An integrated course in elementary japanese Genki I vocabulary

An integrated course in elementary japanese  Genki I vocabulary

An integrated course in elementary japanese Genki I vocabulary

... anthropology せいじ 政治 seeji politics bijinesu business ビジネス ぶんがく 文学 bungaku literature れきし 学史 rekishi history しごと 仕事 shigoto job; work; occupation いしゃ 学者 isha doctor かいしゃいん 学社員 kaishain office worker こうこうせい ... Chuugoku China かがく 科学 kagaku science アジアけんきゅう アジア学究 ajiakenkyuu Asian studies こくさいかんけい 学際学係 kokusaikankei inter...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 22:59

20 290 0
genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 10 ppt

genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 10 ppt

... $E Z% ~ - n and then ; f t f ~ S % 15 and then ~ I J T 11 1, % 19 -11 (get) angry ~ Z E J %4 % L12-D answer Z k X S $ Lll(s) answer Eft555 Gri $ L8-II i anthropology GhBL\ht< Li antibiotic ZSlALlr33 ... minutes I#& flower e l2 z Ll@) SL~ -11 L3 [&I& (my) mother % L7(s) +4 L B I ?rx earls L3 &L L P P L I PC\fast a17 I$.+ < ( (do somethind early; fast % L10 $ 5 $ topay 5 211 0 la5 5% spring...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:21

65 586 0
genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 9 ppt

genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 9 ppt

... ( 511 n m w m private university *ah (%j'h.&E~Uk) woman */$i (93 -k4> woman S Z Z * % UlX - (Zizk Z$YU.'k3 man Wy* fl man n m w m (man) RZI tasee E% (92 ?'Y > sightseeing (to see) R ( 711 ( 711 n ... (hundred) (6) -lie=/ 012 % =k ( *9) thousand 1( ' ) -k ; ' C?f2@&-33y~ee thousand 21 eight thousand T (thousand) T 014 F (3) ' 7-2 013 -5 (-4# ) ten thousand ( =L T y ) one hundred thousand SZ...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:21

34 406 0
genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 8 potx

genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 8 potx

... f."S You can use it to cautiously phrase a prediction or an analysis t=cjLShtAR%7S%4f:5 Z , B C \ ~ - ~ , 311 k i4k I think Takeshz would be intermfed i if n In casual exchanges, you can use T ... if your partner wanted to the things above during their E Pair Work-Ask your partner the following questions and report the answers as in t h e example Example: A : i7h$X,dAN13z&xf=~\T?y5x, ta...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:21

37 508 0
genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 7 docx

genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 7 docx

... B 11 f;X.Z' $%&I* hf?li < b S%i:%%2rSx13$ d F < T/L h 10 , ~ F ~ - Y - ~ f ~ ~ -2 11 12 .7f $'A % % b j & 2giy*bzfi< h+ %%T$ i/Lri Ir 13 14 F' 47: ztTgb Y G * Make questions about childhood in informal ... the following tickets Jan 1 person smoking seat Feb 14 1person window seat (3) From Osaka to Rome Apr 18 persons aisle seats (4) From Tokyo to Bangkok Aug 20 persons nonsmoking...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:21

34 351 0
genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 6 docx

genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 6 docx

... 10 taking a bath sleeping playing sports doing laundry 11 driving a car 12 singing studying Japanese cooking washing a car * If you neither like it nor dislike it, you can use $f T& h i \ T% ... (poor) making sushi (poor) taking pictures (good) eating with chopsticks (good) if your partner likes to the following activities Example: studying eating doing shopping doing cleaning 10 taking a...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:21

31 318 0
genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 5 docx

genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 5 docx

... smoothness and nuance of social refinement, without changing the meaning of the words Example : g$ ERE 4.3 RE9 nh P r a c t i c e L @5 !("pb" d*6M137< fSL1 Z %E A Change the following verbs into te-forms ... , the verb can be either an u-verb or a m-verb Statisticdly speaking, there are many more m-verbs, than u-verbs in the i and e m camp, but there are many important verbs in the min...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:21

35 445 0
genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 4 pdf

genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 4 pdf

... t6T A Change the following verbs into -3 L,k and - - b I h F L k fz "= & + ?=".=.& Example: + ~ Q - j - a - - 3 f= ?Z w2ea-c+/vfz ( 6 3 ab; 10 .1: & 1 W b 12 .la6 g$& h h ' 14 .hxL;5 15 .Qlb; B ... rnative present 8%b3L+lT$ It ik interesting- negative S%t5

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:21

33 408 0
genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 3 pdf

genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 3 pdf

... Saturday? EL3 ft3s A l3 :*EEli& t3&-3k0 Saturduy i not convmimts F k FI (i Saturday is a little bit*) lt, ;ncv L 93 P r a c t i c e @ZKP*Z~%T k I%tb A Change the following verbs into - 23 and bI?h ... and answer the following questions @ Mary's S c h e d u l e A.M get up 7 :30 8:OO eat breakfast 8 :30 go to school 12 :OO eat lunch 3: 00 P.M drink 4:OO play tennis 500 go home 6 :30 eat din...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:21

31 430 0
genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 2 potx

genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 2 potx

... welI, Japanese uses the marker for tens of thousands (man).Thus 20 ,000, for example, is niman ( =2 x 10 ,000), rather than rtiiuusm ( =20 X 1, 000) While the next unit marker in Western languages ... 3,4, otoosan z'+I)-S/vO S L j $/,,I2 ;b'r\Lrb\/vcl, Mearii san no otaosan wa kaishain desu h 1 ' Example: + % 711 -Shag r - ) / Y c ~ L / , L ' a i ~ a ~ $ W f , Mearii san no otoosan o...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:21

34 494 0
genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 1 pdf

genki 1 an integrated course in elementary japanese1 phần 1 pdf

... learning Japanese characters and by providing opportunities to practice both reading and writing Hiragam is introduced in Lesson 1, followed by k a f a k a ~in Lesson 2, and a kanji in Lesson and ... Lesson 10 Words introduced in the Supplement section are found in the Index of each voIurne B b Reading and Writing The Reading and Writing section aims to foster comprehension and wri...

Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 04:21

38 388 0
A manual of english phonetics and phonology  twelfe lessons with an integrated course in phonetic transcription

A manual of english phonetics and phonology twelfe lessons with an integrated course in phonetic transcription

... sounds These l a n guages are called tone languages Many Asian and native American languages are t o n e languages, and there are more than 1,000 tone languages in Africa alone English b e longs ... standard variety spoken in the U n i t e d States is called General American (English) or Standard American English Received Pronunciation: An accent A standard variety has a f...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 19:39

183 691 2