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Tiêu đề Improving Business Strategy For The Vietnam International Bank For The Period Of 2011-2015
Trường học Vietnam International Bank
Chuyên ngành Business Administration
Thể loại thesis
Năm xuất bản 2011
Thành phố Vietnam
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Số trang 69
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Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ COMMITMENT We assure that the content of this exercise has not been delivered to any other training diploma issuing program We further assure that this report has made with our joint efforts The analysis and conclusion to this report, apart from quotations and references, are the results we have made Signatures of students -1- Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents FOREWORD Reason For Choosing Theme Study Objectives Object And Scope Of Study Study Method Expected Results Theme Composition Chapter I: THEORETICAL BASIS Page 1 1 2 FOR STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1.1 Strategic Management and Strategic Concepts 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.4 1.5 Strategic Commitments Strategic Analysis Analyze Macro environment On PEST Model Industry Environmental Analysis Inside Environmental Analysis (internal) SWOT Analysis And SWOT General Table 6 11 12 12 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 Selecting And Building up Business Strategy Performance and Evaluation Chapter II: THE STATUS OF BUSINESS STRATEGY OF VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL BANK (VIB) FOR THE PAST 14 TIME General Introduction of Vietnam International Bank (VIB) VIB's Present Strategy Evaluation VIB's present strategy commitments Analyzing Impact of Macro Environment On Business Activities of 14 15 15 VIB (Pestle Model) Industry Environment Analysis (Five competitive forces - Poster) Direct Competitors Threat Of Substitute Products And Services: Risk From Potential Rivals Client Pressure Suppliers Analyzing The Impact Of Internal Environment On VIB's 24 24 25 26 26 28 Operations -2- 18 30 Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ 2.3 2.4 2.5 Some General Evaluations About VIB's Capability General analysis of SWOT of VIB VIB's Present Business Strategy Chapter III: VIB'S BUSINESS STRATEGY IMPROVEMENT 3.1 3.2 SOLUTIONS VIB FOR THE PERIOD OF 2011-2015 Matters Required For Business Strategy Improvement VIB's Business Strategy Improvement Solutions For The Period Of 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.3 2010 – 2015 General Solution Financial And Business Activity Solution Human Resources Solution Marketing Solution Organizational Structure Improvement Route And Expense Budget For The Implementation Of The 37 41 45 50 50 51 51 52 58 60 62 64 Solutions RECOMMENDATIONS CONCLUSION References 65 66 67 FOREWORD Reason for choosing theme After almost 20 years for changing and integration into the world, Vietnam is a dynamic developing country with average growth rate was more than 7% during last years, considered as a high growth speed in region and on the world In association with the socio-economic development process, the commercial banking system in Vietnam is also more developed, expanded and diversified The Vietnam International Bank (VIB) is also a link in the Banking system and fifth ranked among five leading joint stock commercial banks in Vietnam In order to develop within more severe competing environment, full of challenges, VIB must change itself rapidly to deal with For above issue, our group includes members of class M0809 determine to choose the theme as “Improving Business Strategy For The Vietnam International Bank For the period of 2011-2015” -3- Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ Study Objectives This is to analyze, evaluate business strategy of VIB during the period of 2011-2015, strengths and shortcomings in the business strategy And then propose solutions and suggestions to improve it Object and scope of study Object of study: business strategy of VIB during the period of 2011-2015 Scope of study: VIB in the overall of the banking system in Vietnam Study method Use qualitative method such as: existing documentation study (secondary documentation) to review scope, structure and movement trend of the market Almost qualitative method is used to study, investigate, survey for collecting primary documentations Expected results: It is expected to help the bank leaders to recognize again realities of business orientations and plans of the enterprise as the basis for setting up business strategy during the period of 2011 – 2015 so that increasing competitive power and owner's value Limit of the theme is not having full quantitative primary figures, private figures of the study group Simultaneously, scope of study is not expanded out of the Vietnam market Theme composition Aside from foreword and Conclusion, major contents of the theme composed of chapters: Chapter 1: Theoretical issues of Strategic Management Chapter 2: Business strategy realities of VIB in recent period Chapter 3: Some solutions to improve Business strategy of VIB during the period of 2011 - 2015 -4- Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ Chapter I: THEORETICAL ISSUES OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1.1 