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Nội dung ôn tập Tiếng Anh đầu vào cao học Đại học Kinh tế

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Nội dung ôn tập Tiếng Anh đầu vào cao học Đại học Kinh tếNội dung ôn tập Tiếng Anh đầu vào cao học Đại học Kinh tếNội dung ôn tập Tiếng Anh đầu vào cao học Đại học Kinh tếNội dung ôn tập Tiếng Anh đầu vào cao học Đại học Kinh tếNội dung ôn tập Tiếng Anh đầu vào cao học Đại học Kinh tếNội dung ôn tập Tiếng Anh đầu vào cao học Đại học Kinh tếNội dung ôn tập Tiếng Anh đầu vào cao học Đại học Kinh tế

FILE 4: NỘI DUNG ÔN TẬP AVĐV- CH ĐỢT /2022 A PHẦN NGỮ PHÁP Giới từ (on, at, in, to, from ….) …………………………………………………………… trang 2-4 Thể nhờ bảo (HAVE / GET) ………………………………………………………………… trang 5-6 Thì (hiện đơn, tiếp diễn, hoàn thành, khứ đơn, khứ tiếp diễn, khứ hoàn thành tương lai đơn) ………………………………………………………………………… trang 7-11 Gerund + V-ing vs Verbs + to INF ………………………………………………………… trang 12-14 Câu điều kiện ………………………………………………………………………………….trang 15-16 Phrasal Verbs ………………………………………………………………………………….trang 17-19 Từ loại (danh từ, tính từ, trạng từ …) ………………………………………………… …… trang 20-30 7.1 Danh từ …………………………………………………………………………… 7.2 Mạo từ (a/an, the) ………………………………………………………………… 7.3 Tính từ …………………………………………………………………………… 7.4 Trạng từ …………………………………………………………………………… Từ nối …………………………………………………………………………………… ……trang 31-33 Mệnh đề trạng từ ………………………………………………………………………….…….trang 34-36 10 Mệnh đề tính từ ………………………….………………………………………………… trang 37-38 11 Modal verbs (must, can, should …) …………………………………………………… … trang 39-40 12 Câu so sánh ……………… ………………………………………………………………… trang 41-42 13 Đại từ (I, you, he, ….) …… ………………………………………………………………… trang 43-45 14 MAKE vs DO ………………………………………………………………………………….trang 45 B PHẦN SỬA LỖI …………………………………………………………………… ….…….trang 46-48 C PHẦN CHUYỂN CÂU ……………………………………………………………………….trang 49-54 Comparison Structure (p.122) To infinitive is Structure (p.123) Had better - advise(d) - to Structure (p.124) Unless Structure (p.129) Although - Despite / In spite of Structure 13 (p.133) D PHẦN CONTROLLED WRITING…………………………………………………………trang 55-57 E 03 PRACTICE TESTS (3 files riêng) 
 Page 1 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A PHẦN NGỮ PHÁP PREPOSITIONS: GIỚI TỪ 1.1 GIỚI TỪ CHỈ THỜI GIAN IN: vào + year: năm + month: tháng + season: mùa + time of a day: buổi ngày + decade (thập niên/ century (thế kỷ) ON: vào + day: thứ + date (ngày tháng) - birthday - New Year Day - Christmas Day + holidays: ngày lễ - Valentine Day AT: vào + specific time: + time expressions: cách diễn đạt thời gian - at night / midnight - at noon / midday - at Christmas - at New Year - on / at weekend - at Easter: lễ phục sinh FROM … TO / BETWEEN … AND: từ … đến Ex: I work from/between 9:00 to/and 5:00 FOR + a period of time: khoảng (thời gian) Ex: She has been working for Coca-Cola for months DURING + Noun: suốt Ex: I traveled abroad during my vacation UNTIL = up to: Ex: The bank is open until p.m BY: trước Ex: You have to come back by 10 p.m WITHIN: vòng Ex: This soft drink should be consumed within a month 1.2 GIỚI TỪ CHỈ NƠI CHỐN IN: Ex: The fax machine is in an office ON: Ex1: Please bring me the document on the table Ex2: The company is on Pine Street Page 2 
 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH AT: Ex: We saw Mr Green at the station BETWEEN … AND: … Ex: I lost my passport somewhere between the department store and the airport BEHIND: đằng sau Ex: Alex led, and I followed along behind NEAR = BY = BESIDE: bên cạnh; gần Ex1: Is there a good restaurant near here? Ex2: He wanted to keep his wallet by him always Ex3: Our school was built right beside a river ABOVE/ OVER: bên Ex1: She's rented a room above a shop Ex2: The sign over the door said "Exit" OVER / ACROSS: ngang qua Ex1: She is always chatting with her neighbour over the garden fence Ex2: She is walking across the street UNDER: bên Ex: They stood under a tree (= below its branches) to avoid getting wet 10 BELOW: bên Ex: From the top of the skyscraper the cars below us looked like insects 11 IN FRONT OF: trước; phía trước Ex: Why did you have to embarrass me in front of all those people? PRACTICE (tham khảo mục trang 13 sách ôn tập) …………… all the applicants, the woman who came in dressed sloppily in blue jeans and a T-shirt has the most experience - sloppily (adv): thoải mái; không trịnh trọng A: From C: Of B: By D: To Please note that though we didn't anticipate local authorities searching our offices, an investigation will be held ………… Monday at 9:00 A.M A: at C: to B: for D: on - to anticipate: mong đợi - to hold – held: tổ chức - local authorities (n): quyền địa phương - investigation (n): điều tra Just like bellhops: người phục vụ, front desk receptionists, and dining room servers, all housekeepers report directly ………… the hotel manager A: for C: in B: at D: to The plant will be closed ………… noon tomorrow for its annual safety inspection ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Page 3 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH - plant (n): nhà máy - safety inspection (n): kiểm tra an toàn A: with C: at B: in D: from …………… terms of product quality and customer service, our company surpasses the competition - In term of = about: xét - to surpass: vượt qua A: In C: From B: By D: With Debtors (người vay nợ) are expected to remain ……… heavy economic pressure unless the interest rates are lowered: hạ lãi suất A: below C: beneath B: from D: under The sales meetings Mr Suzuki proposed in last month's forum will officially be held ………… Tokyo in the first week of May - officially (adv): thức - to propose: đề nghị A: to C: at B: in D: on Though everything depends on weather conditions at this time of year, the shipment is due to arrive by cargo …………… a week - shipment (n): hàng gởi - To be due to: tới hạn A: within C: until B: for D: on Despite the fact that we have nothing left to work with, the construction supplies cannot be ordered ………… next Thursday - construction supplies (n): vật liệu xây dựng A: from C: at B: to D: until 10 According to the report published in today's Sun, the local government plans to reduce spending ………… one million dollars A: at C: with B: by D: of 11 [Mini Test 1, p.49] 13 People are not allowed to walk …………… the railway tunnel A: trough C: thought B: through D: thorough - to be allowed + to inf: phép - thorough (adj): complete: hoàn toàn; đầy đủ - railway tunnel (n): đường hầm xe lửa - through (prep / adv): xuyên qua; ngang qua - trough (n): máng ăn 12 [Mini Test 1, p.49] 20 He has to finish the meeting and get to the airport …………… p.m A: to C: until B: on D: by 13 [Mini Test 2, p.52] The company's goal is to reach maximum production capacity ………… the next three months - production capacity: lực sản xuất - within: vòng Page 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: into C: with B: about D: within 14 [Mini Test 2, p.53] 11 An evaluation of the government's small-business program will be completed ………… the next thirty days - evaluation (n): đánh giá - to complete = to finish A: near C: within B: about D: around 15 [Mini Test 2, p.55] 23 Paris is famous ………… fashion and cosmetics A: on C: for both B: as in D: as far as 16 [Mini Test 3, p.59] 22 Are you planning to talk to Ms Petrov on the phone or meet with her ………… person? A: on C: by B: to D: in 17 [Mini Test 4, p.63] 18 The Brunswick Explorer is a submersible robotic vehicle designed to search for mineral deposits: trữ lượng khoáng sản far …………… the surface: bề mặt of the sea A: between C: behind B: below D: beyond - submersible (n): tàu ngầm - beyond (prep): đằng xa - robotic vehicle (n): tàu người máy điều khiển - below (prep): bên 18 [Mini Test 4, p.63] 21 The information we publish comes directly ………… our correspondents worldwide - correspondent (n): phóng viên A: by C: from B: with D: at 19 [Mini Test 5, p.68] 25 The toy is ………… the box A: until C: before B: inner D: inside 20 [Mini Test 6, p.70] Ms Csupo said that she would return to work at least …………Wednesday, but she didn't come back until Friday A: at C: in B: until D: by 21 [Mini Test 7, p.75] They missed their connecting flight ………… Sunday, so they were forced to sleep at the airport - to be forced + to inf: bị buộc phải làm - connecting flight (n): chuyến bay A: during C: in B: by D: on 22 [Mini Test 7, p.75] Construction: việc xây dựng of the new plant: nhà máy began …………… 2006 but was halted: dừng; ngưng when the budget was cut A: on C: at B: in D: from 23 [Mini Test 8, p.81] 20 There is a radio antenna …………… top of the Empire State Building in New Page 5 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH York City A: at C: of B: on D: in 24 [Mini Test 10, p.90] 17 Current liabilities are debts that must be paid …………… a year - current liability: nợ ngắn hạn - within (prep): vòng C: with D: until Page 6 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: by B: within CAUSATIVE: THỂ NHỜ BẢO 2.1 Active: thể chủ động (biết người nhờ) HAVE + S.O + V0: nhờ làm điều Ex: I have him repair my car GET + S.O + TO INF: nhờ làm điều Ex: I get him to repair my car 2.2 Passive: thể bị động (không biết người làm, quan tâm đến hành động làm) HAVE / GET + STH + V3 / V-ed Ex: I have / get my car repaired (by him) Lưu ý: Các động từ như: Order (ra lệnh), cause (khiến cho), force (bắt buộc), want, let (để cho), make (làm cho) xem động từ thuộc dạng nhờ bảo GET = Order, cause, force, want + S.O + TO INF Ex: He ordered everyone to leave the room Ex: We will want the invoices returned at once HAVE = Let / make + S.O + V0 Ex: The boss lets his secretary leave work early at the weekend PRACTICE (tham khảo mục trang 18 sách ôn tập) In the future, the company will not let its part-time and temporary: tạm thời employees …………… overtime A: to work C: worked B: be working D: work Despite 20 years of success, the financial stress and burden: gánh nặng of the sudden recession: suy thối made the partnership: cơng ty hợp danh ……………… A: fail C: failed B: to fail D: to be failed The firm wants its product ………… safely and in a timely manner; otherwise it will seek an alternative shipper - in a timely manner (adv): kịp thời - otherwise: không A: package C: packaged B: be packaged D: packaging All employees were able to get their paychecks …………… before the power outage: việc điện closed the banks A: deposits C: depositing B: deposited D: be deposited The severe weather conditions in the alpine regions forced the airlines ………… all outgoing flights and divert incoming planes - the alpine region (n): vùng núi An – pơ - to divert: chuyển hướng A: canceling C: cancel B: to cancel D: canceled I received a text message from Takeshi yesterday, and it mentioned that they had the equipment ………… yesterday A: shipped B: ship C: was shipped D: was being shipped Page 7 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Before Annie ran out for a meeting yesterday, she had Ms Brunelli …………… the new clerk around the premises: mặt kinh doanh A: show C: showing B: showed D: was showed The increase in layoffs: sa thải nhân viên over the past two fiscal periods has caused everyone ………… less secure A: feels C: was felt B: felt D: to feel What company besides ours would make its employees …………… overtime on a national holiday? A: will be working C: be working B: worked D: work 10 A wise consumer gets his or her phone order …………… in writing before submitting payment A: confirming C: confirmed B: confirms D: confirm 11 [Mini Test 2, p.53] Their boss will not let them …………… from home even if they have a valid excuse for needing to so - valid excuse: lý hợp lý A: to work C: working B: work D: will work 12 [Mini Test 3, p.59] 23 The accountant had her daughter ………… past records to keep her busy while school was out A: to file C: file B: is filing D: filed 13 [Mini Test 4, p.62] 11 Despite the recent reports of increases in profits at the Boston franchise, the corporation wanted it ………………… A: to liquidate C: liquidate B: will liquidate D: liquidated - franchise (n): công ty nhượng quyền - corporation (n): tập đoàn - to liquidate: to cause a business to close, so that its assets can be sold to pay its debts: lý; bán 14 [Mini Test 5, p.67] 15 Have Ms Chen ………….… to Los Angeles instead of: thay Mr Prang A: gone C: went B: go D: goes 15 [Mini Test 7, p.74] The nurse responsible for the maternity ward disobeyed hospital policy and let his patients …………… outside - maternity ward: khoa sản - policy (n): sách A: eat C: eating B: to eat D: ate 16 [Mini Test 7, p.75] 12 My receptionist will get the forms ………… first thing tomorrow so that we can fax them to the head office before the conference call A: signed B: to be signed C: sign D: signing 17 [Mini Test 7, p.77] 24 Knowing that we would be hungry after skipping lunch, the director had her assistant …………… some sandwiches for the meeting Page 8 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH - to skip = to miss: bỏ; không (ăn) A: pick up B: picks up - to pick up = to buy: mua C: picked up D: picking up Page 9 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH TENSES: THÌ 3.1 SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE: THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN diễn tả thật hiển nhiên; việc nói chung Ex: The earth goes around the sun diễn tả việc lặp lặp lại thói quen Ex: I usually leave for work at a.m dùng để miêu tả thực tế diển tả tình cố định thay đổi Ex: My parents live in HCM city dùng để lịch trình: phim, kiện, trận đấu, phương tiên vận chuyển, mở cửa Ex: According to the schedule, group discussions start at 10 a.m dùng mệnh đề trạng đề thời gian Mệnh đề trạng đề thời gian bắt đầu từ nối như: when = as (khi), before, after, as soon as (ngay khi), until (cho tới khi), once (một khi) etc Ex1: Before you submit your test, you should check it once again dùng câu điều kiện loại Câu điều kiện thường bắt đầu từ nối if, unless, etc Ex2: If they complete the project tomorrow, they will have a party Các trạng từ thường dùng HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN: Trạng từ tần xuất/ thường xuyên: - always: luôn - usually: thường thường - often: thường - sometimes: - rarely: khi; Trạng từ thời gian: + every morning/day/week/month/year/Monday; + in the morning/ afternoon/ evening; + at night - seldom: khi; - hardly (ever): khơng - never 3.2 PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN BE (am / is / are) + V-ING diễn tả hành động xảy vào lúc nói Ex: Where’s John? He’s working on the project diễn tả hành động diễn xung quanh thời điểm nói Hành động chưa chấm dứt khơng thiết xảy lúc nói Ex: Some of my friends are building their own houses diễn tả hành động mang tính tạm thời Ex: I’m living with some friends until I find an apartment diễn tả hành động tương lai gần xếp trước Ex: I’m visiting my grandma this weekend diễn tả phàn nàn hành động lặp lặp lại gây khó chịu Ex: He is always asking me for help whenever he works on computer Page 10 Nội dung ơn tập AVĐV - CH Các trạng từ dùng HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN - (right) now = currently: - this weekend - at the moment: lúc - in these days: ngày - at this time: lúc - Look / Listen - at present = presently: Một số động từ KHƠNG dùng với tiếp diễn Động từ cảm xúc, tình cảm: - love, like, hate, dislike, prefer, want, wish - admire: ngưỡng mộ - desire: khát khao, ước ao - fear: lo sợ - respect: tôn trọng - value: có giá trị; coi trọng Động từ hoạt động nhận thức: - see, know, understand - agree # disagree - remember, forget, - realize: nhận - believe, think = suppose = assume: cho - hear: nghe - trust: tin tưởng - mean: có ý - recognize: nhận thấy - mind: phiền - doubt: nghi ngờ - matter: vấn đề - mean: có ý Linking Verbs: - feel: cảm thấy - sound: nghe - look: trơng - smell: có mùi - taste: có vị Động từ sở hữu: - have, belong to: thuộc về, own = possess: làm chủ; sở hữu Động từ trạng thái - seem = appear: dường - depend on: phụ thuộc vào - contain = include = consist of: bao gồm - remain = stay = keep: - be: là, - exist: tồn - to become = to get = to turn: trở nên; trở thành Page 11 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH 3.3 PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: THÌ HIỆN TẠI HỒN THÀNH HAVE / HAS + V3 / V-ED diễn tả hành động bắt đầu khứ kéo dài đến tiếp tục tương lai Ex: I have lived in New York since I was young / for ten years diễn tả hành động xảy khứ không đề cập đến thời gian cụ thể Ex: I have (already) read some of Shakespeare’s plays dùng chia sẻ kinh nghiệm trải nghiệm Ex: Have you ever seen a lion? diễn tả hành động lặp lặp lại nhiều lần khứ Ex: It’s the third time he has called his girlfriend tonight diễn tả hành động vừa xảy ra, dùng để thông báo thông tin Ex: Shahin has just won the competition Các trạng từ thường dùng HIỆN TẠI HỒN THÀNH: recently = lately: gần so far = until now = up till now: bây giờ; gần in / over / for / during the last / past few (years): (năm) vừa qua just: vừa never … (before): chưa trước ever (thường dùng cho câu hỏi): có already: (dùng câu xác định) + thường đứng cuối câu or đứng trước PP/V-ed Ex: I’ve (already) finished my homework (already) yet: chưa (dùng câu hỏi phủ định) + thường đứng cuối câu (nếu câu hỏi) Ex: Have you finished your homework yet? + thường đứng cuối câu or sau NOT (nếu câu phủ định) Ex: I have not (yet) finished my homework (yet) since + điểm/ mốc thời gian: từ 10 for + khoảng thời gian: khoảng Fill in the blanks with “since” or “for” ……… o’clock ……… 2010 …… … this afternoon …….