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Tài liệu selective catalytic reduction technology for the control of nitrogen oxide ppt

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Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Technology for the Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers

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Selective Catalytic Reduction

(SCR) Technology for the Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers

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cover Photos

cy iy Roe nc

‘ah: Aer! pote o Bowen Power hart, coun of Southrn Company ‘courte of iley Power re

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Selective Catalytic Reduction

(SCR) Technology for the Control of Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers

An Update of Topical Report Number 9

secutive Summary '


NO, Biissions Regulations

NO, Conttol Technologies 6

‘The SCR Process 6

(Commercial Operating Experience with SCR 0

Capital and Operating Costs of SCR 18

Comparison t Other Technologies Is

Conetusons 9

Bibliography 2

Trang 7

Executive Summary

“The Clean Cost Technology Demons ion rogram (CCTDE) sa goverment and ins o-fuiedefort to demons a ne getcatonof innovative coalition oceses ina eis facies bat across isyamlponkcinfortcn rfc spice tions The ga ofthe CCTs to ish ‘hemarktplac withamamberof anced effet eal tse choi that

Ti the al wizton of oa

“To achieve thi oa, ening in 185, al phasedeortcomsistingof re solitons was administered ý the veep {CS Deparment of Energy (DOE) though its Nationa Energy Telology Laborato 1 (NETL), Projects selected trough hese ‘pions wth the potenti ome the weeds ‘of eetgy marks whl sasying relevant ‘envionment requremens,

Pat of his program the demensaion ‘fteehanopesdesignedtonedaeemisions ‘oF oxides of ntozea (NO,) fom existing ‘co-ed iy les NO, a ac ai ‘of rund level atmonpbercorone whichis ‘alls za and also related to so

formation NO, emissions are regulated de the provisions of the Clean Air Act “Amendments (CAAA) of 1990.10 1995, 8 sted selective clic reduction (SCR)

fombih sult oa ede The ej cet was coauced by Souther Company Series, ne, who served asa eo funder

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Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)

Technology for the Control of

Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Boilers

An Update of Topical Report Number 9

Trang 9

‘SCR unt t Cross tana?

1y’s ant Crt, eight commercials sai aMecaayss were expend 10 slipstream ‘of ise gas exacted fr the inlet dot of thet sie eeewostaepeiptae ths contin fal price loading The ESP), uel at Pat Cast was aye Midwestern

cal ins No having SCR test eel were anal eae i at ‘nla cle operaioninter othe jor varies of temperature and space Yelociy: Auhydons ammonia (NHL) was ceed int sco of ested do it Allofthectalstspertomed elit rametiandlongleletng achieving leas 0% NO, removal The sce jet provide a major impets for wie this spreadadopionof SCR oncosl- rebar: inthe ned Sats Since tain, SCR eco the predomaa post-combuston techno frmeting increasingly stngent

NO, Control Technologies

Trang 10

Upto nw an Soh inet nas ben pert Ingtor ieee ozone vasone NO, Emissions Regulations Technolgy de clpmet fr NO ee ions being fre hyo es than tree TC mm " Agency (EPA) Tie 1 Tel andthe 2005 ‘lean Aiinterstate Role (CAR)

* CAAA Teasing aidan SO, and NO.) euies indus and wit aie to rede NO, esis ia 180 ses corprating an allowance cap xi tiệc appmach Phase # Lok lleet

tablished for each major bor type The oe strngeatintsinPase Trang fe (040 thon Bra fr tangeally fed Inert 06 tla Bs for eyelne

es mve coBilek lifetees soe The CAAA spe: Naomi nt Air Quality Stands (SAAS) for ‘pound evel concertos of «mins famosbericplluat nti zone Tie Ladies plluon col nares TLEPA on November 7, 1997 propo a Sate Implement Pan (SP) Cal at specie NO, emison bgt fe wit teiersin22easerandmidnestemstnes ttatconespondedtoa NO, emission at

Callao perited ding ———— of emision saeswereshownty the zone Transprt Asesnen Group (OTAG) losin Í codifbNE ko e6 nan ialanExlin

italy the ve month ore exon {Atay T-Sepember30 Implementations

“Tide Hs designed to ring al pliable Ue he SIP Call he sates were hited Yo have thei emissions rection — SPs, epee by May 31, 2008 LÍ ma delayed to Aay 31,2008, Georgia and Miso

previously exempt hve wd dio May 1, 2007 The effect of he SUP Call m—

frome enemlngunitsinespecve of bor ip Alto he SIS ave Bees approve bythe EP

+ Under Seton 110 of Tie 9 March 10, 2005, EPA promulgated he CATR “TheCATRismorestingsathanthe 197 SIP Call beau he NO, emissions cap ‘srediced 60125 omilon Bs ands sped onsale an oly tEkeetbegimingin2D10andil yto29 este sates andthe Dist Column Reto in NO, emissions willbe achieved tog revised SISand ! eapand ade program pend lit the ome wed suensfly ue iV

een proposed, ol nay event i sens eran hat ontrofNO, emissions wil be increasingly move sings

