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Xây dựng tổ chức cơ sở đảng trong sạch, vững mạnh ở các đảng bộ, học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an hiện nay ttta

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TÓM TẮT NHỮNG KẾT LUẬN MỚI CỦA LUẬN ÁN 1. Luận án đã nghiên cứu làm rõ những vấn đề cơ bản về tổ chức cơ sở đảng ở các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an: Cơ cấu tổ chức, chức năng, nhiệm vụ của các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an; khái quát và luận giải làm rõ quan niệm, hình thức tổ chức, chức năng, nhiệm vụ, mối quan hệ công tác, đặc điểm, vai trò của tổ chức cơ sở đảng ở các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an. Đồng thời, làm rõ những vấn đề lý luận về xây dựng tổ chức cơ sở đảng trong sạch, vững mạnh ở các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an: Quan niệm, tiêu chuẩn tổ chức cơ sở đảng trong sạch, vững mạnh và quan niệm, mục đích, chủ thể, đối tượng, nội dung, biện pháp, tiêu chí đánh giá xây dựng tổ chức cơ sở đảng trong sạch, vững mạnh. 2. Luận án đã tiến hành điều tra, khảo sát thực tiễn, thu thập tư liệu, số liệu, để đánh giá đúng thực trạng ưu điểm, hạn chế, khuyết điểm trong xây dựng và thực trạng năng lực lãnh đạo, sức chiến đấu của các tổ chức cơ sở đảng, chỉ ra nguyên nhân của những ưu điểm và hạn chế, khuyết điểm; rút ra một số kinh nghiệm xây dựng tổ chức cơ sở đảng trong sạch, vững mạnh ở các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an. Dự báo những yếu tố tác động và xác định các yêu cầu xây dựng tổ chức cơ sở đảng trong sạch, vững mạnh ở các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an hiện nay. 3. Trên cơ sở những vấn đề lý luận và thực tiễn đặt ra, luận án đề xuất những giải pháp tăng cường xây dựng tổ chức cơ sở đảng trong sạch, vững mạnh ở các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an hiện nay là: Tạo chuyển biến mạnh mẽ về nhận thức, trách nhiệm của các tổ chức, lực lượng trong xây dựng tổ chức cơ sở đảng trong sạch, vững mạnh ở các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an hiện nay. Củng cố, kiện toàn cấp ủy, chi bộ và nâng cao chất lượng đội ngũ đảng viên ở tổ chức cơ sở đảng của các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học thuộc Bộ Công an hiện nay. Hoàn thiện quy chế hoạt động, nâng cao chất lượng sinh hoạt cấp ủy, chi bộ ở các tổ chức cơ sở đảng thuộc đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an hiện nay. Tiếp tục đổi mới phương thức lãnh đạo của tổ chức cơ sở đảng ở các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an hiện nay. Phát huy sức mạnh tổng hợp trong xây dựng tổ chức cơ sở đảng trong sạch, vững mạnh ở các đảng bộ học viện, trường đại học của Bộ Công an hiện nay.

1 PREFACE Reason for selection of thesis topic Academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security are educational, training and scientific research institutions of the public security sector, which is part of the national education system; have the task of training and fostering cadres at undergraduate, master and doctoral levels; fostering titles and occupations for leaders and commanders at all levels of the public security sector; participating in teaching and fostering national defence and security knowledge for leaders at all levels of the Ministry of National Defence; implementing international cooperation in education and training according to the plans of the Ministry of Public Security; training cadres at undergraduate, master and doctoral levels and fostering cadres at all levels for the Ministry of Security of the Lao People's Democratic Republic and the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Cambodia The academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are directly superior party organizations of grassroots organizations, tasked with leading academies and universities to successfully perform the tasks of education and training, scientific research and other tasks assigned by the Party, the State and the Central Public Security Party Committee Grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are the foundation of the Party, the component of the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security has a comprehensive leadership role and task, in all aspects, especially the teaching and scientific research of the faculties, departments, centers and research institutes at academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security In order to well perform the assigned functions and tasks, the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security must regularly build a pure and strong party, contributing to building strong academies and universities, successfully fulfilling all tasks In addition to the results and advantages achieved, the building of the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security also has certain limitations and shortcomings: some committees and presiding officers have not fully recognized the position, role and necessity of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties; in each term, the identification of key contents, the application of measures in the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization is still stereotyped, rigid, lack of creativity, simply following, relying on, and dependent As a result, the comprehensive leadership and fighting capacities of some committees and cadres fall short of the task's requirements; the observance of Party organization and activity principles, as well as the regimes, regulations, and foundation of activities of some committees, cells, cadres, and party members, is not serious and thorough; the management and training of cadres and party members not meet the requirements; the quality of new party members is limited; The quality of committees' and cadres' activities, as well as the quality of criticism and self-criticism, is low; evenly, there are grassroots committees, cells, cadres and party members who violate discipline at various levels , not meeting the standards of a pure and strong organization The aforementioned limitations and shortcomings have had a significant impact on the quality of leadership activities, the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization, the task accomplishment results of grassroots units and academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security As we enter a new era, in the face of the development of revolutionary tasks, the tasks of the People's Public Security forces, the tasks of the Ministry of Public Security's academies and universities in the context of globalization and international integration, under the impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and the requirement to build smart academies and universities, the tasks of standardizing, modernizing, and retraining of People's Public Security cadres have been raising numerous issues that must be addressed in the building and leadership activities of the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security, where focusing on building party grassroots organizations in the Ministry of Public Security's academy and university parties is a key solution, a decisive factor in building strong and comprehensive faculties, departments, centers, and research institutes Therefore, the selection of the issue: "Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today" as the thesis topic is of urgent significance both in theory and in practice Research purposes and mission: * Research purposes The research clarifies theoretical and