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TÀI LIỆU DẠY THÊM CẢ NĂM TIẾNG ANH 11 CƠ BẢN (BẢN GV) UNIT 1 tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh cho học sinh phổ thông lớp 11v tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh cho học sinh phổ thông lớp tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh cho học sinh phổ thông lớp 11v tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh cho học sinh phổ thông lớp tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh cho học sinh phổ thông lớp 11v

TÀI LIỆU DẠY THÊM CẢ NĂM TIẾNG ANH 11 CƠ BẢN (BẢN GV) UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP –(FOR TEACHER ) UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A.VOCABULARY Tình bạn acquaintance (n) [ə'kweintəns]: người quen admire (v) [əd'maiə]: ngưỡng mộ aim (n) [eim]: mục đích appearance (n) [ə'piərəns]: vẻ bề ngồi attraction (n) [ə'træk∫n]: thu hút be based on (exp) [beis]: dựa vào benefit (n) ['benifit]: lợi ích calm (a) [kɑ:m]: điềm tĩnh caring (a) [keəriη]: chu đáo 10 change (n,v) [t∫eindʒ]: (sự) thay đổi + changeable (a) ['t∫eindʒəbl]: thay đổi 11 close (a) [klous]: gần gũi, thân thiết 12 concerned (with) (a) [kən'sə:nd]: quan tâm 13 condition (n) [kən'di∫n]: điều kiện 14 constancy (n) ['kɔnstənsi]: kiên định + constant (a) ['kɔnstənt]: kiên định 15 crooked (a) ['krukid]: cong 16 delighted (a) [di'laitid]: vui mừng 17 enthusiasm (n) [in'θju:ziỉzm]: lịng nhiệt tình 18 feature (n) ['fi:t∫ə]: đặc điểm 19 forehead (n) ['fɔ:rid, 'fɔ:hed]: trán 20 generous (a) ['dʒenərəs]: rộng rãi, rộng lượng 21 get out of (v) [get aut əv]: khỏi (xe) 22 give-and-take (n) [giv ænd teik]: nhường nhịn 23 good-looking (a) [gud 'lukiη]: dễ nhìn 24 good-natured (a) ['gud'neit∫əd]: tốt bụng 25 gossip (v)['gɔsip]: ngồi lê đôi mách 26 height (n) [hait]: chiều cao 27 helpful (a) ['helpful]: giúp đỡ, giúp ích 28 honest (a) ['ɔnist]: trung thực 29 hospitable (a) ['hɔspitəbl]: hiếu khách 30 humorous (a) ['hju:mərəs]: hài hước 31 in common (exp) ['kɔmən]:chung 32 incapable (of) (a)[in'keipəbl]: 33 influence (v) ['influəns]: ảnh hưởng 34 insist on (v)[in'sist]: khăng khăng 35 last (v) [lɑ:st]: kéo dài + lasting (a) ['lɑ:stiη]: bền vững 36 lifelong (a) ['laiflɔη]: suốt đời 37 loyal (a) ['lɔiəl]: trung thành + loyalty (n) ['lɔiəlti]: lòng trung thành 38 medium (a)['mi:diəm]: trung bình 39 modest (a) ['mɔdist]: khiêm tốn 40 mutual (a) ['mju:tjuəl]: lẫn 41 personality (n) [,pə:sə'nỉləti]: tích cách, phẩm chất 42 pursuit (n) [pə'sju:t]: mưu cầu 43 quality (n) ['kwɔliti]: phẩm chất 44 quick-witted (a) ['kwik'witid]: nhanh trí 45 relationship (n)[ri'lei∫n∫ip]mối quan hệ 46 rumour (n) ['ru:mə]: lời đồn 47 secret (n) ['si:krit]: bí mật 48 selfish (a) ['selfi∫]: ích kỷ 49 sense of humour (n) [sens əv 'hju:mə]: óc hài hước 50 sincere (a) [sin'siə]: thành thật 51 studious (a)['stju:diəs]: chăm 52 suspicion (n) [sə'spi∫n]: nghi ngờ + suspicious (a) [sə'spi∫əs]: nghi ngờ 53 sorrow (n) ['sɔrou]: nỗi buồn 54 sympathy (n) ['simpəθi]: thông cảm 55 take up (v) ['teik'ʌp]: đề cập đến 56 uncertain (a) [ʌn'sə:tn]khơng chắn 57 understanding (a) [,ʌndə'stỉndiη]: thấu hiểu 58 unselfishness (n) [,ʌn'selfi∫nis]: tính khơng ích kỷB GRAMMAR : TO-INFINITIVES / BARE INFINITIVES / GERUNDS (Động từ ngun mẫu có “to”, ngun mẫu khơng “to”, danh động từ) To-infinitive / Infinitive with to * Động từ nguyên mẫu có to dùng làm: - Chủ ngữ câu: To become a famous singer is her dream - Bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ: What I like is to swim in the sea and then to lie on the warm sand - Tân ngữ động từ: It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home - Tân ngữ tính từ: I’m pleased to see you * Verb + to-inf - afford: đáp ứng - agree: đồng ý - appear: - arrange: xếp - ask: yêu cầu - attempt: cố gắng, nỗ lực - decide: định - expect: mong đợi - fail: thất bại, hỏng - hope: hy vọng - intend: định - invite: mời - learn: học/ học cách - manage: xoay sở, cố gắng - offer: cho, tặng, đề nghị - plan: lên kế họach - pretend: giả vờ - promise: hứa - refuse: từ chối - seem: dường - tell: bảo - tend: có khuynh hướng - threaten: đe dọa - want: muốn - would like: muốn, thích * Trong cấu trúc: + It takes / took + O + thời gian + to-inf It takes Nam two hours to that exercise + Chỉ mục đích I went to the post office to send a letter + Bổ ngữ cho danh từ đại từ: S + V + Noun / pronoun + to-inf I have some letters to