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Measuring brand equity index in paper industry the case of double a international network company limited

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MEASURING BRAND EQUITY INDEX IN PAPER INDUSTRY – THE CASE OF DOUBLE A INTERNATIONAL NETWORK COMPANY LIMITED In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In Marketing By Ms: Nguyen Ly Ai Vy ID: MBA04049 International University - Vietnam National University HCM August 2013 i MEASURING BRAND EQUITY INDEX IN PAPER INDUSTRY – THE CASE OF DOUBLE A INTERNATIONAL NETWORK COMPANY LIMITED In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In Marketing By Ms: Nguyen Ly Ai Vy ID: MBA04049 International University - Vietnam National University HCMC August 2013 Under the guidance and approval of the committee, and approved by all its members, this thesis has been accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Approved: -Chairperson Committee member Committee member Committee member Committee member Committee member ii Acknowledge This Master thesis was possible with a fruitful collaboration of all people who have contributed with a great willingness and devotion to this study First of all, I would like to grant our honor to my advisor Dr Pham Hong Hoa for her guidance and kind cooperation Her valuable comment with her vast knowledge and assistance has developed my research in an appropriate way I am grateful to my friends: Ms.Tu Tran, Ms Linh Nguyen, Mr Hai Hoang, Mr Nho Lu, Ms Chinh Do and those people that I cannot list out here, for assisting me in finding and introducing me with potential respondents Their enthusiasm and supports help me so much in the data collection part of this thesis I also want to say thank you to my friends for assisting me in finding and introducing to me with potential respondents Their supports help me a lot in finishing this paper Finally, my deep gratitude to my beloved Parents for their eternal love, enduring encouragement and great sacrifice to raise me up to be a mature person today To them I dedicate this thesis Hochiminh, Aug 2013 i Plagiarism Statements I would like to declare that, apart from the acknowledged references, this thesis either does not use language, ideas, or other original material from anyone; or has not been previously submitted to any other educational and research programs or institutions I fully understand that any writings in this thesis contradicted to the above statement will automatically lead to the rejection from the MBA program at the International University – Vietnam National University Hochiminh City ii Copyright Statement This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognize that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be published without the author’s prior consent © Nguyen Ly Ai Vy/ MBA04049/2011-2013 iii Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE - INTRODUCTION .1 Background of study Problem discussion Research Objective: This study aims to: Research question 5 Research Scope Managerial implications Structure of the research CHAPTER 2- LITERATURE REVIEW Brand building theory 1 Brand concept Brand equity definition Importance of brand equity Approaches to measuring brand equity 11 2 1 Product market level .11 2 Financial market level 12 Customer mindset level: 13 2 Three levels to measure brand equity 11 Measures related to customer mindset 14 Models of brand equity 17 Brand awareness 17 Brand association 17 3 Appreciation of quality 18 Brand loyalty 18 Formula to