Một phần của tài liệu Lịch sử di dân từ Anh sang Bắc Mỹ thế kỷ XVII - XVIII (Trang 134)

VONGDIDAN/^ THdiGIAN ^Vung di ddn New England Massachusetts Plymounl/ 1620 Vinh Massachusetts 1630 New Hampshire/1622 Connecticut Hartford/1636 New Haven/1639 Rhode Island/1636 4Viing di ddn mien Trung New York-7l624 Delaware-71638 NGirdi LANH DAO William Bradford John Winthrop Ferdinando Gorges John Mason Thomas Hooker Roger Williams Peter Stuyvesanl, Cong tudc xir York

Peter Minuit


Tir do ton giao Tir do ton giao

Lgi nhuan tir buon ban va danh ca Md rong buon ban; tu do chfnh tri va tir do ton giao

Tir do ton giao

Md long buon ban

Md lon^ buon


• ',

Congty 1620-1691 Congty 1630-1691

Hai vung sap nhap vao nam 1691, tif do true thuoc Nha Vua 1691 - 1776

Thuoc quyen sd huu ciia ngudi chu 1622- 1641

Cong ty (mot phSn ciia Mass) 1641 - 1680

True thuoc Nha Vua 1680 - 1776 Chmh quyen tu tri 1636 - 1662 Chfnh quyen tu tri 1639 -1662; True thuoc Nha Vua 1662 - 1665

Hai viing nay sap nhap vao nam 1665 va true thuoc Nha Vua 1665-1776

Chfnh quyen lirtri 1636 - 1644 Congty 1644- 1776

Cong ty Tay An Ha Lan 1624 - 1664

Thuoc quyen sd huu cua ngudi chu (Anh) 1664- 1685

True thuoc Nha Vua 1685 - 1776 Thuoc quyen sd hihi ciia n^udi

"' New Y o r k : ban dau la vung di dAn do ngirai Ha Lan xac lap vao nam 1624 va co ten la New Nelhcrlands.

Sail do. bi A n h chiem vao nam 1664 va d6i ten thanh New York.

" Delaware ban dAu la khu dinh cir ciia nguoi Tliuy Dien (1638) co ten la New Sweden. Sau ^6. do khong du

nhj\n lire, var lire da cung co vi iri cua m u i h , khu New Sweden d^n d^n bi hut vao khu New Netherlands. Cuoi cirng bi A n h chiem vao nam 1664.

New Jersey/1664 Pennsylvania/16 82 ^Viing di ddn mien Nam Virginia/1607 Maryland/1632 Carolinas/1663 Bde Girolina/1712 Nam Guolina/1712 Georgia/1732 William Penn John Berkeley George Carteret William Penn John Smith Lord Baltimore

8 nha quy toe Anh

James Oglethorpe


Dat phong cho ngudi chu; tir do chfnh tri va lir do ton giao

DA phong cho

nguoi chii; tu do chinh Irj va tir do ton giao

Buon ban va canh tac nong nghiep

Dat phong cho ngudi chii; tu do chfnh tri va lu do ton giao Lgfi nhuan tir buon ban va nong nghiep; tir do ton giao

Khu dem chong lai cac cuoc xam nhap ciia ngudi Tay Ban Nha; Loi nhuan; thien dudng cho cac cuu til nhan ngheo tiing

chii 1638- 1682

Mot phan cua Pennsylvania (thuoc quyen sd huu cua William Penn) 1682- 1704

True thuoc Nha Vua 1704 - 1776 Thuoc quyen sd huu ciia ngudi chu 1664- 1702

True thuoc Nha Vua 1702 - 1776 Thuoc quyen sd hifu ciia ngudi chu 1682- 1776

Congty 1607- 1624

True thuoc nha vua 1624 1776 Thuoc quyen sd huu cua ngudi chu 1632- 1691

True thuoc Nha Vua 1691 - 1715 Thuoc quyen sd hu"u ciia ngudi chii 1715- 1776

Thuoc quyen sd huu ciia ngudi chii 1663- 1712

Chfnh quyen tu tri 1712- 1719 Nha Vua mua lai Bac Caiohna vao 1719; mua Nam Carolina

1729; Tir nam 1730 - 1776 ca hai mien nay true thuoc Nha Vua Thuoc quyen sd huu ciia ngudi chu 1732- 1752

True thuoc Nha Vua 1752 - 1776



IN The Name of God, Amen, We, whose names are underwritten, the

Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c.

Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and the Honour of our King and Coutry, a Voyage to plant the first colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Futherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Offices, from time to time, as shall be throught most meet and convenient for the generral Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience. In

WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subcribed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our sovereign Lord King James of

England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth and of Scotland, the fifty -

fourth. Anno Domini, 1620.

Mr. John Carver Mr. William Braford Mr. Edward Winslow Mr. William Brewster Isaac Allerton Miles Standish John Alden John Turner Francis Eaton James Chilton John Craxton John Billington Joses Fletcher John Goodman Mr. Samuel Fuller Mr. Christopher Martin Mr. William Mullins Mr. William White Mr. Richard Warren John Ilowland Mr. Stephen Hoskins Digery Priest Thomas Williams Gibert Wislow Edmund Margesson Peter Brown Richard Bitteridge Geoge Soule Edward Tilly JohnTilly Francis Cooke Thomas Rogers Thomas Tinker John Ridgate Edward Fuller Richard Clark Richard Gardiner Mr.John Allerton Thomas English Edward Doten Edward Liester.

KH^ l/dC MAYFLOWER (Ngay 11/11/1620)

Nhan danh Chua Trdi, Amen, Chiing t6i, nhimg ngudi ky ten dudi day,

th^n dan trung thanh cua Vua James kha kfnh - Vua nudc Anh, Phap va Ai len, va cung la Ngudi bdo ve cho tin nguong, .v.v.

Vl sir vinh quang ciia Chiia va sU phat tri^'n ciia dao Gia to, cung nhu vi danh du cua Nha Vua va T 6 quoc, chung toi da len dudng di thanh lap don

dien d^u tien b bac Virginia. Vdi muc dfch do, chung toi ky ket van ki6n nay,

long trong cam ket tmdc Chua va cam k^'t vdi nhau se hop siic va doan ket trong mot th^' che chfnh tri nham duoc trudng ton trong mot trat lir tot dep hofn. Ciing vl nhihig muc dfch do, chung toi se ban hanh, xay dung va dieu chinh nhimg bo luat, sac luat, dao luat, hien phap, nghi quyet, phii hdp vdi

quy^n ldi chung cua tap Ihi ma chiSng toi da hiia tuan lenh. Vdi su chiirng

giam cua Chiia Trdi va ciia ta't ca nhimg ngu6i co mat lai day, chiing toi xin ghi ten chiing toi of cuoi van kien nay tai Mui Cod ngay 11 thang 11 nam 1620 sau Cong nguyen ddi vua James XVIII, vua nudc Anh, Phap va Ai len, va James IV ciia Scotland.

Mr. John Carver John Billington Mr. William Braford Joses Fletcher Mr. Edward Winslow John Goodman Mr. William Brewster Mr. Samuel Fuller

Thomas Williams Gibert Wislow Edmund Margesson Peter Brown Isaac Allerton Miles Standish John Alden John Tumer Francis Eaton James Chilton John Craxton

Mr. Christopher Martin Richard Bitteridge Mr. William Mullins Geoge Soule Mr. William White Edward Tilly Mr. Richard Warren JohnTilly John Howland Francis Cooke Mr. Stephen Hoskins Thomas Rogers Digery Priest Thomas Tinker John Ridgate Edward Fuller Richard Clark Richard Gardiner Mr.John Allerton Thomas English Edward Doten Edward Liester.



Forasmuch as it hath pleased the Allmighty God by wise disposition of his divyne pruvidence so to Order and dispose of things that we Ihe Inhibitants and Residents of Windsor, Harteford and Wethersfield are now cohabiting and dwelling in and uppon the River of Conectocotte and the Lands thereunto adioyneing; And well knowing where a people are gathered logalher the word of God requires that to maynlayne the peace and union of such a people there should be an orderly and decent Government established according to God. To order and dispose of the affayres of the people at all seasons as occasion shall require; doe therefore assoliate and conioyne our selves lo be as one Publike State or Commonwelth; and doe, for our selves and our Successors and such as shall be adioyned to us at any lime hereafter, enter into Combination and Confederation logalher, lo maynlayne and presearve the liberty and purity of the gospell of our Lord Jesus which we now professe, as also the disciplyne of the Churches, which according to the truth of the said gospell is now practised amongst us; As also in our Civell Affaires to be guided and governed according to such Laws, Riles, Orders and decrees as shall be made, ordered and decreed, as followeth:

1. It is Ordered...that there shall be yerely two general Assemblies or Courts, the one the second Thursday in Aprill, the other the second Thursday in September, following; the first shall be called the Courte of Election, wherein shall be yerely chosen ... soe many Mageslrats and other publike Officers as shall be found requisitte: Whereof one lo be chosen Govemour for the yeare ensueing and unlill another be chosen, and noe other Mageslrale to be chosen for more than one yeare; provided allwayes there be sixe chosen besids the Govemour; which being chosen and swome according lo an Oath

recorded for that pupose shall have power to administer iustice according to the Lawes here established, and for want thereof according to the rule of the word of God; which choise shall be made by all that are admitted freemen and have taken th Oath of Fidellity, and doe cohabitte within this Jurisdiction, (having beene admitted Inhabitants by the major part of the Towne wherein they live,) or the major parte of such as shall be then present.

4. It is Ordered... that noe person be chosen Governor above once in two yeares, and that the Governor be alwayes a member of some approved congregation, and formerly of the Magestracy within this Jurisdiction; and all the Mageslrats Freemen of this Commonwelth...

7. It is Ordered... that after there are warrants given out for any of the said Generall Courts, the Constable... of ech Towne shall forthwith give notice distinctly to the inhabitants of the same,... that at a place and tyme by him or them lymited and sett, they meet and assemble themselves logalher to elect anf chuse certen deputyes to be alt the Generall Courte then following to agitate the afayres of the commonwelth; which said Deputyes shall be chosen by all that are admitted Inhabitants in the several! Townes and have taken the oath of fidellity; provided that non be chosen a Deputy for any Generall Courte which is not a Freeman of this Commonwelth...

10. It is Orderd... that every Generall Courte... shall consist of the Governor, or some one chosen to moderate the Court, and 4 other Mageslrats at lest, with the major parte of the deputyes of the severall Townes legally


chosen; and in case the Freemen or major part of them, through neglect or refusall of the Governor of major parte of the mageslrats, shall call a Courte, it shall consist of the major parte of Freemen that are present or their deputyes, with a Moderator chosen by them: In which said generall Courts shall consist the supreme power of the Commonwelth, and they only shall have power to make lawes or repeale them, lo graunt levyes, to admiU of freemen, dispose of

lands undisposed of, to severall Townes or persons, and also shall have power to call ether Courte or Magestrate or any other person whatoever into question for any misdemeanour, and may for just causes displace or deale otherwise according to the nature of the offence; and also may deale in any other matter that concerns the good of this commonwelth, except election of Mageslrats, which shall be done by the whole boddy of Freemen.

In which Courte the Govemour or Moderator shall have power to order the Courte to give liberty of spech, and silence unceasonable and disorderly speakeings, to put all things to voate, and in case the vole be equal lo have the casting voice. But non of these Courts shall be adjomed or dissolved without the consent of the major parte of the Court.


Xet r^ng, nh5 on tr^n ciia Thirong dd' van nang x^p xdp moi viec tren d6i, nen chung toi, ta't ca nhihig ngu5i sinh song va luu tru tai Windsor, Hartford va Wetherfield, m6i chuye'n sang sinh song trdn song Connecticut v&

nhihig viing phu can; Cung xet ring Chua Trdi da day a na\ nao c6 nhilu ngudi chung song thl noi do phai co mot chfnh quyln trSt tu va lanh manh di luon cham soc nhan dan; Chung toi khdi thao van kidn nay di lien ke't tao lap

m6t nen cong hoa, chung toi cung nhan danh chung toi, con cai chung toi va nhan danh tS^t ca nhutig ngudi sau nay se lien ket vdi chung toi, cam ket phoi

hgfp va lien ket vdi nhau di duy tri va bao ton quyln tu do ciing nhU sU trong

sang ctia nhihig dieu day bao ciia Chua Gie-su ma chung toi dang tdn thd, cung nhu nhihig quy luat cua cac giao hoi dang dude chiing toi tuan theo, dung theo tinh ih^n nhimg dieu ran day trong Kinh Thanh; Chiing toi cung cam ket, trong moi cong viec dan sir, ton trong va chiu sir chi phdi cua nhimg luat le, cong lenh va nghi dinh dudc dat ra, ban hanh va cong bo' dudi day:

1. Nay ra lenh... mdi nam phai cd hai hoi nghi... Hoi nghi thir nha't goi la Hoi nghj tuyin cir hang nam nham lira chon mot sd ih^m phan va chiic sac (xet la) can thiet: trong sd dd se chon ra mot ngudi lam Thdng ddc trong nhiem ky mot nam cho den khi ngudi khac dude luyin ihay the, ngoai Thdng ddc khong tha'm phan nao dudc giir chiJc hdn mot nam; Sau tham phan dudc tuyin chon va tuyen the theo mot thu tiic cd dinh se cd quyen xet xu theo lual phap da dudc thong qua tai lieu bang nay, va trong tiirdng hdp chua cd dieu luat phii hdp thl se xet xu theo tinh thdn nhutig dieu ran day ciia Chiia. Viec

tuyin chon nay la cong vitc cua ta't ca cac cong dan Tu do, da tuyen the va cd

thira nhan.) ho?c la do su quye't djnh ciia m^t phi^n hop gdm da sd nhiitig ngudi k l trSn...

4. Nay ra Idnh... rang khdng ngudi n^o dudc tuyin chon lam Thdng ddc hdn 1 ISn trong hai nam, rang Thdng ddc bat budc phai cd chan trong mdt hiep hdi hdp phap va trudc kia da lam quan tda trong viing da't nay; v& ta't ca cac th^m phan deu phai la cdng dan ciia viing nay...

7. Nay ra lenh... rang sau khi cd l^nh trieu tap Dai Hoi ddng, canh sat... mdi thi tra'n phai thdng bao ro cho dan chiing vl vide nay... rang de'n ngay,

thang va b dia diim do chinh ong ta hay do dan chiing lira chon, moi ngudi se tu hoi d l b4u cijf nhihig ngudi dai ditn vko Dai Hdi ddng d l giai quye't nhihig

va^n d l cua cdng ddng; rang nhimg dai didn nay se do ta'l ca cac cdng dan da tuy6n the trung thanh d cac thi tra'n dd bdu I6n; rang ngudi dudc chon lam dai dien phai la cdng dan tu do ciia viing nay...

10. Nay ra lenh... rang thanh phdn Dai Hdi dong phai gom Thdng ddc hay mot ngudi khac dugc chon chii toa cac phien hop va ft nha't 4 thdm phan khac, da sd cac dai dien da dUdc tuyin chon mot each hofp phap d cac thi tra'n. Trong trudng hdp, nhutig cdng dan tu do hay da phdn trong sd ho khong cdng nhan Thdng ddc va phdn Idn cac thdm phan, thi se trieu tap mot Hoi ddng - bao gdm phdn Idn nhfltig cdng dan tu do dd hoac nhirng dai dien do ho lira chon, nhung Dai Hdi ddng vSn giir quyln toi cao trong viing, lam ra luat va thu hdi cac dao luat dd, dinh thue, chdp nhan cac cdng dan tu do mdi, phan phdi da't dai chua khai thac cho cac ca nhan hay thi tra'n, cd quyen chat va'n ba'l cir mot Hoi ddng hay thdm phan hoac ba'l cii ngudi nao khac ve bat cir hanh vi trai phep nao, va cac thl can ciif vao nhung ly do chfnh dang d l thuyen chuyin ngudi pham toi hay ap dung hinh phat tUdng ling vdi loi trang. Dai Hoi ddng cdn cd thl xU ly ta'l ca nhiJng va'n de lien quan tdi cong ddng, ngoai trir vice luyen chon cac tham phan la cong vice ciia cdng dan Irong viing.

Tai Dai Hdi ddng, Thdng ddc hay Chu lich dai hdi cd quyln cho phep cac dai dien phat bilu y kien, ciing nhu budc ho phai im lang nd'u phat bieu ngoai 11 va ldn xdn. Ddng thdi, cd quyen ra lenh bilu quye't, va trong trudng hdp sd phie'u thuan/nghich dong deu thi la phieu ciia dng ta cd tfnh chat quyet dinh. Nhung, Dai Hoi ddng chi cd thl hoan hop hay giai tan khi cd sir ddng y ciia da sd dai dien...



The Articles of Confederation between the Plantations under the Government of the Massachusels, the Platations under the Government of New Plymouth, the Plantations under the Government of New Haven with the Plantations in Combination therewith:

Whereas we all came into these parts of America with one and the same

Một phần của tài liệu Lịch sử di dân từ Anh sang Bắc Mỹ thế kỷ XVII - XVIII (Trang 134)

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