12.5 Concluding Remarks and Research Needs

Một phần của tài liệu Fish nutrition John E. Halver Ronald W. Hardy (Trang 713 - 719)

Dietary immunomodulation has the potential to aid aquacultural pro- duction greatly through the prevention and/or treatment of diseases. Sup- plementation of diets with nutrients and nonnutritive immunostimulatory compounds to optimize immune function and disease resistance holds pro- mise and may be cost-effective if reductions in mortality can be consistently demonstrated. However, additional study using standardized protocols is needed at this time to address the questions of fish and pathogen species vari- ability, nutrient and nonnutrient immunostimulatory compound dosages necessary to elicit protection, and the duration of the various treatments.

Variations in experimental protocols currently limit the ability to deter- mine precisely the effects of dietary modulation on immune responses and disease resistance. Diet composition, feeding rate, feeding duration prior to pathogen exposure, genetics, and environmental conditions are just some of the factors known to influence the responses of fish to immunomodula- tors. In addition, the immune responses that can be measured are numer- ous and may be differentially affected by various immunostimulants. Thus, a greater understanding of the fish’s immune system is needed along with stan- dardized experimental protocols to allow a systematic evaluation of various

immunostimulants. Further advancements in these areas may allow nutri- tional modulation of the immune response to be used as an effective and relatively inexpensive alternative to chemical therapy in combating diseases of fish in aquaculture.


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Diet and Fish Husbandry

Richard T. Lovell

Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquaculture, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849

13.1. Introduction

13.1.1. Levels of Aquaculture

13.1.2. Feeding Fish versus Feeding Land Animals 13.2. Channel Catfish

13.2.1. The Industry 13.2.2. Feeding Practices

13.2.3. Nutrient Requirements for Catfish Feeds

13.2.4. Effect of Feeds on the Sensory Quality of Processed Catfish 13.2.5. Compensatory Growth in Catfish

13.2.6. Fish Size and Feed Consumption and Conversion 13.3. Salmonids

13.3.1. Culture Methods 13.3.2. Nutrient Requirements 13.3.3. Feed Formulation 13.3.4. Feeding Practices 13.4. Tilapias

13.4.1. Culture Practices 13.4.2. Nutrient Requirements 13.4.3. Feeds and Feeding 13.5. Penaeid Shrimp

13.5.1. Culture Methods

13.5.2. Nutrient Requirements and Sources 13.5.3. Feeds and Feeding



Fish Nutrition, Third Edition Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science (USA).

All rights reserved.

Một phần của tài liệu Fish nutrition John E. Halver Ronald W. Hardy (Trang 713 - 719)

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