… two weeks ago ……… three hours ……… a year 3.4 SIMPLE PAST TENSE: THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN dùng diễn tả hành động xảy kết thúc khứ với thời gian xác định Ex: I went to London yesterday dùng diễn tả hành động lặp lặp lại khứ có thời gian xác định hành động xảy q khứ khơng cịn Ex: Every year when I was a child, we went / used to go to Italy on holiday Page 12 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH diễn tả loạt hành động liên tiếp xảy khứ Ex: I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim Các trạng từ thường dùng QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN: - yesterday (morning / afternoon …) - last (night / week …) - (three days / two months …) ago - in (1999 / 2001, …) - in the (2000s / 1980s …) Động từ khứ đơn chia làm loại: (1) Động từ theo qui tắc (ta thêm –ed) Ví dụ: dance - danced (2) Động từ theo bất qui tắc (ta học thuộc lòng cột số bảng Động từ bất qui tắc) Ví dụ: see - saw 3.5 PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE: THÌ QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN WAS / WERE + V-ING diễn tả hành động xảy vào thời điểm xác định khứ Ex: At one o’clock yesterday I was having lunch diễn tả hành động song song xảy khứ; thường có từ nối WHEN / WHILE Ex: I was doing the shopping while he was parking the car diễn tả hành động xảy khứ có hành động khác cắt ngang/xảy Hành động xảy (dùng khứ tiếp diễn), hành động cắt ngang (dùng khứ đơn) Ex: While I was watching TV, the phone rang 3.6 PAST PERFECT TENSE: THÌ Q KHỨ HỒN THÀNH HAD + V3 / V-ED diễn tả hành động hoàn thành trước hành động khác trước thời điểm khứ Ex: I left the theater as soon as the film had finished Lưu ý: Ta dùng khứ đơn thay cho khứ hoàn thành hai hành động gần đồng thời xảy Ex: When I saw a spider, I screamed Ta dùng q khứ đơn thay cho q khứ hồn thành câu có từ nối AFTER / BEFORE Ex: Before I got home, the family had eaten dinner OR: Before I got home, the family ate dinner 3.7 FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE: THÌ TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN WILL / SHALL + V0 dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy tương lai Ex: Our company will hold a grand opening ceremony next week dùng để đưa dự đoán điều mà ta nghĩ khơng thể tránh khỏi (khơng có can thiệp hay xếp trước) Ex: In the next few years, everyone will be able to access the Internet with their mobile phone dùng đưa định thời điểm nói (hành động khơng dự tính trước) Ex: A: There is someone at the door, but I’m busy talking on the phone B: OK I’ll answer the door Page 13 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Thường dùng sau cách nói: I think, I don’t think, I hope … Ex1: I think I'll go to bed now Ex2: I don’t think she'll well in the job Thường dùng để hứa hẹn Ex: Don’t worry I will be there to help you ADVERBS OF TIME FOR THE FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE - tomorrow (morning, afternoon, …) - in + year (in 2020) - the day after tomorrow - in + duration (khoảng thời gian) - next (week, month, year …) - at the end of (May) Ex: in three years’ time; in two days; in the next three years Ex: She will be here in ten minutes PRACTICE (tham khảo mục trang 22 sách ôn tập) The express train always …………… on time, unlike the local, which is always late A: is arriving C: has been arriving B: arrives D: arrive When the shipment ……………in, he will dispatch it to the proper department - to dispatch = to send: gởi hàng - proper (adj) = right A: will come C: comes B: is coming D: is going to come Go ahead with the proposal: lời đề nghị, as long as everyone ………… that the goal is to improve upon last year's event - to go ahead: tiếp tục - as long as = if: nếu; miễn A: is understanding C: will understand B: understand D: understands Even before our researcher analyzed: phân tích the online customer reviews and ratings, we ……… to take on the client A: has agreed C: agrees B: agreed D: was agreed She …………five years ago; therefore, her request: yêu cầu for a raise is definitely worth reviewing A: is being promoted D: has been promoted B: promoted C: was promoted - raise (n): việc lên lương - to promote: thăng chức - definitely (adv) = certainly - to be worth + V-ing: đáng Our newest franchise: cửa hàng nhượng quyền ………… in two months, so we need to start hiring new employees A: would open C: will open B: had opened D: has opened The board reported that, even though we didn't consult them first, it ……… a good decision to find a Page 14 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH new director - board (n): ban giám đốc - to consult: tư vấn; tham khảo A: was C: is B: be D: were The survey indicated: cho thấy that profits are up by 20 percent the first two quarters of this year; business ………… A: is being good C: good B: were good D: has been good As I sit here wondering how we will possibly get this project done on time, I ………… that you all have time to take a two-hour lunch break A: cannot believe D: cannot be believing B: could not believe C: am not believing 10 [Mini Test 4, p.62] When the power went out, the clerks ………… the reports for the meeting - power (n): điện - to go out: cúp (điện) A: have copied C: were copying B: will copy D: are copying 11 [Mini Test 4, p.63] 19 We ………… three earthquake drills: diễn tập so far this month, yet not once has the fire department responded A: have had C: had B: are having D: have 12 [Mini Test 5, p.66] The staff volleyball team is going out to eat tomorrow after they ………… in the semifinal tournament - semifinal (n): trận bán kết - tournament (n): thi đấu A: will compete C: are competing B: will have competed D: compete 13 [Mini Test 5, p.68] 19 Until recently, the colors of high-tech products ………… metallic gray or black A: is C: have been B: will be D: was being 14 [Mini Test 5, p.68] 23 Since its inception, the purpose of our organization ………… to encourage civic responsibility A: always are C: has always been B: always D: can always - inception (n): beginning: - civic (adj): (of) town or city: (thuộc về) thị trấn; thành phố - responsibility (n): trách nhiệm 15 [Mini Test 6, p.72] 20 As far as I can recall, the effective tax rate for the previous year: năm trước ………… 42 percent A: was C: is B: has been D: will be - to recall = to remember: nhớ - effective (adj): có hiệu lực - tax rate: mức thuế - as far as I can : theo tơi … Page 15 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH 16 [Mini Test 8, p.80] 11 Mrs Prashar can always tell when her husband ………… too much coffee because his hands start to shake A: will have drunk D: has been drinking B: had drunk C: is going to drink 17 [Mini Test 10, p.89] He is convinced: tin tưởng that the team from his country …………… the next World Cup A: has won B: will have won C: will win D: would win Page 16 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH VERB + V-ING vs VERB + TO INF 4.1 VERB + V-ING (GERUND): DANH ĐỘNG TỪ Danh động từ đứng sau: Prepositions: giới từ Nouns + Preposition + V-ING Adjectives + Preposition Verbs + Preposition Idioms: thành ngữ Certain verbs: động từ qui định Preposition + V-ing Ex: She gets good grades in her study by working hard Certain Noun + Prep + V-ing - choice of: lựa chọn - possibility of: khả - intention of: dự định - excuse for: biện hộ / bào chữa Ex: George has no excuse for dropping out of school - reason for: lý cho - method for (of): phương pháp Adjective + prep + V-ing - aware of: ý thức - afraid of - interested in / fond of: thích - tired of - opposed to: phản đối - capable of: có khả Ex: Mitch is afraid of getting married now - successful in - used / accustomed to: quen với - good / bad / excellent at - devoted / committed to: tận tụy Verb + prep + V-ing - approve of: chấp thuận - give up: từ bỏ; đầu hàng - rely on = depend on: phụ thuộc vào - worry about: lo lắng - insist on: nài nỉ; cương - look forward to: mong đợi; ngóng trơng - keep on: trì; giữ vững - think about / of Ex: He is thinking of moving to the south - succeed in - confess to: thừa nhận - object to: phản đối - put off: hoãn lại Idiom (thành ngữ) + V-ing Some common expressions followed by a gerund which should be learnt by heart - There is no use: vơ ích - There is no point: vơ ích - be worth: xứng đáng - feel like: cảm thấy thích - can’t help: khơng thể nhịn - can’t stand / can’t bear: chịu đựng - have difficulty (in): gặp khó khăn - be busy - spend time / money Page 17 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Ex: We have difficulty working out the solution to our financial problem Certain verb + V-ing - admit: thừa nhận; thú nhận - delay = postpone = put off: trì hỗn - miss: bỏ lỡ - report - suggest = recommend: đề nghị - appreciate: biết ơn; đánh giá cao - deny: chối - resent = hate - avoid: tránh - enjoy Ex: John admitted stealing the jewels - practice - resist: kháng cự; chống đối - finish - quit = give up = stop: từ bỏ; đầu hàng - resume: bắt đầu lại - consider: xem xét - mind: phiền - risk: mạo hiểm; liều lĩnh - keep: liên tục; tiếp tục LƯU Ý: Các động từ theo sau V-ing TO INF không thay đổi nghĩa - attempt: cố gắng - begin = start - hate - like - continue Ex: They started to work on the project OR: Ex: They started working on the project - love - prefer: thích - intend: dự định Các động từ theo sau V-ing TO INF thay đổi nghĩa - remember + to inf: việc chưa làm - forget + V-ing: việc làm - stop - regret: hối tiếc - try + V-ing (thử) + to inf (cố gắng) Ex1: You should remember to mail before noon Ex2: I remember meeting the guy at the conference Động từ giác quan theo sau Bare Inf V-ing thay đổi ý nghĩa - hear + bare Inf (đã xảy ra) - see +O+ - notice + V-ING (xảy song song) - feel - smell Ex1: I saw her cross the road Ex2: I saw her crossing the road 4.2 VERB + TO INF - want: muốn - plan: lên kế hoạch cho - promise: hứa để - afford: đáp ứng; có đủ khả Page 18 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH - need: cần để - fail: thất bại - aim: nhằm mục đích - desire: mong muốn - agree: đồng ý - offer: đề nghị - manage: xử lí; xoay sở - serve: phục vụ - wish: ước muốn - expect: mong đợi - decide: định - ask: yêu cầu - refuse: từ chối - pretend: giả vờ - prefer: thích - seem: dường - hope: hi vọng - tend: có xu hướng - propose: đề xuất Ex: We have decided to move our premise out of the residential area * VERB + O (S.O / STH) + TO INF/ NOT TO INF - to allow = permit + sb / sth + to inf: cho phép - persuade - advise : khuyên - remind - allow : cho phép - want - ask : yêu cầu - warn - encourage : khuyến khích - urge - force : ép buộc - request/ require - invite : mời - teach : dạy Ex: He has allowed us to enter the restricted area PRACTICE (tham khảo mục 11 trang 29 sách ôn tập) I enjoy …………… a walk in the park after lunch whenever I have time : thuyết phục : nhắc nhở : muốn : cảnh báo : thúc giục : yêu cầu A: taking C: take B: go for D: to have The health department requires the operators of restaurants ………… sanitary conditions A: maintenance C: to maintain B: maintaining D: maintain - operator: người quản lý nhà hàng - maintenance (n): việc tu; bảo trì - sanitary condition: điều kiện vệ sinh - to maintain: trì The latest economic statistics seem ………… an upturn in the economy A: pointing to C: to indicate B: a prediction D: demonstrating • to point to: đề cập • to indicate = to show: • to demonstrate: minh họa Animal rights groups are opposed ………… health and beauty products on animals A: to test C: tests of B: testing D: to testing - to be opposed to + V-ing: phản đối My father taught ……… skeptical of claims made by advertisers C: my being D: for me to be Page 19 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: me to be B: to be ………… here is not permitted: không cho phép A: Park C: Having parked B: You can park D: Parking Did you have your assistant ………… this report? A: edit C: an edition B: editing D: to edit I intend to stop …………… after January A: to smoke C: smoke B: smoking D: smokes I watched the man ………… the sign A: paint C: painted B: to paint D: was painted 10 Atsuko is going to Vancouver …………… some of her clients A: for to visit C: to visit B: visiting D: visit 11 [Mini Test 1, p.49] 15 Though I have already told them once, please remind your colleagues ………… in the Non Smoking area A: don’t smoke C: not smoking B: not to smoke D: aren’t smoking 12 [Mini Test 2, p.52] Investment professionals quickly learn ………… the difference between good and bad investments - investment professional: người chuyên đầu tư - to recognize: nhận biết A: recognize C: are recognition B: to recognize D: have recognized 13 [Mini Test 2, p.53] 13 To avoid ……………, visitors are asked not to enter the restricted area, identified by heavy red lines on the floor A: injury B: hurting C: unhealthy D: unhealthful - restricted area: khu vực cấm - to identify: nhận dạng 14 [Mini Test 5, p.66] He should try ………… a different word document program if he wants it to be able to check spelling and grammar A: use C: uses B: used D: using 15 [Mini Test 6, p.70] Because he is over 70 years old, Mr Carlos is worried ………… his driving test A: with failing C: about failing B: to fail D: to failure 16 [Mini Test 6, p.72] 18 He wanted to visit Hong Kong after …………… from Europe A: back C: get back B: returned D: returning 17 [Mini Test 6, p.72] 24 Mr Lee watched the technician ……………the broken pump Page 20 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: repair C: repairs B: repaired D: had repaired 18 [Mini Test 8, p.81] 21 Job descriptions allow both prospective and current employees ………… what is expected of them A: to know C: knowledge of B: and know D: knowing - job description (n): mô tả công việc - prospective (adj): tiềm - current (adj): thời Page 21 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH - allow sb + to inf: cho phép làm Câu điều kiện có loại: Loại 1: Điều kiện có thật tương lai Diễn tả hành động có thật xảy tương lai Ta dùng cấu trúc: IF-CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Simple present (thì đơn) + Future simple (thì tương lai đơn) + Simple tense (hiện đơn) + Imperative (mệnh lệnh) + Modal Verbs (must, can, may, should …) Ex1: If you send your order by fax, we will deliver the goods immediately Ex2: If you order in bulk, you usually get a discount Ex3: If you need my help, just call me Ex4: If you want to cancel your order, you can tell us at any time * Imperative (câu mệnh lệnh): thường bắt đầu động từ + Positive: xác định Please + V + … = V + …, please Please be quiet = Be quiet, please + Negative: phủ định Please + DON’T + V + … = DON’T + V + …, please Please don’t make noise = Don’t make noise, please Loại 2: Điều kiện khơng có thật Diễn tả việc khơng có thật Ta dùng cấu trúc: IF-CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Simple past (thì khứ đơn) would / could / might + bare inf Ex: If there were/was not my help, he might not establish his own business Loại 3: Điều kiện khơng có thật q khứ Diễn tả việc khơng có thật q khứ Ta dùng cấu trúc: IF-CLAUSE Past perfect (thì q khứ hồn thành: had + pp) Ex: If I had had money, I would have bought the car MAIN CLAUSE would / could / might + have + PP/V-ed PRACTICE (tham khảo mục trang 20-22 sách ôn tập) I thought by now we would have learned the lesson that if we ignore overheads, we ………… our expenses A: underestimating D: have underestimated B: will underestimate C: would underestimate If the yield …………… up from 9.8 percent, it would have been the highest average yield since 1992 - yield (n): sản lượng, hoa lợi Page 22 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH CONDITIONALS: CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN Thường bắt đầu từ nối mệnh đề như: - if - as long as: nếu; miễn - provided / providing (that): miễn là; - unless: không A: would go B: has gone C: will go D: had gone They will import 750,000 more automobiles a year if international quotas set by the ministry ………… lifted A: are C: will be B: be D: have been If the government …………… an import fee, as it has threatened to for years, prices of consumer goods will increase by at least 10 percent - to impose: áp; áp đặt; áp dụng A: will impose C: has imposed B: imposes D: is imposing Their monetary unit: đơn vị tiền tệ ……… stronger if they did something about their deficit: thiếu hụt A: will be C: can be B: would be D: should be If there had been fringe benefits: phúc lợi lương, such as a company car or stock options: quyền mua cổ phiếu, I …………… applying for the position A: could consider D: will be considering B: considering C: would have considered If the wage parity agreement ………… approved, there might have been a strike - wage parity agreement: thỏa thuận bình đẳng tiền cơng - strike (n): đình cơng A: was not C: had not been B: is not D: will not be The boss will offer Gordon a substantial promotion if he ………… to be more tactful during business meetings (có thay đổi option C) - substantial (adj): to lớn; hậu hĩnh - tactful (adj): khéo léo A: will learn C: learns B: has learned D: were learning This purchase ………… a poor decision if it had been made for investment purposes only A: would have been C: may be B: would be D: was 10 If he had taken flight 307 as was arranged for him in the original itinerary: lịch trình ban đầu, he ………… on time for the luncheon A: arrives C: would have arrived B: was arriving D: arrived 11 [Mini Test 1, p.50] 22 If you not read the business page regularly, you …………… to miss reports of the important business transactions: giao dịch A: are going C: would be going B: will D: had 12 [Mini Test 2, p.53] 10 He should have no problem making his connecting flight as long as there ………… long lines at customs - as long as = provided (that) = if: miễn là, B: will be C: won't be D: haven't Page 23 
