how to have an impressive employment interview

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how to have an impressive employment interview

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Contents Topic: How to have an impressive employment interview? I Introduction II Context and interference/noise Context .3 Interference/noise .4 III The characteristics of communication Communication has purpose .5 Communication is continuous Communication messages vary in conscious thought .5 Communication is relational .6 Communication is guided by culture 6 Communication has ethical implications Communication is learned IV Verbal communication .8 Definition of verbal communication The nature and use of language Improving language skills .10 Speaking appropriately 10 V Non-verbal communication .12 Definition 12 Types of non-verbal communication 13 VI Conclusion .17 TIEU LUAN MOI download : EVALUATION GROUP I List of group members Mai Thị Bình An – 18D170051 Trần Thị An – 18D170001 Đặng Thị Vân Anh – 18D170151 Đinh Thị Phương Anh – 17D170061 Lưu Bảo Anh – 17D170242 Nguyễn Thị Phương Anh – 17D170243 Nguyễn Thị Vân Anh – 17D170003 Nguyễn Thị Đào – 18D170107 Nguyễn Thị Thùy Dung – 17D170306 10 Hà Anh Dũng (Leader) – 17D170126 II Task division table: Name Student’s code Hà Anh Dũng 17D170126 Đinh Thị Phương Anh 17D170061 Mai Thị Bình An 18D170051 Trần Thị An 18D170001 Lưu Bảo Anh 17D170242 Nguyễn Thị Phương Anh 17D170243 Đặng Thị Vân Anh 18D170151 Nguyễn Thị Đào 18D170107 Nguyễn Thị Vân Anh 17D170003 10 Nguyễn Thị Thùy Dung 17D170306 Task Score I Introduction, VI conclusion and games II The context and interference/noise III The characteristics of communication IV Verbal communication V Non-verbal communication TIEU LUAN MOI download : Topic: How to have an impressive employment interview? I Introduction Nowadays, we rely heavily on sharing information, resulting in greater emphasis being placed on having good communication skills Good verbal and non- verbal communication skills are essential in order to deliver and understand information quickly and accurately In contrast, poor communication skills can have a negative impact - a poorly delivered message may result in misunderstanding, frustration and in some cases disaster Communication can be defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning To communicate well is to understand, and be understood This can be achieved in the following ways:  Verbally - your voice  Non-verbally - e.g body language, eye contact, gestures II Context and interference/noise If you want to have an impressive employment interview, first of all, you must know very well the context of an employment interview as well as elements as interference or noise Context Context consists of the situation, circumstances or setting within which communication takes place It affects the expectations of the sender and the receiver, the meaning they derive, and the subsequent behavior The same message can have a completely different meaning depending on different situations The degree to which the environment is formal or informal depends on the contextual expectations for communication held by the participants TIEU LUAN MOI download : Context includes:  Physical context: includes its location, the environmental conditions (temperature, lighting and the noise level), the distance between communicators, seating arrangements, and time of day As in the video, the interview is occurred in a room or the room of the administrator, room is light, warm and quite enough The interviewer sit opposite the candidate and time is during business hours  Social context: the nature of relationship that may already exist between senders and receivers In this situation, both interviewer and interviewee are strangers  Historical context: is the background provided by the previous communication episodes between the communicators Because they are strangers so there is no historical context in the interview  Psychological context: includes the moods and feelings each person brings to the encounter In this situation, the interviewer seems to be quite impatient and annoyed for waiting too long, but she is still friendly and polite when the interviewee comes Whereas, the interviewee does not express any regret for coming late, she just shows much of her care with the phone, so she behaves unfocused and superficially  Cultural context: includes the values, attitudes, beliefs, orientations, and underlying assumptions prevalent among people in a society In this video, we can see that both interviewer and interviewee come from low-context culture, however, their education and environment are different, that is why their attitudes and behaviors are different The interviewee seems to be impolite or even rude Interference/noise The messages might not be the same as the messages sent because of noise or interference Noise is any stimulus that interferes with the process of sharing meaning Noise can be physical (based on external sounds) or psychological (based on internal distraction)  Physical noise: includes the sight, sounds and other stimuli in the environment that draw people’s attention away from intended meaning The interviewee here is not distracted by physical noise cause the room is private and quiet TIEU LUAN MOI download :  Psychological noise: includes internal distractions based on thoughts, feelings, or emotional reactions to symbols The interviewee in the video is distracted by psychology noise, her mind is on her phone and text messages In conclusion, we can see that context plays an important role in communication, particularly across cultures Understanding the context, or the interview situation helps interviewee know how to behave appropriately Also, interviewee must try to control noise inside