20170812 BSC Vietnam Weekly Review Week 31 (14 08 18 08 2017)

Phụ lục chất lượng GD 14 ngày 31-12-08

Phụ lục chất lượng GD 14 ngày 31-12-08

... tâm Dạy nghề 148 320 Trường TCCN 253 252 245 286 Trường CĐ ĐH 178 191 202 214 (*) - ĐH, trường ĐH, 74 77 81 87 học viện - Trường CĐ 104 114 121 127 Nguồn : Vụ Kế hoạch- Tài chính, Bộ GD& ĐT Tổng ... 2.738 7.648 26.817 14. 518 1.034 9.041 396 1.828 546 233 404 285 230 38.801 11.009 82 2.845 8.082 27.231 14. 688 889 9.386 315 1.953 284 277 40.556 11.509 65 2.890 8.554 27.595 14. 839 744...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2013, 01:25

3 328 0
Phụ lục chất lượng GD 14 ngày 31-12-08

Phụ lục chất lượng GD 14 ngày 31-12-08

... 226 - Trung tõm Dy ngh 148 320 Trng TCCN 253 252 245 286 Trng C v H 178 191 202 214 (*) - H, trng H, 74 77 81 87 hc vin - Trng C 104 114 121 127 Ngun : V K hoch- Ti chớnh, B GD& T Tng cc Dy ngh Ghi ... vi tng (% so vi tng chi v chi v GDT) tng chi v GDT) GDT) 2000 15,0 71,6 4,8 23,5 3.0 2001 15,3 73,0 4,0 22,3 4,1 2002 15,6 71,0 4,0 24,9 4,2 2003 16,4 81,7 4,3 14, 0 4,7 2004 17,1 79,0 4,3...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2013, 01:25

16 312 0


... gì) - How s the weather to day? - Ask Ss tell the - Ss tell the function function and use of and use of each each sentence sentence - Ask Ss to make another sentences - Make another sentences ... many toys are there in the room? A There are three B They have three C Theyre over there c, Do you have pets? A Yes, I has a dogs B Yes, I have a dog C Yes, I have two dog d, You...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 12:01

6 201 0
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (4) Week: 31 pot

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (4) Week: 31 pot

... pix Act 4: Circle and complete the words: -Guide students how to find write words in and read the box -Ask students PRODUCTION: to circle the Play a game words they find exercise s out -Ask Ss ... PRACTICE: pix the patterns Act 1: Find the words: - Get Ss to open the book exercise and s introduc e some sentence patterns: work in groups Act 2: Write: -Ask Act 3: Circle and write: stude...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

8 853 2
Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: MOVE (1) Week: 31 LET’S pot

Giáo án lets go 1A - UNIT 4: MOVE (1) Week: 31 LET’S pot

... commands and -Ask Ss to the action: look at the T: Clean up! Go to sleep.Team A (do book, listen actions and point to they hear the action): clean the suitable up.Team B: go to pictures sleep -Get ... Charades: -Divide the class into Work in teams and groups give 2’ commands each time -Ask team A to the action and team B to the action2 -Have Ss sit Act 2: Simon says: in groups of Play a...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

9 486 1
Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 2: LET’S REVIEW Week: 16 pptx

Giáo án lets go 1 - UNIT 2: LET’S REVIEW Week: 16 pptx

... identify - Say out: This is a (blue) and ( purple) ( ruler) - Make the - Asking sts questions to open about the their books pictures to page 18 on the map KEYS: a pink pencil, a red - Asking sts review ... page 11 ) Vocabulary: - T: (pen ) Structures: Putting some school objects on the desk ( each thing have two objects) - Calling sts from each groups come and take...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

6 435 0
Giáo án lets go 1 - LET’S REVIEW Week: 16 Period: 32 pps

Giáo án lets go 1 - LET’S REVIEW Week: 16 Period: 32 pps

... 12 ’ 15 ’ I REVIEW: Song: “ The Hello Song” (Studens’ book, page 13 ) “ Hi, How are you?” (Studens’ book, page 11 ) Vocabulary : - T (pencil) - Asking - Choral singing sts to ... (pen) - Look at the picture, identify II OPEN characters’name YOUR s BOOKS: - Deviding C Ask your sts in pairs - Say out the keys par and tne practise r: the  19 model ask – answer -...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

