Mục đích nghiên cứu: Xây dựng cơ sở lý luận và cơ sở thực tiễn về phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước, từ đó đề xuất một số giải pháp nhằm thúc đẩy phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước ở Việt Nam đến năm 2020, tầm nhìn đến năm 2030. 2.2. Đối tượng nghiên cứu: Đối tượng nghiên cứu của luận án là phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam đáp ứng được yêu cầu của quá trình phát triển nhằm thực hiện chức năng, nhiệm vụ trong tình hình mới. 2.3. Các phương pháp nghiên cứu đã sử dụng: 2.3.1.Phương pháp luận: Phương pháp luận để thực hiện luận án là phép biện chứng duy vật và duy vật lịch sử. 2.3.2.Phương pháp nghiên cứu: Luận án lựa chọn phương pháp tiếp cận, nghiên cứu dưới góc độ quản lý công qua các phương pháp: - Phương pháp điều tra xã hội học thông qua các bảng hỏi được thiết kế sẵn cho các đối tượng khác nhau: + Phiếu điều tra hiện trạng đội ngũ công chức của 22 Cục Dự trữ Nhà nước khu vực trên toàn quốc + Phiếu điều tra nhu cầu phát triển đội ngũ công chức của 22 Cục Dự trữ Nhà nước khu vực trên toàn quốc - Phương pháp khảo sát thực địa: Khảo sát thực tế tại một số cơ quan thuộc và trực thuộc Tổng cục Dự trữ Nhà nước ở Trung ương và địa phương, thông qua các bảng hỏi được thiết kế sẵn cho 02 đối tượng: + Phiếu khảo sát ý kiến của cán bộ lãnh đạo cấp cục, vụ đang công tác trong ngành Dự trữ Nhà nước ở Trung ương và địa phương về phát triển đội ngũ công chức; + Phiếu khảo sát ý kiến của cán bộ lãnh đạo cấp phòng,Chi cục đang công tác trong ngành Dự trữ Nhà nước về phát triển đội ngũ công chức Phương pháp phân tích và tổng hợp: phân tích và tổng hợp nguồn dữ liệu qua tài liệu của các công trình nghiên cứu trong và ngoài nước. Phương pháp dự báo: dùng phương pháp dự báo ngoại suy để đón đầu hoặc dự kiến xu thế phát triển của xã hội để có các giải pháp xử lý tốt hơn. Ngoài ra, luận án còn kế thừa các công trình nghiên cứu, các số liệu thống kê và các tài liệu có liên quan. Có hai nguồn thông tin được sử dụng trong luận án gồm: Nguồn thông tin thứ cấp: Những vấn đề lý luận đã được đúc rút trong sách giáo khoa chuyên ngành trong nước và quốc tế; các số liệu thông kê đã được xuất bản, các báo cáo tổng hợp từ các tổ chức, cơ quan quản lý có liên quan; kết quả các nghiên cứu trước đây được công bố trên các tạp chí khoa học trong nước và quốc tế. Nguồn thông tin sơ cấp: kết quả điều tra, khảo sát tại các cơ quan, đơn vị Dự trữ Nhà nước ở trung ương và địa phương, các cơ sở đào tạo, bồi dưỡng đội ngũ công chức ngành Dự trữ Nhà nước Việt Nam. 2.4. Các kết quả chính và kết luận: Cho đến nay, chưa có một luận án tiến sĩ nào nghiên cứu về phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam trong quá trình đổi mới và cải cách hành chính nhà nước. Vì vậy, luận án sẻ là đóng góp mới của tác giả nhằm phát triển toàn diện đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước trong điều kiện mới, bao gồm : 2.4.1 Đóng góp mới của đề tài về lý luận - Luận án khái quát hóa và phát triển những vấn đề lý luận liên quan đến phát triển đội ngũ công chức nói chung và phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam nói riêng; Qua đó giúp cho nhà nước và xã hội nhìn nhận rõ hơn vấn đề này trên quy mô quốc gia, quốc tế về phát triển đội ngũ công chức nói chung, đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước nói riêng trên cơ sở gắn lý luận với thực tiễn cuộc sống đang đòi hỏi. - Bổ sung và làm rõ các khái niệm về phát triển đội ngũ công chức, phát triển đội ngũ công chức thông qua đào tạo, bồi dưỡng, tuyển dụng, quy hoạch, đánh giá, bổ nhiệm, luân chuyển, thu hút, đãi ngộ, vai trò và các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam. - Luận án nghiên cứu và tìm hiểu các công trình nghiên cứu khoa học về vấn đề phát triển đội ngũ công chức, nguồn nhân lực nói chung để làm rõ hơn về cơ sở lý luận và căn cứ khoa học, đưa ra các chính sách và giải pháp phù hợp để phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam. 2.4.2 Đóng góp mới về mặt thực tiễn - Thông qua điều tra, khảo sát, luận án cung cấp các thông tin dữ liệu bao quát về thực trạng đội ngũ công chức và phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam, qua đó xem xét và đánh giá tổng thể về nội dung phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam trong những năm vừa qua, những cơ hội và thách thức cho phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam trong thời gian tới. - Làm rõ mối quan hệ hữu cơ, biện chứng giữa cơ cấu, số lượng, chất lượng trong quá trình phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trử nhà nước Việt Nam, đảm bảo tính bền vững. Điều này phải được coi trọng đúng mức, cân đối nhằm khắc phục tình trạng coi trọng phát triển số lượng, coi nhẹ về chất lượng và cơ cấu. - Luận án chỉ ra những ưu, nhược điểm của hoạt động quản lý đào tạo, đào tạo và bồi dưỡng, qua đó phân tích, đánh giá tìm ra các nguyên nhân và đề xuất những giải pháp nhằm hoàn thiện công tác đào tạo, bồi dưỡng để phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam. - Luận án cũng chỉ ra những ưu, khuyết điểm trong sử dụng đội ngũ công chức (tuyển dụng, quy hoạch, đánh giá, bổ nhiệm, luân chuyển, thu hút và đãi ngộ đội ngũ công chức) hiện nay liên quan đến phát triển đội ngũ công chức và qua đó để xuất các giải pháp phát triển đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam cho thời gian tới. - Kết quả nghiên cứu của luận án có thể sử dụng làm tài liệu tham khảo bổ ích cho các cơ sở đào tạo, bồi dưỡng nhằm phát triển đội ngũ công chức của mình. Nó cũng là gợi ý để các nhà quản lý tham khảo trong việc xây dựng các chiến lược phát triển đội ngũ công chức; các chính sách nhằm hỗ trợ đào tạo và bồi dưỡng đội ngũ công chức; các chính sách về tuyển dụng, quy hoạch, đánh giá, bổ nhiệm, luân chuyển, thu hút và đãi ngộ đội ngũ công chức ngành dự trữ nhà nước Việt Nam.
THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION & TRAINING THE MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION HOANG ANH TUAN DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUBLIC WORKFORCE IN THE STATE RESERVES SECTOR OF VIETNAM Major: Public Management Code: 34 04 03 ABSTRACT OF PHD DISSERTATION IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT HANOI, 2022 The study has been completed at:………………….………… ……………………………………………………………… Scientific Supervisors: Dr Le Nhu Thanh Assoc Prof & Dr Hoang Mai External examiner 1: External examiner 2: External examiner 3: The dissertation will be defended before the Institute-level Examining Committee at: Location: Doctoral Dissertation Defense Room - Meeting Room … ……Building, National Academy of Public Administration Address: No 77 - Nguyen Chi Thanh Street - Dong Da District Hanoi Time: at ….