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Những câu truyện Halloween cho trẻ bằng tiếng anh

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CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages Story 1 Sowina’s Halloween Story 01 Story 2 The Legend of Werewolf 08 Story 3 Werewolf and Vampire 16 Story 4 Vampire’s Perverse Love 24 Story 5 The Magical Pumpkin 32.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages Story 1: Sowina’s Halloween Story 01 Story 2: The Legend of Werewolf 08 Story 3: Werewolf and Vampire 16 Story 4: Vampire’s Perverse Love 24 Story 5: The Magical Pumpkin 32 Story 6: Halloween Henry 39 STORY 1: SOWINA’S HALLOWEEN STORY Long, long ago, when people were much younger than they are now and you weren't born, then there was a strong belief in Sowina A believe that together we can triumph any evil That together we can face the biggest storm and that, together, we can fight any monster or any ghost! Little Tito: Ghosts! People together could ward off ghosts? Really Papa Big? Papa Big, Tito’s grandfather: Yes, they did, my little Tito! But that was long ago You see! Your Papa Big was young man and your Papa was little boy just like you! Yes, son Sowina, this town that you know was your home was one of the most prospered neighborhoods! People always cared for each other and were happy and uplifted! You know what was Sowina’s unique feature? Sowina's Halloween! People dressed as ghosts, dancing and frolicking warding away the evil spirit! Papa Big was right! One might think that this story is of Halloween But wait! This story isn't just about Halloween! It's about Sowina's Halloween! Little Tito: What? Is that why we celebrate Halloween? Papa Big: Yes, of course! We believe that every year for one night the dead walked the earth So, all of us dressed up like ghosts to scare them away! Sowina celebrated Halloween not to only ward off the evil spirits but also shoo away the evil and negative emotions lying inside our hearts! Little Tito: Inside our hearts? Papa Big: Yes! Lack of humanity Generosity Lack of understanding All these are negative emotions within us There was a time when everybody in Sowina believed in this story And they believed in themselves too! Little Tito: But then… what happened? Papa Big: The ghosts of the mountain! Papa Big explained how the ghosts of the mountain burned their crops and took away people's animals! They came in the dark hours of the nights and destroyed their peace All that was always left behind was the sculpture that today Sowina knows as the Angry Spirit People soon began to offer it crops, clothes and jewelry to claim its anger But the Angry Spirit always wanted more No matter how much we gave, it was never enough So, we decided to give it more than half our money, and more than half of whatever we produce every three months And finally, the destruction stopped But people of Sowina were left with very little After taking out the share for the Angry Spirit, nothing much was left This led to poverty in the town and people began to become impatient and struggled to make their ends meet They stopped celebrating their beloved Halloween and always stayed angry with each other and themselves! “Come on now, your mother must be looking for you And your father already thinks I am spoiling you by telling you all these stories Come on, let's go home!” said Papa Big Tito lived with his parents and his grandfather, Papa Big in a small house Papa Big was one of the oldest person of Sowina He often told stories of Sowina to inspire his grandson to fight for his home! That night, after dinner, Tito went out for a walk with his dog, Strawberry “Can this be true, Berry? Was Sowina really that happy? And if yes then why can't it be that now?” said Tito Thought for a while, Tito’s father called out: “Come inside now, son It's almost dark.” Tito took his dog inside and they locked the doors and windows tight, this was the case every night years now For any given night, the ghosts could come There was no set time for them to wreak havoc in the town People of Sowina slept in each fear night after night waiting for some unfortunate where someone's burnt farm or vanished cattle And after almost two weeks of fortunate peace, that night was it! The villagers were screaming: “Ooh… Aahhh! No, my crops! My crops!” Papa Big ran out with his family to see what has happened and there it was his friend, Bernard's farm “My farm! My farm! Our offerings have been going regularly, then why is this fine burnt? Oh, Papa Big, look at this piece of paper, it says you offered less than expected produce this quarter.” Bernard explained that he couldn't sow crops as he didn't have much money to buy the seeds! But the town people were angry They all began to scream at him instead! One villager: How dare you offer less produce! My farm is right next to yours What if the fire damaged my crops because of you? Another villager: Let’s not fight among ourselves Offering less produce is not a problem, the ghosts are! Papa Big is right! And I say we leave this town right now! But this is where I and my family grew up! But