 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: aren't 13 [Mini Test 3, p.57] If everyone submits the assigned parts of the proposal by: trước five o'clock, the final proposal …………… the day after tomorrow A: is going to prepare D: will be prepared B: is prepared C: is preparing - to submit = to hand in: nộp - assigned part: phần (việc) phân công 14 [Mini Test 3, p.57] The exchange rate would have been better if they …………… to a reputable bank A: had gone B: went C: have gone D: are going - exchange rate (n) = tỷ giá trao đổi - reputable (adj): có tiếng tăm; đáng tin cậy 15 [Mini Test 5, p.67] 14 Consult: hỏi ý kiến a tax professional if you …………… you are entitled to this deduction: việc khấu trừ A: thought C: had thought B: think D: had been thinking - to be entitled to + bare inf / N: có quyền; đủ điều kiện 16 [Mini Test 6, p.72] 17 If Mr Lu …………… assistance: giúp đỡ contacting the speakers for the conference, I'll notify: thông báo you through e-mail A: will need C: needs B: need D: needed 17 [Mini Test 6, p.72] 19 If their marketing team succeeds, they ………… their profits by 20 percent A: will have been increased D: would increase B: would have been increasing C: will increase 18 [Mini Test 7, p.75] 10 If Mr Tsujioka won a free trip anywhere, he ……… to go to Brazil A: could have chosen D: would have been choosing B: would choose C: will choose 19 [Mini Test 8, p.79] This dish: ăn …………… better if you use fresh herbs and garlic: tỏi A: will be tasting B: tastes C: would have tasted D: tasted - herb (n): hương thảo - to taste: có vị Page 24 FILE 4 Nội dung ơn tập AVĐV - CH - Có loại Phrasal Verbs: Separate Phrasal Verbs Inseparate Phrasal Verbs 6.1 Separate Phrasal Verb Verb Prep/adverb đứng gần tách VERB + Prep + O = VERB + O + Prep Ex: He took off his coat before entering the meeting room OR: He took his coat off before entering the meeting room Lưu ý: Nếu O đại từ (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) ta phải tách Verb khỏi Prep Ex: He took it (the coat) off before entering the meeting room Ex: He took off it (the coat) before entering the meeting room 6.2 Inseparable phrasal Verb Verb + preposition / adverb + O Ex: I am in charge of looking after the customers in this area Một số Phrasal Verbs thường dùng: - cut … back = spend less: cắt giảm - draw … up = write: soạn thảo; viết - fall behind = be slower: chậm (tiến độ); không kịp - fall through = not happen: thất bại - fight … off = manage to stop: cố gắng đừng / không - get … through = make contact: liên lạc - lay off = dismiss: sa thải - put …forward = suggest: đề nghị - sort …out = solve: giải - take on = accept: chấp nhận; tuyển dụng; đảm nhận - take over = take control of: quản lý; điều hành PRACTICE [Mini Test 1, p.49] Look ………… these statistics and tell me if you think they are accurate A: over C: to B: from D: under - to look over: to quickly examine sth: kiểm tra - to look to sb for sth: to hope that someone will provide something for you: trông đợi - statistics (n): số liệu thống kê - accurate (adj): xác [Mini Test 1, p.49] 16 Because the utility bills: hóa đơn điện, nước … had not been paid for three months, the electricity was cut ………… A: off C: down B: out D: into - to cut off: to stop providing something such as electricity, supplies, etc.: ngưng cung cấp - to cut out: If an engine, machine or piece of equipment cuts out, it suddenly stops working: ngừng hoạt động Ex: One of the plane's engines cut out, so they had to land with only one Page 25 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH PHRASAL VERB (two-word verb) = VERB + preposition/ adverb - Động từ Phrasal Verbs bị thay đổi nghĩa, ta phải học thuộc lòng Ex1: look + after = look after: chăm sóc Ex2: take + off = take off: cởi ra; cất cánh - to cut down: to less of something or use something in smaller amounts: cắt giảm Ex: I'm trying to cut down on caffeine - to cut into: If an activity cuts into a period of time, it fills part of it, often a large part of it: xâm phạm; chiếm Ex: I don't like doing the shopping on a Saturday afternoon because it cuts into my weekend [Mini Test 3, p.58] The nation took in many refugees, but had to …………… many more A: send up C: turn away B: hold out D: put down - refugee (n): người tị nạn - to hold sth out: đưa lời đề nghị (cơ hội; khả năng; hi vọng) - to put sth down: gác máy (điện thoại) - to turn away: từ chối (không nhận) [Mini Test 3, p.58] 14 When the transaction ……………, the seller was astonished since he had felt that the buyer was satisfied A: fell through C: turned in B: got off D: gave up - transaction (n) = deal: việc giao dịch - to be astonished = be surprised: ngạc nhiên - to fall through: to fail to happen: không xảy - to get off # get on: bước xuống # bước lên (xe) - to turn in: to go to bed: ngủ - to give up: to stop doing sth: đầu hàng; từ bỏ [Mini Test 3, p.59] 17 The security personnel ………… some problems over the weekend that prompted them to call Mr Nickels at home A: ran into C: ran out of B: ran up D: ran for - security personnel: nhân viên bảo vệ - to prompt: khiến cho; gây - to run into: to meet someone you know when you are not expecting to: tình cờ gặp Ex: Graham ran into someone he used to know at school the other day - to run sth up: chồng chất - to run out of: hết - to run for: tranh cử [Mini Test 5, p.65] We intend to locate an alternative parts supply source to prevent delays in the event our primary source is …………… A: cut off C: taken off B: cut out D: break off - to intend = to plan: dự định - to locate = to find: tìm ra; định vị - alternative (adj): khác; thay - part (n): phận; phụ tùng - in the event = in case: trường hợp - primary (adj) = main: chính; chủ yếu - to cut off: to stop providing sth: ngừng cung cấp - to cut out: If an engine, machine or piece of equipment cuts out, it suddenly stops working: ngưng; không hoạt động Ex: One of the plane's engines cut out, so they had to land with only one - to take off # to land: cất cánh # đáp xuống - to break off: to suddenly stop speaking or doing something: ngưng; khơng nói chuyện Ex: She broke off in the middle of a sentence [Mini Test 5, p.67] 11 The order-processing department fell ………… in its work while the new system was being installed A: down C: behind B: over D: forward - order-processing department: phận xử lý đơn đặt hàng - fall down = to fail: thất bại - fall over: If someone falls over, they fall to the ground: té ngã xuống đất Page 26 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Ex: She tripped and fell over - fall behind: to fail to something fast enough or on time: không theo kịp Ex: He was ill for six weeks and fell behind with his schoolwork - forward (adv): phía trước [Mini Test 5, p.68] 20 This review …………… consideration the opinions of both groups A: takes on C: takes off B: takes into D: takes to - review (n): việc xem xét - to take into consideration: xem xét - to take on sb = recruit; employ: tuyển dụng - to take on sth: đảm trách; đảm đương - to take off # to land: cất cánh # đáp xuống - to take to + V-ing / N: bắt đầu ham thích [Mini Test 7, p.75] During the flu season, temporary workers were needed to …………… for permanent workers who were out sick A: fill up C: fill out B: fill D: fill in - temporary # permanent (adj): tạm thời # cố định - to fill sth with sth: làm đầy Ex: I filled the bucket with water - to fill out / in = to complete: điền vào - to fill up: đổ đầy - to fill in (for): to someone else's work for them because they cannot or will not it themselves: thay (cho) Ex: I'm not her regular secretary - I'm just filling in 10 [Mini Test 7, p.76] 20 The representatives are ………… going home and seeing their families after this negotiation A: looking up to D: looking up B: looking for C: looking forward to - representative (n): người đại diện - negotiation (n): thương lượng - to look up to = to admire and respect sb: ngưỡng mộ; kính trọng - to look up: tra cứu (từ điển) - to look forward to + V-ing = to expect: mong đợi 11 [Mini Test 9, p.85] 14 Last weekend, Barclay Department Stores reduced prices so much that customers were practically breaking …………… the doors to get to the bargains A: out C: down B: up D: into - to break out: bùng phát - to break down: đạp sập; bị hư - to break up: chia tay - to break into: thâm nhập 
 Page 27 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH WORD FORMS: TỪ LOẠI 7.1 NOUN: DANH TỪ Đứng trước động từ làm chủ từ Ex: Money cannot buy happiness Đứng sau động từ làm túc từ Ex: A woman is emptying the trash can Đứng sau giới từ (in, on, at, to, from …) Ex: Mr McCrae’s registration form for admission to the diploma program arrived the day before the deadline Đứng sau (1) tính từ, (2) tính từ sở hữu (my, her, your, his …) (3) mạo từ (a/an/the) Ex1: The shopping mall will be closed for two months so that a complete renovation can take place Ex2: They are listening to their manager Ex3: The registration will be needed in order to take advantage of their good learning materials Thường đứng sau tính từ số lượng (a lot of, many, much, a few, a little, some, any ……) Ex: We bought some clothes from a shop on the way home *DANH TỪ ĐẾM ĐƯỢC (CN) VÀ DANH TỪ KHÔNG ĐẾM ĐƯỢC (UN) Sự khác danh từ đếm danh từ không đếm DANH TỪ ĐẾM ĐƯỢC (CN) Dùng sau mạo từ (a/an) Ex: a book; an egg Có hình thức số nhiều “S” “ES” Ex: books; boxes Dùng với “many”: nhiều Ex: many books Dùng với “How many”: Ex: How many books would you like? Dùng với “few / a few”: / vài Ex: a few friends Dùng với “these / those”: / Ex: these books / those rooms DANH TỪ KHÔNG ĐẾM ĐƯỢC (UN) KHÔNG dùng sau mạo từ (a/an) KHƠNG có hình thức số nhiều “S” “ES” Dùng với “much”: nhiều Ex: much money Dùng với “How much”: Ex: How much sugar would you like? Dùng với “little / a little”: / vài Ex: a little money KHÔNG dùng NOT use with these/ those * Danh từ đếm & Danh từ khơng đếm dùng Mạo từ xác định THE Ex: the office / the money some / any: vài Ex: some friends / some sugar any books / any machinery a lot of / lots of: nhiều Ex: a lot of friends / a lot of furniture this / that Ex: this book / that luggage Một số danh từ không đếm thường dùng - access: truy cập - machinery: máy móc Page 28 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH - information: thông tin - luggage = baggage: hành lý - research: nghiên cứu - advice: lời khuyên - clothing: quần áo - furniture: đồ gỗ - equipment: thiết bị - news: tin tức - stationery: văn phòng phẩm - change: tiền lẻ - cash: tiền mặt - traffic: giao thông Cách đổi danh từ số sang danh từ số nhiều DANH TỪ SỐ ÍT + S = DANH TỪ SỐ NHIỀU Muốn danh từ số sang danh từ số nhiều ta lấy danh từ số + S N (singular) + s N (plural) Ex1: book + s books Ex2: table + s tables Chú ý: Nếu danh từ số tận o, s, ch, sh, x, z + ES Ex1: potato + es potatoes Ex2: watch + es watches Nếu danh từ số tận Y trước Y phụ âm, ta đổi Y sang I thêm ES Ex: lorry lorri + es lorries BUT: key + s keys 3A Nếu danh từ số tận F, ta đổi F sang V thêm ES Ex: shelf shelv + es shelves 3B Nếu danh từ số tận FE, ta đổi FE sang VE thêm S Ex: wife wive + s wives Danh từ bất qui tắc: - child children - man men - businessman businessmen: doanh nhân - woman women - person people: người ta - salesperson ➔ salespeople: người bán hàng - foot – feet: bàn chân - tooth – teeth: - sheep – sheep: cừu Danh từ mơn học ln số chúng tận ‘S’ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ economics: kinh tế học mathematics: toán học linguistics: ngôn ngữ học physics: vật lý statistics: môn thống kê politics: trị headquarters: trụ sở news: tin tức * Sự khác Gerund (V-ing) danh từ (N) GERUND Không dùng mạo từ A/AN trước Gerund Ex: A swimming is good Gerund có chức chủ từ câu ln ln với động từ số Page 29 FILE 4 Nội dung ơn tập AVĐV - CH Vì Gerund có chức động từ nên theo sau Gerund danh từ, làm túc từ Ex: He gave up drinking alcohol Gerund Object Gerund bổ nghĩa trạng từ Ex: Exercising regularly is important Gerund Adverb NOUN Dùng mạo từ A/AN trước danh từ đếm số Ex: A university degree is good for your career Danh từ có chức chủ từ câu với động từ số số nhiều Ex1: Coffee makes me awake S Singular verb Ex2: My friends visit me every summer S Plural Verb Danh từ khơng có túc từ riêng (trừ danh từ kép) Theo sau danh từ giới từ + danh từ Ex: The company often upgrades the skills of its employees N prep N Danh từ bổ nghĩa tính từ Ex: Good education is important for a good job Adj Noun *ARTICLE: MẠO TỪ Được chia làm loại: mạo từ bất định, mạo từ xác định MẠO TỪ BẤT ĐỊNH: A/AN * a + dùng trước phụ âm Ex: a book, a pen * an + dùng trước nguyên âm (U, E, O, A, I) Ex: an egg, an apple Cách dùng mạo từ bất định A/AN: Dùng trước danh từ số nói đến lần Ex: I need a passport Dùng trước danh từ nghề nghiệp Ex: She is a teacher Dùng cách diển đạt số lượng a lot of: nhiều a couple: cặp; đôi (a) little: chút (a) few: Dùng cách diển đạt giá cả, thường xuyên, tốc độ, tỉ lệ 5p a kilo four times a/per day Page 30 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Ex: Watching soccer makes me excited Gerund Singular verb sixty kilometers an/per hour $1 a/per meter MẠO TỪ XÁC ĐỊNH: THE Dùng để vật / người Ex: The earth is round Dùng trước danh từ nhắc đến lần thứ hai Ex: I bought a book yesterday The book was very interesting Dùng trước so sánh Ex: He is the tallest boy in the class Dùng cách nói One of the …: những; Some of the …: số/vài những; Many of the ….: Ex: Bill Gates is one of the richest man in the world Dùng trước tên nước như: Ex: the United States, the United Kingdom; the Philippines Dùng trước số thứ tự (first, second, third, fourth …) Ex: the First World War; the third chapter Dùng trước nhạc cụ Ex: She could play the piano when she was Dùng trước tên sông, biển, đại dương Ex: The Nile River, The Red Sea, The Atlantic Ocean 3.3 Zero/ No Article: không dùng mạo từ Khơng dùng nói đến việc nói chung; dùng trước danh từ số nhiều đại diện cho nhóm lồi Ex1: Travel makes wise people better Ex2: Tomatoes (all tomatoes) are green until