ҦQKKѭӣng cӫa giá thӇ ÿӃn hiӋu quҧ kinh tӃ

Một phần của tài liệu luận văn thạc sĩ nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của một số giá thể đến sinh trưởng phát triển của cà chua tại trường đại học nông lâm thái nguyên (Trang 50 - 88)

ChӍ tiêu Công thӭc

1ăQJ suҩt thӵc thu (Tҩn/ha)

Giá bán 1 kg ÿ)

Tәng thu ÿ)

Tәng chi (ÿ)

Lãi thuҫn ÿ) CT1 17,50 25.000 437.500.000 322.500.000 115.000.000 CT2 18,50 25.000 462.500.000 397.500.000 65.000.000 CT3 19,00 25.000 475.000.000 472.500.000 2.500.000 CT4 20,50 25.000 512.500.000 322.500.000 190.000.000 CT5 19,25 25.000 481.250.000 397.500.000 83.750.000 CT6 24,00 25.000 600.000.000 472.500.000 127.500.000 Qua bҧng 4.8: Cho thҩy giá thӇ khác nhau cho tәng thu khác nhau, WURQJ ÿy CT3 và CT6 có tәng thu FDR KѫQ FiF F{QJ WKӭc còn lҥL Yj ÿҥt 600.00ÿӗng/ha.

Tәng chi phí cao nhҩt là CT3 và CT6 (472.500.000 ÿӗng/ha). Tәng chi thҩp nhҩt là CT1 và CT3 (322.500.000 ÿӗng/ha).

Lãi thuҫn ӣ các công thӭFGDRÿӝng tӯ 2.500.000-190.000.000 ÿӗng/ha, WURQJÿyCT4 cho lãi thuҫn cao nhҩWÿҥt 190.000.000 ÿӗng/ha. Thҩp nhҩt là CT3 chӍ ÿҥt 2.500.000 ÿӗng/ha.


KӂT LUҰ19ơĈӄ NGHӎ 5.1. KӃt luұn

Qua phân tích mӝt sӕ chӍ tiêu lý hóa trong giá thӇ và theo dõi khҧ QăQJ VLQKWUѭӣngQăQJVXҩt và chҩWOѭӧng cà chua lai F1 T252 trӗng trên các công thӭc giá thӇ NKiFQKDXW{LU~WUDÿѭӧc mӝt sӕ kӃt quҧ sau:

5.1.1. K͇t qu̫ phân tích m͡t s͙ ch͑ tiêu lý hóa trong giá th͋ WU˱ͣc khi tr͛ng YjJLDLÿR̩n thu ho̩ch

- Tӹ lӋ phӕi trӝn giá thӇ công thӭc 6 (1/4 trҩXKXQ[ѫGӯa + 1/4 bã dong riӅng + 1/4 phân gà tinh chӃ) + 40% phân trùn quӃ FKRQăQJVXҩt cao nhҩt, kӃt quҧ phân tích mӝt sӕ chӍ tiêu hóa lý trong giá thӇ WUѭӟc khi trӗng cө thӇ: pH = 6,70; EC = 2,74 mS/cm và JLDLÿRҥn thu hoҥch có pH = 6,82; EC = 2,16 mS/cm.

5.1.2. K͇t qu̫ nghiên cͱu ̫QKK˱ͧng cͯa m͡t s͙ giá th͋ ÿ͇QVLQKWU˱ͧng, QăQJVX̭t và ch̭WO˱ͫng cͯa gi͙ng cà chua lai F1 T252

- V͉ VLQKWU˱ͧng, phát tri͋n: Các công thӭc sӱ dөng giá thӇ khác nhau có thӡLJLDQVLQKWUѭӣng, tӕFÿӝ WăQJWUѭӣng chiӅu cao cây khác nhau. Giá thӇ không ҧQKKѭӣng tӟi sӕ lá cây cà chua. Trong các công thӭc thì CT6 (1/4 trҩu KXQ[ѫGӯa + 1/4 bã dong riӅng + 1/4 phân gà tinh chӃ) + 40% phân trùn quӃ, có thӡLJLDQ VLQKWUѭӣng tӯ khi trӗQJ ÿӃQNKL UDKRD ÿұu quҧ, quҧ chín có thӇ thu hoҥch là ngҳn nhҩt. Có chiӅu cao sau 52 ngày trӗng là 93,73cm và sӕ lá trên thân chính 19,07 lá.

