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TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM TP HỒ CHÍ MINH HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Tập 17, Số (2020): 1137-1149 ISSN: 1859-3100 Vol 17, No (2020): 1137-1149 Website: http://journal.hcmue.edu.vn Research Article * STRONG CONVERGENCE OF INERTIAL HYBRID ITERATION FOR TWO ASYMPTOTICALLY G-NONEXPANSIVE MAPPINGS IN HILBERT SPACE WITH GRAPHS Nguyen Trung Hieu*, Cao Pham Cam Tu Faculty of Mathematics Teacher Education, Dong Thap University, Cao Lanh City, Viet Nam * Corresponding author: Nguyen Trung Hieu – Email: ngtrunghieu@dthu.edu.vn Received: April 07, 2020; Revised: May 08, 2020; Accepted: June 24, 2020 ABSTRACT In this paper, by combining the shrinking projection method with a modified inertial Siteration process, we introduce a new inertial hybrid iteration for two asymptotically Gnonexpansive mappings and a new inertial hybrid iteration for two G-nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces with graphs We establish a sufficient condition for the closedness and convexity of the set of fixed points of asymptotically G-nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces with graphs We then prove a strong convergence theorem for finding a common fixed point of two asymptotically G-nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces with graphs By this theorem, we obtain a strong convergence result for two G-nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces with graphs These results are generalizations and extensions of some convergence results in the literature, where the convexity of the set of edges of a graph is replaced by coordinate-convexity In addition, we provide a numerical example to illustrate the convergence of the proposed iteration processes Keywords: asymptotically G-nonexpansive mapping; Hilbert space with graphs; inertial hybrid iteration Introduction and preliminaries In 2012, by using the combination concepts between the fixed point theory and the graph theory, Aleomraninejad, Rezapour, and Shahzad (2012) introduced the notions of Gcontractive mapping and G-nonexpansive mapping in a metric space with directed graphs and stated the convergence for these mappings After that, there were many convergence results for G-nonexpansive mappings by some iteration processes established in Hilbert spaces and Banach spaces with graphs In 2018, Sangago, Hunde, and Hailu (2018) introduced the notion of an asymptotically G-nonexpansive mapping and proved the weak and strong convergence of a modified Noor iteration process to common fixed points of a finite family of asymptotically G-nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces with graphs After that some authors proposed a two-step iteration process for two asymptotically Gnonexpansive mappings T1,T2 : (Wattanataweekul, 2018) and a three-step iteration process for three asymptotically (Wattanataweekul, 2019) as follows: G-nonexpansive mappings T1,T2 ,T3 : Cite this article as: Nguyen Trung Hieu, & Cao Pham Cam Tu (2020) Strong convergence of inertial hybrid iteration for two asymptotically G-nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert space with graphs Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Journal of Science, 17(6), 1137-1149 1137 HCMUE Journal of Science Vol 17, No (2020): 1137-1149 v (1 b )u b T n u n n n n u1 , n un 1 (1 an )vn anT1n , (1.1) wn (1 cn )un cnT3n un u1 , vn (1 bn )wn bnT2n wn (1.2) n u (1 an )vn anT1 , n 1 where {an }, {bn }, {cn } [0,1] Furthermore, the authors also established the weak and strong convergence