they ripen: chín Không dùng trước danh từ bữa ăn Trừ danh từ có tính từ bổ nghĩa phía trước Ex1: He is having breakfast at eight Ex2: He is having a good breakfast Không dùng trước tên châu lục (châu Á, châu Âu, châu Phi, châu Mỹ, châu Úc) Ex: Europe; South America; Asia Không dùng trước số đếm (số đếm đứng sau danh từ) Ex: World War One Không dùng trước tên riêng như: tên nước, thành phố, tiểu bang, tên người … Ex: France; Sweden Ex: Florida; Ohio; California; London Không dùng trước môn thể thao Ex: baseball, basketball Page 31 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Không dùng trước tên môn học Ex: mathematics, sociology Không dùng trước ngày lễ Ex: Christmas, Thanksgiving PRACTICE I’m doing ……… course in accounting, but that only takes up about ……… hour a week - to a course in: theo học khóa …… - to take up: chiếm; A: a/a B: a/an C: an/a D: the/a You’ve already got ……… university degree, haven’t you? - already (adv): - university degree (n): đại học A: a B: an C: the D: no article My brother is working as ……… engineer for ………… construction company downtown - construction company: công ty xây dựng - downtown: trung tâm thành phố A: a/a B: a/an C: an/an D: an/a ……… travelling abroad is one of the requirements in this job - abroad (adv): nước - requirement (n): yêu cầu A: A B: An C: The D: no article …… subordinates are the people who work under a boss in the chain of command in a business - subordinate (n): thuộc hạ; cấp - chain of command: chuỗi mệnh lệnh A: A B: An C: The D: no article I bought ……… pair of shoes at the downtown department store A: the B: a C: an D: no article That is ……… problem I told you about A: the B: a C: an D: no article On ……… first day in Paris, we visited a lot of shopping malls A: the B: a C: an D: no article With hard work and ……… good luck, nothing can stop you in your way to success A: the B: a C: an D: no article 10 If we don't move faster, we’ll miss our transfer to ………… Ha Noi There isn’t much time to waste A: the B: a C: an D: no article 11 Last summer we went on a cruise along …………… Amazon River A: the B: a C: an D: no article 12 Transit passengers not have to submit a customer declaration form in …………… Netherlands A: a B: an C: the D: no article 7.2 ADJECTIVE: TÍNH TỪ Đứng trước danh từ: Ex: a special plan Sau linking verbs: Ex: The workshop sounds boring - to look: trơng - to feel: cảm thấy - to smell: có mùi - to taste: có vị - to sound: nghe Sau động từ trạng thái: Ex: She becomes beautiful - to be: thì, là, - to seem = to appear: dường - to remain = to keep = to stay: Page 32 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH - to become: trở nên; trở thành = to get, to turn Sau túc từ số động từ như: - make: làm - keep: giữ + O + ADJ - find: nhận thấy, nhận Ex: I find English important for our job - consider: xem như, xem - prove: chứng minh, chứng tỏ * PARTICPLES: PHÂN TỪ (tham khảo mục 13 sách ơn tập trang 26-27) • Phân từ dùng tính từ • Phân từ thành lập V + ed V + ing V + ed ➔ past participle (quá khứ phân từ) BỊ ĐỘNG V + ing ➔ present participle (hiện phân từ) CHỦ ĐỘNG V-ing (chủ động) - boring: chán - exciting: thú vị - interesting: thú vị - depressing: buồn chán - surprising = amazing: ngạc nhiên - encouraging: động viên; khích lệ = inspiring - confusing: mơ hồ; khơng rõ ràng - disappointing: thất vọng - frustrating = annoying: bực - pleasing: hài lịng; vui mừng - amusing: vui - annoying: bực mình; khó chịu - tiring: chán nản; mệt mỏi V-ed (bị động) - bored: chán - excited: thú vị - interested: thú vị - depressed: buồn chán - surprised = amazed: ngạc nhiên - encouraged: động viên; khích lệ = inspired - confused: mơ hồ; khơng rõ ràng - disappointed: thất vọng - frustrated = annoyed: bực - pleased: hài lịng; vui mừng - amused: vui - annoyed: bực mình; khó chịu - tired: chán nản; mệt mỏi 7.3 ADVERB: TRẠNG TỪ Chức trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ Ex: They highly recommended the product bổ nghĩa cho tính từ Ex: That was a very creative idea bổ nghĩa cho trạng từ khác Ex: All of the employees worked very hard bổ nghĩa cho câu Ex: Unfortunately, the tickets are sold out ADVERBS OF MANNER: TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ THỂ CÁCH - bổ nghĩa cho động từ - đứng trước đứng sau động từ - trả lời câu hỏi HOW ADJ + -LY ADV OF MANNER Ex: slow + ly slowly Page 33 
 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Ex2: He spoke clearly Trạng từ bất qui tắc Adjective Adverb - good well: giỏi; tốt - late late: trễ # lately: gần - hard hard: chăm chỉ; siêng # hardly: không - early early - fast fast ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY: TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ SỰ THƯỜNG XUYÊN (tham khảo mục trang 9-11) Trạng từ thường xuyên - trả lời câu hỏi HOW OFTEN - có nhóm: Nhóm 1: Indefinite frequency: • always: ln ln • usually: thường thường • often: thường • sometimes: • rarely / seldom: khi, • hardly (ever): khơng • never Đứng sau động từ TO BE Ex: He is always early for work Đứng trước động từ thường Ex: He always leaves for work early Đứng sau động từ số cụm động từ Ex1: He will never forget her * Lưu ý: Các trạng từ frequently, generally, occasionally, often, sometimes & usually đứng đầu câu - frequently = generally = usually: thường thường - sometimes = occasionally: thỉnh thoảng; Ex: Usually, I have lunch with fried meat Nhóm 2: Definite frequency: • every day, every week, every year … • daily, monthly, yearly = annually, quarterly (hàng q) • once a week, twice a month, three times a year Trạng từ nhóm đứng đầu câu đứng cuối câu Ex: I go to school every day OR: Every day I go to school ADVERBS OF DEGREE: TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ MỨC ĐỘ • very = highly, extremely: • rather = quite: • a little = slightly, somewhat: hơi; chút • even: chí • too = much: q Page 34 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH happy + ly happily Ex1: I strongly agree with it - bổ nghĩa cho tính từ, trạng từ động từ - đứng trước tính từ, trạng từ động từ - trả lời câu hỏi HOW/ HOW + ADJ / ADV / HOW MUCH Ex1: She feels a little tired Ex2: She goes very fast Ex3: She highly recommend that doctor to me * JUST, YET, ALREADY, STILL JUST, YET & ALREADY thường dùng với HIỆN TẠI HỒN THÀNH JUST: vừa HAVE + JUST + V-ed/V3 Ex: You’ve just missed him He’s just walked out of the door ALREADY: HAVE + ALREADY + V-ed/V3 Ex: We don’t need any help We’ve already finished it (already) YET: chưa (dùng câu hỏi phủ định) + dùng câu hỏi thường đứng cuối câu Ex: Have you finished your homework yet? + dùng câu phủ định, đứng cuối câu sau từ NOT Ex: I have not (yet) finished my homework (yet) STILL: còn, thường dùng với tiếp diễn, đứng trước NOT Ex1: Ask him if he’s still looking for a job Ex2: Could you tell him I still don’t know when I’ll be there PRACTICE (tham khảo mục trang 9-11 sách ôn tập) Ms Buta, who just arrived in this country with only a high school education, is ………… an accountant with a major company A: every C: yet B: already D: often - record (n): hồ sơ - to balance (the books): to make certain that the amount of money spent is not more than the amount of money received: cân đối Ex: If the business loses any more money, we won't be able to balance the books this year Our sales manager ………… makes mistakes in her record keeping, so our accounts are perfectly balanced A: usually C: never B: yet D: often I went through all of the old records this morning and have come to the realization: nhận biết that production levels have ………… been this high before A: still C: yet B: never D: every month If they ………… have not agreed on a theme after three full days of deliberation, we'll have no choice but to postpone the conference C: already D: occasionally Page 35 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: often B: still - theme (n): chủ đề - deliberation (n): considering or discussing something: xem xét Ex: After much deliberation, she decided to accept their offer Research and development funds are being reduced ………… because of budget cutbacks: việc cắt giảm A: every year C: still B: never D: always …………… the right to limit quantities when you are selling seasonal items that are in high demand - seasonal items (n): mặt hàng theo mùa - to reserve: dành A: Daily reserve C: Always reserve B: Reserve often D: Reserve generally While earning her degree via an online school, Ms Duthuit worked …………… summer as a receptionist for a dental hygienist - via (prep): through; using: thông qua - dental hygienist (n): nha sĩ A: every C: often B: always D: still I wish I could say we would hire her immediately, but she hasn't ………… completed her training course A: still C: never B: seldom D: yet Do not …………… without consulting: tham khảo ý kiến either me or one of the managers from the head office A: invest never C: ever invest B: still invest D: already invest 10 ………… he prefers to communicate by e-mail, but his server is down and nobody can get in: vào; đến to look at it until tomorrow A: Usually B: Yet C: Never D: Ever PRACTICE (tham khảo mục 13 sách ôn tập trang 33-34) …………… tired, he decided to leave early A: Feels C: Feeling B: To feel D: Felt …………… from a distance, the painting appeared quite realistic - to appear = to seem: dường - realistic (adj): thực A: Seen C: Seeing B: Saw D: See it This noise is very …………… A: annoys C: annoyed B: annoying D: annoy It is not very easy to make her ………… once she gets upset - upset (adj): bực - pleasure (n): thú vị; dễ chịu B: pleasing C: pleased D: pleasure Page 36 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: please Two teenagers were among the fourteen people …………… - among (adv): số - to arrest: bắt giữ A: arrests C: arresting B: arrest D: arrested Extremely …………… from the hard work, he couldn't walk an inch A: busy B: excited C: happy D: exhausted - extremely (adv): hết sức; - exhausted (adj): mệt mỏi; kiệt sức - He couldn't walk an inch: Anh ta khơng thể bước tí Who is that man ………… the red jacket? A: wearing C: doing B: having D: inside of She said that the report was a bit ……………… A: confused C: confusing B: confuses D: confuse …………… water is not safe for drinking A: Polluted C: Pollute B: Polluting D: Pollutes 10 He could easily make himself ………… if he tried A: understand C: understood B: understanding D: be understood ………………… [Mini Test 1, p.48] If you have an advanced degree, there are …………… more job opportunities available to you A: seldom C: few B: many D: too many - advanced degree (n): cấp cao - available (adj): có sẳn; dành sẳn - There are + N: có - seldom (adv): khi; - too many / few + CN nhiều / (negative meaning) Ex1: I don’t like to study in this class because I have few friends here [Mini Test 1, p.48] Dominque Lamarque, the firm’s information technology officer, has developed a new computer program that should …………… the employee’s workloads A: lighter C: lighten B: lightening D: light - should + bare inf - lighter (n): hộp quẹt - light (n): ánh sáng - to lighten: làm giảm nhẹ; giảm bớt - light (adj): nhẹ # heavy: nặng - workload (n): khối lượng công việc light – lighter – lightest - to light – lit – lit: thắp sáng [Mini Test 1, p.48] Because of currency fluctuations and unpredictability of the economy, the nation’s business outlook remains ………………… Page 37 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: certainty C: uncertainty B: uncertain D: uncertified - currency: tiền tệ - to remain + Adj: - fluctuation (n): dao động/ lên xuống Ex: He remained silent - unpredictability (n): khơng đốn trước - uncertified (adj): chưa cấp phép - outlook (n): viễn cảnh; triển vọng [Mini Test 1, p.49] Ms Nicholson was hired because of her experience, skill, and ………… A: creation B: creative C: creativity D: create - to create: sáng tạo - creation (n): sáng tạo Ex: This 25-foot-high sculpture is her latest creation - creativity (n): khả sáng tạo Ex: Too many rules might deaden creativity [Mini Test 1, p.49] 10 Their …………… expertise is a result of their training, the majority of which occurred at the head office A: technical C: technician B: technique D: technicians - expertise (n): thành thạo; am hiểu Ex: She has considerable expertise in French history - majority (n): phần đông; đại đa số - technician (n): kỹ thuật viên - to occur = to happen: xảy - technique (n): kỹ thuật [Mini Test 1, p.49] 12 Liquid assets are …………… converted into cash A: easy C: easier B: easily D: ease - liquid asset (n): cash, or an investment or something valuable that can be easily sold: tài sản có tính khoản cao Ex: She has very few liquid assets as most of her wealth is tied up in stocks and shares - to convert sth into sth: chuyển đổi BE + ADV + PP Ex: English is widely spoken in the world - to ease (v): to make or become less severe, difficult, unpleasant, painful, etc.: làm giảm nhẹ Ex: These pills should ease the pain - ease (n): when you experience no difficulty, effort, pain, etc: dễ dàng Ex: She won the 400m race with ease [Mini Test 1, p.50] 21 The value of Crosswell Corporation’s stock has ………… slightly since January A: falling C: fall B: fell D: fallen [Mini Test 1, p.51] 25 Nonprofit corporations are established for purposes of public service and …………… special privileges: đặc quyền by the government A: give C: gave B: are giving D: are given [Mini Test 2, p.54] 16 When employees claim that they ………… , it's usually because they don't know that we keep a timesheet - to claim: to state: nói; tuyên bố - timesheet (n): chấm công Page 38 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: never been late D: have been never late B: have never been late C: have been late never 10 [Mini Test 2, p.54] 18 Most employees respond with ………… when they are given the freedom to develop their own work methods - to respond: to answer - enthusiastic (adj): nhiệt tình A: enthusiastic C: enthusiastically B: enthusiast D: enthusiasm 11 [Mini Test 3, p.57] Application fees are waived in cases of economic …………… A: hard C: hardware B: hardship D: hardness - application fee: lệ phí xin việc - hardship (n): tình hình khó khăn - to waive: bải bỏ - hard (adj): cứng hardness (n) 12 [Mini Test 3, p.57] Excluding the first six months that we were in operation, reports …………… A: have quarterly been submitted D: quarterly have been submitted B: have been submitted quarterly C: have been quarterly submitted - exclude # include: ngoại trừ # bao gồm - to submit = to hand in: nộp - to be in operation: hoạt động - quarterly (n): hàng quý (3 tháng) 13 [Mini Test 3, p.57] We have been looking for a suitable location for a branch office in Santiago, but we ………… have not found one - location (n): vị trí; địa điểm - not … anymore / any longer: khơng cịn A: yet C: anymore B: still D: already 14 [Mini Test 3, p.59] 20 This sports car is equipped with a …………… eight-cylinder engine A: powerful C: power B: powering D: powerfully - to be equipped (with): trang bị (bằng) - power (n): sức mạnh (v): tạo lượng - eight-cylinder engine: động - powerful (adj): = strong: mạnh mẽ 15 [Mini Test 4, p.61] The first buildings to be …………… were mainly factories A: air conditioner C: air conditioned B: air conditioning D: air condition - mainly (adv): chủ yếu - air conditioned (adj): làm lạnh - air conditioner (n): máy lạnh - air conditioning (n): hệ thống làm lạnh 16 [Mini Test 4, p.61] Her extensive resume and her glowing reference letters prove that she is a competent …………… in her field A: profession C: professional B: professorial D: profess - extensive (adj): large: nhiều thành tích; có bề Page 39 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH dầy - resume = C.V.: sơ yếu lý lịch - competent (adj): có lực - glowing (adj): sáng chói; đầy ấn tượng - field (n): lãnh vực - reference letter (n): thư tham khảo - profession (n): nghề nghiệp - to prove: chứng minh - professorial (adj): of or like a professor: (thuộc về) giáo sư Ex: He retains an almost professorial air - professional (n) / (adj): (người) chuyên nghiệp # amateur - to profess: to state something, sometimes in a way which is not sincere: tun bố / nói (khơng thật lịng) Ex: She professes not to be interested in money 17 [Mini Test 4, p.62] The visiting physician explained …………… complicated surgical techniques A: for C: several B: much D: as many as - physician (n) = doctor: bác sĩ - several (adj) = some: vài - complicated (adj): phức tạp - surgical (adj): (thuộc về) giải phẩu 18 [Mini Test 