya (q-v-)- C h a itya: a Buddhist structure o f varied fo rm w h ic h is consecrated to the cult ot the B u d d h a and/or his saints C h a n d i: w o r d used generally in Indo­ nesia to day for an old sacred shrine G ad ro o ned : decorated with long con­ cave depressions in parallel series Gam ela n : an Indonesian orchestra c o m ­ posed o f carefully tuned percussion instruments, usually ot metal Garuda : a mythical creature with wings, claws and beak, but o therwise m a y bc an th ropomorp hic Attacks snakes, and carries the go d Vishnu Hinayana : the fo rm o f ‘ l o w church’ B ud d h is m based on texts in the Pali language, wh ic h tends to emphasize the e v e r y -m a n -fo r -h im s elf aspect K ala-m on ster : a creature w ith horrific face and gapin g mouth , representing D e v o u r in g T im e K ir tim u k h a : the ‘ face o f G l o r y ’ A name for the kâla-mônster (q.v.) Kraton s: fortified villages in'Strategic positions, fr o m which local princes ruled ancient Indonesia Krishp a: an incarnation ot the Indian high G o d Vishnu, abo ut w h o m m an y charm ing tales are told, both heroic and erotic Lakshm ỵ: the Indian goddess o f go od fortune and fertility; usually the wite o f Vishnu L in g a m : em b lem o f the male genital organ as divine sym bol M ah àb hârata: one o f the old Indian epics, c 600-200 b c M ahabodh i : the mo st sacred shrine o f B ud dhism , at B o d h g a y a in India, w h ere the B ud dha gained enlighten­ ment M ahây an a : a fo r m o f B uddhism based on Sanskrit texts wh ic h emphasizes the role o f the compassionate B o d hisattva (q.v.) M a k a r a : a my thical wa ter-m onster usually with a curly snout N a g a : a sacred, mythical snake, guardian o f wa ter supplies or treasure Nats: the nature spirits o f the forest peoples o f Southeast Asia N i r v a n a : the blissful state o f release fr o m suffering, desire and reincarnation, wh ich is the ultimate Buddhist goal Pala: a dy na sty ruling in B ih ar and Bengal between c a d 750 and 1 R a m a y a n a : one o f the old Indian epics, C 0 - 0 B C Sanskrit: the ancient langu age o f India, used later as the language o f literature and learning Sassanian: a dynasty ruling in Persia for several centuries after the birth o f Christ S h a m a n : a professional magician w h o communicates with the spirits Sh iv a: the H ig h G o d o f Hinduism w h o is creator in the guise o f the ling am, destroyer o f the cosmos in his terrible form Stupa: a m ound or dome, containing Bud dhist relics or acting as a focus o f the faith Sutras: the sacred texts o f Buddhism T a n tn k B u d d h is m : a fo rm e m p lo y in g personalizations to sym bolize the categories of religious thought T e m p le - m o u n t a i n : a temple wh ic h rises o ver and encloses a mound, sym b o liz­ ing closeness to heaven and the gods T h e r a v a d a : a name for H inayana (q.v.) indicating its fundamentalist nature T o r a y a : a g a t e w a y with elaborate lintels T u f a : a volcanic rock, o f aerated texture V ajr ayana: Tantr ik B u d dhism (q.v.) focused on the cult o f the Vajra, which symbolizes the highest truth as diamond, thunderbolt and phallus V a t : a shrine W e i: a T u rk ic dy na sty ruling in N o rt h China c - 5 w h o were Buddhist and patronized Buddhist art Y o n i : em b lem o f the female genital organ, as divine sym bo l 285 Index Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations A b e y a d a n a i i , 196 Affandi, painter 275, 277 Air Mata, to m b o f R a t u Ibu 275, Ajanta 36 A k Y u m 19 , 50, 73, 75 A m arend rap ura 42 A n an da , , 183, 194, 196 A n aw rah ta, K i n g o f Pagan , 162, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 174, 176, 180, 184 A n g k o r 10, 27, 42, 44, 