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Course title: International Business Management Course ID: NT401DE01 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STRATEGY OF COCA­COLA COMPANY Member in Coca-Cola group Nguyễn Thanh Tuyền Phạm Lương Diệu Ngà Nguyễn Thùy Linh Đỗ Lê Tấn Đạt Student ID 2007032 2007558 2006825 2007905 Hoa Sen University International Business Management ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, We would like to send the most respective thank to our lecturer Mrs Pham Thi Bich Ngoc who instructs and gives us precious knowledge to make this report Secondly, give us a favour to thank to Hoa Sen University for give us a chance to learn international business management subject This one is really useful for our major – International Business While we make this report, we cannot avoid making unrespected mistakes Therefore, we welcome your criticisms to make our report better Much obliged Hoa Sen University International Business Management Introduction CCoca Cola is a large company which have headquarter in Atlanta, Georgia state Coca-Cola company is working over 200 countries in the world Coca-Cola ‘s brand is best-seller freshwater one and all of people all over the world love CocaCola or one of kinds of attractive drink of this corporation Nowadays, Coca-Cola company’s so successful to expand their market Viet Nam is also a market which Coca-Cola company want to invest and develop To know more about the influenced brand to many countries and many generations, our group choose this topic “Coca-Cola” to analysis and research Hoa Sen University International Business Management Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i Introduction ii Main Contents: 1 Overview Coca cola Corporation 2.1 The achievement in business: .2 2.2 Revenue: .3 2.3 Community Activities: The failure of Coca-Cola Company: 3.1 The “New Coke”- The worst mistake in history of Coca-Cola: 3.2 Coca-cola forced to close the factory in India Marketing analysis 4.1 Marketing in global market: 4.2 Marketing Campaign in Viet Nam 14 Operation Strategy Entry 19 5.1 Operation strategy in the world 19 5.2 Operation Strategy in Viet Nam 20 SWOT Analysis 22 6.1 Strengths .22 6.2 Weaknesses 22 6.3 Oppoturnities 23 6.4 Threats 23 REFERENCE MATERIAL .24 Hoa Sen University International Business Management Hoa Sen University International Business Management Main Contents: Overview Coca cola Corporation Coca Cola was set up in 1886 At that time Dr John Pemberton began to manufacture Coca Cola syrup for retail However the bottling business began in 1899 when two Chattanooga businessmen, Benjamin F Thomas and Joseph B Whitehead, secured the exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola for most of the United States from The Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola (known as Coke) is well-known as carbonated soft drink, which is registered in 1893 Coke is also seems to be a patent medicine when John Pemberton literally invented in the late 19th century In 1888, a American business man is named as Asa Griggs Candler, who made his brilliant fortune by transforming American’s knowledge of Coca Cola Asa Griggs Candler created a lot of marketing tactics to change American customer’s minds and lead his company to the dominance of the world soft drink market Coca-Cola name was created by their two significant factors, which are Coca leaf and coca corn These two factors were becoming the main reason to subvert the whole world’s market in 1960, when people started to call Asa Candle as the man who brings the addictions to the world Based on the affections, Coca- Cola was encouraged to create more similar products such as Coke zero or Diet Coke; these new products have their own target to supply the customer’s expectations After conducting a lot of achievement and advertisement, Coca-Cola becomes one of the most famous brand in the world Coca-Cola is a brand which 94% population all over the world know about Coca Cola is recommended at the first time in Viet Nam in 1960 to February1994 Coca Cola backs to Viet Nam and starts the process of long time business From 1995 to Hoa Sen University International Business Management 1998, the joint-venture between Indochina Coca-Cola and Domestic enterprises which has the headquarter in regions In October 1998, Viet Nam government allowed the joint-venture enterprises to become 100% FDI so the joint-venture enterprises of Coca Cola in Viet Nam belong to Indochina Coca Cola in turn In June 2001 , thank to the allowance of Viet Nam government , companies of Coca Cola in regions were united and had the general management of Coca Cola From March 1st 2004, Coca cola transferred for