4, p.63] 22 Unusual problems call for …………… solutions A: some C: working B: often D: imaginative 19 [Mini Test 5, p.66] Many …………… entrepreneurs are self-taught in the field of business - entrepreneur (n) = businessperson: doanh nhân - self-taught (adj): tự học A: successful C: success B: succeed D: successfully 20 [Mini Test 5, p.67] 17 The consultants issue their reports ……………, though they may miss this week on account of the holiday A: usually C: already B: anymore D: weekly - consultant (n): người tư vấn - on account of = because of - (not) … anymore = any longer: (khơng) … cịn 21 [Mini Test 6, p.70] The vice president was …………with the applicant's enthusiasm for the biochemical research project A: delighted C: delightful B: delighting D: delight - vice president (n): phó tổng thống - enthusiasm (n): nhiệt tình - biochemical (adj): (thuộc) hóa sinh - to be delighted (with) (adj): to be pleased (with): hài lòng (với) - delightful (adj) = pleasant: thú vị; thích thú - to delight: to give someone great pleasure or satisfaction: làm cho hài lịng / thích thú Ex: Peter's success at college delighted his family 22 [Mini Test 6, p.70] The seminar was …………… informative and well attended A: much C: very B: such D: some - informative (adj): nhiều thông tin - much too + Adj - well-attended (adj): có nhiều người tham dự - much / many + N 23 [Mini Test 6, p.71] A steady cash flow is a …………… necessity for us; therefore, a seasonal Page 40 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH business is not optimal A: finance C: financed B: financier D: financial - steady (adj): ổn định - cash flow (n): lưu lượng tiền mặt - seasonal business (n): việc kinh doanh theo mùa - optimal (adj): tối ưu 24 [Mini Test 6, p.72] 21 Apartment rental: việc cho thuê hộ information …………… available at the front office A: is C: were B: are D: comes 25 [Mini Test 6, p.72] 23 A higher average …………… rate accounted for about one-third of the financing costs A: interesting C: interested B: interest D: interestingly - interest rate (n): tỷ lệ lãi suất - financing costs: chi phí tài - average (adj): trung bình - to account for: chiếm 26 [Mini Test 7, p.74] Our …………… were too strict for our subcontractor to meet; consequently, they lost our business A: specifying C: specifications B: specific D: specified - strict (adj): extremely correct: xác - subcontractor (n): nhà thầu phụ - to meet (v): đáp ứng - consequently = as a result = thus = therefore: vậy; đó; - to specify: cụ thể - specification (n): chi tiết kỹ thuật 27 [Mini Test 7, p.75] The …………… of transducers should arrive later today A: ship C: shipment B: shipping D: shipshape - transducer (n): máy biến - shipping (v) + O - shipshape (adj) = tidy: ngăn nắp; thứ tự - shipment (n): hàng (vận chuyển); việc vận - to ship: vận chuyển chuyển - shipping (n): việc vận chuyển 28 [Mini Test 7, p.76] 22 The unemployment rate has ………… in recent months A: fallen B: fell C: falling D: fall 29 [Mini Test 8, p.79] The accountant calculated the figures using the latest software release, but the total …………… isn't correct A: still C: already B: anymore D: yet - figure (n): số; số liệu - latest (adj): - release (n): making public: tung - (not) … anymore: không … Page 41 
 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH 30 [Mini Test 9, p.84] 10 When Lubis was in college, he was a very ………… person A: student C: studies B: study D: studious - studious (adj) = hard-working: chăm chỉ; siêng 31 [Mini Test 10, p.90] 20 The scientific method is the …………… of all scientific research - basic (adj): # - basis (of) = base (for): sở; tảng A: basic B: basis C: basing D: base CONJUNCTIONS: TỪ NỐI 8.1 TỪ NỐI CẶP BOTH +N AND +N vừa … vừa NOT ONLY + Adj BUT ALSO + Adj … mà EITHER + Adverb OR + adverb … NOT + Verb BUT + verb … mà NEITHER + Pronoun NOR + pronoun không … không Ex: A logo must be both distinctive and professional-looking adj adj 8.2 TỪ NỐI FANBOYS - For: - And - Nor / Neither: khơng ➔ FANBOYS - But - Or - Yet: nhiên - So: Ex1: He made a request for help, but did not receive any response Ex2: I couldn’t use the pay phone, for I didn’t have any coins with me Lưu ý: Phía trước từ nối FANBOYS thường có dấu phẩy 8.3 TỪ NỐI CÂU (TỪ NỐI NHĨM) Nhóm cộng thêm - furthermore - besides - in addition - moreover - also : : bên cạnh Ex: All employees get a four-week paid holiday; moreover, the company provides free medical insurance for them Page 42 FILE 4 Nội dung ơn tập AVĐV - CH Nhóm đối nghịch - however - nevertheless : nhiên - in contrast - still Ex: Retirement is mandatory at the age of 65; however, employees may retire upon reaching the age of 60 Nhóm điều kiện - otherwise, or else: không Ex: You’d better hurry up; otherwise, you’ll be late for the meeting Nhóm nguyên nhân - kết - consequently - therefore : - thus - accordingly - as a result Ex: Business practices differ from country to country; therefore, businessmen not always face the same risks Lưu ý: Trước từ nối câu, ta sử dụng dấu chấm phẩy dấu chấm; sau từ nối câu, ta sử dụng dấu phẩy * Một số từ nối câu khác: - for example: ví dụ - meanwhile: - then: sau đó; ngồi ra; - on the whole: nhìn chung - hence: - to this end = for this purpose: với mục đích PRACTICE (tham khảo mục trang 16-17 sách ôn tập) Cable TV revolutionized communications; ……………,the very existence of that service is now threatened by satellites - existence (n): tồn - to threaten: đe dọa A: consequently B: moreover C: for example D: nevertheless Hospitals are competing for a shrinking market share; ……………., they are attempting to discover the most cost-effective and highest quality care - to shrink: co cụm; thu hẹp - to attempt: nổ lực; cố gắng A: therefore C: also B: besides D: furthermore These ads can bring in revenue; ………… , because they are government sponsored, they can keep our costs to a minimum - revenue (n): thu nhập A: for example C: morepver B: on the whole D: however The firm intends to move its plant; ……………, it will keep sales, marketing, and distribution here - firm = company - plant (n) = factory Page 43 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: to this end C: consequently B: nevertheless D: furthermore The contract only runs for one year; ………… , there are options to renew for two more years should we require their assistance further - to renew: gia hạn - assistance (n): = help A: meanwhile C: however B: besides D: moreover Our shoe sales have increased recently; ………….,we are optimistic about future growth in the footwear department - optimistic (adj): lạc quan - growth (n): phát triển A: however C: nevertheless B: thus D: also Since its inception, the bank has lent $28 billion; ………… , its membership has grown to include 16 regional countries - inception (n) = beginning: ban đầu; bắt đầu A: thus C: in addition B: on the whole D: nevertheless We are on the whole a local company; ………… , we can offer services beyond our area as long as it is within the state lines - as long as = if; provided that: miễn là; - within state line: nước A: nevertheless C: accordingly B: meanwhile D: hence The woman who volunteered her services in Africa and Asia had the most hands-on experience; ………… , she was hired - hand-on (adj) = practical: thực tế - to volunteer: tình nguyện - to hire = to employ A: nevertheless C: however B: furthermore D: therefore 10 Our banking clients want flexibility; …………, we provide ATMs (automated teller machines) for 24hour use - flexibility (n): tính linh hoạt A: moreover C: consequently B: however D: furthermore 11 [Mini Test 1, p.50] 19 According to customer surveys, our product line for teens continues to be both dependable …………… affordable A: nor C: and B: yet D: so - survey (n): khảo sát - product line (n): dòng sản phẩm - dependable (adj): reliable: đáng tin cậy - affordable (adj): not expensive: không đắt tiền 12 [Mini Test 4, p.62] The analyst predicted that the company would not go bankrupt …………… might even show a profit A: either C: so B: or D: and 13 [Mini Test 4, p.62] 13 Not only his sales figures, ………… his operating costs have gone up this year - sales figure (n): số liệu bán hàng - operation cost (n): chi phí hoạt động 
 Page 44 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: and C: so B: but also D: though 14 [Mini Test 4, p.62] 14 The buses are crowded and dirty; ……………., they are never on time A: for example C: in addition B: instead D: nevertheless 15 [Mini Test 4, p.63] 23 The incentives to buy an apartment in the new development were highlighted in the promotional video, ………… afterwards no one showed any interest in purchasing one A: but C: so B: and D: as well as - incentive (n): lời chiêu dụ (ntb) - promotional (adj): khuyến - development (n): khu nhà - to highlight: nhấn mạnh; làm bật - afterwards (adv): after the time mentioned: sau Ex: We had tea, and afterwards we sat in the garden for a while - as well as (adv): 16 [Mini Test 5, p.66] 12 First, determine which software program will solve your problems; ……………, buy a compatible computer A: besides C: on the other hand B: next D: therefore - on the one hand: mặt - compatible (adj): tương thích # on the other hand: mặt khác - to determine = to decide: định 17 [Mini Test 6, p.70] The information is given orally; ………… , it is printed in the booklets - orally (adv): miệng - booklet (n): sổ nhỏ A: in addition C: consequently B: therefore D: thus 18 [Mini Test 6, p.72] 25 The pension plans cover only domestic employees; ……………., international employees must make other arrangements A: moreover C: in addition B: even though D: consequently - pension (n): lương hưu - to make arrangements: xếp - to cover: bao gồm - domestic employees: nhân viên nước 19 [Mini Test 7, p.75] …………… Ms Jimenez can afford to lend you the money, she won't it unless you prove you can pay her back - to afford: có đủ tiền bạc (làm điều gì) - to prove: chứng minh A: Even though C: However B: So D: Therefore 20 [Mini Test 7, p.76] 16 Applicants' replies should be sent by fax, mail, …………… email no later than three o'clock on Friday - reply (n) = answer: trả lời - no later than: chậm C: or D: yet Page 45 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: but B: however 21 [Mini Test 8, p.79] Her department brought in the most profits; ……………., she was promoted before the other managers - to bring in: mang về; mang lại - to be promoted: thăng chức A: therefore C: namely B: nevertheless D: in addition 22 [Mini Test 8, p.80] 15 We were presented with severe challenges, …………… we managed to record improved results A: besides C: unfortunately B: next D: yet - to be presented (with): to be given: cho thấy - severe (adj) = serious: nghiêm trọng - challenge (n): difficulties: khó khăn; thách thức Page 46 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH - to manage to = to succeed (in): thành công - to record: ghi - improved result: kết có cải thiện ADVERB CLAUSE: MỆNH ĐỀ PHỤ TRẠNG TỪ 9.1 Adverb clause of time: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ thời gian bắt đầu từ nối mệnh đề như: When = as: While: Until: As soon as: • • • • • • • • After: sau Before: trước Since: từ Once: Sự phối hợp mệnh đề phụ trạng từ thời gian Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ thời gian Mệnh đề Thì đơn / Thì hồn thành Thì tương lai đơn Ex1: When I see him, I will inform him of the news Thì khứ đơn Thì q khứ hồn thành Ex2: When I arrived, he had left Thì khứ đơn Thì khứ tiếp diễn Ex3: When I arrived, he was watching TV Thì khứ tiếp diễn Thì khứ tiếp diễn Ex4: While he was watching TV, I was reading books Thì hồn thành SINCE + S + V (thì khứ đơn) Ex5: He has worked for the same company since he graduated from university 9.2 Adverb clause of manner: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ thể cách bắt đầu từ nối mệnh đề như: • As: • As if = as though: thể Ex1: You talk as if / as though you were my father Ex2: Do as I told you 9.3 Adverb clause of reason: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ lý bắt đầu từ nối mệnh đề như: • because / as / since: Ex: They were not able to get the money from the bank because their documents did not meet the terms of the Letter of credit * BECAUSE OF / DUE TO: + N / N-PHRASE Ex: Because of the rain, he couldn’t go to the meeting on time 9.4 Adverb clause of result / cause and effect: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ nguyên nhân kết bắt đầu từ nối mệnh đề như: • S + V + So + / ADJ / ADV + that + Clause (S + V + …): mà • S + V + Such [a(n)] + (adj) + N + that + Clause: mà Page 47 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH * TOO + ADJ / ADV + (for S.O) + TO V0: … mà … Ex: The book is too confusing for us to understand * (NOT) ENOUGH + ADJ + (for S.O) + TO V0 Ex: The book is not well-organized enough for us to understand Practice: Give the opposite adjectives long # early / soon # light # slow # safe # tall / high # hard # relaxing # boring # 10 lazy # 11 dirty # 12 weak # 13 old-fashioned # 14 happy # 15 expensive # noisy # 9.5 Adverb clause of purpose: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ mục đích bắt đầu từ nối mệnh đề như: • so that / in order that: Ex: I wrote the date in my diary so that I don’t forget the meeting this morning * TO + V0 SO AS TO + V0 IN ORDER TO + V0 : Ex: I take another way in order to arrive early * NOT TO + V0 SO AS NOT TO + V0 IN ORDER NOT TO + V0 : không/ đừng Ex: I wrote the date in my diary so as NOT to forget the meeting this morning 9.6 Adverb clause of concession: Mệnh đề phụ trạng từ nhượng bắt đầu từ nối mệnh đề như: • Although = Though: • Even though: chí Ex: Although both imports and exports may fall next year, the levels are likely to be different * Despite / In spite of: + N / N-phrase PRACTICE (tham khảo mục trang 11-12 sách ôn tập) ………… she possesses such business acumen, she was able to regain control of the company - to possess = to have - acumen (n): nhạy bén A: Despite C: Because B: Even though D: For For a more effective ad campaign, we need both a new product ………… a creative, imaginative director - effective (adj): có hiệu - campaign (n): chiến dịch - creative (adj): sáng tạo A: or C: and B: either D: so - imaginative (adj): giàu trí tưởng tượng Page 48 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Ex1: The program has been so organised that none of the talks overlap Ex2: He places orders for computer parts so regularly that we can offer him 10% off the list price 3 Our department did not reach its monthly quota …………… we worked a lot of overtime and hired two temporary workers A: because of C: despite B: even though D: but Tyrone's sister Marsha, who I had little faith in at the beginning, has proved to be not only ambitious …………… hard working A: or C: and also B: neither D: but also - faith (n): niềm tin - to prove: chứng minh; chứng tỏ - ambitious (adj): có tham vọng / hoài bão …………… Mr Myers enters the boardroom, everyone should stand up and applaud him for his valiant efforts in the campaign - to applaud: vỗ tay - valiant efforts: nổ lực can đảm A: When C: So B: While D: Since With the help of a few eager student interns, today's mail will be sorted ………… it arrives at our division - eager (adj): hăng hái - student intern: thực tập sinh A: before C: or B: until D: though Mr Fagan notified security by telephone ………… he heard something suspicious going on in the elevator - suspicious (adj): nghi ngờ - to notify: thông báo A: so C: although B: when D: because of As was mentioned in our earlier announcement, the plane cannot leave the gate ………… all passengers are seated and baggage is safely stowed: xếp cẩn thận A: if C: unless B: when D: but 9………… she opened the meeting and addressed: nói đến the current issues: vấn đề thời sự, the project director faxed the agenda to the vice president A: But C: And B: If D: Before 10 ………… the research uncovered some problems, the committee members decided to table the proposal temporarily - to table: hoãn lại; chưa bàn đến - temporarily (adv): tạm thời A: Since C: In spite of B: Even though D: Whatever 11 [Mini Test 1, p.48] …………… the computer seemed like a good investment, they decided against it - against (prep): chống lại - decide against it: định không đầu tư vào (máy vi tính) C: However D: But Page 49 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: Because B: Although 12 [Mini Test 2, p.55] 21 What Ms Jones meant to say was that e-mail cannot be sent …………… the network is