practical issues and proposes solutions to strengthen the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today * Research mission - Give an overview of the research situation in relation to the thesis topic 3 - The thesis clarifies the fundamental issues of party grassroots organization and the building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security - Properly assess the situation, gain some experience in building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security - Identify requirements and propose solutions to strengthen the building of pure and strong party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today Research objects and scope * Research objects: Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security * Scope of the research: Study the theoretical and practical issues of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security The practical survey scope is limited to activities of developing and performing the functions and tasks of the party grassroots organizations in 07 academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security (except for the International Academy); the data and documents primarily date from 2015 to the present The topic's application scope extends to 2030 and subsequent years Theoretical, practical bases and research methods * Theoretical bases The system of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, the way and view of the Communist Party of Vietnam on building the Party, building the party grassroots organization, improving the leadership and fighting capacities of the party grassroots organization * Practical bases The building and operation of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Summary reports of the Party Committee and functional agencies on Party building, the building of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security and the research, investigation and field survey results of the thesis author * Research methods The thesis employs research methods from specialized and interdisciplinary science, with an emphasis on logistical, historical, analytical, synthetic, systemic-structural, statistical, comparative, investigation, survey, practical summary, and expert methods, based on Marxist-Leninist methodology New contributions of the thesis - Introduce the concept of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security - Summarize some new experiences in building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security: Demand the task of building and adjusting the Party on a regular and thorough basis, closely follow the political tasks of agencies and units to determine the appropriate content and measures to build a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security; combine the leadership and direction of committees and superior authorities with the efforts of committees and cells, and promote the roles and responsibilities of cadres and party members, particularly committee heads; associate the building of pure and strong party grassroots organizations with the building of solid and comprehensive faculties, departments, centers, and research institutes of academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security - Propose a number of specific contents and measures to reform the leadership methods of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security in order to meet the requirements of tasks in the current situation Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis - The research results contribute to elucidating the theory and practice of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today They provides scientific arguments to the committees, party organizations, leaders and authorities to study and apply in the process of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today - The thesis can be used as a reference material, for research and teaching on the subject of Building the Communist Party of Vietnam in the People's Public Security schools Structure of the thesis: The thesis consists of: Preface; chapters (9 sections); conclusion; list of the author’s works related to the thesis topic; list of references and appendices Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH WORKS IN RELATION TO THE THESIS TOPIC 1.1 Foreign research works related to the thesis topic 1.1.1 Research works on the building and operation of the Communist Party Nhiem Khac Le (1995), “Party building in the current period” [141]; Organization Ministry of Shenzhen City Committee (1996), Shenzhen Special Zone Party Organization Manual (reference) [76]; Chu Huc Dong (2004), “Maintaining a strict party management motto, implementing Party building integrity, and combating corruption” [121]; Vu Dan (2013), Building the integrity culture of the Communist Party of China [81] 1.1.2 Scientific research works on the building and operation of grassroots organizations of the Communist Party Ku Dang Si Som Pong (2007), Quality of basic grassroots cells in the province of Vienna in the Lao People's Democratic Republic in the current period [139]; Sac Sit Phet Duong Sit (2009), Leadership capacity and fighting capacity of the party grassroots organization of the General Staff Party of the Lao People's Army in the current period [161]; Bun Pheng Si Pa Xot (2010) Quality of party grassroots organization in the Lao People's Army infantry divisions in renovation period [77]; Chu Chi Hoa (2010), Renovation of Party building in rural areas [133]; Ly Boi Nguyen (2011), “Practice and learning about the building of grassroots organization and the building of party members of the Communist Party of China” Journal of Chinese Studies, No [153]; General Department of Politics and Security of Lao People's Democratic Republic (2011), Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization combined with building a strong and comprehensive grassroots unit in the current period [172]; Truong Thu Quan (2013) “Continuously improving the management capacity of party members and building the Party in accordance with the requirements of scientificizing Party building work” [160]; Hum Phan Phiu Khem Phon (2016) Quality of party grassroots organization of the People's Security Party of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in the current period [135]; Kham Phui Chan Tha Va Dy (2018), Quality of rural party grassroots organization in the northern provinces of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in the current period [136] 1.2 Domestic research works related to the thesis topic 1.2.1 Research works on building, operating, improving the leadership and fighting capacities of the grassroots organization of the Communist Party of Vietnam Ngo Kim Ngan (2006), Solutions to improve the leadership and fighting capacities of party grassroots organizations [149]; Nguyen Ngoc Thinh (2007), Measures to improve the leadership and fighting capacities of party grassroots organizations and the quality of party members [165]; Nguyen Duc Ha (2008) Some issues on building the current party grassroots organization [127] ; Truong Thi Thong (2008), Tasks and solutions to improve leadership and fighting capacities of party grassroots organizations [166] ; Do Tuan Nghia (2009), Building and consolidating party grassroots organizations in foreigninvested joint stock companies [151]; Truong Thi My Trang (2012), Building and consolidating party grassroots organizations in state-owned enterprises that have been equitized in the Central provinces of the current period [174]; Trinh Gia Thuong (2017), Quality