…………….on…………………… The dissertation could be looked up at: the Vietnam National Library or the Library of National Academy of Public Administration LIST OF THE AUTHOR’S PUBLICATIONS No Title of the Study 01 Improving the public workforce quality of the State Reserves Department in Binh Tri Thien area 02 03 Place of of Year of publication publication State Management Magazine Studying the current situation and proposing solutions to improve the Journal of Science and efficiency of using the existing civil servants - the Technology Quang Binh case in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam University Training and fostering the public workforce in the State Reserves sector to meet the requirements and tasks in the new period State Management Magazine 2005 2018 2018 PREAMBLE Reasonale: Developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector plays a very important role in the success of the administrative reform, contributing to the process of building a professional and modern administration that the Party and the people address One of the five important goals of the Master Program on State Administrative Reform in the period of 2011-2020 is: "Building the public workforce with sufficient qualities, capabilities and qualifications to meet the requirements on public service and of the national development” After more than 15 years of implementing the Resolution of the 3rd Party Central Committee (Term VIII) on the strategy of cadres in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the country, the public workforce development work in the State Reserves sector has matured and improved in many aspects, making an important contribution to the successful implementation of the sector's common tasks However, the public workforce of the sector also shows weaknesses and shortcomings that need to be overcome In fact, the current workforce in the State Reserves sector has not met the requirements and tasks of the renovation cause Currently, the quality and development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in our country still have many limitations, weaknesses, and shortcomings in terms of quantity, quality and structure At present, most fields of the State Reserves sector in Vietnam still lack the workforce with high professional qualifications and experience in the field of State Reserves at national and international levels, especially in the field of State Reserves, especially the civil servants working in consulting, planning, formulating mechanisms and policies, legal documents on State Reserves, the civil servants directly working on State Reserves in various regions nationwide Meanwhile, the next generation of young civil servants with high qualifications is few, and management experience is still lacking, so they cannot meet the work requirements, and are not sure about their knowledge, capacity, and qualifications, especially the professional qualifications, management skills, scientific and technical qualifications to respond to the sector's increasingly modern and advanced commodity preservation technology A part of civil servants in the field of capacity, theoretical and practical level is still low, lacks sensitivity and dynamism, the way of thinking and working is still according to the old mechanism, not meeting the requirements of the State Reserves jobs in the short term as well as in the long term That affects the process of performing functions and tasks of building and developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in the new period Institutions for training and fostering the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam are still limited, there is no linkage and training network planning to meet the quality and quantity requirements of the sector, and lost balance between training specialties On the other hand, the policy of attracting human resources to participate in training in a number of specific specialties on State Reserves has not yet been developed Facilities and teaching conditions are still difficult and low compared to the general level of the branches; training programs and curricula are outdated and inconsistent; The teaching staff is still lacking in number and disqualifications to meet the training requirements in the new situation Some causes of the above situation can be mentioned: inadequacies in recruiting, using and training this team; the situation of shortfall in structure, unreasonable ranks of civil servants, the quality of civil servants of the State Reserves sector has not met the requirements of tasks; facilities to serve the civil servants are limited; the training and retraining of civil servants has not been associated with the use; There is no adequate policy to attract civil servants with high qualifications in the field of work In order to handle the above problems, there have been a number of scientists, organizations and individuals interested in researching and interpreting from different scientific angles and approaches, but so far there has been no comprehensively researched, fully explained theory, deeply analyzed the current situation of the civil servants and developed the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam, from which to answer a series of questions on theoretical basis for developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam? What are the current points of views of the Party, policy and development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam? In the coming time, what views and orientations should be taken to improve this policy system? From there, what solutions are proposed to strengthen the capacity of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam to help them make a leap in both quantity and quality to well perform the task of State Reserves in the short term and long term Managing the activities of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector more and more effectively, promoting their roles, meeting the requirements, functions and tasks assigned in the new period is an urgent issue for both theory and practice aspects have been proposed So far, there have been no domestically or internationally deeply scientific works on this issue on the scale of a doctoral Dissertation in public management For the above reason, the candidate choses the topic: "Developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam" as his Doctoral Dissertation in public management Research purposes and tasks: 2.1 Purpose of the study: Building a theoretical basis and a practical basis for development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector, thereby proposing some solutions to promote development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam until end of 2020, with a vision to 2030 2.2 Research tasks: - Clarify a number of theoretical issues on development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam - Scientifically analyze and evaluate the situation of developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector, to clearly see the advantages, disadvantages and causes in this work in order to point out the issues that need to be researched and handled - Propose overall solutions to promote development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam by 2020, with a vision to 2030 Research subject and scope: 3.1 Research subject: The research object of Dissertation is to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam to meet the requirements of the development process in order to perform functions and tasks in the new situation 3.2 Research scope: - Regarding the space: The Dissertation focuses on research on development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector nationwide, including: - Leading and managing officers of the units under the General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam of Vietnam - Professional officers of the units under the General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam of Vietnam - Regarding the study time: In order to evaluate development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in a concentrated way, the Dissertation only analyzes in depth the current situation of development of public servants in the State Reserves sector from 2012 up to now The research proposes directions and solutions by 2020 and vision to 2030 - Regarding the study content: Development of the civil servants is understood as development in both quantity and quality, including many contents from planning, recruitment, use, training, retraining, evaluation However, this Dissertation only focuses on research on planning, recruitment, use and training and fostering of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector Methodology and research methods: 4.1 Methodology: The methodology to implement the Dissertation is materialistic dialectics and historical materialism 4.2 Research method: the Dissertation selects the approach, researches from the perspective of public management through the following methods: - Method of