View Manager Administration Guide phần 6 potx

View Manager Administration Guide phần 6 potx

View Manager Administration Guide phần 6 potx

... can be on a different datastore clone 1 clone 2 View Manager Administration Guide 104 VMware, Inc. VirtualCenter User Permissions Ifthe View Manager userisnotanadministratorinVirtualCenteryoumustassigna roletotheVirtualCenteruserentryinordertoconferuponittheappropriatelevelof authorityovertheobjectsitcreatesandmanages. Inadditiontothestandardp...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

18 401 0
View Manager Administration Guide phần 1 pptx

View Manager Administration Guide phần 1 pptx

... SearchingDesktopsandEntitledUsersandGroups 65 WorkingwithActiveSessions 67 Disabling View Manager andDeletingObjects 67 Deleting View Manager Objects 68 5 ClientManagement 69 View Clientand View Portal 70 View ClientPolicies ... 139 ConfiguringandApplyingClientPolicies 140 View Manager Administration Guide 12 VMware, Inc. Figure 1-1. Example High-Level...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

18 277 0
View Manager Administration Guide phần 2 pot

View Manager Administration Guide phần 2 pot

... AJP13 4001 JMSAnydesktopVM View Manager Administration Guide 36 VMware, Inc. VirtualCenter Permissions for View Manager Users TouseVirtualCenterwith View Manager, administratorsmusthavepermissionto carryoutcertainoperationsinVirtualCenter ... 2‐4showsasecurityserverdeploymentandillustratestherelationshipbetween thesecurityserverandallother Vie...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

18 280 0
View Manager Administration Guide phần 3 ppt

View Manager Administration Guide phần 3 ppt

... Desktop 1Fromwithinthe View Administratorinterface,clicktheDesktopsandPools buttonandthenclicktheInventorytab.IntheDesktopspane,ensurethatthe DesktopsandPoolstabisselectedandclickAdd. 2YouarepresentedwiththeAddDesktopwizard.Fromhereyoucanconfigureand deployanewli nkedclonedesktoppool.SelectIndividualDesktopandclick Next. 3Specifythes...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

18 350 0
View Manager Administration Guide phần 4 pptx

View Manager Administration Guide phần 4 pptx

... recommendedse lectionisTypicalsettings.ClickNext. View Manager Administration Guide 68 VMware, Inc. Deleting View Manager Objects Delete View Manager objects(VirtualCenterconnections, View ConnectionServer connections,anddesktops)byusingtheadministratoruserinterface. To ... 123formoreinformation aboutthisfeature. View Manager Administration Guide...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

18 296 0
View Manager Administration Guide phần 5 pdf

View Manager Administration Guide phần 5 pdf

... Clearnodesecret—referstothenodesecretonthe View Agent. Formoreinformationaboutthissetting,seetheRSAAuthentication Manager user documentation. 4IntheUploadRSAauthenticationagentconfigurationfile(sdconf.rec)field, enterthelocationofthesdconf.recfileorclickBrowsetosearchforthefile.For moreinformationabo utthesdconf.recfile,refertotheRSAAuth...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

18 306 0
View Manager Administration Guide phần 7 ppsx

View Manager Administration Guide phần 7 ppsx

... 103andprovidetherequired informationabouttheexistingdata source,butselectUsetheexistingRSAkey containerwhenprompted. View Manager Administration Guide 122 VMware, Inc. VMware, Inc. 115 Chapter 6 View Composer Ifyouarecreatingapersistentpoolwheremorethanonedatastoreisavailableyou canclickthefieldsintheUseForcolumnandspecifyhowthest...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

18 289 0
View Manager Administration Guide phần 8 ppt

View Manager Administration Guide phần 8 ppt

... Policy PersistentAutomatedPool 3 5 2 E nsureVMis always poweredon View Manager Administration Guide 134 VMware, Inc. View Manager Administration Guide 130 VMware, Inc. Beforedownloadinganautomatedpooldesktopforthefirsttime,usersmustconnect tothisdesktopusingany View Manager client.Thiswillensurethatalocalprofileis createdonthatdesktoptha...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

18 231 0
View Manager Administration Guide phần 9 ppt

View Manager Administration Guide phần 9 ppt

... ClickFinish. ThedesktopisaddedsuccessfullyandappearsinthemainDes ktopspage. N OTEYoucanuseanyalphanumericcharacter,includingspaces,toprovidean optionaldescription.Thedescriptioncanbeupto1024charactersinlengthandis onlyvisiblefromwithinthe View administratorinterface. View Manager Administration Guide 148 VMware, Inc. View Server Configu...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

18 340 0
View Manager Administration Guide phần 10 pdf

View Manager Administration Guide phần 10 pdf

... 29 standalone servers 26 standard servers 26 View Manager Administration Guide 168 VMware, Inc. Using the View Manager Support Tool to Collect Diagnostic Information The View Manager Supporttoolletsyougeneratelogfilesandsetloglevelsthat determineifyouwanttogeneratenormal,debug,orfulllogfilesforthe View ConnectionServer. To ... 14 disabling 67 ena...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:21

20 275 0
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