Sabco–one of famous bottle corporation of Coca Cola in the world The development of Coca-cola company: 2.1 The achievement in business: Coca-Cola is seen as a symbol of refreshment for everyone Designs and featured of Coca-Cola bottle is familiar with everyone, which has become part of consumers' lives After 129 years, Coca-Cola Company becomes the biggest international beverage company in the world The company works in over 200 countries in the world Nowadays, Coca-Cola company has more than 3500 products worldwide If drink a Coca-Cola’s product each day, you will spend years to be able to fully enjoy all kinds of products of this company In 2013, Coca-Cola retained the No position on Interbrand’s World’s Most Valuable Brands Coke’s 2014 brand value is estimated at $81.6 billion, up percent from 2013 Hoa Sen University International Business Management 2.2 Revenue: Coca-Cola Revenue & Net Income 60 USD, Billion 50 40 Revenue Net income 30 20 10 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Figure 1: Revenue & Net Income of Coca- Cola global In 2014, Income of Coca-Cola signs of prosperity after 11 years of continuous decrease Advertising campaign “Share a Coke” succeeded brilliantly, which helped sales of Coca-Cola increased by 2.5% over the same period in 2013  Coca-Cola Company in Vietnam: Since establishment in 1994, the Coca Cola Company in Vietnam has never been profitable despite revenue increasing continuously every year Coca-Cola Vietnam Revenue & Loss 3000 VNĐ, Billion 2500 2000 Revenue Loss 1500 1000 500 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Figure 2: Coca-Cola Vietnam Revenue & Loss Hoa Sen University International Business Management Mr Nguyen Khoa My, representation of Coca-Cola Vietnam, said that the increasing of sugar price, electricity price and materials price are the reason why the company always loss However, the company continues to invest in Vietnam because of the potential of this market 2.3 Community Activities: Besides effective business, Coca-Cola is famous for doing community activities Many activities, which help for people and improve environment, are found by Coca-Cola Company  Project last Mike In 2010, Coca-Cola cooperated with The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in “Project last Mike” In this program, Coca-Cola’s supply chain, distribution, logistics and marketing expertise to help African governments get vital medicines and supplies the “last mile” to remote, hard-to-reach communities which launched in 2010 in Tanzania and expanded to Ghana in 2013 Today, the coalition will invest more than $21 million, plus significant in-kind resources  5by20 5by20 is the Coca-Cola Company’s global commitment to enable the economic empowerment of million women entrepreneurs across the company’s value chain by 2020 The object of this project are woman, who works in Coca-Cola company such as producers, distributors, supplier, retailers… They have opportunity to study business skills, financial services, asset and another soft skill…Until 2013, more than 550.000 women have been reach by this project  Some projects in Vietnam: o Coca-Cola Vietnam has ever collaboration with the Youth Culture Organization in Ba Ria - Vung Tau organized the "International Beach Cleaning" in Thuy Van Beach The program had more than 150 volunteers, including employees of Coca - Cola Vietnam and local youth union Hoa Sen University International Business Management members work together to participate in waste collection activities and plastic bags along the coastal areas Previously, the program was organized at the beach Son (Hai Phong) and Son Tra Beach (Da Nang) Over 150 volunteers joined in and cleaned up more than 350 kg of waste o With the project "Clean Water for Communities", in 2013, Coca-Cola has donated more than 5.7 billion for cooperation with UN-Habitat and CEFACOM They built the pipeline distribution network and installation of water supply connections to poor households in the region's water shortage Cam Lo district (Quang Tri), Hoa Vang district (Da Nang) and Thu Duc (Ho Chi Minh) Moreover, they drilled wells, installed water filtration systems for the poor in Thuong Tin district (Hanoi) The project supported nearly 10,000 people access to clean water The failure of Coca-Cola Company: 3.1 The “New Coke”- The worst mistake in history of Coca-Cola: - Background: Pepsi launched the campaign "Pepsi Challenge" Accordingly, the customer asked to try drinks of Pepsi and Coca Cola in blindfolded Then they make comments that what they are prefer Most of them chose Pepsi because it is sweeter than Coca-Cola In 1983, Coke's market share decreased from 60% to 24% - Strategy Mistakes: Leaders Coca Cola has