results of the iteration process (1.1) and the iteration process (1.2) to common fixed points of asymptotically G-nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces with graphs Currently, there were many methods to construct new iteration processes which generalize some previous iteration processes In 2008, Mainge proposed the inertial Mann iteration by combining the Mann iteration and the inertial term n (un un 1 ) In 2018, by combining the CQ-algorithm and the inertial term, Dong, Yuan, Cho, and Rassias (2018) studied an inertial CQ-algorithm for a non-expansive mapping as follows: w u (u u ) n n n n n 1 v (1 a ) w a Tw n n n n n u1, u2 H , C n {v H :|| v |||| wn v ||} Qn {v H : un v, un u1 0} un 1 PCn Qn u1, where {an } [0,1], {n } [, ] for some , , T : H H is a nonexpansive mapping, and PC n Qn u1 is the metric projection of u1 onto C n Qn In 2019, by combining a modified S-iteration process with the inertial extrapolation, Phon-on, Makaje, Sama-Ae, and Khongraphan (2019) introduced an inertial S-iteration process for two nonexpansive mappings such as: w u (u u ) n n n n n 1 u1, u2 H , vn (1 an )wn anT1wn un 1 (1 bn )T1wn bnT2vn where {an }, {bn } [0,1], {n } [, ] for some , , and T1,T2 : H H are two nonexpansive mappings Recently, by combining the shrinking projection method with a modified S-iteration process, Hammad, Cholamjiak, Yambangwai, and Dutta (2019) introduced the following hybrid iteration for two G-nonexpansive mappings (1 bn )un bnT1un wn (1 an )T1vn anT2vn (1.3) u1 , 1 , {w n :|| wn w |||| un w ||} n 1 u P u1, n 1 n 1 where {an }, {bn } [0,1], T1,T2 : are two G-nonexpansive mappings, and P u1 is the n 1 metric projection of u1 onto n 1 1138 HCMUE Journal of Science Nguyen Trung Hieu et al Motivated by these works, we introduce an iteration process for two G-nonexpansive mappings T1,T2 : H H such as: z n un n (un un 1 ) (1 bn )z n bnT1z n w (1 a )T v a T v u1, u2 H , 1 H , n n n n n w |||| z n w ||} w w { :|| n 1 n n u P u1, n 1 n 1 (1.4) and an iteration process for two asymptotically G-nonexpansive mappings T1,T2 : H H such as: z u (u u ) n n n n n 1 v (1 b )z b T n z n n n n n n anT2n w a T v (1 ) (1.5) u1, u2 H , 1 H , n n n 2 n 1 {w n :|| wn w || || z n w || n } un 1 Pn 1 u1 where {an }, {bn } [0,1], {n } [, ] for some , , H is a real Hilbert space, P u1 is n 1 the metric projection of u1 onto n1, and n is defined in Theorem 2.2 in Section Then, under some conditions, we prove that the sequence {un } generated by (1.5) strongly converges to the projection of the initial point u1 onto the set of all common fixed points of T1 and T2 in Hilbert spaces with graphs By this theorem, we obtain a strong convergence result for two Gnonexpansive mappings by the iteration process (1.4) in Hilbert spaces with graphs In addition, we give a numerical example for supporting obtained results We now recall some notions and lemmas as follows: Throughout this paper, let G (V (G ), E (G )) be a directed graph, where the set all vertices and edges denoted by V (G ) and E (G ), respectively We assume that all directed graphs are reflexive, that is, (u, u ) E (G ) for each u V (G ), and G has no parallel edges A directed graph G (V (G ), E (G )) is said to be transitive if for any u, v, w V (G ) such that (u, v ) and (v, w ) are in E (G ), then (u, w ) E (G ) Definition 1.1 Tiammee, Kaewkhao, & Suantai (2015, p.4): Let X be a normed space, be a nonempty subset of X , and G (V (G ), E (G )) be a directed graph such that V (G ) Then is said to have property (G ) if for any sequence {un } in such that (un , un 1 ) E (G ) for all n and {un } weakly