7 309 0
Giáo án lets go 1 - LET’S REVIEW Week: 17 Period: 33 pot

Giáo án lets go 1 - LET’S REVIEW Week: 17 Period: 33 pot

... page 11 ) Vocabulary: - T (pencil) 8’ Putting some school objects on the desk (each things have two objects) - Calling sts from each groups come and take any thing Saying the Structures: name of - ... things - T : What color is this? It’s green - Look at these things Run quickly and bring any thing Listen and show up things in their hands - Choral repetition - Mod...

Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 15:20

5 296 0
REVIEW U12+13+14

REVIEW U12+13+14

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2015, 10:00

2 304 1
100K Case Study Review and Premium 14,700 Bonus

100K Case Study Review and Premium 14,700 Bonus

... http://yopoduye.deviantart.com/art/Untitled592097100?q=gallery%3Ayopoduye%2F57933117&qo=1 100K Case Study , 100K Case Study review , 100K Case Study review and bonus , 100K Case Study reviews , 100K Case Study reviews and bonuses , 100K Case Study discount , 100K Case Study bonus ... 100K Case Study bonus , 100K Case Study bo...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2016, 09:56

10 2,1K 0
History of Vietnam war review

History of Vietnam war review

... was Diem? He persecuted people of what religion? Catholicism; Buddhism This major North Vietnamese offensive is often considered the turning point of the war The Tet Offensive These two cities experienced ... foreign nations controlled Vietnam before the Vietnam war began? France, Japan Under the French, Vietnam was called … French Indochina The fall of this city signified the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2016, 00:21

42 432 0
Private Tutoring in Vietnam A Review of Current Issues and Its Major Correlates

Private Tutoring in Vietnam A Review of Current Issues and Its Major Correlates

... scale, intensity, form, cost, and legality of these classes In particular, the paper offers a comparative analysis of the trends in private tutoring between 1998 and 2006 where data are available ... Scientific and Cultural Organization, International Institute for Educational Planning Bray, Mark and Chad Lykins (2012) Shadow Education: Private Supplementary Tutoring...

Ngày tải lên: 30/08/2016, 07:46

40 425 0
Tự chọn toán 6 từ tiết 1 đến tiết 14(08-09). TT

Tự chọn toán 6 từ tiết 1 đến tiết 14(08-09). TT

... 2. 31. 12 + 4 .6. 42 + 8.27.3 = 24. 31 + 24.42 + 24.27 = 24( 31 + 42 + 27) = 24 .10 0 = 2400 h/ 36. 28 + 36. 82 + 64 .69 + 64 . 41 = 36( 28 + 82) + 64 (69 + 41) = 36 11 0 + 64 11 0 = 11 0( 36 + 64 ) = 11 0 .10 0 =11 000 ... a/ {[ 2 61 – ( 36 – 31) 3.2] – 9} .10 01 = {[ 2 61 – 250] – 9} .10 01 = 10 01 = 2002 b/{ 315 –[ (60 – 41) 2 – 3 61 ].4 217 } + 2885 = { 315 – [ 3 61 – 3...

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:27

18 807 9
GA Ly 8 tiết 14 - tiết 18

GA Ly 8 tiết 14 - tiết 18

... tập SBT 141 , 142 , 143 , 14. 4, 14. 5 - Nghiên cứu Công suất Lu ý xem lại công thức tính công học E - Phần bổ sung : Trang: GA Vật lý - GV : ... : Tiết Thứ : 16 Bài 14 : định luật Công A-Mục tiêu : +) Kiến thức : - Phát biểu đợc định luật công - Vận dụng định luật để giải thích số tợng tập máy đơn giản +) Kỹ : - Quan sát, -T - Suy ... GA Vật lý -...

Ngày tải lên: 25/09/2013, 17:10

6 349 0