Scenario: Planning an Audit Strategy
Copyright 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. RogueCellars’auditpolicies
Rogue Cellars’auditpolicies
Use the table below to decide the auditpolicies that you would apply to Rogue
Cellars’ Web server.
Audit Policy Success Failure
Audit account logon events X X
Audit account management X X
Audit directory service access X
Audit logon events X X
Audit object access X X
Audit policy change X X
Audit privilege use X X
Audit process tracking X
Audit system events X X
. Planning an Audit Strategy
Copyright 2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Rogue Cellars’ audit policies
Rogue Cellars’ audit policies
Use. decide the audit policies that you would apply to Rogue
Cellars’ Web server.
Audit Policy Success Failure
Audit account logon events X X
Audit account