of party members of commune parties in Thanh Hoa Province in the current period [132]; Nguyen Duy Tinh (2020), “Improving the quality of internal activities in the current Ministry of Justice Party” [170]; Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh (2022), “Strengthening and improving the quality of party grassroots organization and party members in the spirit of the 13th Party Congress” [4] 1.2.2 Research works on the building and operation of Party grassroots organizations of the Army Party and the Central Public Security Party Nguyen Xuan Quang (1998), Building party grassroots organization and party members at border posts to meet the demands of the new period [159]; Le Van Duong (2000), Improving the capacity and fighting capacity of party grassroots organizations in the Army, ensuring a strong political army to successfully complete tasks in all situations [84]; Hoang Van Dong (2005), Improving the leadership and fighting capacities of party grassroots organizations of border posts along Vietnam land border line in the new period [123]; Vu Trong Y (2006), “Building and strengthening pure and strong party grassroots committees in the People's Public Security” [191]; Truong Hoa Binh (2006), “Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the Central Public Security Party” [43]; Le Quy Vuong (2006), “Improving the leadership and fighting capacities of party grassroots organization in the People's Public Security Party” [189]; Ha Xuan Dao (2009), “Some solutions to consolidate and improve the quality of party grassroots organization in the Central Public Security Party” [120]; Nguyen Truong Son (2013), “Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in military enterprises in the current period [163]; Nguyen Quang Dong (2020), “Renewing the inspection and supervision of party grassroots organizations in the current Vietnam People's Army Officer School parties” [122]; Nguyen Ngoc Thang (2020), “Quality of the management of party members of party grassroots organizations in the General Staff Party - Ministry of National Defence agencies in the current period” [164]; Vu Thanh Huyen (2021), “Renovating the leadership style of the party grassroots committees at army officer schools in the current period” [134]; Pham Tien Dung (2021), Improving the leadership and fighting capacities of party grassroots organizations in the Army Party in accordance with the views of the 13th Party Congress, Proceedings of the seminar “Thorough reading and applying the views of the 13 th Party Congress on improving the quality of education, training and scientific research at the military school”, Political Academy [83]; Pham Hong Duc (2021), Some experience in improving the quality of implementation of resolutions of party grassroots organizations in the parties of military officer academies and schools [124] 1.3 Value of reviewed scientific works and the issues to be studied in the thesis 1.3.1 Value of reviewed scientific works related to the thesis topic First, the works have provided students with valuable theoretical and practical knowledge about the party grassroots organizations and the building of party grassroots organizations in various approaches and research methods This is critical knowledge that allows students to inherit, apply, and solve thesis tasks Second, some works have initially assessed the actual situation of building and improving the leadership and fighting capacities of party grassroots organizations and cadres, as well as party members, with very specific advantages, limitations, shortcomings, and causes The assessment of the actual situation within the scope of the research works has provided the student with a comprehensive, objective, and honest view of the actual situation of the building work and leadership capacity, fighting capacity of the party grassroots organization, which is an important practical basis for solving the contents set by the research Third, most research works have determined the direction, proposed requirements, and some solutions to build and improve the leadership capacity and fighting capacity of the party grassroots organizations in some fields, units, regions, and local areas based on analysis and evaluation of the impacts of the situation and tasks These are also valuable contributions that students can acquire and inherit to develop solutions for their research projects From the overview of relevant research works, it can be confirmed that the topic “Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today” does not overlap with the accepted and announced scientific works 1.3.2 The issues to be studied in the thesis First, the thesis clarifies the fundamental issues of the party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security: Organizational structure, functions and tasks of the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security; generalizes and explaines the concept, organizational form, functions, tasks, working relationships, characteristics and role of party organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Simultaneously, it clarifies the theoretical issues of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security: The concept and criteria for organizing a pure and strong party grassroots organization, as well as the concept, purpose, subject, object, content, measures and criteria for evaluating the building a pure and strong party grassroots organization Second, conduct investigation, field survey, and data collection to properly assess the status of advantages, limitations, and shortcomings in the building work and the actual leadership and fighting capacities of the party grassroots organizations, point out the causes of the advantages, limitations, and shortcomings; and gain some experience in building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today Third, analyze the impact of the global, regional, and domestic situations, particularly the effects of the globalization trend, the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the task of building and protecting the Fatherland, the task of the Public Security sector, to identify requirements and propose solutions to strengthen the building of pure and strong party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today Conclusion of chapter These works have provided theoretical and practical knowledge of high scientific value in the field of building and operation of party grassroots organizations in various types of agencies and units However, no works, topics, or articles specifically, systematically, and intensively mentioned and solved the issue of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today As a result, the study "Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today" is of critical theoretical and practical importance Chapter THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ISSUES OF BUILDING A PURE AND STRONG PARTY GRASSROOTS ORGANIZATION IN THE ACADEMY AND UNIVERSITY PARTIES OF THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY 2.1 Academy and university parties, and party grassroots organizations in academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security 2.1.1 Academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security * Overview of academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security Currently, the Ministry of Public Security has academies and universities including: People's Security Academy, People's Police Academy, People's Public Security Political Academy, International