sociological investigation through pre-designed questionnaires for different subjects: + Survey sheet on the current status of civil servants of 22 regional State Reserves Departments nationwide: + Questionnaire on development needs of civil servants of 22 regional State Reserves nationwide - Field survey method: Field survey at a number of agencies under and under the General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam at central and local levels, through predesigned questionnaires for 02 subjects: + Survey of opinions of leaders of departments and departments working in the State Reserves sector at central and local levels on development of the civil servants; + Survey of opinions of leaders of departments and sub-departments working in the State Reserves sector on development of the civil servants Methods of analysis and generalization: analyzing and synthesizing data sources through documents of domestic and foreign research projects Forecasting method: using the extrapolated forecasting method to anticipate or predict the development trend of the society for better handling solutions In addition, the Dissertation also inherits research works, statistics and related documents There are two sources of information used in the Dissertation: Sources of secondary information: Theoretical issues have been drawn in domestic and international specialized textbooks; published statistics, general reports from relevant organizations and management agencies; The results of previous studies have been published in national and international scientific journals Sources of primary information: results of surveys and surveys at central and local State Reserves agencies and units, training and retraining institutions for the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Scientific hypothesis, research question: 5.1 Scientific hypothesis: - The study is based on the hypothesis that the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam has not been given much importance by the State, Government, relevant ministries and branches in terms of their role, position and importance in performing their duties, services of the State Reserves sector; there are no specific policies to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector; The current civil servants in the State Reserves sector is still limited and inadequate in terms of quantity, quality, structure, qualifications, capacity, and expertise Therefore, it is not possible to complete the reserve tasks assigned by the Government The above limitations may be caused by many reasons, but mainly the state’s reserves management is not effective, there are still many shortcomings, especially the human factor, namely the policies, guidelines on developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector is incorrect, or ineffective; policies on recruitment, training, fostering and using are still unreasonable; Remuneration policies to attract high-quality civil servants have not yet created attraction - If the role, position and importance of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam are paid due attention by the State, Government, relevant ministries and branches, and have solutions such as: perfecting mechanisms, policies and laws; completing the management of training and retraining of civil servants in the State Reserves sector; formulating regulations and regulations on planning, arrangement, appointment, mobilization and rotation of civil servants in the State Reserves sector; implement policies to attract and retain talent people; building office culture, encouraging the spirit of selfdiscipline to study to improve qualifications and build a management system for the civil servants of the State Reserves sector then the State Reserves sector will have the qualified personnel to meet the requirements to complete short-term and long-term tasks 5.2 Research questions: - Why is it necessary to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam? - Why in addition to developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam through training and retraining, it is necessary to focus on research, development and improving the quality of the sector's civil servants through planning, arranging, appointing, mobilizing and rotating the civil servants? - In order to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam to meet the requirements of tasks, and to operate effectively and efficiently, what solutions are needed to contribute to the provision of scientific basis to develop strategies and programs at the macro level to develop and improve the quality of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector? New contributions of the Dissertation: There has not been a doctoral Dissertation to study development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam in the process of renovation and state administrative reform Therefore, the Dissertation will be the author's new contribution to comprehensively developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in new conditions, including: 6.1 In terms of theory - The Dissertation generalizes and develops theoretical issues related to development of the civil servants in general and of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam in particular; Thereby helping the state and society to see this issue more clearly on a national and international scale in terms of developing the civil servants in general, and the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in particular on the basis of the principle of discussion with the demanding reality of life - Supplementing and clarifying the concepts of civil servant development, civil servant development through training, fostering, recruitment, planning, evaluation, appointment, rotation, attraction, treatment knowledge, roles and factors affecting development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam - The Dissertation researches and explores scientific researches on the development of civil servants and human resources in general to clarify theoretical and scientific bases, and make policies and appropriate solutions to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam 6.2 In terms of practice - Through investigation and survey, the Dissertation provides comprehensive information about the current situation of the civil servants and development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam, thereby reviewing and evaluating the overall situation on the content of developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam in recent years, the opportunities and challenges for development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam in the coming time - Clarifying the organic and dialectical relationship between structure, quantity and quality in the process of developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam, ensuring sustainability This must be given due importance and balance in order to overcome the situation of attaching importance to quantity development and neglecting quality and structure - The Dissertation points out the advantages and disadvantages of training management activities, training and fostering, thereby analyzing, evaluating, finding the causes and proposing solutions to improve the training, fostering to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam - The Dissertation also points out the advantages and disadvantages in using the civil servants (recruiting, planning, evaluating, appointing, rotating, attracting and rewarding civil servants) currently related to the development of civil servants and thereby to propose solutions to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam for the coming time - The research results of Dissertation can be used as a useful reference for training and retraining institutions to develop their civil servants It