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Management of Fusarium wilt of banana by means of biological and chemical control and induced resistance by Barbara Nel Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Magister.

Management of Fusarium wilt of banana by means of biological and chemical control and induced resistance by Barbara Nel Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Magister Scientiae ln the Faculty of Natural and Agricultura\ Science University of Pretoria Pretoria December 2004 PROMOTER: Dr A VHjoen CO-PROMOTERS: Dr C Steinberg Prof N labuschagne © University of Pretoria In loving memory to my father, who is always in my thoughts and is greatly missed by us alL "Praise the Lord, my soul, and not forget how kind He is He forgives all my sins and heals my diseases He keeps me from the grave and blesses me with love and mercy He fills my life with good things, so that I stay young and strong like an eagle Ps.103:2-5 JJ DECLARATION I, the undersigned, declare that the work contained in this thesis is my own original work and that it has not previously, in its entirety or part, submitted for a degree to any other university ~ Barbara Nel TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements I Preface II Chapter l:Management of Fusarium wilt of banana: A review Introduction 2 Production of bananas 3 Fusarium wilt of banana (panama disease) 3.1 The pathogen 3.2 History and distribution of Fusarium wilt of banana 3.3 Disease symptoms Management of Fusarium wilt of banana 4.1 Biological control 4.1.1 Fungi 10 Trichoderma and Glioc/adium spp 10 Non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum 12 Mycorrhizae 16 4.1.2 Bacteria 17 Pseudomonas and Bacillus spp 17 Actinomycetes 19 4.1.3 Combinations of microbial agents 20 4.1.4 Hypovirulence 21 4.2 Chemical control 4.2 ~ Fungicides 22 23 25 4.2.3 Soil fumigation 25 4.2.4 Plant activators 26 4.3 Cultural control 28 4.3.1 Tissue culture bananas 28 4.3.2 Quarantine and sanitation 29 4.3.3 Crop rotation 30 4.3.4 Soil amendments and fertilizers 31 4.3.5 Flood fallowing 4.4 Host resistance 32 33 4.4.1 Natural resistance 33 4.4.2 Plant Breeding 34 4.4.3 Unconventional Improvement 35 4.5 Integrated disease management 36 Suppressive soils 38 Conclusions 41 References 44 Chapter 2:Evaluation of fungicides and sterilants for potential application in the management of Fusarium wilt of banana Abstract 70 Introduction 71 Materials and methods 73 Results 77 Discussion 79 References 81 Chapter 3:The role of chemical activators in inducing systemically acquired resistance in banana against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense Abstract 96 Introduction 97 Materials and methods 99 Results 102 Discussion 104 References 109 Chapter 4:Isolation and characterization of non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum isolates from the rhizosphere of healthy banana plants Abstract 123 Introduction 124 Materials and methods 126 Results 130 Discussion 132 References 135 Chapter 5:Evaluating non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum and other potential biological control organisms for suppressing Fusarium wilt of banana Abstract 151 Introduction 152 Materials and methods 155 Results 159 Discussion 160 References 164 Summary 176 Opsomming 179 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost I would like to thank God, for being my Saviour You have blessed me with many talents and have shown me how to use them for your honour and glory My life is in your hands I would like to express sincere thanks and appreciation to the following people and institutions: Altus Viljoen, Christian Steinberg and Prof Nico Labuschagne, it was an honour to work with such committed and extraordinary promoters Thank you for you guidance, encouragement and belief in me The banana growers in Kiepersol for their assistance during my field trials Hannes, thank you for your dedication to the trial and the wonderful way you assisted me during the two years Rodney, Oom Jan and Oom Flip thank you for your support, hospitality and friendship The National Research Foundation (NRF), the Banana Growers Association of South Africa (BGASA), the Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP) and the University of Pretoria for financial assistance All the suppliers of the fungicides, surface steriIants , chemical activators, and biological agents evaluated in this study Without whom this study would not have been possible Also DuRoi Laboratories for proving plants Dr Ben Eisenberg for assistance with statistical analysis of my data and useful discussions All the kind people in FABI, for advice and willingness to help To the banana girls, especially Noelani, Gerda and Susan, for your friendship, assistance and advice To the Thursday prayer group, you made me more consistent in my faith by walking with me and encouraging me My friends, thank you for your love and for always standing by me Especially, Gavin, Lieschen, Gerda and Susan I feel privileged to have you in my life Susan, thank you for the amazing way that you care and for your strength as a friend Lastly to my wonderful family, for your love and encouragement Mom, thank you for being the wonderful strong woman that you are, you are my most dedicated supporter and for praying constantly for me To my sister Sanet and brother-in-law Hennie, thank you for being so strong for me and for always looking out for me I love you all I PREFACE Fusarium oxysporum f.sp eubense (Foe) is responsible for Fusarium wilt, one of the most damaging diseases of