decided to change the formula so that resemble drinks Pepsi and introduced New Coke products This new formula is tested with 200000 customers and they all think the new formula better However, the loyal customers disagree with New Coke, they want to drink Coke with old formula - Results: There were 400,000 calls and letters to headquarter of Coca-Cola They filled with frustration and protest the company changed the formula drinks The first formula change project in 99 years was fail months later, they had to return of the original formula, called Coca-Cola classic Hoa Sen University International Business Management  Coca Cola Zero (Coca Light) This is a youngest brand among Coca Cola brands, which focus toward young generation Zero Coke offers tasty flavor and refresh mind with zero sugar  Powerade (Sport drink) Powerade is a line product of sport beverage brand in Coca Cola It contains carbonated and electrolytes This soft drink will help you replace chemicals lost when you are sweating The blue color shows its function as a energetic drink This powerade cornered the United States about 25%  Minute Maid Another juice beverage brand from Coca Cola company This is a carbonated soft drinks mix some juice flavors There is no doubt that Coca Cola became the largest distributor to bring fruit juice country to country Minute Maid earned billions dollars for the Coca Cola company  Del Valle This is a brand new line product about natural fruit juices Del Valle is one of a “billion-dollars company”, which is now making strong waves in the Latin America market especially in New Mexico, Brazil, etc  Fuze This beverage is well received in Asia It is a mix of fruit juices, non-carbonated soft drinks and vitamin water together with tea flavor, which attracted most of teas fan specially the Japanese 11 Hoa Sen University International Business Management Coca Cola Company owns four beverages of the world top five biggest beverages in global Unlike Pepsi, Coca Cola chose to diversify its products to meet their customer’s demand that changes everyday Place The Coca Cola company ensures all of their products to be available in the market It is the worldwide brand which appears everywhere in the world Coca Cola managers always focused on wide distribution In any country, as the customers prefer to buy which items, the Coca Cola will make new distributions at that products The mix marketing strategy allows Coca Cola to better off their distributional marketing strategy in one country Coca Cola products are now available in every supermarkets and vending machine This fact proves wide scale distributions at anytime in anyplace Nowadays, a good distributional strategy is highly vital in one company as a inefficient strategy may effect the company’s turnover negatively In the distributional strategy, the marketers must highly concentrate on the cost whether it is affordable in one country or not Coca Cola is the company that focused on distributional strategy in the right way “Coca Cola” has become the most recognizable word in the world after the word “Ok” Coca Cola has always followed the intensive distribution and it created its own distributions mainly in stores included convenient stores, Marts, Department Store After years, the distributions of Coca Cola became extremely huge Recently, the have produced many type of products and also warehouse to produce specific products Price Price is the crucial element in the marketing mix as applying wrong pricing strategy will lead to the downside of profit On the other hand, with the suitable 12 Hoa Sen University International Business Management pricing strategy that is affordable to target customers would earn big money to the company Coca Cola set the price of its products depend on the value received of customers Each of one type of Coca Cola product has different pricing strategy The beverage market had become more and more competitive when Pepsi cooperation joined this market This made the Coca Cola to apply competitive strategy in order to keep the cheapest price in beverage market In this time, Coca Cola aimed at the low penetration strategy The price strategy must follow some aspects:  Consumer demand: this is an important element which depends on the customer’s flavor, and their salary and other products with different price The price and the value of one product are related to: “the higher price, the higher value”  The product lifecycle The fact is that with newest products or the earlier products will get higher price than it can often be Many companies have faced with the price strategy questions Pricing strategy is variable However, if one company adopts the wrong competitive pricing strategy, it will lead