AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 3 pps

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 3 pps

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 3 pps

... 2-7 L¢nh ntly de ve dO<p1 thing, duang ga'p khuc co be r~ng net dugc chQo tnroc . • Cich g9i I~nh 1RACE tlr Menu: rl Sc-ree-n-M-en-u->-D-R-A-W->-T-ra-c-e ... Clio 3 tJilm (3P) Command: circle 3P/2PfTIR/<Center>: 3P First i><>int: <chQ .rnem tM nMt> Second point: <cho diem thil 2> Third point <cho diem thll 3...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 341 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 7 pps

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 7 pps

... LLLLLLL LLLLL LL LLLLLLL ! -LLLLLL Choose Hatch Pettern NOTE: ~ patterns not to scate. ~M~ ~:17/~ ANSI34 ANSI35 ANSI36 ANSI37 amO. ANSI3B AR-BB16 AR-BB16C AR+BBB II." I I ... biet kich thu6c g6m 3 thanh pMn nhu sau: (hlnh 5-8 ) . Dlmentlon nne \ Dimention text 92 1 - Extention line: dUOng dong - Dimension line: dUOng kich thUdC - Dimenion te...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 469 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 11 pps

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 11 pps

... 9-7 " -0 Ilinh 9-X rr~=:~ 1 45' 30 ' 10' 0' + CO th~ eha hi~n fa la bim (hlnh 9-7 ), hO~IC eho di~m nhln hrmg de g6c qua hic:u do (hlnh 9-8 ) ... ?/2/ < ;3& gt; / 4: ;AD - {DraWing dwgJ I!!I~ EI -rQ} IS] I:) ~ fh • .J _,_~d .". _yports _ Sa~e/Restare/Delete/Join/SIngle/?/2/< ;3& gt;/4 3 ': &apo...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 191 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 17 pps

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 17 pps

... . . " ' ~-& apos; -& apos;,. ,' ,- - BAI T.,.P 10 Ve bOn ve I~p 3 cbi titl moiy dum day. 1. T~o dlc 16p cho ban ve - mer biin ve khiri thily -lap thd nhlit ttn ... d6ng tam $30 , $60 -l~nh circle ve duemg trem ~30 tam t~j diem A(giao ella 2 t"!c) - I~nh offset vo $60 tiI $30 tfim A ! I & ~~ ~ "...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 359 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 1 pdf

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 1 pdf

... tll ban phfm sau d6 an Enter ho~c Space-bar de AutoCAD thlfc hi~n. 2 - Vilo I~nh tit Menu: bq.n dung chuQt ho~c lh.blet chi cho AutoCAD bi€t bf,m mu6n ve b duu va vc di ... ch9n va bam phim tnii chu¢t (pick button, hlnh 1-2 ), ho~c in Enter. 7 CHUONG J ? -& apos; MO DAU VE AUTOCAD 1.1. GIOI THI¢U AUTOCAD Trang th~p ky 90, vi¢c khai t...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 288 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 2 pdf

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 2 pdf

... l'.1-i . • Cdc butte t~o ban vi' khtli thuy (PD) nhu sau 1- Xac I~p don vi ve, dung ~nh UNITS. 2- D~t gim h~ ve (Ung voi khO gilly A4, A3, ), dung I~nh LIMITS. 3- f1iin ... h'.l-n ve ra man hlnh, dung I¢nh ZOOM h!a 'chqn ALL. 4- Ve khung ban ve, khung ten, dung l~nh LINE ho~c PLINE (xem chuong 2, tiet 2-2 va...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 365 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 4 pdf

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 4 pdf

... kich thlJac mai se W d¢ng cilkp nhilkt v~o. 30 * C8ch gQi l¢nh SCALE tu Menu: r ;Sc:-re-e-n-=M :-: -en-u-> ;-= E=D=IT= > ;-= Sc=-a"C}e ' Menu Bar > MODIFY > Scale ... dl, !- dum dQy, tren dmg m¢t dubrlg tron, ntu chc;m dibn dliu PI va diim cu6i Pl nhu hlnh 3- 2 a thl cung PIPl phfa tren bj x6a; 0'10 chc;m Pl, Pl nhu hln...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 429 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 5 potx

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 5 potx

... thay bang mQt cung tron- co oo.n kinh bang ban kinh cung noi tiep, xem hlnh 3- 1 3. . I 1- I I I I I -& apos ;- I ) • a.Hinh,g6c b. Sau Fillet-P Hioh 3- 1 1 + N6i ti€p 2 duimg: B~n ... Polyline co th~m dinh nua, hinh 3- 2 3. I I J , Diem CU .' X I Diem moi .2 I I I J Hlnh 3- 2 3 - M(move): dOl dinh da danh da'u t6i...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 278 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 6 docx

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 6 docx

... d~ doh di¢n ticb, chu vi eua hmh kin . • C3ch gQi I~nh AREA til Menu: rl-Sc-ree-n-M'-e-n-U->-IN-Q-U-IR-Y->-Ar-e-a' * Go l¢nh tU ban phim: Command: area ... :OViC"'w ,.,"'"C",· ,-: ,-: c'o. ,-& apos;'' "C< , L- __ ~P~ ~~~~~H~'~"~·I'~<&apos ;-& apos ;- __ JI~ I __ ~6~...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 298 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 8 pptx

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 8 pptx

... tren-trai. (hlnh 5 -3 0) TC (Top-Center); can Ie bang diem tren-giua dong chit 1R (Top-Right): can Ie bang diem tr~n-phai. ML (Middle-Left): din Ie bang diem giCta chieu cao-tr~i. ... DimCLRD: - m5.u - dinh mall cho dUCmg kich thuac. + DimCLRE: - mall - djnh mall cho dltemg dong. +" DimCLRT: - mau - dinh mAll cho chu so kfch thuac....

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 409 0