themselves as well as avoid not being distracted by noise outside or interference to have stable mind and better result III The characteristics of communication Communication has purpose When people communicate with each other, they have a purpose for doing so The purpose of a given transaction may be either serious or trivial One way to evaluate the success of the communication is to ask whether it achieved its purpose Communication is continuous Because communication is nonverbal as well as verbal, we are always sending behavioral messages from which others draw inferences or meaning Even silence or absence is communication behavior if another person infers meaning from it Why? It is because your nonverbal behavior represents reactions to your environment and to the people around you Communication messages vary in conscious thought Sharing meaning with another person involves presenting verbal and nonverbal messages Our messages may (1) occur spontaneously, (2) be based on a "script" we have learned or rehearsed, (3) be carefully constructed based on our understanding of the unique situation in which we find ourselves: - Many of our messages are spontaneous expressions, spoke without much conscious thought - At other times, our messages are scripted, phrasings that we have learned from our past encounters and judge to be appropriate to the present situation TIEU LUAN MOI download : - Finally, our messages may be carefully constructed to meet the unique requirements of a particular situation Constructed messages are those that we put together with careful thought when we recognize that our known scripts are inadequate for the situation Communication is relational Saying that communication is relational means that in any communication setting, in addition to sharing content meaning, our messages also reflect two important aspects of our relationships: immediacy and control (dominance/ submissiveness) - Immediacy is the degree of liking or attractiveness in a relationship - Control is the degree which one participant is perceived to be more dominant or powerful Communication is guided by culture Culture may be defined as systems of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people It includes a system of shared beliefs, values, symbols, and behaviours How messages are formed and interpreted depends on the cultural background of the participants According to Samovar, Porter, & Ma Daniel (2007) “three cultural elements have the potential to affect situations in which people from different backgrounds come together: (1) perception, (2) verbal processes, and (3) nonverbal processes Communication has ethical implications In any encounter, we choose whether or not we will communicate ethically Ethics is a set of moral principles that may be held by a society, a group, or an individual Although what is considered ethical is a matter of personal judgment, various groups still expect members to uphold certain standards These standards influence the personal decisions we make When we choose to violate the standards that are expected, we are viewed to be unethical Here are five ethical standards that influence our communication and guide our behavior a Truthfulness and honesty mean retaining from lying, cheating, stealing, or deception b Integrity means maintaining a consistency of belief and action (keeping promises) TIEU LUAN MOI download : c Fairness means achieving the right balance of interests without regard to one's own feelings and without showing favour to any side in a conflict Fairness implies impartiality or lack of bias d Respect means showing regard or consideration for others and their ideas, even if we not agree with them Respect is not based on someone's affluence, job status, or ethnic background e Responsibility means being accountable for one's actions and what one says Responsible communicators recognize the power of words Communication is learned Just as you learned to walk, so did you learn to communicate But talking is a complex undertaking You may not yet have learned all of the skills you will need to develop healthy relationships Because communication is learned, you can improve your ability => The analysis of the job interview video (bad example): In this video, we can easily see that the candidate gives a bad impression to the interviewer The communication is ineffective because: - The candidate has no constructed message: Our messages may be carefully constructed to meet the unique requirements of a particular situation In an interview, we have to prepare what we want to talk, put it together with careful thought to answer the interview questions clearly, fluently and confidently in an interview In this video, the candidate answered the interviewer’s question interruptedly and disorderly that causes bad impression to the interviewer - The candidate uses inappropriate language In an interview which is very serious situation, the candidate should use formal language instead of informal language The candidate in this video used the informal language For example: The interviewer asks what time of work schedule are you looking for, the candidate answer: I just have a text from my friend, you know… TIEU LUAN MOI download : - The immediacy is inappropriate The gesture and verbal expression of candidate is inappropriate when she talking to the interviewer The nonverbal behavior that accompanies the words such as high five, point at the interviewer may show that she is not serious This reflect the relationship of two friends instead of interviewer and candidate - The candidate violated the ethical standards She doesn’t respect the interviewer when ignoring the interviewer’s question When the interviewer asked: what time of work schedule are you looking for? The candidate did not listen