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(1) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. Legal Notice: The Author and Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, none withstanding the fact that he does warrant or represent at anytime that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. This Book is for informational Purposes only. This book only covers information about what it takes to make money online and is not a educational or legal advice guide of any kind. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting, or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and financial field. Any perceived slights of specific people or organizations are unintentional. No content of this book may be copied or reproduced in anyway and is protected by the copyright law of 1976. Any income claims or discussion in this book series is unique. Your results will vary depending on you, your marketing, the products you sell, the market, and your creativity. Some links may take you to a website or program that the Author has an affiliation with, purchases and trials are your decision only. (2) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. Making Money Online: Exposed What it Takes to Make Money Online! By David Price Jr Table of Contents: ● Introduction-Page 4 ● Education-Page 9 ● Be Prepared to Work-Page 16 ● Research is Essential-Page 19 ● Types of Online Businesses-Page 21 ● Create Your Own Product-Page 23 ● Create a Website-Page 26 ● Affiliate Programs-Page 29 ● MLM Programs-Page 32 ● Paid To Take Surveys-Page 40 ● Paid To Click-Page 42 ● Freelancing-Page 46 ● Online Auctions-Page 49 ● Conclusion-Page 55 (3) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. Introduction The Internet has grown to exceptional proportions. Since it's introduction to the public in 1994 the Internet has adapted to the monster it is today. Just over one billion people are now Internet users and overwhelmed by the ever changing electronic super highway that has allowed us to share our lives, network, communicate and even do business with people from all over the world. Today it is easier than ever for any business entity to market their products or services to the world. The tools are there, but unfortunately, the capacity and the potential the Internet can provide anyone in their business ventures is well, not used to it's potential, or even taken advantage of. A lot of this is due to the ignoring of what could be one of the greatest inventions of all time, the Internet, next to medical discoveries of course. It is no longer a privilege or an extra option, it is now a necessity. Those businesses who continue to ignore the Internet as a option to expand their business, will soon feel the effect. This could mean substantial losses in business, costumers, and of course revenue. The days of community support are long gone, and no longer the sole factor if a business will survive or not. All business must expanded their reach or presumably put their businesses in danger of collapsing. Yes the Internet provides a necessary option for businesses, but what makes the Internet important for business, also provides the same opportunity for the average Internet user as well. Not only is there Income potential for established businesses, but also the same income opportunity (4) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. is available to YOU. You really do not have the chance to compete as a stand alone entity in the off line business world, but in the Online world, you have a chance to compete and earn income from the comfort of your own home. The Internet has created a world wide open marketplace that allows sole individuals, regardless of their educational background, their race, their disabilities, their looks, or even their financial situation, to compete with multi-million dollar companies on a level playing field. The Internet is really a breath of fresh air for low income and middle class individuals. There is no other tool on our planet that will give you the ability to compete with big business than the Internet. I don't have to sit here and give you examples of average everyday people who have taken advantage of the opportunities available to them online and became success stories, because I really don't have too, since you probably read at least one of these stories every time you log online. They are EVERY WHERE! Most of these people were not Business Graduates. They were not savvy salesman and even some of these people had some sort of deficiency that hindered their ability to prosper in the off line business world. You will even see stories of people starting with nothing, jobless, no money, and desperate. I'm sure some of you may believe these stories are made up for the sole purpose to sell their products, and honestly I can see (5) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. your point, with some of them, but what you may be failing to believe is that the majority of these success stories are legit. These people were in desperate times and needed a break in their lives. They looked to the Internet as an opportunity to help with their financial problems and didn't look back. They identified the opportunities and put the tools that were provided to them to work, and now these people no longer have to deal with financial problems. Even though there are thousands of success stories like these, what should not be over looked is there is probably just as many or even more stories of people who failed using the Internet as a viable option to improve their financial situations. For their failure, there can be an assortment of reasons they did not succeed in making money online. For the majority of these failures, most can be attributed to three main keys they failed to do while they tried to earn income online. The first cause of failure is lack of education. You need the RIGHT information to succeed online and must continue to learn in order to continue success online. The Next common cause of failure is because of laziness. Making money online does require work, and those who do not like work, then making Money online isn't for them. Even if You have the right education or information and are willing to work, it does not mean that you will make money online. Not researching (6) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. potential businesses or markets, will ultimately put you in the line of failure. During the Dot Com catastrophe in the late 90's, most of these dot com failures were due to their failure to create or optimize a product for a market that was available. Instead of attacking a market that was already present, they put out products or websites, that virtually had no market, thus no business. Yes, some of these companies folded not only due to their inability to attack markets that were available, but there were also under funded or over funded. These companies had funds invested in their companies that they could not recover. Partly because they misunderstood the Internet. They believed in Instant gratification was the way of the Internet and their returns would be returned quickly, they were wrong. The Internet is not a get rich quick system. Yes, some people have had instant success, but these are rare, very rare. The Internet is a slow moving system that if done correctly will eventually pay off for those who can with stand a marathon and develop endurance, determination, and the ability to recover from mistakes. Let's not underestimate the ideas of those who failed during the dot com explosion. Some of these ideas were way a head of their time and put into action too soon. I do believe that a majority of those failures could succeed in today's version of the Internet with the new markets that have been created. (7) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. This report was created to expose some of the myths and facts of working online. I hope by the time you have finished this report, you will have a general understanding to what it takes to make