to the lost of profit in company For example, if a manager set a price in low stage, the target of volume can be met, yet no expected profit earned Promotion This mix is a tool help with the communications of Coca Cola brand to the consumers by the sales promotion strategies, through Public Relations and sponsorship Promotion helps Coca Cola create good advertising strategy in order to reach aimed target 13 Hoa Sen University International Business Management A d v e rtis in g Advertising S a le Sale P ro m o tio n Promotion T V & R a d io a d v e rtis e m e n t w ith in in te rn e t P ro m o tio n c a m p a ig n S p o n s o rs h ip E n te rta in m e n t PR PR Picture 3: Promotion strategy by Coca-Cola Coca Cola, by promotional strategy, try to share the customers how good is the products This strategy could be done by various campaigns such as sales (public events), sales discounts (in shopping malls) 4.2 Marketing Campaign in Viet Nam 4.2.1 Price  Products of coca cola is set price and based on the customer’s awareness They see the customer’s awareness about the value , not about the cost of the seller which make basic to set the price They use the factors about the cost in marketing –mix to build the value which is felt in customer’s mind  The pricing strategy of coca cola to penetrate the market : Be different from the high pricing strategy to refine the market , Coca cola sets the price for their products low relatively to penetrate the market with the hope that that will attract amount of stable customer and achive the big market share  Set discount price : Majority of Coca cola enterprices will turn in the price to reward for the customers who pay the money in advance , buy commodity with big quantity To discount cash is the discount for customers who buy and pay the 14 Hoa Sen University International Business Management money at sight To discount by quantity is the discount for customers who buy commodity with big quantity  Set distinguished price by the product type : base on this kind of setting price then the type of products and items of Coca Cola are set the price differently  Set the price which base on kind of product : Coca Cola often produces many types of product , not unique They are different about appearance , size , function… So they are set the price differently 4.2.2 Distribution: All of the products are manufactured at three main factories in Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi and Da Nang In 2001, Vietnamese Government allowed these factories to corporate as centralized management structure, inside, Coca Cola Vietnam factory in Ho Chi Minh City has a significant role as manager The other two factories are operating as branches of Coca Cola in Northside and middle side Based on these locations, Coca Cola Vietnam has an opportunity to expand their market that brings more profit to the organization In Soft Drink Market, Distribution activity can bring the successful in the fastest way Indeed, in the competitive market, the other soft drink manufactory named Pepsi, which has more distributors than Coca, help Coca Cola realize that they need to develop more in distribution activity through the retailers as Coffee shop, restaurant or even vending machine Moreover, to complete this distribution activity, Coca Cola has to launch new strategies to attract their retailer and increase their sales 4.2.3 Marketing: One of important factors brings the success to Coca Cola organization is Marketing process Customers certainly know the unchangeable taste and quality of Coca-Cola in century Marketing seems to be the best strength in this organization; Coca-Cola is one of a few organizations, which spends less money to build a strong reputation in the first appearance Beside, Coca-Cola confident strategy also becomes a main factor to create the celebrated brand, this strategy is wrote down in their slogans such as “The best soft drink without alcohol” (1906) or “6 million per day” (1925) 15 Hoa Sen University International Business Management Coca Cola always invest huge amount of money in their marketing strategy In the retailers such as convenient store or Super Market, Coca-Cola products are always arranged in the easily seen places Coca Cola has to pay a lot of money to get their treatment; they created the privately budget for advertisement such as on the TVs, magazines, entertainment activities… According to Commercial media Company and Market Researchers TNS Vietnam, Coca-cola Vietnam spent about 1.5 million US dollar for their advertisement activities in 2008 Coca-Cola organization knows how to attract their customer or creating impressive advertisement with unique and creativity method, which has ability to