Academy, Vietnam People's Security University, People's Police University, University of Fire Prevention and Fighting, University of Technology - Logistics of Public Security Basic functions and tasks of academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security Functions: Academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security have the function of public security education, training and scientific research as part of the national education system Academies and universities are responsible for training and fostering cadres at undergraduate, master and doctoral levels; fostering titles and occupations for leaders and commanders at all levels of the public security sector; participating in teaching and fostering national defence and security knowledge for leaders at all levels of the Ministry of National Defence; implementing international cooperation in education and training according to the plans of the Ministry of Public Security; training cadres at undergraduate, master and doctoral levels and fostering cadres at all levels for the Ministry of Security of the Lao People's Democratic Republic and the Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Cambodia Tasks: - Train and foster leaders, commanders, and managers at all levels; foster cadres with masters, doctors, and officers, as well as technical professional staff with university degrees from the People's Public Security Forces; foster national defence and security knowledge for People's Public Security Forces cadres; the Party Central units, ministries, branches of the State and committees, local authorities at all levels; perform international 10 cooperation on training and fostering of cadres, and foster cadres and officers for the police of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the Royal Cambodia and some countries in the world - Investigate, apply, and develop science and technology in the fields of security science, police science, social order and safety, the construction of People's Public Security Forces, and humanities and social sciences - Develop a team of leaders, commanders, managers, scientific staff and lecturers to meet the needs of the Ministry of Public Security's academies and universities for education, training, and scientific research - Develop pure and strong academy and university parties in terms of political, ideological, moral, organizational and personnel; develop strong academies and universities - Participate in security protection, maintaining social order and safety, and saving and rescuing in the area; be prepared to receive and complete tasks assigned by superiors * Academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security According to Regulation No 192-QD/TW of the Central Committee, the party organization in the People's Public Security Forces shall be established in accordance with the People's Public Security Forces' payroll organization Accordingly, academy and university parties are established in academies and universities under the Central Public Security Party Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Party Charter and the Central Committee Academy and university parties under the Central Public Security Party Committee are directly superior parties of the party grassroots organizations The leading agency of the academy and university parties between the two congresses is the Party Executive Committee (party committee) democratically elected by the congresses of the academy and university parties According to Regulation 192, party committees of academies and universities are direct superiors of 30 or more subordinate party grassroots organizations with a number of no more than 27 members and less than 30 subordinate party organizations with a number of 19 to 21 members The structure of academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security typically includes comrades on the board of directors (the school board) and heads of some functional agencies, centers, research institutes, and teacher faculties Party committees of academies and universities are directly led and directed by the Central Public Security Committee and the Minister of Public Security; under the direction, guidance and inspection of specialized departments and agencies of the Central Public Security Committee The activities of the party committees of academies and universities between two terms are reflected in the performance of functions and tasks of the party committees of academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security Basic functions and tasks of the party committees of academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security: Functions: The party committees of academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security have the function of leading all aspects of 11 the work and tasks of academies, universities and agencies and units under their authority; researching and proposing to the Central Public Security Party Committee on issues related to education, training, scientific research, Party work, political work, and party building Tasks: First, lead the implementation of political duties Second, lead the logistics and life work Third, lead the political and ideological work Fourth, lead the organization and personnel work Fifth, carry out the party building work Sixth, lead the mass organizations 2.1.2 Party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Concepts, functions, tasks, organizational structure, working relationships of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security * Concepts Party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are party organizations established in faculties, departments, centers, research institutes of academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security in accordance with the Party Charter, the Central Committee, the Political Bureau and the Central Public Security Party Committee; are political nucleus, leaders of all aspects of activities in agencies and units; study and propose to the Party Committees of academies and universities issues related to the implementation of political tasks and the construction of party ministries and branches * Basic functions and tasks of the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security: Functions: Party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are political nucleus, leading all aspects of the work of faculties, departments, centers, and research institutes; leading the implementation of the Party's guidelines, policies and laws of the State, regulations of the superior levels; building pure and strong parties and cells; associated with building a strong and comprehensive unit, fulfilling the assigned tasks; taking care of the material and spiritual life for cadres, party members, teachers, employees and students in the unit Tasks: First, lead the implementation of political tasks Second, lead the ideological work Third, lead the organization and personnel work Fourth, lead the mass organizations Fifth, build the party organizations Sixth, carry out the inspection, supervision and discipline of the Party 12 * Organization, number and membership structure of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security The Executive Committee of the grassroots parties and grassroots cells (grassroots committee level) is the leading agency of the parties and cells between two congresses According to the Regulation No 192-QD/TW dated May 18, 2019: The grassroots Party Committee that has 15 or more subordinate party