measure general brand equity 19 CHAPTER 3- RESEARCH METHOD 20 Conceptual framework: 20 Research process 21 Measurement design 23 Questionnaire design 24 First draft 24 Pilot study 29 Final study 29 Data collection method 29 Data analysis method .32 iv Validity and reliability .33 CHAPTER 4- PAPER INDUSTRY OVERVIEW AND RELEVANT COMPETITORS 35 Paper industry overview 35 Overview about Double A International Network Company- Ho Chi Minh branch (DINVN-HCM) 36 Double A history and background 36 2 Product available in Vietnam .38 Profiled market share .39 Review of relevant competitors 41 CHAPTER 5- DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 45 SAMPLE DEMOGRAPHIC OVERVIEW: General looks on personal information of sample responder as well as response rate .45 RELIABILITY TEST: .47 Reliability test of Double A 48 2 Reliability test of Paper One 48 OVERALL BRAND EQUITY 49 Overall brand awareness 49 Overall brand association .51 3 Overall perceived value 53 Overall brand loyalty .54 Purchasing habit .58 Normal usage grammage and number of reams per month 58 Criteria to choose a copy paper 60 Current usage and changing ratio 61 Compare with previous research- Specialize in brand equity 62 Overall brand equity 63 Changing in purchasing habits .66 Normal usage grammage 66 2 Criteria to chose copy paper 67 CHAPTER - CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .68 Research summary: 68 Recommendation .73 Foundation of recommendation .73 2 Recommendation for Double A’s brand equity .75 2 Double A’s brand awareness and brand association 76 2 1 Advertising 77 2 Sale promotion 79 v 2 PR .81 2 Internet marketing 82 2 Double A’s perceived quality 83 2 Double A’s brand loyalty .83 3 Recommendation for some other finding 84 Double A’s price strategy .84 Double A’s product 85 3 Double A’s distribution strategy 86 Limitation and future research recommendation .87 References 88 Appendix 93 vi List of Tables Table 1- Sale summary in year 2005 to 2012 Table 2- List of sum variables and variables .23 Table 3- Questionnaire for paper purchaser .26 Table 4- Questionnaire distribution for paper purchaser .31 Table 5- Key copy paper brands (80sgm) in high price segment 42 Table 6- Market share of 80gsm brands 44 Table 7- Reliability test for Double A’s brand in groups- brand association, perceived value, and brand loyalty 48 Table 8- Reliability test for Paper One’s brand in groups- brand association, perceived value, and brand loyalty 49 Table 9- Mean difference of brand association between two brands: Double A, and Paper One 52 Table 10 - Mean difference of perceived quality between two brands - Double A, and Paper One 54 Table 11- Mean difference of brand loyalty between two brands- Double A and Paper One .56 Table 12- Measure brand equity of four brands: Double A, and Paper One .57 Table 13- Compare brand equity of Double A, and Paper One between year 2010 and year 2013 .64 Table 14 - Summary of Double A’s brand equity 69 Table 15- Summary and compare brand equity of Double A, and Paper One 71 Table 16 - TVC plan detail on HTV 78 Table 17- Summary detail of other advertising type 78 Table 18 - Summary mechanic of sale promotion for each channel 80 Table 19 - Summary of schedule of IMC program 82 vii List of Figures Figure 1- Sale summary in year 2005 to 2012 .4 Figure - Brand equity by Aaker (1991) 19 Figure 3- IMC mix without rigid disciplinary boundaries Error! Bookmark not defined Figure 4- Research model (Adapted from Aaker, 1999) .20 Figure 6- Profiled market share 40 Figure 7- Ho Chi