write Is there anything to eat? + It + be + adj + to-inf: thật … để It is interesting to study English + S + be + adj + to-inf I’m happy to receive your latter + S + V + too + adj / adv + to-inf He is too short to play basket ball + S + V + adj / adv + enough + to-inf He isn’t tall enough to play basket ball + S + find / think / believe + it + adj + to-inf I find it difficult to learn English vocabulary + Sau từ nghi vấn: what, who, which, when, where, how,… (nhưng thường không dùng sau why) I don’t know what to say * Note: - allow / permit / advise / recommend + O + to-inf Ex: She allowed me to use her pen - allow / permit / advise / recommend + V-ing Ex: She didn’t allow smoking in her room II Bare infinitive / Infinitive without to * V + O + bare inf - let - make - had better - would rather Ex: He made me cry You had better take an aspirin Note be + made + to-inf Ex: I was made to cean my room Động từ help: - help + V1 / to-inf - help + O + V1 / to-inf - help + O + with + N Ex: My brother helped me my homework My brother helped me to my homework My brother helped me with my homework Động từ tri giác: - Các động từ tri giác: hear, sound, smell, taste, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find + O + V1 (chỉ hoàn tất hành động – nghe thấy toàn việc diễn ra) Ex: I saw her get off the bus - Các động từ tri giác: hear, sound, smell, taste, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find + O + Ving (chỉ việc diễn ra) Ex: I smell something burning in the kitchen III Gerunds (V-ing) * Danh động từ dùng làm: - Chủ từ câu: Swimming is my favourite sport - Bổ ngữ động từ: My hobby is collecting stamps - Tân ngữ động từ: I enjoy traveling * Verb + V-ing - admit: thừa nhận - avoid: tránh - consider: xem xét - delay: hoãn - deny: phủ nhận - detest: ghét - encourage: khích lệ - fancy: thích - finish: kết thúc - hate: ghét - imagine: tưởng tượng - involve: liên quan - mention: đề cập đến - mind: ngại - miss: bỏ lỡ - postpone: hoãn lại - practice: luyện tập - quit: từ bỏ - risk: có nguy - suggest: đề nghị - It is no use: khơng có ích - It is no good: khơng tốt - waste / spend: lãng phí, bỏ (thời gian, tiền bạc) - have difficulty / trouble: gặp khó khăn/trở ngại - can’t help: khơng thể không - can’t stand / can’t bear: không chịu đựng nỗi - feel like: cảm thấy thích - look forward to: mong chờ, mong đợi - It is (not) worth: đáng / không đáng - keep / keep on: tiếp tục - be busy: bận rộn - be used to / get used to: quen với / trở nên quen với việc Ex: They couldn’ help laughing when they heard the little boy singing a love song The students are used to working in the school library Please wait a minute My boss is busy writing something * Sau liên từ: after, before, when, while, since,… dùng V-ing Ex: After finishing his homework, he went to bed * Giới từ + V-ing: Ex: My sister is interested in listening to music IV Infinitives or Gerunds (To-inf / V-ing) Không thay đổi nghĩa: - begin / start / continue/ like / love + To-inf / V-ing Ex: It started to rain / raining Thay đổi nghĩa: + remember / forget / regret + V-ing: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc xảy (trong khứ) + remember / forget / regret + to-inf: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc chưa, xảy (trong tương lai) Ex: Don’t forget to turn off the light when you go to bed I remember meeting you some where but I can’t know your name Remember to send her some flowers because today is her birthday + stop + V-ing: dừng hẳn việc + stop + to-inf: dừng … để … Ex: He stopped smoking because it is harmful for his health On the way home, I stopped at the post office to buy a newspaper + try + V-ing: thử + try + to-inf: cố gắng + need + V-ing = need + to be + V3: cần (bị động) + need + to-inf: cần (chủ động) Ex: I need to wash my car My car is very dirty It needs washing / to be washed + Cấu trúc nhờ vả: S + have + O người + V1 + O vật S + have + O vật + V3/-ed + (by + O người) S + get + O người + to-inf + O vật S + get + O vật + V3/-ed + (by + O người) Ex: I had my brother clean the house I had the house cleaned by my brother DANH ĐỘNG TỪ VÀ ĐỘNG TỪ NGUYÊN MẪU (GERUND AND INFINITIVE) 2.1 Những động từ theo sau “Ving” STT Cấu trúc Admit doing st Deny doing st Appreciate doing st Avoid doing st Delay/postpone/put off doing st Hate/detest/resent doing st Enjoy/fancy doing st Imagine doing st Nghĩa thú nhận làm phủ nhận làm cảm