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1995c on the devonian stratighaphy of southeast asia

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ISSN 0866 - 7381 Jo u rn al of GEOLOGY SPECIAL ISSUE PROCEEDINGS OFTHE INTERNATIONALSYMPOSIUM GEOLOGYOFSOUTHEAST ASIA ANDADJACENT AREAS 1-9November 1995 Hanoi Series B — GEOLOGICAL SURVEYOF VIETNAM HANOI 5-6 1995 G.R SHI & ZHAN LI-PEI A m ixed m id-P erm ian m arin e fauna from Y anji area, northeast C hina and its bearing on the bipolarity o f w estern Pacific Perm ian m arine biogeography 164 ROBERT B STOKES 165 Revised tim ing o f the indosinian orogeny: the echinoid test SUN KEQIN 165 Evolution and Ecology o f the C athaysia flora in Asia PHILIPPE TAQUET, BERNARD BATTAIL, JEAN DEJAX, PHILIPPE RICHIR, PHOUVONG SAYARATH & MONETTE VERAN First discovery o f D inosaur footprints and new discoveries o f D inosaur bones in the Lower C retaceous o f the S avannakhet province Laos TONG DZUY THANH, HOU HONGFEI, ТА HOA PHUONG & NGUYE 167 N HUU HUNG On the D evonian S tratighaphy o f Southeast Asia 168 TONG JINNAN & YIN HONGFU Lower T riassic Sequence S tratigraphy o f Lower Y angtze C hina 169 KATSUMI UENO, KOICHI NAGAI, NIKORN NAKORNSRI & TETSUO SUGIYAMA Fusulinacean faunal succesion across the C arboniferous-Perm ian boundary in the Ban Na D in Dam section o f the Loei area N ortheast T hailand 170 VU KHUC A m m onoid zonation o f T riassic and Jurassic in V ietnam and adjacent areas 171 THANIS W ONGWANICH & CLIVE BURRETT T he U pper O rdovician deeper w ater Strom atolites of T hailand and its correlation in SE Asia 172 WANG CHENG-YUAN Conodonts o f P erm ian -T riassic boundary beds and biostratigraphy boundary 173 GORDON D WOOD Im plication o f Fungal and Fungal-like rem ains in the Perm o-T riassic extin ctio n horizon: cause or effect ? 174 GORDON D WOOD Identification o f depositional pattern s and therm al history using palynological techniques 174 A.J WRIGHT D evonian tetraco rals from Padaukpin, M yanm ar 175 GAVIN C YOUNG M iddle Paleozoic vertebrate biogeography o f east A sia-east G ondw ana 176 ZHANG KEXIN, DING MEIHUA, LAI XULONG & LIU JINHUA Conodont sequence and its global correlation o f Perm ian-T riassic boundary in M eishan section, chan g x in g Z hejiang province 177 Journal of GEOLOGY EDITORIAL OFFICE Series B, No 5-6/1995 Pham Ngu Lao Str., Hanoi Tel 84.4.253 110; 84.4.246 461 (Thirty fifth year) Fax: 84.4.254 734 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-chief: TRẦ N VĂN TRỊ M em bers: LÊ Đ Ú t AN, PIIẠ M VAN AN, NGUYEN XUÂN BAO, NGUYEN GIAO, v ũ NGỌ C HẢ I (Deputy Editor-in-chief), v ũ KHÚC, (Deputy Edit or-in-chief), NGUYEN NGHIÊM MINH.TẪ NG MIJỜ I, VÕ CÔNG NGHIỆ P, NGUYỄ N TIẾ N THÀNH, TỐ NG DUY THANH, TRAN MINH THẾ , PHAN TRUỠ NG THỊ , PHAN C ự TIẾ N , LÊ VẦ N TRẢ O, NGUYỄ N KHẮ C VINH, NCỈ UYẺ N TRỌ NG YÊM S ecretary : BÙI ĐỨ C THẮ NG This issue is designed for the publication o f proceedings and abstracts o f papers presented in the International Symposium on Geology o f SE Asia and adjacent areas (1-9 November 1995, Hanoi), organized by the VietnamNational Committee for IGCP, Geological Survey of Viet Nam and IGCP Projects 306 (Stratigraphic correlation in SE Asia), 321 ( Gondwana dispersion and Asian accretion) 359 ( Correlation of Tethyan, Pacific and Gondwanan Permo-Triassic) Coleaders with the co-operation of the Geological Association of Viet Nam and Hanoi National University O N T H E D E V O N IA N S T R A T IG R A P H Y O F S O U T H E A S T A SIA (South C hina, Vietnam , L ao s, Cam bodia, T hailand and M alaysia) TONG-DZUY THANH1, HOU HONG-FEI2, TA HOA PHI JONG1 & NGUYEN HUU HUNG3 Vietnam National University, 90 nguyen Trai Sir., Hanoi Institute o f G eology, 26 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing 100037, China Research Institute o f Geology and Mineral Resources, Thanh Xuan Dong Da, Hanoi The D evonian rocks are d ifferently know n in Southeast Asia In South C hina (G uangxi, Yunnan Provinces), V ietnam and Laos they are w idespread and attract a great num ber o f w orks of geologists The exposures o f them in T hailand and M alaysia are also studied and identified In C am bodia there are only the supposed D evonian rocks According to the existing data the D evonian o f these regions may be exam ined in the follow ing suitable areas - South China and North Vietnam area The D evonian sequences exam ined in this area are w idespread in G uangxi, East Yunnan (China) and N orth Vietnam In the tectonic aspect this area considered as the m ain part o f the South China block In this paper the Song Ma fault is taken as the southern border o f it, instead o f the Red R iver one in the conceptions o f the other authors - Indochina area T his area spreads from the territories o f the N orth part o f C entral Vietnam tow ard to Laos and East T hailand C am bodia is also considered as a part o f this area - Shan-Thai area The D evonian exposures o f this area are observed in W est Yunnan (C hina), main land o f T hailand and its peninsular C onventionally, the D evonian o f M alaysia will be exam ined in the fram e o f this area Due to