Trang 11

‘The sls date of compliance with No, emissions regulations ae impresve Aconlng to ED gues tl NO, emis

During the sae eto te amu of ea bared to produce love power ince yatout27% Reduconsasohave occured to rome formation, More than 97% ofthe alee poser plans wre in ul eon ce in 208,

The CAIR, when implemented will {ibe edie anil NO, emisions front owes to lions by 2010 and a te Piste of Colum affected by “CA, power plant NO, emissions wil be rece 68 from 2002 eves NO, emissions reductions alrendy ected have rested in signa in povementinambiet ozone concentatins By 2008 the mean mcaseed ozone val sony aly higher tha the NAAQS of "he coir into orone asin Sich poets, f couse equzes NO, emisios redcons no oly fom poet pats but m—¬—- lett enone ld, acai che ghey and igh alder Foronly aba 2 ofallL'S NO, cisions in 2003, representing signa reduction Tran eae ures and thục denosiatus

NO, Emissions Regulations


The Clan Air Act rginaly was passed in 1967 twas amended in 1970, 1977, and most cantly in 1990 The Clean Ait Act Amendments (CARA) 6f 1990 authrizod tho US Enveonmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ‘establish National Ambion’ Ar Qualty Standards (NAAQS) for six crtola ‘atmospheric poltants: carbon menoxde, lead, ozone, nivogen dioxide slur doxid, and pareulates Updating the emissions standards every five years is mandated For convenience, the ntogen oxides regulations ‘are writen in tems of NO, which represents ‘and nirogen dioxide (NO,) a mare f nite oxide (NO)

‘Ozone Formation

inthe atmosphere, NO, and volte organic compounds (VOCs) react th presence of sunlight to form groundevel azone, wich is he majo in- ‘rent of smog Two major potions ofthe CAAA relevant to NO, contrl tor oleic powor generation ate Tite | and TeV, Tet addresses ambi- tent ezone, while Tile IV regulates NO, emissions tor spectc types a bol

fs, inducing stationary coaired powerplants Tile Vis eerred to as tho Acid Rain Program As opposed o THe IV, which spoeilos NO, om sions direct, Til focuses tum are strongly inuenced on heath-ased standard for czone, which in by NO, emissions

‘The current Tie I NAROS for ozone, established in 1997, 80 pb (0.08 pm), maintained over an 8-nour period To meet this standard, NO, emis Sons fom coa-ired power plants must be reduced to an average of 0.15 'binllen Bl of boler hea np Cie, the NÓ, emssions targets under Tie are mach more stingent han tage under Tae

Trang 12

NO,E ions Limits for Coal-Fired Be NO, Control Technologies The major NO, contol eehnlogies or boilers ars + Low-NO, bers (LNB) + Overresir OF) exer) + Selective 11 that are apie to he Ae gas, Combs ‘igamedication changes arereaively loesgeasive, bt alate they cant aebieve

mm Ebseersysrpisbsiititolkrind lied This Topical Repertfocse primary ‘om SCR, the predoinant post combs tectonogy rs Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 Phase (1996-2000) Dry bottom wal:lred Tangontaly trod Phase (20008) Dry bottom walked

“Tangonlaly roi Viet bottom wal.4re (x86 Me) 'Oyelonered 2155 MS) Vertical rod 'Gelbuner ‘Tota Emissions Lint tortion tu ‘ected Unite ‘Number of mạ 192 1.004 The SCR Process History

Selective cattle reduction of NO, ting ammonia a the reducing age was eyelope inthe Cited Sates by Fag tnd Corporaton and atten 1957 The gm calle consisting of lation or Hanan goop meas, were unsatisfactory Tease ofthe need pert ina ears ‘we range ia wih explosive amon ‘imme regulations in ht county to the development of sno anim ‘tals, which performed sucessfully {in SCR aplicitions workdvide

Process Description

tn the SCR process at apie tocol fred elec power plat operation NO, in the fg xing he ler cei it ome titogen and water by econ

