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tieng anh dau ra có dich 2021

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LISTENING: (NGHE) Thầy Ninh dạy ĐỀ 1 How will Jill go to the football match? Chọn hình A :đi walk hau / qiu / diu / gâu/ tu / dờ / phút bô / mách Who”s going to visit the woman ? hu / gâu ing / tu / vi dít / dờ / wu mừn C: già old What will Ruby tonight quát / qiu / ru bi / đu / tu nai C How much did the /woman” scheck cost? hau / mắt /đít / dờ /wu mần / sừ chếch / cót ? A:66.50 Where ís the man”s watch? que / / dờ / men / quách ? B Listen to Lena talking to a friend about some restaurent What is the problem with each one? Carla’s Café …G… ca la / cà phê Pizza Place pi da / pờ lây A Closed cờ lâu sờ …C… Curry House…E… cu ri / hau B Cold cô C Dark đắc Captain Crab cáp từn / cờ ráp …F… D Expensive ếch sờ pen síp 10 Carlton Hotel ca từn / họt teo …D… E Full phun F noisy noi dy G Small sờ mo H unfriendly => ăn phờ ren ly 11 Sam agrees to play guitar on: sam / gờ ri / tu / pờ lây /gu ta / on A Wednesday B Thursday (Đ án B) A quen nét B thớt C Friday C phờ rai 12 Where does Nick’s band practise? que / đa / ních / ban / pờ rách tít A in a / garage ( Đ án A) in /ơ / ga B at Helen’s flat C in / Nick’s bedroom ât /he len / phờ lát in / ních / bét rum 13 Sam should bring: xam / sút / bờ ring A sandwiches san quích chựt B CDs xi C a /sweater ( Đ án C) /sờ quét tơ 14 The band will next play at dờ / ban / qiu / nét / pờ lay / ất A a party / pạt ty B a club / cờ lắp C a college ( Đ án C) / co lệc 15 How much does Helen earn, per night, in the band? hau / mắt / da / he len / ơn / pơ / nai / in / dờ / ban A £10 A ten pao B £25 (Đ án B) C £110 B tu phíp phai pao C quăn hun đờ rớt ten pao PARTY FOR OLD SCHOOL FRIENDS pát ty / / ô / sờ cu / phờ ren For pupils from: /púp piu / phờ rom Romford School rom / sờ cu Date of party: đết / ợp / pạt ty (16)………7th September se vừn thớt /xẹp tem bờ Day of party: / ợp / pạt ty (17)………Saturday…………… sát tu Place: pờ lây Margaret’s house ma ga rét / hau Margaret’s new / surname: ma ga rét / niu / sơ nêm Margaret’s address: ma ga rét / a đờ rét (18)… Bring: bờ ring (20)………photos………… phô tô JAGGARD…… da ga (19) 11…… Park………Road e le vừn / pắc / rốt Sea World xi / quơ Open: pừn Tuesday – Sunday tiu sờ săn Closed during month of: cờ lâu / đu ring / măn / ợp (21)….March…… mắc Watch a films about the sea in: (22) The visitor / Centre quát / / phờ lim /ơ bao / dờ /si /in dờ / vi dít / xen chờ Dolphin show starts at: đo phin / xâu / sờ tát / ất (23) 2.15 / p.m tu phíp tin / pi em Shop sells: sóp / seo (24) Toys and books toi / an / búc Child’s ticket costs: chai / tíc kẹt / cót (25) £ 425 hun đờ rớt toen ty phai ĐỀ 2 Where will the man and woman meet ? Chọn hinh A: CINEMA que / quiu / dờ / men / and /wu men / mét xin ni ma What”s the date of Emma”s birthday party ? Chọn hình C: 21st July quắt / dờ / đết / ợp / em ma / bớt / pạt ty toen ty phớt du lai Where ís Norah”s watch? A : On hand Chọn hình đeo tay que / / no / quách On hen How much í a ticket for tonight”s match ? chọn hình A : $3.50 hau / mắt / / a / tích kẹt / / tu nai / mắt Which ís boy”s brother? Chọn hình B ; đeo kính tóc nâu qch /ít /boi / bờ ro dờ Listen to Amy telling her / father about he shopping trip Lít xừn/ tu / am my /teo ling / hơ / pha thờ / bao / hơ / sóp ping / tríp What did she and her friends buy? quắt / đít /xi / an / hơ / phờ ren / bai Alison ……F… a li sơn A CD xi Helen he len ……B… B Magazine ma ga zin Lucy lu xi ……G… C Mobile phone mô bai / phôn Kerry ke