kích làm tránh làm hỗn lại làm ghét làm thích làm tưởng tượng làm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Involve doing st Keep doing st Mention doing st Mind doing st Miss doing st Tolerate doing st Practice doing st Recall doing st Consider doing st Resist doing st Risk doing st Suggest doing st Finish doing st Recommend doing st Be busy doing st Be worth doing st Look forward to doing st Feel like doing st There is no point in doing st có liên quan làm làm đề cập làm phiền/ngại làm suýt, lỡ làm chịu đựng làm thực hành làm nhớ lại làm xem xét, cân nhắc làm phản đối làm liều lĩnh làm gợi ý làm hồn thành làm đề xuất làm bận làm đáng làm mong đợi làm thích/muốn làm khơng đáng làm 28 29 30 31 32 = It’s no use/good doing st Get/be accustomed/used to doing st Spend time doing st Waste time doing st Have difficulty (in) doing st Can’t help/stand/bear doing st quen làm dành thời gian làm lãng phí thời gian làm gặp khó khăn việc làm khơng thể chịu/nhịn 2.2 Những động từ theo sau “TO V” STT 10 11 12 13 14 Cấu trúc Afford to st Agree to st Arrange to st Appear to st Ask to st Attempt to st Care to st Choose to st Claim to st Decide to st Demand to st Deserve to st Expect to st Fail to st Nghĩa có đủ khả làm đồng ý làm xếp làm hóa u cầu làm nỗ lực làm quan tâm làm chọn làm thú nhận làm định làm yêu cầu làm xứng đáng làm mong muốn làm thất bại làm 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Happen to st Hesitate to st Hope to st Intend to st Learn to st Manage to st Neglect to st Offer to st Plan to st Prepare to st Pretend to st Promise to st Propose to st Refuse to st Seem to st Swear to st Tend to st Threaten to st Vow to st Wait to st Want to st Wish to st Would like to st Yearn/desire to st Ask/tell sb to st Assume sb to st Beg sb to st Believe sb to st Cause sb to st Challenge sb to st Command sb to st Compel sb to st Consider sb to st Enable sb to st Encourage sb to st Expect sb to st Forbid sb to st Force sb to st Get sb to st Instruct sb to st Invite sb to st Order sb to st Prefer sb to st tình cờ làm ngập ngừng làm hy vọng làm dự định làm học làm xoay xở nhãng làm đề nghị làm có kế hoạch làm chuẩn bị làm giả vờ làm hứa làm đề xuất làm từ chối làm dường làm thề làm có khuynh hướng làm dọa làm thề làm chờ làm muốn làm ước mơ làm muốn, thích làm khát khao làm bảo làm cho làm cãu xin làm tin tưởng làm khiến cho làm mời tham gia vào u cầu làm bắt buộc làm xem xét làm làm cho làm khuyến khích làm mong đợi làm cấm làm ép làm bảo làm dẫn làm mời làm lệnh cho làm muốn làm 10 10 Friendships need time to develop III Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets I didn't have enough time to finish (finish) my work yesterday As she drove past his house, she noticed him running (run) away from home I was relieved to find out (find out) that I had passed the exam She made her son wash (wash) the windows before he could go outside to play (play)with his friends She lets her children stay (stay) up very late We had nothing to (do) except look at the cinema posters We both heard him say (say) that he was leaving It made him angry to wait (wait) for people who were late I couldn't understand what the passage said, so I had my friend translate (translate) it for me 10 It's important to start (start) the meeting on time 11 There are too many people here for me to talk (talk) to all of them 12 It took ages to download (download) the pictures from the Internet 13 Whenever I have free time, I like to watch (watch) the basketball team practicing (practice) 14 She sent me an e-mail to inform ( inform) me that the meeting had been canceled 15 It was a thrill to see ( see) my brother win ( win) the chess tournament last year IV Combine the given idea into one sentence Add to when an infinitive is required use/ scissors/ tool are/ for/ sharp/ very young children Scissors are too sharp for very young children to use wrong/ consider/ they/ smoke/ it/ in public places They consider it wrong to smoke in public places let/ I/ stay/ think/ them/ should/ the weekend/ until/ we I think we should let them stay until the weekend climb/ the first/ oxygen/ who/ Everest/ without/ person/ was? Who was the first person to climb the Everest without oxygen? noticed/ run/ him/ from/ away/ she/ home She noticed him running away from home made/ the film/ laugh/ right from/ them/ the first few minutes The film made them laugh right