converging to u , then there exists a subsequence {un (k ) } of {un } such that (un (k ), u ) E (G ) for all k Definition 1.2 Nguyen, & Nguyen (2020): Definition 3.1: Let X be a normed space and G (V (G ), E (G )) be a directed graph such that E (G ) X X The set of edges E (G ) is said to be coordinate-convex if for all (p, u ),(p, v ),(u, p),(v, p) E (G ) and for all t [0,1], then t(p, u ) (1 t )(p, v ) E (G ) and t(u, p) (1 t )(v, p) E (G ) 1139 HCMUE Journal of Science Vol 17, No (2020): 1137-1149 Definition 1.3 Tripak (2016) - Definition 2.1 and Sangago et al (2018)- Definition 3.1: Let X be a normed space, G (V (G ), E (G )) be a directed graph such that V (G ) X, and T : V (G ) V (G ) be a mapping Then (1) T is said to be G-nonexpansive if (a) T is edge-preserving, that is, for all (u, v ) E (G ), we have (Tu,Tv ) E (G ) (b) || Tu Tv |||| u v ||, whenever (u, v ) E (G ) for any u, v V (G ) (2) T is call asymptotically G -nonexpansive mapping if (a) T is edge-preserving (b) There exists a sequence {n } [1, ) with ( n 1 n 1) such that || T n u T n v || n || u v || for all n , whenever (u, v ) E (G ) for any u, v V (G ), where {n } is said to be an asymptotic coefficient sequence Remark 1.4 Every G-nonexpansive mapping is an asymptotically G-nonexpansive mapping with the asymptotic coefficients n for all n Lemma 1.5 Sangago et al (2018) - Theorem 3.3: Let be a nonempty closed, convex subset of a real Banach space X , have Property (G ), G (V (G ), E (G )) be a directed graph such that V (G ) , T : be an asymptotically G-nonexpansive mapping, {un } be a sequence in converging weakly to u , (un , un 1 ) E (G ) and lim || Tun un || Then Tu u n Let H be a real Hilbert space with inner product .,. and norm || ||, be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of a Hilbert space H Now, we recall some basic notions of Hilbert spaces which we will use in the next section The nearest point projection of H onto is denoted by P , that is, for all u H , we have || u Pu || inf{|| u v ||: v } Then P is called the metric projection of H onto It is known that for each u H , p Pu is equivalent to u p, p v for all v Lemma 1.6 Alber (1996, p.5): Let H be a real Hilbert space, be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of H , and P is the metric projection of H onto Then for all u H and v , we have || v Pu ||2 || u Pu ||2 || u v ||2 Lemma 1.7 Bauschke and Combettes (2011)- Corollary 2.14: Let H be a real Hilbert space Then for all [0,1] and u, v H , we have || u (1 )v ||2 || u ||2 (1 ) || v ||2 (1 ) || u v ||2 Lemma 1.8 Martinez-Yanes and Xu (2006) – Lemma 13: Let H be a real Hilbert space and be a nonempty, closed and convex subset of H Then for x , y, z H and a , the following set is convex and closed: {w :|| y w ||2 || x w ||2 z, w a } 1140 HCMUE Journal of Science Nguyen Trung Hieu et al The following result will be used in the next section The proof of this lemma is easy and is omitted Lemma 1.9 Let H be a real Hilbert space Then for all u, v, w H , we have || u v ||2 || u w ||2 || w v ||2 2u w, w v Main results First, we denote by F (T ) {u H : Tu u} the set of fixed points of the mapping T : H H The following result is a sufficient condition for the closedness and convexity of the set F (T ) in real Hilbert spaces, where T is an asymptotically G-nonexpansive mapping Proposition 2.1 Let H be a real Hilbert space, G (V (G ), E (G )) be a directed graph such that V (G ) H , T : H H be an asymptotically G-nonexpansive mapping with an asymptotic coefficient sequence {n } [1, ) satisfying ( n 1 n 1) , and F (T ) F (T ) E (G ) Then (1) If H