to the interviewer, she looked at the phone and then interrupted the interviewer In any situations, we have to show regard or consideration for others and their ideas by listening to them IV Verbal communication Definition of verbal communication Verbal communication can be defined as communicating your thoughts, through words Such thoughts may be ideas, opinions, directions, dissatisfaction, objections, your emotions, and pleasures The nature and use of language Language is both the body of symbols (most common words) and the systems for their use in messages that are common to the people of the same language/ speech community The relationship between language and meaning is complex because the meaning of words varies with people, people interpret words differently based on both denotative and connotative meanings, the context in which words are used affects meaning a Uses of language Although language communities vary in the words that they use and in their grammar and syntax system, all languages serve the same purposes:  We use language to designate, label, define, and limit  We use language to evaluate TIEU LUAN MOI download :  We use language to discuss things outside our immediate experience  We can use language to talk about language b Cultural and gender influences on language usage Culture Culture and gender both influence how words are used and interpreted Cultures vary in how much meaning is embedded in the language itself and how much meaning is interpreted from the context in which the communication occurs In low-context cultures, like the United States and most northern European countries, messages are direct and language is very specific, the verbal messages are very explicit In high-context cultures, like Latin American and Asian, the messages are indirect, general, and ambiguous What a speaker really means you to understand from the verbal message depends heavily on the setting or context in which it is sent Gender Social expectations for masculinity and femininity influence language use According to Wood (2007), feminine styles of language typically use words of empathy and support, emphasize concrete and personal language, and show politeness and tentativeness in speaking Feminine language often includes empathic phrases like, “I can understand how you feel,” or “I may be wrong but … it’s just my opinion … maybe … perhaps … I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes here …” Masculine styles of language often use words of status and problem solving, emphasize abstract and general language, and show assertiveness and control in speaking Masculine styles of speaking often emphasize status through phrases like “I know that … my experience tells me …,” or “I would … you would … the way you should handle this is …” TIEU LUAN MOI download : Improving language skills Regardless of whether we are conversing with a friend, working on a task force, or giving a speech, we should strive to use language in our messages that accurately convey our meanings We can improve our messages by choosing specific language; developing verbal vividness and emphasis; providing details and examples; dating information and indexing generalizations Speaking appropriately Speaking appropriately means choosing language and symbols that are adapted to the needs, interests, knowledge, and attitudes of the listeners and avoiding language that alienates them When we speak appropriately, we use vocabulary that the listener can understand; use jargon sparingly; use slang appropriate to the situation; use inclusive language; and use non-offensive language => The analysis in this job interview video: * Mistakes in this job interview - Using informal language: The candidate in the video was careless to use language When the interviewer gave her questions, she answered with lots of intonation words, which is annoying to the interviewer Words: “Uhm, yeah, oh, ahh…” are not suitable for formal conversations like interviews, meetings … Using words to answer the question “what job responsibility did you have at your last job?” is quite low-context and unappreciated Phrases “sweep the floor, take out the trash and dust” should be replaced by “tidy the office, know how to make good arrangement room” At the end of the conversation, she used the phrase "See you soon" to end the interview This phrase is completely inappropriate because it is often used in the informal case or close relationship For example, when you say goodbye to your friends, you can use the phrase "See you soon" or when you meet your relative In the case of job interviews, you should express your expectations to the interviewer about your new job 10 TIEU LUAN MOI download : in their company with respect It's better to use the phrase "I hope to hear from you" or show even more expectation "I am happy to hear from you soon" This will help you have a better impression on the employer When she answered the question “When can you start working?” she used the word “guess” It might mean that she had had no preparation before and she lacked professionalism in doing work This is a bad thing that everyone should avoid in a job interview - Information & feedback: The candidate expressed that she has poor communication when she answered the question “Can you tell about yourself?” She listed three characteristics in two sentences It was very unprofessional and illogical; she should be list in only one sentence and use conjunction words like “and” to answer Tips for you is giving clarity information with appreciated structure With the question “Can you tell me about yourself?” she not only should give general characteristic information as “I’m responsible I’m friendly, hard-working”, but also she should give specific past cases and examples to affirm what she