‘wihameniaia TRe process seme selective edo” the pesence af het tecaseitaesouyecnen ramen comps slo om aon, slo strony gennedeompounds Of ignicnt — m— 1 cam cafe, HH A0, ai amnatim 'ediae,SHAIEO, Thy bỹvadaescan m>—— 1080, inthe baler nun, smal fraction ftheS0 jsodzedo slr oie 80,) ‘over the SCR atta ulesinble side

Trang 13

Ammonia Slip

7 111 steam of the SCR ai le rfemel to ae ammoni slip For power pants baring frstem US co ese 40 Bold rae 240 3 pp to mnie Formation ‘of ammnio sls and bvlfste nd 10 mina acepaleast quit fr disposal ‘or sale, For westemsutituninos cals (PRN) tigher eves of tp camber

mm ForEopeaadJopanesiastalatons.am on sip italy "hese plans pial operate on cols betwexn tan} ppm

problem with iệtsdlfw cols beoue of Iisher SO, esl reslingfrom Oxiitonof $0, nthe SCR restroom these coals determinants of ammonia sip are ett ——— Operating Temperature

Sine SCH eats are epee, tis sential to pert at highs temperate as posible maximize pace ely and has mine aa woe, these ime tis necessary minimize he ate of ‘sition of $0, 0S, wich sme em erate seasin thane SCR reaction The ‘sgeasisthan vanadium ives Mostnsalatons sean economizer bypass to provide Be gs tote reactors the de NO, Formation

‘trogen oxides (NO.) are formed primary by he reaction o atmosphere trogen and oxygen, rough a ally complex mochanism Although mơ- lecular nirogen and oxygen inthe a are stable at ambient conditons, thay £eactin tho hightemperature envionment associated wth fuel combustion, ‘The resulting NO, tered to as thermal NO In adionntogen nthe ‘uals oxcized under combustion condtons to form fuel NO,

‘The formation of iti oxide Wa thera ation at almesphericnitegen i highly temperature sonstive As orginally đelned by Zgldovch, the rate of ‘thermal NO, formations exponentially dependent on temperature ands ‘proportional to the square rot of oxygen concentration Reducing bon the ‘amount of oxygen avalabo to the fy! and the combustion temperat are eFeclve mettods of contoling thermal NO, The mechanism by which ful niogen is converted to NO, isnt fly understod but is known to depend ‘on fuer rato, Fuel NO, can representa signicant action ofthe otal NO, emited during the combustion ofa high nitogen content coal

‘trogen oxides are highly reactive compounds that play signcant roles In a polition In adion to the foematon of ozone, nates and suites foxmed by atmospheric oxdaton ot NO, and SO, are major components of fine pariculate matter that poses a human healt problem when inhaled, and aso an envicnmental problem for lakes and vrs The fine parcuato ‘mate's deposited into lakes and rivers, contibuting to excessive algae ‘gown and oxygen depletion, condtons that an thregtn aqusle ‘These particulates also ae aigelyreqponsble lor lmospheric haze and ‘by impairment

‘About 55% of US NO, emissions are associated wih combustion of tans- patton fuels in motor vebilas and non-road equipment Analher 40% Fesuis fom fuel combustion in stationary soures, of which about one-hat 's emitied by electric generating pants The remaining 5's emitted as @ by-product of industil proces

Fegulatons are in place tha wil substantaly reduce NO, emissions rom the tansponation seco inthe near ute Emissions rom the power ‘generation sectr, already heaviy regulated, wil be further reduced by ad- Sonal contos, both existing and planned, Lke most emissions sources, powerplants have boen the target of substantial regulatory activity since ‘enactment ofthe Clan Air Act of 1070 and he Clean A Act Amandments (CAAA) of 1980 mpiomenaton of he CAA Acid Fan Program (Tilo IV) has reduced annus! NO, emissions om coaltted power pants rom 6.7 ‘ili tons in 1990 o 42 milion tons 2009, whe the amount of coat ‘burned increased by about 27% Now, a a result o he SIP Calo 1997, promulgate under Tie | atthe CAA, and the Clean Air Inerstate Rule \GAIR), seo promulgated under Tie | thi gure wil dacrase to 1.6 alin tons by 2010 and 1.8 milion tons by 2015

Trang 14

U.S Installations of SCR on Coal-Fired Utility Boilers (2004 Data) New York L_4 _ Meemnsn Marana +— 3 Mesauil 3 Now sory 3 Now Hampshire 2 Florida | 1 “em — Ï TH Source: Agus SCR Repo, May 208 Reactor Placement