organizations shall have no more than 19 members; The grassroots Party Committee that has less than 15 subordinate party organizations shall have 05 to 15 members The grassroots Party Committee with 09 or more members shall elect the standing committee, secretary and deputy secretary; with less than 09 members shall elect the secretary and deputy secretary Branches (including grassroots branches) which have 09 or more official members, shall elect the branch committees of 03 to 05 members; which have less than 09 official members members, shall elect the secretary, and if necessary, deputy secretary Branches with many party members shall elect not more than members * Working relationships of party grassroots organizations in academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security For heads of units: For mass organizations For party organizations and local authorities Characteristics and role of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security * Characteristics of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security First, the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security many tasks at the same time, with education, training, and scientific research being central Second, the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security shall implement the mechanism of heads of departments, faculties, centers, and research institutes serving as party secretaries and branch secretaries Third, the team of commissioners and party members at the party grassroots organizations of the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security is very diverse, varied, and of varying quality * Role of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security First, the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are political nucleus leading agencies and units to fulfill their assigned tasks in accordance with the Party's guidelines, State policies and laws, the superiors level resolutions, directives and regulations Second, the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are the places to directly manage, 13 educate, train and improve the quality of the party grassroots organizations, directly contributing to the building of strong academy and university parties in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, organization, and cadres Third, the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security play an important role in determining the development of strong and comprehensive agency, unit, and mass organizations 2.2 Pure and strong party grassroots organization and the basic issues of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security 2.2.1 Concepts and standards of pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security * The concept of pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security The pure and strong party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are the grassroots parties, cells of departments of teachers, centers, research institutes and units that ensure the reasonable organization and service in accordance with the organizational regulations and requirements of the leadership of political tasks, characteristics of agencies and units, determine and properly perform the functions, tasks and working regulations, have exemplary cadres and members, leaders of agencies and units who thoroughly grasp the directions and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the state, resolutions and directives of superiors and perform well the assigned tasks and are trusted by the masses * Standards of pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security First, the parties and cells have many outstanding achievements and innovations; confirming their leadership, typical and advanced roles for other party organizations to study and follow Second, the criteria for program implementation results, plans for party, cell, agency, and unit construction; the leadership results of departments, faculties, centers, and research institutes performing political tasks are evaluated at the level of "Excellent" by the party committee, the board of directors (school board) of the academy, university of the Ministry of Public Security; the remaining criteria are evaluated at the level of "Good" or higher Third, for the grassroots party, 100% or more of its subordinate cells must be rated "Task completion," with 80% or more rated "Good task completion." For cells, 100% of party members must be rated "Task completion" or higher, with 80% of party members rated "Good task completion" or higher 14 Fourth, commanding organizations and mass organizations of the same level (Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, grassroots Trade Union, grassroots Women's Union) are rated as "Good task completion" or higher 2.2.2 The basic issues of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security * The concept of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security is the whole set of guidelines, contents and measures of the committees, cells, presiding cadres, authorities at all levels and all cadres, party members and masses participating in order to encourage, develop, organize, and ensure that grassroots parties, grassroots cells in academy and university parties are always pure and strong in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, organization, and cadres, have great leadership and fighting capacities to lead the construction of strong and comprehensive agencies and units, and successfully perform all assigned tasks The aim of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security is to ensure that the party grassroots organizations are always pure and strong in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, organization and cadres, have great leadership and fighting capacities to lead the construction of strong and comprehensive agencies and units, and successfully perform all assigned tasks The subjects of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Secretary of the Central Public Security Party Committee - the Minister of Public Security, the Central Public Security Party Committee Inspection Agency, the functional agencies of the Ministry of Public Security, which are regularly and directly the parties, the standing committees, the board of directors (school boards), the Party Committee Inspection Agency, the Departments of Party Affairs, and political affairs of the academies and universities Party committees, cells, cadres and members of the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are both subjects of construction and self-consciousness, actively building pure and strong committees and cells to improve the leadership and fighting capacities to meet the requirements of their tasks The forces participating in building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties are the functional agencies, employees, party members, executive committees of mass organizations, (Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Women's Union, grassroots Trade Union), cadres, trade unionists, members; committees, authorities, Fatherland Front, socio-political unions and 15 people where the academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security and the party members reside * Contents and measures to build a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Building contents: First, build a pure and strong party grassroots organization in terms of politics Second, build a pure and strong party grassroots organization in terms of ideology Third, build