from the first few minutes I'll/ look at/ the plumber/ have/ the central heating boiler I’ll have the plumber look at the central heating boiler 13 the answer/ you/ it/ work out/ clever/ of/ was You was clever to work out the answer of it the tourists/ back/ when/ be/ the guide/ didn't/ tell/ at the coach The guide didn’t tell the tourists when to be back at the coach 10 hear/ enough/ the guide/ clearly/ everyone/ didn't/ loudly/ for/ speak The guide didn’t speak loudly enough for everyone to hear V Choose the correct answers Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones _ a repair b to repair c repairing d repaired It's possible _ a train across Canada a take b to take c taking d to be taken Now that we've finished painting the house, there is nothing left _ a to b for doing c to be done d for being done Before we leave, let's have Shelley a map for us so we won't get lost a draw b to draw c drawing d drawn I can hear a cat _ at the window a scratches b to scratch c scratching d was scratching I think your mother should let you _ your own mind a make up b to make up c making up d made up The police never found the money _ in the robbery a stealing b be stolen c steal d stolen Do you know what made so many people _ their home? a evacuate b to evacuate c evacuated d be evacuated _ bread, you usually need flour, salt, and yeast a Make b To make c Making d For make 10 We saw our favorite ballet _ at the theater last night a perform b performing c performed d in performing 11 He was never heard _ 'thank you' in his life a say b to say c saying d said 12 I was delighted _ my old friends again a to see b seeing c seen d to be seen 13 _ to friends is nice but _ alone is also enjoyable a Talk/ to be b To talk/ be c Talk/ be 14 d Talking/ being 14 I'd rather _ to Elvis than the Beatles a listen b to listen c listening d listened 15 I can make myself _ pretty well in English a understand b to understand c understanding d understood VI There is at least one mistake in each sentence Suggest appropriate corrections She longed the holidays to come so that she could be with her family again (longed for) I overheard say that he's thinking of moving to Manchester (him say) They were seen climb through the window (climbing) Very reluctantly, he consented her to lend the money to Janet (consented to) My parents always encouraged work hard at school (working) For years the group has been campaigning an inquiry to hold into the accident (held) I watched a pavement artist to draw a portrait in crayons (drawing) Sam promised me to show me how to fish for salmon, but he never had the time (to show) It's easier to it yourself than to explain to somebody else how to it (explain) 10 He was never heard say 'thank you' in his life (to say) 11 This card entitles to take an extra person with you free (freely) 12 They let me to borrow their car while they were on holiday (borrow) 13 I explained enough for her understanding what was happening (to understand) 14 To see him to walk down the street, you'd never know he was blind (walking) 15 Most people are afraid hearing the truth about them (afraid of) VII.Complete each of the sentences with an appropriate preposition A selfish person is incapable of true friendship He was accused of being disloyal to the government How much time you spend on homework? Good friendship should be based on mutual understanding Do you keep in touch with any school friends? Some adults have a total lack of sympathy for (towards) young people He's more concerned about (for) what people think about him than anything else She had been briefly acquainted with him more than 20 years earlier She thought of him very often 10 Some people take up interest with enthusiasm, but they are soon tired of it VIII Rewrite the sentence or join the pairs of sentences beginning with the word(s) given He worked out the answer It was clever of him 15 It was clever of him to work out the answer Marie always pays her bills regularly She's careful that way Marie is always careful of paying her bills regularly He was crossing the road I caught sight of him I noticed him crossing the road When we finally heard that David had arrived, we were very relieved We were relieved to hear that David had arrived Why have you thrown up your job? You're mad You are mad to throw up your job Jimmy got into his car and drove away I saw this I