Strategic and strategic administrative concepts 1.1.1 Strategic concept Strategy is the process to confirm basic long-term goals, select ways to act and allocate essential resources to reach the goals On the other hand, strategy is also a unified, comprehensive and combined plan designed to make sure basic goals of the company would be reached 1.1.2 Strategic administrative concept: Strategic management : - A set of administrative decisions and ways to specify long-term productivity of the company - Process studying, analyzing inside and outside environment of the company in present and future; confirming goals, planning, performing and inspecting strategy in order to use resources effectively for reaching desire goals 1.1.3 Objectives of strategic management: Strategic management includes five objectives having close relationship with each other described in below diagram: Diagram.1.1 : Describing objectives having close relationship with each other in strategic management -5- Develop Repair if Strategic required Prospect and Mission Establish Repair if the goal required Strategic Management - Group - Set Improve up orthe strategies change iffor attaining required the goal Implement Improveand or run the change chosenif strategies required Assess Restorethe implementatio 1,2,3,4 if n, required monitor, repair and Gamba.M0809 _ adjust Source: Strategic management Documentation – Statistical Publishing House 2009, edited by Prof PhD Le The Gioi Setting up a strategic perspective: it is necessary to specify the image company wants to set up Establishing goals: Transform strategic perspectives into real results Putting forward strategies: Analyze inside and outside environment of the company, analyze industry competition as basis for putting forward strategy This is to analyze PEST, forces and SWOT model Performing and executing strategies: This is usually the most difficult section As one strategy has been analyzed and selected, a task must be done is transforming it into action in organization Evaluating performance and conducting adjustments in perspective, long-term orientations, goals, strategies or performance on the basis of experience and conditions to change ideas upon new opportunities 1.1.4 Benefits of strategic management: Depending on every line of business and scope of the Company, different benefits are expected from strategic management In generally, there are three most basic points, -6- Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ such as: • More clarifying strategic perspective for the company; • More accurate focusing on the most important thing of the strategy; • Improving awareness of rapid change of the environment 1.1.5 Strategic management process Diagram 1.2: Strategic management process including: Fuctions, objectives and strategic goals of the enterpruse (1) Enterprise internal analysis (S,W) (3) Business environment analysis (O,T) (2) Select strategies (4) Company level strategy (5) Business location and staff department strategy Perform strategy (6) Inspect and evaluate performance results (7) Feedback information Source: Lecture of teacher Prof, PhD Ngo Kim Thanh In order to create a good strategy, the enterprise needs competitive strengths, sustainable competition and profit above average level 1.2 Strategic commitments 1.2.1 Vision -7- Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ A good vision is an idea of the company image you have to achieve Vision opens an orientation for the future, a desire of one trademark about what it wanted to achieve Vision is a brief and thorough message orienting long-term activities of a trademark Through vision, an enterprise shall specify what should and should not of a trademark 1.2.2 Mission Mission of the company is a concept used to specify purposes of the company, reasons to establish the company and basis for its existence and development Mission of the company is declaration of the company for the society 1.2.3 Core value Core value does not care about public opinion; it has real value and remarkable importance for people inside the organization Core value is a rare group of guidance principles may have very significant influences; it is soul of an organization and values guiding every action 1.3 Strategic analysis 1.3.1 Analyze macros environment on PEST model PEST model presents factors as Politics, Economics, Social and Technology It is described in below diagram: Diagram 1.3: PEST Model Politics & Law Economic Danger of potential rivals Global Provider's negotiation capacity Competition of existing companies Buyer's negotiation capacity Threats of subsitute products Technology Demography -8- Culture & Society Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ Source: Strategic Administrative Document – Statistical Publishing House 2009 edited by Prof PhD Le The Gioi Economic environment: Specify health and prosperity of the economy Technological environment: serious affecting to product life cycle and create changes for the enterprise Political - legal environment: create remarkable influences on the enterprise through policies and regulations Global environment: create a lot of opportunities as well as challenges for the enterprises 1.3.2 Sector environmental analysis Five competitive forces model This model is proposed by Prof