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Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn TỔNG HỢP BỘ ĐỀ IELTS SPEAKING THÁNG 9-12 NĂM CONTENT PART a) Work & Study b) Teacher c) Family d) Celebrity e) Walking f) Books g) Newspaper and magazine h) Bags i) Art j) Chocolate k) Photography l) Advertisement m) Noise n) Bus or taxi PART I PEOPLE Describe a person / something that made you laugh (new) Describe a person who you have met before and you want to know more about (new) Describe a creative inventor or musician (new) Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Describe a famous person in your country (new) Describe a person that you admire (new) Describe someone who has a great influence on you (new) Describe a person who once moved to live with you Describe a leader you admire 10 Describe someone you enjoy being together 10 10 Describe a person who once moved to live with you 11 II PLACE 12 11 Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike (new) 12 12 Describe a sport stadium that's important in your city (new) 12 13 Describe a place where you relaxed (new) 13 14 Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work (new) 13 15 Describe a place you often visit (new) 14 16 Describe a garden you have visited (new) 15 17 Describe a big company you are interested in 15 18 Describe an interesting place in your city/town 16 III OBJECT 17 19 Describe your favorite movie (new) 17 20 Describe a piece of equipment in your home (new) 17 21 Describe a gift that you recently gave to others (new) 18 22 Describe a wild animal (new) 19 23 Describe a sport that you prefer to and is a little expensive (new) 19 24 Describe an interesting song (new) 20 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn 25 Describe an area of subject that you are interested in (such as physics, mathematics) (new) 21 26 Describe a special meal you have had (new) 22 27 Describe a team project for study or entertainment (new) 22 28 Describe an outdoor activity you like to (new) 23 29 Describe an advertisement you have seen recently (new) 23 30 Describe a website you like to visit (new) 24 31 Describe an interesting photo (new) 25 32 Describe a small business you would like to have (new) 26 33 Describe an APP in your computer or phone 27 34 Describe an item that you received and made you happy 27 35 Describe an old thing that your family has kept for a long time 28 36 Describe a course that you want to learn 29 37 Describe an outdoor activity you like to 29 38 Describe an interesting tradition in your country 30 39 Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in 31 40 Describe a method that helps you save money 31 41 Describe a good news you ever heard 32 42 Describe a good character or personality of yours 33 43 Describe a mistake that you once made 33 IV EVENT 34 44 Describe a time you needed to use imagination (new) 34 45 Describe a time you were very busy (new) 35 46 Describe a time you made an appointment for something (new) 35 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn 47 Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently (new) 36 48 Describe a bicycle / motorbike / car trip that is interesting (new) 36 49 Describe a short journey that you disliked 37 50 Describe a wedding you have been to 38 51 Describe a situation that made you angry 38 52 Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for the first time 39 53 Describe a positive change you have made 40 54 Describe a time when you share something with others 40 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn PART a) Work & Study What work you do? Why did you choose to that type of work (or, that job)? Do you like your job? Is it very interesting? (Possibly)Do you miss being a student? Your Studies: What subject(s) are you studying? Why did you choose to study that subject? / Why did you choose to Study those subjects? Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?) Is it very interesting? (Possibly) Are you looking forward to working? Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? b) Teacher Do you often invite friends to visit your home? Do you like visitors corning to your home? Do people often visit you at your home? How often visitors come to your home? When visitors come to your home? Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Do you prefer to have friends visit you, or relatives? What you usually together with your visitors? When someone visits you, how you usual, show hospitality (or, entertain them)? c) Family How often you meet with your family? How you spend the time with your family? Do you want to live with your family in the future? Are you close to of your family members? How has your family influenced you? d) Celebrity Who is your favorite celebrity in Vietnam? Do you like any foreign celebrities? Would you want to be a celebrity in the future? Do you think we should protect famous people's privacy? How celebrities influence their fans in Vietnam? e) Walking Do you like walk? Do you like to walk on your own or with others? Would you say that your city is a good place for walking? f) Books How often you read? Do you have many books at home? Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Do Vietnamese people enough reading? Do Vietnamese people like to read? What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don't like reading very much? g) Newspaper and magazine Do you often read newspapers? Do you prefer to read local news or international news? Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines? Do many people today read newspapers? In the future, you think more people than today will read magazines, or fewer people? DO you think newspapers will be very important to you in the future? h) Bags Do you like bags? What types of bags you like? Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)? What types of bags you use (in your everyday life)? Do you have different bags for different occasions (or, different purposes)? What you put in these bags? What sorts of bags women like to buy? i) Art Do you like art? Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Do you think art classes are necessary? (Why?) How you think art classes affect children's development? What kind of paintings Vietnamese people like? What can you learn from western paintings? What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby? j) Chocolate How often you eat chocolate? What's your favorite flavor? Is chocolate expensive in Vietnam? When was the first time you ate chocolate? Is chocolate popular in Vietnam? k) Photography Do you like to take photographs? (Why?) Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? (Why?) How long have you liked taking photographs? How (why) did you become interested in photography? How often you take photographs? In what situations you take photographs? What kind of photos you like to take? (Why?) Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery? l) Advertisement Are there many advertisements in your country? Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Why you think there are so many advertisements now? What are the various places where we see advertisements? How you feel about advertisements? m) Noise Do you mind noises? What types of noise you come across in your daily life? Are there any sounds that you like? Where can you (= one) hear loud noise? Do you think there's too much noise in modern society? Are cities becoming noisier? n) Bus or taxi How often you take the bus? When was the first time you took a taxi? What are the advantages of taking a taxi compared with buses? Is it convenient to take the bus/taxi in your city? Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn PART I PEOPLE NEW Describe a person / something that made you laugh (new) You should say: When this happened Where this happened Who were there And explain why you laughed Part How would you definite happiness? Do Vietnamese people like to watch comedy? Who is the most popular comedian in Vietnam? What you when you feel unhappy? Why children tend to be happier than adults? Describe a person who you have met before and you want to know more about (new) You should say Who this person is; When and where you met; What you did or talked about; Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn 33 Describe an APP in your computer or phone You should say: What this APP is Why you know this APP Why you choose this APP And you like using it Part 3: How much time you spend on these APPs? Do you use free APPs or the ones that you need to pay for? Do you like to look for new APPs or just keep using the old ones? Do you think high-tech products such as computers are naturally more useful in your daily life? What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology? What is the impact of technology on people’s life? 34 Describe an item that you received and made you happy You should say When you received it What the item was Who gave you it And explain why you felt happy Part 27 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn What type(s) of shop would you recommend a visitor to Vietnam go to? (Why?) Do you ever buy anything on the internet? What you think are the advantages of buying things on the internet? Are there any disadvantages (or dangers) from buying on the internet? (What?) Do you like window shopping? (Why? /Why not?) In Vietnam, how has shopping changed in the past few decades? Do you think people spend too much time (or money) on shopping? (Why? /Why not?) What kinds of people spend an excessive amount of time or money on shopping? 35 Describe an old thing that your family has kept for a long time You should say What the object is Where it came from How long it has been in your family And why your family has kept it Part 3: What’s the value of old things? Do you think it necessary to preserve old things? Do Vietnamese generally like visiting museums? Do you think children should often visit museums? What’s the difference between visiting museums and watching pictures of objects online? 28 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Do you think it good for museums to sell tickets to the public? What are the problems in the museums of your city? How can museums attract more people? 36 Describe a course that you want to learn You should say: What this course is When you want to learn it Where you can learn it And explain why you want to learn it Part Should schools teach both arts and science? What kinds of courses are useful for university students? Why some students dislike studying at school? What school activities are good for schoolchildren? 37 Describe an outdoor activity you like to You should say: What it is Where you like to it How you it And explain why you like to it Part 29 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Would you say people spend more time outdoors today than they did, say, 20 years ago? What are the benefits of doing things outdoors? Are there any outdoor activities that many people used to (but which most people don't now)? What are the most popular outdoor activities in Vietnam? What sorts of activities children like to outdoors? Do boys and girls like to the same kinds of things outdoors? Do old people and young people like doing the same kinds of things outdoors? 38 Describe an interesting tradition in your country You should say: What it is When you know it Do you like it And is it suitable in modern society Part 3: Why is it important to protect traditions? What’s the most important tradition in your country? What kinds of traditions have disappeared in your country? Why should children learn about traditions? What can government to protect traditions? 30 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn 39 Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in You should say: What the news was about When and how you got the news What people were mentioned in this news And explain why this news was interesting Part 3: What are the good characteristics of good newspaper? How can a newspaper attract readers? What are the differences of newspapers and magazines? How Vietnamese generally get news? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet? Do you think newspapers and magazines will disappear with the popularity of the Internet? What qualities you think a good journalist should have? What you think of the violence in news broadcast? Do you think that the media can report the news about celebrities? What you think of the future of the media? 40 Describe a method that helps you save money You should say: What the method is 31 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn When you started to use it How you knew it And explain why it is helpful Part3 What can parents to teach children to save money? Why young people tend to waste money? What kinds of things people like to buy in your country? Do schools in Vietnam teach anything about financial management? What is it necessary to teach teenagers to manage money? How parents give pocket money in your country? present 41 Describe a good news you ever heard You should say: What the news was about When I got this news Where they got this news from And explain why you think it was a good piece of news Part 3: How people share good news? How does modern technology affect the delivery of information? When people share good news? What kind of good news have you received before? 32 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers? How most people get their news in your country? How you think people will get their news in the future? 