An English translation of the Sushruta samhita, based on original Sanskrit text Edited and published by Kaviraj Kunja Lal Bhishagratna With a full and comprehensive introd , translation of different r.
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY WILLIAM H DONNER COLLECTION purchased from a gift by THE DONNER CANADIAN FOUNDATION Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation Iittp:// AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE SUSHRUTA SAMHITA Vol l.—SUTRASTHANAM AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION , OF THE' SUSHRUTA SAMHITA BASED ON ORIGINAL SANSKRIT TEXT EDITED AND PUBLISHED BY KAVIRAJ KUNJA LAL BHISHAGRATNA WITH A FULL AND COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTION, TRANSLATION OF DIFFERENT READINGS, NOTES, COMPARATIVE VIEWS, INDEX, GLOSSARY & PLATES ( Vol IN THREE VOL UMES I.-SUTRASTHANAM CALCUTTA No ) lO, ^ KASHI GHOSE'S LANE 1907 * ' -• Wt f' srf3 Printed by J N Bose ' '^ / College Square, Calcutta MW Riqhtx Rexd'ved) • WAHAMAIlUPAbHVAYA KAVIRAJ DVARKANAIH ( In Durbar dress SEN, KAVIKATNA THE SUSHRUTA SAMHITA 562 an of pungent, astringent, chewing a betel or bitter or taste, by with broken areca nut, leaf prepared camphor, nutmeg, clove, Chap XLVi [ by smoking, or by or etc., means of anything that instantaneously removes the viscidity it with Mn the own Its Then the the mouth, cavity of and permeates essence eater should take rest, like the sense of drowsiness incidental to eating a king, is removed After this he should walk a hundred paces and in a bed on his left After eating, side enjoy soft sounds, pleasant sights and fumes, soft and velvety touch, ravishes the of joy, soul since in a should sweet per- tastes, short down lie man anything that and enwraps the mind with raptures such pleasurable sensations greatly help Sounds, which are harsh and the process of digestion grating, sights, M'hich are abominable, touches, that hard and unpleasant, smells, which are agreeable, encountered after impure and splitting The execrable boiled rice, is after-meal should ; siesta basking before should be avoided just and hearty meal A a not be after not be dis- side- in the and long exposure to the swimming, bathing the close which abounds diet enjoyed a loud or fire, courses should be refrained from should and followed by vomiting sun, travelling, driving in a carriage, etc., fetid are meal, or the eating of a laugh after a meal continuous till Only a of a full in fluid single taste course of a meal Chap XLV[ SUTFASTHA'NAM ] Cooked potherbs, boiled in large quantities should tastes acid at time, nor a should taste of one taste should Articles and of inferior quality, rice a course of diet abounding in avoided 563 not be eaten of various articles be constantly indulged meal should not be eaten on the same be A in second event da}' in the of the appetite having become dulled by a previous meal Eating with a previous meal only partially digested impairs seriously the of dull or impaired heavy articles digestive appetite should refrain from of food, as well be eaten, and a double be taken if Cakes should never Of which their drinks, lambatives each Heavy articles of is or stances should articles number to other into lumps in and produces Dry in combination fail is gastric im- measures satiety till liquid to with It a sub- Dry large any injury (Annam) food the stomach, one in large quantities substances deficient in half be eaten completely digested be the which abounds in food), (solid order of enumeration may not be taken the stomach can not that of food taken of the food should be taken only, while the lighter ones Liquid food, than heavier in *it hunger, would be ensured and confectionary succeeding one mediately preceding of out all digestion safe water should of quantitiy they are eaten at eating from partaking of as large quantities of light substances by A man functions taken is transformed irregularly digestion alone chymed, followed by THE SUSHRUTA SAMHITA 364 a reactionary The acidity character that stamps Vidahi group or not, is of a and gives as belonging to incompletely but reactionary acidity in a to rise whether food) injested it [Chap XLVI digested the event of the Pittam being confined in the stomach, or in intestines Dry food and so combinations (milk with fish are long retained in the stomach the incompatible food etc.