Michael E Porter of Harvard Business Administration College for helping the administrators to realize opportunity and risk that the enterprise of potential has to deal with in an industry This is soDanger called model of five competitive forces In rivals which, it presents five competitive forces within an industry such as: (1) Participation risk of the potential competitors; (2) Competition level between existing companiesBuyer's Provider's Competitio negotiation negotiation of the industry; (3) Negotiation power of the buyer; capacity n of (4) Negotiation power of the capacity existing seller; (5) Thread of the alternative products As described in below figure, Porter companies specified that if these forces are getting stronger, shall limit more abilities of the Threats existing companies in increase of price and getting higherof profit subsitute products Diagram 1.4: PORTER Model of five competitive forces -9- Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ Source: Strategic Administrative Document – Statistical Publishing House 2009 edited by Prof PhD Le The Gioi External Factor Evaluation (EFE) EFE is used to generalize, summarize and evaluates essential opportunities and risks of the outside environment having influences on activities of the enterprise It helps the strategic administrators to be able to evaluate reactive of the enterprise with opportunities and risks, aware of favorable factors/ difficulties of the enterprise at the same time Setting up EFE including steps: - Step 1: Set up list of the major opportunity and risk factors having large influences on successful and failure as well as line of business of the enterprise - Step 2: Classify importance from 0.0 (non important) to 1.0 (very important) for every factor Importance of each factor depends on level of their influences on successful and failure of the enterprise in its line of business Normally, the opportunities have higher classification of importance than risks However, some risks also may have the same classification level if it has extreme special influence on the enterprise Classification level is specified on the basis of comparison with the other competitors or using specialist and group discussing methods Achieved results based upon agreement of the whole group Total classification levels are fixed for all factors must be 1.0 - Step 3: Specify classification coefficient from to for every factor, coefficient of each factor depends on reactive of the enterprise with it In which: - good reaction, - above average reaction, - average reaction and - weak reaction These coefficients are specified by specialist method based upon performance results (present strategic effect) of the enterprise So, classification of importance in step based upon industry, meanwhile classification coefficient in step based upon reality of reactive of the enterprise - Step 4: Multiple importance of every factor with its own coefficient to specify total importance mark of the enterprise - 10 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ Clients Bank balanc e Client account Outstandi ng debt structure Operatio ns Capital market Analyzed Organizatio nal Model Profits Market Competiti on Own capital structu re Predicti ve result Capital resources Over the past time, the analysis and audit made at VIB had still several restrictions, VIB did not have timely grasp of inner changes and situation of the competitors, nor predict risks such as investment portfolio risk, liquidity risk etc., at the same time, because of loose control, faults were not discovered in time, a financially substantial loss happened, this caused the profits and total assets size to be not attained as expected Thus VIB should improve immediately solutions on analysis and control proposed as follows: - 55 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ - Independent financial analyzing division under the Finance Department shall be established, organizational structure of internal audit division shall be strengthened and consolidated, for example, independent financial analyzing division shall be divided into analysis goups, including market analysis group and financial indexes analysis group These groups shall incorporate daily data and make a report to submit to Steering Board of the Company Internal audit division shall be arranged on ordinary personnel structure and under the Control Board An internal accounting division shall be arranged at every intermediary branch to control general works of that branch Internal accountants shall be arranged to cross-control between branches on a periodic basis Establishment of a distrition system between capital mobilization and capital utilization Present strategy policy has shown a lot of weak points, especially in distribution between capital mobilization and capital utilization Risk management division is in manpower deficit and qualifications shortage, as a result the sytem sometimes falls into state of alarm due to non-maintaining of liquidity between capital mobilization and lending resources Therefore VIB should reorganize and re-upgrade this risk management division, in which analyzing the division into special parts, namely market risk management division, operational risk management division and credit risk management division These divisions need to