spread out the new trends such as the advertisement made by Coca-Cola about few years ago, or advertising about Happiness Factory 4.2.4 Promotion: Coca Cola does well in marketing and distribution, they expand and show off your brand, but how could they satisfy their customer? The answer is promotion activities Coca Cola just started the promotion activity, which is called “Bật nắp Sắp đôi Trúng đời” This event is distinguished from the other advertisements by decisive spirit, which potentially makes fun for a team rather than an individual Furthermore, the award for winners is not simply as physical things; moreover the prize seems to be a chance for teenagers to show off their talents and styles Based on the brilliant promotion methods, Coca cola has increased their sales and profit and brought more valuable things to their customers This promotion activity is one of the significant media tools for all organization, who is trying to increase their market share in the market field of vision 16 Hoa Sen University International Business Management 4.2.5 Product: Coca-Cola operates only in beverages including bottled water and soft drinks The company has created various kinds of drink with different tastes and designs to meet the diverse needs of customers include: Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Coke Vanilla-flavor Coke, Coke Zero, fruit juice, etc In recent years, the company has continuously researched and developed new products in order to serve Vietnamese consumers such as Joy (bottled water), Samurai (energy drinks), and Sunfill (fruit powder) Simultaneously, offering new flavor in traditional products to meet the taste of Vietnamese consumers, e.g., Lemon Fanta, Strawberry Fanta, and Lemon Soda Coca-Cola Company continues its commitment of long-term business in Vietnam and continuous innovation to meet the increasing demand in the potential and dynamic beverage market in Vietnam  Products of Coca-Cola Vietnam: Coca-Cola: Glass bottle, can, and Plastic Bottle Fanta Orange: Glass bottle, can, and Plastic Bottle Fanta Strawberry: Glass bottle, can, and Plastic Bottle Fanta Fruit: Glass bottle, can, and Plastic Bottle Sprite: Glass bottle, can, and Plastic Bottle Diet Coke: can Schweppes Tonic: Glass bottle and can Schweppes Lemon Soda:Glass bottle, can, and Plastic Bottle Crush Sarsi: Glass bottle and can Bottled water – Joy: PET Bottle 500ml and 1500ml Energy Water – Samurai: Glass bottle, can, and Powder Sunfill Orange: Fruit Powder 17 Hoa Sen University International Business Management Sunfill Pineapple: Fruit Powder  Packaging and Design: Each design, logo of Coca-Cola has changed flexibly, creatively and appropriately to appear on ads, T-shirts, beach towels, hats, etc that makes a perfect marketing campaign for Coca-Cola Coca has just honorably been awarded Platinum Pentaward 2009 for the summer design This is the prestigious award for packaging and style designer with eye-catching, beautiful and unique products With this design, the Coca-Cola has affirmed its leading position in designing beverages’ packaging and style Besides Coca constantly improved packaging and design to be more beautiful and easier to use Packaging of Coke includes 330ml can, 1.5L PET bottle, bucket (24 can), and 390ml plastic bottle with slim and elegant design, in order to meet each consumer segmentation needs Coca-Cola launched the unique bottle "Fanta Fun" This type of bottle with fancy and unique design made Fanta product more attractive and stylish This new bottle design set off Fanta brand youthfulness and activeness featuresa, according Vietnamese Youth In particular, the body of the bottle has optimized design to increase the comfort when using the product Creativity effort of Coca-Cola Company aim to continuously provide Vietnam consumers, especially young people, the opportunity to enjoy these types of beverage packaging that is both distinctive and attractive, both joyful and handy Coca-Cola regularly renewed packaging with eye-catching image to give customers the novelty and uniqueness of their products Recently, the company has launched series of products with a picture of Happiness Factory for glass bottles, plastic bottles and cans at the same price These products are parts of the campaign called “Happiness Factory” that Coca-Cola has just officially launched in Vietnam This is also the major marketing campaign in 2009 that was Coca-Cola's largest investment related to overall cost, scale of operation and level of innovation During Tet, Coca use iconic "swift" in a variety of products including box 24 cans of Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta (company first Tet packaging for Fanta and Sprite); Coca-Cola