ry ……D… D Picture píc chờ 10 Jo dô ……A… E Shoes shiu F suitcase xui G sweater sờ quét tơ H video vi deo 11 Jamie will go to university dêm mi / quiu /gâu / tu / un ni vơ ci ty A by bicycle bai / bai xy cờ 12 The new flat is dờ / niu phờ lát / B by bus bai / bút from the new flat / phờ rom /dờ / niu /phờ lát C On foot On / phút chọn c A over a shop Chọn A B on a noisy âu vơ / / sóp on /ơ / noi xy / roát road C next to / a / café nét / tu /ơ / ca phê 13 How much will Jamie pay a week for the flat? hau / mắt / quiu / dem mi /pây / / uých /pho / dờ / phờ lát A £200 B £40 chọn B C £14 14 What doesn’t the flat have? quắt / da dừn / dờ / phờ lát /háp A a cooker / cúc B a fridge / bờ C a washing machine chọn C / qua sing / ma xin 15 Jamie agrees to move into the new flat on ? dem mi / a gờ ri / tu / mu / in tu / dờ / niu / phờ lát / on A Saturday B Sunday Chọn B C Monday THEATRE TICKETS thi ây chờ / tíc kẹt Name of theatre: nêm / ợp / thi ây chờ Queen’s quin There are tickets for show on: De / a / tích kẹt / / sâu / on (16)…… wednesday……….evening quen nét day y vờ ning Price for one ticket: pờ rai / / uăn / tích kẹt (17) £…850……… ết hun dờ rết phíp ty phai Get tickets from ticket office in: Gét / tích kẹt / phờ rom / tích kẹt / óc phịt / in (18).…Ferret…….Road phe rẹt roát Show starts at: sâu / sờ tát / át (19)…7.45……… p.m se vừn pi em Bus number: bút / năm bờ (20)……136……… oăn hun dờ Holiday ho ly competition / Win a holiday in: Scotland Number of nights: (21) Name of hotel: (22) FALKIRK Hotel At hotel, you can play: (23) golf Call The Travel Progammae Phone before mignight on: Phone number: (24) Thursday (25) 020866873 ĐỀ 3: Which boy ís Peter ?chọn hình b : cao,áo sơ mi quích boi pi tơ ? 2, which day will they go to the cinema? Chọn hình A : tuseday qch quiu dây gâu tu dờ xi ni ma ? 3, what are they going to on Saturday? Chọn hình A : Swiming quát a dây gâu ing tu du on sát tu ? 4, Where does Paul live? Chọn hình C : số 33 que đa pau líp 5,Where are they going to put the computer ? Chọn hình A : phịng khách que a dây gâu ing tu pút dờ cum piu tơ ? Emma ……G…… em ma A Blouse bờ lau Mike mai B Dress đờ rét ……D…… Michelle mi cheo ……B…… C Jacket dách két Rachel ……A…… chồ D Jeans din 10 Jason ……H…… da sơn E, skirt sờ cớt F suit sút G sweater sờ quét tơ H T-shirt Ti shớt 11 The bag is; dờ bác A small sờ mo B old ô C Dirty đớt ty 12 Where is the bag? que dờ bác ? A in the classroom in dờ cờ lát rum B on the sports field C at the hospital on dờ sờ pót phiêu ất dờ hót pi tồ 13 What is inside the bag? quắt in sai dờ bác ? A money măn nì 14 Maria ma ri a B a watch quách C Clothes cờ lâu should take the bag to Zak sút tếch dờ bác tu dắc A this afternoon morning dít áp tơ nun B this evening dít y vơ ning C tomorrow tu mo râu mo ning 15 Zak hurt himself when he was dắc hớt him seo quen hi quát A playing football pờ lay ing phút bô B running răn ning C changing his clothes chêng ing hít cờ lâu SWIMMING POOL sờ quim ming pu Closing day: cờ lâu ing Monday The “ early morning swim” dờ ly mo ning sờ quim start at: (16)………6………….a.m sờ tát ất síc ây am mon 9.30 - 12.30, school…………… nai thớt ty to theo thớt ty pool is used by: pu iu (17)……… bai sờ cu Each lesson costs: ích lét xừn cót (18) £…7.50…………… se vừn phíp ty pao Date of next course: đết ợp nét co (19)…9th Teacher’s name: tít chờ nêm R O Y F O W March……………… nine thớt mắt (20)……Roy Fowler…………… a âu ép âu đắp liu eo y a L E R => roi phau lơ Free phờ ri c inema tickets xi ni ma tích kẹt Usual price: iu dùa pờ rai £5 Phai pao Name of film: nêm ợp