a pure and strong party grassroots organization in terms of ethics Fourth, build a pure and strong party grassroots organization in terms of organization and cadres Measures to build a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security First, strengthen the leadership, direction, guidance, inspection and supervision of committees, inspection committees and superior authorities for building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Second, strengthen all grassroots committees, foster the quality and capacity of the committees and presiding cadres; improve the leadership and fighting capacities of grassroots parties and grassroots cells in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Third, perform well the management, education and training of party members and foster party members of grassroots parties and grassroots cells in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Fourth, perform well the tasks of inspecting, supervising and enforcing Party discipline and protecting the internal politics of the grassroots parties and cells in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Fifth, strictly implement the principles of organization and living; improve the quality of activities of committees and cells; renovate the contents and leadership methods of the party grassroots organizations of the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Sixth, promote the roles and responsibilities of organizations and forces participating in building pure and strong party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security * Criteria for evaluation of building pure and strong party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security 16 First, evaluate the awareness and responsibility of the subjects and forces for building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties Second, evaluate the contents, forms and measures for building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Third, evaluate the results of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization and the leadership results of agencies and units performing the tasks of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties in the Ministry of Public Security Conclusion of chapter Party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are political nucleus and factors that directly decide and lead the construction of strong departments, faculties, centers and research institutes, to successfully perform all assigned tasks Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security requires the thorough understanding and creative application of the views and guidelines of the Party and of the Central Public Security Committee on the construction and management of the Party and is conducted synchronously with many specific and feasible contents, forms and measures, in accordance with the characteristics and tasks of each agency and unit Chapter CURRENT SITUATION AND SOME EXPERIENCE IN BUILDING A PURE AND STRONG PARTY GRASSROOTS ORGANIZATION IN THE ACADEMY AND UNIVERSITY PARTIES OF THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY 3.1 Current situation of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security 3.1.1 Advantages First, many positive changes have occurred as a result of the subjects' and forces' awareness and responsibility for the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Second, the contents and measures for building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are strictly implemented, achieving many important results in accordance with the nature of each faculty, department, center, and research institute's activities Third, the majority of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security have made a progressive transformation in terms of leadership and fighting capacities, and the leadership results of central political tasks have been raised and solidified 17 3.1.2 Limitations and shortcomings First, several heads of units, commissioners, cadres, and party members have failed to properly and fully recognize the position and role of the party grassroots organization, particularly the secretary and the team of commissioners Second, some contents and measures for building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are not flexible, suitable and effective for each type of party grassroots organization Third, the leadership and fighting capacities of some party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are still limited, and the comprehensive capacity of the party members is still inadequate, which limits the results of assigned tasks implementation 3.2 Causes and some experience in building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security 3.2.1 Causes of advantages First, the achievements of building and managing the Party have created favorable conditions for building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Second, the regular and close attention, leadership and direction of the Central Public Security Party Committee, the Department of Party Affairs, and political affairs for the construction and consolidation of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Third, the committees, commissioners, commanders and functional agencies in the academy and university parties always emphasize the role and responsibility for the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization Fourth, the party committees of academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security always attach importance to and well implement the principles of democratic concentration, collective leadership, individuals in charge, building internal unity, promoting democracy, strengthening discipline, regulation, and strictly adhering to the regime of party activities Fifth, the committees and cells at the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security determine the right content, actively and proactively apply many flexible measures to build a pure and strong party grassroots organization in accordance with the reality of each agency and unit 3.2.2 Causes of limitations and shortcomings Firstly, the awareness and leadership capacity of some academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security is still limited Second, several committees and cells in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security have not actively, proactively and creatively explored and reformed the contents and 18 measures to build a pure and strong party grassroots organization Third, the quality and capacity of some commissioners, cadres and party members in some grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are still limited Fourth, the increasingly sophisticated and fierce resistance of hostile forces to cadres and party members in general and cadres and party members in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security in particular 3.2.2 Some experience in building pure and strong party grassroots organizations in the parties of academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security First, regularly and thoroughly request the task of building and managing the Party, closely follow the political tasks of agencies and units to determine suitable contents and measures suitable for building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Second, it is necessary to regularly attach importance to building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, organization, and cadres, and it is necessary to clearly define the focus and key points in each period