Overview of Vietnam’s tourism
... tourism in Vietnam successfully, the most crucial factor is to provide a pristine natural environment because this is the key to ensure lasting impressions and therefore satisfied customers Also, ... relax, visit not fit your needs psychological Vietnam 's tourism products is not diversified, the quality of products is not satisfy the requirements of visitors Landscapes, environments and value ... to the ecosystem as well as raising atmospheric temperatures Because of this, traveling has become increasingly difficult and has lost its beauty Vietnam faces a number of challengers as a popular...
Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2013, 11:29
... over-expressing cancer cells Intracellular Mechanisms: Inhibits intracellular signaling pathways, phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling such as Has anti-angiogenesis effect through decreasing vascular ... the first dose, and 5% with subsequent administrations Myelosuppression, nausea and emesis are rare and alopecia has not been reported when trastuzumab is used alone; however, when it is given ... both groups Subgroup analysis (site of tumor, performance status, fluoropyrimidine used, histology, age, region, prior gastrectomy and number of metastatic sites) for survival favored trastuzumab...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 02:21
... monitoring the safety and soundness of federal savings associations and their holding companies The OTS also supervises federally insured state savings associations The OTS is part of the Treasury Department ... any of these cushions against loss Financial businesses—In discussions about financial services modernization, usually refers to commercial banks and savings institutions, securities firms, and ... disclosed The SEC also registers several classes of securities market participants and firms It has enforcement powers for certain types of industry misstatements or omissions and for certain types...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20
Overview of Ericsson’s GSM Systems docx
... Additional GMSC HLR ILR AUC EIR DTI TRC BSC BTS OMC NMC MC SSP SCP SDP SOG BGW SS SS SS SS SS SS BSS BSS BSS OSS OSS SS SS SS SS Mobile services Switching Center/Visitor Location Register Gateway MSC Home ... In t GSM System Survey EN/LZT 123 3321 R4A Overview of Ericsson s GSM Systems Overview of Ericsson s GSM Systems Table of Contents Topic Page ERICSSON IN GSM 27 ERICSSON 'S GSM SYSTEM ... and scheduling of resources to perform the positioning of the MS One SMPC can be connected to many BSCs – 36 – EN/LZT 123 3321 R4A Overview of Ericsson s GSM Systems Post Processing Systems Post-processing...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:20
báo cáo khoa học: " Regulating compassion: an overview of Canada''''s federal medical cannabis policy and practice" ppsx
... Product Cost of Program Total Cost/Person Cost of Cannabis Quantity of Cannabis Cost of Cannabis/kg Cost of Cannabis/Person Usable Percent of Cannabis Cost of Unusable Cannabis Price to Patients/kg ... the rights of both dispensaries and their clienteles, is designed to inform both local communities and compassion clubs of the roles and responsibilities of such organizations, and aims to: Provide ... used in those studies must meet the standards of current practice in compassion clubs, not NIDA standards; • The studies should focus on applications and the specific doses for various medical...
Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 18:20
Overview of The global economy
... market only • Stage II- Export to overseas markets through independent channels (sales agents) • Stage III- Establish sales outlets in overseas markets by acquiring local firm and/or setting up ... division of labor KIA Auto Parts Flow • Assembled in S Korea KIA Sorrento clear example of global supply chain • Uses 30K parts from all around world • Parts shipped from places as diverse as Wales ... > Transformation > Marketing and Sales >Distribution > Service • Definition: transactionally linked sequence of functions where each stage adds value to the process of goods and services production...
Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2016, 15:02
Tài liệu The Role of Community Banks in the U.S. Economy pdf
... customers such as small businesses, family farmers, and depositors of low to moderate wealth Small business lending Community banks’ role as small business lenders is important because small businesses ... bifurcated banking system has served the needs of a diverse U .S economy composed of businesses of all shapes and sizes and consumers with diverse needs and preferences While community banks have a clear ... deposits, 16 percent of bank loans, and 15 percent of bank assets The reason community banks hold a smaller share of bank assets and loans than of bank deposits is that they have less access than...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu Overview of Faculty Development Resources at Boston Children’s Hospital 2012-2013 docx
... creating awareness of work-engendered stresses, to discussions about work-related and personal concerns, to mental health assessments, to crisis interventions All clinicians are seen at no charge ... Mentors: mentoring skills, relationships, and systems Our workshop facilitators are senior faculty members and administrators from Boston Children s and Harvard Medical School, as well as professional ... patients and families • Referring clinicians • Other medical specialists, subspecialists and allied health professionals • Prospective faculty, staff, residents, fellows and interns • Researchers...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu China’s Holdings of U.S. Securities: Implications for the U.S. Economy pptx
... elsewhere.58 Some economists view China s purchases of U .S securities as a type of subsidy that is transferred from Chinese savers to U .S consumers in the form of lower-cost Chinese products ... Congressional Research Service 12 China s Holdings of U .S Securities: Implications for the U .S Economy Indicators of the Size of China s Ownership of U .S Public Debt China s ownership of U .S Treasury ... to key sectors of the economy Some of these securities are backed by assets (such as home mortgages) 18 As of June 2011, 75% of U .S short-term debt consisted on U .S Treasury securities, followed...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 20:20
