Write about the Idioms, Proverbs and Sayings in EnglishNotes:
You should write in 1000-1200 words.
Your assignment should be in 3 parts: Introduction, Development (themain one) and Conclusion
Your writing should focus on some aspects: Definition of idioms,definitions of proverbs, definition of sayings, structure of idioms,proverbs and sayings and their meaning.
You should give examples to illustrate your ideas.
Trang 3Answer:
Part 1: Introduction1 Rationale
Languages like English have significantly impacted society andtechnological advancement in recent decades Over 40 countriesrecognize it as an official language, and it is used in commerce, business,and technology In addition, English is a particularly effective languagefor worldwide communication, proving its growing importance in a broadrange of fields of endeavour.
In Vietnam, English is becoming more popular as a globalcommunication medium Although it is undeniable that internationalstudents, and notably Vietnamese students, attempt to learn English as
Trang 4fluently as possible, they frequently encounter several obstacles thatprevent them from engaging in productive dialogue Grammar,lexicology, phonetics and structure are only some differences between thetwo languages Many of these issues stem from the way peopleunderstand and use idioms English idioms and proverbs have alwaysbeen associated with literature Idiom and proverb use are essential forEnglish language learners since it helps us build our vocabulary andunderstand their meaning when we hear or speak them.
It is important to note that culture influences language Aninvestigation into the unknown world is carried out by idioms, whichindicate changes in how the universe is perceived and the human-universerelationship The shortened form of language that idioms provide is a
Trang 5cultural representation Improper usage of idioms and proverbs may makea language seem artificial and unnatural; nonetheless, they assist learnersto realize the interest, beauty, and cultural qualities of language, allowingthem to use and grasp it appropriately.
2 The purpose of the investigation
- To help students comprehend and use English idioms and proverbs inthe correct contexts.
- I analyzed and contrasted the meaning and use of several Englishidioms and proverbs relating to Vietnamese relationships in order touncover parallels and discrepancies
More profound knowledge of both nations' cultures, society, and peoplewill be gained as a result of this.
3 The study's design
Trang 6I broke down my research into three distinct sections:
Part A serves as the introductory portion of the course It outlines
the purpose of the research and its goals and methodology.
Part B is the creation of a product In this resource, idioms and
proverbs are defined, along with their structure and meaning. C is the last part of the series.
Part 2: Development
1 An introduction to idioms1.1 What are Idioms?
Idioms are colloquial terminology, and many people think they donot need to know about them There are several idioms in the English-speaking world, which express a great deal of cultural information about a
Trang 7person's past and present Slang and poetry are common forms ofexpression As a concept, it may be not easy to understand since the termsused may not all mean the same thing We must pay close attention to themeanings of idioms throughout the study since they cannot be synthesizedor disassembled Some experts have characterized an idiom in terms of itsestablished characteristics.
Rosamund Moon (1998) describes the idiom as a phrase that maybe used in a variety of different ways Idiom has two major meanings inordinary language First, an idiom is an expression in language, music, orart unique to a person and/or a specific social group On the other hand,an idiom is a language-specific lexical or phrasal lexeme that is used onlyin that language.
According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary:
Trang 8“ An idiom can be defines as a mumber of words which when takentogether , have a different meaning from the individual meaning of eachword”
And another definition of Idiom in Vietnamese.
"Vietnamese idioms are fixed expressions in the form of single words orsentences but totally belong to the spectrum of words Most of them areencoded, containing artistic stylization and are only part of an utterance."(Từ Điển Thành Ngữ và Tục Ngữ Việt Nam)
The definitions of idioms are many in our life It makes the idioms all themore confusing.
1.2 Idioms in various forms:
Trang 9Idioms tend to be one-of-kind and follow a defined grammatical pattern.It is impossible to condense "to sit on the fence" to "to sit on the fences.".On the other hand, an idiom may be changed in several ways In someinstances, these changes result in grammatical structures consideredimproper.
For instance:
- To be broken means that something is broken
Example: The lamp is broken, so I cannot easily read my book.
- To be broke is grammatically incorrect, but it has the idiomatic meaning
of having no money.
Example: I am broke, and I cannot go to a movie tonight.
2 An overview of proverbs
Trang 101.1 Definition of proverbs
Some speakers use proverbs in order to achieve their goals Even intheir quieter moments, they have a tendency to communicate in an almostwhispered tone ( Obeng 1996) Their effect might be greater in certainsituations than in others Conversations may be enlivened using proverbsas well.
In theory, a proverb may be interpreted in an endless number ofways Personal experience has taught me that the adage works best whenignored As a bonus, it serves as a lesson on managing your time Aproverb may be an excellent literary work from a functional aspect sinceit fulfills three essential functions: perception, aestheticism, andeducation.
Trang 11For example: Consider the expression "every hour of lost time is a
chance of future tragedy" to better grasp its three functions According tothe saying, "a person who does not manage his or her time wisely wouldmost likely deal with tragedy sooner or later." And individuals should use
their time wisely as a result The proverb's purpose is to help peoplerecognize the importance of time and the costs involved with squanderingit
2.2 Proverbial structure and characteristics
Sophisticated and concise expressions of a community's wisdomare summarized in proverbs, which are classic examples of practicalmetaphors for abstract ideas.
Trang 12Although a proverb's form, word structure, and aesthetic structuremay vary, it always conveys the same meaning Because proverbs may beinterpreted in a number of ways and have a long history, they are veryextraordinary The propagation of each proverb is as sluggish as itscreation In order for a proverb to become its own, it must be retested by aspecific geographic area.
Popular grammatical and theoretical techniques used in proverbsinclude alliteration, parallel organization, repetition of keywords orphrases, and striking imagery.
3 An overview about sayings in Engish
Trang 13If you have ever wondered what a saying is, it is simply a known and insightful statement made by a well-known person.
well-For example :
“ What is a friend? A Single soul dwelling in two bodies” Aristotle
“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man ofvalue “- Albert Einstein.
“ Hinduism is not religion, it’s a way of life”- Swami Vivekananda
Part 3: Conclusion
For the most part, idioms and expressions may be used in a varietyof ways The English and Vietnamese languages are both aestheticallyand idiomatically diverse In addition, idioms referring to animals makeup a significant portion Both cultures share mental faculties, cognitive
Trang 14principles, and universal morality Some animals also play a significantrole in people's lives throughout many cultures and have many samefeatures Because of this, we have a variety of animal-related idioms inboth form and substance I feel that an understanding of idioms andproverbs and the connections between these two categories willsignificantly benefit English language learners.