operational - since: từ khi; - operational (adj) = working: hoạt động A: since C: when B: until D: that 13 [Mini Test 3, p.59] 24 Even ……………… the bid arrived after the deadline, it will still be considered A: though C: so B: when D: although - bid (n): việc bỏ thầu - deadline (n): thời hạn cuối - to consider: xem xét 14 [Mini Test 4, p.64] 25 …………… the language barrier: rào cản ngôn ngữ, we are confident that we will be able to communicate A: As C: Despite B: Since D: Even though 15 [Mini Test 5, p.66] My attitude and outlook on life have definitely improved …………… I started a job I like A: while C: when B: if D: since - attitude (n): thái độ - outlook (n): quan điểm; cách nhìn - definitely (adv) = clearly: rõ ràng; chắn 16 [Mini Test 5, p.67] 13 …………… the press: báo chí secretary's illness and the fact that a terrible flu is going around, today's meeting is canceled A: So that C: Because of B: Because D: While 17 [Mini Test 5, p.68] 22 The musicians began playing "Happy Birthday" ………… the vice president set foot in the ballroom A: soon C: as soon B: soon as D: as soon as - vice president (n): phó tổng thống / chủ tịch - to set foot: bước chân; đặt chân - ballroom (n): phòng khiêu vũ 18 [Mini Test 6, p.71] 11 …………… losses tend to occur unpredictably, loans are reviewed every six months A: Although C: However B: Since D: Whether - loss (n) # profit: thua lỗ # có lời - to tend to: có xu hướng - loan (n) = borrowing: tiền vay mượn - to occur = to happen - unpredictably = suddenly - to review = to look over: xem lại; nhìn lại 19 [Mini Test 7, p.75] 14 It has been a long time ………… he arrived late for work Page 50 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: since C: when B: once D: because 20 [Mini Test 8, p.78] The council: hội đồng will contact you as …………… as they have made a decision - as far as (I know): theo tơi biết A: long C: much B: soon D: far 21 [Mini Test 10, p.89] 12 ………… the warning, they failed to evacuate the area - to fail: không - to evacuate: di tản A: Despite of B: Although C: Even so D: In spite of 10 ADJECTIVE CLAUSE: MỆNH ĐỀ PHỤ TÍNH TỪ Bắt đầu từ nối mệnh đề quan hệ sau: (1) WHO, (2) WHOM, (3) WHICH (4) THAT (5) WHOSE 10.1 WHO: dùng thay cho danh từ người làm chủ từ mệnh đề tính từ ……… N (people) + WHO + V + … Ex: The accountants were very good They advised me ➔ The accountants WHO/THAT advised me were very good 10.2 WHOM: dùng thay cho danh từ người làm túc từ mệnh đề tính từ ……… N (people) + WHOM + S + V + … Ex: I talked to an economist You saw him yesterday I talked to an economist WHOM / THAT you saw yesterday Chú ý: Ta dùng WHO thay cho WHOM Ex: I talked to an economist WHOM / WHO you saw yesterday ‘Whom’ bỏ khơng đứng sau giới từ Ex: I met with an economist WHOM you saw yesterday Ex: I met with an economist TO WHOM you talked yesterday 10.3 WHICH: dùng thay cho danh từ vật làm chủ từ túc từ mệnh đề tính từ A ……… N (thing) + WHICH + V + … Ex: She looked at the letter The letter was sent by her mother ➔ She looked at the letter WHICH / THAT was sent by her mother B …… N (thing) + WHICH + S + V + …… Ex: She showed me the letter She talked about the letter yesterday She showed me the letter WHICH / THAT she talked about yesterday Chú ý: ‘Which’ bỏ làm túc từ mệnh đề tính từ khơng đứng sau giới từ Ex: She showed me the letter She talked about the letter yesterday She showed me the letter WHICH she talked about yesterday 10.4 THAT: dùng thay cho danh từ vật người làm chủ từ túc từ mệnh đề tính từ Lưu ý: Các trường hợp khơng dùng THAT thay cho WHO, WHOM / WHICH THAT không dùng sau dấu phẩy Page 51 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH THAT không dùng sau giới từ (to, from, on, in, at …) Ex: Mr Smith, to whom / that I talked on the phone last night, is a nice person THAT không dùng sau số lượng - all of # none of (not any of): tất # không - both of: hai # neither of (not … either of): không số hai người - much of / many of / some of - each of / one of / two of: Ex: I have three brothers, all of whom / that are married 10.5 WHOSE: sở hữu ……… N + WHOSE + N + V + ……… Ex: Our company is looking for candidates Their degrees are proper Our company is looking for candidates WHOSE degrees are proper 10.6 WHERE: nơi chốn Ex: The hotel was good We stayed at that hotel The hotel WHICH we stayed AT was good The hotel AT WHICH we stayed AT was good The hotel AT WHICH = WHERE we stayed was good 10.7 WHEN: thời gian Ex: Tet is a national holiday We have a day off on Tet Tet, WHICH we have a day off ON, is a national holiday Tet, ON WHICH is a national holiday, we have a day off ON Tet, ON WHICH = WHEN is a national holiday, we have a day off 10.8 WHY: lý Ex: We don’t know the reason WHY the manager has resigned PRACTICE We drew up a short-list of candidates …….…… CVs were very good - to draw (up) – drew – drawn: lập ra; soạn - short-list candidate (n): người xin việc sơ tuyển A: whom B: whose C: which D: who Mr Smith, ……… …… I was talking to, is the head: người đứng đầu of AT&T A: which B: whose C: whom D: that Our professor, …………… has written more than ten books on management, is an outstanding person Page 52 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Ex: My brother, Jim, who / that lives in London is a doctor A: who B: that C: whose D: which The new accounts programs, ………… cost a lot of money, is working very well A: that B: whose C: which D: whom Managers ……… … have time fill in for sick employees will be respected - to fill in for: thay thế; làm thay - to respect: tôn trọng; kính nể A: who B: ,who C: whose D: which Glaxo, ……… products include Zantac, is the biggest drug producer in Europe - to include; bao gồm - drug producer (n): công ty dược phẩm A: that B: whose C: which D: whom Kart Motors has recently built a factory in Arizona, …….…… will become operational next week - operational (adj): vào hoạt động A: who B: that C: whom D: which Please ensure that you have to return goods ………… has defects: bị lỗi within a week of purchase A: that B: who C: whose D: whom Peter has found the invoice for ………… you were looking A: that B: which C: who D: whom 10 The client from …… …… we have received this complaint wishes us to take action immediately A: whom B: who C: that D: which - to take action: hành động - immediately (adv): …………… 11 [Mini Test 2, p.54] 22 A buyer's market is a market …………… sellers are so eager to sell that they offer very favorable terms to buyers A: which in B: in where C: in which D: which 11 MODAL VERBS (CAN, MAY, WILL, MUST) MODAL VERBS + V0/ BARE INFINITIVE (động từ nguyên mẫu KHÔNG ‘TO’) PRESENT/FUTURE MODALS can may will shall has to / have to must PAST MODALS could might would should had to had to PERFECT MODALS could have might have would have should have must have must have MUST / HAVE TO / NEED - HAD TO: phải, cần phải (chỉ bắt buộc) Ex: You must wear suit to the meeting Thể phủ định: don’t have to don’t need to • • • • doesn’t have to doesn’t need to • needn’t: khơng phải, không cần Ex: You don’t need to wear a uniform when working for our company * MUSTN’T: cấm; không làm Ex: You mustn’t drive over 100 km/h in the city center CAN - COULD: 2.1 khả năng: Ex: The secretary can type very fast Page 53 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH 2.2 đưa yêu cầu (người khác làm cho mình) Ex: Can / Could you help me, please? 2.3 đưa đề nghị (mình làm cho người khác) Ex: Can / Could I help you? SHOULD / OUGHT TO / HAD BETTER: nên (lời khuyên) Ex: You should look for information about that company first Thể phủ định: ought not to = should not = had better not + bare Inf Ex: You ought not to go out in the rain MAY / MIGHT: 4.1 có lẽ (chỉ đốn; giả thuyết, khơng chắn) Ex: The seminar may finish late 4.2 xin phép Ex: May I go out now? PERFECT Modal: dùng câu điều kiện loại Ex: If you had told me earlier, I would / could / might have reconsidered my decision dùng để suy luận khứ • Must + have + V3/ V-ed: ch c h n l • Could + have + V3/ V-ed: c th l • Can + have + V3/ V-ed: c th l • Might + have + V3/ V-ed: c l l • May + have + V3/ V-ed: c l l • Can’t + have + V3/ V-ed: không th n o Ex1: You must have missed the bus Ex2: You can’t have got lost • should + have + V3/ V-ed: lẽ nên Ex: You should have kept my secret • should + NOT + have + V3/ V-ed: lẽ không nên Ex: You should not have told my secret to anyone PRACTICE (tham khảo mục 12 trang 31-33 sách ôn tập) He ………… a better job A: may C: may gets B: mays get D: may get If he had had time, he ………… joined us A: can have C: could have B: had D: certainly had He asked her, "………… you like some more coffee?" A: Will C: Would B: Shall D: Do The baby ………… be hungry, because he just had milk C: isn't D: wasn't Page 54 à à ể à à ẳ à ể à ẽ ể ẽ ắ ó ó ó ó FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: cannot B: must I ………… go to the post office this morning A: ought C: must B: have D: used to The black leather jacket …………… be Harley's A: not C: not must B: can’t D: not can't I ………… like to see his daughter right now A: will C: would B: shall D: could Here's the application form you ………… fill out A: can C: will B: should D: shall Ken ………… harder; he failed the test again A: should study D: should have been studied B: should have studied C: should been studied 10 Check with the director It ………… be possible to change the meeting to next month A: might C: can B: is D: would 11 [Mini Test 1, p.48] You ………… introduce me to the chairperson because we have already met A: must C: not have to B: should D: are supposed to - to be supposed to: cho = should 12 [Mini Test1, p.49] 17 Mr Wang wasn’t home when I called this morning, but I ………… contact him at his office this afternoon A: was able to C: should have B: would have D: could not 13 [Mini Test 9, p.84] Our expert service staff will anything they …………… to insure that you are satisfied with your purchase C: have D: can Page 55 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: ought B: will 12 COMPARISON: SO SÁNH Có loại so sánh: (1) so sánh bằng, (2) so sánh (3) so sánh 12.1 SO SÁNH BẰNG: S + be / V + as + ADJ / ADV + as + O Ex: The red bus is as long as the blue one * SO SÁNH KHÔNG BẰNG: A: S + be + not + as / so + ADJ + as + O Ex: Julie is not so / as tall as Maria B: S + (does/ / did) not + V + as/so + Adv + as + O Ex: Julie does not work so / as carefully as Maria 12.2 SO SÁNH HƠN Tính từ chia làm loại: tính từ ngắn vần tính từ dài vần Tính từ ngắn vần tính từ có vần big, sad, cheap … Các tính từ vần phải tận bằng: * -y: happy happier * -ow: narrow narrower: hẹp Tính từ dài vần tính từ có từ vần trở lên Ex: boring; beautiful; interesting, famous A So sánh tính từ ngắn vần S + be / V + short ADJ / ADV + er + than + O Ex: This box is bigger than that one B So sánh tính từ dài vần S + be / V + MORE + long ADJ / ADV + than + O Ex: The queen is more beautiful than the witch * SO SÁNH KÉM HƠN S + be / V + LESS + ADJ / ADV + THAN + O Ex: This car is less expensive than that one Ex: This car is less fast than that one * TRẠNG TỪ CHỈ MỨC ĐỘ Ta dùng trang từ mức độ đặt trước so sánh (1) a lot / much / far (2) a little / a bit / slightly Ex1: She is a little older than me Ex2: Watching films is much more interesting than reading books 12.3 SO SÁNH NHẤT A So sánh tính từ ngắn vần S + be / V + THE + short ADJ / ADV + est + in / of Ex: Burj is the tallest building in the world B So sánh tính từ dài vần S + be / V + THE MOST + long ADJ / ADV + in / of Ex: The spider is the most dangerous animal of the three (animals) Page 56 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH * SO SÁNH KÉM NHẤT: S + be / V + THE LEAST + ADJ / ADV + in / of Ex: This is the least interesting book in the library Ex: This is the least good book in the library TÍNH TỪ / TRẠNG TỪ BẤT QUI TẮC good / well – better – the best bad / badly – worse – the worst little – less – the least many / much – more – the most far – farther / further – the farthest / furthest old – older / elder – the oldest / eldest * SO SÁNH KÉP (CÀNG ……… THÌ CÀNG) The + So sánh (+ S + V), The + So sánh (+ S + V) Ex: The more difficult the work gets, the more interesting it seems PRACTICE (tham khảo mục 10 trang 27-29 sách ôn tập) This is the …………… hotel available in this district A: good C: best B: better D: more good Which is the ………… month of the year in your country? A: hottest C: more hotter B: most hot D: much hot They are very happy with a ………… than normal pay increase A: longer C: smaller B: larger D: more expensive He was doing the …………… he could A: good C: very better B: very good D: very best Yesterday's game was ………… in this series A: more exciting C: the most exciting B: the most excited D: more excited The weather couldn't be ………….; it's perfect A: colder C: better B: hotter D: summer The longer you practice, ………… accurately you will be able to type A: more C: the more B: the D: the most Between them, Dr Gates has ………… insight A: the greater C: greatest B: greater D: more greater She tried to express her feelings ………… she could Page 57 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: more honest than B: as honest as C: more honestly 10 Of the three runners, she is by far ………… D: as honestly as A: a runner C: very fast B: very slow D: the fastest 11 [Mini Test 4, p.62] 10 The two …………… systems of accounting in use today are the cash system and the accrual system A: more popular C: most popular B: popularity D: popularized - accrual (n): dồn tích - to popularize: phổ biến - popular (adj): phổ biến - popularity (n): phổ biến 12 [Mini Test 8, p.80] 19 The program is not doing as …………… the staff hoped A: well as C: worse B: good as D: fine 13 [Mini Test 10, p.89] 11 London's Heathrow Airport is ………… airports in the world A: the one busiest of B: one of the busiest C: the busiest one of D: of the busiest one Page 58 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH 13 PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ Đại từ chia làm (thứ 1, 2, 3) số (số số nhiều) Đại từ có loại: 13.1 SUBJECT PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ LÀM CHỦ TỪ/ CHỦ NGỮ Số I You He, She, It Số nhiều We You They Đại từ làm chủ từ thường đứng trước động từ Ex: I go to school every day 13.2 OBJECT PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ LÀM TÚC TỪ/ TÂN NGỮ Số me you him, her, it Số nhiều us you them Đại từ làm túc từ thường đứng sau động từ sau giới từ (on, in, at, to, with, from, for ) Ex1: See you again Ex2: I go to school with him every day 13.3 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES: TÍNH TỪ SỞ HỮU Số my your his, her, its Số nhiều our your their Tính từ sở hữu thường đứng trước danh từ danh động từ (gerund: V-ing) Ex1: I call my mother every day after work Ex2: Do you mind my opening the window? 13.4 POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ SỞ HỮU Số mine yours his, hers, its Số nhiều ours yours theirs Đại từ sở hữu dùng thay cho tính từ sở hữu + danh từ nhằm tránh lặp lại Đại từ sở hữu đứng (1) trước động từ (làm chủ từ), (2) sau động từ (làm túc từ) (3) đứng sau giới từ Ex1: My book is heavy, but yours (your book) is light (nhẹ) Ex2: I left my dictionary home Can I borrow yours (your dictionary)? Ex3: My book is different from yours (your book) 13.5 REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ PHẢN THÂN Số myself yourself himself, herself, itself Số nhiều ourselves yourselves themselves Được dùng chủ từ túc từ Ex: I love myself Page 59 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Được dùng để nhấn mạnh cho chủ từ + Đứng sau chủ từ đứng cuối câu Ex: I (myself) finished the project (myself) Được dùng để nhấn mạnh cho túc từ đứng liền sau túc từ Ex: I finished the project itself yesterday Dùng sau giới từ BY có nghĩa (by oneself = alone) Ex: The president delivered the document by himself 13.6 INDEFINITE PRONOUNS: ĐẠI TỪ BẤT ĐỊNH Someone/ somebody Anything Anyone/ anybody Nothing No one/ nobody Somewhere Something Anywhere Someone = somebody / something dùng cho câu xác định Ex1: There is someone at the door Ex2: I need something to fix the computer Nowhere Anyone = anybody / anything dùng cho câu phủ định câu hỏi Ex1: Is there anyone here who knows the answer for my question? Ex2: I don’t think of anything new to add to the list *Lưu ý: Khi Anyone = anybody / anything dùng câu xác định, chúng có nghĩa … Ex: Anyone who leaves the office last must be responsible for locking the door No one = nobody = not …… anyone/ anybody Nothing = not …… Anything Ex: I see no one in the office = I not see anyone in the office PRACTICE There are many clients in the list and Amy is trying to phone …….