pờ lim (21) The Elephant Doctor Dờ e le phừn đóc tờ Send postcard to: Xen pót cạt tu Radio South- West rây ô quét Address: a đờ rét Before: bi (22) 27 ARGYLL Road, Bristol ây a di eo eo => ARGYLL câu trên=> tuen ti se vừn a gai roát , bờ ri tô (23) 30th July thớt ty thớt Number of tickets per family: (24) năm bờ ợp tíc két pơ pham my ly du lai Every body will get a: E ve ry bo đy quiu ghét ( 25) book búc ĐỀ 4: What are the boys going to do? Chọn hình: B chơi tenis quắt a dờ boi gâu ing tu đu Which tent does the girl choose? A:lều dành cho 2ng ,nhẹ quích ten đa dờ gơ chiu Which one is Ruth”s bike? qch oăn rút bai C: xe có túi để có chai nước What does Sarah”s dad do? quắt đa sa đát đu A:lái xe cấp cứu bv Which picture ís the woman asking about? B: BỨC TRANH hoa quích píc chờ dờ wu mừn át kinh bao ? books búc ……E………… plant pờ len ……B……… lamp lem ……H……… C small sờ mo pillow ……G……… pi lâu D Desk đét 10 toy bear toi be A Bed bét B Big cupboard bíc cắp bốt ……F……… cupboard cúp bốt E Floor phờ lo F shelf seo G sofa sô pha H table tây bồ 11 Where did Jim buy que đít dim bai his walking hít quấc kinh shoes? su ? A at the market ất dờ mắc két B in a supermarket in súp bơ mắc két C in a shoes shop in su xóp 12 The shoes cost Jim dờ su cót dim A £20 B £48 13 Jim says Sarah should dim sây xa sút A a jacket dách két C £6 take tếch B a sweater sờ quoét tơ C a sun hat săn hát 14 How many T-shirts should Sarah take? Hau men ny Ty xớt sút sa tếch B five A one oăn C Seven xe vừn phai 15 Sarah should take her phone because she may want to xa sút tếch hơ phôn be cót xi mây quăn tu A phone the hotel B phone home C phone for help HOMEWORK hôm quấc Subject: súp dếch Biology by ô lô gy Name of book: nêm ợp búc 16……Rivers……………… ri vơ Written by: ruýt từn bai 17……Martin Cooper…………… ma tin cúp bơ Read: rít 18……pages 123-127……………… page 123 127 bết oăn hun dờ rết toen ty thờ ri tu oăn hun đờ rớt toen ty se vừn Learn about: lơn bao 19……Fish…………… phít What time does it begin? B Has it finished yet? C What was it call? 14 Do you think Peter will like this sweater? A He isn’t like that B You are right C I’m sure he will 15 Here, I’ve found your glasses A Well done B That’s all C Never mind A What does Melissa say to Saskia? Saskia: Oh yes, I’ve been there yesterday A Well, they had lots lefts Melissa: 16………H………… B Was it a famous singer? Saskia: I went to a concert, but I’ve heard there’s going to see on Saturday Would good play on this week C That’s what I’m you like to come? Melissa: 17……C………… new theatre in Bridge Street D I’m going to the Saskia: Do you think they’ve still got tickets for it? to you again Melissa; 18……A………… after eight o’clock E Shall I give it F OK I’ll be home Saskia: Great! I’ll book today and call you this evening G No I don’t really think so Melissa: 19……F………… see? H What did you go and Saskia: Let me check I’ve got your mobile number Melissa: 20……E………… Saskia: It’s OK, I’ve got it WORLD TRAVELLER Nick Barlow loves his work He’s a British actor and he travels around the world making TV programmes “People welcome me everywhere I go and when I get home I remember all the wonderful things that happened in each country” Nick has travelled to many places but there are a few trips that he would still like to make “ I’d love to visit South America and go back to Australia one day”, he says On each trip, Nick travels with a team of people They bring the cameras and other filming equipment needed to make the programme Nick doesn’t take a lot of things for himself, just a few shirts and