\ (cakes, the and those, which on), an undigested in state, tend to impair the digestive functions (Agni) The Kapham, Pittam, and Vayu duce the (Amajirnam), indigestion tabdhajirnami fourth acid due mucous of types to respectively pro- indigestion indigestion chvme of incarcerated fecal matter (Vish- Certain authorities aver that there class of indigestion, of unassimilated chyle known as the day, keeping of irregular eating, voluntary sleep hours in the night, late partaking of a light food with a the factors which interfere with of food a indigestion suppression of any natural urging of the bodv, the is Drinking of an Rasa-shesha) ( abnormal quantity of water, in and (Vidagdhajirnam), and develop symptoms strong appetite are the proper digestion of indigestion The food taken by a person under the influence of envv passion, greed, or anger, etc., or from a chronic distemper, is by a man not properly digested Types of Indigestion :— A s^estion in which the suffering undis^ested case food of indi- matter ac- l Chap XLVI quires a 3UTRASTHAXAM ] sWeet taste gested food acquires is food matter partially or digested, of the flatus, The type known is as characterised by the is inspite of the The type is called stomach by a pricking indigestion indigestion of unassimilated chyle the absence of any acid no inclination or sour for food normal character of the eructations, further characterised of indigestion are sudden delirium, which in the Vishtabdha vomiting, if any by pain about the The unfavourable loss of conscious- water-brash, languor with a gone-feeling in the limbs, and v^tigo, end stomach the stomach and entire suppres- region of the heart, and water-brash symptoms undi- digested (one portion* being eructations, but the patient feels ness, into the other being not) followed in the The form down brought in mucous; (or which in an acid taste irregularly or piercing pain sion chymous Vidagdha indigestion called the called (Amajirnam), that indigestion is is 565 etc., which may in death Fasting is beneficial in a case of Amajirnam indiges- tion Ejection of the contents of the stomach giv^s relief of Vidagdha indigestion Fomentation will in a case • alleviate a case of Vishtavdha indigestion, while in an indigestion of unassimilated be confined to chyle, the patient should bed and fomentations and digestive medicines should be administered as well In a case of Vidagdha indigestion the patient should be made to THE SUSHRUTA SAMHITA 566 vomit the contents of warm till he Chap XLVI stomach with the help of his water saturated with chymous [ salt, while in a case indigestion the patient should forego restored to is from suffering' his natural A condition whose indigestion all S5'stcm of food patient has been and lightened with the abovesaid appliances cleansed go should condition fasting he till restored is regards the strength and as to his natural humours of the body The some eating together of both of food articles Over (Samashanam) a irregular or may The is or insufficient goes eating at intervals by the denomination thoroughly digested Adhyashanam injurious, promiscuous eating eating (Visham^shanam) former meal called called is and at improper seasons of wholesome and unwhole- in Eating before the stomach is These three kinds of eating are and speedily give rise a variety of diseases, be ultimately Attended with fatal consequences drinking of cold ^^ater helps the speedy digestion of a partially digested food, which has already been attend- ed with a reactionary acidity, inasmuch as the coldness of the ' Pittam, imbibed water tends to subdue the deranged and the food thus moistened by the water naturally gravitates into the intestines The man, who complains of a burning sensation in the stomach, throat or heart, shall find rehef by licking a paste made of honey and powdered Haritaki, or of Chap XLVI SUTRASTHAN ] pulverised Haritaki and Draksha M The man, strong and effulgent with the glow an attack of indigestion partake in ,5 .1 taken powdered the ivorning, Abhaya and though health, ap.-.rehen :'\iv wholesome mid-day meal of a \\ho, Shunti after Appeti^L be experienced even in a state of indigestion, v.h chyle or food matter, accumulated in the stoni< pressed upon by the deranged humours, is confineti corner of the viscus without obstructing the passage c heat its of the local This vicarious appetite fire duped victims with the swiftness kills of a poison Specific properties of matter: -Xow we shall deal with the actions of several properties of matter, and fiom the properties them should be nature of inferred the which are inherent in kinds variou'.> of matter Coldness — is pleasurable, virtues, alleviates epileptic sation of the body, reverse in in the its and fits, thirst action to coldness It greatly process of suppuration in an emollient tonic, and cosmetic opposite of oleaginousness thing rough vitalising, tonic, to to ; it tactual heavy styptic and a burning sen- arrests perspiration Oleaginousness imparts a gloss or a exercises boils Heat the is helps to set and abscesses oiliness, and acts as Parchedness is the produces stypsis and makes perception as regards digestion, Sliminess is and tends* produce Kaphani, and brings about the adhesion I'HE r,58 of Aured bunes fr I Il-.c or ;ss / less Keenness ulcer and g and suppun-^^ion, softness the is The agent now been Now hear It ten tion me acts as is their v."ith the is liquefacient a irtues a Lightness describe the other ten and actions like Fetidness [s is and Roughness shminesS properties of Fluidity thickening is