saw Jimmy get into his car and drive away It is disappointing that we haven't heard from Molly We are disappointed not to hear from Molly Contacting her at work is usually quite easy She is usually quite easy to contact at work The house shook violently and all of us felt that All of us felt the house shaking violently 10 Can you sign the papers please? They are ready now The papers are ready for you to sign 11 Don't lend Tom any money That would be most unwise You would be unwise to lend Tom any money 12 Mr Pinchley doesn’t allow his teenage children to go out in the evenings Mr Pinchley makes his teenage children stay home in the evenings 13 What I want to is start my own business I’m keen I am keen on starting my own business 14 Harry couldn’t get his parents’ permission to buy a motorbike Harry’s parents didn’t let him buy a motorbike 15 We can’t possibly work in this noise It’s impossible for us to work in this noise TEST UNIT I TEST PRONUNCIATION Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others 16 a machine b change a condition b option c suggestion a believe b readily c friend d pleasure a good b gossip c game d geometry a trust b mutual II c teacher d choose c number d relation d uncertain LANGUAGE FOCUS A Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase It was so relaxing to be old friends a in b between c among d around She's made friends a little girl who lives next door a to b of c by d with The children seem to be totally capable working by themselves a on b of c in d for Your friendship should be based on trust a basic b fragile c mutual d blind 10 The company expects from its employees a constancy b quality c interest d loyalty 11 I've got lots of , but only a few are really good friends a close friends b acquaintances c neighbors d partners 12 Friendship is a two-sided , it lives by give-and-take a affair b event c aspect d feature 13 Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship a romantic part b important part c difficult part d interesting part 14 They a close friendship at university a created b became c promoted d formed 15 We stayed friends even after we and left home a brought up b turned up c grew up d took up B Choose the word or phrase -a, b, c, or d -that best completes the sentence 16 He finds it lasting friendships a difficult to make b difficulty in making c is difficult to make d difficult making 17 You any friends if you talking like that 17 a will win/ carry on b won't win/ carry on c wouldn't win/ carried on d would have won/ had carried on 18 The aim of the culture festival is friendship between the two countries a promote b promoting c to promote d being promoted 19 People he turned out to be only fair-weather friends a trusted b has trusted c was trusting d had trusted 20 How can you let such a silly incident your friendship? a wreck b to wreck c wrecking d that wrecks 21 It has become necessary water in the metropolitan area because of the severe drought a rationing b ration c to ration d to have rationed 22 All the passengers were made their seat belts during the turbulence a buckle b to buckle c buckling d for buckling 23 good ice cream, you need to use a lot of cream a Make b Making c To make d For make 24 I got my friend her car for the weekend a to let me to borrow b to let me borrow c let me borrow d let me to borrow 25 They good friends, but they've fallen out recently a used to be b would be c were d are C Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct 26 Whatever happened, I didn't want to lose friendship of Vera (with) A B C D 27 The basic aims of science and magic are very similar - to understand A B C and to control nature (and control nature) D 28 It was a period of her life when she made some lifelong friendship.