…… - client: khách hàng - to try: cố gắng A: them B: their C: they D: themselves It would be easy for ……… to give employees advice on how to improve their performance or behavior - to improve: cải thiện - performance (n): hoạt động - behavior (n): hành vi; cách cư xử A: I B: my C: mine D: me I refuse this contract because it might destroy the company’s reputation as well as ……… - to refuse: từ chối - to destroy: phá hoại; hủy hoại - reputation (n): danh tiếng - as well as: A: I B: my C: mine D: me There was no Internet – we couldn’t get any information at all, just sitting in the office We had to go out and the research by …………… - not … at all: không chút - to research: nghiên cứu A: us B: ourselves C: our D: we The new project of our company is secret You mustn’t discuss ………… with anyone - project (n): dự án - secret (n): điều bí mật A: them B: him C: it D: its We had to return the machines because there was something wrong with …………… A: them B: him C: it D: its Our designs are on the left bookshelf Where are ………… ? A: their B: theirs C: them D: themselves I can’t help you, Bob You’ll have to solve your problem by ………… Page 60 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: myself B: yourselves C: ourselves D: yourself At the press conference, some reporters didn’t understand the speech of the CEO and ………… kept asking questions - Keep + V-ing: liên tục … A: they B: them C: their D: theirs 10 There was ………… to help me with the report, so I had to it myself A: anyone B: someone C: no one D: everyone 11 The new project of our company is secret You mustn’t discuss it with …………… A: something B: someone C: anyone D: anything 12 We had to return the machines because there was ………… wrong with them A: anything B: everything C: something D: nothing 13 After I checked the prices in more than shops, I decided not to buy …… … in the end A: anything B: everything C: something D: nothing 14 He said that he was an expert at problem solving, but he knew almost …………… about it A: anything B: everything C: something D: nothing 15 If ………… had called me this morning, they would have left a message A: anyone B: someone C: no one D: everyone 16 Unfortunately, we can’t find Alice and David …………… in the office A: anywhere B: somewhere C: nowhere D: everywhere 17 ………… in the office went to the party but …………… enjoyed it very much A: Someone / no one B: Nobody / no one C: Everyone / nobody D: Everyone / somebody 18 [Mini Test 1, p.49] 11 I have noticed that when the boss is away, employees like to relax and enjoy ………… A: myself C: himself B: ourselves D: themselves 19 [Mini Test 8, p.80] 12 The conference room was in use, so the meeting was held …………… A: anywhere C: somewhere B: elsewhere D: everywhere 20 [Mini Test 8, p.81] 24 Many of the women in the office spent ………… lunch hour discussing the company's latest proposals - latest (adj): - proposal (n): lời đề nghị A: her C: hers B: their D: theirs 14 MAKE & DO (tham khảo trang 38 sách ôn tập) make the most of something: tận dụng tối đa điều …… damage: gây thiệt hại …… one’s best: làm ……… an impression: gây ấn tượng make a difference: tạo khác biệt make a change: tạo thay đổi …… your work / job: làm công việc ……… something hard / easy / possible: làm cho việc trở nên khó khăn / dễ dàng / …… the cooking: làm công việc nấu nướng the ironing: ủi đồ housework: làm việc nhà the shopping, the programming ……… a mistake / error: làm lỗi make a miscalculation: tính tốn nhầm 
 Page 61 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH ……… business: kinh doanh, giao dịch mua bán + ……… deal: kinh doanh, giao dịch mua bán + ………… deal: đạt thỏa thuận 10 ……… money: kiếm tiền make a profit / a loss: có lời/ thua lỗ 11 … … a comment / remark: nhận xét / bình luận make a speech: đọc diễn văn 12 …… … use of something: tận dụng 13 …… … harm: làm hại 14 …….… your hair: làm tóc (cắt, uốn, nhuộm, gội ) 15 … …… a decision: định 16 ……… experiment: làm thí nghiệm 17 … …… noise: gây ồn 18 ….…… a point: nói vấn đề 19 ……… a deal: thỏa thuận Page 62 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH [Mini Test 1, p.51] 28 Of the three cars that we took for a test drive, the Italian one was the faster A B C D [Mini Test 1, p.51] 30 Tagalog is Florinda’s first language, but she also speaks Spanish and English A B C fluency D [Mini Test 1, p.51] 31 I hope taking a course in information systems at the community college next fall A B C D [Mini Test 1, p.51] 33 Today, most companies get the opinion of focus groups before marketing its A B C products on a large scale D - on a large / small scale: size of sth: qui mô (lớn / nhỏ) Ex: My parents used to entertain friends on a large/small scale (= they had large/small parties) - focus group (n): a group of people who have been brought together to discuss a particular subject in order to solve a problem or suggest ideas [Mini Test 1, p.52] 36 The editor has gave encouragement to many young, promising writers A B C D - encouragement (n): động viên; kích lệ - promising (adj): đầy triển vọng [Mini Test 1, p.52] 39 The assembly-line workers will be more productive when the company installs the A B C new equipments D - assembly-line (n): dây chuyền sản xuất - productive (adj): (có) hiệu quả, suất; làm nhiều sản phẩm - to install: lắp đặt - equipment (UN): thiết bị [Mini Test 2, p.55] 27 The important of this invention will not be known for at least several years A B C D [Mini Test 2, p.56] 30 The scientists made many experiments to prove that the drug was effective A B C D - experiment (n): thí nghiệm - to prove: chứng minh - effective (adj): có hiệu 10 [Mini Test 2, p.56] 31 In the Chapter of the manual, the author primarily defines some important Page 63 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH B ERROR RECOGNITION: BÀI TẬP SỬA LỖI CÂU PRACTICE 1 [Mini Test 1, p.51] 27 Mr Klein has decided opening his own international consulting company A B C D B terms D - chapter (n): chương - manual (n): sách hướng dẫn sử dụng - author (n): tác giả - primarily (adv): chủ yếu C - to define: định nghĩa - term (n): thuật ngữ ERROR RECOGNITION PRACTICE [Mini Test 2, p.56] 32 In a recent book, the actress described his thirty-five years in the London theater A B C D [Mini Test 2, p.56] 39 The position that Mr John was offered sounded quite challenged to him A B C D - position (n): chức vụ; vị trí - to sound: nghe - challenged (adj): thách thức [Mini Test 2, p.56] 40 Because of the flood, we will have to drink bottling water instead of tap water A B C D - flood (n): lũ lụt - instead of: thay - bottled water (n): nước uống đóng chai - tap water (n): nước vòi [Mini Test 3, p.60] 26 I prefer not to take a lot of luggages with me on a business trip A B C D [Mini Test 3, p.60] 28 The proposal whom Mr Seong made was eventually adopted A B C D - proposal (n): lời đề nghị - eventually (adv): cuối - to adopt: to choose: lựa chọn [Mini Test 3, p.60] 29 Miguel threw the ball so hardly that I could not catch it A B C D - to throw - threw - thrown: ném - hard (adv): mạnh # hardly (adv): không [Mini Test 3, p.60] 34 You can save some money at the grocery store if you make a listing of the items A B C you need D [Mini Test 4, p.64] 27 Every one of the airline's plane is serviced regularly A B C D - to service: bảo trì - regularly (adv): thường xuyên; đặn - ONE OF THE (danh từ số nhiều): [Mini Test 4, p.64] 28 Chinese New Year is celebrated in Hong Kong with an huge fireworks display Page 64 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH 
 A B C over the harbor D - to celebrate: ăn mừng - huge (adj): to lớn - harbor (n): cảng - fireworks display (n): biểu diễn pháo hoa 10 [Mini Test 4, p.65] 36 Small businesses often confine theirs operations to a single neighborhood A B C D - to confine: to limit an activity, person or problem in some way: giới hạn Ex: Let's confine our discussion to the matter in question, please! - business (n): công ty; doanh nghiệp - operation (n): hoạt động - neighborhood (n): khu vực; vùng ERROR RECOGNITION PRACTICE [Mini Test 5, p.69] 27 Freezing foods is the fastest growing segment of the food industry A B C D - to freeze – froze - frozen: đông lạnh - segment (n): phân khúc [Mini Test 5, p.69] 32 Mr Rhee did well on the job because his strong background in economics A B C D [Mini Test 6, p.73] 27 The animals in the circus performed some amused tricks A B C D - circus: gánh xiếc - amused (adj): vui - trick (n): trò [Mini Test 6, p.73] 28 Of the two examples, the second one is the clearest A B C D [Mini Test 6, p.73] 29 Nutritionists recommend that everyone eat from three to five serving of vegetables A B C a day D - nutritionist (n): nhà dinh dưỡng - serving (n): phần ăn [Mini Test 6, p.73] 30 Without operating funds, a firm cannot continue to make business A B C D - operating fund (n): quỹ dành cho hoạt động [Mini Test 6, p.73] 37 In the early hours of the morning, I saw a speeding car race through the deserting streets A B C D - car race (n): đua xe - deserted (adj) = empty: vắng vẻ [Mini Test 6, p.73] 38 Because this side of the building faces south, it is more warmer than the other side A B C D - to face: đối mặt - side (n): phía; mặt [Mini Test 7, p.77] 28 The letter that was sent by special delivery must be importance A B C D 10 [Mini Test 7, p.77] 30 Workers who repair the road surface wear specially jackets for easy Page 65 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A A B C D identification (n): nhận dạng Page 66 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH C SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: PHẦN CHUYỂN HÓA CÂU Comparison Structure (p.122) To infinitive is Structure (p.123) Had better - advise(d) - to Structure (p.124) Unless Structure (p.129) Although - Despite / In spite of Structure 13 (p.133) STRUCTURE COMPARISON (p.122) The new manager is more assertive than the previous one A: The previous manager is not as assertive as the new one B: The previous manager is as assertive as the new one C: The previous manager is so assertive than the new one D: The previous manager is not less assertive than the new one Haven't you got any cheaper televisions? A: Are these the cheaper televisions you have got? B: Are these the cheapest televisions you have got? C: Are there any cheapest televisions you have got? D: Are there any televisions cheapest you have got? The job I now is harder than my last job A: The job I now isn’t as easy as my last job B: The job I now isn’t as easy than my last job C: The job I now isn’t as easier than my last job D: The job I now is the easiest as my last job Our company culture is more open than AVG’s A: AVG’s culture is not as open as our company’s B: AVG’s culture is as open as our company’s C: AVG’s culture is more open than our company’s D: AVG’s culture is not as open than our company’s Do you have any cheaper prices for this kind of software? A: Is this kind of software the cheaper one you have? B: Is this kind of software the most cheaper one you have? C: Is this kind of software the cheapest one you have? D: Is this kind of software the more cheaper one you have? STRUCTURE TO INF IS = IT IS + ADJ + TO INF … (p.123) Nếu đổi To Inf … is … It is Adj + to inf ………… B1: Bắt đầu tính từ (đứng sau động từ TO BE) viết đến hết câu B2: Qua trở lại đầu câu, viết hết chấm dứt câu trước động từ TO BE Ex: To work with unorganized colleagues is hard It is …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Nếu đổi It is Adj + to inf ……… To Inf … is … B1: Bắt đầu động từ TO INF viết đến hết câu B2: Qua trở lại đầu câu, bỏ IT viết hết chấm dứt câu trước động từ TO INF Page 67 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Page 68 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH PRACTICE It is vital to obey the COVID-19 prevention guidelines A: The COVID-19 prevention guidelines are to obey vital B: It is vital for the COVID-19 prevention guidelines to obey C: Obey the COVID-19 prevention guidelines is vital D: To obey the COVID-19 prevention guidelines is vital It is annoying to work with unorganized colleagues A: To work with unorganized colleagues it is annoying B: To work with unorganized colleagues is annoying C: Work with unorganized colleagues is annoying D: Working with unorganized colleagues are annoying To succeed in the music business is very difficult A: It is to succeed in the music business very difficult B: It is very difficult in the music business to succeed C: In the music business it it very difficult to succeed D: It is very difficult to succeed in the music business It is joyful to invite you to our grand opening ceremony A: To invite you to our grand opening ceremony it is joyful B: To invite you is joyful to our grand opening ceremony C: To invite you to our grand opening ceremony is joyful D: Inviting you to our grand opening ceremony is joyful To stay in a five-star hotel is very comfortable A: It is very comfortable to stay in a five-star hotel B: It is to stay in a five-star hotel very comfortable C: Staying in a five-star hotel are very comfortable D: It is staying in a five-star hotel is very comfortable STRUCTURE HAD BETTER - ADVISE(D) - TO DO (p.124) HAD BETTER = SHOULD = OUGHT TO + BARE INF: nên Had better NOT = should NOT = ought NOT to + Bare Inf: không nên = ADVISE + S.O + to inf: khuyên nên làm ADVISE + S.O + NOT to inf: khun khơng nên làm Đổi HAD BETTER (‘d better) -> ADVISE B1: Lấy S câu HAD BETTER làm O câu ADVISE Subject Object I You He She It We They Me You Him Her It Us Them Page 69 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH B2: Lấy động từ sau HAD BETTER thêm “TO” “NOT TO” viết hết câu Ex: You had better ask for help from the manager as soon as possible I advised ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Đổi ADVISE HAD BETTER Ex: I advised you to ask for help from your manager as soon as possible B1: Lấy O câu ADVISE làm S câu HAD BETTER Object -> Subject Me You Him Her It Us Them I You He She It We They B2: Động từ sau ADVISE BỎ “TO” “NOT TO” viết hết câu Ex: I advised you to ask for help from the manager as soon as possible You had better ……………………………………………………………………………………… PRACTICE They had better honour the contract A: I advise them to honour the contract B: I advise them honour the contract C: I advise them honouring the contract D: I advise them should honour the contract I advise you to put your money in the bank A: I’m advised to put your money in the bank B: You’re advised against putting your money in the bank C: You ought put your money in the bank D: You'd better put your money in the bank You had better leave a message in case the manager is not available to meet you - to leave a message: để lại lời nhắn - in case: trường hợp - available (adj): rảnh rỗi A: The receptionist advised me leave a message in case the manager is not available to meet you B: The receptionist advised you leave a message in case the manager is not available to meet you C: The receptionist advised me to leave a message in case the manager is not available to meet me D: A: The receptionist advised me leave a message in case the manager is not available to meet me I advised John not to invest all his money in real estate investment A: John had better to invest all his money in real estate investment B: I had better John to invest all his money in real estate investment C: John had better not invest all his money in real estate investment D: John had better invest all his money in real estate investment We were advised to issue more stocks to raise capital A: We had better issue more stocks to raise capital B: We had better to issue more stocks to raise capital C: We had better not issue more stocks to raise capital 