- V͉ QăQJVX̭t, ch̭WO˱ͫng: Giá thӇ khác nhau thì ҧQKKѭӣQJÿӃQQăQJ suҩt, chҩW Oѭӧng cà chua khác nhau, tӕt nhҩt là CT6: (1/4 trҩX KXQ [ѫ dӯa + 1/4 bã dong riӅng + 1/4 phân gà tinh chӃ) + 40% phân trùn quӃ. Cө thӇ tӹ lӋ ÿұu quҧ 33,05%, sӕ quҧ trung bình/cây là 16,87 vӟi khӕL Oѭӧng trung bình quҧ 57,70g/quҧ, QăQJVXҩt thӵc thu ÿҥt 24,00 tҩn/haQăQJVXҩt lý thuyӃt

ÿҥt 24,33 tҩn/ha. ChҩWOѭӧng quҧ vӟLKjPOѭӧng Nitrat 76,67 PJNJÿӝ Brix 4,77% và Vitamin C là 22,26 mg/g.

- V͉ sâu b͏nh h̩i: Các công thӭFÿӅu bӏ nhiӉm bӋnh ӣ mӭFÿӝ tӯ nhҽ ÿӃQWUXQJEuQK7URQJÿyF{QJWKӭc 4: (1/4 trҩXKXQ[ѫGӯa + 1/4 bã dong riӅng + 1/4 phân gà tinh chӃ) + 20% phân trùn quӃ không bӏ nhiӉm bӋnh héo xanh vi khuҭn. Các công thӭFÿӅu bӏ rӋp sáp gây hҥi ӣ mӭFÿӝ nhҽ, xong tӹ lӋ cây bӏ hҥi khác nhau trong tӯng công thӭc.

- V͉ hi͏u qu̫ kinh t͇: Công thӭc 4: (1/4 trҩXKXQ[ѫGӯa + 1/4 bã dong riӅng + 1/4 phân gà tinh chӃ) + 20% phân trùn quӃ, cho hiӋu quҧ kinh tӃ cao nhҩt lãi thuҫQÿҥt 190.000.000 ÿӗng/ha.

5.2. ĈӅ nghӏ

- Có thӇ sӱ dөng công thӭc 4: (1/4 trҩXKXQ[ѫGӯa + 1/4 bã dong riӅng + 1/4 phân gà tinh chӃ) + 20% phân trùn, ÿӇ trӗng cà chua vө xuân hè.

- TiӃp tөc nghiên cӭu, tiӃn hành các công thӭF WѭѫQJ Wӵ ӣ vө tiӃp WKHRÿӇ [iFÿӏQKÿѭӧc loҥi giá thӇ hӳXFѫSKKӧp nhҩWFKRVLQKWUѭӣng, QăQJVXҩt và chҩWOѭӧng cà chua lDL)7ÿӇ hoàn thiӋn Kѭӟng dүn kӻ thuұt tҥLWUѭӡQJÿҥi hӑc Nông Lâm Thái Nguyên.

TÀI LIӊU THAM KHҦO I. Tài liӋu tiӃng ViӋt

1.Tҥ Thӏ Cúc (2006), KͿ thu̵t tr͛ng cà chua, NXB Nông nghiӋp, Hà Nӝi, tr 5-19.

2. Tҥ Thӏ Cúc, Hӗ Hӳu An, Nghiêm Thӏ Bích Hà (2007), giáo trình cây rau, NXB Nông NghiӋp, Hà Nӝi.

3. NguyӉn Thúy Hà (chӫ soҥn) PGS.TS. Ĉào Thanh Vân, TS. NguyӉn Ĉӭc Thҥch, Giáo trình cây rau (dùng cho b̵Fÿ̩i h͕c) , NXB nông nghiӋp Hà Nӝi-2010, tr 75-86.

