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CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT BUILDING BUSINESS STRATEGY FOR RICE UNDER VNF1 BRAND (2011-2015) CAPSTONE PROJECT REPORT BUILDING BUSINESS STRATEGY FOR RICE UNDER VNF1 BRAND (2011-2015) Group number: 01 Student name : Le Cong Anh Nguyen Viet Thien Nguyen Song Thao Phung Kim Dai HA NOI 2011 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to express our sincere thank to: Ass.Prf Dr Ngo Kim Thanh and lecturers of Griggs University who have step-by-step instructed us, imparted to us a lot of knowledge and conscientiously guided us to complete the capstone project for this MBA course Board of Directors and colleagues in VNF1 Company for having supplying our group with many experiences over the past time to complete this capstone project Families and friends, who always care, support and encourage our groups during the studying process SIGNATURES OF STUDENTS IN GROUP Le Cong Anh Nguyen Viet Thien Nguyen Song Thao Phung Kim Dai M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I: BASIC CONCEPTS ON MAKING BUSINESS STRATEGIES Strategy and business strategy management: 1.1 Strategy: 1.2 Strategic management 2- Process of building strategy: 11 2.1 Mission and main goals: 11 2.2 Selecting and building business strategy 12 2.3 Analyzing external environment 13 2.3.1 Analyzing macro-environment 13 2.3.2 Analyzing micro-environment (sectorial environment): 15 2.4 Analyzing internal environment 18 2.4.1 Analyzing according to field of operation– value chain: 18 2.4.2 Core capacities: 19 2.5 Selecting strategy 19 2.5.1 Tools for analysis 19 2.5.2 Selecting strategy by Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) .21 a- Cost-leadership strategy 23 c- Focus strategy 24 CHAPTER II: ANALYZING REAL SITUATION OF VNF1 COMPANY AND SELECTING STRATERGY 26 Introduction of VNF1 Company: 26 1.1- Vision, mission, tasks and strategic goals of VNF1 26 1.2- Organizational structure of VNF1 Company 27 1.3- Business fields 29 Analyzing macro-environment (PESTLE model) 30 2.1 Politics - Law: 31 2.2 Economy and environment 31 2.3 Technology: 32 2.4 Socio-Culture 32 2.5 Globalization trend 33 2.6 Opportunities/Threats to VNF1 Company 34 2.6.1 Opportunities 34 2.6.2 Threats 34 Analyzing the sector according to PORTER model 35 3.1 Rivalry among competing firms 35 3.2 Threat of substitute products: 37 3.3 Bargaining power of buyers: 38 3.4 Bargaining power of suppliers: 38 3.5 Threat of new entrants: 39 Analyzing internal environment of the Company .39 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 4.1 Personnel organization 40 4.2 Infrastructure, material zone 40 4.3 Infrastructure, location, business network 41 Analyzing SWOT 42 Selecting business strategy for VNF1 45 6.1 External factors affecting VNF1 (EFE) 45 6.2 Internal factor affecting VNF1(IFE) 45 6.3 Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) and selecting optimal strategy 47 Characteristics of targeted customers: 49 Targeted customers: 49 Market segmentation 50 8.1 Bases for segmenting the market 51 8.2 Determining targeted market segment 52 CHAPTER III: OTHERS SUSSGESTING STRATEGY FOR RICE UNDER VNF1 BRAND IN PERIOD 2011-2015 52 Functional strategies and solutions: 52 1.1 Marketing mix strategy: 53 1.1.1 Product quality strategy (Product) 53 1.1.2 Price strategy (Price) 56 1.1.3 Distribution strategy (Place) 56 1.1.4 Product promotion strategy (Promotion) 59 1.2 Human resource management strategy: 60 1.3 Production management strategy 63 1.4 Other functional strategies: 64 1.4.1 Financial & Accounting Strategies: 64 1.4.2 Investment strategy 65 1.5 Forward integration strategy: 65 Recommendations: 65 5.1.To the State: 65 5.2 To the sector: 66 5.3.To the Company: 66 CONCLUSION: 67 REFERENCES 69 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 LIST OF FIGURES Figure1.1: Process of building business strategy Figure1.2: Process of analyzing macro-environment Figure1.3: Five Forces Model Figure1.4: Value chain diagram Figure2.1: Organizational structure of VNF1 Company Figure2.2: More modern consumption habit Figure2.3: Forecast on future consumption trend Figure3.1: Exploiting five levels of products Figure3.2: Diagram of new product development Figure3.3: Distribution system of VNF1 Figure3.4: Glass pyramid model Figure3.5: System of job performance evaluation INTRODUCTION For many years, Vietnamese people’s life and culture have associated with rice Rice is the life and has a close link to the history and socio-economic development and rice is an indispensible food to each Vietnamese person and family However, previously when the economy was underdeveloped, the people’s conception was only “to feed and clothe oneself properly” but now, it is turned to “eating delicious food and wearing good clothes” Group wants to introduce Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand in 2011-2015 of VNF1 Distribution- M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 Retail Joint Stock Company to contribute to meeting the social demand of “eating delicious food and wearing good clothes” Overview of VNF1 Distribution-Retail Joint Stock Company (VNF1 Company): VNF1 Company was established and came into operation on July 01, 2008 under the guideline of the Prime Minister to the Northern Vietnam Food Corporation on building the system of distribution and retail and ensuring food security VNF1 Company was established with the view to overcome the weaknesses of food industry by raising food producing and processing capacities and establishing a professional