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CONTENTS It is said that love is blind Yet those who drink from its cup often say the opposite Love, they say, gives them a clear vision Strength of character, and likeness of heart Yes, love is a str.

CONTENT S CLASSIC SHORT STORIES Page Cupid and Psyche 01 Mulan 14 Pyramus and Thisbe 26 Victoria, Albert and The Royal Family 35 Cupid and Psyche It is said that love is blind Yet those who drink from its cup often say the opposite Love, they say, gives them a clear vision… Strength of character, and likeness of heart Yes, love is a strange beast But not merely so strange as life itself Something a young girl and her royal family would soon find out The King: Oh, where is that daughter of mine!? The King’s daughters: Here we are father! The King: But where is your sister? The King’s daughters: Oh! Psyche? She's out walking with another one of her suitors The King: Oh, that is wonderful! Perhaps this will finally be the one The King’s daughters: I wouldn't count on it Father The King: Why is that? You two have each found a Prince as a husband Why should it be any different for her? The King’s daughters: She is far too beautiful Men fear they cannot keep her Yes, it is even said that Venus herself is jealous of her beauty! The King: Bah! The goddess of beauty herself? Jealous? ……………… The goddess of beauty: Jealous? Is that so? Absurd! The bird: So it would seem, my lady Cupid and Psyche The goddess of beauty: And what is your opinion? Is she more beautiful? I see! Fetch me my son! If you can find him awake, that is The goddess of beauty’s son: You called, mother? The goddess of beauty: My son! I have a job for you A most important job… As days passed, noblemen arrived from neighboring cities to catch a glimpse of the now famous Psyche This attention angered Venus who believed that she, and only she, should be looked upon with such affection Her plan was simple Knowing that Cupid's arrows bring either lifelong joy or sorrow, she instructed her son to wound the precious Psyche and, by doing so, caused her to fall in love with the most despised and feared creature in all of mankind But even simple plans can go astray The goddess of beauty: Still no word from my son? The bird: No, my lady We have searched high and low for him, but nothing The goddess of beauty: Those who wish to remain lost are seldom found Regardless, his failure is obvious It is time I took matters into my own hands Yes, my dear Psyche, rest those beautiful eyes of yours For tonight, the eyes of men will no longer look upon you with favor Cupid and Psyche From that day forward, not one man came to woo Psyche! Abandoned too, was their once great city which fell on hard times Shops closed and merchants moved on to better prospects So strong was Venus's spell, that both men and women would turn away from her to avoid being cursed Not wishing their daughter to live the life of a single maid, the King and Queen made a desperate journey for help The King: You are quite certain? The fortune-teller: The leaves cannot lie The princess shall never marry a mortal man She is to be given to the one who waits for her on the forgotten mountain He is one whom both gods and men fear Psyche: This cannot be! The fortune-teller: I am sorry, my child! The King: What are we to do? The fortune-teller: Escort her to the top of the mountain Her husband-to-be will come to her and take her as his wife The King: But how shall we recognize him? The fortune-teller: He will be hard to miss for! He is a Dragon Psyche: This isn't happening It's not real The King: Cupid andPsyche, Psychewhat are you doing? Where are you going? Psyche: It is because of me that the goddess is angry Give me up father! The King: Psyche, no! Wait… Psyche: If I submit to her, then maybe the city will prosper once again The King: Don't this! Psyche: You need to let me go, Father So Psyche ran She ran until her feet could no longer carry her But as luck would have it, fate intervened! Zephyr: Why you despair? Psyche: I… I… sorry? Zephyr: All is not as bad as it seems Psyche: What… where… Who are you? Zephyr: I am known as Zephyr, the west wind Psyche: Oh! Thank you, that is much better Zephyr: You are most welcome Are you ready? Ready? Ready for what? To meet my master, of course Psyche: Your… master! Uh, I… Zephyr: Fear not, you are in no danger here Psyche closed her eyes and flew into the air A moment later, she reached her destination Psyche: Oh,Psyche my… Hello! Cupid and Zephyr: All that you see is yours, gentle princess Fear nothing, only command us, for we are here to serve you Psyche: We? Guided by kind spirits, the young princess was given a grand tour of her new palace Surely, she thought, her