have property (G ), then F (T ) is closed (2) If the graph G is transitive, E (G ) is coordinate-convex, then F (T ) is convex Proof (1) Suppose that F (T ) Let {pn } be a sequence in F (T ) such that lim || pn p || for n some p H Since F (T ) F (T ) E (G ), we have (pn , pn 1 ) E (G ) By combining this with property (G ) of H , we conclude that there exists a subsequence {pn (k ) } of {pn } such that (pn (k ), p) E (G ) for k Since T is an asymptotically G-nonexpansive mapping, we obtain || p Tp |||| p pn (k ) || || Tpn (k ) Tp || (1 1 ) || p pn (k ) || It follows from the above inequality and lim || pn p || that Tp p, that is, p F (T ) n Therefore, F (T ) is closed (2) Let p1, p2 F (T ) For t [0,1], we put p tp1 (1 t )p2 Since F (T ) F (T ) E (G ) and p1, p2 F (T ), we get (p1, p1 ),(p1, p2 ),(p2 , p1 ),(p2 , p2 ) E (G ) By combining this with E (G ) is coordinate-convex, we conclude that t(p1, p1 ) (1 t )(p1, p2 ) (p1, p) E (G ), t(p1, p1 ) (1 t )(p2, p1 ) (p, p1 ) E (G ) and t(p2 , p1 ) (1 t )(p2 , p2 ) (p2 , p) E (G ) Due to the fact that T is an asymptotically G- nonexpansive mapping, for each i 1,2, we get || pi T n p |||| T n pi T n p || n || pi p || Furthermore, by using Lemma 1.9, we get || p1 T n p ||2 || p1 p ||2 || p T n p ||2 2p1 p, p T n p and || p2 T n p ||2 || p2 p ||2 || p T n p ||2 2p2 p, p T n p It follows from (2.1) and (2.2) that 1141 (2.1) (2.2) (2.3) HCMUE Journal of Science Vol 17, No (2020): 1137-1149 || p T n p ||2 (n2 1) || p1 p ||2 2p1 p, p T n p (2.4) Also, we conclude from (2.1) and (2.3) that || p T n p ||2 (n2 1) || p2 p ||2 2p2 p, p T n p (2.5) By multiplying t on the both sides of (2.4), and multiplying (1 t ) on the both sides of (2.5), we get || p T n p ||2 t(n2 1) || p1 p ||2 (1 t )(n2 1) || p2 p ||2 2tp1 p, p T n p 2(1 t )p2 p, p T n p t(n2 1) || p1 p ||2 (1 t )(n2 1) || p2 p ||2 Since ( n 1 n (2.6) 1) , we have lim n Therefore, from (2.6), we find that n lim || p T n p || (2.7) n Furthermore, since (p , p) E (G ) and T n is edge-preserving, we have (p1,T p) E (G ) Then, by the transitive property of G and (p, p1 ),(p1,T p) E (G ), we get n n (p,T n p) E (G ) Due to asymptotically G-nonexpansiveness of T , we obtain || Tp p |||| Tp T n 1p || || T n 1p p || 1 || p T n p || || T n 1p p || (2.8) Taking the limit in (2.8) as n and using (2.7), we find that Tp p, that is, p F (T ) Therefore, F (T ) is convex Let T1,T2 : H H be two asymptotically G-nonexpansive mappings with asymptotic coefficient sequences {n },{n } [1, ) such that n max{n , n }, we have {n } [1, ) ( n 1 n 1) and n 1 satisfying ( ( n 1 n 1) n 1) Put and for all (u, v ) E (G ) and for each i 1, 2, we have || Ti n u Ti n v || n || u v || In the following theorem, we also assume that F F (T1 ) F (T2 ) is nonempty and bounded in H , that is, there exists a positive number such that F {u H :|| u || } The following result shows the strong convergence of iteration process (1.5) to common fixed points of two asymptotically G-nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces with directed graphs Theorem 2.2 Let H be a real Hilbert space, H have property (G ), G (V (G ), E (G )) be a directed transitive graph such that V (G ) H , E (G ) be coordinate-convex, T1,T2 : H H be two asymptotically G -nonexpansive mappings such that F (Ti ) F (Ti ) E (G ) for all i 1, 2, {un } be a sequence generated by (1.5) where {an }, {bn } are sequences in [0,1] such that lim inf an lim sup an 1, lim inf bn lim sup bn 1; and n [, ] for some , n n n n 1142 HCMUE Journal of Science Nguyen Trung Hieu et al such that (un , p),(p, un ),(z n , p) E (G ) for all p F ; n (n2 