is also a suggestion for managers to refer to in formulating strategies to develop the civil servants; policies to support training and fostering of civil servants; policies on recruitment, planning, evaluation, appointment, rotation, attraction and treatment of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Theoretical and practical significance of the Dissertation 7.1 Theoretical significance - The Dissertation has systematized scientific theoretical basis for the approach, research and interpretation of a number of issues on development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam on the basis of combining study the experience of a number of countries in the world and in the country - The meaning of the Dissertation does not only contribute to perfecting the scientific basis of public administration, but also can provide scientific arguments to contribute and supplement and perfect theories, views, policies under The Party's guidelines and the State's legal policies on the development orientation of the civil servants in general and development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in particular 7.2 Practical significance - The Dissertation contributes to affirming the functions and tasks of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam in the process of building and protecting the country, overcoming risks caused by natural disasters, epidemics, stabilizing life of people It shows the objective necessity of developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in our country - The Dissertation can be used as a reference for the research and teaching of contents related to development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector; - The Dissertation explains points of view, directions, groups of solutions to promote the process of developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector, especially the group of breakthrough solutions, that is: Training and fostering, use, evaluation and applying responsibility to the interests of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in our country in practical activities in the coming time Thereby contributing to the provision of profound scientific and practical arguments to help the General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam in formulating strategies and organizing implementation in order to continuously develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam to meet the requirements of the innovation process Structure of the Dissertation: Preamble Chapter 1: Overview of the topic-related researches Chapter 2: The scientific basis for development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Chapter 3: Development reality of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Chapter 4: Perspectives, directions and solutions to promote the public workforce development in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam by 2020, with a vision to 2030 In conclusions Reference Appendixes Chapter OVERVIEW OF THE TOPIC-RELATED RESEARCHES 1.1 Research works related to the development of civil servants in general and of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam in particular: 1.1.1 Abroad research projects: 1.1.2 Domestic research projects: 1.2 Evaluation of the topic- related research status: 1.2.1 The explained and researched issues: Firstly, the research works have made meaningful contributions in terms of science, clarifying many issues of developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector Secondly, the research works have a consensus, the reality of development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector is still inadequate, limited to management organization but also to institutional policies as well as implementing organization Thirdly, on the basis of consensus on the position and importance of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector, especially when our country is in a period of war, as well as a period of peace in building the country in the direction of industrialization and modernization of the country, a number of works have analyzed the context and actual situation to propose specific solutions for development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector Fourthly, the author has assessed the capacity level of the civil servants, the actual situation of the process of recruitment, training, and retraining of civil servants to meet new requirements; clarify the achievements of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam in general in terms of practical capacity as well as the process of organizing the implementation in accordance with the prescribed functions and tasks 1.2.2 The issues to be further studied: Firstly, development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam is not a new issue, but its research has not been given due attention That leads to the situation that development of the civil servants in the past, at present, in our country is still limited and weak, so the capacity and quality of the civil servants has not been promoted in the process of performing their functions of the State Reserves sector as prescribed by the Law on National Reserve Moreover, the research and development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam under public management is still a new issue, requiring a lot of time and meticulous research Secondly, a number of author have given the Party's views on the goal of developing human resources and civil servants in general in the national renewal process and the cause of industrialization and modernization transform the country However, in those studies, the potential of developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam as an important resource for the renewal process of socio-economic development of the country has not currently been mentioned in a logical systematic study Chapter THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUBLIC WORKFORCE IN THE STATE RESERVES SECTOR OF VIETNAM 2.1 General concept of the civil servants in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam 2.1.1 Pulic workforce in general and the civil servants in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Pulic workforce in general At Point 2, Article of the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants, it states that: Civil servants It is a powerful force performing the political tasks assigned by the Party and State and the people, developing more and more comprehensively in all aspects to deserve to be a powerful and reliable army of the country and the people in the process of deeper and deeper industrialization and modernization The civil servants in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Currently, many domestic and foreign scientists believe that "the public workforce in the State Reserves sector is a force specialized in the state reserves management, this is a mandatory job for all countries" or "the public workforce in the State Reserves sector is a force that directly and indirectly performs the functions in the reserves management for the state’s assets and goods This workforce manages, operates and regulates the state’s goods and assets at the request of the Government, localities and people in order to promptly meet the demands required in the process of construction and protection, development of the country in accordance with the law" The responsibility, obligations and powers of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector is assigned by the State in the process of performing the management function in this field country, and at Department level are 131 people, 686 people, 1,702 people, respectively Analysis of the current situation on the qualifications of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Table 3.1: Training level of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Associate