Third, combine the leadership and direction of committees and superior authorities with the efforts of committees and cells, and promote the roles and responsibilities of cadres and party members, particularly committee heads; link the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization with the building of faculties, departments, centers and research institutes of academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security Fourth, regularly conduct preliminary and final reviews to draw experience in the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security Conclusion of chapter The building of pure and strong party grassroots organizations in the Ministry of Public Security's academy and university parties has made significant progress and achievements in recent years However, the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the parties of academies and universities still has limitations and shortcomings in which subjective causes are the responsibility and capacity of the participating subjects and forces The practice of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the parties of academies and universities has left initial but very important experiences, contributing to the direction and guidance of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security 19 Chapter REQUIREMENTS AND SOLUTIONS FOR STRENTHENING THE BUILDING A PURE AND STRONG PARTY GRASSROOTS ORGANIZATION IN THE ACADEMY AND UNIVERSITY PARTIES OF THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SECURITY TODAY 4.1 Affecting factors and requirements for the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today 4.1.1 Factors affecting the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today First, the situation and the task of building and protecting the country in the new period Second, the task of building and fighting of the People's Public Security Forces in the new period Third, the requirement of basic and comprehensive renovation of education and training; the political tasks of the academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security Fourth, the development of the industrial revolution 4.0; the conspiracy, anti-destructive tricks of forces hostile to the Vietnamese revolution Fifth, the impact from the wrong side of the market mechanism and the negative and social evils 4.1.2 Requirements for the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today First, building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security must aim to improve the leadership and fighting capacities of the grassroots organizations to meet the mission requirements in the new situation Second, building a pure and strong party grassroots organization must be under the strict and unified leadership of the Central Public Security Party Committee, of the party committees of academies and universities under the Ministry of Public Security Third, conduct a flexible and creative application of contents and measures for building a pure and strong party organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security in accordance with the characteristics and tasks of each type of agency and unit Fourth, promote the roles and responsibilities of organizations and forces involved in the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security 4.2 Solutions to strengthen the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization in 20 the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today 4.2.1 Create a strong transformation of awareness and responsibility of organizations and forces in building a pure and strong party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today This is a significant solution that directly influences the outcomes of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in academy and university parties today It is necessary to focus on creating and transforming the awareness of organizations and forces about: the position and role of the party grassroots organization and the need to build a pure and strong party grassroots organization; the views, guidelines and solutions of the Party, the Central Public Security Committee, the party committees of academies and universities on consolidating, strengthening, improving the leadership and fighting capacities of the party grassroots organizations; the current situation of building party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security; the scope of responsibilities and rights in building a pure and strong party grassroots organization In order to create a awareness transformation of organizations and forces, it is necessary to well implement the following measures: adopt the activities of committees, cells, agencies and units; well organize the conferences and training on Party building; adopt the practice of Party affairs, political affairs at the units; adopt the inspection and supervision 4.2.2 Strengthen and consolidate all committees, cells and improve the quality of party members at the party grassroots organizations of the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today This is a critical solution for establishing a foundation for improving the leadership and fighting capacities of party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today It is necessary to prioritize the strengthening and consolidation of all committees with adequate numbers, high quality, and a reasonable structure The strengthening and consolidation of all committees and cells must comply with the regulations and instructions of the superiors and the practice of each committee and cell; adequate numbers, but must maintain commissioner standards Focus on improving the quality of party members in the parties and cells of faculties, departments, centers and research institutes of the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security It is necessary to focus on improving the quality of education and training of party members, strictly manage the party members, well implement the development of party members and strengthen the inspection, supervision and removal of unqualified party members from the Party at the party grassroots organizations of the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security 4.2.3 Complete the regulations on operation, improving the quality of activities at committees and cells in the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today This is an important solution for ensuring that party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security operate effectively and efficiently, especially when the organizational structure of academies, universities and the party organization system in the academies and universities of the Ministry of 21 Public Security today requires renovation, consolidation, and reorganization To complete the operation regulations, it is necessary to fully understand the positions, roles, functions, and responsibilities of the party grassroots organizations in academies and universities, to fully and comprehensively reflect the operational aspects, tasks, especially the operational aspects, key tasks , and key stages that must be supplemented and completed on a regular basis To improve the quality of activities of committees and cells, it is necessary to focus on transforming the awareness of responsibilities of committees, cells, all cadres and party members, particularly the head of committees and cells; to properly and clearly define the purpose, quality and content of activities; to strictly follow the process of preparing and conducting