(friendships) A B C D 29 Simon finds it hard for making friends with other children (to make friends) A B C D 30 Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made 18 A B C D primarily by individuals III READING A Fill in each blank with one appropriate word from the box terms words came pieces touch change last experience talk accent get make Meeting old school friends again can be a strange (31) experience Some have changed so much that you can hardly recognise them: they speak with a different (32) accent, are interested in different things and all you can is make small (33) talk and hope they'll go soon Others, though you might have been out of (34) touch with them for years, are just the same as they always were - it's as if you (35) last saw them yesterday Before you know it, you're exchanging (36) words about your families and friends, and setting out the (37) pieces for another game of chess A few change for the better There's one person that I (38) get on with very well now, though we weren't on speaking (39) terms for our last two years at school One day, we met at a party and made it up and (40) came engaged the same evening B Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) The proverb 'A friend in need is a friend indeed.' means that we shall know who our real friends are when we are in need Those who desert us when we are in difficulty are just unfaithful friends A true friend would remain with us whether we are rich or poor Some people be friend the rich, simply for the sake of getting benefits from them It is useless to have insincere friends because these friends remain with us as long as we are rich or powerful It is better to have one or two good friends rather than having hundreds of insincere ones A true friend will stand by us in our trials and tribulations He will be a great source of consolation and comfort in our troubles So we must be careful in choosing our friends It is difficult to choose a sincere friend overnight; it takes years for us to find a sincere friend 41 Real friends share everything we need T 42 Unfaithful friends stop being our friends when we are in trouble 43 A rich friend is always a true friend T F 44 A true friend is always loyal to us and support us through our difficulties T 45 It's not worth having a lot of friends F 46 It may take a lot of time to find a real friend T IV WRITING 19 From the four words or phrases - a, b, c or d, choose the one that best completes the sentence 47 the promotion of health and to helping people avoid injury and disease a To commit the Red Cross c Committed to the Red Cross is b The Red Cross to commit d The Red Cross is committed to 48 It is possible may assist some tree in saving water in the winter a the leaves are lost b when leaves have lost c that the loss of leaves d to lose leaves 49 It can sometimes a home a to take months to sell b take several months to sell c selling takes several months d to sell taking several months 50 Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and so did their children a so their children b neither did the children c also the children d so did their children UNIT I TEST PRONUNCIATION Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others a generous b suspicious c constancy a sorrow b mutual a acquaintance b unselfish d sympathy c pursuit c attraction d influence d humorous a intelligent b interesting c hospitable d favourite a loyalty b success c incapable d sincere II LANGUAGE FOCUS A Choose the one word or phrase- a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase Sarah brightened considerably as she thought of Emily's words a with b on c up d for Does he tell you how he is getting his new friends? a on with b on of c away with d out of There is no truth in the that Margaret has lost her job a rumour b case c instance Friendship is a two-side ; it lives by give-and-take 20 d news a affair b event c way d aspect 10 Jen had confided her secret to Mark; but he betrayed her a loyalty b trust c constancy d sympathy 11 They were extremely to my plight a sympathized b sympathetic c sympathy d sympathetieal 12 The President expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths a sadness b anxiety c disappointment d interest 13 Let me know if you see anyone acting a properly b constantly c suspiciously d carefully 14 Business leaders gave an welcome to the proposal a official b exciting c enthusiastic d warmly 15 The school appeared essentially since my day a changed b unchanged c changeable d unchangeable B Choose the one word or phrase –a, b, c, or d- that best completes the sentences 16 ‘How about going to the theater?' 