SCR systems canbe installed ihe: 1) Mirtle economizer, pscanof thea peteter (API, ESI an De 208 eedfueua.len FG) wat oe @) doin

Ferri fered 3 side, st instalation and he tt sẹo se, lơ dst tn commercial practice the ha side Joctoa s more commonly sed beense latinas he need ea the Be 2810 edoetyintbe deters peer init toabou 4 se tomiimize erosion wile tmainaing he By sb in sspension, The kesian wean 2 velocity ihe SCR reactor

Atypical arangementincoal-redplants coi of arizona duet hat convey the io, wheethe ga owsdownwandover the ata led Armonia eget inject in the hoizonldot Tung anes ro- Siệchetunilonfionlbeizonnltovgtlel fon: In some ess, te bole cong cone ex (ith anon nÿotedim Lắc đao) followed hy 0 dee ts tote vedel dưenlow SCR reactor, The tcingisdesanedomaitaiauniorm Bow of fie 2 and reagent while minimizing The slaely’ hah capital cost of an INO, ith SNCR, thes rede the fa fm the SCR reactor In sch hyd ata Intions excess eagent i sed inthe SNCR step, with the remaining NO, eemoved in the SCR feet As esl the SCR ut trac ste, Feds


ScReaalytsre mide ofasolidccamie ‘msi conuns active ctalyecomp ‘ena, The ceo ay be te foro & mm

ements cide in, rnin, m0 Iyhdenu, at angst, a wells ates, Catalyst formations ar sitred specie esformance neds Vaan neo be mo flected in preter deal ter

“Thee mechani forms ae we ple, ierandheneeont:Tilercilyse, which re lige than th bers, hve character ‘ses sina to beth ney eomb a plate siz tutare abated aos bse mm Hi in vertical reactors The cst ‘spills is aranged in a sere of 0 10 forbes orlayers Te lowest ayer aien {ot isle ily This rangement ¬¬¬

Trang 15

Mixing of ammonia and Flue Gas “To caste optimum performace of the SCR proces itis esse wo achieve innate and ifr eng of anni Jet te ly Bed AL the same tie, pressure drop must be minimized av ‘excessive parse power fsses Uneven -woniidaufbubai an case poe SCR rife, case soe porns fe Me gas steam ae verted, sulin | higher tan design ammonia stp wile ‘er potions are undereated,reling Seles in Si ext NO, cant ion Maing the pyrene balance pudedlxly cña sec oveal NO, ‘eal tages are gooey very (00%) an the ammonia low @ 105 ppm Masi permis lip its very

‘evans pei in SCR plat designs arcintheingeo 220 0 28) F foe eperate 101022 forse al 28% 10 shighas 10% for NH, NO, molar ao,

Sesleri sip requir lower "he masini deviation permite Thus, hore i ite margin fr error for high removal systems and this is compounded hy he fac that NO, ston 0 he ‘le: gas: varies with boiler operating

“Top ba option ago doi, iểbt 3 rmsbe df pmicamr seo insti pid dig wo tng ss ave ctlved hal make exlemive eof "tee-inenson physi fo modeling ‘an computational id dynamics (CFD) odin Theatres intoncooae fd lurbalenceest taser strane ec Hein The weling desig and

ave pote very lfecive when eed up or commercial spin,

‘SCR unt at Temble County

Chemistry of the SCR Process ¿no nite onde 20, ogendoside 80, ‘slur dioxide ANH, + ammonia NH, + aN, L + 0, > aN, + HO ammonia oxygen ifogan water + aN, + CÓ, c3 CÔNG + OHO

Trang 16

Commercial Operating Experience with SCR SCR Catalyst Developments tmechanisns tr deeinsim re cmlcx, nie fnting sae depostion pee —.11 Fora sien station ge or me of hese nine n he cl nce compos fon, possi, clea, ni, nt ters The degree of deactivation is me pronounce with Hower nk fuels sb as Hs oF subbiuniooas caus Soiled pete a ise foe of dept at —— een cneooreet n4 nunhgr SCK alaons The mechanism Fr pop ash fomationin te ber isnot clear Popcora ‘sbcanberemoved om the aay bedby acoung during planned outages

(Catalt psa eharateistes neta pilh easy gene are wed ore tively clean be as ata 8 ing ant larger pitch ess for eas, especially those with reauvely high eae oxide content (e.- PRI cals) Larger ic is orf nae pst the tnd pitch


oa applision xis ~4 mm fr hooey om ab 6.0 mm for plat and he at ly With sceased experienc, ie tas

