... lại nghiên cứu Kinh tế chuyên ngành Vụ Nông nghiệp Phát triển Nông thôn (ARD) Nghiên cứu đưa hướng dẫn tác nghiệp khái niệm việc đưa SLM vào chương trình quản lý nông nghiệp tài nguyên thiên ... xuất lương thực (như quay vòng chất dinh dưỡng, ngưng kết chất nitơ, quản lý sâu bệnh thống v.v.), đặc biệt sử dụng tốt tri thức kỹ người nông dân tăng cường tự tin khả họ Định nghĩa Smyth Dumanski...
Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 21:20
... spent in the Netherlands came from the budget of the REFINE project, which was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands The funding for the study on shrimp farming in the Can ... water pollution in Vietnamese aquaculture production and processing industry: the case of pangasius and shrimp PhD- Thesis Wageningen Unive...
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 18:58
... role of insurance and credit in explaining the existence and success of contract farming arrangements This is undoubtedly the case in the instance of poultry farming as well In terms of value, the ... analysis of the gains from contract farming, to both farmers and processors, in the case of poultry production in the state of Andhra Prad...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 10:20
Civil Society 2.0?: How the Internet Changes State-Society Relations in Authoritarian Regimes: The Case of Cuba potx
... Introduction Civil Society in the 1990s: The Quest for Associational AutonomyAlong with its Limits Enter the Internet: The Public Sphere in Transnational Times Asserting Citizenship: The ... Transnational Times Asserting Citizenship: The Public Sphere and Civil Society in the Internet Era From Voice via Web to Civil Society Action? Conclusions Ă Ê Â...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20
corporate restructuring in stateowned construction sector in viet nam the case of vinaconex corporation
... affects the process of corporate restructuring at Vinaconex Corporation To examine the effects on the ownership structure on the corporate restructuring of the construction sector in the SOEs ... determine the awareness of the managers of Vinaconex Corporation on the concept and the implementation of the corporate restructuring in st...
Ngày tải lên: 20/07/2014, 21:48
Strategies of marketing management in container transportation the case of OOCL (Vietnam) co.,ltd
... continual innovation OOCL pioneered transportation coverage of China and is an industry leader in information technology19 The founder of OOCL, the late C Y Tung, dreamed of creating the first international ... some point, container ships will be constrained in size only by the Straits of Malacca, one of the world's busiest shipping lanes 2.2.2 What is transpor...
Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2014, 01:46
lien tran thi hong and holloway - 2014 - developments in corporate governance - the case of vietnam
... international institutions and the nature of business) that are pertinent and central to corporate governance developments in the country We also find that the quality of corporate governance in Vietnam ... commitment towards furthering the interests and wellbeing of society and making certain that businesses always maintain integrity, fairness and resp...
Ngày tải lên: 06/01/2015, 19:49
buiding competitive strategy in the rice farming industry the case of an dinh company xây dựng chiến lược cạnh tranh trong ngành sản xuất lúa gạo
... Food and Agriculture Organization US $: United State Dollar - xi - INTRODUCTION The thesis title Building competitive strategy in the rice farming industry - The case of An Dinh Company The thesis ... farming industry in Vietnam in terms of factors and influence on the business success Last but not less, the case study of An Dinh Company i...
Ngày tải lên: 09/01/2015, 09:40
Formulating business strategy for a securities firm the case of Kim Long securities joint-stock company
... competitive a vantages Strengths & Weakness Functional Strategy Competitive Strategy Corporate Strategy Global Strategy Matching organization structure to chosen strategy 1r Implementation and Adjustment ... Industry analysis Model: five forces Formulation choice of appropriate strategy - Intemal analysis Model: Value Chain Process to -*— *• Model SWOT GREAT ^ Opportunities & t...
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:48
Building business - level strategies in automobile industry the case of Huyndai Vietnam
... Economic Factors > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - < T e c h n o lo g y Factors V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... e in th e g lo b a l m a r k e t p la c e M a c ro A nalysis: F ig u re 1....
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:52
Building business strategy in the shrimp farming industry the case of IC Company
... attractìve industry H old W eak business unit in attractive industry iađustry ựì & s G row > ă u du im Me H old strong business unỉỉ Average business in average industry unit in average < industry ... đerstanding the m a cro -en v iro n in e n t in w hich a in n operates PEST an alysis includes Political, E co n o m ic, Social and T e c h n o lo g ic a l íầctors...
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:52
Sales force management in undergraduate education the case of FPT University = Quản lý đội ngũ bán hàng trong lĩnh vực giáo dục đại học và nghiên cứu trường hợp của Trường Đại học FPT
... applied in other undergraduate institutions in Vietnam Objectives and aims In order to study an overview of sales force management in education in Hanoi and analyze the case of FPT University, the ... Functional sales force, Consultative sales force, Enterprise sales force, Transactional sales force, Hybrid/Queuing sales force A highly motivate...
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:54
Some recommendations to develop the market share, the case of ILA Vietnam in Hanoi = Một số giải pháp nhằm nâng cao thị phần, chi nhánh công ty ILA Vietnam tại Hà Nội
... VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Tran Thuy Linh SOME RECOMMENDATIONS TO DEVELOP THE MARKET SHARE, THE CASE OF ILA VIETNAM IN HANOI Major: Business Administration ... business performance of ILA in Hanoi; find out the problems occurring in the Hanoi Centre; and give the recommendations to develop the market share...
Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2015, 08:54
Measuring brand equity index in paper industry the case of double a international network company limited
... MEASURING BRAND EQUITY INDEX IN PAPER INDUSTRY – THE CASE OF DOUBLE A INTERNATIONAL NETWORK COMPANY LIMITED In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ... Brand association Brand association is defined as anything linked in memory to a brand and brand image as a set of associations,...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2015, 15:38