enough is enough I cannot fight all of you and these ghosts anymore It's better I leave too! No matter how much Papa Big tried to convince the people of Sowina, but it seemed inevitable “It's decided then I don't know about you all but two days after Halloween, I would leave Sowina forever,” said one villager “But Papa Big, if people start leaving Sowina, then Sowina would cease to exist,” said little Tito The next day, Tito was very disturbed He didn't know what to and whom to go to Papa Big had already lost hope “There will be no more Sowina, Berry! Wait! What's that noise? Is this Rudy’s store house? Wait… Strawberry! No!” said Tito As Tito ran after his dog, he entered the little storehouse His shoulder hit the sack of coal and blackened his shirt He quickly wiped it off with his hands, but that blackened his hands! And landed in the barrel of flour! Tito got up and took the barrel off and wiped his face with his blackened hands He looked ahead and realized that Strawberry was frolicking in the flour on the floor Both Tito and his dog were now covered in flour from head to toe Just then, and to Tito's surprise! The ghost ran away! “What just happened? Was the ghost scared of me?” thought Tito Tito thought hard and came up with a plan The next day, Papa Big called a meeting for everyone in the town Papa Big: I have not called you here to stop you from living In fact, I haven't called you here at all! Your children have!” Little Tito: Papa Big is right We know that you all don't want to stay here anymore But what about us kids? We know the fear of these ghosts is real But we only have one small request One last time let us all celebrate Sowina's Halloween! It is also the night of our last quarterly offerings! This will be the last festival of our home! The villager's people were hesitant to celebrate any festival together, but they have to give in to the demands of their children They all agreed for the sake of their children “Thank you all! We just have one more request We all will step out of our homes at exactly 11 o'clock in the night!” said Tito Everybody agreed and left Tito said to his friends: “Remember, we have to make sure that we all look like ghosts and each and every member participates in this festival.” The night came! Not a single soul was seen on the road But then! And as soon as the clock struck eleven Sowina was celebrating Halloween! Everybody was dressed in their best ghostly attire and all of them looked horrific! So ghastly that the ghosts got scared! The ghosts: Run…run… Tito’s friends: Wait! These ghosts can talk? Little Tito: Yes! Because they aren't ghosts! I realized this the day I saw that “ghost” in Rudy's store house! Seriously, what the ghost says “boo” anymore? A ghost who is actually a thief! The villagers: These are all the thieves! So, all this while we were afraid of these clowns! How dare you destroy our crops! Let's make them pay! Papa Big: No! The kids have already called the police They are criminals and the law will what has to be done No later, the police came and took away the thieves They were punished for their crimes People of Sowina thanked Tito and his friends and decided to never leave their homes They realized how important it was to stay together and that it was their unity that helped to catch the thieves! They all worked together and soon prospered! The glory of Sowina was restored Sowina's Halloween was celebrated with enthusiasm every year! The victory in sending the ghosts away soon became a legacy which was stayed with Sowina forever And the children of Sowina learnt that the scariest ghosts are those who lay within us! STORY 2: THE LEGEND OF WEREWOLF Once upon a time, in a certain village, there lived a talented hunter named Zac Zac has a close friend named Lycan Although his family was wealthy, he was very stingy Both of them fell in love with a girl named Jen Both men promised to compete fairly and bless whoever can win the girl's love Facing two people, one is Zac, a poor but an honest and hard-working person, while the other is Lycan, who was well off, but really mean It was not difficult for Jen to decide to choose Zac as her lifelong future confidant Knowing that Jen chose to come to Zac, Lycan did not accept his defeat so he came up with a plan He crept into the forest to find the house of the white witch, who was famous for her strange potions and dedicated to helping the poor Lycan said to the witch: “Madam, recently my family's goats have been eaten by the wolves I need something that can lure them out to catch If this keeps happening, I'm afraid they won't last long! Please help us!” The witch heard that pondered for a moment and then gave Lycan a small jar “Take this jar, bury it in the ground and then open the lid The liquid inside will attract the wolves to come close! Remember, be careful when using it! If you touch the liquid, you must turn into a monster!” said the Witch Lycan received the jar, brought it home with a sinister smile Knowing that Jen was about to meet her boyfriend on the night of the full moon, Lycan secretly buried the jar outside of Zac's house, and