Vocational Postgraduate Graduate diploma diploma No holders holders Level Total Quantit Percen Quantit Percen Quantit Percen Quantit Percen y t y t y t y t General Departme nt 131 The 686 Departme nt Level The sub3 departmen 1.702 t 52 39.6% 69 52.6% 1.52% 6.1% 83 12% 530 77.2% 31 23.6% 42 6.1% 63 3.7% 560 32.9% 12 0.7% 1,067 62.6% 2.51 2,51 198 1,159 45 1,117 9 Source: Department of Personnel Organization - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (civil servant quality report in 2016) The statistic figures in the said Table (Table 3.1) shows that the qualification in the General Department and the subordinate agencies is very large The postgraduate civil servants in the levels of the General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam, the Departments and sub-departments are 39.6%, 12% and 3.7%, respectively In the department level, the graduate civil servants are prevailing (making up 77.2%) meanwhile postgraduate numbers are few, only making up 12% In the sub-department level, the graduate civil servants are insignificant, only 32.9% while postgraduate ones are few, just 3.7% and the prevailing numbers are associate diploma and vocational diploma holders, accounting for 70% who are mainly ware- housekeepers and some other professional positions such as staffs in the finance and accounting, preservation techniques, clerical treasurers… Analysis of the current situation of professionalism of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Table 2: Structure of specialized training for the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Total Specialty of agriculture No Level Total Specialty of food chemistry, science and technology Specialty of economics Specialty of law, Other unsuitable administration specialty Quantity Percent Quantity Percent Quantity Percent Quantity Percent Quantity Percent 11 General 131 Department 15 11.4% 18 13.7% 42 47.3% 36 27% 20 131 The Department 686 Level 56 8.1% 63 9.1% 278 40.5% 234 34.1% 55 686 The sub1,702 department 520 30.6 % 360 21.2% 320 18.8% 86 5.1% 416 1.,702 Source: HR Division- The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (Statistic report on specialized training to the civil servants in 2016) - At the Department level, out of a total of 686 civil servants, 119 people have specialized training related to one of the specific tasks of the sector; there are 278 people with professional qualifications in the economic field (accounting for 40.5%); 234 people have specialized training in law and administration (accounting for 34.1%); 55 people working in preservation techniques, wage labor, but they have expertise that is not suitable for their positions (accounting for 8%); - At the sub-department level, out of a total of 1,702 civil servants, 880 people have specialized training related to one of the specific tasks of the sector such as preservation techniques, warehouse keeper; there are 320 people with professional qualifications in the economic field (accounting for 18.8%); 86 people have specialized training in law and administration (accounting for 5.1%); 416 people working as storekeepers to preserve goods, clerks - treasurers, but they have expertise that is not suitable for their positions (accounting for 24.4%); The imbalance in quantity and training majors affects the performance of State Reserves duties of civil servants Analysis of the age reality of civil servants in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam: Table 3.3: Age structure of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in 2016 No Age Civil servants Percent, % Under 30 years old 470 18.7 From 31 to 40 years 524 20.8 From 41old to 50 years 803 31.8 From 51old to 60 years 722 28.6 old Total 2,519 Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (Civil servant quality report in 2016 Analysis of age structure (Table 3.3) shows that: The current structure of civil servants in the State Reserves sector is mostly over 40 years old, most of them are between 41-60 years old (60.4%) Such a rate will cause a shortage of successive civil servants in the near future Analysis of the current state of civil servant quality according to experience and seniority: Table 3.4: Civil servant quality according to relationship, age- qualification Group of Quantity Percent, Total Qualification (people) (%) age 12 Group of age Total Qualification Quantity (people) 32 357 Percent, (%) 1.27 14.17 Postgraduate Graduate 470 Associate diploma < 30 Vocational 81 3.21 18.65% Others Postgraduate 54 2.14 Graduate 345 13.69 524 Associate diploma 20 0.79 31-40 Vocational 105 4.16 20.80 % Others Postgraduate 78 3.09 Graduate 195 7.74 803 Associate diploma 25 0.99 41-50 Vocational 505 20.04 31.87% Others Postgraduate 34 1.34 Graduate 262 10.40 722 Associate diploma 51-60 Vocational 426 16.91 28.66 % Others Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam of Vietnam (Civil servant quality report in 2016) Analysis of age structure (Table 3.4) shows that: The current structure of civil servants in the whole industry is both inconsistent and has not yet built a reasonable ratio between ages This is an issue that needs proper attention Analysis of the current situation of state management level and political theory level of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Table 3.5: Rank structure of civil servants in the State Reserves sector from 2012 to 2016 Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Senior specialists 06 06 12 12 22 Main specialists 105 102 157 157 252 Specialists Junior Specialists and equivalent Others 670 663 788 785 688 1.386 1.372 1.212 1.210 1.192 456 436 364 361 358 Subjects Total 2.623 2.579 2.533 2.525 2.519 Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (Civil servant quality report in 2012-2016) The training qualifications and civil servant ranks of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector are shown in Tables 3.2 and 3.5 The current situation of the quality of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector according to their political theory and foreign language and IT levels - Political theory level 13 Table 3.6: Political theory level of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in 2016 Vocational diploma and Bachelors, senior specialists equivalent Subject Quantity Percent Quantity Percent (people) (%) (people) (%) Civil servants 265 10,52% 898 35,64% Total 265 898 Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (Civil servant quality report in 2016) Table 3.6 shows that the political theory level of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector is basically qualified - IT level: Table 3.7: IT level of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in 2016 IT level Graduate, vocational Certificate Subject diploma Quantity Percent Quantity Percent (people) (%) (people) (%) Civil servants 33 1,31 244 97,02 Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (Civil servant quality report in 2016) Table 3.7 shows that the highly trained IT level (vocational diploma level or higher) of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector are mostly still limited, the number of trained graduates at university and vocational diploma level is more than 1.3%, mainly trained with the Certificate A level (more than 72%) and certificate B more than 24%, only 1.66% have not been trained In the context of modern state management, the State Reserves Sector is promoting the application of information technology in all areas of the sector's activities such as: management activities; import and export goods; Advanced preservation technology… With the said IT level of civil servants, this is an obstacle in performing their duties - Foreign language level Table 3.8: Foreign language proficiency level of civil servants in the State Reserves sector in 2016 Foreign