4. Tҥ Thu Hҵng (2015), ViӋn Nghiên cӭu và Phát triӇn Vùng làm chӫ nhiӋm.

"Nghiên cͱu x͵ Oê Q˱ͣc th̫i và s̫n xṷt phân bón tͳ bã th̫i dong ri͉ng b̹QJSK˱˯QJSKiSVLQKK͕c"

5. Ngô Thӏ Hҥnh (1997), KͿ thu̵t gieo ̫n b̫o, t̵p chí khoa h͕c kͿ thu̵t rau qu̫ s͙ 15/1997 ViӋn rau quҧ Hà Nӝi.

6. Lê Thӏ Hҧo (2013), Nghiên cͱu ̫QK K˱ͧng cͯa giá th͋ ÿ͇Q VLQK WU˱ͧng, phát tri͋Q Yj QăQJ VX̭W Fj FKXD WURQJ QKj O˱ͣi có s͵ dͭng h͏ th͙ng W˱ͣi nh͗ gi͕t t̩i Mê Linh-Hà N͡i

7. NguyӉn Xuân HiӅn, Chu Doãn Thành và Hoàng LӋ Hҵng (2003), ³7L͉m năng ch͇ bi͇n s̫n pẖPFjFKXD´EiRFiRK͡i th̫o nghiên cͱu và phát tri͋n gi͙ng cà chua, tҥi ViӋn nghiên cӭu rau quҧ, ngày 18/01/2003 8. Phҥm Thӏ HuyӅn (2019), Nghiên cͱu ̫QK K˱ͧng cͯa giá th͋ hͷX F˯ ÿ͇n

VLQK WU˱ͧQJ QăQJ VX̭t và ch̭W O˱ͫng cͯa gi͙ng cà chua Aavior t̩i huy͏n Bát xát, t͑nh Lào Cai

9. Ĉӛ Tҩt Lӧi (1990) Nhͷng cây thu͙c và v͓ thu͙c Vi͏t Nam NXB y hӑc Hà Nӝi, tr 8-10.

10. Sӣ NN & PTNN Hà Nӝi (2003), Báo cáo T͝ng quan hi͏n tr̩ng v͉ tình hình s̫n xṷt rau an toàn t̩Lÿ͓a bàn Hà N͡i, tr 3-5.

11. NguyӉn ThӃ Thuұn (2016), Nghiên cͱXÿiQKJLi˱XWK͇ lai ch͕n l͕c các t͝ hͫp lai cà chua có tri͋n v͕ng t̩L/kPĈ͛ng

II. Tài liӋu tiӃng Anh

12. Ha Duy Truong, Chong Ho Wang (2018) Effect of Vermicompost in Media on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Cherry Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentun Mill.) Under Net House Conditions, tҥp chí Compost science &Utilization.

13. Mastalerz.J.W (1997), the greenhouse environment, Wiley, NewYork, pp 50-65.

14. Lawtenec.J.C and Neverell.J (1950), Seed and Unwin, London, England, pp 46-48.

15. FAO (2020), http://www.FAOstat.Fao.Org (online), available III. Tài liӋu Internet

16. EC http://gwall.vn/2018/04/17/huong-dan-cach-kiem-soat-nong-do-ec- tds-ph-trong-dung-dich-dinh-duong-trong-cay-thuy-canh/

17.Giá th͋ https://thegioinhanong.vn/blogs/ki-thuat-canh-tac/gia-the-la-gi- nhung-loai-gia-the-pho-bien-trong-nong-nghiep

18. Phân gia c̯m http://gfc.vn/phan-ga-co-tot-khong.html

19. Phân trùn qu͇ https://sfarm.vn/tac-dung-cua-phan-trun-que-trong-viec- trong-va-cham-soc-cay

20. V͗ tr̭u https://thapxanh.com/trau-hun-trong-rau-bao-50dm3-vo-trau- hun-trong-rau-than-trau-trong-cay

21. ;˯Gͳa https://baokhuyennong.com/xo-dua/



Hình 1: ChӃ phҭm sӱ lý giá thӇ

Hình 2: Chuҭn bӏ giá thӇ Hình 3: Trӝn giá thӇ

Hình 4: Giӕng cà chua Hình 5: Gieo hҥt cà chua tham ra thí nghiӋm

Hình 6: Cây cà chua Hình 7: Cây cà chua

Hình 8: Cà chua Hình 9: Cà chua

17 ngày sau trӗng 31 ngày sau trӗng

Hình 10*LDLÿRҥn ra hoa Hình 11*LDLÿRҥQÿұu quҧ

Hình 12: Cà chua hình thành quҧ ra thành phҭm

Hình 13: Cà chua bҳWÿҫu chín

Hình 14: Thu hoҥch quҧ

Hình 15ĈR1itrat Hình 16ĈRÿӝ Brix

HìnKĈRS+ +uQKĈRÿӝ dүn diӋn (EC)