husband was no monster, but some wondrous power, invisible like all the rest of the spirits When night fell, he would come His voice, the beautiful voice of a god, was the only part of him she knew Often she would beg him to stay with her through the day that she might catch a glimpse of his face but this he would not allow Never doubt me, dearest Psyche Only believe that love is all I ask from you Trust me! For many days Psyche was content But as time passed, she began to think of her parents and sisters She wondered if they thought of her as much as she thought of them One night, her loneliness was too much for her to bear She begged her husband to let her sisters come and visit He remained quiet but did not refuse her request The next day, Zephyr delivered her a surprise Psyche: Oh, I have missed you both so much Cupid and Psyche Psyche’s sisters: You can imagine our surprise after not hearing from you for so long Yes, we were beginning to fear the worst had happened to you Psyche: No need to fear, I am safe Psyche’s sisters: But are you happy? Psyche: Of course, why you ask? Psyche’s sisters: You just look… lonely But with a husband who can provide all of this? I'm sure she is not lonely, right Psyche? After several days, the sisters became jealous of psych's good fortune In their bitterness, they came up with a plan to ruin Psyche and her perfect life Psyche: I will not! Psyche’s sisters: Psyche, my dear, are you not curious as to what your husband looks like? Psyche: Of course, I am! But I respect his wishes He is a good and loving husband Psyche’s sisters: How can you be sure? Maybe your dragon husband is just fattening you up for a better feast… Psyche: No… no, you are wrong? Cupid and Psyche Psyche’s sisters: Then prove yourself right and us wrong Take a lamp and go to him tonight while he sleeps See for yourself Take this with you! Psyche: What? Why? Psyche’s sisters: Well, if he is what you say is, you'll not need it However, if he is what we know he is, use it and all his treasure is yours Psyche: I… I just… couldn't Psyche’s sisters: Think it over, Psyche Days passed and the more Psyche thought about what her sisters had said, the more it all began to make sense! Almost like finding the lost piece to an incomplete puzzle She had to find out! Cupid: Oh Psyche! Why did you doubt it? Psyche’s sisters: I… I… I Cupid: Love cannot live where there is no trust… Psyche’s sisters: What have I done…? Psyche searched for her loving husband for many days, but could not find him Heartbroken and ashamed, she could think of no other place turnPsyche other than Venus herself Cupidtoand Psyche: I come seeking my husband, your son Please, I need your help The goddess of beauty: Why you seek that which you cannot have? Psyche: I love him! The goddess of beauty: Love? What you know of love? Psyche: Without him, I want nothing I feel nothing I am nothing The goddess of beauty: You are a foolish young girl, who is unable to make up her mind You are right! It was wrong of me to come The goddess of beauty: Wait! The only way for one such as you to find your true love, is through obedience and service Psyche: Service? The goddess of beauty: Three tasks Three simple tasks Complete them and I will speak to my son on your behalf Psyche: What must I do? The goddess of beauty: To be worthy of love one must be hard working Therefore, you must separate everything in this chamber and sort it into four neat piles Cupid and Psyche Psyche: What? I could work the rest of my life and not complete this large of a task! The goddess of beauty: Which is why you must be hardworking I expect this to be ready by tonight Psyche: Tonight, But, this is impossible! The goddess of beauty: Then prove to me, and your husband, how resourceful you are As Psyche wept, she noticed slight mounds of grain moving around her in small trails! Ants! A great army of ants popped up from the floor And began sorting out all the grains For the rest of the day, Psyche and her miniature army worked together to complete the impossible task 10 Thisbe: Nobody, Father Thisbe’s father: You expect me to believe that you are out here talking to yourself in the middle of the night? Pyramus and Thisbe Thisbe: It was my evening prayers, Father If they disturbed you, then I can stop! Thisbe’s father: No, No, that's alright I wouldn't want to incur the wrath of the Divine Thisbe: Goodnight, father! …………… Pyramus: That was too close You should leave now Here, take this, it will keep you from being recognized if someone sees you Thisbe: Good idea! Okay, I'm ready Pyramus: I'll meet you at the Mulberry Tree Thisbe: Don't be too long Pyramus: I won't! I love you! Thisbe hurried along the streets of the city, doing her best to