banana in the world Current control strategies involve the use of resistant cultivars and preventing the introduction of the disease into new areas Even though both the pathogen and disease have been studied for more than 100 years, little progress has been made in the effective management thereof In fields where Foe has been introduced and resistant cultivars are not acceptable to local markets, little can be done to reduce the impact of the disease This thesis investigates recent developments in plant disease control in order to manage Fusarium wilt of banana If proven effective, these methods could be combined into an integrated disease management programme Since the first report of Fusarium wilt of banana in 1876, various researchers have tried to reduce the impact of the disease or to eliminate Foe from infested fields Chapter provides the reader with a broad overview of the banana plant, the history of Fusarium wilt, the responsible pathogen and its life cycle It then reviews management practices investigated in the past and considers alternative management strategies for the future Finally, it considers an integrated disease management strategy, and discusses the importance of disease suppressive soils Considering the importance of disease prevention and the environmental impact of chemicals it was of importance to determine the effectiveness of commercially available fungicides and sterilants Due to the fact that few fungicides have been tested against Fusarium wilt in the last 40 year, new fungicidal groups were evaluated in vitro and in vivo in chapter Different application methods were used to apply these chemicals in the greenhouse Secondly, different surface sterilants were evaluated for use as disinfectants to prevent the spread of Foe These sterilants were compared to the ones that are currently being used Only a few studies have investigated the use of chemical activators to induce systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in bananas In chapter 3, chemicals that were successful as II SAR activators on other crops were evaluated in the greenhouse and in the field against a susceptible and tolerant banana cultivar for their ability to activate a resistance response against Fusarium wilt It further discusses how these chemical activators could be included in an integrated disease management programme Biological control is an important management strategy to be considered for Fusarium wilt of banana, as effective biological agents have been identified against other Fusarium wilt diseases In chapter 4, potential non-pathogenic F oxysporum isolates were collected from the root rhizosphere of banana plants in suppressive soils in Kiepersol, South Africa The strains were identified using morphology and species-specific primers, and characterized by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the intergenic spacer region of the ribosomal RNA operon and pathogenicity testing The isolates forming similar restriction profiles were grouped together and their genetic relatedness were determined Non-pathogenic isolates of F oxysporum from disease suppressive soils have proved effective in reducing Fusarium wilt of agricultural crops In chapter 5, isolates of nonpathogenic F oxysporum and Trichoderma spp from Fusarium wilt suppressive soils in Kiepersol were evaluated for their ability to suppress Foc in the greenhouse These isolates were compared to known biological control agents of Fusarium wilt disease, as well as commercial biological control products III CHAPTER! 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Bacillus subtilis Gliocladium sp Bacillus sp Pseudomonas sp P j1uorescensb P j1uorescens TSI TB2 F047 CAV202 CAV209 CAV210 CAV211 CAV212 CAV231 CAV236 CAV239 CAV240 CAV241 CAV244 CAV245 CAV247 CAV249 CAV251 CAV255 CAV261 CAV263 CAV270 CAV271 CAV274 CAV275 CAV277 CAV282 CAV045 d Trichoderma spp Trichoderma spp F oxysporumc F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F oxysporum F o cubense Source Amphigro (Dr R Sinclair) Stimuplant (Prof P Steyn) Soygro Ltd, Pothefstroom (Dr v Wyk) Suppress soil of wheat (prof L.C v Loon) Dept Microbiology, University of Natal, Pietermaritzberg Stimuplant (prof P Steyn) South Africa, suppressive soil France, Fusarium-suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil South Africa, suppressive soil Port Edwards, South Africa Isolate code or trade name of potential biocontrol product b Pseudomonas j1uorescens c Fusasium oxysporum pathogenic isolate of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense used to infect banana plantlets d The 171 TABLE Effect of treatments on the disease development of Fusarium wilt of banana caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense as evaluated in the greenhouse TreatmentS CAV045 Fo47 CAV240 CAV261 CAV212 CAV277 CAV251 CAV209 CAV231 CAV236 CAV245 CAV263 CAV271 CAV274 CAV211 CAV202 CAV210 CAV249 CAV275 CAV239 CAV244 CAV270 CAV247 CAV282 CAV241 CAV255 B-rus Patostop Psi WCS417 TSI TB2 MHZ Disease severity Disease reduction (%) (%) 50.0 41.7 50.0 45.8 41.7 41.7 39.6 33.3 33.3 31.3 31.3 29.2 27.1 27.1 25.0 22.9 22.9 22.9 22.9 20.8 20.8 20.8 16.7 14.6 12.5 6.3 18.8 16.7 8.3 6.3 33.3 18.8 14.6 16.6 8.4 16.6 16.6 20.8 33.4 33.4 37.4 37.4 41.6 45.8 45.8 50.0 54.2 54.2 54.2 54.2 58.4 58.4 58.4 66.6 70.8 75.0 87.4 62.4 66.6 83.4 87.4 33.4 62.4 70.8 Pvalueb 0.4449 1.0000 0.7023 0.4449 0.4449 0.3399 0.1276 0.1276 0.0868 0.0868 0.0573 0.0367 0.0367 0.0229 0.0138 0.0138 0.0138 0.0138 0.0081 0.0081 0.0081 0.0026 0.0014 0.0007

Ngày đăng: 28/07/2022, 15:05