Minh distribution territory .41 Figure - Product positioning 43 Figure - Education profile .46 Figure 10 - Gender profile 46 Figure 11- Position profile 47 Figure 12- Company profile .47 Figure 13- Brand awareness of paper 49 Figure 14 - Measure brand equity of Double A, and Paper One 57 Figure 15 - Type of grammage, Demand using paper and the type of grammage vs Demand using paper 59 Figure 16 - top criteria when choosing a new copy paper brand 60 Figure 17 - Current usage and changing ratio 61 Figure 18: Double A’s brand equity as Aaker model 70 Figure 19- Summary finding and recommendation .74 Figure 20 - The objective for various promotion elements 77 viii ANOVA Table pỡ ó =ỗẹ= pốỡ ~ờẫở NO~| a ^ =ĩ~ở=ó ~ồú= ~ớớờ~ớỏợ ẫ=ộờỗó ỗớỏỗồ G= NO| ml =ĩ~ở=ó ~ồú= ~ớớờ~ớỏợ ẫ=ộờỗó ỗớỏỗồ _ ẫớù ẫẫồ=d ờỗỡ ộở E` ỗó ỏồẫ ầF ầẹ j ẫ~ồ=pốỡ ~ờẫ NSKSPQ Q t ỏớĩỏồ=d ờỗỡ ộở NQTKRVR 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TV & Internet are the most contracted and favorite media NNU Appendix E: j ẫầỏ~=r ởẫờ=mờỗẹỏọẫ(Source: TNS survey) NNV Appendix F: Television update- Consumption per Day (Source: TNS survey) mẫỗộọẫ=ởộẫồầ=P=ĩỗỡ ờở=ộẫờ=ầ~ú=ỗồ=q s =ỏồ=~ợ ẫờ~ệẫK mẫỗộọẫ=ỏồ=` ~ồ=q ĩỗ=~ồầ=e ` j =ớẫồầ=ớỗ=ởộẫồầ=ó ỗờẫ=ớỏó ẫ=ỗồ=q s =ớĩ~ồ=ỗớĩẫờ=ỏớỏẫở Appendix G: Television update- Top Consumed Channels (Source: TNS survey) i ẫầ=ú=s q s I=ọỗ~ọ=ĩ~ồồẫọở=~ồầ=~ọẫ=ó ỗợ ỏẫởK e ` j =ầỗó ỏồ~ớẫầ=ú=e q s I=e ~ồỗỏ=ú=s q s I=a ~ồ~ồệ=C =` ~ồớĩỗ=ú=s q s =~ồầ=ọỗ~ọởK NOM Appendix J: Internet Update- Top consumed sites (Source: TNS survey) pÉ~êÅÜ=b åƯáåÉI=a ~áäó=åÉï ëK NON Appendix K: Detail summary budget from year 2013 to 2015 Items UM j ẫầỏ~=ỗởớ=H=^ ờớù ỗờõ t ẫẫõ Quantity S l åäáåÉ OIOQQIMMMIMMM OIQSUIQMMIMMM QRIMMMIMMM QVIRMMIMMM RQIQRMIMMM ^ ƯÉåÅó=ĐÉÉ SNIOMMIMMM STIPOMIMMM TQIMROIMMM NMB =s ^ q ONQISOMIMMM OPSIMUOIMMM ORVISVMIOMM C=ẫồởỗờF j ẫầỏ~=ỗởớ=H=^ ờớù ỗờõ mỗởớẫờở=ỏồ=ớĩẫ=ọỏẹớở=ỗẹ= mỗởớẫờở=ẹờ~ó ẫ=ỏồởỏầẫ=ớĩẫ=ọỏẹớở= ỗẹẹỏẫ=ỡ ỏọầỏồệở ~ớ=ỗẹẹỏẫ=ỡ ỏọầỏồệ=ỏồ=P=ó ỗồớĩở Total 2014 budget (VND) 2015 budget (VND) OIMQMIMMMIMMM mờỗầỡ ớỏỗồ=ỗởớ=E^ ầ~ộớ~ớỏỗồ= qs ` 2013 budget (VND) ù ÉÉâë S PTQIMMMIMMM QNNIQMMIMMM QROIRQMIMMM éÅë RM OOUISVMIMMM ORNIRRVIMMM OTSITNQIVMM 2,963,510,000 3,259,861,000 3,585,847,100 NOO Appendix M: Detail online ads in year 2013 ONLINE ADS SUMMARY Size (pixels) Period cost/week (VND) (weeks) Site Monthly visit (*) Selected banner position OQĩKỗó Kợ ồ= ========================= q ỗộ=~ồồẫờ=ỗồ=ĩỗó ẫ=ộ~ệẫ= ================= URIMMMIMMM= Eởĩ~ờẫ=P=ỡ ởẫờởF= PSMủNNM= SSIMMMIMMM= ========================= q ỗộ=~ồồẫờ=ỗồ=ĩỗó ẫ=ộ~ệẫ= ầ~ồớờỏKỗó Kợ ồ= QVISNQIMMM= Eởĩ~ờẫ=P=ỡ ëÉêëF= QSUñVM= Total cost (VND) CPM CPM (VND) (USD) =========================================== ============================== O= NPOIMMMIMMM= SIONO= MKPM= ================= RRIMMMIMMM= =========================================== ============================== O= NNMIMMMIMMM= UIUSU= MKQP= ========================= _ ỏệ=N=ỗồ=ĩỗó 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Brand association Brand association is defined as anything linked in memory to a brand and brand image as a set of associations, usually in some meaningful way (Aaker, 1991) Moreover, brand association... its brand strategy so that the brand performance can improve year by year Keywords: Paper industry, Brand, Brand equity, Brand awareness, Brand association, Perceived value, Brand loyalty, Double

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2015, 15:38

Xem thêm: Measuring brand equity index in paper industry the case of double a international network company limited