... node 2 by A v , we obtain Denoting the voltage gain from node 1 to node 2 by A v , we obtain (11 .21 ) (11 .22 ) Thus, and (11 .23 ) (11 .24 ) Called Miller’s theorem, the results expressed by (11 .22 ) ... (11. 59) yield (11. 85) (11. 86) ã (b) The transfer function in Eq. (11. 70) gives a zero at g m /C GD = 2 x(13,3 GHz). Also, a =2, 12. 10 - 20 s -2 and b=6,...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 18:20
... of ( 12. 19) is equal to ( 12. 22) Equating this result to unity and squaring both sides, we write ( 12. 23) ã Where u denotes the unity-gain bandwidth. It follows that ( 12. 24) ( 12. 25) ( 12. 26) which ... the closed-loop gain. Since ( 12. 50) ( 12. 51) ( 12. 52) we have: ( 12. 53) and hence ( 12. 54) an expected result. Example 12. 15 Determine the closed-loop gain of the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 12:21
Chapter 5: Power Electronics: Devices and Circuits potx
... 5. Power Electronics: Devices and Circuits 86 Figure 5.3: Diode switching characteristics. Sources: Mohan 1995 [2]. 5. Power Electronics: Devices and Circuits 87 5.3 Power Semiconductor Devices ... DC, and DC to AC. Chapter 5 Power Electronics: Devices and Circuits 5.1 Introduction Power electronics is an enabling technology for all electrical and e...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 14:20
CHAPTER 2: Diode Circuits potx
... breakdown in diode. IO: Average forward current. The maximum DC current that diode can conduct. More current can burn up diode. IFSM: Peak surge current. Maximum current the diode can conduct ... Full-Wave Rectifier Uses all the AC input. Requires a transformer CHAPTER 2 Diode Circuits Ripple Full-wave ripple frequency is twice AC...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 16:22
CHAPTER 5Transistor Circuits: OBJECTIVES ppt
... Voltage Gain: Compromise A trade-off between high gain and gain stability CHAPTER 5 Transistor Circuits Xc Compared with Zin or Zout What ratio of Z to Xc is required ... nicely. Input Impedance Zin will not depend on if: Rb1 || Rb2 << Re OBJECTIVES Describe and Analyze: ã Need for bias stability ã Common Emitter Amplifier B...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 16:22
CHAPTER 6: Other Transistor Circuits pdf
... Zin and Rout = Zout, so its power gain is: Ap = Rin / Rout = 1.5k / 20 = 75 CHAPTER 6 Other Transistor Circuits A Biasing Example The Specifications: Suppose we have a circuit ... Since the collectors are tied together, the transistors can not saturate. When used as a switch, Vce Ic can generate a lot of heat when Ic is big. ã A transistors beta is often lower for...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 16:22
CHAPTER 12: Filter Circuits ppsx
... of the filter. ã You will see the word pole used to mean the same thing: a 1-pole filter is a first-order filter, a 2-pole filter is a second-order filter, and so on. Passive RC Filters ... Capacitor Filters Break-point is controlled by clock rate. CHAPTER 12 Filter Circuits Objectives Describe and Analyze: ã Filter types: LPF, HPF, BPF, BSF ã Passive...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 16:22
CHAPTER 13: Sine Wave Oscillator Circuits. pptx
... resonant oscillator. CHAPTER 13 Sine Wave Oscillator Circuits Objectives Describe and Analyze: ã Feedback oscillator theory ã RC phase-shifting oscillators ã LC resonant oscillators ... RC oscillator is the Wien-Bridge oscillator. Another is simply called the Phase-Shift oscillator. Phase-Shift Oscillator Phase-Shift Oscillator ã The RC phase-s...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 16:22
CHAPTER 16: Power Circuits: Switching and Amplifying pptx
... None, as in zero. CHAPTER 16 Power Circuits: Switching and Amplifying Class-D Amplifiers Sounds like a linear amp, but it is switched. SMPS ã Switch-Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) ... (5W of load power) / (15W total power) = 0.333 = 33.3% Objectives Describe and Analyze: ã Efficiency ã MOSFET vs. BJTs ã Power switching circuits ã Classes of amp...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 16:22
... vertical column at a time: SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITS What are " ;series& quot; and " ;parallel& quot; circuits? Circuits consisting of just one battery and one load resistance are very ... affect circuits in different configurations. We will explore some of the effects of component faults in both series and parallel circuits here, then to a greater degre...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 13:21
... voltage: 6 volts. Tallying up voltages around loop 2-3 - 4-5 -6 - 7-2 , we get: Note how I label the final (sum) voltage as E 2-2 . Since we began our loop-stepping sequence at point 2 and ended ... "rail" (wire 8-7 -6 - 5) we have current splitting off the main flow to each successive branch resistor. At each node on the positive "rail" (wire 1-...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 13:21
... complete the table accordingly: SERIES-PARALLEL COMBINATION CIRCUITS What is a series-parallel circuit? With simple series circuits, all components are connected end-to-end to form only one path ... affect the circuit in any way. v1 i(vi1) i(vi2) i(vi3) i(vi4) 2.400E+01 8.627E-02 3.451E-02 4.392E-02 7. 686E-02 Battery R1 current R2 current R3 current R4 current voltage As you...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 13:21
... into portions of 23.1111 volts and 0 .88 89 volts, respectively. Since the voltmeter is part of that 9.615 MΩ resistance, that is what it will indicate: 0 .88 89 volts. Now, the voltmeter can only ... at the right-hand side, with the successive resistance values growing closer and closer to each other toward the left side of the scale: Note how all current ranges are power-of-ten multip...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 13:21
Chapter 4_Combinational Logic Circuits
... Combinational Logic Circuits 4.4 Karnaugh Map Method 4.5 Exclusive-OR and Exclusive NOR Circuits 4.6 Enable/Disable Circuits 4.7 Basic Characteristics of Digital ICs Combinational Logic Circuits University ... 1 Lecture: DIGITAL SYSTEMS Chapter 4: Combinational Logic Circuits Nguyen Thanh Hai, PhD University of Technical Education Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engin...
Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2015, 19:52
Chapter 8_Integrated Circuits
... Engineering Integrated Circuits 22 Nguyen Thanh Hai, PhD 8.5 Tristate (Three-State) Logic Outputs A 74LS126 A E B bus Common B E C circuits other To C E A 74LS126 X A E B Disabled B E C circuits other ... Engineering Integrated Circuits 4 Nguyen Thanh Hai, PhD 8.2 Data sheet University of Technical Education Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Integrated Circuits 5 Ng...
Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2015, 19:52