'OK,' but I would rather a concert.' a attend b to attend c attending d have attended 17 Neither my friends nor I particularly interested in the training course next month a are b am c be d being 18 It's time you harder for the next exam a work b are working c worked d have worked 19 Jim doesn't speak very clearly a It’s difficult to understand him b It’s difficult for understanding him c He’s difficult in understand him d It’s difficult to understand 20 Only when she apologizes to her again a I'll speak b will I speak c that I speak d I speak 21 Let's go ahead and it now Nothing by waiting a accomplishes b accomplished c has accomplished d will be accomplished 22 Last night, we saw a meteor through the sky a streaked b to streak c streak d to have streaked 23 At the end of this month, we friends for ten years a will be b are c has been 21 d will have been 24 The skiers would rather through the mountains than go by bus a to travel on train b traveled by train c travel by train d traveling by the train 25 If we leave now for our trip, we can drive half the distance before we stop lunch a having b to have c having had d for having C Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct 26 When I kept getting unwanted calls, I called the phone company and A B had my phone number change (changed) C D 27 During a curfew it is not possible walking on the streets after a specified A B C D hour (to walk) 28 Clay that has been heated or fired in a kiln cannot to be softened again A B C (be) D 29 It is educational for children to observe adults to perform their daily tasks A B C D (performing) 30 As they grow older, children in many cultures taught not to rely A B C on their parents (are taught) D III READING A Choose the correct words or phrases that best complete the passage Dear Jane, I'm sorry for not (31) to you for two months In my postcard sent to you when I was on vacation in July, I told you about a new friend of (32) , Lisa Moran, who lives near my uncle's farm in Napan Valley, California You may be curious to know what she is (33) Well, Lisa is of our age - 17 - and not very tall or slim In fact, she has (34) rounded shoulders and a plump face The best (35) on Lisa's face are her green eyes and the two dimples on her checks She (36) lively with her hair cut short and dressed in (37) clothes - jeans and a T-shirt When I first met her at my cousin's birthday party, I was attracted by her (38) and pleasingly direct manners Curiously enough, Lisa has the same (39) in music as you and I 22 That's (40) about Lisa for the moment How have you been doing with your school work? Please write soon Best wishes Ann Maxfield 31 a write b to write 32 a I c writing b me 33 a looking d wrote c my b like d mine c seen d similar 34 a slightly b hardly c scarcely d reasonably 35 a aspects b points c features d marks c appears d looks 36 a feels b seems 37 a casual b formal c sports d trendy 38 a light-hearted b high-handed 39 a taste c self-centered b hearing 40 a all d easy-going c sense b enough c end d way d most B Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers Having a best friend to confide in can bring a positive effect on our emotional health An evening out with the closest friend may be the best guarantee of a good time In fact, our best friend can prevent us from developing serious psychological problems such as depression and anxiety Best friendship evolves with time - we cannot go out and pick our best friend We become friends with people who share common interests – at school or through hobbies, for example Best friends have usually known each other for years and stuck together through good and bad times If you haven't got one, perhaps you are being too distant from people, or focusing too much on your work 41 A best friend can a give us a healthy life b go out with us in the evening c spend much time finding d share joy and sadness with us 42 Close friends need to a study at the same school b have the same interests c pursue the same hobbies d spend time together 43 According to the passage, a it takes a lot of time to make close friendships b we can go out and choose a good friend easily 23 c best friends have good and bad times d It’s very difficult to make lasting friendships 44 The word 'one' in the last paragraph refers to a good time b bad time c a friendship d a close friend 45 Which of the following sentences is not mentioned? a We often have satisfaction being with a close friend b the ties of close friendship will never be broken c An unsociable person may not have a close friend d Friendships need time to develop IV WRITING A Choose the sentence - a, b, c, or d - which is closest in meaning to the sentence above 46 At the factory he likes people to let him