Overview of Trastuzumab’s Utility for Gastric Cancer pdf

Overview of Trastuzumab’s Utility for Gastric Cancer pdf

Overview of Trastuzumab’s Utility for Gastric Cancer pdf

... 2010 28 Overview of Trastuzumab’s Utility for Gastric Cancer Judith Meza-Junco, MD Heather-Jane Au, MD, FRCPC, MPH Michael B. Sawyer, MD, BScPhm, FRCPC Department of Oncology Cross Cancer Institute ... therapies for GC, focusing on trastuzumab. Key Words: Gastric Cancer, HER2, Trastuzumab Introduction Gastric cancer (GC) treatment and prognosis vary in different...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:21

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Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

Application of house’s model for translation quality assessment in assessing the english version of the vietnam’s law on investment no. 59/2005/qh11

... change of viewpoint, of perspective and very often of category of thought” (Vinay and Darbelnet). This is considered the touchstone of a good translator. 8. Compensation: when loss of meaning ... statement of function of the ST is made, including the ideational and interpersonal component of that function. 4. A similar profile and statement of function is made of the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

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Overview of Vietnam’s tourism

Overview of Vietnam’s tourism

... achievement of this development will be difficult in light of the urgent need for Vietnam to earn foreign exchange and because of its limited resources and knowledge. The issues of sustainability ... the requirements of civilization still exists. It is a consequence of the lack of uniformity in the coordination of actions between tourism and industry affairs, culture, in...

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An Introductory Overview of ITIL - very useful for you (IT management process)

An Introductory Overview of ITIL - very useful for you (IT management process)

... the security of information and information processing. It provides management with guidelines and direction regarding the relative importance of various aspects of the organisation, and of what is ... with the use of those software assets. The book definition states that “SAM is all of the infrastructure and processes necessary for the effective management, control and protecti...

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Who Regulates Whom? An Overview of U.S. Financial Supervision pdf

Who Regulates Whom? An Overview of U.S. Financial Supervision pdf

... several classes of securities market participants and firms. It has enforcement powers for certain types of industry misstatements or omissions and for certain types of conflicts of interest. ... assessing the amount of capital to be held against credit risk in various types of financial instruments. 6 The Basel accords call for a basic capital requirement of 8% of...

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Báo cáo khoa học: "An Extension of Earley''''s Algorithm for S-Attributed Grammars" pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: "An Extension of Earley''''s Algorithm for S-Attributed Grammars" pdf

... elegant formalization of the augmented context-free grammars characteristic of most current NLP systems. It is more general than members of the family of unification-based grammar formalisms ... finite set of string categories; T a finite set of terminal symbols; P a finite set of productions or rewriting rules of the form X ~t~, Xe N, ae (NUT)*; and S a distinguished sym...

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Tài liệu Free As in Freedom: Richard Stallman''''s Crusade for Free Software pdf

Tài liệu Free As in Freedom: Richard Stallman''''s Crusade for Free Software pdf

... The AI Lab's spirit of direct action had proved inspirational enough for Stallman to break out of the timid impotence of his teenage years. Breaking into an office to free a terminal ... audit your taxes for eternity." Those who interpreted the spiel as a word -for- word parody of the Watergate hearings only got half the message. For Stallman, the other half of...

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Case Studies on the Effectiveness of State Financial Incentives for Renewable Energy pdf

Case Studies on the Effectiveness of State Financial Incentives for Renewable Energy pdf

... three others offer only a corporate tax credit. Incentive Amount and Duration. The challenge for tax credits is to offer the right amount of incentive for the appropriate length of time. Uncertainty ... measurement of performance relative to program goals. However, given the purpose and scope of this project—and the variety of factors influencing decisions toward the purch...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 19:20

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