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Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh - QUANTIFIERS_ Lượng từ + Bài Tập

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Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh về Lượng Từ QUANTIFIERS. Và Bài tập. Lượng từ: SOME, MANY, ANY, A GREAT NUMBER OF, BOTH OF, MOST, ALL, ALL OF THE, ONE OF, MOST OF THE, PLENTY OF, MUCH, LOTS OF, A LOT OF,,. ngữ pháp về lượng từ đầy đủ, chi tiết có bài tập luyện

QUANTIFIERS I LƯỢNG TỪ ( TỪ CHỈ SỐ LƯỢNG ) Từ số lượng với danh từ đếm được/ danh từ số nhiều a) Some Eg: Some pens are on the table - Có số viết bàn b) Any Eg: There aren’t any chairs in the room – Khơng có ghế phòng c) Many Eg: There aren’t many people living here – Khơng có nhiều người sống d) A large number of: A large number of + countable noun (số nhiều) + V(số nhiều) Eg: A large number of English books have been bought by him - Một số lượng lớn sách tiếng Anh mua e) A great number of Eg: A great number of students said they were forced to practise the piano – Rất nhiều học sinh bảo họ bị ép phải luyện piano f) Plenty of Eg: There were plenty of berries – Có nhiều trái mâm xơi g) A lot of/ lots of Eg: A lot of pupils/ lots of pupils are in the library now (Rất nhiều học sinh / nhiều học sinh thư viện bây giờ.) h) Few/ a few Eg:The house isn’t full There are a few rooms empty - Ngôi nhà chưa kín chỗ đâu Có vài phịng trống He isn't popular He has few friends - Anh khơng tiếng Anh có bạn bè i) Several Eg: I’ve checked it several times – Tôi kiểm tra vài lần g) One of, Each of: E.g: One of students in my class was sick today l) Both of E.g: Both of her books are bought from this store m) Most/ Most of the E.g: Most students are not interested in his class n) All/ All of the E.g: All of the classes have been cleaned up o) Every + N (số it) E.g: Every student must bring one book along p) Almost thường với: Anybody, anything, no one, nobody, all, everybody, every E.g: Almost all Japanese (people) eat rice Từ số lượng với danh từ đếm số a) Every: Eg: I go for walk every morning – Tôi sáng b) Each Eg: Each day seems to pass very slowly – Mỗi ngày dường trôi qua chậm Từ số lượng với danh từ không đếm a) Some Eg: There is some ink in the inkpot Có chút mực lọ mực b) Any Eg: We haven’t got any butter – Chúng tơi khơng có tí bơ c) Much Eg: There isn’t much fresh water on earth - Khơng có nhiều nước trái đất d) A large amount of Eg: He borrowed a large amount of money – Anh ta mượn số tiền lớn e) A great deal of Eg: A great deal of rice is produced in Vietnam - Rất nhiều gạo sản xuất Việt Nam f) Plenty of Eg: Don’t rush, there’s plenty of time Đừng vội vàng, nhiều thời gian h) A lot of/ Lots of Eg: Lots of sugar is sold in the shop - Rất nhiều đường bán cửa hàng A lot of time is needed to learn a language Cần nhiều thời gian để học ngôn ngữ i) Little/ a Little Eg: There is little sugar in my coffee – Có đường cà phê tơi He spoke a little English, so we was able to communicate with him.- Anh nói tiếng Anh, chúng tơi giao tiếp với anh Lưu ý: - some: dùng câu khẳng định; any: dùng câu phủ định, nghi vấn Tuy nhiên, + “SOME” dùng câu yêu cầu, lời mời, lời đề nghị câu hỏi biết câu trả lời: “Would you like some tea?” “Do you have some money?” + “ANY + N (số ít) câu khẳng định có nghĩa “bất cứ”: “You can choose any book to read in my room.” - few, little (ít, khơng nhiều): thường có nghĩa phủ định, khơng đủ để dùng - a few / a little (một vài, ít): thường có nghĩa khẳng định, đủ để dùng - No none Dùng No với danh từ đếm (cả số lẫn số nhiều) khơng đếm E.g: No work was done No letters arrived Dùng No câu khẳng định, mang nghĩa phủ định, “not any + N" We’ve rung all the hotels, and there are no rooms available None = No + Noun Ví dụ: - How much money have you got?" "None." (= no money) - All the tickets have been sold There are none left (= no tickets left) Hoặc sử dụng none of… none of these shops/ none of my money/ none of it/them/us/you - None of the shops were (hoặc was) open -I wanted some cake, but there was none left ĐỘNG TỪ SỬ DỤNG SAU TỪ CHỈ SỐ LƯỢNG 1.Số thập phân, phân số, đo lường + động từ số E.g: Three quarters of a ton is too much 2.All, some, plenty + of + danh từ khơng đếm được+ động từ số E.g: Some of the milk was sour Half, part, a lot + of + danh từ số nhiều + động từ số nhiều Eg: A lot of my friends want to emigrate – Nhiều người bạn muốn di cư No + danh từ số + động từ số Eg:No student has finished their assignment – Khơng có học sinh hồn thành tập No + danh từ số nhiều + động từ số nhiều Eg: No people think alike – Khơng có người nghĩ giống A number of + danh từ số nhiều + động từ số nhiều Eg: A number of countries are overproducing goods – Một số nước sản xuất thừa hàng hóa The number of + danh từ số nhiều + động từ số Eg: The number of visitors increases rapidly – Lượng du khách tăng nhanh chóng ANOTHER/ OTHER/ OTHERS/ THE OTHER – Another: Determiner: ANOTHER + N (C, S): khác Ví dụ: Would you like another dress? (bạn muốn váy không?) Another reason to reject him is experience (Một lý để từ chối anh kinh nghiệm) ANOTHER + N (U: TIME, MONEY, DISTANCE): Ví dụ: I need another 15 minutes A pronoun: The applications are examined by one committee, then passed on to