Odoriferousness relishing sharpness of described Compactness Humidity secretions arrests oppOvSite matter with their specific actions ing begets produces languor, increases excrements, and opposite of heaviness have soaks up or sharpness or pleasing and flesh- buiMing y-jr conic, healing absorbs It and helps the process of heahng secretions or ' Chap XLVI [ quality of absorpti'on (Vishad) opposite of sliniiness J ^ > ^A^iHITA ;^i-iKU'i-^ : is moisten- obstructive like absorp- is mild and pleasurable, subtile, the opposite of -odoriferousness, produces nausea, and brings on a non-rehsh for food Laxativeness restores the normal Narcotism humours vitality Expansiveness changes (like the of that of which a drug property in virtue of the condition of condition or wine) a somewhat digested identical with the exception in its undigested in and Evolution or Emanativeness its that state, the substance instantaneously permeates the whole organism subsequently is virtue it is is with expansiveness permeates the organism aud tends to disintegrate the J Chap root body the of prfhciples expansion of a drop of the like SUTRASTHANAM XLVL] helps water, permeate to 569 Instantaneoiisness, oil bowl of cast into a whole the simultaneously with the use of a drug organism Subtility the is quality in virtue of which a thing can penetrate into the smallest capillaries twenty they have been described or virtues qualities stuffs organism principles, shall describe the transformations undergo is the in organism composed of the and food, which of by the five elemental heat or kindred in the The human organism.^ which is food, corporeal its consists of constituent principles goes to its organic being living mental material principles (elements), turn, animated fundamental material five the food of a The components which the This partakes of the character of necessarily its is live one, which is The portion of the the (as of stool substance in and each fire, augment its own followed by a sweet, digestive completely digested, and the urine well-digested food, the drawn from the the are while contributes towards the augmentation of the bodily Vayu force) funda- digested, reaction, goes to increase the quantity of Pittam, the as are Now we food and channels of the body.» These (nerv^e excreted lymph chyle well- matured is chyle, has been described in the chapter on the description Blood, Chap XIV of the present work) The THE SUSHRUTA SAMHITA 570 lymph chyle as a\vay by the vital carried Vyana tends strengthen to Vayu known fundamental the all XLVl [Chap pnnciples of the body Kaphftm chyle, Pittam the of excreted matter of the in the corners of the e3'es, are the the are the hair is The waxy and the waxy the etc., and Nails excreted portions of the bones found blood, Perspiration flesh fat lymph the of tympanum, the in portions portion that of is found impurities excreted the excreted is deposits oily secretions which sometimes mark the skin are the excreted por- from and sleep, and so remains the With the dawn of day a man wakes marrow tions of root sleep till partake of a food eaten in eyelids his body the meal ac day continues Hence, Accordingly, night, even case respect in when man Remains But the (super-eating) has a of similar recourse constricted in a state sleep and charged with humidity Hence, in sin is in the and body his on the following day the his of the night heart of unconsciousness, and the root principles of fast reverse conduct to if a then undigested, till without the fear of committing the physical Adhyashanam non- continue waking of state man may the up folds of principles humid during the unfolds like a lotus flower, heart his it is become loose beneficial to the event of the food taken overnight being found to be not properly digested Chap SUTR.ASTHANAM XLV He, who the carefully peruses lliese 57 rules regarding regimen of diet as approved of by the holy^sage Dh^nvantari, the greatest of aermits), glorified becomes great in all the Rajarshis wisdom, and is ( royal sure to be with the proud distinction of being the medical adviser of his king or his nobles Thus ends the forty-sixth Chapter of the SutrasthSnam in SamhilA which treats of the Sushruta Food and Drink Here ends the Sutrastharnam ] R 605 S873 1907 Su^ruta An English translation of the 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Iittp:// AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE SUSHRUTA SAMHITA Vol l.—SUTRASTHANAM AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION , OF THE' SUSHRUTA SAMHITA BASED ON ORIGINAL SANSKRIT... rudiments of Embryology, Midwifery, I M 1 16 -16 MahAbhdratam Shantiparva Rajadharmanu^hashan Parv5dhydya (3) ^cT' f^^^^ I Rigveda (4) sifT* % ^m^ fm^ IX M» > 11 2 ^^'^g^f^TT Rik INTROgDUCTION XIV... TNTRODTK^TION ^^ Sushruta :— His and personality :— A age few preliminary observations regarding the technique of the Who Samhita Sushruta where did he are necessary and live was Sushruta flourish