contact closely analysis division and internal audit division to put forward decision-making in time, helping the Steering Board not to fall into passive condition like the past time, simultaneoulsy a reasonable price level can be given for input capital mobilization resources, avoiding overbid for buying the resources than its competitors VIB needs also to establish an asset developing debt management Company to use effectively the utilization of output capital - 56 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ Chart 3.2: Account outstanding - Capital Mobilization Growth Mobilizatio n Account outstandin g From the above chart, we realize that in 2008 the mobilization increased by 123.7%, account outstanding increased by 118.19% compared with 2007, in 2009 the mobilization was 144%, on the contrary account outstanding increased by 138% compared with 2008 Therefore the mobilization growth rate of VIB is always higher than credit growth rate This shows that the utilization of capital resources by VIB is not effective Thus VIB needs to improve some following solutions to promote the credit activity and bring more substantial revenue source for itself in the fortcoming time: Firstly, improve the credit issue process to reduce overlapping procedures which waste time and make the client unsecure while coming to the Bank for loan Secondly, raise credit line to approve for managers of business units, this can increase the initiative and flexibility for client development work at the units and deal with inadequate problems because the approval concentrate at re-verification level at the same time Chart 3.3: VIB's credit quality in 2010 - 57 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ Non-performing loan (NPL) Group debt Debt in term Group debt Bad debt Non-performing loan (NPL)(NPL) Debt in term We can find that non-performing loan is 2.21% (2010), group debt 3.15%, debt in term 94.64% This NPL is at an average rate, however to manage effectively and prevent risks, VIB needs to carry out the following solutions: Firstly, establish centers of recovering pre-term debt and pre-NPL Secondly, start the system of reminding the client to repay their debts before maturity date Thirdly, start the early alarm system, industry forecasting system and abnormal movement warning system Fourthly, start the debt recovery process monitoring system Fifth, establish assets recovery division (under the debt treating department) Raise the rate of service charge collection This source of receipts is of significance In developed countries, the rate of source of receipts from services makes up above 50% of total banking revenue This rate is 18% in VIB This rate is low and is not meeting the plan set out up to 2010 Therefore, VIB should reorganize the following activities to raise the rate of service charge collection: - 58 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ For corporate clients who apply for loan with VIB, it is required to combine consultancy for signing of a contract for salary payment by card along with message service via telephone and Internet To establish package products such as study abroad remittance associated with proof of fund, study abroad loan, credit card making, cross exchange etc., by doing so, more charges could be collected Segment and client identification VIB has determined the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and Retail enterprises as its strategic clients in the present and future, therefore its investment portfolio must attain in both potential and resources with further flexible mechanism for these strategic clients 3.2.3 Human resources solution For recruitment: - Establishment of annual recruitment plan, classification of works to give reasonable requirement to applicants: + For management position: Attractive wage system should be set up to draw qualified and experienced human resources, a special bonus mechanism for staff who recommends an applicant for this position should be issued + For primary dealing position and reception position: Requirements for graduate applicants are not necessary, college graduate applicants should be selected for recruitment that is all, requirements for form and communication skills should be enhanced, from that wage expenses shall be adjusted at a lower rate for this group to save the costs of the Bank + For other positions: Priority must be given to appointment of management positions from internal workforce through interest, monitoring and assessment of inside achievements from trading result periods of the units Recruitment from the outside sources shall be carried out only while positions of which internal workforce - 59 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ has not meet position and titles This shall enable it to own a good workforce which is knowledgeable about business environment of the company - Contracts shall be entered into with domestic prestigious universities to obtain future human resources of good quality though programs such as exchanges, professional orientation, recruitment and acceptance of probation for outstanding and high performance students shall be the priority For training - To register management skill training courses and special courses with BTC training center – annual Banking training center, management levels