... The translation and publication of this book in Vietnamese language were made possible through the financial support of the Public Affairs Section, Embassy of the United States in Hanoi Copyright ... chiến thắng cạnh tranh Microsoft - cơng ty có trụ s Redmond, bang Washington khởi nghiệp từ lĩnh vực phần mềm khơng phải s n xuất Bill Gates, người s ng lập nên Microsoft nhận thấy tầm quan trọng ... chiến tranh Rick Atkinson ghi lại: nhà máy s n xuất piano s n xuất la bàn, cơng ty đồ ăn chuyển sang làm s ng trường tự động, cơng ty máy chữ phân phối s ng máy Có thể nói s c mạnh cơng nghiệp...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 04:23
... Lan 60 tỷ USD/năm, Philipin đạt 25 tỷ USD/năm S sai khác lớn thiếu giải pháp có hiệu Cũng cần nói thêm, đạt s tiến chuyên môn hoá xuất khẩu, chưa thoát khỏi tảng nông nghiệp, khoáng s n lao động ... nhỏ bé so với tiềm kinh tế so với kết nước khu vực Ví dụ, kim ngạch xuất ta đạt mức tăng bình quân năm khoảng 22%, tổng kim ngạch năm gần đạt khoảng 60 tỷ USD, s nước Malaixia đạt 90 tỷ USD/năm, ... tư cách tổng thể S khác đưa đến kết s lượng hàng hoá doanh nghiệp s n xuất khác với s lượng tối ưu mặt xã hội Trong trường hợp có ảnh hưởng ngoại lai tiêu cực, hoạt động s n xuất có tác động...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 21:50
WHAT’S NEXT ; Unconventional Wisdomon the Future of the World Economy Edited by David Hale and Lyric Hughes Hale
... deficits Gave s new concern is that China could soon confront labor shortages He is also concerned that China has excess savings, but understands how the excess has resulted from robust profits, ... business schools, law schools, and other institutions The US government itself has been less effective at prosecuting the financial criminals in the recent crisis than it was in the past The US ... 2012 As the economy lost 2.1 million construction jobs during the recession, such an upturn could add several hundred thousand jobs As a result of increasing consumption, robust business investment,...
Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2014, 11:48
Welfare and economy wide effects of azerbaijan’s accession to the world trade organization a quantitative assessment
... policy changes Finally, the first part of Chapter presents the systematic sensitivity analysis that is used to determine the robustness of the model s results The behavioral parameters of the model ... WTO accession, Azerbaijan must adjust its domestic support level to make it consistent with WTO-imposed 14 This support measures includes, the general services in research, pest, and disease control; ... the underlying reason why those on different sides of the debate see things so differently as well as the reason behind the slow accession process Against this background, this study will make...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2015, 10:00
Impact of China’s WTO Accession on East Asia
... follows Section provides a qualitative analysis of the impact of WTO accession on East Asia Section discusses the methodology and simulation design and provides a quantitative assessment of the ... services is substantial and China expands not only its services sectors, but also its high-end manufacturing industries which use services as intermediate inputs (Figure 1) China s industry structure ... transaction costs, increased imports, and increased sales and profits of foreign invested companies Meanwhile, the liberalization of rules on investment should ease flows of FDI into previously...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2012, 13:09
Báo cáo khoa học: "Effect of intern’s consecutive work hours on safety, medical education and professionalism"
... to ensure the safety of patient care We believe, however, that development of ‘a sense of professionalism’ is not a function of whether a shift is 30 hours or is 16 hours, but is a function of ... make serious errors” was based on the incorrect assumption that the total number of days in each schedule was the same Under this assumption, the observation that there were more admissions and ... further research should study the effects of sleep deprivation and work schedule interventions on the performance of upper-level residents and other medical staff across a variety of disciplines We...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45
Tiểu luận tiếng anh Kinh tế chuyển nhượng the factors affecting monthly expenditure of FTU's studen.doc
... expenditure of FTU s students Thus in the scope of this project, we will adjust the three assumptions as follows Firstly, students can compare and rank different choices of spending based on their satisfaction ... because everyone feels more satisfied when consuming more goods and services • Generally our project still relies on those basic assumptions, but instead of goods, we aim to study different ways of ... falls to zero, some of his existing spending can be sustained by using savings This is known as dis-saving spending MPC = Marginal propensity to consume This is the change in consumption divided...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:53
Báo cáo y học: "Primary prevention of Down’s syndrome"
... hypotheses The cause of DS has been sought in disturbances during stages of oogenesis, including the period of meiotic arrest of the oocyte [51] This has generated several hypotheses One possibility ... A study of 41 mothers of DS infants found a statistically significant increase in plasma homocystine (Hcy) compared to controls [8] Hcy is a sensitive marker of folate status that is inversely ... Nicolaides, personal communication) Similarly, a metaanalysis of four second trimester amniocentesis series totalling 4,953 pregnancies found an excess of 0.54% [3] A meta-analysis of 433 livebirths...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 11:12