Hình 19: BӋnh héo xanh vi khuҭn Hình 20: RӋp sáp hҥi cà chua



Sӕ lá 10 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 13:39 Thursday, July 14, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 13:39 Thursday, July 14, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 0.38666667 0.05523810 1.66 0.2260 Error 10 0.33333333 0.03333333

Corrected Total 17 0.72000000

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.537037 2.633282 0.182574 6.933333

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.04000000 0.02000000 0.60 0.5674 trt 5 0.34666667 0.06933333 2.08 0.1518 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.04000000 0.02000000 0.60 0.5674 trt 5 0.34666667 0.06933333 2.08 0.1518

The SAS System 13:39 Thursday, July 14, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 0.033333 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 0.3322

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt A 7.0667 3 3 A

A 7.0667 3 2 A

A 7.0667 3 4 A

B A 6.8667 3 5 B A

B A 6.8000 3 1 B

B 6.7333 3 6

Sӕ lá 17 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 13:42 Thursday, July 14, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 13:42 Thursday, July 14, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 0.23555556 0.03365079 0.53 0.7944 Error 10 0.63555556 0.06355556

Corrected Total 17 0.87111111

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.270408 2.857582 0.252102 8.822222

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.05777778 0.02888889 0.45 0.6472 trt 5 0.17777778 0.03555556 0.56 0.7293 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.05777778 0.02888889 0.45 0.6472 trt 5 0.17777778 0.03555556 0.56 0.7293

The GLM Procedure t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 0.063556 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 0.4586

Means with the same letter are not significantly different t Grouping Mean N trt

A 8.9333 3 3 A

A 8.9333 3 2 A

A 8.8667 3 4 A

A 8.8000 3 1 A

A 8.7333 3 5 A

A 8.6667 3 6

Sӕ lá 24 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 13:43 Thursday, July 14, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 13:43 Thursday, July 14, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Error 10 1.28000000 0.12800000 Corrected Total 17 2.88000000

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.555556 3.312693 0.357771 10.80000

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.16000000 0.08000000 0.62 0.5549 trt 5 1.44000000 0.28800000 2.25 0.1289 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.16000000 0.08000000 0.62 0.5549 trt 5 1.44000000 0.28800000 2.25 0.1289

The SAS System 13:43 Thursday, July 14, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 0.128 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 0.6509

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt A 11.1333 3 1 A

A 11.1333 3 2 A

B A 10.8000 3 4 B A

B A 10.8000 3 3 B A

B A 10.6000 3 5 B

B 10.3333 3 6

Sӕ lá 31 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 13:43 Thursday, July 14, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 13:43 Thursday, July 14, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 2.82888889 0.40412698 1.07 0.4447 Error 10 3.76888889 0.37688889

Corrected Total 17 6.59777778

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.428764 4.259996 0.613913 14.41111

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.01777778 0.00888889 0.02 0.9767 trt 5 2.81111111 0.56222222 1.49 0.2757 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.01777778 0.00888889 0.02 0.9767 trt 5 2.81111111 0.56222222 1.49 0.2757

The SAS System 13:43 Thursday, July 14, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 0.376889 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 1.1169

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt


B A 14.8000 3 4 B A

B A 14.3333 3 5 B A

B A 14.2000 3 2 B A

B A 14.1333 3 6 B

B 13.9333 3 3

Sӕ lá 38 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 13:47 Thursday, July 14, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 13:47 Thursday, July 14, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 1.92222222 0.27460317 1.28 0.3484 Error 10 2.14222222 0.21422222

Corrected Total 17 4.06444444

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.472936 2.797564 0.462841 16.54444

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.12444444 0.06222222 0.29 0.7540 trt 5 1.79777778 0.35955556 1.68 0.2271 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.12444444 0.06222222 0.29 0.7540 trt 5 1.79777778 0.35955556 1.68 0.2271

The SAS System 13:47 Thursday, July 14, 2020 3

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 0.214222 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 0.842