the lack o f data the D evonian o f other areas o f Southeast Asia w ill not be presented in this paper Lower Devonian South China and North Vietnam area I he sim ilarity o f the Low er D evonian facies and fauna o f the South China and N orth Vietnam area is well studied and proved In both territories the low erm ost beds o f D evonian consist o f the rocks ot the "Old R ed Sandstone" facies (Lianhuashan Form ation in South China and Sika Form ation in N orth V ietnam ) The abundance o f the endem ic faunas o f both Invertebrates and V ertebrates is the m ost distin g u ish ed event o f Low er D evonian in this area The suitable stratig rap h ic units o f them m ay be clearly correlated Some different opinions are being the object o f the discussion On o f them , for exam ple, is the aged and facial identification of the tonkinensis bearing beds Indochina area Lower D evonian in this area is rather different from the South C hina and N orth V ietnam one It consists m ainly o f terrigenous rocks and the Upper part o f w hich corresponds to the open m arine iacres The fossils are poorly co llected, but most o f them are the representatives of Brachiopods and som e C orals in the m arl lens The "Old R ed Sandstone" facies occurs only in the Mid ot Central Vietnam (Tan I.am Form ation) and adjacent localities o f Laos 168 An Upper Silurian - Low er D evonian beds bearing pelagic fauna was described in the N orth of Central Vietnam This inform ation requires the restudy in the near future The sim ilar sequences of the low erm ost beds o f D evonian are observed in Laos Shan-Thai area In this area the Low er D evonian consists m ainly o f the deep water facial rocks w hich expressed them selves in its containing (irap to lites, D acryoconarids and rare thin-shelled Brachiopods They are w ell know n from Yunnan, N orth T hailand and Langkaw i Islands of M alaysia T hanks to the ex istence o f pelagic faunas the correlation o f their bearing beds is well reasonable According to the data o f IIou H ong-fei (1994) a m ark o f the continuous Silurian-D evonian boundary was studied in w estern Yunnan Midlie and Upper Devonian - From the Low er stage o f the M iddle D evonian the differentiation o f the facies and the faunas is lesser and lesser d istinctly The carbonate rocks w ith the open m arine fauna are m ore and m ore w idespread in the Southeast Asia F;or exam ple, apart from the South China and N orth Vietnam area this situation is well expresses also in C entral Vietnam , Laos and Last T hailand From this tim e the endem ic fauna becam e overshadow am ong the benthic com m unities - The carbonate com ponents are m ore abundant in the sequences o f G ivetian and lim estone plays the m ost im portant role in the com position in a lot o f sections The m egafossils such as ('o rals, Brachiopods, Bivalves, T rilobites and others are very com m on in the shallow facial form ations, w hile the pelagic faunas are the m ost indicated fossils o f the deep w ater facies, particularly in the sequences o f siliceous lim estone At the G ivetian tim es the cosm opolites are com m on in the benthic faunas, endem ic genera are very rare A hiatus was observed in the M iddle D evonian sequence o f South China and N ortheast of Vietnam It falls approxim ately in the interval betw een H ifelian and G ivetian - Upper D evonian seem s to be in the restrictive spread in m any areas In South China, Vietnam and Laos the lim estone form ations are com m on in the sequences The stripped and nodular lim estone may consid er as a m arker o f Upper Frasnian and Fam ennian in several areas In W est Yunnan and T hailand, M alaysia (Shan-Thai area) the Fam ennian is absent or takes part in the Red Beds facies o f Upper D evonian - Low er C arboniferous sequence The continuous D evonian C arboniferous boundary is w ell described in G uangxi, near G uilin town In V ietnam this boundary also falls in the continuous equence o f lim estone The stage boundar; identificatio n o f D evonian is b etter studied in South China and then in less level in N orth Vietn m L O W E R T R IA S S IC SE Q U E N C E ST R A T IG R A P H Y O F L O W E R Y A N G T Z E , C H IN A TONG JINNAN AND YIN HONGFU China University o f (leosciences Wuhan, 430074 Based upon the com prehensive studies o f the various strata in num erous sections across different paleogeographic facies, the Low er T riassic o f low er Yangtze is com posed o f four third- 169 ... inosaur bones in the Lower C retaceous o f the S avannakhet province Laos TONG DZUY THANH, HOU HONGFEI, ТА HOA PHUONG & NGUYE 167 N HUU HUNG On the D evonian S tratighaphy o f Southeast Asia 168 TONG... In the tectonic aspect this area considered as the m ain part o f the South China block In this paper the Song Ma fault is taken as the southern border o f it, instead o f the Red R iver one... evonian o f M alaysia will be exam ined in the fram e o f this area Due to the lack o f data the D evonian o f other areas o f Southeast Asia w ill not be presented in this paper Lower Devonian

Ngày đăng: 15/10/2022, 11:24

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