43, 45, 46, 54, 59, 63, 65, 73, 75, 78, 80, , 96, 98, 99, 08, 1 , 1 , , 187, 206, , 227, 236 A n g k o r T h o m 65, 75, 76, 99, 100, 100, 1 - , A n g k o r V a t 75, 77, 78, 80-97, 114 , 119 Anu rad hap ura 145 Ar akan 187 A yu thia 136, 142, 143, 146, 150, , 154, 5 , 160 B a k h e n g , 5 , 5 , , , 59, 65 B a k o n g 46, - 5 , 75 Baksei C h a m k r o n g 59 B a n g k o k 10, 143, 144, - , 154, 5 , , B anteay C h m a r 102 B an teay K d e i 102, 104, 1 Banteay Prei N o k a r 42 Banteay Srei - 72, 76, 78, 88, 89 B a p h u o n 76, 77, 81, 88, 89, 100 Bara, Blitar 259, 286 B at C h u m 63 Bath in g places 254, 255, 256, 257, 263, 266 B a y in n a u n g B a y i, K i n g o f B u r m a 143 B a y o n 102, , , 106, 07 , 107, 108, l o g , 1 , 1 , 1 , 186, 236 B ed u lu 256 Bela han 254, 255, 258 B hadrav arm an , K ing of C h a m p a 12 B h a v a v a r m a n II, K i n g o f K h m e r 36 Bin h D inh 1 , 120, , 3 , 133 , 134 B o d h g a y a 145, , 167, 184 B o r o b u d u r , 50, 55, 88, 2 , 14 , , 220-4 0, 244, 247, 254 B u p a y a 174 , C h a iy a 138 2 0, 2 , 222, 2 , 2 , 226, 239 , 249 C handi N g a w e n , C handi Panataran 266, 67, 267, 268, 269, 71 Ch andi P a w o n 26, 2 Ch andi Plaosan 47 , 247 Ch andi Pringapus Ch andi Punta dewa , 1 Ch andi Sanggariti C handi Sari 248, 248, 249, 249 C handi Sa wen tar 256 C handi S e w u 244, 244, 43 , 46, 247 C handi Su m a r Ch andi S u m b er aw an 263 C handi Su raw ana 70, 71 C handi T iku s 266 Ch a u Srei V ib o l 75 C h ie n g m a i 10, 13 , 136, 142, 150 D a N g i 131 Chandi Arju na 10 , D e w a G d e Soberat, artist 275 Chandi B adu t D ien g plateau 10 , 1 , 2 , Ch a n di B ano n 2x4, 213, 214 Chandi B im a 1 D o n g D u o n g 120, , , Chandi Dad i 263 12 5, , 12 7, C handi D jab u n g 266, 66 C handi D ja g o 264, 65 , 65 , E r l a n g g a , K i n g o f Eastern 267, 269, 70 J a v a 254, 5 , 255 C handi D ja w i 269 C handi Kalasan 240, 42 , 243, G a w d a w p a l i n 184, 243 , 244 C handi Kidal 256, , 258, G e d o n g Sanga , 259, 260, 263 G o a Gadjah 256 C h a n d i Lara J o n g g r a n g 30, Guna, K i n g o f Lan N a 142, 250, , , 252, 252, 3 , 146 G u n u n g K a w i , T am p ak sirin g 253 , 254 C handi M end ut —l g , 220, 256, 257 128 H arsh avarm an I, K i n g o f K h m e r 59 H arsh avarm an II, K i n g ot K h m e r 73 H m a w z a : see Sliri Kshetra H oa Lai , 12 , 2 , 12 , 12 H u o n g Q u a , 13 H a-T ru n g King ot K h m e r 44, 45, 50, 52, 52 Ishanavarman, K i n g o t Fou N an 22 In d ravarm an, 254 Kin g of Ja y a v a r m a n II, 12 1, K h m e r 1, 42 , 138 Jayavarm an King of HI, K h m e r 42, 44 Jayavarm an IV, K n ig o f K h m e r 59 Jayavarm an of V, K in g K h m e r 63 Jayavarm an V I, King of K h m e r 80, 81 Ja y a v a r m a n VII , K i n g o f K h m e r 80., 97 , 98 , 99 , 10 , 102, 103, 05, 114, 1 , 187 187 M ahabodh i 167, 184 M ahen dr apar vata 42 Majapahit dy na sty o f Eastern J a v a 208 M andala y 159, 168, 184, 187, 19 M ata ram dy na sty ot Eastern J a v a 207 Mathura M eb on 65, 77, 78, 78 M i So n 1 , 120, , 12 , 126 , 12 7, 130 , 130, 13 M in g o n 187 M o u lm e in 162 M y m p a g a n 178 , 178 , , 183 M ah a M yatm u n i Ja la tu n d a o' \o O 00 \c K au n d in ya Jayavarm an , K i n g o f Fou N a n 27 K en tu n g 189 K o h K e r 8, 59, 60 K o h K r ie n g 30, 3 K o m p o n g Preah 26, 36 K o m p o n g S v a y 98 K o r at 22 K o ta B a n g u n 236, 239 Kubla i K n, M o n g o l leader 119 K u k T r a p 30, 33 K yanzittha, K i n g o f Pagan 184 Lach T ruong 13 176 Lolei 46, 54 L opburi 73, 138, 139 Lokananda 183 N eak Pean 103 N g em p lak s em an g an 236 N g o c Lu, T o n k in 14, 15 N u i Sam , 23 N agayon O c-eo , 23, 27 , , , 163, 164, 16 5, 166, 168, i70-

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