language level Graduate, vocational diploma Certificate Subject Quantity Percent Quantity Percent (people) (%) (people) (%) Civil servants 28 1,11 2463 97,77 Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (Civil servant quality report in 2016) 3.3 Analysis of the current situation of development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam 3.3.1 Reality of forms of training and fostering the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Form of long-term training to improve professional qualifications Table 3.9: Long-term training data to improve professional qualifications 14 Qualificatio n General Department Doctor degree Master degree Graduate 03 30 52 Departments 02 100 248 Associate diploma & vocational diploma 200 Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (the report on civil servant training and fostering in the period of 2012 – 2016) Form of short-term professional training and fostering Annual short-term training and fostering at the General Department level have reached 300 turns of people, an increase of 18% compared to the set target The results of training and fostering at the Department level have been nearly 2,000 people, an increase of 60% compared to the set target The results of training and fostering at the Department level have gained 5,900 turns of people, down 41% compared to the set target Training and fostering political theory knowledge according to the standards of civil servants and their leaders Table 3.10: Data on results of training and fostering their political theory Postgraduate of political theory Bachelor of political theory Vocational diploma in political theory The General Department 100 130 Departments, Subdepartments 150 450 Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (The report on civil servant training and fostering in the period of 2012 – 2016 Fostering knowledge of state administrative management Table 3.11: Data on training results of state administrative management Senior specialists Main specialists Specialists The General 50 120 30 Department Departments, Sub50 200 300 departments Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (The report on civil servant training and fostering in the period of 2012 – 2016 Defense and security knowledge training & fostering: Table 3.12: Results of defense and security knowledge training & fostering Subject Subject Subject Subjects 4,5 General 10 60 120 Department Departments, Sub0 50 300 500 departments Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (The report 15 on civil servant training and fostering in the period of 2012 – 2016) General assessment In general, the training and fostering of civil servants has partially met the human resources for the sector However, the work of training, fostering and developing highly qualified staff to meet the requirements of new tasks still has many shortcomings and imbalances between fields, many fields and new tasks of the sector which the training institutions have not paid attention to developing training programs and recruiting training in a timely manner, leading to a shortage of high-quality civil servants at all levels of the sector 3.3.2 Analysis of the current situation of management and training activities for the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Reality of management and training activities for the public workforce in the State Reserves sector 3.3.3 Analysis of the current situation of planning, appointment, rotation and change of working positions of the State Reserves sector in Vietnam For the planning of leaders and managers: Table 3.13 : Results of leaders and managers General SubDepartment Department department level level level Manager 100 300 400 Vice Manager 250 500 700 Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (report on planning result of leaders and managers in the period of 2012 – 2016) 16 For the appointment and re-appointment of leaders and managers * Appointment: Table 3.14: Results of the appointment of leaders and managers General Department level Department level Subdepartment level Manager 80 120 80 Vice Manager 150 250 120 Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (report on personnel appointment in the period of 2012 – 2016) * Reappointment: Table 3.15: Results of the re-appointment of leaders and managers General SubDepartment Department department level level level Manager 20 80 110 Vice Manager 30 150 130 Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (report on personnel reappointment in the period of 2012 – 2016) For the rotation and transformation of leadership and management positions * Staff rotation The results of the personnel planning and rotation in the period of 2012 - 2016 are as follows: Table 3.16: Results of the rotation of leaders and managers, and position change General SubDepartment Of which Department department level Results of the level level rotation of leaders Manager 20 50 and managers Vice Manager 35 80 Results of the 30 150 200 position change Source: HR Division - The General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam (report on results of the rotation of leaders and managers, and position change in period of 2012 – 2016) Evaluation of the results achieved in the planning, appointment, rotation and change of working positions of the State Reserves sector: Advantages: the system of documents on guiding implementation of staff planning is relatively specific and complete, so the planning work gradually comes into order; basic planning principles meet the requirements; planning quality is improved Disadvantages: they have not yet attached to the responsibilities of heads, party committees of units and planned personnel in organizing and implementing According to the survey data of the Dissertation author on assessing the reasonableness of regimes and policies in the use of leading cadres and civil servants, the 17 subjects of the investigation focused on two groups of subjects: leaders of Departments and Divisions; Leaders at Office level and equivalent, specific results are as follows For the leaders of Departments and Divisions with a total of 50 votes, the survey results are as follows: Table 3.17 Assessment of the reasonableness of working regimes and policies for the use of senior officials and civil servants in the Division Level Improper Partial proper Proper Very proper 25% 26.3% 48.1% 0.60% 33.4% 36.5% 19.9% 10.2% HR arrangement according to capacity and expertise HR planning 26.2% 22.5% 58.3% 0% Appointment 14.1% 57.3% 51.3% 0% HR Rotation and mobilization 65.8% 16.7% 17.5% 0% Compensation, salary 62.6% 25.2% 12.2% 0% HR evaluation 76.4% 10.4% 13.2% 0% Reward and discipline 8.9% 68.2% 22.9% 0% Training and fostering 18.3% 66.1% 15.6% 0% No Contents of regimes and policies in staff management HR recruitment Source: Statistic data from the survey form conducted by the author - For leaders in the Office level and equivalent to a total of 80 votes as follows: Table 3.18 Assessment of the reasonableness of working regimes and policies for the use of senior officials and civil servants in the Office Level Improp er Partial proper Prope Very r proper 17.0% 46.2% 36.8% 0% HR arrangement according to capacity 37.8% and expertise 31.6% 24.3% 6.3% HR planning 36.3% 16.9.