another – Other: Determiner: OTHER + N (C, P/ U): khác Ví dụ: I have no other ideas (tơi khơng có ý kiến khác) There are no other hats she could try (Khơng có mũ khác mà thử) Other travel information can be obtained by calling the freephone number A pronoun: (other: S, others: P) We have to solve this problem, more than any other, today I’ll attach two photos to this email and I’ll send you others tomorrow – The other: Determiner: THE OTHER + N (C, S: the second of two things) / N (C, P: the remaining people or things in a group) Ví dụ: I enjoyed the first movie but I didn’t watch the other movies in the series (Tơi thích phim tơi khơng xem phim khác series đó) Where is the other shoe? (Những giày lại đâu?) A pronoun: (the second of the two things) He had his hat in one hand and a bunch of a flowers in the other PRACTICE: Choose the one answer (A, B, C or D) which best complete the sentence of my parents enjoy fishing They can spend the whole day fishing A.Each B.One C.Both D.Some I still remember Saturday night my mother made a delicious meal for us A.little B.some C.all D.every of my students have a mobile phone but I only allow them to turn it on during breaks A.Each B.One C.All D.Every We wanted to make a cake but there was sugar left A.each B.few C.little D.some Despite the fact that the weather was bad, .of Jason’s friends came to congratulate him A.all B.little C.few D.a little I couldn’t go to the cinema with my friends because I had too homework to A.many B.few C.some D.much There are some apples left in the fridge, just in case you want a bite A.some B.few C.much D.little tourists visited the site this morning A.A little B.Much C.No D.A great deal of Although Isabel always gives her students assignments for the weekend, they are often very easy ones A.a little B.much C.lots of D.little 10 How rice you need for a week? A.little B.much C.some D.many 11 There is not international news in local papers today A.any B.some C.both D.every 12 How continents are there in the world? A.each B.one C.both D.many 13 Helen bought some for dinner A.newspaper B.People C.eggs D.wine 14 We haven’t met people since we came here A.some B.any C.few D.little 15 When I was a child, Sunday I got up early to go to the countryside to visit my grandparents with my mother A.all 16 17 18 19 20 21 B.every C.many D.much My father does not have interest in opera A.no B.many C.few D.any Alice bought a couple of A.news B.rice C.pepper D.cakes We couldn’t find useful information in that thick book A.several B.a few C.many D.any If you need help, talk to Paula She has time A.no B.plenty C.few D.several Nick has nonfiction books but he never reads them A.no B.plenty of C.few D.a number of grade 12 students are looking forward to the result of their first test in the year A.Much B.All C.A little D.Any 22 If the door squeaks, drops of oil in the right places can prevent future trouble A.few B.no C.little D.several 23 people can speak more than one language but not all of them are fluent speakers A.Much B.Many C.Few D.A great deal of 24 Mrs Brown does not like to wear rings on her fingers She wears almost jewelry A.a few B.no C.little D.several 25 Would you like something to eat? I have nice cookies from a friend in France A.few B.some C.no D.little 26 Because our parents took good care of us, we had problems in our young life A.few B.some C.no D.lots of 27 Natasha likes white coffee, so she usually adds milk whenever she has a cup A.several B.little C.no D.lots of 28 I just need some more minutes to finish this excercise A.some B.a little C.little 29 Most students work hard for their exams A.x 30 31 32 33 D.most B.not C.a few D.no Only of the homeless people can read and write properly A.a few B.no D.most Most students work hard for their exams A.x B.not D.no Robinson goes to the fan club Thursday night A.several B.no D.most The lecturer often gives his student time to prepare for their presentation A.a number of B.plenty of C.a few 34 Sarah just bought two books them are brand new C.little C.a few C.every D.many A.Both of B.Many C.All D.Each of 35 Do you have minutes? I’d like to ask you questions as I need information for my term paper A.a few/much/many B.some/some/a C.a few/several/some D.many/some/many number of 36 these books are second hand ones while those over there are brand new A.Many B.Most C.Every D.Many of 37 My grandmother is the kind of person I can always go to whenever I need advice A.many B.x C.little 38 Almost my kids go to bed before pm every night D.each A.all of B.all C.each D.several 39 winner received a present of honor from the organzing committee A.All B.Every C.Some D.Most 40 The film was very boring people stayed until the end A.Many B.A little C.Very few D.Most 41 We not need too apples to make pies will be enough A.much/some B.many/several C.lots of/ no D.most/some 42 my favorite places in the world is a small town called Katherine in the north of Australia A.One B.One of C.Each D.Every 43 Has Tony returned the CDs he borrowed from you? A.almost of B.few C.a few D.all of 44 Almost children like fairty tales A.some B.x C.all of D.all 45 I have met of Rosie’s friends lately They are very down to earth A.much/few B.few/some C.several/ all