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt

A 17.0000 3 4 A

B A 16.8000 3 1 B A

B A 16.6667 3 5 B A

B A 16.4667 3 6 B A

B A 16.2667 3 2 B

B 16.0667 3 3

Sӕ lá 45 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 13:47 Thursday, July 14, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 13:47 Thursday, July 14, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 1.22888889 0.17555556 0.58 0.7614

Corrected Total 17 4.27777778

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.287273 3.100129 0.552167 17.81111

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

rep 2 0.12444444 0.06222222 0.20 0.8187 trt 5 1.10444444 0.22088889 0.72 0.6204 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

rep 2 0.12444444 0.06222222 0.20 0.8187 trt 5 1.10444444 0.22088889 0.72 0.6204

The SAS System 13:47 Thursday, July 14, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 0.304889 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 1.0045

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt A 18.2000 3 4 A

A 18.0667 3 1 A

A 17.7333 3 6 A

A 17.7333 3 2 A

A 17.6667 3 3 A

A 17.4667 3 5

Sӕ lá 52 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 13:47 Thursday, July 14, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information

Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 13:47 Thursday, July 14, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 3.92888889 0.56126984 0.79 0.6097 Error 10 7.07555556 0.70755556

Corrected Total 17 11.00444444

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.357027 4.437555 0.841163 18.95556

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.12444444 0.06222222 0.09 0.9165 trt 5 3.80444444 0.76088889 1.08 0.4292 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.12444444 0.06222222 0.09 0.9165 trt 5 3.80444444 0.76088889 1.08 0.4292

The SAS System 13:47 Thursday, July 14, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 0.707556 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 1.5303

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

A 19.4667 3 4 A

A 19.4667 3 1 A

A 19.0667 3 6 A

A 18.8667 3 3 A

A 18.7333 3 2 A

A 18.1333 3 5

ChiӅu cao cây 10 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 11:08 Thursday, August 1, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 11:08 Thursday, August 1, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 15.14555556 2.16365079 12.30 0.0003 Error 10 1.75888889 0.17588889

Corrected Total 17 16.90444444

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.895951 2.597742 0.419391 16.14444

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 1.03444444 0.51722222 2.94 0.0990 trt 5 14.11111111 2.82222222 16.05 0.0002

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 1.03444444 0.51722222 2.94 0.0990 trt 5 14.11111111 2.82222222 16.05 0.0002 The SAS System 11:08 Thursday, August 1, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 0.175889 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 0.763

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt A 17.8000 3 4 B 16.4333 3 5 B

B 16.2000 3 3 B

C B 16.0333 3 2 C

C D 15.4000 3 1 D

D 15.0000 3 6

The SAS System 11:08 Thursday, August 1, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18

ChiӅu cao cây 17 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 11:20 Thursday, August 1, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 11:20 Thursday, August 1, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 24.88388889 3.55484127 8.66 0.0015 Error 10 4.10555556 0.41055556

Corrected Total 17 28.98944444

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.858378 2.552208 0.640746 25.10556

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 1.86111111 0.93055556 2.27 0.1542 trt 5 23.02277778 4.60455556 11.22 0.0008

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 1.86111111 0.93055556 2.27 0.1542 trt 5 23.02277778 4.60455556 11.22 0.0008 The SAS System 11:20 Thursday, August 1, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 0.410556 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 1.1657

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt A 27.1667 3 4 B 25.9333 3 5 B

C B 24.9000 3 3 C

C 24.5667 3 2 C

C 24.2667 3 1 C

C 23.8000 3 6

ChiӅu cao cây 24 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 11:14 Thursday, August 1, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 11:14 Thursday, August 1, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 21.80666667 3.11523810 3.99 0.0243 Error 10 7.81333333 0.78133333

Corrected Total 17 29.62000000

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.736214 2.417313 0.883931 36.56667

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 3.89333333 1.94666667 2.49 0.1324 trt 5 17.91333333 3.58266667 4.59 0.0196

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 3.89333333 1.94666667 2.49 0.1324 trt 5 17.91333333 3.58266667 4.59 0.0196 The SAS System 11:14 Thursday, August 1, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 0.781333 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 1.6081