avoid being recognized A short time later, Thisbe arrived at the meeting spot Suddenly, a large lioness emerged from the shadows, a dead rabbit hanging from its mouth It fixed its eyes on Thisbe Thisbe ran 34 through the force until she came across a cave Having nowhere left to go, she entered and hit herself among some large rocks Pyramus and Thisbe Thisbe: Oh pyramids, where are you? But the lioness had no interest in Thisbe, having just finished its meal Instead, it felt playful… At least until Pyramus arrived, late for his meeting with Thisbe Pyramus: I'm sorry, I'm late, my love, but I ran across… Thisbe! I couldn't have made it here before her, where could she have gone? Thisbe, where are you? Pyramus began putting together the pieces of the puzzle, one that looked increasingly more and more horrifying! Pyramus: Oh no, my late arrival has cost my Thisbe her life It is my fault that you have met your end, my love! What kind of fool am I? Oh, how I wish I could have done much more than this! For at least in death's embrace I could see my Thisbe once more… What good have you done this night, but lay in slumber while love was rent apart I will come for you yet, my love! My Thisbe! ……………… 35 Thisbe ran through the forest using the lioness’s tracks to guide her back to the Mulberry Tree As she neared, her pace quickened and her steps were sure and light Pyramus and Thisbe Thisbe: Pyramus, where are you, my love? Pyramus! Oh No! You’re so cold, what has happened here? why would you this…You thought! You thought I had been killed by that lioness! And rather than face life without me, you thought to join me But I'm here, Pyramus, right here! Come back to me! Please, come back to me please! If you cannot come to me, then I will come to you I come, my love! And so, side by side, the ill-fated lovers crossed the final frontier of life together As they lay there, their blood intermingled into the ground, nourishing the roots of the mulberry tree Whose fruit, once dark and bitter, now change to red and juicy-sweet, sustained with the nectar of true love To this day, the mulberry tree stands as a reminder from Pyramus and Thisbe that the greatest sacrifices of life are often made out of love! 36 Victoria, Albert and The Royal Family After a long and particularly harsh winter, all of Britain reveled in the merriments of Spring And the royal family prepared to celebrate Princess Victoria's 17th birthday International invitations had been sent out months before and the response was an overwhelming success, especially from the royal family of Germany Ernst: We are approaching the gates Now, remember Albert, I'm here to win the hand of the Princess As Prince and your older brother, I need your help Now let's review! If I should say something funny! Albert: Ernst, we've been through this a hundred times I will laugh Ernst: And when I recite my poetry? Albert: I will smile Ernst: And when I ask her to dance? 37 Albert: I will nod in approval Look, have you ever considered the possibility that she just may not like you? Ernst: Are you serious? I am both royal and rich? What could she possibly not like? That must be her, come on ………… Ernst: Your Highness, I am Prince Ernst and I come bearing greetings birthday wishes from Germany Victoria, and Albert and The Royal Family Princess Victoria: Welcome Prince Ernst, to Kensington Palace and my birthday festivities I trust your journey was uneventful? Ernst: Quite, Your Highness Except for this little run in with a bear! Princess Victoria: And who might this be? Albert: Prince Albert, Your Highness! Ernst: Rumors of your exquisite beauty have reached our shores, but they pale in comparison to standing in your presence I beg your pardon, Your Highness, my younger brother can be a bit presumptuous Princess Victoria: No need to apologize We welcome you both to my party ………… 38 Princess Victoria: Albert, handsome Albert How my heart skipped a beat meeting you this day? How long until I see or hear from you again, my love? Suddenly there was a knock on the door! The servant: I beg your pardon Your Highness, but I thought you might want to take this Victoria, Albert and The Royal Family Albert: My dearest Victoria, I beg your forgiveness for not saying goodbye to you this evening But I must return to Germany as some pressing business has arisen I would request the honor of writing to you each week as I long to learn more about you I thank the Heavens for bringing me to you and wish you the happiest of birthdays Albert PS – Ernst says hello! Princess Victoria: Tell him I would be delighted The servant: Yes, Your Highness! True to his word, Albert wrote to Princess Victoria every week His letters while humorous and witty… Were always full