Tài liệu tham khảo |
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[7] Florian Schroff, Dmitry Kalenichenko, and James Philbin. Facenet: A unified em- bedding for face recognition and clustering. 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun 2015 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
2015 IEEE Conference on ComputerVision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) |
[9] Weiyang Liu, Yandong Wen, Zhiding Yu, Ming Li, Bhiksha Raj, and Le Song.Sphereface: Deep hypersphere embedding for face recognition. In 2017 IEEE Confer- ence on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 6738–6746, 2017 |
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Tiêu đề: |
2017 IEEE Confer-ence on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) |
[10] Jiankang Deng, Jia Guo, Niannan Xue, and Stefanos Zafeiriou. Arcface: Additive angular margin loss for deep face recognition. In 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 4685–4694, 2019 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
2019 IEEE/CVF Conference onComputer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) |
[18] Wei Liu, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Christian Szegedy, Scott Reed, Cheng- Yang Fu, and Alexander C. Berg. Ssd: Single shot multibox detector. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 21–37, 2016 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Lecture Notesin Computer Science |
[19] J. Redmon, S. Divvala, R. Girshick, and A. Farhadi. You only look once: Unified, real- time object detection. In 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 779–788, 2016 |
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Tiêu đề: |
2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and PatternRecognition (CVPR) |
[23] S. Ge, J. Li, Q. Ye, and Z. Luo. Detecting masked faces in the wild with lle-cnns. In 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 426–434, 2017 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) |
[27] Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian Sun. Spatial pyramid pooling in deep convolutional networks for visual recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 346–361, 2014 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Lecture Notes in ComputerScience |
[30] X. Li, K. Wang, W. Wang, and Y. Li. A multiple object tracking method using kalman filter. In The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, pages 1862–1866, 2010 |
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Tiêu đề: |
The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation |
[31] Alex Bewley, Zongyuan Ge, Lionel Ott, Fabio Ramos, and Ben Upcroft. Simple online and realtime tracking. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Sep 2016 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP) |
[32] Kourosh Meshgi, Shin-ichi Maeda, Shigeyuki Oba, Henrik Skibbe, Yu-zhe Li, and Shin Ishii. An occlusion-aware particle filter tracker to handle complex and persistent occlusions. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 150, 05 2016 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
Computer Vision and Image Understanding |
[33] Bo Yang and Ruoyu Yang. Interactive particle filter with occlusion handling for multi-target tracking. In 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), pages 1945–1949, 2015 |
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Tiêu đề: |
2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems andKnowledge Discovery (FSKD) |
[34] Li Hou, Wanggen Wan, Kuan-Hui Lee, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Greg Okopal, and James Pitton. Robust human tracking based on dpm constrained multiple-kernel from a moving camera. Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 86:27–39, 01 2017 |
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Tiêu đề: |
Journal of Signal Processing Systems |
[35] Li Hou, Wanggen Wan, Kuan-Hui Lee, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Greg Okopal, and James Pitton. Deformable multiple-kernel based human tracking using a moving camera.In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 2249–2253, 04 2015 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing(ICASSP) |
[36] C. Rasmussen and G. D. Hager. Probabilistic data association methods for track- ing complex visual objects. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 23(6):560–576, 2001 |
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Tiêu đề: |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and MachineIntelligence |
[38] Chanho Kim, Fuxin Li, Arridhana Ciptadi, and James Rehg. Multiple hypothe- sis tracking revisited. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pages 4696–4704, 12 2015 |
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Tiêu đề: |
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV) |
[39] Seong-Wook Joo and Rama Chellappa. A multiple-hypothesis approach for multi- object visual tracking. IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, 16:2849–54, 12 2007 |
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Tiêu đề: |
IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of theIEEE Signal Processing Society |
[40] Li Zhang, Yuan Li, and R. Nevatia. Global data association for multi-object tracking using network flows. In 2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 1–8, 2008 |
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Tiêu đề: |
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and PatternRecognition |
[42] Nicolai Wojke, Alex Bewley, and Dietrich Paulus. Simple online and realtime tracking with a deep association metric. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pages 3645–3649, 2017 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
2017 IEEE International Conference on ImageProcessing (ICIP) |
[43] Shengcai Liao, Yang Hu, Xiangyu Zhu, and Stan Z. Li. Person re-identification by local maximal occurrence representation and metric learning. In 2015 IEEE Confer- ence on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 2197–2206, 2015 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
2015 IEEE Confer-ence on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) |
[48] Wei Li, Rui Zhao, Tong Xiao, and Xiaogang Wang. Deepreid: Deep filter pairing neural network for person re-identification. In 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 152–159, 2014 |
Sách, tạp chí |
Tiêu đề: |
2014 IEEE Conference on ComputerVision and Pattern Recognition |