said is true When she interrupted the interviewer with a phone message, she had no feedback or message to ask for permission before texting messages with friends which annoyed the interviewer It’s better to ask the interviewer for permission and not to let her know that you text with who, a good reason is you have a vital person’s message But the best way is not to use the phone in an interview When the candidate answered the question about the work schedule, she gave the interviewer the ambiguity information “I can start working… I guess next Monday” Employers will underestimate candidates who give vague, unclear, and uncertain answers Not only in business culture but also in life, the sender always wants to receive clear and full feedback This is an important step to achieve success in communication In the question “do you have any questions for me?” She should not say “I have one question”, She should directly show her question Because if she says about the number of questions, it makes the conversation longer and this sentence is unnecessary 11 TIEU LUAN MOI download : At the end of the conversation, she said “thank you for your time See you soon” It might be good; however, she should show more respect with the phrase “Thank you so much” and more expectation feedback to achieve success “I hope to hear from you” * How to have an impressive job interview in verbal communication  Conducting research into the company Understanding information about the company is the key for the candidate to get the job Conducting research the company, the candidate will understand more the company, and requirements of the job The more the company the interviewee understand, the better the interviewee will be able to answer interview question Using the company’s website, social media posts and recent press releases will provide a solid understanding of the company’s goal and how the interviewee’s background makes them a great fit  Reviewing common interview questions and preparing answers The candidate should review common interview questions in order that they can know how to answers them in formal way Being well-prepared before the interview will help the candidate more confident They can guess questions that able to be asked in the interview, and answer them more easily, more comfortably  Asking insightful questions Interviews are a two-way street The interviewer makes a judgment about the candidate’s interest in the job by whether or not the candidate asks questions Thus, before the interview end, the job seekers should have a few questions for the interviewer This shows that the job seekers have done their research and that they are curious about the company V Non-verbal communication Definition Non-verbal communication is everything that is communicated beyond what is expressed in words 12 TIEU LUAN MOI download : Types of non-verbal communication a Paralanguage Paralanguage is the study of non-verbal cues of the voice Paralanguage can change the meaning of words Non-verbal speech sounds include tone, pitch, volume, inflection, rhythm and rate (speed) In addition, we make some judgments about the emotions and feelings of the speakers by their paralinguistic presentation For example, when they feel happy and excited, the pitch of their voice often goes up On the other hand, when they feel sad, the pitch of their voice often goes down b Extralanguage - Body language/ kinesics Body language is extremely importance form of extralanguage of non-verbal communication Body language consists of eye contact, facial expressions, physical characteristics, gestures, postures, body movements, and touching Body language has the different meanings in each culture - Object language/ Artifacts Elements such as physique, height, weight, hair, skin color, gender, odors, and clothing send nonverbal messages during interactions - Environmental language Environmental factors such as conversation distance, furniture, architectural style, interior decorating, lighting conditional, colors, temperature, noise and music affect the behavior of communications during interaction + Conversational distance/ Proxemics Proxemics is the study of how people use and perceive the physical space Space in nonverbal communication is divided into four main categories: intimate, social, personal, and public space The distance between communicators will also depend on sex, status, and social role 13 TIEU LUAN MOI download : + Time/ Chronemics Chronemics is the study of the use of time in nonverbal communication Time perception includes punctuality and willingness to wait, the speed of speech and how long people are willing to listen => The Analysis of the job interview video * Bad non-verbal communication - Impolite gestures of interviewee Firstly, it is the way the interviewee shaking hands with the interviewer in the first time they meet The interviewee shakes hands with the interviewer too strongly making a loud noise In addition, the interviewee uses the one hand to shake hands with the interviewer while the other hand holds the phone These are quite impolite and disrespectful Secondly, the interviewee uses the phone and chews gum during the interview The interviewer does not focus on the interview and is influenced by external factors When the interviewer asks a career questions, the interviewee takes five fingers in front of her to require the interviewer to stop for a moment that she can get a text from her friend This is extremely offensive because it makes the interviewer feel uncomfortable and disrespectful In addition, the interviewer will feel you are not serious about the interview In some cases, they may stop the interview and require you to leave the room Finally, the interviewee uses too much hand gesture which includes some inappropriate