and specific positions are required and forced to attend such courses and to sign their labor agreements that they shall have a strong attachment to the Bank to work - To establish the system own training center, to set up and incorporate the skill training processes, a training plan should be set up at the beginning of year for the bank's staff and be in accordance with recruitment plan of personnel department in order to submit it to Steering Board for approval Then a notice shall be given to Branches and Operation Centers of arranging for sending their staff for attendance to this center At the same time, the staff shall be required to make their commitments of working at the Bank for long-term This is also one of solutions to maintain its human resources stability Chart 3.4: Reward and encouragement assessment Chart - 60 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ - To apply raising, decrease and reward adjustment policy, in a flexible and BRIEF COMMENCEMENT STEPS Comm unicate job scale system Confir m personn el title Consoli date and propose a personn el list on new title Comm unicate new wage scale system Notify the principle & method of wage adjustm ent Divisio n carrying out the wage adjustm ent Divion giving a feedbac k on wage adjustm ent We are here Propos e, submit for approval and carry out new wage payment timely way, for its employees based on their performance in the assessment period - Unscheduled reward policy for the employees needs to be more specific, increasing the further initiative for Branch Managers - To apply gradually the performance assessment methods in accordance with international standards such as Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and to use Management By Objectives (MBO), subject to specific nature of every position - To create favorable conditions to the staff to have opportunity to access the Bank's products at a cheap and preferential rate Consumer loan (buy house, car etc.); The opportunity for buying a house from property projects in which the Bank participate in funding to employers or other consumer products through comprehensive cooperation between VIB and its partners 3.2.4 Marketing solution For products: At present VIB has divided into two separate blocks, namely retail banking (individuals) and wholesale banking (businesses) However, a minor division is arranged only at every banking, such division specializes in gathering of products from its partner Banks and create its own new products based on the said products to serve the entire system This is very inadequate and reduces competitiveness of VIB's products compared with its competitors To overcome and restrict the above inadequateness, we have some suggestions as follows: - 61 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ VIB should restructure and add further manpower of product development department, organize the department into research groups such as market demand research group, competitor product research group etc., thereby gathering information, combining with technology division, legislative division, source business division to create products that suit every client, getting competitive power and ensuring business efficiency To set up a special bonus mechanism for any officer or employee who provides information on competitors' products in time, associated with policy of commending him/her in the entire industry in order to create a motive for the staff being aware of advantage and defect of their bank products, thereby they are the very persons of best marketing to the client For price: In our judgetment, VIB's service price is not flexible while applied for the client VIB should have more flexible opinion on input and output prices Input price is an interest rate VIB accepts to pay to organizations and individuals who deposit their money with the VIB, instead of applying interest rate agreed on all over the country as it be at present Our proposal: VIB should consider the plan of establishing market research division, which shall coordinate with branches, transaction points to research market characteristics, culture and competition level at every place so as to enable the branches to be proactive to adjust the interest rate at an allowable margin aimed to attract and maintain the clients Apart from local nature, it is specific nature relating to client groups, their lines of business, VIB can research it to offer flexible and reasonable price policies Northeast Area Northern Area, Hanoi - Hai Phong, Hai Duong, Quang Network: The below is VIB's network chart in nine regions: - Ba Dinh, Long Bien, Cau Giay, Ninh and Thai Binh Hoan Kiem, Vinh Phuc, Viet Tri and Thai Nguyen operation centers - branches, 11 operation centers - branches, 13 operation centers Central Vietnam Southern Area, Hanoi - Da Dang, Hue, Quang Ngai and Hai Chau - Hanoi, Dong Da, Ha Dong, Thanh Xuan, Hai Ba Trung, Vinh and Thanh Hoa operation centers - branches, operation centers - branches, operation centers and TTT HN South-eastern Region - Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Tay Ninh and Vung Tau South Central Coast - branches, operation centers Eastern Area, HCMC - Nha Trang, Quy Nhon, Daklak and Lam Dong - branches, operation centers Cuu Long River Delta Area - Can Tho, An Giang, Kien Giang, Dong Thap and