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NGỮ PHÁP về COMMUNICATION – FUNCTION SENTENCES. COMMUNICATION – FUNCTION SENTENCES PHẦN 1 INTRODUCING AND GREETING I’d like you to meet Ms Hong I’d like to introduce Ms Hong This is Mary Hello, I’m Peter Smith Hi, My name is Brad pit I don’t think.

COMMUNICATION – FUNCTION SENTENCES PHẦN 1: INTRODUCING AND GREETING I’d like you to meet Ms Hong I’d like to introduce Ms Hong This is Mary Hello, I’m Peter Smith Hi, My name is Brad pit I don’t think we’ve met I’m Brad Pit Glad to meet you Good morning/afternoon/evening BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH How you do? Glad/nice/pleased to meet you Hi/hello How you do? I’m Tom Cruise Pleased/nice to meet you I’m Angelia Jolie Nice to meet you I’m Angelia Jolie Glad to meet you/ The pleasure is mine Good morning/afternoon/evening “Nice to meet you” “ .” A.This is Peter White B.Nice to meet you, too C.I’m fine, thanks D.It was nice of you to say so “Hi” “ ” A.The pleasure is mine B.Glad to meet you C.Hi D.How are you “ .” “How you do? I’m Mary Success” A.Have they met before? B.How are things? C.What’s your name? D.Hello I’m Laura Harrington “Hi, Jane” “ ” A.How you spell your name? B.Hi, Jim Carter C.Ok See you again D.Same here PHẦN LEAVING AND SAYING GOODBYE Ra Well, I’m afraid I have to be going/ I really must go now It’s been a pleasure It was nice to meet you Well, it’s getting late Thanks for coming Maybe we could get together sometime Great seeing you I’ve really got to go Got to go now Thanks for coming Yes, I’ve enjoyed it It was good to see you Maybe we can talk again It was fun Sounds good/fun/interesting Same here Ok See you/ya See you later/again Tạm biêt Bye! Until next time Take care Have a nice trip See you later Bye Have a nice weekend Talk to you later Catch you later “Well, it’s getting late” “ ” Bye! Have a good day Good bye Thanks bye So long Take care See you later Thanks, you too Bye, take it easy See you A.Hi Why don’t we go somewhere? B.Great day, isn’t it? C.Maybe we can talk again D.Well, I don’t think we’ve met “Until next time” “ ” A.Good bye B.Please to meet you, too C.Got to go now D Sounds good “ .” “Yes, I’ve enjoyed it” A.It was nice to see you B.Catch you later C.Take care Have a nice trip D.It has been a pleasure “See you later” “ ” A.It was fun B.So long Take care C.Hello D.Well, I’m afraid I have to be going PHẦN 3: THANKING Thanking Thanks a lot/ Thanks/ Thank you Thank you very much for / Many thanks to you Thanks a million It’s very kind (good) of you to / That’s nice of you I can’t thank you enough for I’m really grateful (very much obliged) to you for Thanks anyway BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Replying It’s my pleasure to help/ It’s my pleasure No problem/ Never mind/ Not at all/ You’re welcome You’re most/very/ quite/ entirely welcome Don’t mention it/ Don’t worry about it/ Forget it That’s OK/ That’s alright Anytime “Congratulations!” “ ” A.what a pity! B.You’re welcome C.I’m sorry D.Thank you “It was really kind of you to give me a lift home” A.I’m not pleased B.Oh, don’t mention it I was coming past your house anyway C.Oh, don’t that I was coming past your house anyway D.As a matter of fact, you’re pretty nice “I’ve done the dishes and tidied the living room for you.” “Oh, thank you for doing all that You really didn’t have to.” “ ” A.Yes, I B.Sorry, I don’t know C.Never mind! D.yeah, it’s very tidy “Thank you very much for the lovely flowers” “ ” A.You’re welcome B You like flowers, don’t you C Yeah, the flowers are nice D.It was an excellent choice “Thank you for looking after the children” “ .” A.That’s alright Anytime B.I’m fine Thanks C.Of course, not D.That sounds nice PHẦN APOLOGIZING Apologizing Oh, sorry/ Sorry about that/ I’m sorry/My bad Forgive me I’m terribly sorry about Please accept my apologies for I’d like to apologize for I’m sorry I didn’t mean to V Oh no! Did I that I’m sorry It will not happen again I promise I shouldn’t have done that Pleae let me know if there is anything I can to compensate for you BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Replying You really don’t have to apologize for You don’t need to apologize for Oh, that’s alright It can happen to anyone It’s not your fault/ Don’t worry about it No problem/ Forget it It’s OK/ That’s OK “I’m terribly sorry for this inconvenience” “ ” A.I’ll better next time B.It’s not your fault C.Fine, thanks D.It’s mine I came late “Oh, sorry.” “ ” A.That sounds nice B.Actually I don’t like it C.My pleasure D.That’s OK “ ” “You really don’t need to apologize for that” A.Thanks a lot for your help B.Did he say that he was sorry C.How about eating out tonight? D.Please accept my apologies for this pleasure “Sorry about that” “ ” A.No, of course not B.Let’s plan on it C.I’m fraid I can’t D.No problem “Oh, no Did I that? I’m sorry” “ .” A.Oh, that’s alright I can happen to anyone B Did I? I’m sorry C.I’m worried about that D.No, of course not PHẦN 5: KHEN NGỢI VÀ CHÚC MỪNG (COMPLIMENTING AND CONGRATULATING) Complimenting I think your is very nice I just love your / I really like your What a beautiful you have! You did a good job! What you did was wonderful/desirable/ amazing You played the game so well You look great/ fantastic in your new suit I wish I had such a new house BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Replying = lời cảm ơn Thank you/ Thanks/ Thank you It’s nice of you to say so Thanks, yours is even nicer/ Thanks Yours is nice too Do you think so? Thank you/ I’m glad you like it You did so well, too “Your kids are very cute!” A.Aren’t they? B.I don’t think so C.Do you think so? Thanks D.No problem “ ” “Yes, I know Thank you” A.Where did you get that nice car? B.Why did you change your car? Is it a nice car? It’s a nice car “Those are beautiful!” “ ” A.Well, it can happen to anyone B I know Sorry C.Thank you.It’s nice of you to say so D.Nice to meet you “What a lovely dog you have!” A.Thank you It’s a present from my brother B Thanks I’m just fine C.Don’t worry That’s what friends are for D.Never mind I’ll take care of it “ ” “Oh, thanks I’m glad you like it” A.what does your house cost? B.I like your house It has a nice view C.I don’t know how to get to your house D.Who designed this beautifu house? PHẦN 6: HỎI ĐƯỜNG HOẶC LỜI CHỈ DẪN (ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS OR INSTRUCTIONS) Lời hỏi đường Could you show me the way to ? Could you be so kind to show me how to get to ? Is there a bank near here? Where’s the nearest bank? Lời đáp Turn right/left Go straight ahead for two blocks and then turn left Keep walking until you see/reach It’s just around the corner It’s a long way You should take a taxi Sorry, I’m new here/ I’m a stranger here myself Sorry, I don’t know this area very well Lời xin dẫn Could you show me how to operate this machine? Could you tell me how to ? How does this machine work? Do you know? Lời đáp First, Second, Then, Finally The first step is then Remember to Well, it’s very simple PHẦN 7: LỜI MỜI (INVITATIONS) Lời mời Would you like to ? I would like to invite you to Do you feel like/fancy having Let me Đồng ý lời mời It is a great idea That sounds great/ fantastic/ wonderful/ cool/ fun Yes, I’d love to Why not? OK, let’s that Từ chối lời mời No, thanks I’m afraid I can’t Sorry, but I have another plan I’d love to but Some other time, perhaps PHẦN 8: SỰ CẢM THƠNG Lời diễn đạt cảm thơng I’m sorry to hear that I feel sorry for you I think I understand how you feel You have to learn to accept it Thank you very much It was very kind/ nice/ thoughtful/caring/considerate of you PHẦN 9: THU THẬP THÔNG TIN Yes/no questions: “Yes/ No” + đưa thêm thông tin Cũng trả lời bằng: I think/believe/hope/expect/guess so Sure/Certainly/Of course/Right/Actually I don’t think/ believe/expect/guess so I hope/believe/guess/suppose not I’m afraid not Or questions: chọn lựa chọn E.g Are they Chinese or Japanese? They’re Japanese Pork or beef? –Beef, please/ I’d prefer beef NOTE Have you got the time/ Do you have the time? = What time is it? KHÁC VỚI Have you got time? WH-questions Trả lời ý ng hỏi hỏi TAG-questions = Yes/no