Đoạn văn nguyên nh}n – hệ quả (a cause-effect paragraph) 1 Định nghĩa

Một phần của tài liệu Giáo trình Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi và chuyên Tiếng Anh cấp THCS: Phần 2 (Trang 111 - 113)

1. Định nghĩa

Trong đoạn văn nguyên nh}n – hệ quả, ngƣời đƣa ra nguyên nh}n của một sự việc v| hoặc ảnh hƣởng, t{c động của một sự việc.

2. Bố cục

C}u mở đoạn

- Giới thiệu nguyên nh}n của sự việc v|/ hoặc ảnh hƣởng, t{c động của sự việc

Th}n đoạn

- Giải thích nguyên nh}n của sự việc một c{ch chi tiết

- V|/ Hoặc nêu ra c{c ảnh hƣởng, t{c động của sự việc một c{ch chi tiết

Tóm tắt lại những nguyên nh}n v|/ hoặc t{c động của sự việc - Thể hiện cảm nhận của ngƣời viết về sự việc

3. B|i mẫu Đoạn văn nêu nguyên nh}n (A cause paragraph)

Why I Stopped Smoking

For one thing. I realized that my cigarette smoke bothered others, irritating people's eyes and causing them to cough and sneeze. They also had to put up with my stinking smoker's reath. Also, cigarettes are a messy habit. Our house was littered with ashtrays piled high with butts, , matchsticks, and ashes, and the children were always knocking them over cigarettes are expensive, and I estimated that the carton a week that I was smoking cost me unout $2,000 a year. Another reason I stopped was because I felt exploited. I hated the thought of wealthy, greedy corporations making money off my sweat and blood. The rich may keep getting richer, but - at least as regards cigarettes - with no thanks to me. Cigarettes were also inconvenient. Whenever I smoked, I would have to drink something to wet my dry throat, and that meant I had to keep going to the bathroom all the time. I sometimes seemed to spend whole weekends doing nothing but smoking, drinking, and going to the bathroom. Most of all I resolved to stop smoking when the message about cigarettes being harmful to health finally got through to me. I had known they could hurt the smoker - in fact, a heavy smoker I know from work is in Eagleville Hospital now with lung cancer. But when I realized what secondhand smoke could do to my wife and children, causing them bronchial problems and even increasing their risk of cancer, it really bothered me.

(Exploring Writing: Sentences and Paragraphs 4th edition)

Đoạn văn nêu kết quả (An effect paragraph)

New Puppy in the House

Buying a new puppy can have significant effects on a household. For one thing, the puppy keeps the entire family awake for at least two solid weeks. Every night when the puppy is placed in its box, it begins to howl, yip, and whine. Even after the lights go out and the house quiets down, the puppy continues to moan. A second effect is that the puppy tortures the family by destroying material possessions. Every day something different is damaged. Family members find chewed belts and shoes, gnawed table legs, and ripped sofa cushions leaking stuffing. In addition, the puppy often misses the paper during the papertraining stage of life, thus making the house smell like the public restroom at a city bus station. Maybe the most serious problem, though, is that the puppy causes family arguments. Parents argue with children about who is supposed to feed and walk the dog. Children argue about who gets to play with the puppy first. Puppies are adorable, and no child can resist their charm. Everyone argues about who left socks and shoes around for the puppy to find. These continual arguments, along with the effects of sleeplessness and the loss of valued possessions, can really disrupt a household. Only when the puppy gets a bit older does the household settle back to normal.

(Exploring Writing: Sentences and Paragraphs 2nd edition)

4. Đề luyện tập Write a paragraph (150-200 words) on the following topics:

1. Causes/ effects of getting a college degree 2. Causes/ effects of not getting enough sleep 3. Causes/ effects of a major change in your life

Một phần của tài liệu Giáo trình Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi và chuyên Tiếng Anh cấp THCS: Phần 2 (Trang 111 - 113)

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