% 40.0% 6.8% Appointment 12.7% 52.5% 31.6% 3.2% HR Rotation and mobilization 50.6% 26.3% 23.1% 0% Compensation, salary 58.3% 22.8% 11.6% 7.3% HR evaluation 78.6% 16.3% 5.1% 0% Reward and discipline 16.1% 57.2% 19.4% 7.3% Training and fostering 27.1% 55.3% 17.6 % 0% No , Contents of regimes and policies in staff management HR recruitment 18 Source: Statistic data from the survey form conducted by the author The authors took polls from leaders at Department and Division levels; Leaders at Office level and equivalent in importance and necessity of rotation and mobilization to develop the current civil servants with the following specific results: - For leaders at Department and Division levels with a total of 50 votes; For leaders at Office level and equivalent, with a total of 50 votes, the survey results are as follows: Table 3.19 Assessing the necessity of rotation and mobilization for department and division leaders Necessity of rotation and mobilization for civil servants Assessing the necessity of rotation and mobilization for division leaders Assessing the necessity of rotation and mobilization for office leaders Votes Percent Unnecessary 12% Necessary for training, practice and development 23 46% Very necessary for further training, practice and development Unknown 20 40% 5% Unnecessary 6% Necessary for training, practice and development 21 42% Very necessary for further training, practice and development Unknown 26 52% Source: Statistic data from the survey form conducted by the author The author of Dissertation took polls from the leaders at Department and Division levels; the leaders at Office and equivalent levels to evaluate the use and remuneration policies of the sector's civil servants First of all, assessing the level of satisfaction with the current position, the results are as follows: For leaders at Department and Division levels with a total of 50 votes; the leaders at Office and equivalent levels with a total of 80 votes, the survey results are as follows: Table 3.20 Assessing the level of satisfaction with the current position, for leaders of Departments, Divisions and Offices Assessing the leadership position Votes Percent 8% 11 22% 29 58% Extremely satisfied 12% Unsatisfied 16% Fairly satisfied 35 70% Satisfied 8% The level of satisfaction with the current position, Unsatisfied for leaders of Departments, Fairly satisfied Divisions Satisfied The level of satisfaction with the current position, for leaders of Offices 19 Extremely satisfied 6% Source: Statistic data from the survey form conducted by the author The author of Dissertation took polls from the leaders at Department and Division levels; the leaders at Office and equivalent levels to evaluate the current use of civil servant and the results are as follows: For leaders at Department and Division levels with a total of 50 votes; the leaders at Office and equivalent levels with a total of 80 votes, the survey results are as follows: Table 3.21: Assessing selection of the working environment (position) for leaders of Divisions and Offices Assessing selection of the working environme nt (position) for leaders of Divisions Assessing selection of the working environme nt (position) for leaders of Offices The position with a suitable working environment 17 Perce nt 34% The position with high salary and benefits 13 26% The position to be promoted to the managerial titles 16 32,% Unsuitable arrangement but the duties are less 4% Any arrangement is accepted 4% The position with a suitable working environment 13 26% The position with high salary and benefits 26 52% The position to be promoted to the managerial titles 16% Unsuitable arrangement but the duties are less 4% Any arrangement is accepted 2% Assessing HR assignment and arrangement Votes Source: Statistic data from the survey form conducted by the author 3.3.4 Assessing reality of developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam Achievements of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector Some limitations and inadequacies in the process of developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector The cause of the inadequacy Summary of Chapter Through analyzing and evaluating the current situation of developing civil servants in the sector according to the following criteria: professional qualifications, professional skills, work experience; criteria for assessing the level of job undertaking; criteria of cognitive ability and the level of ability to respond to changes of work and factors affecting the development of civil servants From analysis and evaluation, the author has drawn the following aspects Strengths and limitations in development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector, as a basis for proposing solutions and recommendations to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in the coming time (as mentioned in chapter 4) 20 Chapter VIEWPOINTS, DIRECTIONS AND SOLUTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE CIVIL SERVANTS IN THE STATE RESERVES SECTOR OF VIETNAM BY 2020, A VISION TO 2030 4.1 Forecasting development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam 4.1.1 Specific forecast on the demand for development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam to 2030 Recruitment demand: about 60 civil servants/year, accounting for about 2.38% of the total existing staff It requires the civil servants who have undergone professional training and fostering in relevant fields by 2030, needing more than 3,000 people 4.1.2 An overview forecast of the task of developing the civil servants of the State Reserves sector in Vietnam to be focuses on until 2030 4.2 The need to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam 4.2.1 The demand for the number of civil servants in the State Reserves sector in the period of 2016 - 2020, with a view to 2030 The demand for the number of civil servants in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam from the General Department level to Sub-department level by 2020, with a vision to 2030 Table 3.22 Demands on Quantity of Civil servants by 2020 and 2030 No Levels Required number of Civil servants by 2020 Required number of Civil servants by 2030 General Department Department 156 746 186 866 Sub-department 1,842 2,142 Total 2,744 3,194 The demand for the number of civil servants in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam from General Department level to Sub-department level by 2020, with a vision to 2030 Table 3.23 Demands on HR training by 2020 and by 2030 Doctor Master Graduate By By By By By By 2020 2030 2020 2030 2020 2030 12 180 250 1.300 1.500 4.2.2 The demand for qualifications for the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam from General Department level to Sub-department level by 2020, with a vision to 2030 In the course of researching the topic, the author has developed and consulted with leaders of Departments, Divisions and equivalent levels; the leaders at Office and equivalent levels regarding the importance and necessity of training and fostering to develop the current civil servants, the specific results of the survey process are as follows: - For leaders of Departments, Divisions and equivalent with a total of 50 votes, the survey results are as follows: 21 Table 3.24 Assessing the demand for training and development of public leadership in division level No Necessity Unnecessary Votes Percent 4% Necessary for training, practice and development 33 66% Very necessary for further training, practice and 15 30% development Unknown 0% Source: Statistic data from the survey form conducted by the author - For leaders of Offices and equivalent with a total of 80 votes, the survey results are as follows: Table 3.25 Assessing the demand for training and development of public leadership in office level No Necessity Votes Percen t Unnecessary 1,25% Necessary for training, practice and development 20 25% Very necessary for further training, practice and 59 73,7% development Unknown 0% Source: Statistic data from the survey form conducted by the author a) Demand for training according to public leadership standards at General Department, Department, and Division levels: is standardized according to current regulations b) Demand for professional training on State Reserves by 2020 and 2030, for the Sub-department level Table 3.26 Demand for professional training on State Reserves No Training contents Training (By 2020) Training (By 2030) Maintenance technicians 180 260 Storekeeper to preserve food 500 700 Storekeeper to preserve materials 300 500 Reserves controller 300 500 State Reserves inspector 100 150 Procurement operations 150 250 Information technology 300 600 Economic and technical management 200 300 22 4.3 Viewpoints and directions for building and developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam in the new period 4.3.1 The basic viewpoints and directions of the Party and State on building and developing the civil servants in the new period 4.3.2 Requirements for developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam to 2030 Creating a strong change in the quality and effectiveness of development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector Strengthening responsibility and create conditions for heads and civil servants themselves to actively participate in training and fostering activities Inheriting and promoting good experience in developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam, at the same time studying foreign experiences to appropriately apply them to the practice of developing civil servants in the sector 4.3.3 Objectives, viewpoints, directions and development of the civil servants of the State Reserves sector in the new period Objectives of developing the civil servants of the State Reserves Sector by 2020 and a vision to 2030 Developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in order to have the civil servants with sufficient moral qualities and practical capacity to both meet immediate requirements and actively promote the preparation of a new generation of civil servants with moral qualities, political qualities, professional qualifications, working capacity, physical strength, good health, sufficient in quantity, good in quality, with a reasonable structure Some points of view to be grasped Firstly, continue to build, perfect and accelerate the implementation of policies, laws, strategies, planning, consolidate and stabilize the organization, develop the civil servants of the sector to meet the requirements of the task in the new period Secondly, build a mechanism to attract and select talented people to work in agencies and units of the State Reserves sector in Vietnam Thirdly, strongly implement the training and fostering of civil servants of the sector according to the set plan and master plan Fourthly, improve the quality of training and foster the civil servants of the State Reserves sector; linking training with use and training according to the needs of each field of operation of the sector Fifthly, strengthen the application of information technology in the management of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam 4.4 System of solutions to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam by 2020, vision to 2030 4.4.1 Group of overall solutions Conduct an overall review and assessment of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector as a basis for the planning, training and rational and scientific use of civil servants Complete the system of mechanisms and policies to develop the civil servants Renovate and strengthen the leadership of Party committees at all levels for the development of civil servants in the State Reserves sector, consider the personnel work has always been one of the most important and focused tasks in all levels of the Party Committee 4.4.2 Group of solutions on training and fostering the public workforce in the State Reserves sector 23 Determine the objectives of the training and fostering of civil servants: Develop training programs and contents for civil servants: Some key contents need to be renewed to improve the training and fostering of civil servants: 4.4.3 Solution group on recruitment and use of civil servants in the State Reserves sector Innovate the recruitment of civil servants in the State Reserves sector Determine standards for titles of public servants in the State Reserves sector 4.4.4 Group of solutions on the assessment and use of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector Innovate the method of assessing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector in accordance with reality Complete the planning of civil servants in the whole industry Renovate the appointment of civil servants Accelerate the implementation of rotation work Complete the policy of using talented people, coupled with the remuneration policy Implement the arrange the right people, the right jobs, the right capacity, the right time, the right structure and the right process Strengthen the management, inspection and supervision of activities of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector 4.4.5 Group of solutions on building office culture and performing official duties of civil servants Build an office culture for civil servants Enhance public service ethics for civil servants 4.4.6 Group of solutions on information technology application, investment in working equipment of civil servants Apply information technology in public service activities of the civil servants Modernize the activities of the civil servants Invest in equipment for the activities of civil servants Some recommendations: * For the National Assembly: The National Assembly should soon finalize and promulgate the Law on Public Service .* For the Government and relevant Ministries and Sectors: Formulate and finalize policies to attract civil servants; Reform of civil service and civil servants; Modernize the office; Clearly standardize functions, tasks and corresponding requirements for each level of leadership and management * For localities: Local leaders must pay attention to support State Reserves agencies stationed in the area during operation Summary of Chapter Based on the goals and development orientation to 2020 and vision to 2030 and the results of analysis of the causes of existence as well as factors affecting development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam in the past, the author has proposed the scientific basis for a number of solutions and recommendations to develop the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam, meeting current requirements and for the coming years in Chapter 24 IN CONCLUSION In order to contribute to development of the civil servants in the state administrative system in general and in the State Reserves sector in particular, the author has clarified the scientific basis of development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector; indepth analysis and assessment of the current situation of civil servant development in the sector in relation to the number, structure and process of formation and development of civil servants The Dissertation has clarified the reasons why development of the public workforce in the State Reserves sector is still neither high nor met the requirements of the current work and of the process of promoting industrialization and modernization of the country and as well as international economic integration Since then, the Dissertation has given the views and the main solution systems to develop the civil servants of the State Reserves sector by 2020, with a vision to 2030 25 ... General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam of Vietnam - Professional officers of the units under the General Department of State Reserves of Vietnam of Vietnam - Regarding the study time: In order... OF VIETNAM 2.1 General concept of the civil servants in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam 2.1.1 Pulic workforce in general and the civil servants in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam State Reserves sector of Vietnam, from which to answer a series of questions on theoretical basis for developing the public workforce in the State Reserves sector of Vietnam? What are the current