questions Jane left early for the first train, didn’t she? Yes, she did PHẦN 10: YÊU CẦU VÀ XIN PHÉP (MAKING REQUESTS AND ASKING FOR PERMISSION) Lời yêu cầu Can/Could/Will/Would you please ? Would you mind + Ving ? Would it be possilbe ? I wonder if ? Lời xin phép May/Might/Can/Could I ? Do you mind if I ? Is it OK if ? Anyone mind if ? Do you think I can/could ? Đồng ý Sure/ Certainly/ Of course No problem I’m happy to Đồng ý Sure/ Certainly/ Of course Go ahead/ you can Do it! Don’t ask Từ chối I’m afraid I can’t I’m busy now/ I’m using it I don’t think it’s possible It’s OK if I it later? Từ chối I’m afraid you can’t I don’t think you can No, you can’t No, not now PHẦN 11: THAN PHIỀN VÀ CHỈ TRÍCH Than phiền trích You should have asked for permission first You shouldn’t have done that Why didn’t you listen to me? You’re late again You damaged my mobile phone No one but you did it Lời đáp I’m terribly sorry I didn’t mean that I’m sorry but I had no choice I’m sorry but the thing is Not me! PHẦN 12: ĐỒNG Ý HOẶC KHÔNG ĐỒNG Ý (AGREEING OR DISAGREEING) Đồng ý I (totally/completely/absolutely) agree with you Absolutely/definitely Exactly! That’s true/ That’s it You are right I can’t agree with you more That’s just what I think That’s what I was going to say Không đồng ý đồng ý phần You could be right but I think I may be wrong but I see what you mean but I think I just don’t think it’s right that I don’t think it’s right that I don’t quite agree because You’re wrong there Personallly, I think that PHẦN 13: HỎI VÀ ĐƯA RA Ý KIẾN (ASKING FOR AND EXPRESSING OPINIONS) Lời hỏi ý kiến What you think about ? Tell me what you think about What is your opinion about/ on ? How you feel about ? Lời đưa ý kiến In my opinion,/ Personally In my view,/ To my mind, It seems to me that As far as I can say/ I’m concerned, I (strongly/ firmly) think/ believe/feel I must say that PHẦN 14: LỜI KHUYÊN HOẶC ĐỀ NGHỊ (ADVISING OR MAKING SUGGESTIONS) If I were you/ in your situation/ shoes, I would It’s a good idea to You should/ had better It is advisable/ recommendable to I would recommend that Why don’t you ? What about/ How about ? Shall we ? Let’s PHẦN 15: LỜI CẢNH BÁO Lời cảnh báo You should/ had better or/ if not You should/had better Otherwise, Lời đáp Thank you/ Thanks I will it PHẦN 16: LỜI ĐỀ NGHỊ GIÚP ĐỠ (OFFERING) Lời đề nghị giúp đỡ Can/ May I help you? Let me help you How can I help you? Would you like some help? Chấp nhận lời đề nghị giúp đỡ Yes, please That’s great That would be great/ fantastic It would be nice/ helpful/ fantastic/wonderful if you could Thanks That would be a great help As long as you don’t mind Từ chối lời đề nghị No, please No That’s OK Thanks, I can manage BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG Mike: “Our living standards have been improved greatly.” –Susan: “ .” A.Thank you for saying so B.Sure I couldn’t agree more C.No, it’s nice to say so D.Yes, it’s nice of you to say so “Do you feel like going to the stadium this afternoon?” – “ ” A.I don’t agree with you I’m afraid B.I feel very bored C.You’re welcome D.That’s would be great “Your hairstyle is terrific, Mary!” – “ .” A.Yes, all right B.Thanks I had it done yesterday C.Never mention it D.Thanks, but I’m afraid “Thank you for taking the time to come here in person.” “ ” A.It’s my pleasure B.I don’t know what time that person comes C.I’d love to come What time? D.Do you have time for gossip? “I have a terrible headache.” “ ” A.Maybe I’m not going to the doctor’s B.Not very well Thanks C.Maybe you should take a rest D.Not bad I’m going to the doctor’s “Do you want me to help you with those suitcases?” “ ” A.Of course, not for me B No, I can’t help you now C No, those aren’t mine D No, I can manage them myself “What does it cost to get to Manchester?” “ ” A.It’s interesting to travel to Manchester B.It depends on how you go C.I always go by train D.I don’t like to go by train “ ” “Yes Do you have any shirts?” A.Could you me a favour? B.Oh, dear What a nice shirt! C.May I help you? D.White, please “What’s the best place to eat lunch?” “ ” A.I’ll