Thecưic of chị infeenced by te Iocan of he paca coletion device sein the ome pl a te ash oading oft cps Inside SCR inst, ‘he ets is expose high palate oat equing some atacand Jang dn pais tend to hae ean fet on the etalyt and APH sacs, tently redcing paging fom depos: its such a amonivn bist Cold side ‘SCRinsllationshav lower pateltesize their ofthe reco, asec dacs and sina sports Hower, male pr đảdesmayreqdremuelieqaesevdionine mm

Trang 17

Some Wonk bs een done on catalysts Catalyst Rejuvenation tat operate at mach loner temperatures and Regeneration {400 1) than convent SCR These

‘ely ve phe ace pe tha co entona eats and ano tend 19 have her vam comet, ths esi igher acti Advomages inlet lower ‘apa ests because the SCR unit ea be Paced downstream ofthe cl end ESP "Ts ints te ictnert ren ces the ned or oblong and fers loner etal fe Lo-lempeatr at ly can be etetve inhi insallations

‘where SNCR is employed upseam ofthe depletion asa result of normal SCR oper SR unit Themaindsadsaniageoftaay's ot SCR catalyst deactivation is inked he composition of the coal feedstock TDeicinalon hy leen atte in pat 40 nnedperallyomsintainopimNO, etionpesfomaoeeostaplctons, ‘Sleaing involves soloing ting com essed ai, stam of sonic ents) thề ‘leaning agen Benes caine fo sec edidombglneid:loneregtidandopenl Ing oss tha or steam soon <catalptdeseivation x ated by chemi dom temperate catalytic sept

‘lity to eee aoe peipiaon su ptiatefating sil and satin earth elements found SCR Arrangement - Cliffside Unit #5 Turing Vanes,

SSCR Inlet Double Louvre

Trang 18

sbbinminoyscoatsaninbiomassen- bre with co Arsen, lead, and ze present inal aks of oa ae also major coat seni ide ome in the Hie ests ‘sith anna in he aay poison the ‘ental Hoever, the presence of eam ‘sie inthe cl lps mite the delete oat of area by forming clean tsi, a stable sold tat becomes bot ‘exponie of the cay lỡ arsenic Con pies airs Farr clam oid em Ive adverse aets on catalyst— foming fie clu slate pris hat my po saat microns,

ser U.S, cul tend to hayc higher atendcontetandlower eum oxides XenthandafND co Canlysdaieitvlon ic while or PRB coals he primar mec rixmiscalium oxi poisoning Becauseot ‘heineractonf calcium ends fester and PRE coals cn cee oxide andarenc the deacon ate In many cases, (els ‘wih calc conet are supreme ove, This fl restment is commended, wovided the inpts of ines aon ‘on slg formation and ESP operation have

een peopely evaluated Alternatively mm ma smidgaing ese effets

mentioned previously Regeaerating ok ‘atalyst in aon to yer etton as teen proven to rede SCR operating cots byincreasingtheetTeewehfentheindi tact ayers Prprcay regeneration techniques re applied ther othe ett In place ot seton of extaly removed tnd eatedesteraly.Catstegeneration ‘soles expensive tan replacment, tat Mer woe thee etext regeneration the metodsof exalt processing ncading mechanical cleaning, eating with special ues a washing With regenerating Sl ‘ons, have been este Geta sale operations) wath ayigdesecst success spent easly and ease of lose metals tothe environment are minimized ds vantage of someregeneraionapreaches ma

Pant Bowen, Georgia Power Company -Unke 1 and2ScRe ave boon operating fr 2 eran seesne

necessary for eaalyst maiatenance, amd ths aay hae a sgnicant impact on the

ths serie A umber met strates ive een developed oop of xa) manage inzecalystactisiey and ie wsinga variety mm ad software rogram ae avila com, ‘eral hat ade ese ses,

‘Reagent Preparation and Handling Several mths ae avila sippy the ammonia eagent oan SCR faci A simple technique lo te ah 6s am, ‘rst in pressure vee Although dict ‘nc fants amnion een pied siccesfllyin some SCR instalation ad Inoterindsis suchas rier man tue ammonia designated as a hazardous

fe eer sake Age

amon (ed with 70-80% wate ea ‘afer alterative, bts dacs incl ‘heen sequel o apie the amonin for injection ito he eg, ad the ned

m—— aaanspor

tec cxpaciton

Trang 19

‘The Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program ‘The Clean Coal Technology Demonstration rogram (CCTOP) sa unique partnership botweon ‘ne fodral government and industy that has a8 fs primary gol the sucoosstulnrodvetion ot nw lean coal technologies into the energy markeiplace, Wit its root inthe ac rin dabate ‘of ho 1980s, the program has mois objective of broadening the range of technological solu tions avalable to oliinate environmental concems associated wth the use of coal for elect

ower producton Ashe program has evolved, has expanded to address the need for new, bih- ‘eency power generating technologies thal alow coal o continue lobe a fuel option wel into the 21" contr