have his own way a He doesn't like it when people tell him what to b He often needs the help of other people in his work c He doesn't accept help from people he dislikes d He likes people to think all good ideas are his own 47 I would rather have an egg for breakfast a I would eat an egg for my breakfast b I don't want an egg for breakfast c I prefer to have an egg for breakfast d I'll have an egg if there, is nothing else for my breakfast 48 It would have been a perfect paper except for some mistakes a It was a perfect paper b The word was spelt perfectly c The paper had some mistakes d The teacher did not accept the paper 49 It's waste of time to try to explain anything to Tony a Tony should be given explanation b It's not worth trying to explain anything to Tony c To save time, explain it to Tony d It's well worth trying to explain things to Tony 50 The workers are threatening to go on strike unless the company raises the hourly wage a If their wages are not increased, the workers plan to strike b The company raised the workers' wages to avoid a strike c The company demands that the workers strike 24 d The company threatened to pay the workers less B Choose the best sentence -a, b, c, or d - made from the given cues 51 I/ had/ An/ clean/ bedroom/ before/ let/ her/ go out/ play// a I had An clean up her bedroom before I let her going out to play b I had An cleaned her bedroom before letting her go out for playing c I had An clean up her bedroom before I let her go out to play d I had An to clean her bedroom before letting her go out to play 52 It/ wonderful/ hear/ magnificent performance// a It was wonderful to hear such a magnificent performance b It was wonderful of hearing a magnificent performance c It's wonderful to hear such magnificent performance d It will be wonderful to hear a such magnificent performance 53 He/ not keep/ promise/ visit me/ regularly// a He doesn't keep promising and visiting me regularly b He didn't keep his promise to visit me regularly c He hasn't kept to promise to visit me regularly d He doesn't keep his promise to visit to me regularly 54 We/ listen/ old man/ say/ his story/ beginning/ end// a We listened to the old man saying his story from beginning to end b We listened the old man say his story from the beginning to the end c We listened to the old man say his story from beginning to end d We listened to the old man to say his story from beginning to end 55 boys/ clever/ see/ solution/ problem/ so quickly// a The 'boys were clever to see the solution to the problem so quickly b Boys are clever to see the solution of problem so quickly c The boys are clever at seeing the solution to the problem so quickly d The boys were clever to see the solution of the problem so quickly UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Kinh nghiệm cá nhân 25 affect (v) [ə'fekt]:ảnh hưởng appreciate (v) [ə'pri:∫ieit]: trân trọng attitude (n) ['ætitju:d]: thái độ break out (v) ['breikaut]: xảy complain (v) [kəm'plein]: phàn nàn + complaint (n) [kəm'pleint]: lời phàn nàn dollar note (n) ['dɔlə nout]: tiền giấy đơla embarrassing (a) [im'bỉrəsiη]: ngượng ngùng embrace (v) [im'breis]: ôm experience (n) [iks'piəriəns]:trải nghiệm 10 floppy (a) ['flɔpi]: mềm 11 glance at (v) [glɑ:ns]: liếc nhìn 12 grow up (v) [grou]: lớn lên 13 make a fuss (v) [fʌs]: làm ầm ĩ 14 memorable (a) ['memərəbl]: đáng nhớ 15 realise (v) ['riəlaiz]: nhận 16 set off (v) ['set'ɔ:f]: lên đường 17 sneaky (a) ['sni:ki]: lút 18 terrified (a) ['terifaid]: kinh hãi 19 thief (n) [θi:f]: tên trộm 26 20 turn away (v) [tə:n ə'wei]: quay đi, bỏ 21 unforgetable (a) [,ʌnfə'getəbl]: quên 22 wad (n) [wɔd]: nắm tiền 23 wave (v) [weiv]: vẩy tay 24 shy (a) [∫ai]: mắc cỡ, bẽn lẽn 25 scream (v) [skri:m]: la hét B GRAMMAR : 27 ... sorrow (n) ['sɔrou]: nỗi buồn 54 sympathy (n) ['simpəθi]: thông cảm 55 take up (v) ['teik'ʌp]: đề cập đến 56 uncertain (a) [ʌn'sə:tn]không chắn 57 understanding (a) [,ʌndə'stændiη]: thấu hiểu 58... tượng - involve: liên quan - mention: đề cập đến - mind: ngại - miss: bỏ lỡ - postpone: hoãn lại - practice: luyện tập - quit: từ bỏ - risk: có nguy - suggest: đề nghị - It is no use: khơng có ích... ngại - can’t help: không - can’t stand / can’t bear: không chịu đựng nỗi - feel like: cảm thấy thích - look forward to: mong chờ, mong đợi - It is (not) worth: đáng / không đáng - keep / keep

Ngày đăng: 12/10/2022, 06:09