have soup, please B I usually eat lunch at twelve C.There’s a great restaurant at the corner of the street D.Twelve would be convenient “Maybe you can take a vacation next month.” “ .” A.Nothing special B.You’re welcome C.It’s very expensive D.I don’t think so I’m teaching all summer “What you think of your new DVD player?” “ .” A.It’s too late now B.Pretty busy C.By bus, I think D.No, I’ll not be busy “Do you need a knife and a fork?” “ ” A.No, I’ll just use a frying pan B No, I’ll just use chopsticks C No, I’ll just use a can opener D.No, I’ll just use a cooker “You’re so patient with us.” “ ” A.Thanks, that’s very nice of you to say so B Thanks Have a nice trip C.I’m fine Thanks D.I know I have trouble controlling my temper “Can I try your new camera?” “ ” A.I’m sorry I can’t B.Sure I’d love to C.Sure But please be careful with it D.I’m sorry I’m home late “ ” “Yes, about ten cigarettes a day.” A.Do you smoke? B.What’s the matter? C.Anything else? D.Well, you should stop smoking “How well you play?” “ ” A.Yes, I used to play tennis B.I don’t play very often C.No, I don’t play very well D.Pretty well, I think “ ” “No, nothing special” A.Did you watch the live show last weekend? B.Did you have a great time last weekend? C.Did you anything special last weekend? D.Did you anywhere last weekend? “Didn’t you go to the conference?” “ ” A.No, I went there with my friends B.That sounds nice, but I can’t C.Don’t worry I’ll go there D.I did, but I didn’t stay long “ .” “No, thank you That’ll be all” A.What would you like? B.It’s very kind of you to help me C.Would you like anything else? D.What kind of food you like? “What was the last present that you received?” “ ” A.“Fashion hat” B.It depends on the situation C.Several times D.I think it’s OK “Let me drive you home” “ ” A.No problem B.Don’t worry I’m all right C.I usually drive home at five D.it’s me “May I leave a message for Ms.David.” “ ” A.I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment B.She’s leaving a meassage to you now C.No, she’s not here now D.Yes, I’ll make sure she gets it “Your boss looks like the aggressive type” “ .” A.Yes, he really wants to get ahead B.Yes, he’s quite gentle C.Really? I’ve never seen him lie D.Right He’s so quiet “How can this dress be so expensive?” “ .” A.Yes, it’s the most expensive B.What an expensive dress! C.You’re paying the brand D.That’s a good idea “I get impatient when the teacher doesn’t tell us the answers.” “ ” A.Yes, it’s hard to think of the answers B.Yes, i wish she’d hurry up C.Yes, she would know the answers D.Yes, she speaks too quickly “Did you play tennis last weekend?” “ .” A.It’s my favorite sport B.I worked C.Do you like it D.Would you like to come with me? “May I speak to the manager?” “ .” A.He always comes late He’s not very well B.Thank you Good bye C.I’m afraid he’s not in Can I take the message D.I’m afraid not He works very hard “Where’s the view? The advertisement said this place has a great view of sea.” “ ” A.It has good facilities B.It’s convenient to see it C.You can find it convenient D.You can see it from the back “Why did you turn the air conditioner on?” “ .” A.I think it’s bad condition B.I can’t see anything C.It’s a little hot in here D.It’s a good idea “There’s a baseball game tonight.” “ ” A.Great Let’s go B.I’m not a real fan of hers C.Don’t mention it D.Thanks, i’d love to ... thanks to you Thanks a million It’s very kind (good) of you to / That’s nice of you I can’t thank you enough for I’m really grateful (very much obliged) to you for Thanks anyway BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH... sorry but the thing is Not me! PHẦN 12: ĐỒNG Ý HOẶC KHÔNG ĐỒNG Ý (AGREEING OR DISAGREEING) Đồng ý I (totally/completely/absolutely) agree with you Absolutely/definitely Exactly! That’s true/ That’s... far as I can say/ I’m concerned, I (strongly/ firmly) think/ believe/feel I must say that PHẦN 14: LỜI KHUYÊN HOẶC ĐỀ NGHỊ (ADVISING OR MAKING SUGGESTIONS) If I were you/ in your situation/

Ngày đăng: 13/10/2022, 18:00

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