42 Describe a good character or personality of yours You should say: What is it Is it a common personality How it is helpful to you Part 3: What are the qualities that a person need to succeed in life? To what extent you think successful people are happy people? Do people choose friends and partners with similar personalities to their own? What personalities traits are considered to be typical of your culture? Which aspects of modern life have a bad effect on people’s personalities? Which personalities traits might be most valuable to society in the future? Are some characteristics more typical of men than women? How can a person’s upbringing affect his/her personality? How much can events change the personality we are born with? 43 Describe a mistake that you once made You should say: What it was 33 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn How you did it Why you did it And how you deal with this mistake Part 3: Do you agree that we learn best from our mistakes? What’s the best way to gain experience in life? Can we gain life experience from books and movies? Which is more important, experience or potential? What experience you wish you’d gain? IV EVENT NEW 44 Describe a time you needed to use imagination (new) You should say: What the situation was Why needed to use imagination What the difficulties were And explain how you felt about it Part Why most children have a wild imagination? What kinds of books can boost people's imagination? Do you like to watch movies about the future? 34 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn What can schools for students' creativity? 45 Describe a time you were very busy (new) You should say: When it happened Where you were What you did And explain why you were that busy Part Do you like the fast pace of modern life? How you feel when you are really busy? What's the best way to deal with stress? What kind of lifestyle is suitable to people in modern society? What relaxation techniques you usually use? 46 Describe a time you made an appointment for something (new) You should say: When and where it happened What the appointment was for; What happened when you made it; And explain how you felt about the appointment Part How often you make appointments? 35 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Is it important to be punctual in your country? Is it easy to make an appointment in Vietnam? 47 Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently (in your free time) (new) You should say: What you did When and where you did it Who you did it with And explain why you think it was interesting or unusual Part How people in Vietnam spend their leisure time, for example, after school, after work or on weekends? Compare how adults spend their leisure time with how children spend their leisure time What kinds of things families in Vietnam together in their leisure time? Would you say that people have enough leisure time today? How you think science and technology has changed people's lives in Vietnam in the past few years? Compare the way men spend their leisure time and the way women spend their leisure time 48 Describe a bicycle / motorbike / car trip that is interesting (new) You should say: 36 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Where you would like to go How you would like to go there Who I would like to go with And explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike Part Do Vietnamese people prefer to travel by car or by train? What are the advantages of travelling with a group of people? Should young people travel abroad? Where Vietnamese people like to travel? Is international trip popular with people in your country? HOT 49 Describe a short journey that you disliked You should say: When you took that journey Who you went with Where did you go And explain why you disliked it Part 3: Where Vietnamese like to take a trip? Is t troublesome to take a trip? Can you experience a local culture from a short trip? 37 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn Which one you prefer, several short trips and one long trip? Can you know a place thoroughly in one or two days? 50 Describe a wedding you have been to You should say: When it was Who got married What happened at the wedding And how you feel about this wedding Part 3: What kinds of wedding presents people usually give in your country? Compare the advantages of having a big wedding and small wedding Why people enjoy celebrating events such as wedding? Do you think that there is an ideal age for getting married? Do you think that men and women have different attitudes to getting married in your culture? How should family and work responsibilities be shared in a marriage? How much interest people show in the marriages of famous people? How important is marriage for a society? Do you think that attitudes to marriage change in the future? 51 Describe a situation that made you angry You should say: 38 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn When it happened What happened How you felt Part 3: Do you think it’s good to show your emotions when you’re angry? In your opinion, women show their emotions more than men? Why you think men tend to show their emotions less than women? 52 Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for the first time You should say: When it happened What did you eat How was it And you still eat this kind of food Part 3: What’s the main food in Vietnam? Have the eating habits of Vietnamese changed over the years? Do you think your eating habit changed? What is the healthy diet? What you think is healthy food? What you think of fast food? What you think of buying food in the supermarkets? 39 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn 53 Describe a positive change you have made You should say: What the change was When it happened Where it happened And explain how you have benefited from this change Part 3: Do you think young people are more adaptive to changes? What benefits changes bring to society? Do people like to change jobs? Are there any advantages of changing jobs? Why people change jobs, for higher salary or for promotion? Is it due to the differences between young people and old people? Is it easier for young people or ole people to adapt to environment? 54 Describe a time when you share something with others You should say: What you shared When you shared it Who you shared it with And explain why you shared it or how you felt when you shared it Part 3: 40 Collected by i-educator.vn www.facebook.com/ieducatorvn What are the advantages of sharing? What’s the reason that children don’t like to share with others? What kinds of things children share? How parents teach their children to share with others? Should people share food in parties? Why? Should people share transportation tools? What methods should be taken to enable people to share their transportation tools in cities? 41

Ngày đăng: 06/10/2022, 09:36