distribution and retail system from Thua-Thien Hue Province outwards to Northern Province Business registration certificate No.0103025193 issued by Hanoi Planning and Investment Authority Charter capital: VND 200 billion The objective of studying and the possible application in building business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand of VNF1 Distribution-Retail Joint Stock Company: VNF1 Company has not been established for a long time, the studying of business strategy under VNF1brand not only helps the Company to develop a modern rice retail system, helps the Company develop sustainably but also help the Company establish a brand Moreover, the Company also contributes raising the value of Vietnam rice on the world market as well as orienting it become the leading producing and trading enterprise of delicious and clean rice in Vietnam Although rice is a common commodity but it is a necessity and has a fierce competition, even competing on a VND of product Competitors are not one or more specific enterprises, but a massive trading system and not have a leader With the objective of developing the Company and peculiarities of the sector and products, members of group 1, including cadres inside and outside the sector wanted to use the theories on modern business administration of MBA course M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 -Griggs University to provide the enterprise a business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand in 2011-2015 period in a methodical way Via the formation of business strategy for VNF1 Company, group also hopes that this business strategy will be applied and contribute to the sustainable development of VNF1 Company Methodology On the basis of the rationale acquired from MBA Program of Griggs University combined with the research and market survey results, primary information and secondary information, surveys of VNF1Company, information from management agencies, local and overseas institutions in the sector, the support and contributed ideas from the lectures, group and the Company have combined theories and proactive to complete this business strategy Structure of the strategy - Introduction - Chapter I: Rationale - Chapter II: Chapter II: Analyzing real situation of VNF1 Company and selecting strategyhapter III: Others Suggesting strategy - Conclusion - References CHAPTER I: BASIC CONCEPTS ON MAKING BUSINESS STRATEGIES Why enterprises operating in the same sector develop with different paces despite with nearly similar potentials? Whether it is the different determination of position, resources, objectives and the way of implementation for objectives and methods of realizing objectives of enterprises are different; or in other words, strategies of enterprises are different The term “strategy” has never ever been mentioned much in business world as at present It also affirms the importance of strategies to the development of each enterprise M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 With such implication and importance, group would like to introduce the common methodology to build and select business strategy of enterprise Strategy and business strategy management: 1.1 Strategy: Administrators define business strategy and some related ones in different ways It is resulted from their different accesses in researching: - According to Fred R David “business strategy contains means reaching long term objective” - According to Alfred Chadler, Harvard University “Strategy includes fixing long term basic goal of an organization, the selection of method or implementation as well as essential resources’ allocation to perform that strategy” - Or according to William J Glueck: “Business strategy is a united, comprehensive and cooperative one designed to ensure the enforcement of basic targets in enterprise” In general, concepts about business strategy imply the main contents as following: - To define short term and long term target for organization - To introduce comprehensive action programs for reaching targets - To select action programs, develop and allocate resources for enforcing those targets 1.2 Strategic management In business activities of an enterprise, the existence and success in business not only depend on the soundness of strategies but also rely on the strategic management In the broadest sense, strategic management is the process of implementing “strategic decisions” These strategic decisions are often the answers for the question how to achieve the set goals such as selecting products, gaining competitive advantages compared to rivals, how to create and grasp new opportunities, etc M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 Strategic management often includes three main parts, namely analyzing strategy, selecting strategy and implementing strategy The parts have a close relation and are illustrated in figure 1.1: Strategy selection Strategy analysis Strategy implementat ion Figure 1.1 From analyzing these three main parts, we can see that strategic management is the process researching, analyzing external and internal environment of the company at present as well as in the future; setting up targets, planning, conducting and monitoring strategy with the most efficiency to reach expected ones Regarding in process, strategic management is considered as a management one including the formation of strategic vision, establishment, draft of a target, enforcement and ajustment over time matching to the reality In general, business strategy also makes enterprises clarify their orientation with