opened the lid to let the scent fly away Right that full moon night, Zac met Jen But before he could start the conversation, a pack of wolves appeared Zac wanted to take Jen to escape, but the wolves were too many, he could only use his body to block the way for her to run for help Not long after, Lycan brought people to help according to his plan to save the beauty But when he got there, Lycan found that Zac had already defeated half of the wild wolves Otherwise, Jen was nowhere to be seen Thinking that the girl has been eaten by the wolves, Lycan became upset He cursed while digging the jar He said to himself: “It's all your fault, Zack! You failed to protect Jen!” In a fit of rage, he picked up the jar and poured the liquid at Zac The stench from the jar splashed on the hunter Seeing this, the wolves immediately stopped attacking Zac and backed away Zac was startled and fell to the ground in pain, involuntarily looking up at the moon The hair on his body began to grow the house of a landlord named Caleb Caleb was a greedy and cunning man, he could become rich by exploiting all of his servants In spite of being poor, Aaron was a hard-working and kindhearted man He was always willing to help others, no matter how hard it was Unfortunately, the cunning landlord Caleb noticed him “How strong Aaron is! He is still strong enough to help others Then I will make him more work!” thought Caleb Caleb stood in front of Aaron, commanding: “Aaron, today you have to carry one hundred sacks of grain, one hundred loads of wood for tomorrow! And after that… Let me think! You will not be paid if you don't finish it!” Aaron sadly nodded However, Aaron still tried his best to finish all the works Thanks to his hard work, Caleb became richer and richer, the money and treasures were piled up in his house Because Aaron had to work hard, he always returned home in tiredness and exhaustion But he always tried to take care of the animals in his spare time without taking any rest Therefore, his house was always surrounded by the voices of beautiful birds 33 One day, as he returned home after a long working day, he suddenly saw a dove was lying on a tree stump near his house “Poor little dove, your wing is broken That's really painful, right? Don't worry, I will help you, and you will recover soon,” said Aaron Aaron brought it home, carefully treated its wound He himself fed the dove, carefully taking care of it “Eat the grain, then you will be able to fly again!” said Aaron Aaron made a warm nest for the dove by the window of his house so the bird could take a rest there and enjoy the sunlight In his spare time, he talked to the dove and brought it to his garden The dove could meet his friends every day It was really happy and grateful to Aaron “I know you want to thank me But you have to wait until your wounds are healed, then you can return me the favor, right?” said Aaron Thanks to Aaron's good care, the dove was fully recovered soon It usually flew around the house and played with other birds But it didn't want to leave, the dove always stayed in the nest that Aaron had made for it Soon afterward, the autumn turned to winter The flocks of birds hurriedly flew to the south to get rid of the cold of winter The dove hesitated, it wanted to follow its friends, but it also didn't want to leave Aaron 34 Knowing that, Aaron advised it: “My little friend, just follow your friends to get rid of the winter, it will be really cold Come back here to me in the spring.” It seemed like the dove could understand what he had said It nodded The dove said goodbye to Aaron, he flew over and joined a beautiful flock of doves, together they flew to the south No one knew that the flock had swooped down a beautiful island in the south There was only the spring here all year round, with beautiful and green plants As the spring come, they flew to everywhere on earth And when the cold winter was about to begin, they returned to the island to get rid of it This was also the domain of an old fairy named Rosaline and the doves were her favorite pets Rosaline was delighted, she comforted and checked each of them “Welcome back, my beautiful doves!” said Rosaline And soon, she saw that little dove, she quickly realized the condition that it used to have She asked: “Poor my son! You have been wounded and recovered, right? What happened to you? I got it! You were in trouble, and the kind-hearted guy named Aaron had helped you recover, right?” Rosaline swung her hand to cast a spell, then a magic mirror appeared The image of funny, hard-working, and kind-hearted 35 Aaron who always helped the others was reflected in the mirror Rosaline happily nodded her head, then she talked to the little dove: “He has a good heart, I will give him a deserving present!” Soon afterward, the cold winter had gone The flocks of doves then said goodbye to Rosaline and flew everywhere About the little dove, it flew back to the small house of Aaron, he was sitting in front of the house They were really delighted to see each other again “My little dove, you are back! Very good!” said Aaron The dove dropped a glowing