of comforting words and encouragement for the young princess So much so, that she often remarked to her advisors that Germany must be the height of optimism and positivity 39 As the weeks turned into months, Victoria and Albert's long-distance relationship flourished with each relying on the other for support and companionship And then one a day… With the death of her uncle, King William IV, Victoria would be propelled into the national spotlight and become England's youngest queen at the age of 18 Victoria was officially coordinated one year later at Westminster amid aFamily throng of the endearing subject Victoria, Albert andAbbey The Royal As the young Victoria assumed her royal duties as queen, she would continue to seek increased advice and comfort from Albert And he was more than happy to oblige Princess Victoria: Any word, Lord Melbourne? Lord Melbourne: I'm afraid not, Your Majesty! Princess Victoria: I don't understand It's not like Albert to not respond for so long I know! Send a royal messenger to his father… Lord Melbourne: Your Majesty, I not think! Princess Victoria: I'm not asking you to think, my lord Melbourne I'm asking you to act! I need to hear from my Albert! Lord Melbourne: As you wish, Your Majesty! Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Albert appeared! 40 Princess Victoria: Albert! We are most pleased to see you, Prince Albert Lord Melbourne: And that is our cue! Princess Victoria: What news from Germany? Albert: Several states of affairs I wish to consult with Your Majesty about Princess Victoria: Of course, of course! Oh Albert, how I have Victoria, Albert and The Royal Family missed you! Albert: And I you! Victoria! Princess Victoria: You mean, Queen Victoria Albert: Precisely! Suddenly there was a knock on the door! Lord Melbourne: Afternoon tea is prepared, Your Majesty Princess Victoria: Please ensure an extra setting for our guest Lord Melbourne: I've already taken the liberty, My Queen ………… Albert: I'm so sorry that I wasn't here when your uncle passed away Princess Victoria: It was quite a shock Not so much his passing, but the responsibilities I have incurred as a result of it Albert: You've done a magnificent job; from what I hear 41 Princess Victoria: Is that right? Albert: Oh yes! Princess Victoria: And what is it that you hear, I wonder? Albert: That you have the complete adoration of your British subjects Princess Victoria: Just them! Albert: And at least German Victoria, Albert andone The Royal one Family Princess Victoria: Can I ask you something, Albert? Albert: Of course! Princess Victoria: What would you say if I asked you to marry me? Albert: Marry you? Well, we both know that it is improper for a man to ask for the hand of the Queen Princess Victoria: That's not what I mean, Albert Albert: Oh, You're asking if I would accept? Princess Victoria: Yes, I'm asking if you would accept Albert: Can I think about it? Princess Victoria: Absolutely! You can think about it in the stocks Albert: Well, since you put it that way 42 Princess Victoria: Is that a yes! Albert: No! That is a resounding “YES!” The day Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were married, the country came to a standstill and joined in the historical wedding celebration Adoring subjects line the streets to Buckingham Palace, offering cheers and well-wishes to the newly married couple as they passed For their part, the royal couple quickly settled into the new routine of balancing personal lives withFamily the duties of state Victoria, their Albert and The Royal Albert: We have to stop meeting like this Princess Victoria: Official business today Albert: Wouldn't the throne room be more appropriate for a business discussion? Princess Victoria: Not this kind of business, Albert Albert: I don't understand Ah! You… You're… Princess Victoria: Pregnant, yes! Albert: This is WONDERFUL! Parenthood came naturally to the happy couple and it wasn't long until more children would come to grace the halls of Buckingham palace The size of the Royal Family grew to include nine children 43 But as the family grew, it took an increasing toll on Queen Victoria's ability to manage even the simplest of affairs Princess Victoria: Blue or Green, my love? Albert: I think the blue complements your eyes most admirably Princess Victoria: What would I without you, Albert? Albert: You are a strong, beautiful, and courageous woman Something tells me, you would just fine Victoria, Albert and The Royal Family Princess Victoria: I don't think so As a matter of fact, I fear that I would live a life of continual grief and despair Albert: Yes, well, no need for that kind of talk on a day such as today Now, these documents need to be signed and returned to the Prime