the method to operate organization structure and activities to gain achievements Additionally, in fluctuated business environment, strategy also helps enterprise to reduce risks, make use of opportunities, balance resources to maximize predetermined targets 10 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 convenience to consumers, delivering goods to customers’ house, and positively deploying sales channel by phone and online to keep the image of the enterprise via human resource, process and physical expressions consistently in the entire system There are more new better quality products, we need pay more attention to the effectiveness of the product distribution; each marketing staff group will distribute and offer some certain products In order to develop a lot of rice products under VNF1 brand, thickening distribution channels is very essential There are three important indicators to assess the effectiveness of the distribution channel as follows: - Customer data: This allows realizing whether the company sells a lot of products or raises the recognition about the brand - Percentage of customers’ feedbacks: Reveals the success of the brand - Revenue achieved: This revenue has to be defined based on the field of action to assess the belief of each region Build post-sales services: Customer service, consultant service, change error products, loyal customer card, VIP card, birthday, weeding anniversary, etc Thereby, group proposes rice distribution system under VNF1 brand as follows: DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL SYSTEM OF VNF1 57 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 VNF1 VNF1 Salesdepartment department Sales Direct Direct channel channel Special Special ized ized stores stores ofof VNF1 VNF1 Conven Conven ience ience stores stores ofof VNF1 VNF1 Restau Restau rants/H rants/H otels otels Facto Facto ries ries Traditio Traditio nal nal channel channel Super Super market market s sofof VNF1 VNF1 Distrib Distrib utor utor Indirect Indirect channel channel Modernchannel channel Modern Superm Superm arkets arkets outside outside VNF1 VNF1 Retail Retail reseller reseller ss Metro Metro Retail Retail reseller reseller ss Consumers––Restaurants Restaurants(Hotels) (Hotels)––Factories Factories Consumers Figure 3.3 Direct channel: This channel is organized and designed by the VNF1 itself under the model of specialized stores, convenience stores and supermarkets of VNF1 Using this channel is to realize the feedbacks of customers to standardize the product and customer service of VNF1 Company 58 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 Restaurant/Hotel channel: Rice under VNF1 brand is distributed to highlevel restaurant and hotel systems and through this channel, brand of VNF1 Company is improved Factory channel: Are factories using high-quality rice of VNF1 as materials for producing high-grade foodstuff and beverage where they have the strictest requirements on the product’s quality Direct channel: Rice product of VNF1 is distributed by one or many intermediary distributors before it falls into the hands of consumers This is a channel mainly bringing about sales and coverage percentage for VNF1 rice brand 1.1.4 Product promotion strategy (Promotion) In the marketing strategy which VNF1 Company is targeting to, promoting the products to change awareness and behavior of consumers and create the image in customers’ awareness is considered to be very important as it creates favorable conditions for the long-term and sustainable development * Funding the cooking competition programs on television and meetings of the Association of Hanoi chefs; developing programs to introduce how to cook and process rice well and funding to construct live exhibition of rice in Vietnam National Museum * Taking part in programs carried out by the Government and Hanoi People’s Committee like relief programs to the difficult regions and flood and natural calamity-hit regions, and price stabilization program * Establishing a website and creating the image that VNF1 is a specialist that is knowledgeable about cultural values of rice, especially linking the website of the company to other websites both in the domestic market and in the world to indirectly orient customers to learn about new values of rice Studying the website US Rice Federation – A World of Great Ideas: towards to potential customers, the next generation, raising the demand for a lot of high-quality rice varieties with attractive processing 59 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 * Building a handbook analyzing the risks of using unsafe rice and guiding consumers how to realize these risks as well as safe rice products * Oral PR: Through introduction of the Company’s customers (Customers who have high requirements on rice like Heineken Beer Group, AC Cook, BBQ restaurant system, Com Viet restaurant system, etc.) about VNF1, the company is known as a prestigious supplier of high-quality rice which meets food hygiene and safety standards of Vietnam * Building attractive advertising programs to targeted customers to advertise on key television channels, broadcasting station, newspaper and online newspapers * Promoting to advertize via e-channels like Email, EMS, etc * Launching attractive promotion programs in supermarkets, commercial centers, and fairs as well as shopping festivals Service is a decisive factor to the success of the plan; VNF1 pays attention to 3P strategy: People, Process and Physical evidence These factors are designed alternately and combined logically in 