1)(1 bn n2 )(|| z n || )2 Then the sequence {un } strongly converges to PF u1 Proof The proof of Theorem 2.2 is divided into six steps Step We show that PF u1 is well-defined Indeed, by Proposition 2.1, we conclude that F (T1 ) and F (T2 ) are closed and convex Therefore, F F (T1 ) F (T2 ) is closed and convex Note that F is nonempty by the assumption This fact ensures that PF u1 is well-defined Step We show that P u1 is well-defined We first prove by a mathematical induction n 1 that n is closed and convex for n Obviously, 1 H is closed and convex Now we suppose that n is closed and convex Then by the definition of n 1 and Lemma 1.8, we conclude that n 1 is closed and convex Therefore, n is closed and convex for n Next, we show that F n 1 for all n Indeed, for p F , we have T1p T2 p p Since (z n , p) E (G ) and T1n is edge-preserving, we obtain (T1n z n , p) E (G ) Due to the coordinate-convexity of E (G ) , we get (vn , p) (1 bn )(z n , p) bn (T1n z n , p) E (G ) It follows from Lemma 1.7 and asymptotically G -nonexpansiveness of T1,T2 that || wn p ||2 || (1 an )(T1n p) an (T2n p) ||2 (1 an ) || T1n p ||2 an || T2n p ||2 an (1 an ) || T2n T1n ||2 (1 an )n2 || p ||2 an n2 || p ||2 an (1 an ) || T2n T1n ||2 n2 || p ||2 an (1 an ) || T2n T1n ||2 n2 || p ||2 (2.9) and || p ||2 || (1 bn )(z n p) bn (T1n z n p) ||2 (1 bn ) || z n p ||2 bn || T1n z n p ||2 bn (1 bn ) || T1n z n z n ||2 (1 bn ) || z n p ||2 bn n2 || z n p ||2 bn (1 bn ) || T1n z n z n ||2 [1 bn (n2 1)] || z n p ||2 bn (1 bn ) || T1n z n z n ||2 [1 bn (n2 1)] || z n p ||2 (2.10) By substituting (2.10) into (2.9), we obtain || wn p ||2 n2 [1 bn (n2 1)] || z n p ||2 || z n p ||2 (n2 1)(1 bn n2 )(|| z n || || p ||)2 || z n p ||2 (n2 1)(1 bn n2 )(|| z n || )2 || z n p ||2 n (2.11) It follows from (2.11) that p n 1 and hence F n 1 for all n Since F , we have n 1 for all n Therefore, we find that P u1 is well-defined n 1 1143 HCMUE Journal of Science Vol 17, No (2020): 1137-1149 Step We show that lim || un u1 || exists Indeed, since un P u1 , we have n n || un u1 |||| x u1 || for all x n Since un 1 P u1 n 1 n , n 1 (2.12) by taking x un 1 in (2.12), we obtain || un u1 |||| un 1 u1 || Since F is nonempty, closed and convex subset of H , there exists a unique q PF u1 and hence q F n Therefore, by choosing x q in (2.12), we get || un u1 |||| q u1 || By the above, we conclude that the sequence { || un u1 || } is bounded and nondecreasing Therefore, lim || un u1 || exists n Step We show that lim un u for some u H Indeed, it follows from un P u1 n n and Lemma 1.6, we get || v un ||2 || u1 un ||2 || v u1 ||2 for all v n (2.13) For m n, we see that um P u1 m n By taking v um in (2.13), we have m || um un || || u1 un || || um u1 || This implies that || um un ||2 || um u1 ||2 || un u1 ||2 2 It follows from the above inequality and the existence of lim || un u1 || that n lim || um un || and hence {un } is a Cauchy sequence Therefore, there exists u H m ,n such that lim un u Moreover, we also have n lim || un 1 un || (2.14) n Step We show that u F Indeed, since un 1 n , by the definition of n 1, we get || wn un 1 ||2 || z n un 1 ||2 n (2.15) It follows from || z n un ||| n | || un un 1 || and (2.14) that lim || z n un || (2.16) n Therefore, we conclude from (2.14) and (2.16) that lim || z n un 1 || (2.17) n It follows from (2.17) and the boundedness of the sequence {un } that {z n } is bounded Thus, there exists A1 such that n (n2 1)(1 bn n2 )(|| z n || )2 A1 (n2 1) Taking the limit in the above inequality as n and using lim n 1, we get lim n Then, by combining this n n with (2.15) and (2.17), we have lim || wn un 1 || (2.18) n It follows from (2.14) and (2.18) that lim || wn un || (2.19) n Then by combining (2.16) and (2.19), we obtain that 1144 HCMUE Journal of Science Nguyen Trung Hieu et al lim || z n wn || (2.20) n Next, for p F , by the same proof of (2.9), (2.10) and (2.11), we get || wn p ||2 n2 [1 bn (n2 1)] || z n p ||2 n2bn (1 bn ) || T1n z n z n ||2 || z n p ||2 n bn (1 bn ) || T1n z n z n ||2 (2.21) It follows from (2.19) and the boundedness of the sequence {un } that {wn } is bounded Moreover, by the boundedness of {z n } and {wn }, we conclude that there exists A2 such that || z n || || wn || A2 for all n It follows from (2.21) that bn (1 bn ) || T1n z n z n ||2 || z n p ||2 || wn p ||2 n || z n ||2 || wn ||2 2wn z n , p n (|| z n || || wn ||)(|| z n || || wn ||) || wn z n || || p || n A2 || z n wn || 2 || wn z n || || p || n (2.22) Therefore, by combining (2.22) with (2.20) and using lim n 0, lim inf bn (1 bn ) 0, n n we get lim || T1n z n z n || (2.23) n Then by (z n , p),(p, un ) E (G ) and the transitive property of G, we obtain (z n , un ) E (G ) Since T1 is asymptotically G-nonexpansive and (z n , un ) E (G ), we get || T1n un un |||| T1n un T1n z n || || T1n z n z n || || z n un || n || un z n || || T1n z n z n || || z n un || (1 n ) || z n un || || T1n z n z n || (2.24) It follows from (2.16), (2.23) and (2.24) that lim || T1n un un || (2.25) n Next, by using similar argument as in the proof of (2.9), (2.10) and (2.11), we also obtain (2.26) || wn p ||2 || z n p ||2 n an (1 an ) || T2n T1n ||2 By the same proof of (2.22), from (2.26) and lim inf an (1 an ) 0, we get n lim || T v T v || n n n n n (2.27) It follows from || z n || bn || T1n z n z n || and (2.23) that lim || z n || n (2.28) Then by combining (2.16) and (2.28), we have lim || un || (2.29) n Now, by (vn , p),(p, un ) E (G ) and the transitive property of G, we obtain (vn , un ) E (G ) Since T1,T2 are asymptotically G -nonexpansive mappings, we get || T2n un un || || T2n un T2n || || T2n T1n || || T1n T1n un || || T1n un un || 1145 HCMUE Journal of Science Vol 17, No (2020): 1137-1149 n || un || || T2n T1n || n || un || || T1n un un || (2.30) It follows from (2.25), (2.27), (2.29) and (2.30) that lim || T2n un un || (2.31) n Now, by combining (un , p),(p, un 1 ) E (G ) and the transitive property of G, we conclude that (un , un 1 ) E (G ) Then, for each i 1,2, due to the fact that Ti is an asymptotically G-nonexpansive mapping, we have || un 1 Tin un 1 |||| un 1 un || || un Tin un || || Ti n un Ti n un 1 || || un 1 un || || un Tin un || n || un un 1 || (1 n ) || un 1 un || || un Tin un || (2.32) It follows from (2.14), (2.25), (2.31) and (2.32) that lim || un 1 Tin un 1 || (2.33) n Since (p, un 1 ) E (G ) for p F and Tin is edge-preserving, we have (p,Tin un 1 ) E (G ) By combining this with (un 1, p) E (G ) and using the transitive property of G, we obtain (un 1,Ti n un 1 ) E (G ) Since Ti is an asymptotically G-nonexpansive mapping, we have || un 1 Ti un 1 |||| un 1 Tin 1un 1 || || Ti un 1 Tin 1un 1 || || un 1 Tin 1un 1 || 1 || un 1 Tin un 1 || (2.34) Taking the limit in (2.34) as n and using (2.25), (2.31) and (2.33), we find that (2.35) lim || Ti un un || n Therefore, by Lemma 1.5, (2.35), we find that T1u T2u u and hence u F Step We show that u q PF u1 Indeed, since un P u1, we get n u1 un , un y for all y n (2.36) Let p F Since F n , we have p n Then, by choosing y p in (2.36), we obtain u1 un , un p Taking the limit in this inequality as n and using lim un u, we find that u1 u, u p This implies that u PF u1 n Since every G-nonexpansive mapping is an asymptotically