pumpkin feed to the palm of Aaron, making him so surprised “My friend, you want to give this seed to me? You want me to plant it in the garden, right?” said Aaron The bird happily nodded Aaron did it, he sowed the pumpkin seed in the garden Magically, the pumpkin plant grew like a weed, it bloomed quickly afterwards and then a single grand pumpkin appeared Aaron happily rolled the pumpkin to his house He exclaimed: “My god, why is this pumpkin so heavy?” When the pumpkin was chopped, there was plenty of gold and treasure spilled out from its pulp making Aaron astonished and 36 happy “Incredible! I have never seen so much gold before in my life!” said Aaron Aaron became richer than Caleb the landlord He could build a magnificent palace, and he no longer had to work for Caleb The news that Aaron suddenly became rich reached the ears of the greedy landlord He was so jealous that he decided to go there to ask Aaron Aaron was really honest, he told all of his story to Caleb Immediately, Caleb came up with a stratagem When Aaron hadn't noticed, Caleb snuck into his garden and catch the poor little dove He gazed at the dove and smiled cunningly: “Little dove, now you are mine!” Caleb put the dove in an iron cage It was so angry that it flapped the wings continuously to escape making its feather shed inside the cage Caleb was satisfied, he said: “Do not try it in vain Stay inside this cage, I will feed you well But remember to bring the magical pumpkin seed back to me.” Caleb brought the expensive food to the dove every day He would anything to make the bird happy However, the dove was always sad, because it had no freedom, it ate nothing, and became weaker and weaker The dove understood everything, it always remembered all the things that Caleb had done to it 37 Time went by, a cold winter was about to come again The flocks of birds hurriedly flew to the south to get rid of the cold Caleb also let the dove out of the cage “Fly, my dove! And remember to bring the magical pumpkin seed back to me!” said Caleb The little dove flew to the sky and joined its flock Like the last winter, the dove swooped down the beautiful island of the old fairy Rosaline happily checked each of the dove To the turn of the poor dove, she surprisedly realized that it was weaker than before, with only a few feathers “I remember that last year, you were treated by that kind guy, right? What happened to you this year? And what happened to your beautiful feathers?” said Rosaline She frowned and angrily said: “He detained you, making your feathers shed out? And he also wanted a magical pumpkin seed?” The magic mirror appeared one more time All of the bad things that Caleb had made were displayed clearly on the mirror Rosaline was so angry, she said: “What a greedy and bad man I will give you a deserving punishment.” Soon, the warmth of the spring was there Trees and flowers became more beautiful However, Caleb was very impatient, he was waiting for the dove to return Keeping its promise, the dove 38 returned and brought a pumpkin seed back to Caleb He was so happy He immediately sowed the pumpkin seed in the earth That pumpkin plant also grew quickly giving him a grand pumpkin in just a day He happily exclaimed: “I will take all of this gold for myself only! I'm about to be the richest person in the world!” But when Caleb attended to touch the pumpkin, a dark smoke rosed The pumpkin turned to a demon with a scary look The pumpkin made a horrifying smile and come closer to him Caleb trembled, he stepped back and exclaimed: “My god, a demon! A pumpkin demon! Help me, please! No, no! Demon, don't come any closer! Anyone there, please helps me!” From that day, Caleb became unluckier than ever All of his businesses were failed again and again His servants gradually left, and Caleb quickly became poor and pathetic Finally, he had only a hut left About Aaron, he became the richest person in the region However, he was still a kind-hearted man who loved nature and the animals Aaron also never forgot his poor condition in the past He used his gold and treasures to help poor people in the region He was respected by everyone, and lived happily in wealthy ever after! 39 STORY 6: HALLOWEEN HENRY Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful family of the Warrens Jim and Alice and their two children, Penny and Rick They had just moved into their new house Penny and Rick loved their new house Penny: Look Rick, I can see till the lake from my bedroom window Rick: That's awesome Penny Come and see from my window I can see our garden Father Jim: I am glad you love your rooms children Mother Jim: Maybe, you can tie a swing for them on the large tree, Jim? The children were excited by the mom’s suggestion They quickly went to the garden and helped their dad tie the swing for them Later, they came back into the house, had a lovely supper and everybody went to sleep It must have been a few hours into 40 the night, when Rick was awakened by a noise in the garden He looked out of the window It was the swing! And someone was on it! Rick thought: Who was there? Hearing the sound, whoever was on