4P of marketing strategy and other functional strategies 1.2 Human resource management strategy: In order to become a leader in the field of producing and distributing branded rice in the market, VNF1 Company needs a human resource strategy based on “Customer-centric and employee-centric approach” This requires VNF1 Company to pay attention to the development and attraction of human resource because human resource is required to be knowledgeable about rice and high-quality market as well as to have knowledge and qualification in management modern business In the operation process, the Company often has to focus on developing and applying human resource recruitment procedures based on the analysis of working positions of each department or functional division, thereby to make a job description and job specification to control absolutely the human resource recruitment process of the company 60 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 Furthermore, training and developing employees have to be carried out regularly based on updating new knowledge about business management and crosstraining on knowledge about rice According to a class pyramid model about enterprise’s outlook, an enterprise is considered to be successful when it has to be able to serve groups of subject as follows: Custome r Environmen t Service subject Employe e Shareholde r Figure 3.4 The core issue is to build a system of performance appraisal in a close and comprehensive relationship with other factors like a wage system (both financial and non-financial wage), employee motivation policy and HR training and development plans 61 M08 Group I Job description Wage Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Reward, discipline Encourage, motivate 2011 Job specification Train and develop Figure 3.5 VNF1 Company must gradually and regularly review the remuneration, including direct financial, indirect financial and non-financial wages, revenue and actual production costs to revise the entire wage system so that this wage system is appropriate with strict and clear discipline to timely motivate and encourage employees to contribute on attaching employees closely to the company Human resource is a very important factor to the enterprise in general and especially to the development of a product line under the brand and image of the company in particular In order to make VNF1 brand well-known and recognized by the people, apart from creating product line, marketing strategy, etc., high appreciation of the role of employees in every activity, creating a motive for them to work more enthusiastically and actively, encourage them to be proactive in creativeness and respecting creative achievements of employees is a very important factor to the implementation of the strategy for rice under VNF1 brand Therefore, VNF1 Company needs: - Creating democratic and liberal environment with long-term goals to promote the entire staffs to support and sustain a new leading style - Creating healthy and high competitive environment; the employees often have to be conscious of learning and improving methods to meet all requirements of the job and promote the working efficiency 62 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 - Establish an enterprise with the characteristic of “a learning organization” so that the company is able to stabilize and develop in the context of high competitiveness of branded rice business - Building a detailed list of items which HR manager need manage and supervise daily to ensure the effective implementation of the coordination to meet the exact needs of the professional divisions, and advise the leader on the long-term development plan 1.3 Production management strategy To achieve the sustainable development in trading branded rice and creating a rice product line under VNF1 brand, the company needs pay attention to following issues: - Forecast on demand: Need totaling up the real consumption of rice, thereby to have a plan to reserve materials, organizing the production appropriately to save costs and eliminate costs which not benefit the enterprise such as Waste due to unreasonable storage of inventory and waste in the production process as equipment is incompatible, the employees may not be proficient in skills and their awareness is not high, resulting in high rate of error products Moreover, special rice is seasonable (there is only one harvest a year and it must be reserved to serve the demand of customers); therefore, the calculation of demand and reducing inventory are especially important - Labor productivity: In order to raise labor productivity, reduce the product cost and create high competitive products, investing in substitute operation machine and equipment for manual labors (automatic production, packaging and classification of the product) is an indispensable factor, at the same time arrange production lines and apply modern production methods (JIT/LEAN) to the production and deploy 5S programs - Product quality management: The Company needs continue to reinforce and complement production process and quality management process to improve 63 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 the quality of the product made by the company such as managing the product quality based on standards like HACCP, ISO 9001/22000 With the proposed strategy, called a product differentiation strategy applied to rice under VNF1 brand, the establishment of plant to process rice which meets food hygiene and safety standards is a leading strategy and a key for the success of the company in