pairs 18 Hoa Sen University International Business Management of two 1.25 liter PET bottle and pack of 330ml Coca-Cola Because swift is the symbol of spring signals Efforts to improve the packaging and design of Coca-Cola are to bring our customers new feeling, unique, fun, optimistic and more convenient to use Operation Strategy Entry 5.1 Operation strategy in the world Coca Cola brand is a well-known brand which is recognizable by 98% population of the world Why Coca Cola made it to happen? The efficient strategies of Coca Cola are the core point that leads to the success of Coca Cola today By having sustainable steps, Coca Cola day by day strengthened the brand value in their customer’s mind From the time that Coca Cola established and set up their head office in Atlanta, Georgia State, Coca Cola cooperation is now operating in over 200 countries around the world Coca Cola brand is always the top brand, which sold out most products in beverage market Everybody loves Coca Cola brand and its various products Today, Coca Cola had been success in the way they wide their market with different types of products started with gas soft drink, then fruit juice, sport soft drink, mineral water and others Coca Cola operating structure included geographic groups consists of the Minute Maid Company  The North American Group together with the US and Canada  The Latin America Group included the Company’s operations across Central and South America, from Mexico to the tip of Argentina  The Greater Europe Group stretches from Greenland to Russia’s Far East, included some markets in Western Europe and the quickly growing nations of East and Central Europe 19 Hoa Sen University International Business Management  The Africa and Middle East Group, the Company’s most populated operating group, encompasses the Middle East and the entire continent of Africa  In the Asia Pacific Group, it consists of operations from India through the Pacific region including China, Japan and Australia  The Minute Maid Company – the Company’s juice business – which is located in Houston, Texas Texas is the top leading marketer in juices and beverage with juices From the first time, Coca Cola brand has been a crucial part of famous events in the United States and all over the world In the second World War, Coca Cola has announced that they ensured every soldier in American army will have one Coke glass cost bucks without tax or any additional profit to the company To guarantee this job, Coca Cola company has built the factories at 64 points in over the world included European, Africa With this effort in the competition of beverage, supported the company to larger market to the North America, to affirm the place of its brand with fast speed development after the world war II 5.2 Operation Strategy in Viet Nam Since the beginning in 1886, Coca Cola has become the most recognizable brand in the past With wide operations from more than 195 countries around the world, Coca Cola is the most well-known beverage worldwide Pepsi brand is the top competitor of Coca Cola in Vietnam market which has the number of products in the market equivalent to Coca Cola brand Viet Nam became a very crucial growth market to the Coca Cola Co Coca Cola very expected about the future market in Viet Nam Analyzer realized it is worth to try to keep strong position in the core products market then begin to develop new line of products related to existing products Coca Cola has adopted the strategy “strong foot in market” internationally Coca cola follow the strategy focus on the main market and shouldn’t widen investment without gaining anything That is the main operating strategy which top brand of beverage set as a basic of their development Coca Cola has realized that the 20 Hoa Sen University International Business Management beverage market growth in Vietnam has been increased day by day The total advertisement of Vietnam carbonated beverage has growth 93% compared with 2008, achieved 36.1 million USD in half year of 2009 In September of 2009, it grew almost 100%, achieved million USD in a month Coca Cola has brands of products in top 10 carbonated beverage in Vietnam included Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Schweppes In the visit to Vietnam in September of 2009, as a CEO of Coca Cola, Muhtar Kent has announced 200 USD in years The purpose of this investment is to improve production scale, enlarge distributions, marketing and training Vietnamese employees Second purpose of this investment is the young population in Vietnam, creative and dynamite, suitable in soft drink market After all is various potentials and active of employees in Vietnam In the process of penetration in Vietnam market, Coca