D.no/ x 46 The new rule of the school states that student has to wear uniform the whole week A.all B.no C.each D.a great deal of 47 When Ali just joined the class, he had trouble adjusting to a new learning environment To make the matters worse, he had friends A.every B.much C.lots of D.no 48 Because their family is very poor, the children have toys A.no B.many C.little D.much 49 For our holiday, we are going to spend days with our friends in Tokyo and then days with our cousins in Melbourne, Australia A.several/ a little B.much/many C.all/many D.some/some 50 After Lisa tasted the soup, he added salt to it A.a few B.some C.all D most 51 There is truth to the old expression “Lightening never strikes the same place twice.” A.without B.none C.no D.not 52 single person can be said to have invented the automobile A.There was not a B Not a C.Not one of D.no 53 A serious study of physics is impossible some knowledge of mathematics A.not with B.no C.not having D.without 54 two fingerprints have ever been found to be exactly the same (fingerprint: dấu vân tay) A.No B.Never C.Not D.None 55 Customers could, until the 1960s, open small savings account at U.S Post Offices but that service is offered A.no longer B.not longer C.no long 56 the reptiles alive today is capable of flight D.no long A.No D.Not B.None of C.Not one 57 Mobile homes were counted as permanent houses until th 1960 census (census: điều tra dân số) A.not B.nor C.no 58 Most solo musicians play sheet music in front of them D.none A.without B.not having C.lacking D.and no 59 Desertification is the creation of deserts where had existed before A.never B.no one C.none 60 Glass snakes are actually legless lizards, snakes D.not one A.no D.none B.not C.nor 61 Old Faithful is the most famous but the most powerful geyser in Yallowstone National park (geyser: tính kỳ dị) A.none of B.no C.nothing D.not 62 Joseph Priestly, the discoverer of oxygen, had little interest in science until he met Benjamin Franklin in Paris A.and not B or no C but not D.nor any 63 Because he had been convicted of armed robbery times before, the judge gave him the maximum sentence this time (sentence: án) A.several B.a great deal of C.much more D.another 64 Scientists have put forward causes to explain the mass extinction of the dinosaurs A.quite a few B.a number of C.a great deal of D.so many 65 Despite the long history of the rights of property ownership, there has been disagreement over what sentence this time A.quite a few B.a number of C.a reat deal of D.so many 66 Karakoram Range, in Central Asia, is extremely inaccessible, and the exceptionally severe natural conditions make life there hard for humans A.The/x B.x/x C.A/a D.x/the 67 Every morning, millions of waste time reading the sports pages A.they/my B.ours/ our own C.us/our D.them/its 68 In David Copperfield, Charles Dickens gives fictionalized account of early life A.the/ himself B.x/ him C.other/ their D.a/ his own ANOTHER/ OTHER/ OTHERS/ THE OTHER I have two bags.One is black and is red a another b the other c others d the others Mr.Paul has three children.One of them is a girl and _ are boys a another b the other c others d the others This computer is out of order.We need one a another b the other c others d the others Some students of mine like Math, prefer Literature a another b some other c others d some others My village is on side of the river a another b the other c others d the others Would you like _ drink? a another b the other c others d the others There are nine pencils on the desk One is blue, one is red and _ is black a another b the other c others d the others I've found one of my running shoes, but I can't find a another b the other c others d the others There were seven apples in the refrigerator They are here Where are ? a another b the other c others d the others 10 This novel is so boring Give me ? a another b the other c others d the others 11 The embassy website has general information about visas. _ travel information can be obtained by calling the hotline number a The others b The other c Other d Others 12 Do you want to exchange this oven for _ or you want your money back? a another b the other c others d other 13 Some scientists think we should reduce the number of flights to prevent global warming: disagree a other b others c the others d the others 14 The headquarters of the company is located on side of the street, directly opposite a another b an other c the others d the other 15 This bike costs $300 and cost $500 upwards a other b others c the other d the others ... left ĐỘNG TỪ SỬ DỤNG SAU TỪ CHỈ SỐ LƯỢNG 1.Số thập phân, phân số, đo lường + động từ số E.g: Three quarters of a ton is too much 2.All, some, plenty + of + danh từ không đếm được+ động từ số E.g:... was sour Half, part, a lot + of + danh từ số nhiều + động từ số nhiều Eg: A lot of my friends want to emigrate – Nhiều người bạn muốn di cư No + danh từ số + động từ số Eg:No student has finished... Khơng có học sinh hồn thành tập No + danh từ số nhiều + động từ số nhiều Eg: No people think alike – Khơng có người nghĩ giống A number of + danh từ số nhiều + động từ số nhiều Eg: A number of

Ngày đăng: 13/10/2022, 17:43

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