trading rice under the name and image of VNF1 company 1.4 Other functional strategies: To maintain the success of business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand, the company must carry out other functional strategies in parallel to create a balance in the development and avoid bottle-neck The efficiency of the strategy is assessed in the worst weakness of the enterprise 1.4.1 Financial & Accounting Strategies: Financial strategy – in order to make financial operation of the enterprise effective, the company needs maximize the available resources, mobilizing external resources and improving the efficiency of capital-use and profit rate, which is paid a special attention to by shareholders of VNF1 To meet those requirements, accounting and financial activities need be improved as follows: • Surveying the inventories of rice varieties to reduce unreasonable inventory • Optimizing management cost and reducing unreasonable costs • Regularly following the debt of customers to avoid the fact that the capital of the company is occupied by customers Checking and classifying customers by the state of debt, solving thoroughly the problem of collecting debt • Arranging accounting-finance department to ensure the timeliness and accuracy, helping the board of directors make adjustments in activities in line with financial situation of the company so that the company does not remain passive in capital • Making a plan to use effectively capital, using necessary capital to ensure the investment of distribution network expansion 64 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 Have to timely update documents and regulations on valued added tax and corporate income tax to serve the business of the company 1.4.2 Investment strategy With the advantage of land ownership from Ha Tinh outwards, to maximize this strength to support the company to develop its distribution system, VNF1 company needs have a long term and effective investment strategy which has been unable to mention within the scope of this study, but it is also a strength that VNF1 needs promote in the short term as well as in the long term 1.5 Forward integration strategy: Improve the efficiency of the sales system to better serve customers through the following activities: Expanding distributor network, meeting the increasing demand of consumers for the products supplied by the company in the coming time Expanding sales network with the plan to cover 100% of the retail outlets across the country, ensuring that company’s products are present throughout the country Developing a system directly connected with the distributors: Doing this requires great financial investment, improving the effectiveness of cooperation with distributors through ordering, delivering, setting payment and controlling inventory On the other hand, this activity will have a strong attachment to the distributors of the company and increase management level from the distributor from the company, at the same time, prepare for distributors modern equipment to compete with other forms of sales via Internet which will be developed in the future in Vietnam market Recommendations: 5.1.To the State: The State ensures to stabilize politics, economy, culture and society of the country The State manages by laws, creating a level playing field for all economic sectors 65 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 The State need to have programming and appropriate development strategy for Vietnam rice sector to partly meet the demand for materials of domestic rice producing enterprises to help reduce the product price First of all, the State need apply science, technique and technology of producing rice under scale suitable for our country The State need have policies and measures to prevent counterfeit goods and rice imported illegally from border gates, negatively affecting consumers’ health and causing losses to rice farmers and domestic rice producing enterprises Renovating procedures and shorten time to register the quality of the product, exclusive right to the product and industrial design, creating favorable conditions for enterprises to launch the product in the market as scheduled and restrict imitating and counterfeiting products The State speeds up carrying out the reforms in administrative procedures, clearing the system of the State 5.2 To the sector: Governing sector plays the role of an effective mentor for new projects or expansion of new enterprises and old ones Governing sector has to well understand and predict right the market demand for being proactive in long-term development plan, increasing business efficiency of the sector as well as saving overall investment cost of the society Governing sector serves as a bridge for the manufacturing enterprises, making rice producing enterprises active in finding supplies of domestic raw materials, saving significantly the source of foreign currency for imports Based on the actual ability of the enterprise and the market demand, the governing sector chooses the direction of investment and scale of effective investment 5.3.To the Company: The Company should have a plan to train employees more practically, for example: 66 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 Sending some experts to work abroad to learn modern experiences in rice distribution of other countries Developing programs on coaching salesperson team about sales skills, customer serving skills and marketing skills Investing more in researching and developing the market Promoting the available advantages in terms of