the swing quickly got off and ran away Rick also went back into his bed and fell asleep The next morning, the Warrens gathered for breakfast Rick: I saw someone on the swing last night I couldn't see clearly in the dark but it was someone short Mother Jim: What? That's not possible honey I'm sure it was the wind playing tricks with you Rick: Oh, Mother! It is possible, I did see someone last night The day wore on And everybody forgot about the person on the swing Rick and Penny were playing in their room, when Penny called Penny: Hey Rick! Look! There's someone on the lake But there was no one that Rick could see The next morning, the children told their parents about what they saw on the lake And their parents dismissed their fears yet again A few days passed, the children kept seeing all shapes and the parents kept refusing 41 them One day, Penny found that her Math’s homework book was missing Soon, Rick found that his favorite cricket bat was missing Rick: But, mom! Dad! You have to believe us! The grown-ups were about to disagree with Rick and Penny again, when suddenly, Mrs Warren’s wok came flying at them Everybody ducked! Father Jim: Looks like the children were right There is a ghost in this house Penny: Yes! There is! Mother Jim: We must figure out what the ghost wants And so, everybody decided to talk to the ghost They waited in Penny's room at night hoping that the ghosts will come to take more of her books And write as they were, the ghosts came and went to Penny's desk Father Jim: Hello! Mr Ghost! The ghost: Oh, hello there Everybody was shocked The ghost was no more than a boy Father Jim: How can we help you? 42 The ghost: Help me? Really? Father Jim: Yes We would love to The ghost: That would be nice! I am stuck here like a ghost because I died before my last wish was not fulfilled Penny: Really? Tell us please How can we help? The ghost: My name is Henry I was a very good student and I loved math In the last week of my life, I had written a math’s exam I knew I would top the class But, before the teacher could declare my results, I died! I want to make my mother proud of me I wish the teacher would check my test paper and she still keeps in her desk and tells my mother the score As Jim and Alice watched Henry's ghost go out of the window They decided to help him out The next morning, they enquired about Henry’s school and teacher Once they had found her, they went to her and requested her to please check his paper Just as Henry had said, he scored the highest in class Father Jim: Next, we must find Henry's mother Let us talk to the principal 43 And so the Warrens got Henry's mother's address from the principal They set off towards this address They found Henry's mom and explained their case to her Henry’s mother: Is my Henry alright? Penny: Yes, ma'am! And he loves doing math And he wanted you to have this grading paper Henry’s mother: My son, Henry He stood first in class again! I am so happy Suddenly, Henry appeared in front of her mother Henry: Mother! I'm so happy to see you I kept my promise mom I came first in class All I wanted was for you to know that I came first I feel free to go now! Henry’s mother: Henry! my son! I will always be proud of you Henry’s mother continued: Jim, Alice, Rick and Penny, I will never forget this Thank you so, so much! As everyone watched Henry turned into a bright light and vanished The Warrens returned to the home, never to be disturbed by any ghosts again 44 MORE BOOKS YOU MIGHT LIKE BY JOHNNY BILLER Short Animal Stories for Kids: The Moral Lesson for Kids Every Night These short moral stories for kids impart life lessons in a fun amusing way while helping them learn to differentiate between just & unjust and building moral values right from the root level 45 Gregory Story: Tia, WHY? This is the story about Gregory He grew up in the loving arms of his mother, Tia He learned from his mother the good values in his life, which have the baggage he carried throughout his life Collection of Short Bedtime Story for Kids from Around the World Diverse Situations with 28 short stories; Meditation stories that will truly captivate the young mind; Stories about animals, princesses, adventures, love, and legends; A valuable lesson for each story 46 Short Moral Stories for Kids: The Intelligent Judge, Great Master Thief and Untold Story Searching for some funny bedtime stories or tales to read to your class? Here are some great ones! 47 ... is of Halloween But wait! This story isn't just about Halloween! It's about Sowina's Halloween! Little Tito: What? Is that why we celebrate Halloween? Papa Big: Yes, of course! We believe that... unique feature? Sowina's Halloween! People dressed as ghosts, dancing and frolicking warding away the evil spirit! Papa Big was right! One might think that this story is of Halloween But wait! This... well off, but really mean It was not difficult for Jen to decide to choose Zac as her lifelong future confidant Knowing that Jen chose to come to Zac, Lycan did not accept his defeat so he came

Ngày đăng: 13/10/2022, 10:35

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