Begun in 1985 and expanded in 1987 consistent wih the recommendations ofthe US and Ca radian Special Envoys nationwide solctations, oF rounds Each round was assorsted wth specie government funding on Acid Rai, the program has been implemented through a seis of five

and program objectives Ate five rounds, he CCTOP consists at total of 35 projects loosed in 1 slates with a otal investment value of ave $3.7 bllon DOE's share of th total cost is about ‘51.4 lon, oF approximately 38%, The projects industalparelpanis 1.6, nan-DOE) have pro- ‘ied the ramaining 82%, about $2.3 bilion

Processes demonsrated under tha CCTOP have astabished a tachnology base thas enabling he naton to moots energy goals under increasingly stingent envionmental requirements Also ‘ady anew generation of technologies that can produce elect and other commodities, ‘such as steam and synthesis gas, a high effciencias consistent with concerns about aba ci- mate change,

‘Most ofthe CCTOP demonstrations have been conducted at commercial sole, In actual user ‘environments, and under circumstances typical of commercial operations These features alow ‘he potential of tho lechnoleges tobe evaluated inter intended apptations Each appleaion arosses one of he folowing four market soctors;

+ Envonmental conta devices + Advanced electric powor generation + Goal processing for clean fuels + Industial applications

{Given is programmatic success, the CCTOP serves as @ model for other cooperative ‘govermentindusty programe aimed at nrodicing new technlogiae ino the commercial marktplac, “Two folow-on programs have heen developed tha bul on the successes ofthe CGTOP The Power Pant Improvement Intave (PPI) is a cost shared program, patterned altar the CCTOP

and directed toward improved rtiabilty and envronmentl performance ofthe nation's coa-burn Ing power plans Authozed by he U.S Congres in 200, the Pl invaves sx projcts tha o- ‘us on technologies enabling coa- red powerplants to mee inceasinlystingent envanmenta ‘regulations a halves! possible cot,

Trang 20

Mervury Removal in SCR Systems Fines fom coburn powerplants "9hbelemtroxyenhihieeiddyreeagigcf

he Bier inthe he gs 5 ito price Ineaicreuy oredr clement “82c tenteylumerewlectiarid.IfrCI Chichi highly water soles ira

tems, Experience ifctes tht ation oxidation of meriry compounds esos in fhe SCR unt The peesnce of eberdes

‘an have the rovers effec Enhance of terry remoel in deena POD


“Đne quấy jofed merckryrenor fh dency of 9.98% for SCR a per pla ‘id witha line sy yer and rea ng ne FGD vàh l8

ave lamer chlorine contents the eet of SeRoa proving meu oidaton dos Oxidation of 80.10 SO, over SCR Catatysts m1 fom of the SO, foie t9 $0, one the ‘aulyt SCReatulytste designe wi —¬

SC mtu contain sven 0, ocanse prublens dense este eats th ater sap i be the 2 foe sie sil S0}) Danse whiney fics These parileseanevade separation apr am hate present inthe ast Plot sick The suing sca ste as

Aner dei let is cmon f stale sce, es ise an ouside —

Asnenlenedprviondsaaaberffetof the presence of $0, ate SCR rere eat wi sania lip fn an Tce Psi proper of the im a the secon of Deh ctl te td clenledmoprriessehushegleahle5O, cou (<1% Sante designed Fr, oi tion tes someon restr aan 1% wit ————

aneasupes incl injeting alkaline om peqhlouchielincrrimgpcduiosidetilo the he gest stale te SO, Hower

Trang 21

“Ammonia Deposition on Fly Ash ‘The presence of ammonia spine SCR reactors zs esl in ammo conta long lstụ ash asarefaerionoe 2h properties re avery paced This sfectcanbe dermal owiliratonand ce ‘sposaoftheash bey shisusedin he "manlaehcofcseidiebulLängmetei: mm Aruna content based on exper ils for exlayeed and rots orotic requirements 1 he nh x đong of as anil, or becomes fast Fut, fninwater can leach ammonia as well a ‘ter components ofthe ash fom nls resign ila f round ste ota

intoacountine development amen lization states or SCR operons,

Considerabte work is een done on re moving ammonia ro ty ash by vty sfuebakiilulngllermalrratmsw One suche subjects the abo idized elesiltsloitorcnovbolidetnhursoi oa nd th eid ani Thea fins k can lễ heo sợi keo