G-nonexpansive mapping with the asymptotic coefficient n for all n , from Theorem 2.2, we get the following corollary Corollary 2.3 Let H be a real Hilbert space, H have property (G ), G (V (G ), E (G )) be a directed transitive graph such that V (G ) H , E (G ) be coordinate-convex, T1,T2 : be two G nonexpansive mappings such that F F (T1 ) F (T2 ) , F (Ti ) F (Ti ) E (G ) for all i 1, 2, {un } be a sequence generated by (1.4) where {an }, {bn } are sequences in [0,1] such that lim inf an lim sup an 1, lim inf bn lim sup bn 1; and n [, ] for some n n n 1146 n HCMUE Journal of Science Nguyen Trung Hieu et al , such that (un , p),(p, un ),(z n , p) E (G ) for all p F Then the sequence {un } strongly converges to PF u1 Finally, we give a numerical example to illustrate for the convergence of the proposed iteration processes In addition, the example also shows that the convergence of the proposed iteration processes to common fixed points of given mappings faster than some previous iteration processes Example 2.4 Let H , G (V (G ), E (G )) be a directed graph defined by V (G ) H , E (G ) {(u, v ) : u, v [1, ) and u v} {(u, u ) : u V (G )} Then E (G ) is coordinateconvex and {(u, u ) : u V (G )} E (G ) Define three mappings T1,T2 ,T3 : H H by 2u sin (u 1) 1, T2u T3u for all u H u 1 Then, it is easy to check that T1,T2 ,T3 are three asymptotically G-nonexpansive mappings T1u with n for all n However, we see that T2v v v(v 1)2 v2 for all v This implies that T2v v for all v Therefore, T22v T2 (T2v ) T2v v By continuing this process, we get that T2n v T2n 1v T2v v for all v and n By choosing u and v 0.7, we obtain that T2n (0.7) T2 (0.7) 0.7 for all n and hence 51 0.3 | u v | 149 This implies that the condition || T2n u T n 2v || n || u v || is not satisfied for u 1, | T2n u T2n v || T2n (1) T2n (0.7) | T2n (0.7) T2 (0.7) v 0.7 and for all n Therefore, T2 is not an asymptotically nonexpansive mapping Thus, some convergence results for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings can be not applicable to T2 We also have F F (T1 ) F (T2 ) F (T3 ) {1} Consider n 2 n 1 n 2 n 1 , bn , cn and n for all n 4n 3n 8n 8n By choosing u1 and u2 2.5 Then the numerical results of the iteration processes an (1.1) – (1.5) are presented by the following table and figure Table Numerical results of the iteration processes (1.1) – (1.5) n … 27 28 29 30 … Iteration (1.1) 2.3341045 1.812003 1.4875208 … 1.0001777 1.000132 1.0000981 1.0000729 … Iteration (1.2) 2.1870207 1.644584 1.3603696 … 1.000119 1.0000884 1.0000657 1.0000488 … Iteration (1.3) 2.2905893 1.8796074 1.5926171 … 1.0000043 1.0000025 1.0000015 1.0000009 … 1147 Iteration (1.4) 2.5 1.9629608 1.5953041 … 1.0000002 1.0000001 1.0000001 … Iteration (1.5) 2.5 1.8074613 1.3927414 … 1.0000001 1 … HCMUE Journal of Science 35 36 … 53 54 55 1.0000166 1.0000124 … 1.0000001 1.0000001 1.0000111 1.0000083 … 1.0000001 1 Vol 17, No (2020): 1137-1149 1.0000001 … 1 1 … 1 1 … 1 Figure Comparison of the convergence of iteration processes (1.1) – (1.5) Table and Figure show that for given mappings, the iteration processes (1.1) – (1.5) converge to Furthermore, the convergence of the iteration process (1.5) to is the fastest among other iteration processes For the iteration processes for two G-nonexpansive mappings, the convergence of the iteration process (1.4) to is faster than the iteration process (1.3) For the iteration processes for asymptotically G-nonexpansive mappings, the convergence of the iteration process (1.5) to is faster than the iteration process (1.1) 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