gestures During the interview, she gesticulates wildly at the interviewer many times Sometimes she even points her finger at the interviewer Moreover, it is not easy for the interviewer to focus on what the interviewee says When she says goodbye to the interviewer, she also gives the interviewer a high five These are so rude and discourteous - Inappropriate postures When the interviewee sits down on the chair, she puts her hands on the back of the chair and crosses her legs That posture is not very suitable for the interviewee's posture It shows the unprofessional and seriousness of the interviewee in the interview 14 TIEU LUAN MOI download : - Eye contact Interviewee does not look directly at the interviewer when answering questions She often looks sideways and rolls her eyes continually which not show her selfconfidence - Object language/ Artifacts She wears her outfit that is not suitable for the interviewee's style She wears her usual clothes Normally, the interviewee wears a vest to show his/her courtesy and professionalism - Tone of voice She does not keep an even tone of voice while she is talking Sometimes she speaks too loudly or quietly When answering the interviewer's question, she hesitates and pauses repeatedly which make her answer a lot of silence - Time/ Chronemics The interviewee does not come to the job interview on time As we can see in the video, the interviewer uses her body language which is raising her hand to look at the wristwatch Her facial expression is very annoyed and unsatisfied because she is not willing to wait the interviewee * Tips to have an impressive job interview in nonverbal communication - Punctuality The interviewee should come to the interview on time Show up late for a job interview, and you tell employers a lot about your personality and work ethic Being late for your scheduled interview can be an indication that you not pay attention to important details It proves that you not value others’ time A lack of punctuality shows the disrespect That’s the last impression you want to leave interviewers with Plan to arrive on the scene about 10-15 minutes before the interview When you walk in, let whomever greets you know that you are a few minutes early Arriving a tad early and 15 TIEU LUAN MOI download : acknowledging that you are early is a great way to stand out to employers for the right reasons - Dress code Wear appropriate interview attire Casual is not good and gives the wrong impression Of course, this will entirely depend on what type of job you are applying for, but for a professional career position, get it right and buy that killer suit Always dress appropriately for an interview so you make the best first impression - Treat everyone you encounter with respect This includes people on the road and in the parking lot, security personnel and front desk staff Treat everyone you not know as though they are the hiring manager Even if they aren’t, your potential employer might ask for their feedback During the interview, you should set the phone in silent mode to pay more attraction to the interview Avoid actions such as using a phone, chewing gum, playing with the hair and so on because these actions will make the employer feel uncomfortable and have a bad impression on you - Practice good manners and body language Practice confident, accessible body language from the moment you enter the building Before the interview, take a deep breath and exhale slowly to manage feelings of anxiety and encourage self-confidence The interviewer should extend their hand first to initiate a handshake Stand, look the person in the eye and smile A good handshake should be firm but not crush the other person’s fingers During the interview, make eye contact with the hiring manager for a few seconds at a time, which displays confidence Smile and nod (at appropriate times) while the manager is talking, but don’t overdo it Keep an even tone of voice while you’re talking, and don’t speak too loudly or quietly You should use a higher rate of speed, more intonation, more volume, and less halting manner to persuade the interviewer successfully 16 TIEU LUAN MOI download : You also should pay attention to your posture Don’t slouch – instead, relax and lean forward a little toward the manager, which shows him or her you’re interested and engaged in the conversation As for posture, also don’t lean back, as this will make you seem too relaxed and casual Sit or stand tall with your shoulders back You should not sit with your legs crossed and gesticulate too much because they show that you don't respect the interviewer Besides, it is difficult for the interviewer to focus on what you say VI Conclusion The ability to communicate effectively with the interviewer is essential, whatever sector you work in Good communication which will improve teams, inspire higher performance and enhance the workplace culture will be highly appreciated by the interviewer Just remember, communication is a two-way process, so take notice of other people's verbal and nonverbal signals as well as your own 17 TIEU LUAN MOI download : ... language, eye contact, gestures II Context and interference/noise If you want to have an impressive employment interview, first of all, you must know very well the context of an employment interview. .. willing to wait the interviewee * Tips to have an impressive job interview in nonverbal communication - Punctuality The interviewee should come to the interview on time Show up late for a job interview, ... constructed to meet the unique requirements of a particular situation In an interview, we have to prepare what we want to talk, put it together with careful thought to answer the interview questions

Ngày đăng: 10/07/2022, 04:54

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