prestige, well-known products, financial potential, management ability, at the same time quickly overcoming the weaknesses to carry out successfully the strategy set Continuing to take part in social welfare programs to reinforce the company’s brand as well as contribute to developing the society CONCLUSION: The purpose of the study is to define the current position of VNF1 Company in the market to determine an appropriate business strategy targeting to niche market while still taking the lead in food hygiene and safety to strengthen the brand of Vietnamese rice in general and to make customers recognize the brand of VNF1 Company in particular 67 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 With the goal, vision and mission of VNF1 Company, differentiation strategy is suitable in the short term as well as long term because the strategic goal is closely attached to product quality and customer services to bring about the highest satisfaction to customers At present, Vietnam has joined WTO, so strategy on developing brand and associating brand with product quality are integral, the strategy on creating differentiation in quality, packing, producing and processing products is absolutely appropriate This may be the first step in penetrating into the world market via retail distribution channel and distribution channels of international enterprises in Vietnam The establishment of VNF1 Company is under the orientation on developing retail and distribution system making contribution to price stabilization program pursuant to the mission of the Vietnam Northern Food Corporation (Vinafood1) assigned by the Government Thus, the branded rice distribution of VNF1 Company is also in line with the Government’s guideline This is also a great advantage of the Company The high-quality rice production and distribution contain both potentials and risks To succeed, leaders of the Company need to have high and consistent determination with their goals, all the confusion and lack of determination will likely result in failure In addition, there must be the establishment of good and stable distribution channels In parallel with the establishment of distribution channels and determination of all the Company’s staff, the Company is also recommended to synchronously implement strategies on marketing, human resources, finance, investment, etc to generate added value The above-mentioned strategies are formulated based on existing information about macro-environment and micro-environment as well as future projection based on the assumption of a relatively high stability of business environment In the coming time, in parallel with the application of these strategies, there must be the processing of updated information about the changes of business environment to bring about high efficiency for the enterprise 68 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 With the business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand proposed by Group 1, we hope that it will partly contribute to the development of VNF1 Company into a leading supplier of safe and clean rice to the community REFERENCES Document related to Strategic Management of MBA Program – Griggs University Strategic Management – Le The Gioi and Nguyen Thanh Liem Website of VNF1 http://vnf1jsc.vn Report on Vietnam rice sector and suggestion to develop distribution channel, VNF1, July 2009 Plan to develop distribution system of VNF1 69 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 Survey on rice consumer behavior in Hanoi of VNF1 Company Website of General Statistics Office of Vietnam http://www.gso.gov.vn/ Website http://www.saga.vn/Marketing/Phantichvadubao/13140.saga Website of U.S Rice Federation 10 Website: Riceonline; Vinafood1.com.vn 11 Strongly developing the core distribution system in domestic market, Ass Prof Dr Hoang Tho Xuan, Head of Domestic Market Department, WTO portal of Ministry of Industry and Trade 12 http://wto.nciec.gov.vn/Lists/MarketAccess_vn/DispForm.aspx?ID=124 13 Investment Bridge No.218 on February 14-20, 2011- Way to the market 14.“It is necessary to establish brand for Vietnam rice” May 31, 2005, According to the Laborer 15 Finding out the solutions for sales: Do Hoa, PhD, Web http://www.marketingchienluoc.com of International Management Excellence Ltd 70 M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1brand PL 71/ 71 2011 ... to us a lot of knowledge and conscientiously guided us to complete the capstone project for this MBA course Board of Directors and colleagues in VNF1 Company for having supplying our group with... cadres inside and outside the sector wanted to use the theories on modern business administration of MBA course M08 Group I Business strategy for rice under VNF1 brand 2011 -Griggs University to provide... sustainable development of VNF1 Company Methodology On the basis of the rationale acquired from MBA Program of Griggs University combined with the research and market survey results, primary information

Ngày đăng: 15/10/2022, 23:37

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Mục lục


    1. Strategy and business strategy management:

    2- Process of building strategy:

    2.1 Mission and main goals:

    2.2. Selecting and building business strategy

    2.3.2. Analyzing micro-environment (sectorial environment):

    2.4.1. Analyzing according to field of operation– value chain:

    2.5.2. Selecting strategy by Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM)


    1. Introduction of VNF1 Company:


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