Cola cooperation set up the head office in the North (Hanoi), the middle of Vietnam (Da Nang) and the South (Ho Chi Minh) After long years of research the market in Viet Nam, Coca Cola realized those crowded cities have possibility to consume their products in high degree Generally, the soft drink market in Vietnam is considered to have high potential That is why Coca Cola came to Vietnam in the early year of 1960 and till Feb of 1994, Coca Cola came back Coca Cola chose the market with high population and young active generation with high demand in carbonated soft drink  Coca Cola continued to develop the market in Vietnam by introducing new line of products such as Minute Maid Teppy This is the beverage with natural orange juice, full refresh for young generations in Vietnam The PET packing of the drink is very special too It is convenient mobile soft drink for the young 21 Hoa Sen University International Business Management SWOT Analysis 6.1 Strengths  Coca cola is the world’s largest and most well-known beverage company on the world  Have many popular subsidiary brands such as Fanta, Sprite , Moutain Dew, etc  The widest distribution network, presence in over 200 countries with the consumption over 1.6 billion servings a day  Achieve the competitive advantages by setting the premium prices compared with others competitiors  The employees with over millions and fifty thousands people globally can be seem as a strong point  Supply chain network is very efficient and well connected even to the remote places  Strong financial condition & wonderful marketing strategies  Packaging technology is very effective and efficient  Main sponsor for many various gameshow & international sport events 6.2 Weaknesses  Coca Cola has been claimed in the traces of mildew in their products This has caused very harmful damage to their brand image  Many strong competitors in drink segment fight over marketshare  Coca Cola are still low product diversification & not good at market expansion Not put a step in snack & food industry  In India, having publicity problems with water for using of locals  Lack of enthusiastic management to distribute products in the U.S.A Market  Many survey & research has criticized the harmful of coca cola products if excessively use  Many substitute products are available on the market and threatening the marketshare 6.3 Oppoturnities  Looking for more markets in these new untapped countries  Penetration is necessary for less known products in new market 22 Hoa Sen University International Business Management  Initiate the partnership with orther companies to increase the productivity & double the incomes  Bottled water is being developed as the trend of today’s drink  Great investment in advertising and differntation can lead to profits growth  Developing countries are going to be potential market for Coca cola Especially the population which will be the important part of consumption of Coca cola products  Put a step in snack & food industry to compete with others competitors and more efficient product portfolio diversification 6.4 Threats  Awareness about the harm of aerated drinks  Many competitors hit the markets.In beverage, Pepsi is the tough one They have diversified a lot of popular products in food industry  Many substitude products from other competitors are prevailing the marketshare  Great impact from economy crysis, inflation  Lifestyle are changing, they are coming closer to “Eco” life which is heathy & clear environment  Lack of raw material sourcing 23 Hoa Sen University International Business Management REFERENCE MATERIAL 1) http://www.euromonitor.com/coca-cola-co-the-in-soft-drinks/report 2) http://www.mbaskool.com/brandguide/food-and-beverages/2806-coca-colacompany.html 3) http://mba-posts.blogspot.com/2012/06/swot-analysis-of-coca-colacompany.html 4) http://www.marketing91.com/swot-coca-cola 5) http://marketrealist.com/2014/11/role-branding-advertising-soft-drinkindustry 6) http://www.statista.com/statistics/326065/coca-cola-brand-value 24 Hoa Sen University International Business Management 25 ... popular Coca Cola brand products in United States market includes:  Coca Cola Classic (Coca Cola King): People call it Coca Cola King! This is the best seller beverage, which brings Coca Cola company... general management of Coca Cola From March 1st 2004, Coca cola transferred for Sabco–one of famous bottle corporation of Coca Cola in the world The development of Coca- cola company: 2.1 The... Picture 2: Coca- Cola: Brand Value 4.1.2 Coca Cola Marketing Mix Coca Cola has become a well-known brand with over 94% population can recognize its logo There is no doubt that Coca Cola has been

Ngày đăng: 19/09/2022, 16:32