Cau Mau - branches, operation centers - SG, HCMC, District 2, Binh Thanh District - 62 - - branches, 13 operation centers and TTT HCMC Western Area, HCMC - District 1, Tan Binh Dist., Go Vap Dist., Disttrict 11, District 5, Thanh Do, District 10, Phu Nhuan Dist - branches, 10 operation centers Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ This operational zoning is mainly based on Vietnamese map geographic boundary VIB's network is now relatively extensive, but mainly concentrate on large cities and populated urban areas Our proposal is as follows: VIB should expand further network to newly emerged economic areas of provinces such as Ha Tay, Bac Ninh, Daklak, Dong Nai provinces etc In addition, for conformity to provisions of the State Bank of Vietnam on restriction of the number of chartered capital based bank branches, VIB should be constantly concerned to a model of establishing savings funds in the areas where population are concentrated by points, with unfavorable transportation, distance between transaction points shall not be large, so costs and resources could be saved, at the same time market shall not be lost or left it unoccupied Expansion: VIB has initiated the slogan “ Bank of Devotion”, but according to a survey, in fact it has not created efficiency as expected The below is our subjective opinion: VIB should remove this slogan and use its original slogan “The heart of banking” VIB's signboards at operation centers are not really attractive, its communications department should re-design these signboards for more prominence Considering to change brand proliferation form by video clips containing fully - 63 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ information on VIB so that viewers can indentify comprehensive and correct strategic ideas for its banking re-positioning 3.2.5 Organizational structure improvement Learning from experience of the re-structuring in the period of 2007 – 2010 and the practical operation process, VIB shall reorganize its organizational structure and new management machine, “ Take clients as center “ The below is the new organizational structure chart of VIB, including some new departments and divisions in accordance with the proposal of organizational structure improvement solution: Chart 3.5: VIB's new organizational structure - 64 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ General Meeting of Sharehold ers Control Board To strengthen the Internal Auditing Technolog y Block Underlyi ng Departm ents Payment Center Risk Managem ent Wholesale Banking Risk Managem ent Committe e ALCO Credit Committ ee organizational Change Management Office (CMO) and Consolidate d Operation Office Board of Managem ent CEO Strategic Planning Retail Banking Treasur y Credit Manage ment Finance Product Committ ee structure administer well Human Resource s Brand & Communic ation Manageme nt 100% capital Underlyin g Compan y Brand Develop ment Credit Risk Market Developm ent Marketing Treasury Sales Credit Policy Integrat ed Account ing Recruit ment Operation al Risk FI & relation with Governmen t Product Managem ent Partner Relation Managem ent Currenc y Market Review Financia l Analysis Training Image System Manage ment Product Managem ent Foreign Exchang e Secured Assets Managem ent Internal Expendi ture C&B Bonds & Investm ent Credit Transacti on Labour Relation Commu nications Manage ment Event Organiz ation Loan Management & Assets Control Center Personn el Service Market Risk Deposit Concentra tion Transactio n Managem ent Center Legislatio n& Complianc e Loan Cash Payment & Cashflow Managem Area ent Directors Administr ation Service Quality & Client Care Real Estate Managem ent systematize the Deposit Charged products & Financial Service Cards Credit Monitorin g Housing Loan Managem ent Individual business loan Other credit products Network Developm ent Nonphysical Distributio n Channels Area Directors Debt Recovery KTTSDB Branch PR Managem ent the proposed strategic objectives, we forward put the following ideas: - Establish strategic planning department and change management office to established strategies, bring forward the ideas - 65 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ related to the general development plan and the specific business plan of every block and of the Bank in every specific period aimed to turn the strategies into the workable plans Having to carry out a continuous analysis of practical situation of the deployment and research the fluctuations of the national economy to put forth the recommendations and timely solutions, implementation method and development orientation of VIB - Establish the Control Board for controlling the implementation of the VIB's strategies From the quantitative and qualitative norms to compare the practical results with the expected results, simultaneously put forward the solutions to repair and prevent when practical deployment made can satisfy no requirements or when socioeconomic and market conditions have the unexpected fluctuations 3.3 Route and expense budget for the implementation of the solutions To ensure the inspection, supervision and effective evaluation of the implementation of the strategic solutions, the following route is required to implement: No Solutions Raising of financial capacity and business activities