money online, and if you have what it takes to actually start focusing on an online career that you can build to unlimited levels of success. Every day you may be blitzed with tons of information, which is why people seem to say that every Internet users has a case of Information overload. Because of this, people fail to see the light and actually fail to find the essential information that is needed to be successful in making money online. Now I would like the opportunity to open your eyes and give you a general education on what is demanded in the Online world to make money (8) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. Education: Just as you need a education to perform most tasks and or obtain a career in the real world, the Internet is really no different. Education is a major factor in becoming successful in the online world. There are really three types of education you will or may need to pursue a career in making money online. ● Formal Education ● Expert Teachings ● Self Teaching and Hands on Experience Formal education of course is the education process by way of Colleges and Universities. Even though this is the traditional way of education and vital in the off line business world, this type of eduction is not vital in the online world, although it can be beneficial in your efforts. Just because you do not have a College Education doesn't mean you cannot succeed online. Using formal education to develop skills in web design, scripting, programing, business, creative writing, advertising, and marketing can benefit you extremely as you began to work online. These majors can also enhance your ability to create websites, tools, and marketing methods that could take your efforts to a new level. I will though make this very clear, the Internet is a different animal in whole, and not all common business practices will work in a online business. (9) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. There is a reason you don't find too many courses dealing with strictly online businesses. The major reason is due to the fact that the Internet is a fairly new to the world of business and no actual clear cut plan has been developed as of yet to succeed in an online business. A top factor causing this is because the powers of the Internet, the search engines are constantly changing their methods of indexing, thus making it difficult for any online business to focus on one method to create top notch indexing results that will flood their businesses with traffic. There may be simple General educational course regarding Internet marketing, but the information received during the process of these courses are general common knowledge that can be learned on your own through researching online. If you want to pursue a career in a online business and want some type of formal education to help you. I recommend Web design, programming, or creative writing. Another course that would be beneficial if you do not have an experience in sales, is of course, Advertising & Marketing. Of course, you should pursue a Professional Career Education Counselor to help you decide the proper courses you should select. By explaining what you will want to do online, your career education counselor may help you better select the right course of education. Expert Teachings is one of the best methods to receive the RIGHT knowledge to make money online. Why? Because they have succeeded doing it, and are actively making money online. Who better to learn information from than people who have done it. (10) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. [...]... challenges of making money online, you are essentially participating in a real time education process You will learn what to do and what not to do You will learn what works and of course, what doesn't Mistakes will happen, but yet again you will learn from them Mistakes are vital, you will have them, cherish them, learn from them, and they will help your cause The Internet itself is filled with tons of endless... make money online Even if you create a product of your own, it doesn't mean it will make you money online To get more in depth about this, let's say you create a product that is totally unique You spend the money to have it created, spend the money to create your sales page, and then put it online only to find out your product, even though it was a good idea, doesn't have a market (19) Copyright 2008... making money online The Internet is information, use it You can do this by simply researching different businesses and marketing methods online You will find millions of websites, blogs, and forums dedicated to such a subject I am a firm believer that all the information one will ever need to make money online is available online, and most of the time free You just have to know where to look for it, and... financial situations I was in during these times, I couldn't complete the process (13) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com All Rights Reserved Really looking at the price in a different way, sit down a figure out what it would cost to attend a College or University Pretty Pricey isn't it? Education will cost, no matter if it is Traditional or unconventional such as Expert Teachings, either... the world, but if no one is looking for it online, you will not make money online Sure you can spend the money to create a market, but this can be very expensive and can consume a lot of time For you as a small publisher or Internet Marketer, this is not your appropriate method to make money online The whole point of this is that in order for you to make money with the least amount of resistance, you... market that is available and starving for a information product You may find it difficult to write because you don't have knowledge of the subject manner You have two options, research the subject, learn it, and then write it or hire a ghost writer to write it for you Yes there are people available who will be willing to write your product for you for a price and give you the full copyrights to the... you can use a mouse and type on a keyboard, you can build a capable basic website with these programs There are other options Having a web designer build your idea for you can save time and make your website into what you want it to be, with out restrictions based on your own ability It is not as expensive to do this as it was in the past You could also build your templates through web creation software... working with If you can't put in a honest effort into establishing an online business, then walk away, don't even try it Only work online if you are willing to work and determined to stick to it even if you are not receiving immediate results (18) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com All Rights Reserved Research is Essential: Research is essential to your success online With out it, you... moment it goes live Building substantial traffic to your website will take time, and some personal websites do not start seeing revenue for two to five years after it went live Yes a long term project eCommerce websites tend to produce income faster, but again there is an aging process, it will take time to get your store pages indexed and to build trust and a repeat customer base online Websites are... Search Engines to do research on the competition in that market (20) Copyright 2008 David Price Jr and Bigcashideas.com All Rights Reserved Types of Online Businesses: The Internet is filled with endless possibilities on how you can make money Here is a small list of some things you can do online to make money: ● ● Create your own product to sell ● Create a Website ● Affiliate Programs ● MLM programs . and Bigcashideas.com. All Rights Reserved. Making Money Online: Exposed What it Takes to Make Money Online! By David Price Jr Table of Contents: ● Introduction-Page. have what it takes to actually start focusing on an online career that you can build to unlimited levels of success. Every day you may be blitzed with

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