Another press ents the ty ash with an lai sich ax clei one o reas the muons hich seeeeledto he SCR uit In adtion metods ave been develope remot amon dots polls feelin nscwsereaing fom ips

Instrumentation and Controt

'NO,emisousfom per plants depend on, nitogen content ofthe oe an eal paicsze The goat poessopiization ForSCR uisoperingonceal-fredters Isto masimize NO, eduction ad cays fe, wise ising amie conse og an slips well a veal powerplant

Trang 22

this have tecome increasingly nore opis: ‘ested vein adh ancedestunenaon, asuelnettods,opuaizadogtedadlogkv, is ndelig cmd Abr eo trl stems ave ben developed and are — SCR cont ical eqhres two base oops ananmenianectioncoteopand ‘meconomizerbypsseontolioop Essensa optimum operation and cot of SC systems revise como! of the NINO, feed ait he ectrilel which eguiet ‘he mse appropiate instrumentation The primary varias ar he gu temperate nd flow rae, NO, concentrations in the SER reactor ilt and eit gus stems ud ammonia sip in the sacar exit us "The ater bo environ repuations is ntl fom the stp and opera

{ng con, an he NO, concentration nthe sack pai of cours, the key variable deeoning whet the pla sets ma ‘ited esisions ints

NO, eoaceamions are measured by edited NO, analyze oped a pt of the SCH cont stem Foe the feed onward lop, the SCR bs dete et sdeINO, syst arindepensent of he sack como emissions monitor (CEM) The sik CEMS canbe ted as put fora feedback op on siage-stack is, buds appaseh provides sponse sedforthe SCR cons on mos don, ‘Thesinalfom ly erisilizedor0,messuemeatt ear comstons)tem the ecoammizer ol (equiedoresais ——— econ ate St phone peor mentioned previo easement of SO, inthe te ga sao enc Homever, be ‘case continous measiement systems or {80 ae nt aval, mesirement of $0, {a ery ied mồ: mì coy per

oa-red SCR applications toe liable an canbe wed for reerenee ave nat proved ‘aly Consequently ammonia tip is most ‘en determine by one of several means: ‘tic mana samples, caleuation tase


Trang 23

Market Analysis

walled, and angel ed ails EPA Tel thác ofthe ei 208, hee wets 120 cared its wth combine capaci cạn coalimel is righ 2007 il ant tobi 200 sans, representing tat 100489 Nedfserentngossiq Theo -eBlnasdyinthealduclettandeatem thiet

These capacity gues ate has ot EPA, SCR inet o reach the fa emsons elooinhtgek, Tunhenmre, tac of te lens Sitar Rae coll est 04 ‘masons regions compare fo those the SIPCal region I histones, ere nore SCRcupndig 9i he le AsgheanfaeuxiaarplieionoTS lược No, cnt nthe Lined States is he po siot i Tide Lo the CAAA fr enisios a: os Trang ethane ket har ae ehaacerize by Tow tansction igh ged ma

sgn acess mation yall come etiiietngtetherlencitbeesvritxuenaly very effective with many fey ore ‘ios! emia onal SCR wove ron

Future Projections

commercial ippiction af SCROMUS ‘on ned ees sb has fechnogy con achieve big evel of

‘gail, The degre 1 which SCR ‘il be incorporate n new Fare ‘stot apcons wl depenoathe

Fore application of NO, edeclon tcctidogiy sich as SCR wlan


To Receive Add Information Tbe placed onthe Depart ‘ment of Energy's station st for futueeiformation an the (ean Coal Feemnology Demon stration Program, te projets is tnancng, or thar Foss Energy Programs, pease com John L Grasser Diet, Otte Communion FE SFomestal Msg Washington DU 20545 2m S6S146 408 {tn greet do gov David J Anna

Trang 24

Capital and Operating Costs of SCR

Inconprating SCR in 3 per plant is le ively expensive, i eras of oh capital ad

4455¢R tsallaons represen wide ange of let enerating capacity The reat ae —— Punt Gcnsating Avg SCR Capital Cont, 400-39 ws neomparai iss: Tey do, however proven

‘ange igmes hansen preset the ‘et tation wih eset 1 et pis as sie tbe considera ess expssive esse te mijor led cons asia With stoi are clini