 Page 70 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH D: We ought not to issue more stocks to raise capital Page 71 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Chú ý: Nếu chủ từ câu UNLESS thứ số ít, ta phải thêm ‘s’ ‘es’ sau động từ Ex: If he doesn’t come, I will leave without him -> Unless he comes, I will leave without him Nếu chủ từ câu UNLESS khứ đơn, ta phải thêm ED sau động từ theo qui tắc chuyển động từ bất qui tắc cột Ex: If he didn’t answer my 2nd call, I would not phone him again -> Unless he answered my 2nd call, I would not phone him again Ex: If you didn’t lend him the money, you would not get into trouble -> Unless you lent my 2nd call, you would not get into trouble If we don’t continue to order in bulk, they will not give us free delivery A: Unless we continue to order in bulk, they will give us free delivery B: Unless we don’t continue to order in bulk, they will not give us free delivery C: Unless we continue to order in bulk, they will not give us free delivery D: Unless we don’t continue to order in bulk, they will give us free delivery If you don’t watch the programme, you can’t really judge it A: Unless you don’t watch the programme, you can’t really judge it B: Unless you watch the programme, you can’t really judge it C: Unless you watch the programme, you can really judge it D: Unless you don’t watch the programme, you can really judge it I’ll accept an overseas posting if I can have my job back when I return A: Unless I can’t have my job back when I return, I won’t accept an overseas posting B: Unless I can have my job back when I return, I will accept an overseas posting C: Unless I can have my job back when I return, I won’t accept an overseas posting D: Unless I had my job back when I return, I wouldn’t accept an overseas posting If demand doesn’t increase soon, we’re going to have a bad year A: Unless demand increases soon, we’re going to have a bad year B: Unless demand doesn’t increase soon, we’re going to have a bad year C: If demand would increase soon, we’re not going to have a bad year D: If we are going to have a bad year, demand won’t increase soon If sales don’t improve soon, we will have to cut production A: Sales must improve soon or we won’t have to cut production B: Sales will improve soon unless we have to cut production C: Sales don’t improve soon, but we will have to cut production D: Unless sales improve soon, we will have to cut production Page 72 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH STRUCTURE UNLESS (p.129) UNLESS = IF … NOT / IF … DOES NOT / DO NOT / DID NOT Page 73 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Despite In spite of DESPITE Although Even though Though Danh từ / cụm danh từ +S+V+… Cách đổi Although -> Despite: có bước Bước 1: Bỏ Although thay Despite Although => Despite he had a good salary, he quit the job Bước 2: Nếu mệnh đề có chủ từ, ta bỏ chủ từ mệnh đề Although DESPITE he had a good salary, he quit the job Bước 3: Ta chuyển động từ đứng liền sau chủ từ dạng V-ING Despite had -> having a good salary, he quit the job Lưu ý: Nếu chủ từ mệnh đề ALTHOUGH không chủ từ với mệnh đề chính, ta dùng tính từ sở hữu (my, your, her, his, its, our, their) đặt trước V-ING Ex: Although SHE was not good, THEY employed her Despite HER being NOT good, they employed her Nếu chủ từ mệnh đề ALTHOUGH đại từ (I, you, she, he, it, we, they), ta dùng sở hữu cách (‘s or ‘) đặt trước V-ING Ex: Although MARY was good, THEY didn’t employ her Although of Mary’s being good, they didn’t employ her Ta dùng Despite the fact that / In spite of the fact that thay cho Although / Even though / Though Ex: Although he was good, they didn’t promote him Despite the fact that he was good, they didn’t promote him Ta bỏ BEING câu bị động câu có tiếp diễn Ex: Although the book was written by a famous author, it was not good bị động Despite (BEING) written by a famous author, the book was not good Ex: Although we are working hard, we can’t meet the deadline tiếp diễn Despite (BEING) working hard, we can’t meet the deadline Cách đổi DESPITE ALTHOUGH có bước Bước 1: Bỏ DESPITE thay ALTHOUGH Bước 2: Thêm chủ từ mệnh đề ALTHOUGH + Nếu mệnh đề có chủ từ, lấy chủ từ mệnh đề làm chủ từ mệnh đề ALTHOUGH + Nếu mệnh đề khác chủ từ, chuyển tính từ sở hữu danh từ sở hữu cách làm chủ từ mệnh đề ALTHOUGH Bước 3: Change V-ing into the main Verb Chuyển động từ V-ING sang động từ mệnh đề ALTHOUGH, động từ phải phù hợp với động từ mệnh đề Page 74 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH STRUCTURE 13 (p.133) ALTHOUGH Lưu ý: Nếu “despite / in spite of” khơng có V-ing, ta dùng THERE BE HAVE THERE BE: có • Thì đơn: There is (a) / There are • Thì khứ đơn: There was (a) / There were • Thì hồn thành: There has been (a) / There have been • Thì tương lai đơn: There will be (a) • Thì q khứ hồn thành: There had been (a) HAVE: có • Thì đơn: (I) have / has (a) • Thì q khứ đơn: (I) had (a) • Thì hồn thành: (I) has had (a) / have had • Thì tương lai: (I) will have (a) • Thì q khứ hồn thành: (I) had had (a) Ex1: Despite the fall in shares, my friends bought a lot Although there was a fall in shares, my friends bought a lot Ex2: Despite his experience, they didn’t hire him Although he didn’t have experience, they didn’t hire him Although the launch of our new products has been successful, sales are still low A: In spite of the launch of our new products has been successful, sales are still low B: Despite the fact that the launch of our new products has been successful, sales are still low C: Despite the fact that the launch of our new products has been successful, but sales are still low D: In spite of the launch of our new products has been successful, but sales are still low Although we are facing the poor economic climate, our sales have held up A: In spite of the poor economic climate, our sales have held up B: In spite the poor economic climate, our sales have held up C: Despite of facing the poor economic climate, our sales have held up D: Despite of the fact that we are facing the poor economic climate, our sales have held up In spite of the tight deadline, they managed to complete the project on schedule A: Even though they had a tight deadline, they managed to complete the project on schedule B: Although the tight deadline, they managed to complete the project on schedule C: They managed to complete the project on schedule because the tight deadline D: They managed to complete the project on schedule despite of the tight deadline Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job A: In spite of having a good salary, he was unhappy in his job B: Despite the fact that good salary, he was unhappy in his job C: However good salary of his, he was unhappy in his job D: Despite of the good salary he had, he was unhappy in his job Although his skill is very poor, he can work in a big company A: In spite of his poor skill, he can work in a big company B: His skill is very poor as long as he can work in a big company C: Despite of the fact that his skill is very poor, he can work in a big company D: Regardless the fact that his poor skill, he can work in a big company Page 75 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Page 76 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH D PHẦN CONTROLLED WRITING Tập trung vào mô tả cơng ty DESCRIBING COMPANIES Mỗi câu có chỗ cần thay đổi thêm vào Ví dụ: Davies-Miller / be / large advertising agency / Madison Avenue / New York Davies-Miller is (1) a (2) large advertising agency on (3) Madison Avenue in (4) New York Chú ý: • In + year • In + tên thành phố / nước • On + ngày tháng • Tận liệt kê …… AND • was established: thành lập = was set up = was founded • Đầu đề khơng viết hoa -> The / Its • N of N (loss: thu lỗ, profit: lợi nhuận, turnover: doanh thu, sales: doanh số ….) • Thấy số đếm danh từ phía sau thêm S ES Ex: / officeS • mô tả công ty -> đơn THÊM ‘S’ sau động từ • Include -> including / which include(s) • Base / be base => based / is based: có trụ sở • Locate / be locate => located / is located • The number of N(số nhiều) + V(số ít) # A number of N(số nhiều) + V(số nhiều) • Động từ tăng (increase, rise …) giảm (reduce, fall …) + BY + số CONTROLLED WRITING PRACTICE 1 Pharmacity / be / leading drugstore chain / base / Ho Chi Minh City A: Pharmacity is a leading drugstore chain based at Ho Chi Minh City B: Pharmacity is leading drugstore chain basing in Ho Chi Minh City C: Pharmacity is a leading drugstore chain based in Ho Chi Minh City D: Pharmacity is leading drugstore chain basing at Ho Chi Minh City / company / be / establish / 2011 / Chris Blank A: The company has been established in 2011 with Chris Blank B: Its company was established in 2011 by Chris Blank C: Its company has been established in 2011 with Chris Blank D: The company was established in 2011 by Chris Blank It / specialize / providing / variety / pharmaceutical products A: It specializes in providing variety of pharmaceutical products B: It specializes in providing a variety of pharmaceutical products C: It specializes for providing a variety of pharmaceutical products D: It specializes for providing variety of pharmaceutical products It / have / workforce / over 3,000 people / include / full-time staff A: It has a workforce of over 3,000 people including full-time staff B: It has a workforce about over 3,000 people included full-time staff C: It had a workforce of over 3,000 people including full-time staff D: It had a workforce about over 3,000 people included full-time staff For many years, Pharmacity / attract / large number / customers thanks to its good service / reliability Page 77 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH A: For many years, Pharmacity has attracted a large number by customers thanks to its good service with reliability B: For many years, Pharmacity attracts a large number of customers thanks to its good service and reliability C: For many years, Pharmacity attracts a large number by customers thanks to its good service with reliability D: For many years, Pharmacity has attracted a large number of customers thanks to its good service and reliability CONTROLLED WRITING PRACTICE Webwatch / establish / 2001 / Mike / Jon Harding A: Webwatch was establishing in 2001 by Mike and Jon Harding B: Webwatch was established in 2001 by Mike and Jon Harding C: Webwatch was being established in 2001 with Mike, Jon Harding D: Webwatch had been established in 2001 of Mike and Jon Harding It / be / web design company / the head office / Colorado, America A: It will be web design company with the head office in Colorado, America B: It was a web design company and the head office in Colorado, America C: It is a web design company with the head office in Colorado, America D: It is being a web design company and the head office in Colorado, America It / design / websites / companies / include / both small / large firms A: It is designed websites for companies including with both small and large firms B: It designs websites for companies including both small and large firms C: It is being designed websites for companies including both small and large firms D: It will be designed websites for companies including in both small and large firms It / have / annual turnover / $80 million / exports A: It has an annual turnover of $80 million from exports B: It has had annual turnover $80 millions from exports C: It has annual turnover on $80 million to exports D: It has had an annual turnover of $80 millions to exports Webwatch / aim / become / world leader / website design A: Webwatch is aimed to become a world leader website design B: Webwatch aims to becoming a world leader in website design C: Webwatch is aiming to becoming a world leader at website design D: Webwatch aims to become a world leader in website design CONTROLLED WRITING PRACTICE LVMH (Louis Vuitton, Moet Hennessey) with over 60 / famous brand / manufacture / sell luxury goods A: LVMH (Louis Vuitton, Moet Hennessey) with over 60 famous brands manufactures and sell luxury goods B: LVMH (Louis Vuitton, Moet Hennessey) with over 60 famous brand manufacture and sell luxury goods C: LVMH (Louis Vuitton, Moet Hennessey) with over 60 famous brands manufactures and sells luxury goods D: LVMH (Louis Vuitton, Moet Hennessey) with over 60 famous brand manufactured and sold luxury goods Page 78 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH There / be / several companies / the group / 1,500 / store / worldwide A: There used to be several companies in the group and 1,500 stores in worldwide B: There are several companies in the group and 1,500 stores worldwide C: There are being several companies on the group with 1,500 stores worldwide D: There will be several companies in the group with 1,500 stores in worldwide Its head office / be / France, / 63% / its staff work outside France A: Its head office should have been in France, but 63% of its staff work outside France B: Its head office was in France, and 63% of its staff work outside France C: Its head office is in France, but 63% of its staff work outside France D: Its head office had been in France, and 63% of its staff work outside France It / be / creative / innovative group / 56,000 people A: It was creative innovative group had 56,000 people B: It is a creative and innovative group with 56,000 people C: It will be creative and innovative group and 56,000 people D: It is being creative innovative group of 56,000 people It / aim / impress its customers / its high quality / long-lasting products A: It aims to impressing its customers its high quality with long-lasting products B: It might have aimed to impress its customers and its high quality with long-lasting products C: It is aimed to impressing its customers its high quality and long-lasting products D: It aims to impress its customers with its high quality and long-lasting products CONTROLLED WRITING PRACTICE Thien Long / be / one of the leading enterprises / produce / ball-point pen / stationery / Vietnam A: Thien Long is one of the leading enterprises producing ball-point pen and stationery in Vietnam B: Thien Long is one of the leading enterprises to produce ball-point pen and stationery in Vietnam C: Thien Long is one of the leading enterprises produce ball-point pen and stationery in Vietnam D: Thien Long used to be one of the leading enterprises produced ball-point pen and stationery in Vietnam It / found / 1981, / officially established / 1996 A: It was founding in 1981 but officially established in 1996 B: It was found in 1981 and officially established in 1996 C: It was founded in 1981, but officially established in 1996 D: It had been founded in 1981 and officially established in 1996 Thien Long / also provide / other kinds / stationery / whiteboard marker, highlighter / plastic crayon A: Thien Long is also provided other kinds of stationery such as whiteboard marker, highlighter and plastic crayon B: Thien Long was also provided other kinds of stationery as whiteboard marker, highlighter and plastic crayon C: Thien Long also provide other kinds of stationery of whiteboard marker, highlighter and plastic crayon D: Thien Long also provides other kinds of stationery such as whiteboard marker, highlighter and plastic crayon total annual sales volume / fluctuate / US$5 million / US$10 million A: Total annual sales volume is fluctuated between US$5 million and US$10 million Page 79 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH B: Its total annual sales volume was fluctuating from US$5 million to US$10 million C: Its total annual sales volume fluctuates between US$5 million and US$10 million D: Total annual sales volume will be fluctuated between US$5 million and US$10 million It / continually invest / advanced technologies, / quality / be / its top priority A: It continually invested advanced technologies with quality is its top priority B: It has continually invested advanced technologies and quality is its top priority C: It is continually investing in advanced technologies with quality is its top priority D: It continually invests in advanced technologies and quality is its top priority Page 80 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH ... London Không dùng trước môn thể thao Ex: baseball, basketball Page 31 FILE 4 Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH Không dùng trước tên môn học Ex: mathematics, sociology Không dùng... cash: tiền mặt - traffic: giao thông Cách đổi danh từ số sang danh từ số nhiều DANH TỪ SỐ ÍT + S = DANH TỪ SỐ NHIỀU Muốn danh từ số sang danh từ số nhiều ta lấy danh từ số + S N (singular) + s... Nội dung ôn tập AVĐV - CH - to skip = to miss: bỏ; không (ăn) A: pick up B: picks up - to pick up = to buy: mua C: picked up D: picking up Page 9 Nội dung ơn tập AVĐV - CH

Ngày đăng: 09/03/2022, 14:39

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