Minister by Tuesday And these are needing your signature here and here before being forwarded to Are you listening? Princess Victoria: I think you may need to speak to Albert Edward, he's playing so rough all the time Albert: I love you, Victoria You know that But you are the Queen of England And your guidance is what is needed for the country right now 44 Princess Victoria: What are you saying, Albert? I know you are not suggesting that I am somehow derelict in my duties as Sovereign Albert: Victoria, I can only so much It is YOU who the country needs to govern… Princess Victoria: ENOUGH! I remain, as I always have, loyal to England and her people Do not mistake your assistance in governing as governing itself! Albert: I fear this has been too much for you Princess What beenFamily too much? Speak plainly! Victoria,Victoria: Albert and Thehas Royal Albert: Do not be so proud as to assume that a Queen cannot be overwhelmed! Queen Victoria's reliance upon her husband to govern official affairs of state had come to a head and often resulted in arguments between them But their intense love for each other would always overcome their differences, proving to their family and their country, that duty and love should go hand in hand Princess Victoria: I was thinking that we should spend it this Christmas at Windsor The children have always loved it there What you think? Albert: Yes, Yes! I think that would be quite nice 45 Princess Victoria: Good! You look a bit peaked, love! Are you feeling ill? Albert: A bit I think I'll retire early tonight! Princess Victoria: I'll have your tea sent up As Christmas neared in 1861, Albert's health, which had been in steady decline, took a turn for the worse Albert's Physician diagnosed the Prince with Typhoid Fever Princess Victoria: The doctor says you're going to pull through this just fine Albert and The Royal Family Victoria, Albert: Victoria, you never were a… good… liar Princess Victoria: Please don't leave me, Albert I can't live without you! Albert: I will always be with you, my love! Princess Victoria: No! Albert! Albert! Albert! Albert! Albert died surrounded by the family he loved He was 42 years old Out of respect for Prince Albert, the whole country was swathed in black Shops were shuttered, blinds drawn, and flags were flown at half-mast The Christmas of 1861 was one of the gloomiest ever seen in England From this day forward, Queen Victoria would only wear 46 black clothing as a symbol of her eternal morning for the love of her life Once the initial shock of Albert's death had receded, the far more pressing question in everyone's minds, particularly those in government, was how will the Queen bear it? Prime Minister Russell: The queen has not arrived, yet? Lord Melbourne: No, Prime Minister Russell The queen has not been in attendance since The Prime Minister Russell: I understand! ……………… The servant: I'm sorry, Prime Minister, but I'm afraid the Queen is Victoria, and The Royalyou Family not feelingAlbert well today Perhaps could come by tomorrow and… Princess Victoria: I told you I was not to be disturbed The servant: I'm sorry, my Queen, but… Princess Victoria: But nothing! I'm the Queen and you will obey my command! Prime Minister Russell: Yes, you ARE Queen Your Majesty And there are a great many duties awaiting your attention! Princess Victoria: I can't, John Prime Minister Russell: You can and you must, my Liege Princess Victoria: Tell me how! How I, who leaned on him for all and everything and without whom I did nothing, moved not a finger, 47 arranged not a print or photograph, didn't put on a gown or bonnet without his approval How am I to live, to move, to help myself in difficult moments! Let alone rule a Kingdom! Prime Minister Russell: I know this is difficult right now, but your country needs you So broken was Queen Victoria over the death of her Albert, that she stopped going to court and attending functions altogether Instead, the Queen immersed herself in reliving the daily routines associated with their marriage Victoria, Albert and The Royal Family As the years passed, Victoria's absence from public life began to worry the British people Oblivious to the criticisms of the public, her advisors, and family members, Victoria continued to grieve Blind with age and grief, Victoria demanded that Albert's dressing gown and a plaster of his hand be laid beside her on her deathbed Queen Victoria's death ushered in the end of the Victorian Era and paved the way for her eldest son, Bertie to assume the throne as King Edward VII Queen Victoria would be laid to rest next to her beloved Albert with whom she shared the greatest love story the British Monarchy had ever known 48

Ngày đăng: 13/10/2022, 10:20