The cons sown howe ae sneha higher tan tne pote whe SCR sslabon 8 st begining inthe ited States Seve ie

svilabiliospecaieeoosiracaor nd the ibace-o plan moaiiehdonsrejdire for itemssichasipanideorrplicemeatans sin foncetneat of diver tte sexed rmoreerpereneis gnc, Aecondngtoalinsted not pbs A the pain oor SER mites ator $0.51-1.00 8 (05-0 1 ‘ets RWD), Td igre const of operand Comparison to Other Technologies "he major commercials wale teh Jos capable of wbcving high eves sc e50% orgenerNO,femoval Reset ork as show the pial for meting NG,daiklodstreetÖÿalagsteduruehi coments END (OF, ant eerning) coped with SNC This ppachcan be copestive wih SCR Incetiooppiaions Reba alls: tubs echt pled amber o

NO, formation Felis inetd abu the

peamar cembtion zone torn sch {hum 200 andOFA siete compete

vanced network conto, This apse, being saved Siar Ec’ Holcomb Staion wdc the DOE FA lleratvecptisneed ioe evant

‘ashy cise has, aking ino acount NO, femoral esomeas anh cost,


Trang 25

Iydocurbo su as methane ae inject Sint the fe st lou with ania At

ates amennsof redoing NO, emissions toaccegale eels te combustion tags is to incorpo patil gailention ofthe foe eon injection the rebaming one ofthe ile

Alon he primary fos hissepot Inteapolcationof SCR etn teal Mell adi, NO, emissions rez tems recetly have etn promulgated fr sel: fedindasa, comm anda

_xivonced altri lechnotoies thal ca Inet even bet NO, esos it th tắc 0 15)himlio Bi arzet nw in place


Trang 26


Souther Company Services, Inc Final Report, ‘Demeastation f Selec ive Cat Inde Reduction (SCR) Technology for the ‘Comtol of Nogen Oxide (NO )Emusions ‘Hom High Sur CoalFeed Bates." Oe

US Department of nergy, Clean Coa “Technology Program, “Cơn of Nito- go Oride Emissions: Selective Cate ‘Reduction (SCR): Topical Rept No 9, Jy 1997

ai lana, Georg, November 18,199 Janes Stat, Messing Ammonia ip om Post Combustion NO, Reston Sys

tems." ICC Fru 2000

Emisons, Pat 1 Chemical gineering Progress, Maoh 2002

Mike radon er el, Coating NO, Enisdeme, Pat 2” Chemical Enginering Pod Buechor, “Emisions Conta: SCR Design atl Operation,” Power Enger ng, August 2002 Bl Hoskins, “Unigunes of SCR Reto US BDÁ, “Latest Fnings om Nationa ‘iy, 2000 Status and Teas,” August ams

Angus Mei, “SCR Repo.” May 4, 2004 LE Gitano, Why Are SCR Cots Rising? Poser, Apt 2004 Doss) Smith, *PheEmissons Squeeze,” Power Engineering, Api 2008

‘en Wicker an Jim tau, “SCR Maine nce Fundamentals.” Power une 2004, 205 Progress snd Compliance Repo — Foundation for Clean Air Progress, "Abi ent Air Quality Tends An Analy of Data Collectedby thet '8 avionmenl Poee sion Agen,” Seplebes 2004,

US EPA, "Ae Rain Progam 2008 Prog: ess Report.” September 200

Wiliam Looaberg al “On the SCR Osi Aion of Merry Across SCR Catt Power Mn Buning Low-Rank Coa oer Gen Iematonal 2004, November '0-December 2, 2004, Orland FL

‘ough Ritzentale, “Successful SO, tigation while Enhancing the ESP Pee formance at AEDs Gavia Maat by Dry Injection of Troma Upstream ofthe ESP" ower Gentoternaionl 2004, November 30-December 2, 2004, Orlando FL Roy Payne ef al, “Layered Teehaalogy Approach Reduces NO, to Les than 015 Min" Pover Gentaterstionl 208, m

1S, Deparment of Energy, National En ay Technology Labatr, “Seven Years ‘of Conferences Como.” March 2008 on SCR and SNCR foe NO,

Trang 27

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Am sin reer , his eral it cu saleiom

AAA Clean Air Net Acne of 13

¬ = (Chen Cel Tee Ian Han Ai lượn Re ecto ‘Clean Coal Technology Denonstation Pram

cm ois eisons monitor ¬ ok empanadas mà of Energy " US nine Protection gency rst lectroxate preity Ho drogen bere tro, m1 Hạo, uli acd kw — kv —-

Mục Mpa eee ver

Ngày đăng: 21/02/2014, 16:20