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt A 38.3333 3 4 A

B A 37.0000 3 5 B

B C 36.6000 3 3 B C

B C 36.4667 3 2 B C

B C 35.9333 3 1 C

C 35.0667 3 6

ChiӅu cao cây 31 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 11:14 Thursday, August 1, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information

rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 11:14 Thursday, August 1, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 77.9866667 11.1409524 3.14 0.0497 Error 10 35.4533333 3.5453333

Corrected Total 17 113.4400000

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.687471 3.394661 1.882906 55.46667

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 6.09333333 3.04666667 0.86 0.4525 trt 5 71.89333333 14.37866667 4.06 0.0285

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 6.09333333 3.04666667 0.86 0.4525 trt 5 71.89333333 14.37866667 4.06 0.0285 The SAS System 11:14 Thursday, August 1, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 3.545333 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 3.4255

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt A 58.067 3 4 A

B A 57.000 3 5 B A

B A 56.000 3 3 B A

B A 55.933 3 2 B

B C 53.667 3 1 C

C 52.133 3 6

ChiӅu cao cây 38 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 11:24 Thursday, August 1, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 11:24 Thursday, August 1, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 151.8022222 21.6860317 11.65 0.0004 Error 10 18.6088889 1.8608889

Corrected Total 17 170.4111111

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.890800 1.831612 1.364144 74.47778

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

trt 5 149.9044444 29.9808889 16.11 0.0002

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 1.8977778 0.9488889 0.51 0.6154 trt 5 149.9044444 29.9808889 16.11 0.0002 The SAS System 11:24 Thursday, August 1, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 1.860889 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 2.4817

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt A 78.200 3 4 A

B A 76.267 3 5 B A

B A 75.867 3 3 B

B 75.267 3 2 C 71.267 3 1 C

C 70.000 3 6

ChiӅu cao cây 45 ngày sau trӗng

The SAS System 11:24 Thursday, August 1, 2020 1 The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 11:24 Thursday, August 1, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 142.9333333 20.4190476 7.68 0.0024 Error 10 26.5866667 2.6586667

Corrected Total 17 169.5200000

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.843165 1.771045 1.630542 92.06667

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 1.6533333 0.8266667 0.31 0.7396 trt 5 141.2800000 28.2560000 10.63 0.0009

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 1.6533333 0.8266667 0.31 0.7396 trt 5 141.2800000 28.2560000 10.63 0.0009 The SAS System 11:24 Thursday, August 1, 2020 3 The GLM Procedure

t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 2.658667 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 2.9664

Means with the same letter are not significantly different.

t Grouping Mean N trt A 96.267 3 4 A

B A 94.000 3 5 B

B C 92.400 3 3 B C

B C 92.000 3 2 C

C 90.467 3 1 D 87.267 3 6

ChiӅu cao cây 52 ngày sau trӗng

The GLM Procedure Class Level Information Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18 Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 7 170.3955556 24.3422222 10.53 0.0007 Error 10 23.1155556 2.3115556

Corrected Total 17 193.5111111 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.880547 1.551760 1.520380 97.97778

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 5.9511111 2.9755556 1.29 0.3181 trt 5 164.4444444 32.8888889 14.23 0.0003

Alpha 0.05 Error Degrees of Freedom 10 Error Mean Square 2.311556 Critical Value of t 2.22814 Least Significant Difference 2.766

Means with the same letter are not significantly different

t Grouping Mean N trt

A 102.600 3 4 A A 100.933 3 5

B 97.733 3 3 B B 97.400 3 2 B C B 95.467 3 1 C C 93.733 3 6

KhӕLOѭӧng trung bình quҧ

The SAS System 09:42 Thursday, August 9, 2020 1

The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information

Class Levels Values rep 3 1 2 3 trt 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Number of Observations Read 18 Number of Observations Used 18

The SAS System 09:42 Thursday, August 9, 2020 2 The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: yield Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Model 7 54.41500000 7.77357143 80.14


Error 10 0.97000000 0.09700000 Corrected Total 17 55.38500000

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE yield Mean 0.982486 0.561000 0.311448 55.51667

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.58333333 0.29166667 3.01 0.0950

trt 5 53.83166667 10.76633333 110.99 <.0001 Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F rep 2 0.58333333 0.29166667 3.01 0.0950 trt 5 53.83166667 10.76633333 110.99 <.0001 The SAS System 09:42 Thursday, August 9, 2020 3

The GLM Procedure t Tests (LSD) for yield

NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05

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