Human resources Marketing Organizational improvement Estimate of structure expenditure (billion VND) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 X X X X Improve X X X X X X X X X X X X process 1,5 1,8 2,0 1,5 1,0 RECOMMENDATIONS For the State Bank of Vietnam - 66 - and evaluate the whole Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ From the research of the practice and theory, we would like to offer two general recommendations to the State Bank of Vietnam as follows: - To research and set up the norms and general evaluation methodology on operation efficiency of commercial banks If a consensus on aspect of policy and methodology for the banking operation efficiency shall be attained, it shall enable the management agencies and the clients to evaluate uniformly operation situation of the banks Way of separate evaluation as present can not reflect the status of the banks, even, in many reports and summarized evaluations, effective terms are used broadly, but how efficient it is, no one knows thoroughly - To supervise the safety norms, particularly the liquidity for operations of the banks This is a very necessary matter Commonly, the Banks, for the profit objectives, are not interested in capital liquidity That is extremely dangerous for the network In the present condition, management agencies need to analyse and supervise the banks with high profits with respect to the liquidity aspect CONCLUSION - 67 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ As a whole commercial banks competing in the Vietnamese market have their own business strategies Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank (VIB) is one of the banks that have hade years' experience, so the strategy setting up and Strategic Management are partially more methodical than other domestic joint stock banks, some Banks setting up their business strategies primarily rely on intuition of their board of directors or employers, there have not been a full analysis on business environment outside and inside the enterprise in a systematic way, strategy planning tools are not used to obtain an objective assessment and select an optimal plan During the period of Vietnam's economy having drastic changes and integration into the world's economy, there shall have more competitors entering the financial market Apart from the challenges, enterprises have also a lot of opportunities, namely production expansion, export to other countries, increasing needs for infrastructure and housing development and construction, high increase of foreign investment etc , for the reason, the enterprises are required to set up their own strategies which are conformable to their conditions and capacities to attain short-term objectives and longterm development By the above requirements and goals as well as acquired knowledges, the study result of the theme “Business Strategy Improvement of Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank (VIB) for the period of 2011-2015” may be an useful reference for VIB's planning the business strategy Because of limited time and experience, the theme shall have shortcomings and restrictions We group of Gamba.M0809 course wish to receive additional suggestions from teachers and VIB's Steering Board for more perfection of the theme and that can be applied to the practice We sincerely thank for teachers' whole-hearted support and instructions in the past time Thanks! During the theme implementation process, our group has carried out - Survey, analysis and assessment of internal and external environment of VIB - 68 - Strategic Management - Group - Gamba.M0809 _ - Application of SWOT matrix to form the workable strategic plans for VIB - Proposal of some measures supporting to the strategy implementation The theme is only limited to survey, assessment, analysis and planning of the strategies, it does not go into execution and assessment of the strategies set up REFERENCES - Enterprise Development Plan and Strategy - Nguyen Thanh Do - Education Publishing House (1996) - Strategic Management - Assist.Prof.Dr Le The Gioi, Dr Nguyen Thanh Liem, MA Tran Huu Hai – Statistics Publishing House (2007) - Data of years and the 2009 business orientation of VIB's Strategy Planning Department - Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank, the 2006, 2007 and 2008 Annual Report - ACB, Eximbank, Techcombank, MB and Sacombank, the 2006, 2007 and 2008 Annual Report - Peter Rose (2004), Commercial Bank Administration, Financial Publishing House, Hanoi - Prof.Dr Nguyen Thi Lien Diep and MA Pham Van Nam, 2001; Business Strategy and Policy, Statistics Publishing House - The theme Strategic Management, Griggs University - 69 - ... activities so quickly In some service sectors, the competitors such as ACB, Techcombank, Sacombank, Military Bank and Eximbank has powerful developed and got ahead of VIB With the larger scope, diversified... the group of three commercial joint stock banks acquired growth speed as fast as ACB, Sacombank and Techcombank etc Hence, competitiveiness between banks is very high and severely */ Evaluate present... the alarm because of imbalance in liquidity In the past time, because the supervision work was not made closely, so the credit had to be stopped in disbursement due to the imbalance in liquidity

Ngày đăng: 15/10/2022, 23:36