trousers, but he always makes sure he has some books in his suitcase Nick’s wife, Helen, doesn’t mind hm travelling for his work She has a lot of friends and keeps busy When he gets back, she likes to listen to all his travel stories But sometimes there are problems When he was in the Malaysian rain forest, Nick heard that his wife was ill in hospital “ I felt terrible because I couldn’t help, but she didn’t want e to come home I was so happy when I heard she was better” 21 Nick says that people in the laces he visits are very friendly A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 22 Nick buys something to take home from every country he visits A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 23 On some trips, Nick travels alone A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 24 There are often problems with the television cameras A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 25 Every time Nick goes away, he packs something to read A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 26 Helen is unhappy when he’s away from home A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 27 When Helen was sick, Nick returned home A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say BIG CATS There are many different kinds of cars They are different in size and they not look or act the same Tigers are the biggest cats (28)…………head to tail they can be 3.7m long Most cats don’t like water, (29)……… tigers will often lie in a pool of water when (30)……… is hot! Lions are the (31)……….cats that says together in large family groups Several lions may work together to get food for the group They usually (32) ………….in flat, open countryside where they can see a long way and easily follow (33)……….animals (34)………………cats need good eyes, because they catch smaller animals for their food They also need to be fast, and (35)……………strong 28 A From B At 29 A so B if 30 A he B they C By C but C it 31 A only B just C once 32 A living B live C lives 33 A another B any C other 34 A All B Every 35 A too B very C Each C even ĐỀ You cannot come here tomorrow.( B) A Jules fournier plays Classical guitar Students half price If you want to play music well, you can study here (F) B You will have to pay more if you come to this place tommorrow ( D ) The ABC cinema closes for two weeks today for repairs C Summertown school No tickets left for next You can get cheaper tickets if you are at college (A) Week’s concert You can buy music more cheaply here for a short time D (G) E New theatre restaurant Meals half price today only Music shop Closed for lunch F Piano and guitar course at City College Beginners welcome G MUSIC STORE Low prices on latest CDs Next two weekss only H Please not take any food or drink into theatre Sam……… to ride when he was seven years old A Knew B pfactised C learnt He has to wear a special riding hat to keep himself……… A safe B careful C sure ... bike? quích oăn rút bai C: xe có túi để có chai nước What does Sarah”s dad do? quắt đa sa đát đu A:lái xe cấp cứu bv Which picture ís the woman asking about? B: BỨC TRANH hoa quích píc chờ dờ wu... racing began when Arab horses were brought to Europe (30)……….the 12 th century At first, races were long and(31) ………… just two horses, but at the beginning of the 18 th century this changed Races... cost Jim dờ su cót dim A £20 B £48 13 Jim says Sarah should dim sây xa sút A a jacket dách két C £6 take tếch B a sweater sờ quoét tơ C a sun hat săn hát 14 How many T-shirts should Sarah take? Hau

Ngày đăng: 16/04/2022, 22:13