activities; to strictly abide by the principles of organization and activities 4.2.4 Continue to renovate the leadership methods of the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today In the current situation, it is critical to renovate the leadership methods of party grassroots organizations in academy and university parties It is necessary to focus on renovating the method of making resolutions as well as the resolutions themselves; renovating the implementation of resolutions of committees and cells; renovating the inspection, supervision, preliminary review and lessons learned from the implementation of resolutions; renovating the development and implementation of regulations and working regimes of committees and cells; renovating the style, methods and working style of the team of secretaries, deputy secretaries and commissioners 4.2.5 Promote the synergy in building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security today Promoting the synergy of organizations and forces in building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security is a very important solution, on the one hand, demonstrating thorough understanding and creative application of the perspective of synergy in our Party's revolutionary leadership throughout the periods It is necessary to strengthen the leadership and direction of the party committees of academies and universities; Strengthen the direction and support of the Department of Party Affairs and political works of academies and universities; Promote the role of the commanding team of faculties, departments, centers, research institutes in academies and universities Promote the role of mass organizations in faculties, departments, centers, research institutes in academies and universities; Enlist the help of committees, authorities, unions and local people Conclusion of chapter Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security is currently governed and influenced by many objective and subjective factors, including both opportunities and advantages, as well as difficulties and challenges that must not be neglected To build a pure 22 and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security, it is necessary to thoroughly understand and creatively apply the views, objectives and requirements of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the new period; implement comprehensively and synchronously many contents and measures with the close, regular and continuous coordination of organizations, forces, levels and sectors from the Central to grassroots CONCLUSION Building the organizational system of political parties, the Communist Party and the Communist Party of Vietnam, is an important issue that has always been studied by leaders, managers, and scientists, and many scientific works have been studied, accepted, and announced from various perspectives However, no works have addressed the issue of building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the Ministry of Public Security's academy and university parties in a comprehensive, systematic, and intensive manner Notwithstanding, the scientific works provided students with valuable theoretical and practical knowledge for reference and application in solving the thesis's contents and tasks Party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security are the Party’s foundation and the political nucleus leading the construction of departments, faculties, centers, and research institutes comprehensively and thoroughly grasping the Party's directions, State policies and laws, resolutions and directives of superiors, and successfully performing all assigned tasks; are places where pure and strong parties and cells are directly built, and where the Party and leading agencies at all levels of the Party and the grassroots masses are linked Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security is an important and urgent part of the task of building and managing the Party Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security must be comprehensive in terms of politics, ideology, ethics, organization and cadres with a comprehensive and synchronous measures that are focused and in accordance with the practice of each type of agency and unit, aiming to ensure that the party grassroots organizations in the academy and university parties have sufficient leadership and fighting capacities to meet the requirements of leadership tasks in the new period Building pure and strong party grassroots organizations in the Ministry of Public Security's academy and university parties has frequently received the attention, leadership and direction of the committees, the guidance and help of the authorities, the striving efforts of the cadres and party members, and has resulted in positive changes in recent years Party grassroots organizations have led faculties, departments, centers and research institutes to fulfill all assigned tasks, contributing to building strong academies and universities of the Ministry of Public Security However, the building of a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security still has some limitations and shortcomings in terms of awareness, responsibility and implementation organization In particular, the leadership and fighting capacities of some party grassroots organizations remain some distance from the mission requirements in the new period The practice of building pure and strong party grassroots organizations 23 in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security has left some valuable experiences in directing the practice that need to be applied Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security is currently influenced by many objective and subjective factors, with advantages as well as difficulties and challenges that require the Party committees, functional agencies, cadres and party members to master the views and guidelines of the Party, the Central Public Security Party Committee, the academy and university party committee on building and improving the leadership and fighting capacities of the party grassroots organizations; thoroughly analyze the situation, tasks and apply synchronously solutions from improving awareness and responsibility to strengthening and consolidating the organization, improving the quality of cadres and party members, improving the quality of activities at committees and cells, renovating the leadership methods and promoting the power of organizations and forces Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in the academy and university parties of the Ministry of Public Security is not new but a difficult issue As a result, the thesis research results are only the first step; the PhD student is looking forward to the attention and input of scientists in order to improve and improve the thesis quality ... Province in the current period [ 132 ]; Nguyen Duy Tinh (2020), “Improving the quality of internal activities in the current Ministry of Justice Party” [170]; Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh (2022), “Strengthening... Public Security Party” [120]; Nguyen Truong Son (20 13) , “Building a pure and strong party grassroots organization in military enterprises in the current period [1 63] ; Nguyen Quang Dong (2020), “Renewing... renovation period [77]; Chu Chi Hoa (2010), Renovation of Party building in rural areas [ 133 ]; Ly Boi Nguyen (2011), “Practice and learning about the building of grassroots organization and the

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2022, 16:08


